New Perceptions

A Severe Mercy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP040707

01:27 Christ is alive!
01:30 Let Christians sing
01:33 His cross stands empty to the sky
01:40 Let streets and homes with praises ring
01:47 His love in death
01:49 Shall never die
01:55 Christ is alive!
01:58 No longer bound
02:02 To distant years in Palestine
02:08 He comes to claim the here and now
02:15 And conquer
02:17 Every place and time
02:24 In every insult, rift and war
02:30 Where color, scorn or wealth divide
02:37 He suffers still, yet loves the more
02:44 And lives, though ever crucified
03:08 Christ is alive!
03:11 Ascended Lord
03:15 He rules the world His Father made
03:22 Till, in the end, His love adored
03:30 Shall be to all on earth
03:36 Displayed.
03:42 Please be seated.
03:44 It is true, isn't it?
03:46 That Christ stands today, alive and well, amen.
03:54 And not only does He rule world that His father made.
03:58 But we come today,
03:59 because we have invited Him to rule us,
04:02 to be Lord of our hearts.
04:05 Sing with us today, Lord Reign in me.
04:16 Over all the earth
04:19 You reign on high
04:21 Every mountain stream
04:23 Every sunset sky
04:26 But my one request
04:28 Lord, my only aim
04:31 Is that You'd reign in me again
04:35 Lord, reign in me
04:37 Reign in your pow'r
04:40 Over all my dreams
04:42 In my darkest hour
04:44 You are the Lord
04:47 Of all I am
04:50 So won't you reign in me again
05:03 Over every thought
05:06 Over every word
05:08 May my life reflect
05:10 The beauty of my Lord
05:12 'Cause you mean more to me
05:15 Than any earthly thing
05:18 So won't you reign in me again
05:22 Lord, reign in me
05:25 Reign in your pow'r
05:27 Over all my dreams
05:29 In my darkest hour
05:32 You are the Lord
05:34 Of all I am
05:37 So won't you reign in me again
05:41 Lord, reign in me
05:43 Reign in your pow'r
05:46 Over all my dreams
05:48 In my darkest hour
05:50 You are the Lord
05:53 Of all I am
05:56 So won't you reign in me again.
06:29 The Book of Hebrews Chapter 6, says that we have a hope
06:36 and this hope is in an anchor for our souls, amen.
06:41 This hope is only to be found in one place,
06:44 in the risen Lord, in Christ alone.
07:22 In Christ alone my hope is found
07:28 He is my light, my strength, my song
07:35 This Cornerstone, this solid ground
07:42 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
07:48 What heights of love
07:51 What depths of peace
07:54 When fears are stilled
07:58 When strivings cease
08:01 My Comforter, my all in all
08:08 Here in the love of Christ
08:12 I stand
08:18 In Christ alone
08:21 Who took on flesh
08:25 Fullness of God in helpless Babe
08:30 This gift of love and righteousness
08:37 Scorned by the ones He came to save
08:43 Till on that cross as Jesus died
08:49 The wrath of God was satisfied
08:56 For ev'ry sin on Him was laid
09:03 Here in the death of Christ
09:07 I live
09:12 There in the ground
09:15 His body lay
09:19 Light of the world by darkness slain
09:25 Then bursting forth in glorious day
09:32 Up from the grave He rose again
09:38 And as He stands in victory
09:44 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
09:50 For I am His and He is mine
09:57 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
10:27 No guilt in life, no fear in death
10:34 This is the pow'r of Christ in me
10:40 From life's first cry to final breath
10:46 Jesus commands my destiny
10:52 No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man
10:59 Can ever pluck me from His hand
11:05 Till He returns and calls me home,
11:12 Here in the power of Christ
11:15 I'll stand.
11:36 This is my desire
11:42 To honor You
11:49 Lord, with all my heart
11:53 I worship You
12:02 All that is within me
12:08 I give You praise
12:15 All that I adore
12:19 Is in You
12:28 Lord, I give you my heart
12:32 I give you my soul
12:37 I live for You alone
12:41 Every breath that I take
12:45 Ev'ry moment I'm awake
12:50 Lord, have Your way in me
13:00 This is my desire
13:06 To honor You
13:13 Lord, with all my heart
13:17 I worship You
13:25 All I have within me
13:31 I give You praise
13:38 All that I adore
13:43 Is in You
13:51 Lord, I give You my heart
13:55 I give You my soul
14:00 I live for You alone
14:04 Ev'ry breath that I take
14:08 Ev'ry moment I'm awake
14:13 Lord, have Your way in me
14:17 Lord, I give You my heart
14:21 I give You my soul
14:25 I live for You alone
14:30 Ev'ry breath that I take
14:33 Ev'ry moment I'm awake
14:38 Lord, have Your way in me.
15:14 Let us kneel together as we pray.
15:32 Dear God, we come into Your presence
15:34 this morning.
15:35 It's so mindful on this weekend of Your passion,
15:39 how much You love us.
15:41 You have heard our hearts respond,
15:43 and that we want to give You every part of our lives.
15:47 And, God, we realize this week
15:48 that, even though we sing those words,
15:51 and they're fresh on our lips and we've just heard them sung
15:54 that we haven't always lived our lives that way.
15:57 And this passion weekend reminds us
15:59 that in the very movement that we acknowledge our sin,
16:03 there stands the Cross of Calvary
16:06 that demonstrates Your mercy to us,
16:08 and that You made it possible for everything
16:11 to be brand new in our lives.
16:13 Oh, God, this morning we say that we need that saving grace.
16:17 We need that mercy that will set us free.
16:21 We don't pray to a God who is dead.
16:23 We pray to God who is alive
16:25 and that makes all the difference
16:27 in the way that we choose to live our lives.
16:29 Every movement, every breath that we take,
16:32 it is because we serve a Risen Savior,
16:35 so we ask that Your aliveness be a reality
16:40 in each one of our lives.
16:42 And this morning,
16:43 there are those who have asked us
16:44 to remember them in prayer.
16:46 With them, we ask,
16:47 just as You did in that garden
16:49 not our will, but yours be done.
16:52 And, God, there may an area in our lives this morning
16:54 that we need to bring to You
16:56 and utter those same words that You did in Gethsemane.
17:00 So we pause right now to bring before You
17:03 the very thing that wrenches our hearts,
17:05 even the very thing that right now brings us joy
17:08 and we long for more.
17:10 God, we ask for Your will to be done.
17:25 Dear God, through our continued worship,
17:27 whether be through silence or through speaking,
17:30 through a act of hope in You and Your resurrection.
17:35 We ask that You will transform each one of us
17:37 in whatever way we need to be changed,
17:40 and it is because of the Cross of Calvary
17:42 and that resurrection that we know
17:45 that death no longer has the victory,
17:47 whether it be death to our physical bodies
17:50 or death to sin.
17:52 Please come and reign in our lives,
17:55 speak to us through Pastor Dwight's words
17:57 this morning, and may we indeed gain the victory
18:00 because we come to put our hope and our trust in Jesus
18:04 in whose name we pray this morning, amen.
20:27 Hallelujah and amen.
20:28 And so today,
20:30 in our 9th Annual Easter Procession of Hope,
20:33 we gather to not only testify to that hope
20:37 that we have in Christ resurrection.
20:40 But in a poignant way to remember these who...
20:47 are enshrined in the depths of our hearts.
20:50 So these ever the last 12 months at Andrew's
20:54 and in the Pioneer Memorial Church
20:56 have fallen to the sleep of death.
21:00 And as we have done in the past,
21:02 if there is somebody that you remember today
21:04 and you're saying, "Oh, I didn't bring a flower."
21:06 You don't need to worry about that,
21:08 we have the flowers here.
21:09 If there is somebody that you wished to remember today,
21:12 and testify in the process
21:14 to your hope in the living Christ
21:16 by placing that flower at the foot of the cross.
21:19 I wish you come forward
21:20 as my wife Karen and I read these names to you,
21:24 they are in the shrine of our hearts
21:28 as we look for the soon return of Christ.
21:34 We had two deaths, right after Easter,
21:37 this last year.
21:39 I shall read both their names to you,
21:41 Sammy Joseph a student here in Andrew University,
21:47 and on May 6th 2006, Alfred W. Bower.
21:55 May 12, 2006, M. Wesley Schultz.
22:03 May 18, 2006,
22:06 John A. Kealer.
22:11 May 23, 2006, Wilburn H. Shaw.
22:18 June 17, 2006, John R. Duckworth.
22:25 July 15, 2006, Robert S. Bishop.
22:32 July 21, 2006 Exhilda Mwinga.
22:39 July 27, 2006, John V. Langue.
22:47 September 22, 2006, Binnoni B. Oliver.
22:55 September 26, 2006,
22:59 Herbert W. Helm.
23:03 October 5, 2006, Lola N. Smith.
23:11 October 12, 2006, Bethel E. Habernet.
23:18 October 13, 2006, Paul M. Matacio.
23:26 October 16, 2006,
23:29 Maxin S. Matacio.
23:35 October 22, 2006,
23:38 Merlin C. Poole.
23:44 October 31, 2006,
23:47 Helen H. Haze.
23:52 November 6, 2006,
23:57 Ernamay Cook.
24:00 November 17, 2006,
24:04 Ben Nutt.
24:08 November 18, 2006,
24:11 Kirsten M. Holman.
24:17 November 21, 2006,
24:20 Vinita M. Alexander
24:26 January 16, 2007,
24:29 James L. Morris.
24:34 January 23, 2007,
24:38 Cathleen J. Fiwash
24:43 February 20, 2007,
24:47 Herlod L. Olers
24:52 March 21, 2007,
24:56 Peal Lloyd Pelton.
26:44 Christ the Lord is risen today
26:49 Alleluia!
26:54 Sons of men and angels say
26:58 Alleluia!
27:03 Raise your joys and triumphs high
27:08 Alleluia!
27:13 Sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply
27:17 Alleluia!
27:24 Lives again our glorious King
27:29 Alleluia!
27:34 Where, O death, is now thy sting
27:38 Alleluia!
27:43 Once He died our souls to save
27:49 Alleluia!
27:54 Where's thy victory boasting grave?
27:59 Alleluia!
28:05 Love's redeeming work is done
28:10 Alleluia!
28:15 Fought the fight, the battle won
28:21 Alleluia!
28:26 Death in vain forbids Him rise
28:31 Alleluia!
28:37 Christ hath opened Paradise
28:42 Alleluia!
29:16 Soar we then where Christ has led
29:21 Alleluia!
29:26 Following our exalted Head
29:31 Alleluia!
29:36 Made like Him, like Him we rise
29:41 Alleluia!
29:46 Ours the cross, the grave, the skies
29:52 Alleluia!
30:04 Holy Christ, it is in that hope that we claim the Cross,
30:06 the grave and the skies.
30:11 It doesn't take death away, we are still here,
30:17 bring us a word about death we pray
30:21 and may it be a word of hope in Your name, amen.
30:27 Be seated please.
30:36 Have you ever wondered?
30:39 Ever wondered what death taste like?
30:45 How does death taste?
30:48 Was it, Ernest Hemingway,
30:51 who described the, the feeling of death
30:53 as an inner cord snapping inside your chest
30:58 and a sudden taste of metallic upon your tongue.
31:03 What does death taste like?
31:08 Miriam Stone she's a young coed at Colombia University,
31:13 student like many of you.
31:17 She has written a nationally acclaimed book,
31:22 tale of her book, At the End of Words:
31:26 A Daughter's Memoir.
31:28 It's a collection of her journal entries
31:30 and poems that she composed during the year
31:35 in which her mother died of breast cancer.
31:39 And so in the book, there is a tumbling of emotion,
31:42 the sorrow, and the anger,
31:44 and the guilt, and teenage grief.
31:48 I want to share with you,
31:50 just a line from one of those journal entries
31:52 and then a stanza from her poem she composed.
31:55 First the journal, Miriam,
31:57 this is when she's visiting her prospective university
32:00 turns out as Colombia.
32:01 This weekend, some of you are here visiting our campus
32:05 on a campus tour.
32:06 "This weekend we take a campus tour.
32:09 Just Mom, Dad, a tour guide, a wheelchair, and me.
32:16 I clumsily push her along the brick walkways
32:18 and uneven sidewalks in the freezing gray air.
32:21 She is wearing her huge fur coat,
32:23 her tiny head protruding like a turtle's,
32:26 her hands placed pleasantly on her lap
32:28 as she nods approvingly at the size of the dorm rooms,
32:31 the dark wood dining hall, the cavernous library.
32:34 "And the flight home is so short."
32:36 She smiles.
32:37 "You'll be able to come back for weekends, if you want."
32:41 As Dad struggles to put the wheelchair
32:43 in the trunk of a cab,
32:45 I stand on the sidewalk to take one last look,
32:47 of what will become her university.
32:51 I feel her gaze on me through the window.
32:54 She never should have traveled with us.
32:56 She is way too weak.
32:57 But she had insisted on coming in her quiet,
33:00 unquestionable way.
33:02 I turn back toward the street and catch her eye.
33:06 I haven't been accepted to school yet.
33:09 She hasn't announced her death yet.
33:12 But in that glance is our first goodbye.
33:20 Miriam Stone wrote a poem entitled Blueprint.
33:23 She treats her mother's life like a piece of architecture.
33:27 Let me share a line or two.
33:29 "Stories like loose nails jut out from your structures."
33:31 She's talking about her mom, stories of Mom's past.
33:34 French rock stars, hippie boyfriends,
33:36 the Beatles in Paris.
33:37 St. John's in the '60s: Homer and Aristotle,
33:40 an anorexic roommate, the Maryland air.
33:43 Now I hoard your stories,
33:45 scavenge for your words like water.
33:47 I want the glue that holds you together.
33:49 I need the architecture, the angles of your inside.
33:53 I want to ask: what does love smell like,
33:56 what color sky makes your skin melt,
33:59 what does death taste like, and are you afraid?"
34:05 What does death taste like? And are you afraid?
34:17 But we see Jesus,
34:20 who has made a little lower than the angels.
34:23 "For the suffering of death crown,
34:25 will glory and honor that He by the grace of God,
34:28 might taste death for everyone."
34:35 What does death taste like?
34:40 I have here in the pulpit with me.
34:43 A latest issue of Newsweek Magazine...
34:49 cover story, "Voices of the fallen:
34:51 the Iraq War in the words of America's dead."
34:56 It's enough to make a parent dissolve in tears,
34:59 if you have a child in Iraq.
35:04 We learned about some of this,
35:06 when our son-in-law Andrew deployed to Iraq,
35:08 at the beginning of February as a medic
35:09 with the US Army Rangers.
35:11 Christy told us about
35:13 what the soldiers are required to do.
35:14 They're required to sit down with the spouse,
35:16 they're required to sit down with their family
35:18 and have to plan it all out.
35:20 Plan your funeral, were do you want to be buried.
35:25 Who do you want there to notify your surviving spouse
35:29 in the event of your death?
35:31 Christy and Andrew sat on that tiny little living room sofa,
35:36 and had to fill out the answers.
35:40 What I didn't know, I picked up from reading this,
35:46 read it at the bottom of the stairs
35:47 as soon as I picked it up one night late,
35:50 after coming home.
35:51 And I just tell you the tears just well up.
35:55 What I didn't know apparently is that the soldiers
35:58 before they deploy
35:59 or once they moved into their combat zone are,
36:03 it is suggested to them
36:04 that they write a letter to the family
36:08 that will be given to the family
36:09 only in the eventuality of death.
36:13 Newsweek has taken, borrowed from some families
36:16 these precious last words of men,
36:19 young men who are now dead.
36:22 And they've reproduced the letters
36:23 so that you have it in the paper,
36:24 and you have it in the handwriting
36:26 and what does death tastes like before you even die?
36:32 Listen to this.
36:34 This from Lance Corporal, Lance Graham
36:35 from San Antonio, Texas, 26 years old,
36:37 at six feet five and 240 pounds.
36:40 His father said, "He made other people feel safe,
36:42 just by looking at him."
36:45 He died on May 7th 2005, as a marine near Haditha Dam
36:49 when a pair of suicide bombers hit his convoy.
36:52 And then his parents got this letter.
36:55 "Well, if you're reading this, I guess,
36:59 I guess this deployment was a one way trip.
37:06 "I just have a few things to ask.
37:07 Please don't be mad at the Marine Corps.
37:09 It was my choice to join and come here.
37:11 I honestly believe this is what I was meant to do.
37:14 And another thing.
37:17 Another thing, I ask is that at my funeral
37:19 the Marine Corps hymn and amazing facts
37:22 be played with the bagpipes.
37:25 Nothing sounds better than them,
37:27 than bagpipes the playing Amazing Grace.
37:30 I know that I haven't been the best son, brother,
37:32 friend, or boyfriend and I'm sorry
37:34 and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me,
37:37 this is really hard writing this,
37:39 there's so much I want to say, and I'm at a loss of words.
37:48 Hi, Mom, Dad, Brittney, Jeremy and Bailey,
37:51 if you're getting this letter,
37:53 then I'm sure you've already heard.
37:56 I'm so sorry."
37:58 Nineteen year old kid, apologizing for his death,
38:04 and what it will do to his family.
38:07 Lance Corporal, Anthony Butterfield,
38:09 Clovis, California,
38:10 "Enlisted straight out of high school.
38:11 One of four Marines killed
38:13 when a suicide bomber set off a propane truck
38:14 in Rawah on July 29, 2006."
38:18 Let's read one more, just,
38:20 this is a three page letter all spread out in Newsweek.
38:24 This is written by Corporal Steven Gill,
38:26 Round Rock, Texas, 24.
38:28 "He once aspired to be a minister,
38:31 but after September 11
38:33 he wanted only to join the Marines.
38:34 He arrived in Iraq on his first tour of duty in March
38:37 and on July 21
38:39 he was killed by an IED near the village of Zaidan,
38:42 southeast of Fallujah."
38:45 "Dear, Mom, Dad and James.
38:48 If you're reading this, you will know
38:52 that I'm no longer here with you all.
38:59 I've been brought up in a loving Christian family,
39:00 that I thank God for everyday.
39:02 I was taught to fear and love God,
39:03 and to rejoice in the knowledge that his son,
39:05 pay from all of my horrible sins
39:08 that I have committed in my 24 years
39:10 on this great planet up until this time,
39:12 I've lead an adventurous life
39:13 that's hasn't been perfect for the anger and tears
39:16 that have been caused and shed on my behalf.
39:19 I ask for all of you forgiveness.
39:22 Know that, I wish I could have done better,
39:24 but I have cherished all my time with you all."
39:28 And then one by one, he speaks to his family.
39:33 What does death tastes like before you even die?
39:38 There's only one verse in all of Holy Scriptures
39:40 that speaks of the taste of death.
39:43 And I want to turn there with you,
39:44 on this Easter weekend.
39:46 Open your Bible please
39:47 to the Book of Hebrews Chapter 2,
39:51 just one verse in all the Bible.
39:54 If you didn't bring a Bible,
39:55 you got to see this for yourself,
39:56 grab that pew Bible that's right in front of you.
39:58 It's a same translation,
40:00 I'm using the New King James Version.
40:02 It's page 804, in your pew Bible,
40:05 Hebrews 2:9,
40:11 Hebrews 2:9, "But we see Jesus,
40:18 who was made a little lower than the angels,
40:21 for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
40:24 that He, by the grace of God,
40:26 might taste death for everyone."
40:30 Did you hear that ladies and gentlemen?
40:32 He came to this planet, one reason,
40:33 to taste death for the entire human race.
40:38 And what did death taste like to Him?
40:40 After all does say, "He tasted, He tasted death."
40:45 What did it taste like?
40:46 Was it is Hemingway's described the snapping of a cord
40:49 inside his chest and then the sudden metallic...
40:55 on the edge of his tongue.
41:00 You know, when you and I go to the passion as we will,
41:01 this weekend or week,
41:02 we're watching movie on the crucifixion,
41:04 now we see some great art work
41:06 depicting that moment of Christ death.
41:09 It is only natural for us to,
41:13 the taste, taste of death,
41:14 I mean that's pretty obvious, isn't it?
41:15 What do you think death tasted like to Jesus?
41:18 And what do we conclude?
41:19 Immediately we conclude,
41:20 well, you know, surely it tasted like,
41:22 this dry cotton rubbing on a swollen tongue
41:25 inside a parched mouth, after all he's pleading,
41:27 "I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty."
41:32 Coagulated blood, and crusty bruised,
41:35 and swollen lips.
41:36 You ever taste blood? Of course you have.
41:38 You've tasted your own blood. What does blood taste like?
41:43 The taste of sweat salt, like sand in his puffy eyes,
41:46 trickling down his cheeks to his torn lips,
41:49 stinging the swollen tongue
41:51 that tries to lick the salt away
41:52 from the open cuts and bruises around his mouth.
41:54 Whatever death tasted like,
41:56 it must have been wretched to Christ.
42:01 That's how we conclude, stand before the cross.
42:05 But that's just if, there are too many of us.
42:07 For too long, we have defined Christ taste of death
42:10 as what happened at Calvary.
42:13 And you know what? We're 12 hours too late.
42:15 Twelve hours late.
42:19 Because the taste of death,
42:21 for the human race did not come at the cross,
42:23 it came in a garden.
42:26 The Passion of the Christ had it absolutely right.
42:29 The struggle between the son and the serpent
42:32 is most intense in that blue shadowed movement
42:37 in Gethsemane Garden.
42:39 Desire of Ages by the way concurs,
42:41 I'll put the words on the screen for you,
42:42 look at this.
42:43 "All heaven and the unfallen worlds
42:45 had been witnesses to the controversy.
42:48 With what interest, intense interest
42:50 did they follow the closing scenes of the conflict.
42:52 They beheld the Saviour enter the garden of Gethsemane,
42:54 His soul bowed down
42:56 with the horror of a great darkness.
42:57 They heard His bitter cry, 'Father, if it be possible,
43:00 let this cup pass from Me.
43:01 As the Father's presence was withdrawn,
43:03 they see Him sorrowful."
43:05 Now notice this, catch this.
43:06 "They see him sorrowful with a bitterness
43:09 of sorrow exceeding."
43:11 Do you see that word?
43:12 "Exceeding that of the last great struggle
43:15 with death on the cross."
43:16 Calvary was exceeded, was exceeded
43:21 by the sorrow that wrecked his heart
43:24 in that shadowed midnight garden.
43:27 They see it.
43:28 Now read on, "The bloody sweat was forced
43:30 from His pores, fell in drops to the ground.
43:32 Thrice the prayer for deliverance
43:34 was wrung from His lips.
43:35 Finally heaven could no longer endure the sight,
43:37 and a messenger of comfort was sent to the Son of God."
43:42 Only Dr. Luke, thank God for all four gospels.
43:46 Only Dr. Luke notes two details
43:50 that are essential for conclusion,
43:52 we must make about Gethsemane.
43:53 Detail number one, He sweat great drops of blood,
43:56 He sweat blood.
43:57 Physicians will tell us
43:59 there is documented the human agony
44:01 that expresses itself from blood.
44:04 And detail number two, only Luke tells us,
44:07 that an angel, had to be the angel Gabriel,
44:11 don't you suppose?
44:12 An angel shook materializes at that movement.
44:15 You know why?
44:17 Here's Luke's point, unsubtle point,
44:19 Jesus is dying, He is dying in Gethsemane.
44:24 In fact, if that angel had not come,
44:26 He would have died in that darkness.
44:29 Desire of Ages concurs with Luke's implied conclusion.
44:33 Look at Desire of Ages.
44:34 There's a moment of supreme anguish.
44:36 Look how it's described, put it on the screen for you.
44:38 "He will save man and woman at any cost to Himself.
44:42 He accepts His baptism of blood,
44:44 that through him perishing millions
44:45 may gain everlasting life.
44:47 Having made the decision...
44:48 Note this, "He fell dying to the ground."
44:51 He was dying.
44:54 He would have expired in that garden,
44:57 had not that angel appeared and said, "No, no, no, no.
45:02 Not yet."
45:06 "He fell dying to the ground
45:07 from which he had partially risen."
45:08 Now notice this, "He had borne
45:10 that which no human being could ever bear, for He had..."
45:14 We just read the words,
45:16 "For He had tasted the suffering of death
45:19 for every man and woman."
45:20 Where did He taste it? In Gethsemane, in Gethsemane.
45:25 What does death taste like?
45:26 It tastes like Gethsemane, that's what it tastes like.
45:30 Read it again, Hebrews 2:9, "But we see Jesus,
45:35 was made a little lower than the angels,
45:37 for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
45:40 that He, by the grace of God
45:41 might taste death for everyone."
45:44 As a message renders this, "In that death, by God's grace,
45:48 he fully experience death in every person's place."
45:54 Why? We look at the next verse.
45:57 Look at verse 14, I like the NIV on the screen there,
45:59 "So that by his death..." Why did He die?
46:02 "So that by his death he might destroy him
46:04 who holds the power of death,
46:05 that is, the devil and free those who all their lives
46:08 were held in slavery by their fear of death."
46:12 Remember that little Miriam Stone,
46:15 coed at Columbia University, how did she put it?
46:17 "What does death taste like, and are you afraid?"
46:22 Are you? Are you?
46:28 I got to tell you, I am not a real love story man.
46:37 When I was a kid in college,
46:38 Erich Segal came out with his book,
46:40 "Love Story", and I did read that,
46:41 it's a bit sappy but it got me to cry.
46:45 I don't read love stories.
46:47 And then years later halfway through ministry,
46:50 a friend of mine told me about Sheldon Van Auken's book,
46:53 "A Severe Mercy."
46:55 We were taking a summer doctoral class together,
46:57 and so I immediately went out and bought the book
46:59 and read it in just a few days and oh my.
47:03 It is a true story. It is a classic, love story.
47:07 Two kids born with silver spoons in their mouths,
47:10 both of them going to an Ivy League College,
47:12 they fall in love, madly in love,
47:13 really two pagans in love with love,
47:17 they are in love with love, and in love with life.
47:20 They marry, and went for graduate school
47:23 they decide to cross the ocean eastward to England,
47:27 and they enrolled at Oxford University,
47:29 and as fate would have it,
47:31 they meet a professor named Lewis, C. S. Lewis,
47:37 who befriend this two American pagans.
47:39 And through his long friendship,
47:41 eventually leads them
47:42 to embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior.
47:51 Sheldon and Davy, because that was her name.
47:55 They return to the States for a career
47:57 as an English professor.
47:59 He teaches in a private college in Virginia.
48:03 Whereupon though, yep,
48:06 though deeply in love with Christ and with each other
48:09 Davy contracted a mysterious disease.
48:14 And the rest of the story, I tell you the truth
48:17 is the gut wrenching love story,
48:20 of a love cling to in the face of death.
48:26 Until you come to that final moment,
48:28 I'm sorry to break it to you, she dies.
48:32 They come to that final moment, in that silent hospital room.
48:36 And I tell you what?
48:38 The reader has been so drawn into the circle of their love
48:41 that the pain is almost palpable.
48:45 Van Auken writes his friend Lewis back in England,
48:50 with the heartbreaking news of Davy's death
48:52 and his subsequent struggle with God
48:54 and suffering and thoughts of suicide.
48:56 Lewis, the first letter back from Lewis contains the phrase
49:01 that became the title of this award winning book.
49:05 C.S. Lewis writes, of a Severe Mercy.
49:10 And I'm not going to quote Lewis,
49:12 I want to quote Sheldon Van Auken
49:14 and put it on the screen for you.
49:16 "It was death, Davy's death that was the severe mercy.
49:20 There is no doubt at all that Lewis is saying precisely that.
49:23 That death, so full of suffering for us both,
49:26 suffering that still overwhelmed my life,
49:28 was yet a severe mercy.
49:32 A mercy as severe as death,
49:34 a severity as merciful as love."
49:38 Did you catch that?
49:40 "A mercy as severe as death,
49:42 a severity as merciful as love."
49:46 Because ladies and gentlemen,
49:48 that is the truth about death, is it not in Christ.
49:52 Death will always come to us, always as a severe mercy.
49:58 Won't it?
50:01 I've sat by the bed of a suffering child of God,
50:06 and so have you.
50:08 I know you have.
50:10 And there was no question in my mind,
50:11 I have watched death up close for a few years in my life now.
50:16 There was no question in my mind, and I am certain
50:18 there was no question in your mind either,
50:21 that for that child of God death finally came
50:24 as a bestowal mercy.
50:27 Didn't it?
50:29 Yeah,
50:33 not death itself, she is still our enemy death is.
50:37 But the sleep of death...
50:42 A sweet release,
50:45 a quiet repose, a gift of mercy.
50:51 A mercy as severe as death, a severity as merciful as love.
50:55 Death and mercy for some I understand this,
50:57 for some perhaps death and mercy,
51:00 but let's be honest, for most of us,
51:02 most of the time death and mercy,
51:05 it seems sacrilegious to speak of them in the same breath.
51:11 For most of us, most deaths are severe.
51:15 No warning, no goodbye,
51:22 no tender kisses.
51:25 No nothing, just gone.
51:30 How dare we speak of death and mercy
51:33 in the same breath for those deaths?
51:37 The answer is, we can only do so in Christ.
51:45 A severe mercy,
51:48 for what death could be more severe than Calvary's.
51:53 And what resurrection could be more mercy than His.
51:58 A Severe Mercy, Severe because it means goodbye.
52:05 And mercy, because it doesn't mean for ever.
52:10 A severe mercy,
52:13 with Christ, is the reason this Easter,
52:19 we still have hope.
52:26 Let us pray.
52:29 Oh God...
52:35 and when I come to die, oh, when I come to die.
52:42 And when I come to die please, please, please...
52:51 Give me Jesus.
53:36 In the morning, when I rise
53:42 In the morning, when I rise
53:47 In the morning, when I rise
53:52 Give me Jesus
53:58 Give me Jesus
54:03 Give me Jesus
54:08 You may have all this world
54:14 Give me Jesus
54:20 Dark midnight was my cry
54:26 Dark midnight was my cry
54:31 Dark midnight was my cry
54:36 Give me Jesus
54:42 Give me Jesus
54:47 Give me Jesus
54:53 You may have all this world
54:59 Give me Jesus
55:07 Just about the break of day
55:12 Just about the break of day
55:18 Just about the break of day
55:24 Give me Jesus
55:30 Give me Jesus
55:35 Give me Jesus
55:41 You may have all this world
55:47 Give me Jesus
55:55 Oh, when I come to die
56:01 Oh, when I come to die
56:07 Oh, when I come to die
56:13 Give me Jesus
56:19 Give me Jesus
56:26 Give me Jesus
56:32 You may have all this world
56:39 Give me Jesus.
56:51 And now, may the God of hope fill you with all joy
56:54 and peace and believing, that you may abound in hope
56:58 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
57:02 through Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen.
57:07 Let me take one more moment of your time,
57:09 to let you know that one of the blessings I receive
57:11 from this telecast is being in touch with viewers like you
57:14 all across Michiana, and our nation,
57:16 and literally the world.
57:18 I'm humbled and honored
57:19 with your sharing the journey with us.
57:21 Sometimes it's a Bible question.
57:22 Other times it's an observation or suggestion
57:24 and sometimes just a note to share a prayer
57:26 or a prayer request.
57:28 I'd love to hear from you,
57:29 and it's so easy to be in touch,
57:31 just go to our Pioneer Memorial Church website.
57:33 and click on contact.
57:38 And then the word pastor,
57:39 and then jot down the message you wish to send.
57:42 If you have a prayer request,
57:43 click on those words or call our toll-free number:
57:46 1-877-HIS-WILL and I promise you,
57:50 that our prayer partners will lift your personal need to God,
57:53 because nobody should have to journey alone.
57:55 Not only do we have Jesus, but we also have each other.
57:58 So, write me, won't you, at
58:03 In the mean time we have God who is mercy
58:05 continually runs after us,
58:07 be with you 24/7 every step of the way.
58:11 I'll see you again right here, next time.


Revised 2016-03-28