New Perceptions

Shun It Like The Plague

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP032809

00:27 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
00:33 And I can't feet at home.
00:34 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
00:43 Amen, God has given us
00:45 so many blessings, hasn't He?
00:47 Amen. I'm just--
00:49 I feel so blessed with all the things
00:51 that God has given me and the next hymn
00:53 that we sing, Daniel Whittle,
00:56 he recognized that.
00:57 He recognized the many blessing
00:59 that God had given him
01:00 but he was desirous of more.
01:02 He wanted the showers of blessing
01:04 would be poured out upon him.
01:06 He recognized they were those little ones.
01:08 And please God, give me more.
01:28 There shall be showers of blessing
01:32 This is the promise of love
01:36 There shall be seasons refreshing
01:41 Sent from the Savior above
01:45 Showers of blessing
01:50 Showers of blessing we need
01:54 Mercy drops round us are falling
01:59 But for the showers we plead
02:05 There shall be showers of blessing
02:09 Precious reviving again
02:14 Over the hills and the valleys
02:18 Sound of abundance of rain
02:23 Showers of blessing
02:27 Showers of blessing we need
02:32 Mercy drops round us are falling
02:36 But for the showers we plead
02:43 There shall be showers of blessing
02:47 Oh that today they might fall
02:52 Now as to God we're confessing
02:56 Now as on Jesus we call
03:00 Showers of blessing
03:05 Showers of blessing we need
03:10 Mercy drops round us are falling
03:14 But for the showers we plead
03:19 Mercy drops round us are falling
03:25 But for the showers we plead
03:34 Amen.
03:36 We've experienced those blessings,
03:39 the thought of missing them
03:43 is more than we can bear, isn't it.
03:55 Pass me not
03:58 O gentle Savior
04:04 Hear my humble cry
04:13 While on others Thou art calling
04:23 Do not pass me by
04:32 Savior, Savior
04:41 Hear my humble cry
04:50 While on others Thou art calling
04:59 Do not pass me by
05:08 Let me at Thy throne of mercy
05:17 Find a sweet relief
05:26 Kneeling there in deep contrition
05:35 Help my unbelief
05:44 Savior, Savior
05:53 Hear my humble cry
06:02 While on others Thou art calling
06:11 Do not pass me by
06:20 Savior, Savior
06:29 Hear my humble cry
06:38 While on others Thou art calling
06:47 Do not pass me by
06:56 Thou, the spring of all my comfort
07:05 More than life to me
07:15 Whom have I on earth beside Thee
07:24 Whom in Heaven but Thee?
07:34 Savior, Savior
07:43 Hear my humble cry
07:52 While on others Thou art calling
08:01 Do not pass me by
08:20 He is marvelous! Jesus is wonderful!
08:23 Give Him glory! Shout to the Lord an' proclaim
08:27 He is marvelous!
08:29 Oh, so wonderful!
08:30 Give Him the glory an' praise
08:33 Oh, yes, He is marvelous! Jesus is wonderful!
08:38 Give Him the glory! Shout to the Lord an' proclaim
08:42 He is marvelous!
08:43 Oh, so wonderful!
08:45 Give Him the glory an' praise
08:48 Oh, yes, He is marvelous! Jesus is wonderful!
08:53 Give Him the glory! Shout to the Lord an' proclaim
08:57 He is marvelous!
08:59 Oh, so wonderful!
09:01 Give Him the glory an' praise
09:03 For He is the only Lord of all He shall
09:06 He is, He is Lord of Lords
09:10 He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:12 He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:16 Yes, He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:20 Yes, He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:25 He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:27 He is King of King Lord of Lords
09:39 He is marvelous!
09:40 Jesus is wonderful!
09:42 Give Him glory! Shout to the Lord an' proclaim
09:46 He is marvelous!
09:48 Oh, so wonderful!
09:50 He is marvelous! Oh, so wonderful!
09:54 He is marvelous!
09:55 Oh, so wonderful! Oh, so wonderful!
09:59 Give Him the glory an' praise
10:03 He is marvelous!
10:06 He is marvelous! Jesus is wonderful!
10:10 He is marvelous! He is marvelous!
10:16 Jesus is wonderful!
10:18 He is marvelous! He is marvelous!
10:24 Jesus is wonderful!
10:26 He is marvelous! He is marvelous!
10:32 Jesus is wonderful!
10:34 He is marvelous! He is marvelous!
10:40 Jesus is wonderful!
10:42 He is marvelous! He is marvelous!
10:48 Jesus is wonderful!
10:51 Oh, so, wonderful!
10:53 He is marvelous!
10:55 Oh, so, wonderful!
10:57 He is marvelous!
10:59 Oh, so, wonderful! Oh, so, wonderful!
11:03 Give Him the glory an' praise
11:06 Amen.
11:12 "I'm not saying this because I'm in need,
11:18 and I know what it is to have plenty.
11:22 I have learned the secret of being content
11:25 in any and every situation.
11:29 Whether, well fed or hungry.
11:32 Whether living in plenty or in want.
11:36 I can do all of this through him
11:39 who gives me strength."
11:45 We begin a new mini series today
11:47 "Four Secrets to Surviving
11:51 the Coming Economic Earthquake."
11:55 Secret number One, Shun It Like The Plague.
12:00 Let's pray.
12:05 Oh, God, You are marvelous.
12:08 You are wonderful. This is Your world.
12:13 Creator Father and Savior, we know what's up.
12:19 We feel it, we sense it in our soul of souls.
12:24 How do we survive this?
12:26 With hope, with courage
12:29 let today's teaching bring both to us.
12:32 We pray in Christ name, amen.
12:40 Has it astounded you?
12:44 Probably gonna get into bit of high provably here
12:49 but has it blown you out of the water as it has me.
12:56 Ever since, our world and our nation
12:59 last fall moved into this current economic crisis
13:02 I am absolutely astounded
13:05 at how we have overnight become so comfortable
13:10 with numbers that are humongous.
13:14 I mean a trillion, a trillion dollars.
13:18 Do you know how much a million dollars is?
13:22 If we took a stack of one thousand dollar bills--
13:25 and by the way President Nixon
13:28 pulled amount of circulation back in 1969
13:31 to avoid counterfeiting big denominations.
13:33 But if we still had the thousand dollar bill
13:36 and we stacked them tight to get a million dollars
13:39 how high do you think that stack would be?
13:44 Four inches.
13:46 I will be happy for a stack of four inches, wouldn't you.
13:49 Absolutely.
13:50 How about a billion dollars?
13:51 If you stacked a billion dollars
13:53 how high would those thousand dollar bills go?
13:59 Three hundred feet.
14:01 Yeah, this is 50 feet to the top of this sanctuary.
14:04 So six times this height you get a billion dollars,
14:07 a stack of billion dollars, 300 feet.
14:10 And if you took those same thousand dollars bills
14:13 and stack them to equal a trillion dollars,
14:18 how high would that stack be?
14:20 Nearly 63 miles high.
14:27 Now do you know how much the government of the United States
14:33 is in debt for right now?
14:37 Do you know? We're gonna find out.
14:38 Let's turn these big screens into a desktop computer screen
14:42 let's put that internet browser up there.
14:45 And you may want to jot this down
14:47 this website
14:56 and let's find out to the very penny to the very second
15:00 what our national debt is right now.
15:04 Now let's enlarge just so that we can also see it.
15:06 Yeah, there we go okay.
15:07 Can you read that number?
15:10 Let's read that number out loud together.
15:13 Eleven trillion, fifty two billion,
15:17 eight hundred seventeen million,
15:20 sixty six thousand,
15:22 nine hundred and sixty two dollars
15:25 and three cents.
15:27 Now, can you? Hey, hey, hey hold it.
15:29 Can you read what's below?
15:31 Given our population we're about 305 million
15:34 the national debt has continued to increase,
15:37 I left out that part,
15:38 each citizen's share of this debt is $36,000.
15:42 Our debt now increases $3.74 billion
15:46 every 24 hours since September 28, 2007.
15:52 You know, how high that stack would be
15:54 if we stacked our national debt?
15:57 It would stack up past the international space station
16:01 three times, 699 miles.
16:06 Ladies and gentlemen, we're in debt.
16:10 But hold on that's not all the debt,
16:13 that's just the federal government.
16:15 Let's take the entire American debt,
16:17 all right that would be Federal Government
16:18 that would be state and local government,
16:21 let's take our business debt,
16:22 let's take our personal debt, all student loans,
16:25 all credit cards, all house mortgages.
16:29 The debt for America alone on this planet right now--
16:32 put it on the screen please $57,000,000,000,000.
16:38 Houston we have a problem, a massive problem.
16:45 It's no wonder that debt has become
16:47 a painful four letter word in the America vocabulary.
16:52 Hey, listen, I know the moment
16:55 I say the word debt our stomachs begin to twist
17:00 and not with this awful sense of hopelessness.
17:08 Almost everybody in this building
17:11 right now knows the meaning of that twist.
17:17 I was talking with the friend of mine this week.
17:22 Do you know what, he could care a hill of beans
17:31 about the national debt?
17:33 What is giving his family such angst today
17:39 is the amounting of personal debt.
17:42 It is choking out their hope.
17:49 Is there any hope for the likes of you and me?
17:51 I believe there is.
17:52 I believe there are four secrets
17:55 to surviving the coming economic earthquake.
17:58 You'll say, "hey, wait a minute.
17:59 Dwight, what you mean coming of economic earthquake."
18:01 Haven't you heard?
18:02 We got politicians in Washington
18:04 now that have come up with all new strategy
18:07 that will kick start this economy
18:09 and we're soon gonna be humming
18:10 on our way once again.
18:13 Are you serious?
18:15 Is there a doctor in the house
18:18 because we need the doctor to stand up here and tell us
18:20 how is it that an artery clogs.
18:25 We need a physician to remind us
18:27 that it always happens imperceptibly
18:30 plague upon plague,
18:32 fatty deposit upon fatty deposit
18:34 until finally that constricted artery
18:37 goes thicker and thicker and thicker
18:40 until it is totally obstructed and you get a massive
18:45 catastrophic fatal cardiac event called death,
18:53 in case you didn't know.
18:59 Ladies and gentlemen,
19:00 that is what our national debt is doing to us today.
19:04 And you keep throwing billions of dollars at it.
19:06 You can keep throwing trillions of dollars
19:08 but every time you throw another fistful
19:10 there goes that artery tighter and tighter.
19:13 Some of you have been fooled
19:14 and for a while I was too into thinking
19:16 that if we track the stock market
19:18 we'll know the fortunes of our future.
19:20 The stock market is not telling us the condition.
19:26 We're headed for a massive catastrophic economic event.
19:34 We don't know when but we do know where.
19:38 God bless America land of the freely indebted.
19:44 That's where it's coming. So how can we?
19:47 I'm not, I'm not gonna preach to the nation today.
19:49 Here's a question, how can we, you and I--
19:52 by the way however a pray for our leaders.
19:58 I'm praying to God for every one of those politicians
20:02 that they'll have the discernment
20:06 to make the decisions we need to keep this door open
20:09 just a little longer for the Gospel
20:11 to go to all the world.
20:12 That's what I'm praying for.
20:14 Okay, how you voted this fall? You pray, you pray.
20:18 And I don't care about the nation
20:19 right now I'm thinking about you and me,
20:20 average individual, average little people before God.
20:23 How shall we survive this coming catastrophic event?
20:28 Four secrets, four secrets
20:30 I want to share with you over four weeks
20:32 to infuse hope and courage into us
20:36 in the phase of the coming economic earthquake.
20:38 And we begin right now, secret number one.
20:41 Open your Bible please to the Book of Proverbs,
20:42 Old Testament.
20:44 Go to the Book of Proverbs. Please, Proverbs 22.
20:46 We'll take one line from the Old Testament
20:48 one line from the New Testament.
20:50 You didn't bring your Bible?
20:51 Oh boy, grab that pew Bible in front of you, please.
20:55 Proverbs 22 take a look at this.
20:59 Grab the pew Bible it will page 442.
21:02 The pew Bible would be the New King James Version.
21:04 I have that today is New International Version here.
21:08 That's what you'll be seeing on the screen.
21:10 Proverbs 22, Proverbs 22:7.
21:16 The wisest man on earth wrote these words,
21:18 "The rich rule over the poor."
21:21 Well, nobody needed in Proverb to figure that one out.
21:24 Don't read it now but in my blog,
21:25 in the bulletin today on our website
21:27 which is coming up on just a moment.
21:28 In my blog, New York Times reported it today
21:32 "In the midst of this global economic meltdown
21:35 that hedge fund managers have been able to hold
21:41 their own the great flourishing style."
21:43 Look at the billions-- the top 25 have each earned.
21:50 "The rich" we need Proverb to figure this out.
21:52 "The rich rule over the poor."
21:53 But here comes the line
21:54 "And the borrower is slave to the lender."
22:00 And you already knew that, didn't you?
22:02 Yeah, the moment you owe you're slave to whoever it is,
22:06 to whatever it is you owe.
22:08 All right, let's not--
22:10 let just the Old Testament speak to us.
22:11 So let's go to the New Testament.
22:12 Put another line there Book of Romans 13, page 765.
22:20 Romans 13 it is the New Testament.
22:24 We're trying to find out secret number one.
22:26 Here is the New Testament Word for us.
22:28 Romans Chapter 13 lets begin in verse 7.
22:31 Paul writing "Give to everyone what you owe.
22:34 If you owe taxes, pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue,
22:36 if respect, then respect, if honor, then honor."
22:39 Now hold on because its verse 8.
22:41 "Let no debt remain outstanding,
22:45 except the continuing debt to love one another,
22:48 for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law."
22:53 There it is ladies and gentlemen,
22:54 secret number one.
22:55 I tell you, hands down.
22:57 Any wise financial counselor
22:58 that I know from the Late Larry Burkett
23:00 to the popular David Ramsey
23:02 they're univocal, they speak in one voice.
23:06 This is the secret.
23:08 This secret is so critical I need you to pull please
23:10 your pull out your study guide from today's worship bulletin,
23:13 brand new study guide, for a new mini series.
23:16 You're gonna want this study guide.
23:17 If you didn't get a bulletin, hold your hand up
23:19 our friendly ushers will come by your way right now.
23:22 All the way to the balcony and overflow as well.
23:26 Two very important lists that you will want to have.
23:30 So hold your hand up
23:31 we'll get the study guide to you.
23:32 And we're delighted to have those of you
23:33 who are watching right now on television
23:35 hope you'll be able to join us for the entire mini series.
23:38 Let me put our website on the screen for you
23:40 and you can go and get this identical study guide,
23:43 www.pmchurch, there you see it now,
23:47, Pioneer Memorial,
23:54 You're looking for the new mini series.
23:55 Four Secrets to Surviving the Coming Economic Earthquake.
23:59 This is teaching number one.
24:00 Secret number one, Shun It Like the Plague.
24:04 When you get the secret number one
24:05 it will say study guide,
24:06 click on study guide it'll be on you screen,
24:08 you can print it off, fill it in right there
24:11 and be a part of this.
24:14 Everybody have a study guide.
24:15 All right let's go, secret number one.
24:18 We'll call the Secret number 1-A.
24:19 Get out of debt, all right. Write that down.
24:23 It's a no brainer. Get out of debt.
24:25 You're saying "Dwight, what kind of debt?"
24:26 Write it down, all debt-- all debt.
24:30 There are two kinds of debt.
24:31 I want to spend a few moments
24:33 reflecting over with you right now.
24:36 Number 1, credit card debt.
24:37 Write that down, credit card debt.
24:40 Have you ever seen a grown man cry?
24:43 No-- I had a university student
24:46 in my office here in the Pioneer Memorial Church.
24:48 He shared with me the painful story
24:50 of how his parents before he came off
24:51 to Andrews University
24:53 gave him a credit card in their name.
24:57 And they said "Son, you understand now
24:59 use this only in emergencies."
25:06 Do you know how easy it is though
25:08 to type in those numbers
25:09 when you're online into that little box
25:11 that asks for the number just go ahead
25:13 and type them on in, just type the umbers on in
25:15 and then there's another box that says "submit"
25:17 and you can get a shopping cart
25:19 filled with the most glorious trinkets and treasures
25:24 you've ever seen in your life-- $50,000.
25:33 One study shows that 25% of college students graduate
25:38 with $5,000 as their credit card debt
25:40 when they get out of school $5,000.
25:43 Okay, we want to get out of credit card
25:45 because I'm not, it isn't, trust me,
25:47 it's not only college kids who are worried about
25:49 credit card debt it's all of us.
25:51 You want to get out of credit card debt
25:52 I have called from financial counsels
25:54 here are six, jot them down six principles.
25:57 Six strategies to help you get out the credit card debt.
25:59 Number 1, jot it down.
26:00 "Perform what David Ramsey calls a 'plasectomy.'"
26:05 Put quotation box around it.
26:07 Plasectomy, cut up the plastic in your life.
26:11 Financial counselors to the men and women agree
26:14 the only way to eliminate credit card debt is to quit
26:16 using your credit cards, cash only please.
26:22 David Ramsey-- now fill this out, this is fascinating.
26:25 "There is NO."
26:26 Now those who are his caps put on the screen please.
26:29 "There is NO positive side to credit card use.
26:33 You will spend 12-18% more
26:36 if you use credit cards instead of cash."
26:39 Now look you see somebody would saying listen,
26:42 "I'm paying my credit card off every single months.
26:44 It's not a problem.
26:45 I don't have any credit card debt."
26:47 Ah, good for you by the way
26:49 but the very fact that when you going on to Wal-Mart
26:52 and you're not putting three $20 bills on the counter
26:55 but you're reaching into that wall
26:57 putting the piece of plastic
27:00 means you will spend 12-18% more
27:03 because it never hurts to use this.
27:05 It kills me to put down a single $20
27:08 but three of those green things.
27:10 Are you sure I need these?
27:15 That's his point.
27:17 Oh, but I thought pastor, I thought we had to
27:19 you know be able to do stuff online and rent a car.
27:21 Oh, keep reading.
27:22 "I suggest" Ramsey goes on "a debit card
27:25 because it's right straight at your cash pile.
27:28 If you have to use plastic I suggest a debit card.
27:31 I use them for travel and the occasional convenience
27:34 of ordering something over the internet or phone.
27:36 Other than that I use cash."
27:40 All right here comes Number 2, principle number 2,
27:42 secret number 2 getting rid of credit card debt
27:45 "Always pay more than the minimum."
27:48 Keep writing, keep writing
27:49 "credit card companies are loan sharks."
27:53 Trust me.
27:55 Their minimum payment is designed
27:57 to keep you in their debt
27:59 for ever paying astronomical interest in the process.
28:03 And by the way with this current meltdown
28:04 guess what's happening
28:05 they're quietly jacking up the rate.
28:07 And if you're not reading the small print
28:09 you're paying more and more and more
28:12 and you don't even know it.
28:14 You'll never get it out of with minimum payment, please.
28:17 Number 3, "Pay off your credit cards
28:18 beginning with the lowest balance
28:21 in order to experience success as soon as possible."
28:25 Somebody will say well, I want to get rid
28:26 of the big one first.
28:27 No, no, no, start with your smallest credit card
28:30 because you got to feel like you're doing something.
28:32 Start with the smallest that's good counsel.
28:35 You can do it. Yep, you can do it.
28:37 Number 4, "Reduce the interest rate."
28:39 The Motley Fool that's the website
28:43 notes that credit card companies are so eager
28:46 to have your business
28:48 they will negotiate the rates just you keep you coming.
28:51 Call their toll free number and say "I want to lower rate.
28:55 I'm gonna pay this off
28:56 and get another credit card with somebody else."
28:58 Boy, you'll get it just like that.
29:00 James 4:2, "You have not because you ask not."
29:04 A lot of stuff in life you can get if you just ask.
29:07 No, I'm being-- this is about life in general just ask,
29:10 just ask people, you'll be surprised what you can get.
29:13 All right, secret number 5 for credit card debt
29:16 "Beware that debt settlement companies."
29:18 Ramsey describes these people
29:21 the majority of them as hugely unethical.
29:24 They require their fees upfront which will soak you.
29:26 They tell you, they tell you to quit paying all your bills
29:29 which just ruin your credit report.
29:31 They don't answer the phone when you call.
29:32 The Federal Trade Commission
29:33 gets a heavy volume of complaints from consumers
29:36 over these organizations, don't do it.
29:37 Call the credit card company up yourself.
29:40 They got a toll free number.
29:41 Call them and say I got it-- we got to do something here.
29:44 They are eager to hang on to you
29:48 and they will make the adjustment.
29:49 By the way I was talking to somebody this last week
29:51 who told me that he heard an NPR Report
29:56 on these payday storefronts
29:58 you know they have in downtowns all over America.
30:01 It's a big payday.
30:03 Stay away from them, they'll eat you alive.
30:05 Don't ever go to them.
30:06 And finally, Number 6 credit card debt
30:08 talk to somebody please.
30:11 Here's our James Scurlock in this eye opening book
30:14 "Maxed Out" puts it.
30:16 You'll have it there in your study guide.
30:17 "Maybe it's because of what David Ramsey
30:19 calls the intense shame"
30:21 write that in "the intense shame
30:23 that everybody feels about debt the false certainty
30:26 that everybody has it together."
30:27 Everybody else has got it together but me.
30:31 People don't know maybe that's why
30:34 or maybe it's what Bob the Debtors Anonymous member
30:36 I interviewed, told me
30:37 "debt is simply not a socially acceptable topic,
30:40 one can talk about one's sex life
30:42 or even one's drug addiction as thought it were fashionable
30:45 but owning up to one's financial troubles
30:47 means being ostracized from the world
30:49 of polite conversation."
30:52 Ladies and gentlemen,
30:53 we're gonna have to get over the shame
30:56 and we're gonna have to talk about it.
30:58 Talk to somebody please. Don't suffer alone.
31:00 There is help.
31:03 The economic crisis we're in right now
31:05 by the way has turned both poppers
31:07 and millionaires into debtors.
31:10 If misery loves company you got a lot of company now.
31:12 Talk about it.
31:14 In fact, jot that down "It's the first step to help."
31:17 Here's the toll free number call the National Council
31:20 for Consumer Credit at 800-388-2227,
31:25 say, "I need help."
31:28 Financial counselor at Todd Washburn, I like this.
31:30 "It is in everybody's best interest
31:33 for you to be able to pay your bills."
31:35 Pay it off, get it off your credit record.
31:37 Just get it off. Pay it off.
31:40 Talk to somebody.
31:41 And by the way,
31:42 there are nonprofit financial counseling services
31:45 and they generally work on a sliding fee scale
31:48 that means whatever your little income is
31:51 they'll adjust it.
31:52 They want to help you. Just talk to somebody.
31:55 Don't suffer alone. You can do it.
31:59 There's help on our way.
32:00 And by the way, if you live here in Michigan
32:04 I have got some great news for you.
32:05 Listen, to this April 23, jot this down.
32:08 April 23, Thursday evening 8 o'clock eastern time
32:13 we're going to have him live coast to coast
32:16 and we're hosting him Dave Ramsey "Live!"
32:19 Right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church.
32:21 Go on his website we're already registered
32:23 as a host church, the host site.
32:27 You got to come
32:28 because Ramsey is gonna tackle the economy
32:30 as it is right now
32:31 and he's gonna offer some practical help,
32:33 how to get through this thing, how to survive?
32:36 Either I have to watch your calling right now.
32:38 Jot that down. April 23, Thursday 8 p.m.,
32:41 you're watching here in Michigan,
32:42 you can make the long drive come on up here,
32:45 come on up to Andrews University,
32:46 Pioneer Memorial Church we'll host this for you.
32:48 One hour, live, emailed in questions
32:51 the whole nine yards it's gonna be,
32:53 it's gonna be a very informative
32:55 and I believe helpful evening, April 23 Thursday.
32:59 So that is ladies and gentlemen,
33:00 secret number one, get out of debt.
33:02 What kind of debt? All debt?
33:03 Credit card debt.
33:05 Let's do one more kind of debt student loan debt.
33:11 Two weeks ago let me hold this up.
33:14 Two weeks ago there's very informative
33:16 piece appeared in the Adventist Review
33:18 entitled "College Loan Crash Course."
33:20 How do avoid accumulating debt in and out of school,
33:23 written by graduate Alita Byrd not a graduate from here.
33:29 There is some good stuff in here.
33:30 Let me read her opening story.
33:32 "Sarah, not her real name
33:34 graduated from an Adventist college,
33:36 got a master's degree, and then went to medical school
33:38 at Loma Linda University in California.
33:40 She took out loans to pay for her education,
33:42 living expenses, and books, and she estimates
33:45 that she is now $300,000 in student loan debt.
33:49 "I don't think" she says "I will ever have it paid off."
33:52 If you think about it $300,000 she gone as it's like a house,
33:55 for a house, people usually get a 30-year mortgage,
33:58 and in 30 years I will be close to retirement.
34:02 She counsels Sarah does students to think hard
34:04 about their futures before starting graduate school.
34:06 "Don't start grad school" she says,
34:08 "without knowing your job in the end
34:10 will support the cost of your education."
34:12 She goes on "and don't" listen now this community
34:16 "don't go back to school
34:18 because you can't find a job or your board."
34:22 It's not worth it. It's not worth it.
34:25 Five secrets, she is got it here.
34:28 I'm sharing with you.
34:29 Five secrets for getting out of debt,
34:31 student life student loan debt.
34:35 Jot it down, Number 1
34:36 "Don't pay more than you have to for college."
34:39 That means shop around.
34:42 Everybody in the finance department
34:43 at Andrews University it just sat up ram on straight.
34:49 What do you mean shop around, Dwight?
34:52 Okay, 85% of Adventist college students
34:56 have to receive financial assistance, okay.
35:01 Now I like this she quotes Vicki Thompson
35:03 our own Vicki Thompson
35:05 who is she is associate director
35:07 of student finance at Andrews University.
35:09 So here is what Vicki is saying
35:10 listen to this, this is practical.
35:12 If you need to start
35:14 the financial application process early,
35:16 if you're a senior in high school
35:17 we got some seniors here.
35:18 If you're senior in high school start it now.
35:20 File for FAFSA
35:22 that's Free Application for Student Aid.
35:24 My daughter is going to college so she files for FAFSA
35:28 it incredible government assistance.
35:31 Go for grants and scholarships to the max
35:33 and please pursue active employment on campus
35:36 and through the summer.
35:37 Some people get so many student loans
35:38 they say, "listen, I don't have to work.
35:40 I got loans."
35:41 No, you're crazy work here and then work in the summer.
35:44 Don't go that far into debt.
35:46 You can control the amount of debt you embrace, all right.
35:49 Number 2, jot it down please "Live within your means."
35:54 Well, that makes sense.
35:58 This article points out a lot of kids think
36:02 living within my means,
36:03 means I need to live like mom and dad now live.
36:06 The counselors "don't live like your parents do now.
36:10 You're not there yet."
36:11 Trust me when they were your age
36:13 they weren't living like this
36:15 and especially when you came along.
36:20 "Live within your means." Start out small.
36:26 Number 3, "Prioritize your debt."
36:29 That's good.
36:30 You know, what she is suggesting?
36:32 She is saying listen pay off your credit cards first
36:35 because it's high interest debt.
36:36 Get rid of the high interest.
36:38 In fact, she points out you know your student loan
36:40 is probably one of the lowest interest rates
36:42 in the nation right now.
36:43 Save the student loan for last
36:46 because you need to payoff what's eating you.
36:48 It's the highest stuff. And that makes sense.
36:51 And by the way she says don't even start to saving yet.
36:54 Payoff the high debt first
36:55 because you know savings account
36:57 now the interest is so low.
36:59 You got a higher interest on your debt
37:00 than the savings do the debt first
37:03 then end up with the savings.
37:04 Good counsel.
37:05 So that's Number 3, "Prioritize your debt."
37:07 Number 4, "Avoid impulse purchases save before you buy."
37:12 And here is what she's thinking.
37:13 Okay, so you just have to have something.
37:15 You know you start a little home
37:16 and you gonna have to have something there.
37:19 So what she recommends is take the amount of payment
37:24 that would cost you, a monthly payment,
37:26 try it for a few months.
37:28 Just take it out of your budget put it away see,
37:30 if you can survive with the $100 less a month
37:33 on my present income.
37:34 If you can still survive, yes, if you can hold off.
37:37 You don't have to have what you think
37:38 you have to have all the time.
37:41 That's the point.
37:42 And finally Number 5,
37:43 we have already talked about this.
37:44 She says "Use your credit card wisely.
37:47 It is not a tool." I like this.
37:49 "It is not a tool to buy things you can't afford."
37:54 It's not what is four.
37:55 Bottom line, "A good education is an investment
37:58 you will reap for the rest of your life.
38:00 Just don't spend the rest of your life paying it off."
38:05 And there it is ladies and gentlemen,
38:06 secret number one, get out of debt.
38:09 Credit card debt, student loan debt,
38:10 auto loan debt, home mortgage debt,
38:14 medical expenses debt it doesn't matter
38:16 how the debt was incurred just get out of that debt.
38:22 Proverbs 22:7 write it in this time
38:24 "The borrower is slave to the lender."
38:28 And in Romans 13:8,
38:29 "Let no debt remain outstanding."
38:32 Now I like that because the Old King James
38:34 rendered it this way.
38:35 "Owe no man anything."
38:37 Hey, come on that impractical.
38:38 We're all gonna incur debt somewhere along the way.
38:41 But I like the way that TNIV puts it.
38:43 Don't let that debt remain outstanding on and on and on.
38:46 Just stop it, just get it over with.
38:48 And don't forget April 23,
38:49 you're living in this region April 23, Dave Ramsey live.
38:53 Hey, but give me, a give me a 1-B on this one.
38:55 Secret 1-B-- 1-A get out to debt,
39:00 1-B stay out of debt.
39:02 Write that in please "Stay out of debt."
39:03 And by the way keep your pen moving.
39:05 "The best way to do that is to quit looking at the ads."
39:10 Quit looking at them.
39:12 I want to listen to a very bright advertising executive.
39:14 In fact, he was president
39:16 of one of the top advertising agencies
39:18 in the US in San Francisco, Freeman, Mander and Gossage.
39:21 This is Jerry Mander, former president.
39:25 Listen to this you got it in your study guide
39:27 "Advertising exists only to purvey
39:29 what people don't need."
39:32 This is so true?
39:33 "Whatever people do need
39:36 they will find without advertising."
39:39 Hey, listen, when I get hungry
39:40 do I have to turn to TV and I say
39:42 what do I do of this hungry?
39:44 Oh, what shall I do? Television, tell me please.
39:49 When I'm cold do I get a magazine and say
39:52 what I do now.
39:53 No, I know you just put a coat on that's all you do.
39:56 When I'm sick do I need a television
39:59 and tell me to get Kleenex.
40:00 Are you kidding?
40:01 If I'm sick I can blow my nose in my hand if I want to.
40:05 I don't have to go to where they say I have to go.
40:09 That's the whole point,
40:10 ladies and gentlemen, of advertising.
40:12 It makes you want what you don't need
40:16 because if you needed it you've gotten it.
40:19 You get it.
40:22 All right, so Mander goes on.
40:23 "The goal of advertising
40:24 is discontent or, to put it another way,
40:27 and internal scarcity of contentment."
40:31 Well, I like that.
40:32 The whole point is getting me to buy
40:34 what I don't need to buy.
40:35 I just got to have that iPhone slung on my hip.
40:37 I got to have that iPhone.
40:39 I just got to wear those Abercrombie and Fitch jeans
40:42 well, I'm not well dressed.
40:44 Who comes up with this stuff?
40:49 And so we buy what we don't need.
40:52 We charge today what we will want tomorrow
40:55 we go into debt only to stay discontented.
41:00 But we're paying too high far too higher price
41:04 for the more that no longer seems like much.
41:10 So how, how do I free myself?
41:15 How do I release myself
41:16 from the hypnotic chant of Madison Avenue?
41:20 How do I pull away. Here it is.
41:23 We began with these words I read them in your hearing.
41:25 Let's go back there we'll end there
41:26 Philippians Chapter 4.
41:28 Go to Philippians 4.
41:31 Listen to this it, this, this is it, here it is.
41:34 Philippians Chapter 4, pick it up in verse 11.
41:39 Philippians 4-- by the way Paul is in prison.
41:43 Okay, he is in jail.
41:46 He is in dungeon as he is writing this.
41:48 Philippians Chapter 4 let's pick it up in verse 11.
41:54 Paul writing, "I'm not saying this because I'm in need,
41:58 for I have learned
42:01 to be content whatever the circumstances."
42:06 Verse 12, "I know what it is to be in need,
42:09 and I know what it is to have plenty.
42:10 I have learned the secret of being content
42:13 in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,
42:17 whether living in plenty or in want."
42:20 Verse 19 now.
42:23 "And so my God will meet all your needs
42:29 according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."
42:37 There it is ladies and gentlemen,
42:38 the secret to staying out of debt.
42:41 The secret to staying out of debt
42:44 is an attitude of contentment.
42:47 Would you write that down please?
42:48 "I have learned the secret of being content."
42:54 You see contentment is a quite state of mind
42:58 based upon a simple way of life.
43:06 Please come visit Karen and me any time you wish
43:08 but when you come to visit us
43:09 don't ask to see our garage, please.
43:15 Is this true the amount of storage space
43:18 in your home is inversely proportional
43:20 to the length of time you've spent in that home.
43:27 Maybe we're just materialistic packrats
43:31 but the stuff we had to have
43:35 is not a stuff we have to store.
43:39 We must open up a store
43:40 that's what we ought to do, contentment.
43:44 Contentment is a quite state of mind
43:48 based upon a simple way of life.
43:51 It will keep you out of debt.
43:53 Either some of you have got out of debt
43:55 over and over and over again.
43:58 It's time to say no more. I don't need that bigger house.
44:04 I don't need that new car. I don't need that wardrobe.
44:09 I don't need that toy. Stay out of debts.
44:13 Contentment is a quite state of mind
44:17 based upon a simple way of life.
44:21 Paul was not Zen Buddhist.
44:24 Paul is a radical follower of Jesus Christ
44:27 and he learned what matters most.
44:30 What matters most for me
44:32 is that I will be contented with whatever I have be it much
44:35 or little and his promise
44:37 my God will fill all your needs according to his riches
44:43 in Christ Jesus is our promise too.
44:46 You see when you reduce your wants--
44:48 and by the way notice what he says.
44:50 My God will supply all your needs.
44:53 It is every wish you have every desire
44:55 and longing of your heart God will fill, never.
44:59 My God will fill all your needs.
45:02 Contentment is a quite state of mind
45:07 that is the fruit of a simple way of life.
45:12 You don't need it,
45:13 you don't have to have all of that.
45:16 Get out of debt. Stay out of debt.
45:19 And finally let's just slip this in, "Live out of debt."
45:25 I live out of a sense of indebtedness to whom?
45:30 P.T. Forsyth,
45:31 the New Testament theologian from last century
45:33 once wrote that the most common emotion expressed
45:36 in the New Testament is a sense of indebtedness.
45:42 That's the most common emotion in the New Testament.
45:44 Somebody has paid off my debt in full
45:48 and I'm free now forever and ever, amen.
45:53 That's good debt.
45:54 There is no other such debt called good.
45:58 They'll fool you if you think there is.
46:00 There is only one good debt in the universe
46:03 and that's debt to Him.
46:05 Oh, boy, I love this from Desire of Ages, fill it in.
46:07 And the gift of Christ-- look at this,
46:09 look what God has done for us.
46:10 "The whole treasury" isn't this some,
46:13 can you believe this?
46:14 "The whole treasury of heaven
46:16 is open to those God seeks to save.
46:19 Having collected the riches of the universe,
46:24 and laid open the resources of infinite power.
46:27 God gives them all into the hands of Christ
46:29 and he says all these are for man and women
46:31 use these gifts to convince them
46:33 that there is no love greater than Mine in earth or heaven.
46:36 Their greatest happiness will be found in loving Me."
46:42 Ladies and gentlemen, everything in the universe
46:45 was poured out in Lord's gift at Calvary.
46:50 You got it all.
46:51 Already you already have it all.
46:56 So you and I can now live.
46:57 I'm telling you we can live with a genuine spirit of joy
47:02 and gratitude for being indebted
47:04 to Him forever and ever.
47:06 Good debt. Great God.
47:10 Glorious cross.
47:13 Get out of debt. Stay out of debt.
47:19 Live out of debt and through it all.
47:21 I promise you, I promise you God will take care of you.
47:28 Yes, He will. He'll take care of it.
47:29 So I was jogging the other day indoors,
47:33 it was wet I couldn't run outside.
47:36 Our treadmill is downstairs faces the window.
47:40 And on that great morning
47:41 and I'm looking out at this leafless apple tree
47:46 and I'm working through in my mind
47:48 as I'm running on that treadmill
47:49 brooding over some difficult circumstances
47:51 and wrestling with God over
47:54 how this is all going to turn out
47:56 and you know how it works.
47:58 If you brood over something long enough
48:00 it just gets heavier, heavier and heavier.
48:05 And suddenly out of nowhere to blue jays
48:11 land one of those rain dripping branches.
48:16 And I'm staring at them as I run.
48:21 They hop from branch to branch until they were both facing me.
48:27 I'm as if they were saying hey boy,
48:30 look at us for a moment and I did.
48:35 I looked at them even in the grey light of that
48:37 early hour the translucent blue
48:40 streak glow in the rain.
48:45 I'm looking at them and I'm saying
48:46 hey, wait a minute.
48:49 Are they worried about some, did they look anxious?
48:58 Hey, wait a minute,
49:00 didn't the God who created them
49:05 isn't He my heavenly Father as well.
49:07 Do they have to sow and reap
49:09 and find barns to store their food?
49:11 No, and if they can trust my heavenly Father
49:17 can't I trust Him even more.
49:21 Because am I not more valuable than two little blue jays.
49:29 And that they flew away
49:33 but not before God made His point.
49:37 Hey, my God,
49:41 my God will fill all your needs
49:46 according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
49:50 I need to tell you my friend, God, I promise you
49:55 God will take care of you.
50:03 God will take care of you
50:07 through every day or all the way.
50:10 He will take care of you. God will take care of you.
50:16 I realize that some of you here today
50:21 are facing daunting debt.
50:30 Some of you are out of work right now.
50:37 Like the national debt your debt is mounting.
50:43 Some of you own a business
50:45 that is on the brink of bankruptcy.
50:50 Some of you are seniors facing graduation
50:54 in just a few weeks
50:56 without the prospect of any work at all.
51:01 Some of you have mounting medical expenses
51:05 and they just keep getting and higher and higher.
51:07 Some of you-- your life feels like it's out of control.
51:13 My God will fill all your needs
51:19 according to his riches in Christ Jesus.
51:22 I promise you, trust Him
51:25 and God will take care of you.
51:30 Right now I want you please
51:34 to listen to the people on either side of you
51:37 they are gonna minister to you right now, they will.
51:40 Listen to what they're saying.
51:43 They are gonna speak words of hope and courage to you
51:46 as they sing that old,
51:48 old gospel hymn "God Will Take Care of You."
51:52 As they sing, now seriously, listen, listen, as they sing
51:56 you listen to them they're signing it to you
52:00 and you might be signing it to them.
52:04 God really will take care of you.
52:06 Let's stand and let's sing that together.
52:50 Be not dismayed whate'er betide
52:55 God will take care of you
53:00 Beneath His wings of love abide
53:06 God will take care of you
53:11 God will take care of you
53:16 Through every day, o'er all the way
53:22 He will take care of you
53:29 God will take care of you
53:36 Through days of toil when heart doth fail
53:41 God will take care of you
53:47 When dangers fierce your path assail
53:52 God will take care of you
53:58 God will take care of you
54:03 Through every day, o'er all the way
54:08 He will take care of you
54:15 God will take care of you
54:23 All you may need He will provide
54:28 God will take care of you
54:34 Nothing you ask will be denied
54:39 God will take care of you
54:45 God will take care of you
54:50 Through every day, o'er all the way
54:56 He will take care of you
55:02 God will take care of you
55:10 No matter what may be the test
55:15 God will take care of you
55:21 Lean, weary one, upon His breast
55:27 God will take care of you
55:33 God will take care of you
55:38 Through every day, o'er all the way
55:45 He will take care of you
55:53 God will take care of you
56:04 And my God will meet all your needs.
56:08 According to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus
56:12 to our God and Father be glory forever and ever.
56:17 And the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
56:19 be with your spirit, amen.
56:25 I like to take a moment here
56:26 at the end of the service to tell you about
56:27 one of the most important groups of people
56:29 that make this ministry possible.
56:32 There're team of people they're not afraid
56:34 to get down into the thick of life itself
56:37 which is why you're gonna find them.
56:39 You will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:42 They're prayer partners, a group of men and women
56:45 and young adults who believe
56:48 that there is humble television ministry
56:50 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:52 And so pray earnestly that God will use the preacher,
56:55 that God will use me, that God would use
56:57 the countless other volunteers to spread
57:00 the everlasting gospel and the Word of God in ways
57:02 we could never have imagined before.
57:05 There are the ones who are praying
57:06 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people,
57:09 open up the hearts of viewers
57:11 around the world for the message,
57:13 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:17 And what I would like to do is ask you
57:19 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us,
57:22 a prayer partner with new perceptions?
57:24 You don't have to call it toll free number.
57:25 You don't have to go online to register.
57:27 All I need to know is that
57:29 you'd willing to lift this little ministry up
57:34 day after day after day.
57:36 Pray that somehow through radio and television
57:39 and the web God will open up new doors,
57:41 new, new regions on earth
57:44 where the everlasting Gospel can be proclaimed.
57:47 There is no question the power of prayer
57:49 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:52 we could never have imagined before.
57:54 So that's it would you please be willing
57:58 to partner with me in prayer?
57:59 The times are urgent, the need is critical
58:03 and I hope you'll say, yes.
58:05 Till we're together in next time
58:07 may the prayer answering God
58:09 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17