Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP041109
00:31 Holy Father, on this weekend of the passion
00:35 how glad, how great 00:37 the pronouncement Christ is alive. 00:42 We believe in Him, oh, God. 00:44 We believe in the beauty of His character, 00:46 the triumph of His death, 00:48 the glory of His resurrection and the promise of His return 00:53 and so we come to worship You through Him who was dead 00:56 and is alive for evermore. 00:59 Christ is alive! Let Christians sing 01:01 His cross stands empty to the sky 01:04 Let streets and homes with praises ring 01:07 His love in death shall never die Hallelujah. 01:13 Amen. 01:44 Christ is alive! Let Christians sing 01:50 His cross stands empty to the sky 01:57 Let streets and homes with praises ring 02:04 His love in death shall never die 02:13 Christ is alive! No longer bound 02:19 To distant years in Palestine 02:26 He comes to claim the here and now 02:34 And conquer every place and time 02:43 In every insult, rift, and war 02:49 Where color, scorn or wealth divide 02:56 He suffers still, yet loves the more 03:04 And lives, though every crucified 03:29 Christ is alive! Ascended Lord 03:36 He rules the world His Father made 03:43 Till, in the end His love adored 03:51 Shall be to all on Earth displayed 04:23 He became sin who knew no sin 04:28 That we might become His righteousness 04:33 He humbled Himself and He carried the cross 04:40 Love so amazing 04:45 Love so amazing 04:50 Jesus Messiah 04:55 Name above all names 05:01 Blessed Redeemer 05:05 Emmanuel 05:10 The Rescue for sinners 05:15 The Ransom from heaven 05:21 Jesus Messiah 05:26 Lord of all 05:33 His body the bread His blood the wine 05:37 Broken and poured out all for love 05:42 The whole earth trembled And the veil was torn 05:49 Love so amazing 05:54 Love so amazing 05:59 Jesus, Messiah, 06:04 Name above all names 06:09 Blessed Redeemer 06:14 Emmanuel 06:19 The Rescue for sinners 06:24 The Ransom from heaven 06:29 Jesus, Messiah 06:34 Lord of all 06:39 All our hope is in You 06:44 All our hope is in You 06:49 All the glory to You God, 06:56 the Light of the world 07:01 Jesus, Messiah 07:06 Name above all names 07:12 Blessed Redeemer 07:17 Emmanuel 07:22 The Rescue for sinners 07:27 The Ransom from heaven 07:32 Jesus, Messiah 07:38 Lord of all 07:43 Jesus, Messiah 07:48 Name above all names 07:53 Blessed Redeemer 07:59 Emmanuel 08:04 The Rescue for sinners 08:10 The Ransom from heaven 08:16 Jesus, Messiah 08:22 Lord of all 08:25 Can be seated. 08:40 I stand amazed in the presence 08:48 Of Jesus the Nazarene 08:54 And wonder how He could love me 09:02 A sinner condemned unclean 09:09 Singing how marvelous, how wonderful 09:16 And my song shall ever be 09:23 How marvelous, how wonderful 09:31 Is my Savior's love for me 09:47 He took my sins and my sorrows. 09:49 He took my sins and my sorrows 09:57 He made them His very own 10:03 He bore the burden to Calvary 10:10 And suffered and died alone 10:17 Singing how marvelous, how wonderful 10:25 And my song shall ever be 10:32 How marvelous, how wonderful 10:39 Is my Savior's love for me 10:46 Singing how marvelous, how wonderful 10:55 And my song shall ever be 11:02 How marvelous, how wonderful 11:10 Is my Savior's love for me 11:23 And when with the ransomed in glory 11:30 His face I last shall see 11:37 It will be my joy through the ages 11:44 To sing of His love for me 11:51 Singing how marvelous, how wonderful 11:58 And my song shall ever be 12:05 How marvelous, how wonderful 12:12 Is my Savior's love for me 12:19 Singing how marvelous, how wonderful 12:27 And my song shall ever be 12:35 How marvelous, how wonderful 12:42 Is my Savior's love for me 12:55 Amen. 13:08 I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken 13:15 I'm accepted, You were condemned 13:22 I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me 13:28 Because You died and rose again 13:36 Amazing love, how can it be 13:43 That You my KING would die for me? 13:50 Amazing love, I know it's true 13:57 It's my joy to honor You 14:02 In all I do, let me honor you 14:22 I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken 14:29 I am accepted, You were condemned 14:36 I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me 14:42 Because You died and rose again 14:50 Amazing love, how can it be 14:56 That You my King would die for me? 15:03 Amazing love, I know it's true 15:10 It's my joy to honor You 15:15 In all I do, let me honor You 15:26 You are my King 15:33 Jesus, You are my King 15:40 You are my King 15:46 Jesus, You are my King 15:54 Amazing love, how can it be 16:01 That You my King would die for me? 16:08 Amazing love, I know it's true 16:15 It's my joy to honor You 16:19 In all I do, let me honor You 19:03 Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! 19:12 Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia! 19:21 Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! 19:30 Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia! 19:41 Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! 19:50 Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! 20:00 Once He died, our souls to save, Alleluia! 20:10 Where thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia! 20:20 Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! 20:30 Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! 20:40 Death in vain forbids His rise, Alleluia! 20:50 Christ hath opened paradise, Alleluia! 21:29 Soar we now then where Christ hath led, Alleluia! 21:38 Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! 21:48 Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! 21:58 Christ the cross, the grave The skies, Alleluia! 22:17 Holy Father, because it is true, 22:19 ours the cross, the grave, the skies. 22:22 We have the courage and hope to worship today. 22:28 Keep the fires of both that hope 22:31 and courage burning brightly through Christ our Lord, 22:35 we pray, amen. 22:38 Be seated, please. 22:46 I love that story of hers 22:50 that comes out of this immense catastrophe. 22:56 This past week in central Italy 23:00 98-year-old Maria D'Antuono 23:04 was asleep when that 6.3 magnitude earthquake 23:09 struck her tiny little village of Tempera. 23:12 And for 30, count them, 23:14 30 long, dark, interminable hours 23:20 she was trapped beneath the rubble of her stone house. 23:26 So you can imagine the roaring cheer that goes up 23:32 when that crowd of onlookers watching those rescuers claw 23:36 through the debris to find that trapped lady. 23:41 A cheer the goes up as they bring her out alive and well. 23:46 As they are carrying her out 23:47 somebody in the crowd called out to her, 23:50 asking, what she did to while away those hours 23:54 while she was waiting for somebody to rescue her? 23:57 And the 98-year-old matriarch shot back 24:00 why I crocheting of course. 24:04 When I heard that I said 24:05 how could it be the world is coming down around you 24:08 and she's found something 24:09 with those hooks and the yarn and wool 24:11 and she's just crocheting, they'll come, they'll come. 24:16 I love the London Guardians write observation 24:19 whatever falls Maria D'Antuono 24:22 may have wasting time is not one of them. 24:26 And by the way there's more to the story. 24:28 As they're taking her to the waiting ambulance 24:32 great Grandma Maria had one more 24:34 astonishing line for the onlookers 24:36 when she called out "does anybody have a comb, 24:40 I want to get this dust out of my hair 24:42 before I go to the hospital." 24:44 Leading the Guardian to quip. 24:49 There is new meaning to that Italian phrase 24:52 "bella figura" keeping up appearances. 24:56 I tell you what a glad story 24:58 particularly when you remember 25:00 how utterly sad that catastrophe. 25:02 I saw the news last night 215 coffins 25:06 lined up beside each other in the plaza 25:09 of that devastated city 25:11 for a corporate funeral service. 25:15 And now here is the story. 25:16 You know it's an "almost resurrection story." 25:19 You think about it, she was underground 25:21 for nearly as long as Christ was 25:24 and she comes out, out of that rubble 25:26 and debris she comes out alive. 25:30 Have you ever noticed in reading 25:31 the resurrection account in the New Testament 25:34 how scarce I mean almost absent 25:38 is any detail about Jesus resurrection. 25:42 I mean, I understand why number one, 25:44 they gonna arrive when assistance set 25:45 for those fainting Roman guards 25:48 and number two, how could you possibly describe 25:51 this near fishing movement 25:54 when divinity explodes at human house 25:56 back to life again 25:58 but no details except from Matthew. 26:01 The only details we have at the actual resurrection 26:04 are found here in Matthew. 26:05 I want to go to Matthew account. 26:07 Find your gospels please open your Bible 26:11 to the gospel of Saint Matthew Chapter 28. 26:13 If you didn't bring up Bible with you on this Easter weekend 26:18 grab the pew Bible in front of you 26:19 open it with us that will be the New King James, 26:21 I will be in the TNIV. 26:24 Well, let's go to Matthew's account 26:25 the only gospel with any word at all about 26:28 what happened early that Sunday morning. 26:31 Matthew Chapter 28, pew Bible its page 672, 26:37 Matthew Chapter 28. 26:40 All right, read the account once again verse 1. 26:47 "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, 26:52 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary 26:54 went to look at the tomb." 26:55 Verse 2 "There was a violent earthquake" 26:59 that's how we know there was one 27:00 there was a violent earthquake, 27:02 "for an angle of the Lord came down from heaven 27:05 and, going to the tomb, 27:06 rolled back the stone and sat on it." 27:08 Can you see Him? 27:11 Just flick that thing to the side 27:12 and then sits on it, I need a chair and sat on it. 27:17 Now verse 3 "His appearance was like lightning." 27:21 Now we ask them humdinger lightening storm 27:23 is here in Michigan 27:24 and if you're at you know how bright that white light is. 27:28 "His appearance was like lightning, 27:29 and his clothes were white as snow." 27:31 Verse 4 "The guards were so afraid of him 27:33 that they shook and became like dead men." 27:37 Gone, they're down. 27:41 I want to read you another account. 27:45 It feels like an eye witness account. 27:47 This is from the classic on the life of Jesus 27:49 called Desire of Ages. 27:51 Let me just read a line or two to kind of set this up today. 27:56 "The night of the first day 27:57 of the week had worn slowly away. 27:59 The darkest hour, just before daybreak, had come. 28:02 Christ was still a prisoner in His narrow tomb. 28:04 The great stone was in its place, 28:06 the Roman seal was unbroken, 28:08 the Roman guards were keeping their watch." 28:10 As you'll see this afternoon in the passion. 28:14 "And there were unseen watchers. 28:18 Hosts of evil angels were gathered about the place. 28:22 Had it been possible, 28:23 the prince of darkness with his apostate army 28:26 would have kept forever sealed the tomb 28:27 that held the Son of God." 28:28 You bet nobody is coming here this is our piece of earth. 28:33 Had it been possible it would have. 28:35 I love this. 28:36 "But a heavenly host surrounded the sepulcher. 28:40 Angels that excel in strength" you have a guardian besides you 28:44 let me tell you my friend, 28:46 if that angel chose to reveal himself 28:48 what happened to the guards 28:50 would happen to whoever is harassing you. 28:52 You are always under the care of an angel 28:55 who excels in strength no matter 28:58 what the evil one may whisper you. 29:02 You have a stronger unseen companion. 29:06 "Angels that excel in strength regarding the tomb 29:09 and waiting to welcome the Prince of life." 29:11 And then there is this earthquake 29:12 and the quote from Matthew that we just read. 29:16 "Clothed with the panoply of God, this angel." 29:18 Okay, the angel that came down. 29:19 "This angel left the heavenly courts. 29:21 The bright beams of God's glory went before him, 29:24 and illuminated his pathway." 29:25 So you have this angel just shooting down, just-- 29:30 but in front of him it's just like 29:32 it's like a waterfall of light. 29:35 This light is just cascading in front of him 29:37 and he's swallowing that light trap 29:39 all the way down to that guarded sepulcher. 29:44 "The earth trembles." 29:46 As the angels are approaching the earth trembles. 29:48 "The hosts of darkness flee, and as he rolls away the stone, 29:52 heaven seems to come down to the earth. 29:53 The soldiers see him removing the stone 29:56 as he would a pebble and they hear the angel cry, 30:01 Son of God, come forth, Thy Father calls Thee. 30:05 They see Jesus come forth from the grave, 30:07 and hear Him proclaim over the rent sepulcher, 30:10 'I am the resurrection, and the life.' 30:15 And as He comes forth in majesty and glory." 30:17 Oh, if there had only been a security camera 30:19 that have been turned on that day 30:20 we'd to have the pictures of that night. 30:23 Watch this, "As He comes forth 30:25 in majesty and glory, the angel host." 30:29 He is commander and chief of this whole army. 30:33 "The angel host bow low in adoration 30:38 before the Redeemer, 30:41 and welcome Him with songs of praise." 30:45 One line more. 30:46 "He who had vanquished death and the grave 30:49 came forth from the tomb with the tread of a conqueror, 30:52 amid the reeling of the earth, the flashing of lightning, 30:55 and the roaring of thunder." 30:57 This was not shh... it's not one of those. 31:02 This was an explosive nuclear moment. 31:07 Jerusalem slept through it but nobody there 31:12 that predawn moment would ever forget. 31:17 Let's be honest the story of Easter 31:20 is not the easiest story in the world 31:23 to believe, come on. 31:26 Naturalism that's this philosophical worldview 31:31 that says "there is no supernatural 31:32 and we will not let there be." 31:34 That's what naturalism is. 31:35 Naturalism rules the American Academy, 31:38 the entertainment industry the secular media. 31:41 Secular godlessness is the name of the game and I will tell you 31:43 what Christian faith and Christian's faith-- 31:48 it's tough, this is not an easy story to believe in. 31:53 That's why I am particularly invigorated by this book 31:56 I am reading right now written by Timothy Keller. 31:58 Let me give you the title of the book, 32:00 "The Reason for God, 32:01 Belief in an Age of Skepticism." 32:04 And the reason I am finding 32:05 this such an inspiring read this because 32:07 I know little bit about the author. 32:08 The author has spent 20-years in New York City in Manhattan. 32:12 You seen your pastor 32:14 of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 32:15 he raised up that church 20-years ago 32:17 with his wife and two little girls 32:18 they now are spread out 32:19 6,000 worshippers all over the city. 32:22 They have daughter churches around the world. 32:23 He is dealt with the bright young minds of New York 32:28 dealing with skeptics he writes this book. 32:30 I want to put a line on the screen for you. 32:32 He is challenging, Keller is challenging 32:34 the skeptic challenger. 32:36 Read this on the screen 32:37 "The only way to doubt Christianity rightly" 32:39 okay so you got some questions, let me tell you doubt it. 32:41 "The only way to doubt Christianity rightly and fairly 32:44 is to discern the alternate belief 32:46 under each of your doubts 32:48 and then to ask yourself 32:49 what reasons you have for believing it." 32:51 Come on? You have an alternate believe. 32:53 What reasons do you have? 32:55 "How do you know your belief is true?" 32:57 He goes on. 32:58 "It would be inconsistent to require more justification 33:01 for Christian belief than you do for your own 33:03 but that is frequently what happens." 33:04 And now listen "In fairness you must doubt your doubts." 33:09 I like that. 33:11 You got to doubt your doubts, come on. 33:12 You weren't with these doubts. 33:15 You weren't born with them. Challenge them. 33:20 How can you challenge faith when you don't challenge doubt? 33:23 And then Keller. 33:24 Let me put this one liner on the screen for you. 33:25 "Doubt like faith, has to be learned. 33:30 It is a skill." 33:33 Ladies and gentlemen, nobody is born with doubt. 33:36 And by the way I got to flip that coin over, 33:37 nobody is born with faith. 33:39 You have to learn doubt as a skill. 33:42 You got to teach yourself how to doubt. 33:44 The ontogenesis is just as true. 33:46 You have to learn how to trust. 33:48 You have to teach yourself about faith. 33:51 Neither can have an edge or monopoly 33:54 or the playing field is not left. 33:56 Both require a skill 33:58 and you have to learn that skill. 34:00 Now look at I know I am preacher 34:01 of the choir right now. 34:03 We got a room full of people 34:05 who have learned the skill of faith. 34:07 That doesn't make however 34:08 the story of Easter easy to believe. 34:11 But I tell you what it does. 34:12 It does radically transform that story into a power 34:18 that we can embrace in our own faith journey. 34:22 That's why the greatest Christian whoever lived 34:24 and by the way he was a skeptic and an unbeliever 34:28 when it came to the risen Christ. 34:30 The might writer the brilliant writer and Apostle Paul 34:33 that's why he is so adamant about learning faith 34:37 and the power of an empty tomb. 34:40 I want to go for our other texts. 34:43 Nobody ever goes to 34:44 who goes to Ephesians 1 for Easter. 34:45 Nobody does but I want you to take a look 34:47 at a little eye inductive way. 34:49 What a message of hope and courage for us. 34:51 Ephesians Chapter 1 in the pew Bible 34:54 that would be page 787. 34:57 Take a look at this. 34:59 Here is the Easter story told in a very different way. 35:03 Ephesians Chapter 1 let's pick it up on verse 18. 35:11 Okay, Paul writing here 35:12 "I pray that the eyes of your heart 35:16 may be enlightened in order that you may know 35:18 the hope to which he has called you, 35:20 the riches of his glorious inheritance in his people, 35:23 and his incomparably great power 35:26 for us who believe. 35:27 That power is the same as the mighty strength" 35:31 verse 20 "that he exerted 35:32 when he raised Christ from the dead" there it is 35:36 "and seated him at his right hand 35:37 in the heavenly realms" verse 21 35:39 "far above all rule and authority, 35:41 power and dominion, 35:42 and every name that can be invoked 35:43 not only in the present age 35:44 but also in the one to come." 35:52 I hold in my hands a clipping from this week 35:56 this week South Bend Tribune. 35:58 There is little column Finance Watch 36:00 it's a headline that caught my eye 36:01 let me read this to you. 36:03 "Money worries multiply couples' stress." 36:06 All right, and I say 36:09 that's not a new thought I don't suppose 36:12 but here is opening line 36:13 "They say money can't buy happiness. 36:14 But financial strain can certainly help 36:17 undo a relationship." 36:20 And then there are six bullets. Let me read the bullets to you. 36:22 Bullet number one, "Seventy percent of Americans 36:24 said they had so much debt 36:26 it contributed to distress in their home lives." 36:29 Isn't that something, seventy percent of Americans saying 36:32 we're having problems at home because we are in so much debt? 36:36 Number two "Money is the No. 1 source of disagreement 36:40 in the early years of marriage." 36:44 The number one source. 36:46 Every time I give premarital counseling 36:48 I've been doing premarital counseling 36:50 for centuries now every time 36:53 it's not changed I am telling you 36:54 it has not changed the number one problem. 36:57 Somebody you could newly weds to be 37:00 the number one problem is the issue of money. 37:04 It's going-- and I am telling you what 37:05 in this economic meltdown now that's gonna way up. 37:09 All right here's bullet number three, 37:10 "The odds of violent behavior are nearly six times higher 37:13 for people who lose jobs." 37:14 Number four "The financial strain of job loss 37:16 reduces overall satisfaction in a relationship." 37:19 Any relationship. 37:20 If I had lost my job 37:21 my relationships don't even mean as much to me. 37:23 I am losing it. 37:24 Number five "Job loss can cause depression 37:26 or other symptoms of poor mental health." 37:28 We kind of guess that one. 37:29 And finally number six 37:30 "Women are more likely to get distressed 37:33 when husbands lose jobs than vice versa." 37:36 Husband can take you lost your the job honey, 37:38 okay it will be all right. 37:39 But if it's the other way around 37:40 the man is out of work 37:42 women are going to become distressed. 37:49 We need to be reminded by the way 37:51 that a bad economy such as the one running right now. 37:54 This is not an agnostic predicament, 37:56 this is not a Christian predicament, 37:58 this is a human being predicament. 38:01 Everybody goes through this. Nobody gets a pass. 38:04 Nobody goes past go and collects $200 38:07 everybody goes straight through the meltdown. 38:10 There is no other way. 38:13 So how we're gonna survive this? 38:15 That is why ladies and gentlemen, 38:16 we desperately need secret number two. 38:20 Take out your study guide. 38:21 Let's go this is a continuing mini series right here 38:24 in the Pioneer Memorial Church 38:25 delighted to have you who are visiting us today. 38:27 This is-- today is day for secret number two. 38:31 You didn't get this. 38:32 This study guide will be worth one quotation on it. 38:34 One quotation you have to have it. 38:36 Put your hands up. 38:37 Our ushers will get it to you 38:39 wherever you are in our congregation today. 38:42 While the passion play is going on live outside of us 38:45 we're gonna focus for a moment 38:46 on the resurrection just one more moment. 38:49 All right those of who are watching right now 38:51 we're delighted to have you. 38:53 I want to have the same quotation 38:54 this is the dynamite piece you got to have it. 38:56 Go to our website please let me put it on the screen 38:58 39:01 you see it right there at the bottom. 39:03 P.M. church, Pioneer Memorial Church dot T.V. 39:06 You're looking for this mini series 39:07 its only four parts long. 39:10 Four Secrets to Surviving the Coming Economic Earthquake. 39:15 Secret number two, 39:16 "Tap into the economy of Empty," that's today. 39:19 And by the way don't miss secret number three. 39:21 Going Over the Head of Warren Buffet. 39:22 That's coming next Sabbath. Don't you miss it? 39:25 And secret number four the following week 39:28 how to not only survive but thrive 39:31 in the mist of an economic meltdown. 39:33 That's come in the next two times 39:34 but I am glad you're here for secret number two. 39:36 Grab that study guide let's go 39:37 because unbeknown to the English reader 39:41 we'll get it. 39:42 See we don't see it in the Greek. 39:44 Paul has intentionally chosen 39:45 three very different synonyms for the word power. 39:50 And isn't just as power. Notice the three. 39:54 Here we go with that study guide 39:55 I want to jot these three down please. 39:57 Synonym number one, for power Greek synonym number one, 40:02 Dunamis from what's comes word dynamite. 40:05 What is that? 40:06 That's the power to eliminate obstacles. 40:09 That's what dynamite does. Doesn't it of course. 40:11 I love driving through mountains. 40:12 Don't you love through a mountain? 40:13 Do you know the only reason we can drive through mountains 40:15 it's because somebody took a stick of dynamite 40:17 and threw it at this massive rock and blasted 40:20 the side of the mountain out. 40:21 That's the only way you can drive through a mountain. 40:24 Dynamite removes obstacles. 40:27 So when Paul here in this resurrection passage 40:30 describes God's incomparably great mega-- 40:33 his incomparably great power and he uses the word Dunamis. 40:38 He is trying to tell you and me that financial trouble 40:41 I know it can feel that stone 40:44 can feel the size of Mount Everest 40:46 and that stone has the trapped in the dark hole of debt. 40:49 It can have you trapped in the dark hole of unemployment. 40:51 It can have you trapped in the dark hole of poverty 40:54 that stone cannot be moved from the inside. 40:58 But what Paul is trying to tell us is there is a power 41:01 that emanates from an empty tomb 41:02 and that power like dynamite 41:04 can blast any obstacle in your way. 41:08 By the way we're thinking financially 41:09 but if you prefer to think socially, 41:11 if you prefer to think physically 41:13 because some of you are going 41:14 through a massive physical crisis now 41:16 with your body and your life. 41:17 You can think martially, you can think 41:20 whatever you wish that power is the same. 41:24 Greek synonym for power number one, dynamite, 41:28 the power to eliminate obstacles. 41:31 That angel comes down and like a pebble just cast that stone. 41:35 It's nothing. It's nothing to heaven. 41:37 All right, here comes number two, 41:38 Greek synonym for power number two. 41:40 The power and this is the word kratos. 41:43 It is the power to exert authority. 41:46 Authority, power of authority. 41:50 Have you been following the story? 41:51 I mean you know Pastor Ester mentioned it in the prayer. 41:55 I guess it's still going on. The piracy and the hijacking. 42:00 The first time in 200 years of American maritime history 42:04 the first time a foreign power has boarded 42:08 a pirate power has boarded 42:10 a flagged US vessel, the first time. 42:15 And everybody is asking the question. 42:16 Okay, stars and stripes 42:17 we do see the flag on the back of this ship 42:21 where is it from Northfork Virginia. 42:22 We see this, we see the stars and stripes 42:24 who is got the authority to settle this one. 42:28 And there is this huge standoff. 42:29 Who has the authority? 42:32 When that angel comes down on that resurrection morning, 42:35 Paul uses the second word to describe to us 42:38 how the demons of hell fled 42:39 in the presence of supreme authority. 42:43 The God of empty tomb. 42:44 The power that emanates from that empty tomb today 42:46 is the power of supreme authority. 42:49 Do you know what that means? 42:50 Financial crisis be a personal or collective 42:52 you can feel like we're being held by an alien power. 42:55 Let's be honest it feels like that. 42:57 But the power of the risen Christ 43:00 can usurp the pseudo power of that financial obstacle, 43:06 that financial crisis that financial bondage 43:10 that's holding you right now. 43:11 Hallelujah, they're three of these. 43:13 Three synonyms don't get in the English. 43:15 Let me give you number three. 43:16 The Greek word for power number three is ischus. 43:19 It's the power to evidence strength to show 43:23 and this is physical strength and it says 43:24 love God with all your heart its soul and your strength. 43:27 Physical strength that's the word right there. 43:30 When I was a boy I used to cringe 43:34 when my dad would resort 43:36 to some of his self deprecating humor. 43:39 And if you knew my dad is he was a wonderful man. 43:41 I just idolized him. 43:42 But I hated it when he would tell the story about himself. 43:45 Hey get out my little buddies surrounding him. 43:47 He said "hey guys, come here 43:48 I want to tell you something." 43:50 My dad grew up in Brooklyn New York. 43:51 He says "hey guys, I want to tell you something. 43:55 When I was a boy I was the toughest kid 43:59 in our neighborhood." 44:00 Oh, I remembered the first time 44:02 I heard the story I said "yeah go, dad?" 44:05 Yeah, I was the toughest kid in my neighborhood 44:07 every time I came around the children started running. 44:11 Would you go, dad? But they can never catch me. 44:19 The first time I heard that I just 44:22 "Oh, dad, did you have to tell that story?" 44:25 It was ha, ha moment for all my buddies. 44:28 But nobody wants his dad to be a he be a little weakling 44:31 you know that they can never catch me. 44:35 Paul uses the word intensely to describe 44:37 physical prowess, superior physical strength 44:40 so that when that angel comes down 44:42 not only to the demons of hell flee 44:44 because of supreme authority even the Roman guards 44:46 who've stood up to the toughest enemy 44:47 in empire fall like dead man. 44:54 That's the promise. 44:57 It's good news for those of us 44:58 who know what its like 44:59 to tremble before the bully of financial intimidation. 45:02 We're in debt up to our eyeballs. 45:06 We got the collection agency calling, 45:08 leaving messages on answering machine. 45:12 We lost our job. 45:14 The cutting back hours it's almost 45:16 you're mind is well have lost it. 45:19 Hallelujah, there is an empty tomb today in Palestine 45:22 out of which emanates a power that is a physical strength. 45:26 There is no bullying the neighborhood 45:29 that will not run when our God shows up. 45:33 Praise His name. 45:35 Three Greek synonyms for power 45:37 there they are the divine power of the empty tomb. 45:42 And by the way three Greek synonyms 45:44 one divine truth, jot it down 45:47 the power that empty Christ coffin. 45:50 "The power that empty Christ coffin 45:53 is the promise that can fill our empty coffers." 45:58 Hallelujah, I like that. 46:00 I ye, when you're running on empty 46:04 all you have to do is remember 46:05 there is a coffin that today is still empty. 46:09 The power that emptied his coffin 46:12 is the same power that can fill our coffers with by the way, 46:16 by the way with resources, 46:20 we have no inkling of yet. 46:25 They're ready to be applied. You know what that means? 46:29 You can't give up. You can't give up. 46:32 Don't quit. You gonna all this power. 46:37 Look at you can learn faith. You've learned doubt. 46:40 You taught yourself how to doubt. 46:42 Listen, turn it around 46:43 now teach yourself how to trust. 46:45 Say I am gonna trust this God. 46:46 I am gonna trust the God 46:47 that came out of that empty tomb. 46:48 I am going to believe 46:49 that His power is able to crush the bully 46:52 that has me around the throat. 46:54 I am choking just trust Him. 46:57 You say "Dwight, how you do that?" 46:58 Oh, it's not hard. I got to tell you how. 47:04 This year from my private worships 47:07 I am doing something I have never done before. 47:09 I am reading two books concurrently. 47:11 So I am alternating story by story 47:14 through Genesis and John all right. 47:17 The story yesterday Genesis, 47:19 today John so on back to forth. 47:21 And I don't know if I'll ever do it again 47:22 but it gives me a freshness of both testimonials 47:25 so that's what I am doing. 47:26 Anyway, but you know maybe about ten days ago 47:30 I came I love the story in John 6. 47:32 Don't you just love story in John 6 47:33 where Jesus takes these two skinny little fishes 47:38 and five wimpy little loaves 47:41 and he says "hey guys, have everybody sit down 47:43 because I am gonna feed everybody here. 47:44 Five thousand men, plus women plus, children." 47:47 Every time I read that story I say, yes. 47:50 With God's power the little I have 47:53 can feed the whole world, hallelujah. 47:57 So I am reading this story. 47:59 And I journal and so I am getting ready 48:01 to finish the journal and I say hey I gonna check this, 48:03 this classic on the life of Jesus. 48:05 I am gonna read this simultaneously with the others 48:07 but I say I just check it out. 48:08 So I open Desire of Ages through that story 48:11 and I found a promise so dynamite. 48:14 If I can borrow that word again. 48:15 So dynamite that I went over to my laptop 48:18 and I send an email to my senior leaders here 48:20 our pastoral staff and I said hey guys, 48:21 you got to read this thing. 48:22 Take a look let our hearts be filled 48:24 with hope and courage 48:25 for the uncertainty of the year before us boom. 48:28 And then last Sabbath 48:29 I flew down to Arkansas to Safe Television. 48:32 My friend Carlos Pardeiro owns a station 48:34 he is the president and he'd plan 48:36 on a little three night live satellite event 48:39 with Lonnie Melashenko, Monte Church and me 48:41 and so we're there and I find out last weekend 48:45 I find out that in fact 48:47 Carlos I don't when he found this promise 48:50 he found a promise and then send it out 48:52 to his whole staff and have it 48:53 tapped on to doors around the television studio. 48:56 I want you to have the same promise 48:58 this is the one I am so glad you got the study guide. 49:00 Take a look at this Desire of Ages page 371. 49:03 Isn't this something "The means in our possession 49:07 may not seem to be sufficient for the work." 49:09 Somebody are saying "hey, Dwight, 49:10 I just don't have enough. 49:11 There is no way we can survive." 49:13 I don't care what the situation is 49:14 you may not have enough 49:16 recognition of that truth is quotation. 49:20 Okay, it's true. 49:21 "The means in our possessions may not seem to be sufficient" 49:26 but don't you quit. Look at that next line. 49:28 "But if we will move forward in faith." 49:31 That means you got to learn faith. 49:33 Just like you've learned out you've got to learn faith now. 49:35 "Move forward in faith." 49:37 Trust the God who came out of that tomb. 49:40 "If we will move forward in faith 49:42 believing in the all sufficient power" 49:44 write that down that's our keyword for this anomaly. 49:47 "Believing in the all sufficient power of God" 49:50 can you not love this 49:51 "abundant resources will open before us." 49:55 Hold on it gets even better. 49:56 "If the work be of God" 49:58 whatever it is you're in if God is-- 50:00 if you can look to God and say God, 50:02 would you bless this that I am in. 50:04 Some of you are finishing up 50:06 your academic career here at Andrews University. 50:08 Of course, you can ask God, God, 50:09 would you bless this I mean it? 50:11 I got to have a job 50:12 after graduation just a few weeks. 50:14 Would You bless me please? Of course you can ask Him. 50:17 He is in that. He got you this far. 50:20 He is not gonna dump you now. 50:22 Isn't it great? 50:23 "If the work be of God he himself" 50:26 He's not gonna send an angel. 50:27 "He himself will provide the means." 50:31 The money "for its accomplishment. 50:35 'He will reward honest simple reliance upon Him.'" 50:41 Here it is. You can learn faith. 50:43 My friend, don't you let them tell you 50:45 that you can't learn faith. 50:46 You learned out I learned out we can learn faith. 50:49 It is a skill that can be learned. 50:53 I know that the future for you feels 51:00 it feels... 51:07 so intimidating. 51:09 The future for you looks so dark 51:14 but I am telling you what my friend, 51:16 don't you bailout. 51:18 There is a God that you can learn to trust again. 51:23 You trust Him in the past 51:24 you say you kind of go you can trust Him again. 51:26 You never trusted Him before 51:27 you can put Him on the line trust Him now. 51:30 You can learn to trust Him with your finances. 51:32 You can learn to trust Him with your future. 51:34 You can trust Him with your forever. 51:36 You can trust God. 51:38 I know two small fishes 51:39 and five little loaves what is that? 51:41 It's not enough to cover my debt, 51:43 its not enough to reverse my losses 51:45 but you put the little you have 51:46 in the nails scarred hands of the risen Christ 51:50 and He promised us to take it 51:52 and multiply it to provide for you, 51:58 God will take care of you. 52:04 He will. 52:05 You can learn, you can learn to trust the risen Christ. 52:11 My friend, trust Him. 52:14 With just that much trust, 52:18 just that much like a mustard seed 52:22 that's all you need, trust Him. 52:25 God will take care of you. I know its not it. 52:33 Look, I know its not Easter hymn 52:36 but after we sang it last time together 52:37 I said "oh, please God, we can't we can't 52:40 end this without singing that same old gospel hymn." 52:43 Two stanzas of it. 52:44 Now I am gonna give you the page number 52:46 you just look at the screen. 52:47 Two stanzas God will take care of you 52:51 through all the way or everyday 52:54 He will take care of you. My God will take care of you. 52:59 Trust Him, you can learn, you can learn that skill 53:02 and trust the same Jesus. 53:04 Let's stand as we sing those two stanzas together. 53:22 Be not dismayed whate'er betide 53:29 God will take care of you 53:35 Beneath His wings of love abide 53:42 God will take care of you 53:49 All you may need He will provide 53:57 God will take care of you 54:04 Nothing you ask will be denied 54:10 God will take care of you 54:18 God will take care of you 54:25 Through every day O'er all the way 54:32 He will take care of you 54:41 God will take care of you 54:52 Oh, Father, we needed to here that. 54:54 We needed to sing it. We needed to say it. 54:57 We need to believe it. 55:01 What greater truth could there be 55:02 from that empty tomb then the truth 55:07 that You will take care of us. 55:09 No matter what, no matter where, no matter who, 55:14 no matter when, no matter why, 55:18 You will take care of us. 55:22 We have learned to doubt 55:24 now Father, teach us to believe. 55:28 May we learn the skill of faith 55:30 and may we go forth into this new season 55:34 with the hope and the courage that indeed the risen Christ 55:39 He will take care of us. 55:44 And now to Him was able to do 55:48 immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine 55:52 according to His power that His at work within us. 55:56 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus 56:00 throughout all generations forever and ever, amen 56:18 I'd like to take a moment here at the end of the service 56:20 to tell you about one of the most 56:21 important groups of people 56:22 that make this ministry possible. 56:26 They are team of people, they are not afraid 56:28 to get down into the thick of life itself 56:31 which is why you're gonna find them 56:32 you will find them moving forward on their knees. 56:35 They're our prayer partners, 56:37 a group of men and women and young adults 56:40 who believe that this humble television ministry 56:43 has been raised up by God for such a time as this. 56:45 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher, 56:49 that God will use me, 56:50 that God will use the countless other volunteers 56:52 to spread the everlasting gospel 56:54 and the Word of God 56:55 and ways we could never have imagined before. 56:58 There are the ones who are praying 56:59 that God is gonna open up the hearts of the people. 57:03 Open up the hearts of viewers 57:04 around the world for the message, 57:06 the critical message for this end time generation. 57:10 And what I'd like to do is ask you 57:12 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us, 57:15 a prayer partner with New Perceptions? 57:17 You don't have to call our toll free number. 57:18 You don't have to go online to register. 57:21 All I need to know is that you would be willing 57:23 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day. 57:29 Pray that somehow through radio and television 57:32 and the web God will open up new doors, 57:35 new regions on earth 57:37 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed. 57:40 There is no question the power of prayer 57:43 has potential to take this ministry to places 57:45 we could never have imagined before. 57:48 So that's it, would you please 57:50 be willing to partner with me in prayer? 57:52 The times are urgent, the need is critical 57:56 and I hope you'll say yes. 57:58 Till we're together next time may the prayer answering God 58:02 accompany you every step of the way. |
Revised 2014-12-17