New Perceptions

Trinity Under Fire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP031012

00:05 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:28 He is exalted, the king is exalted on high
00:34 I will praise Him!
00:36 He is exalted, forever exalted
00:40 And I will
00:42 praise His name!
00:48 For He is the Lord
00:52 Forever His truth shall reign
00:57 Heaven and earth
01:01 Rejoice in His holy name
01:05 He is exalted,
01:07 the King is exalted on high
01:14 He is exalted,
01:16 the king is exalted on high
01:20 I will praise You
01:22 He is exalted, forever exalted
01:26 And I will
01:29 praise His name
01:34 For He is the Lord
01:39 Forever His truth shall reign
01:43 Heaven and earth
01:47 Rejoice in His holy name
01:52 He is exalted,
01:54 the King is exalted on high
02:00 For He is the Lord
02:04 Forever His truth shall reign
02:09 Heaven and earth
02:12 Rejoice in His holy name
02:17 He is exalted,
02:19 the King is exalted on high
02:26 He is exalted,
02:27 the King is exalted on high
02:43 Majesty,
02:46 worship His majesty
02:51 Unto Jesus,
02:53 be all glory honor and praise
03:00 Majesty, kingdom, authority
03:08 Flow from His throne,
03:10 unto His own, His anthem raise.
03:16 So exalt,
03:19 lift up on high the name of Jesus
03:25 Magnify, come glorify,
03:29 Christ Jesus the king
03:35 Majesty, worship His majesty
03:42 Jesus who died, now glorified,
03:47 King of all kings
03:52 Majesty, worship His majesty
04:00 Unto Jesus,
04:03 be all glory honor and praise
04:10 Majesty, kingdom, authority
04:18 Flow from His throne, unto His own,
04:23 His anthem raise.
04:27 So exalt,
04:30 lift up on high the name of Jesus
04:36 Magnify, come glorify,
04:41 Christ Jesus the king
04:46 Majesty, worship His majesty
04:54 Jesus who died, now glorified,
04:59 King of all kings
05:03 Jesus who died, now glorified,
05:08 King of all kings
07:50 Now we've come to the word of God.
07:51 I'm gonna plunge into this. This is a teaching.
07:58 We need God and all of His divine majesty
08:02 to engage our minds for these next few moments.
08:07 So I want to ask you to pray with me.
08:12 Think as you pray, pray as you pray.
08:14 And let us call upon God.
08:17 Oh, God, in three persons, bless eternity.
08:22 How easy it is for us to talk about you in the third person.
08:26 God is good, God is love,
08:31 God is holy.
08:34 So what is worship, if it's not that sacred opportunity
08:38 to open our hearts directly to you in the first person?
08:43 So dear God, here we go.
08:45 You're Holy Father, You're Holy Christ,
08:47 You're Holy Spirit as we plunge into Holy Scripture.
08:54 We listen for your voice, teach us,
08:56 hide this little preacher, hide us all,
09:02 so that You might be front and center.
09:04 We pray in Christ name. Amen. Question.
09:12 How do you teach a subject like the trinity?
09:18 Well, libraries have shelves
09:20 filled with books on the trinity. Question.
09:22 How do you teach a subject like the trinity
09:26 in about a half hour? Answer.
09:28 You talk very fast, so hold on your pew, grab your Bible,
09:33 we're going right now we have just begun.
09:35 Open your Bible please to John 14.
09:38 The Gospel of John 14.
09:40 And some of you're saying, you know what, Dwight,
09:41 where they have time out please, who cares about the Trinity.
09:45 Ah, let me ask you a few questions.
09:47 Do you know
09:49 that one of our presidential candidates today
09:51 does not believe in the trinity?
09:54 Mormons believed that Christ Himself was created by God.
09:58 Did you know that Jehovah's Witnesses
10:00 don't believe in the trinity either
10:02 and so they have crafted their own translation
10:05 to prove their point of view.
10:07 Do you know that 1.4 billion Muslims on the planet today
10:10 do not believe in the trinity and neither do the Jews.
10:16 So whether you believe in the trinity or not
10:18 makes all the difference in the world, now doesn't it?
10:21 Which is why you need to know
10:23 why you believe what you believe.
10:26 So let's go you're ready. You are opening up to John 14.
10:29 And while you are finding John 14,
10:31 let's employ a little bit of philosophical logic, okay.
10:37 The crowning depiction of God in all of sacred literature,
10:41 the crowning depiction of God goes like this.
10:43 God is, how does it go. God is love.
10:47 Let's put it on the screen, 1 John 4:8,
10:49 let's read it out loud together. "God is love."
10:54 And what is love?
10:56 I suppose if we went to the upper room,
10:57 we couldn't find a more powerful
10:59 definition of love than what Jesus Himself gave.
11:02 We've already read these words before John 15:13.
11:05 "You can have no greater love than this,
11:07 than to lay down your life for your friends."
11:11 Love presupposes the existence of somebody else.
11:16 Love can only flourish and exist
11:19 in the context of relationship or friendship.
11:22 All right, so God is love.
11:25 God needs someone else in order to be love.
11:31 Describe God's nature is to depict Him
11:33 always in relationship with another.
11:36 Okay, now the Bible also teaches
11:40 that God is the creator of the entire universe,
11:43 true or false?
11:45 But of course which means logically now think,
11:48 which means logically there was a time
11:50 when there was only God, isn't that right?
11:53 Matter is not eternal, only God is eternal,
11:54 so there was a time when there was only God.
12:00 Now look.
12:03 If God were singular,
12:05 if He were all by Himself at that time in the distant past
12:09 when there was nothing but God in existence,
12:11 then God could not be love at that time.
12:15 For love requires the presence of another to receive it.
12:22 Which would mean love then cannot be
12:25 the very essence of God, for there was a time
12:27 when there was no one to love,
12:30 unless of course
12:33 God is plurality rather than singularity.
12:39 There is a dynamite quotation
12:41 I want to share with you right now,
12:42 so grab your study guide, come on let's go,
12:44 grab your study guide.
12:45 Brand new study guide in your worship bulletin today.
12:47 You didn't get a study guide here come
12:48 the world's friendliest ushers your way,
12:50 you are gonna want that this is a big study guide.
12:53 You're gonna want to keep this study guide,
12:55 put your hand up if you didn't get a study guide
12:57 when you came in, in the balcony,
12:59 in the sanctuary
13:01 anybody in the youth chapel holds your hand up,
13:03 we want to make sure the study guide is yours.
13:05 And by the way those of you who are watching
13:07 we're delighted to have you.
13:08 You gonna have the same study guide.
13:09 Let me put it on the screen for you our website.
13:12 Go to that website.
13:13 There you see it on the screen right now, go to that website.
13:17 The study guide is waiting for you
13:21 You're looking for our series, 'The Last Days.'
13:24 These are the last days of Jesus life
13:26 as Pastor Hosea a moment ago reminded us the Book of John,
13:30 the fourth gospel is our theme.
13:32 And by the way worship team
13:34 splendid and glorious worship today.
13:36 Thank you for leading us.
13:39 You're looking for the series entitled 'The Last Days.'
13:43 Today's teaching 'Trinity Under Fire.'
13:46 When you see Trinity under fire in,
13:48 let's say study guide
13:49 you get a double sided study guide today.
13:52 You gonna want the study guide
13:53 and so those of you who are watching live streaming,
13:55 we're delighted to have you.
13:56 Go to that website, get the study guide.
13:57 Come on be a part of this live
13:59 wherever in the nation or the world you are.
14:01 Let's go, let's put the first statement on the screen
14:05 that we read just a moment ago.
14:06 Fill it in please. 1 John 4:8, "God is love."
14:12 That is the shining
14:16 crowning depiction of God in Holy Scripture.
14:20 God is love.
14:21 Now let me tell you about a book.
14:22 Woody Whidden, Jerry Moon, and John Reeves,
14:25 three professors on the campus of Andrews University,
14:28 they collaborated to write
14:30 a very helpful book on the Trinity
14:33 which I have, which I have read
14:35 and which you will be blessed when you do.
14:39 I want to pull a quotation right out of that book.
14:43 And I want you to brood over this quotation.
14:46 By the way, title of the book 'The Trinity,
14:48 Understanding God's Love, His Plan of Salvation,
14:50 and Christian Relationships.'
14:52 I have to be careful because the author
14:54 Woody Whidden is sitting right over there,
14:55 so I'll make sure I quote this correctly.
14:58 But He wrote the segment
15:00 on the theological development of the Trinity
15:03 and so he found this quotation,
15:05 I love it, it's from Bruce Metzger,
15:06 Bruce M. Metzger the great,
15:08 the great New Testament scholar, Greek scholar.
15:11 All right, the words are on the screen,
15:12 you have to fill them in. "The Unitarian."
15:15 There are Americans who call themselves the Unitarians.
15:18 They say only one God, no trinity just one God.
15:21 "The Unitarian professes to agree
15:23 with the statement that 'God is love.'"
15:26 This is Metzger writing.
15:28 But these words, 'God is love,'
15:31 have no real meaning unless God is at least two Persons.
15:36 We just ran through that
15:37 little bit of philosophical logic a moment ago.
15:39 "You have to have two.
15:40 Love is something that one person has for another person.
15:43 If God were a single person
15:44 then before the universe was made,
15:46 He was not love, couldn't have been.
15:49 "For, if love be of the essence of God,
15:52 he must always love, and, being eternal."
15:54 I thought this is very helpful.
15:55 "He must have possessed an eternal object of love.
16:00 Furthermore." Keep reading.
16:01 "Perfect love is possible only between equals."
16:06 Good point.
16:07 "Just as a man cannot satisfy
16:09 or realize his powers of love by loving lower animals."
16:13 And wasn't that God's point with Adam by the way.
16:15 He said, hey, Adam, name the animals,
16:17 see if anyone of these you'll be happy with.
16:18 He was not happy.
16:20 Just as man cannot be satisfied
16:26 or realize his powers of love by loving lower animals.
16:28 The quotation goes on. "So." This was helpful.
16:31 "God cannot satisfy or realize his love
16:34 by loving man or any creature."
16:36 Oh, come on, God, aren't I enough,
16:38 wouldn't you be happy, just you and me.
16:41 And the answer is no.
16:45 I need somebody like me to love
16:49 and to receive and give.
16:52 Metzger goes on.
16:53 "Being infinite,
16:55 he God must have eternally possessed
16:57 an infinite object of his love."
16:59 And I like this, jot it down.
17:00 "Some alter ego, some alter ego,
17:06 or to use the language of traditional
17:07 Christian theology, a consubstantial."
17:10 Oh, mine, Dwight, what's that word,
17:11 I'll put it in brackets say, what's that consubstantial
17:14 "of one or the same being."
17:16 He needed someone of one or the same being.
17:19 Metzger goes on. "Co-eternal and co-equal Son."
17:23 Right in the word "Son".
17:27 Look, just think.
17:28 In order for God to be God and to be love,
17:30 He must have at least one co-equal,
17:32 one co-eternal person with whom He bestows love
17:35 and from whom He receives love,
17:37 He has to have it or He is not love.
17:41 In eternity past way back there,
17:43 He had to have it, in eternity future
17:45 He has to still have it in order to be love.
17:47 Here's another quotation,
17:49 then we'll plunge into the scripture.
17:50 Otto H. Christensen also very helpful.
17:54 Thank you, Woody for including these.
17:57 And we'll get to quoting you in just a minute.
17:59 All right Otto Christensen, put it on the screen.
18:01 "There is a sense in which the fact
18:03 that God is love requires
18:05 that He be more than one person.
18:08 Love must have both a subject and an object."
18:11 That was helpful for me.
18:13 "Thus prior to the creation of other persons humans,
18:16 God could not have really love
18:18 and thus would not have been truly love,
18:20 if however their have always been multiple persons"
18:24 right that down.
18:26 "if there have always been multiple persons
18:27 within the trinity itself, among whom
18:29 love could be mutually exercised,
18:32 expressed, and experienced,
18:33 then God could always have been actively loving."
18:37 Now notice this point. This now takes it up.
18:40 "Because God is three persons,
18:43 rather than two, there is a dimension of openness
18:46 and extension not necessarily found in a love relationship
18:51 between two persons
18:52 which can sometimes be quite closed in nature."
18:57 Come on, you watch lovers,
18:59 we're getting close to spring time,
19:00 watch young lovers on this campus.
19:02 They are totally in themselves, I mean totally.
19:05 There is nothing but the two of them.
19:07 That's a problem with two. Two, in fact jot this down.
19:10 "Two persons form a couple,
19:13 three persons become community."
19:16 See, two is not enough, three now to capture,
19:19 the fullness, you got to have three
19:21 and that's why, by the way,
19:22 let me just tell you, you're young adults
19:24 who are looking forward to getting married
19:25 one of these days, that's why you'll add a child.
19:29 You'll add a child to your twosome
19:31 because twosome you will begin to sense,
19:33 you want to expand, you want to move
19:35 from couple to community. Fascinating.
19:41 Listen, let's turn from philosophical logic,
19:43 let's plunge into scripture. Did you already find John 14.
19:45 Open your Bible to John 14. Let's go.
19:48 Because what is clear here in the fourth gospel.
19:51 And by the way, we are now
19:53 don't miss next time you and I are together,
19:55 we are in the heart of Gethsemane,
19:57 the denier, the denial, the denied.
20:01 And our story is there.
20:02 Don't miss the next one, we're now--
20:04 Calvary is just minutes away.
20:06 But one last time to go to the upper room discourse.
20:08 Jot this down, will you.
20:09 In John 13-17 Jesus declares His unity with the Father.
20:15 And all those references after the Father there,
20:18 I went through and read the entire upper room
20:19 discourse this week, took notes.
20:21 everywhere Jesus talks about that unity with His Father.
20:24 I jotted the references down, check them out later.
20:27 Let's just examine one of them.
20:30 John 14, you've already found it
20:33 and I have not yet. John 14, here we go.
20:37 This is a familiar passages,
20:38 let's pick it up in verse 5 John 14,
20:40 I'm in the New King James Version.
20:41 By the way, you didn't bring your Bible,
20:42 you got to track this, you must track this.
20:44 Let me give you a page number, page 726.
20:47 Grab the pew Bible in front of you.
20:48 Let's go, John 14:5.
20:50 "Thomas said to Jesus, 'Lord, we do not know
20:53 where You are going, and how can we know the way?'
20:56 And Jesus said to him,
20:57 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.
21:01 No one comes to the Father except through Me.
21:05 Verse 7, "If you had known Me,
21:07 you would have known My Father also,
21:08 and from now on you know Him and have seen Him."
21:11 Philip said to Him, 'Lord, show us the Father,
21:16 and it is sufficient for us.'
21:18 Jesus said to him," Incredulous toads.
21:23 'Have I been so long with you,
21:27 and yet you have not known Me, Philip?
21:30 He who has seen Me has seen the Father,
21:32 so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
21:33 Do you not believe that I am in the Father,
21:35 and the Father in Me?
21:36 The words that I speak to you
21:38 I do not speak on My own authority,
21:39 but the Father who dwells in Me,
21:42 He does the works."
21:45 Now those who reject the teaching,
21:47 the Bible teaching of the trinity.
21:49 They say ah, there it is Dwight,
21:50 thank you for bringing that passage out.
21:51 There it is proof that the Father
21:53 and Son are interchangeable.
21:55 Sometimes He calls Himself the Son,
21:57 sometimes He calls Himself the Father.
21:58 He is in me, I'm in Him.
22:00 See it's all one person. Hold on, no, no.
22:03 That's the ancient heresy called modalism.
22:07 That heresy taught that God appeared in different modes
22:10 depending on what He needs.
22:12 No, no, no, no, no, look at Jesus.
22:14 Drop down to verse 16. If I could put it on the screen.
22:16 No I need to fill up, I need to fill in.
22:18 Go back to John 14. Thank you for that.
22:20 John 14:9, 10.
22:21 Make sure you get that on the screen John 14:9, 10.
22:24 "He who has seen me has seen the Father.
22:29 I'm in the Father and the Father in me.
22:32 Well, if you just took a casual reading,
22:33 you'll say, oh, that's great, He's just switching hats.
22:35 You can call me Father and you can call me Son.
22:37 No, no, no.
22:39 Look at verse 16, same chapter.
22:41 And you'll need to fill this in as well.
22:42 Jesus speaking, "And I one being will ask the Father."
22:47 Write in the word ask.
22:48 By the way isn't that something He's gonna ask.
22:50 If He were the Father I'll ask myself,
22:52 it doesn't even make sense. I'll ask myself. No.
22:56 "And I one being will ask the Father another being,
23:01 and he will give you another Helper a third Being."
23:04 Clearly Jesus differentiates
23:05 between Himself and God the Father
23:07 and we might add the Holy Spirit or Helper.
23:10 They are three separate persons.
23:15 And yet Jesus, isn't that something,
23:17 Jesus declares Himself to be one with the Father.
23:21 Why does He say that. Very clearly He says it.
23:24 You watch why He says that.
23:26 Just turn, keep you little ribbon right there.
23:28 Just turn to Chapter 10.
23:29 Turn back a few pages to Chapter 10.
23:32 Find out now, why He says the Father and I are one.
23:36 Here's the very line where He says it. John 10:30.
23:39 Jesus speaking, you have a red letter Bible,
23:41 this would be bright red. "I and My Father are one."
23:46 Now notice the response. Verse 31.
23:48 "Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him.
23:52 And Jesus answered them.
23:53 'Many good works I have shown you from My Father.
23:55 For which of those works do you stone Me?'
23:58 And they answered Him." Verse 33 saying.
24:00 'For a good work we do not stone You,
24:03 but for blasphemy." What's blasphemy?
24:07 "You being a Man, make Yourself God.'"
24:10 They know exactly what He has said.
24:12 When he says the Father and I are one,
24:14 He is saying I am divine, I am God.
24:19 And they pick up stones.
24:21 I'll tell you what again and again.
24:24 Jesus in the fourth gospel declares His unity,
24:30 His equality with Almighty God.
24:34 In fact one more place and this is the clincher
24:37 and actually happens earlier.
24:38 John 8, so just turn back a few more pages.
24:41 At the very end of the Chapter John 8.
24:44 Jesus speaking to the Jewish leaders again.
24:46 This is John 8:58.
24:49 "And Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly."
24:51 NOW remember in the Greek a double amen,
24:55 ooh, slow down this is big. Amen, amen.
25:00 "Jesus said to them,
25:01 Amen, Amen I say to you before Abraham was,"
25:05 what? I AM.
25:09 All capitals, all capitals by the way
25:11 because scholars are absolutely clear
25:13 and so were his listeners
25:15 that Jesus is linking Himself
25:17 to the roaring flames of the burning bush
25:20 and the eternal self-existent one
25:22 who thunders out of the flames to Moses who is on his face.
25:26 I'm who I am.
25:30 Jesus is saying I am that God.
25:34 And then look at verse 59. No question they got it.
25:37 Verse 59, "And then they took up stones to throw at Him,
25:40 but Jesus hid Himself went out of the temple
25:42 going through the midst of them and so passed by."
25:46 Ladies and gentlemen, in the gospel,
25:49 the fourth gospel the divinity of Christ
25:53 is repeated again and again.
25:55 I love these symbols that Hosea,
25:58 Chaplain Hosea set up for our worship today.
26:01 John introduces seven of these claims of Christ with the I am
26:07 and in the Greek it has to be all caps
26:09 in order to capture the meaning of that I am.
26:11 Seven of them, Jesus say I am the bread,
26:17 I am the door,
26:23 I am the good shepherd,
26:27 I am the light,
26:30 I am the resurrection and the life,
26:33 I am the way the truth and the life,
26:36 I am the divine, seven of them.
26:40 No question,
26:42 the deity and divinity of Christ
26:45 is confirmed in the fourth gospel.
26:46 In fact fill this in.
26:48 Fill this in so that you won't forget it.
26:49 "The gospel of John unequivocally declares
26:51 the deity and divinity of Christ."
26:54 Now that slide is not over. But get that down.
26:57 "Unequivocally declares the deity
26:59 and divinity of Christ
27:02 for the gospel begins with its mighty prologue
27:04 and the Word was God
27:09 and it ends with the grand confession of Thomas,
27:12 "My Lord and my God."
27:15 Book ended by two claims to divinity.
27:21 So for those who study Holy Scripture
27:22 and there are some even today within the Christian community
27:25 and within my community of faith
27:27 who do not see what the Bible is teaching.
27:30 And they are saying, no there is no trinity.
27:33 The Gospel of John is unassailable,
27:36 unassailable evidence corroborating the teaching
27:42 that you can't be living in eternity past
27:44 all alone and be love.
27:46 You can't be the essence of who you say you are,
27:49 if there is nobody to receive that love. Wow.
27:55 So John very much wants us to catch,
27:57 to capture the unity that Jesus senses with his Father.
28:00 Let's just put a few more under this category
28:02 John 14:23 Jesus speaking here.
28:04 "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word,
28:07 and my Father will love him and We--"
28:09 Now noticed this plural.
28:10 "And we will come to him and make Our home with him."
28:14 Note it very carefully ladies and gentleman.
28:16 "Here you have one who claims to be
28:18 in the divine inner circle
28:19 using the plural pronoun to refer to themselves."
28:24 By the way isn't that amazing
28:25 that the Bible opens in the Book of Genesis
28:27 with that same plural being exercised.
28:29 We're kind of left with this mysterious plural.
28:32 What's happening here.
28:33 "Let Us make man in Our image."
28:37 The same plural pronounce.
28:40 Let Us make man in Our image. Jot it down.
28:43 "Jesus Himself is describing God as plurality."
28:47 He is plural. John 14:31.
28:52 "I love the Father."
28:53 Let me just run a few more by it.
28:54 John 15:15.
28:57 "All things I heard from my Father
29:00 I have made known to you." How about another one.
29:01 John 16:32.
29:03 "I am not alone, because the Father is with me."
29:05 The intense unity of Jesus with His Father.
29:08 And would you jot this down John 17.
29:10 "Jesus entire prayer is steeped in language
29:13 that declares His unity with the Father.
29:17 There is no question.
29:18 In fact, we got to do this, go back to John 17.
29:21 I want to read in your Bible.
29:23 John 17. Just catch this flavor.
29:25 The whole prayer is steeped
29:27 in the language of Christ and Father.
29:31 The oneness they enjoy.
29:32 This is John 17 beginning--
29:34 this is the last prayer Jesus will ever pray for you and me.
29:39 This prayers from henceforth are form self.
29:42 When we get to Gethsemane you'll see.
29:45 Jesus spoke these words, this is John 17.
29:47 "Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven
29:50 and said, Father the hour has come."
29:53 Time for Calvary. "The hours come.
29:55 Glorify your Son that your Son may also glorify you. Verse 2.
29:59 "As you have given Him authority over all flesh
30:01 that He should give eternal life to
30:03 as many as you have given Him."
30:04 Now notice verse 3."
30:06 And this is eternal life that they may know You,
30:09 the only true God and Jesus Christ
30:11 whom You have sent."
30:12 You cannot give eternal life unless you are eternal yourself.
30:16 He's making the very clear statement.
30:18 I am is eternal as the Father. Look at verse 4.
30:22 "I have glorified You on the earth.
30:23 I have finish the work which you have given Me to do.
30:26 And now O Father, glorified Me together with Yourself
30:30 with the glory which I had with you before the world was."
30:33 Isn't that something it says in John--
30:35 in the prologue in the beginning was the word,
30:37 and the word was with God and by Him all things
30:40 which are came into being.
30:42 Before the word created the entire universe,
30:45 the word it was made flesh.
30:46 Before He created the entire universe
30:48 He and the Father were the glory I shared
30:50 with you before creation.
30:54 You can't have love
30:57 without a plurality. Wow.
31:02 But would you jot this down in John 14-16.
31:05 "Jesus has just as much declaring His unity
31:08 with the Holy Spirit." Jot that down.
31:10 And there are references for the Holy Spirit.
31:13 John 14:26, let's just catch just a sampling of these.
31:17 John 14:26 fill it in please.
31:19 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit
31:21 that would be one being." All right.
31:25 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit that's one being,
31:28 whom the Father another being
31:31 will send in my name a third being,
31:34 He" Now noticed this.
31:35 "He will teach you all things
31:37 and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
31:41 Notice how closely Jesus describes
31:43 His collaboration with the Holy Spirit.
31:45 Look at there is so much more I wish I could tell you
31:47 but there's no more time now.
31:49 I'm about to die, but when He comes
31:51 He'll pick it right up and He'll teach you,
31:53 He'll teach you the rest.
31:55 Close collaboration and by the way
31:57 jot this down, will you?
31:59 Note that the Upper Room Discourse
32:01 intentionally uses the masculine pronoun
32:05 "He" Write that in.
32:07 It uses the masculine pronoun,
32:09 He to refer to the Holy Spirit
32:10 rather than the neuter pronoun "it".
32:13 You see the spirit in Greek is it, it's neuter.
32:17 It should receive the anteceded should be it.
32:21 But here the pronoun, the pronoun is he.
32:24 John says, I know the rules of grammar here,
32:26 but I'm switching the rules.
32:27 I want you to know
32:28 that the Holy Spirit is the He,
32:30 he's a person. Keep writing.
32:33 Thus affirming the biblical truth
32:35 that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal spirit.
32:37 Some people try to say well, it's the spirit
32:39 that goes out of God's heart.
32:40 Just the spirit that goes out of God--
32:41 no, no, no He's not an impersonal spirit
32:43 that emanates from the Father or the Son,
32:45 but is rather a personal being. Keyword.
32:48 Would you write that in please.
32:50 But the Holy Spirit is rather a personal being
32:54 that joins them in their divine mission.
32:58 I mean you look at all these personal activities
33:00 just here in the upper room discourse.
33:02 He teaches, He dwells, He reminds,
33:04 He testifies, He convicts, He guides, He glorifies.
33:08 It's the action of a person,
33:10 you know, just a little emanation.
33:12 He's a person, real life person.
33:16 That's why Jesus can say John 15:26.
33:19 "He will testify of Me."
33:21 Look at how tight Jesus and the Holy Spirit are.
33:23 "He will testify in Me." John 15:26.
33:25 Look at John 16:14. "He will glorify Me."
33:29 Clearly there's a profound unity
33:30 between Jesus and the Holy Spirit
33:32 just as there is between Jesus and the Father
33:34 and clearly the Holy Spirit is just as divine as Jesus
33:38 and the Father are.
33:40 No equivocation, the evidence is clear,
33:44 all three are divine.
33:48 Reading Woody Whidden and Woody wrote these words
33:50 and put them on the screen for you need to fill them in.
33:52 Please Woodrow Whidden.
33:54 "Tha triunity of the one God."
33:56 I like that phrase. The triunity of the one God.
34:03 That's good.
34:04 The triunity of the one God is the profound unity
34:08 or oneness inherit in the doctrine of the Trinity.
34:11 Here are three divine beings. Write that down.
34:15 Here are three divine beings lined up together
34:18 in such a way as to point to their oneness of purpose
34:22 in imparting grace in love to God's people
34:25 through their deep fellowship with one another
34:27 and the redeemed."
34:29 That's from the book "The Trinity,
34:32 Understanding God's Love,
34:33 His Plan of Salvation and Christian Relationships.
34:36 Ladies and gentlemen, it is no wonder
34:39 that the New Testament radiates with the glory of the Trinity.
34:43 Let me run this by you real fast.
34:45 Keep your wrist moving here because here we go.
34:47 Let's go to the baptism of Jesus.
34:49 "The Trinity at Jesus baptism.
34:51 Fill that in please and then, let's read Matthew 3:16.
34:56 "When Jesus had been baptized,
34:58 He came up immediately from the water
35:00 and behold the heavens were open to Him,
35:03 and He saw the Spirit of God." There is being number two.
35:08 "Descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
35:11 And suddenly a voice came from heaven."
35:13 Being number three.
35:15 "Saying this is My beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased."'
35:18 You don't think the Trinity was going to miss out
35:21 on the launching,
35:22 the public launching of the Messiah's mission.
35:25 Are you kidding? They were there together.
35:29 By the way jot it down the next blank.
35:32 The Trinity is at your baptism too.
35:35 Not just Jesus baptism, your baptism.
35:38 You don't think the Trinity would miss out
35:40 on the day you're baptized
35:43 in their name do you, are you kidding?
35:45 They will all be there,
35:47 if you haven't been baptized yet.
35:49 Matthew 28 let's read that verse 19.
35:51 Jesus great gospel commission
35:54 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
35:56 baptizing them in the name of the Father
35:58 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
36:01 teaching them to observe all things
36:02 that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always,
36:05 even to the end of the age.' Amen."
36:09 Amen for the Trinity being at our baptisms.
36:11 Keep writing.
36:13 Notice the Trinity is also in our church.
36:19 I want to go back to where the baptism
36:20 just for a minute I'm scrambling
36:23 making them scramble up and measuring.
36:24 But I want to go back to that quotation.
36:26 I want you to get this quote, speaking of your baptism.
36:29 A century ago Ellen White wrote these words.
36:31 I want you to see them, I'll put them on the screen for you.
36:33 Here we go. Little book "Evangelism."
36:36 There are three living persons of the heavenly trio."
36:40 Three, three living persons of the heavily trio,
36:43 "in the name of these three great powers Father,
36:47 the Son, and the Holy Spirit those who receive Christ
36:50 by living faith are baptized. Keep reading.
36:53 And these powers will cooperate
36:55 with the obedient subjects of heaven
36:56 in their efforts to live a new life in Christ."
36:59 When you come to Jesus and you are baptized in Him.
37:01 The three great powers of the universe
37:04 combine to make it a win-win for you,
37:06 win-win for you to eternity.
37:09 Hallelujah I say, amen. How about you?
37:12 Isn't that something the Trinity is on your side.
37:16 Okay, now we go to the Trinity in our church.
37:18 I love this.
37:19 The Trinity in our churches, did you write that down.
37:21 Look at Paul here.
37:22 We'll read 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
37:25 Let's go to that please.
37:27 "There are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit."
37:30 One being. Next verse.
37:31 "There are differences of ministries,
37:32 but the same Lord." Second being. Next Verse.
37:35 "And there are diversities of activities,
37:36 but it is the same God who works all in all."
37:39 The Trinity is in the thick of the church,
37:41 that's why the church is so precious to God.
37:44 He will never abandon the church.
37:46 Let me give you another one.
37:47 The Trinity is in the thick of our worship.
37:49 What we were doing today what we are doing today,
37:51 the Trinity is drawn to this kind of this,
37:55 this kind of experience.
37:57 The Trinity at our worship. Look at this, I love this.
37:59 One of the great benedictions of the New Testament.
38:01 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
38:04 and the love of God,
38:06 and the communion of the Holy Spirit
38:09 be with you all. Amen."
38:11 Let me give you one more. 1 Peter 1:2.
38:13 "The Trinity in our salvation they are caught up
38:16 in our salvation from stem to stern."
38:18 Take a look at this verse.
38:19 "We are elect according to the foreknowledge
38:21 of God the Father,
38:23 in sanctification of the Spirit."
38:25 Keep reading.
38:26 "For obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ,
38:30 Grace to you and peace be multiplied."
38:32 Because grace and peace are what happen
38:35 when the Trinity come into your life.
38:39 Grace and peace to you.
38:42 Ladies and gentlemen, have you noticed
38:44 when the New Testament places all three beings
38:47 in the same expression as we just saw
38:50 on the same level as in these five passages
38:53 it is hard to avoid the conclusion
38:54 that all three beings are viewed as persons of equal standing,
39:00 equal stature, and equal status.
39:05 The Trinity what Woody Whidden calls
39:07 the triunity of the one God
39:09 or as he puts it in another place,
39:11 that tri personal Godhead.
39:14 And by the way you say,
39:15 oh, Dwight, that's just the New Testament,
39:16 the Old Testament doesn't support that word, take a look.
39:18 Let's go back to the Old Testament.
39:20 Do you remember the majestic Hebrew Shamar.
39:23 Now you remember it. I'll put it on screen for you.
39:25 You'll have to fill it in.
39:26 This is Deuteronomy 6:4,
39:28 "Hear, O Israel, That Lord our God,
39:32 the Lord is" what?
39:34 Write that down. The Lord is one.
39:37 Aha, Dwight, see I told you, no Trinity,
39:39 one God, not three persons, not so fast.
39:43 This is fascinating. Wait till you hear this.
39:47 You see Moses carefully selected the Hebrew word for one.
39:53 Jot this down, will you?
39:55 Instead of choosing the word yachid
39:57 which means one in the sense of only or alone,
40:01 Moses chose the plural word echad,
40:05 which means one among others in a joined or shared oneness.
40:10 He uses a plural for the Lord our God is one.
40:13 It's a very same word by the way that appears in Genesis 2:24.
40:17 Moses little homily,
40:19 maybe it was the creator's homily
40:21 after Adam and Eve were brought to each other.
40:23 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother
40:26 and be joined to his wife,
40:28 and they shall become one echad two beings who share oneness,
40:33 they shall become one flesh. Isn't that amazing?
40:37 Two very distinct and different human beings
40:39 becoming one in marriage
40:41 even so three distinct and different divine beings
40:43 within the Trinity revealing a similar oneness. Wow.
40:50 Norman Gulley in his new
40:53 volume two of the Systematic Theology.
40:55 I just brought it this week.
40:57 Title of the volume two is God As Trinity.
40:59 He quotes another theologian.
41:01 Let me put it on the screen for you.
41:02 Millard Erickson observes
41:04 that the unity of husband and wife is not uniqueness,
41:08 but it's the unity of diversity.
41:10 It speaks of union rather than aloneness.
41:14 You see the Bible doesn't describe God
41:15 with the oneness of aloneness.
41:17 He is all alone before there was a universe.
41:19 No, the Bible describes God,
41:21 he picks in with the oneness of unity
41:24 just like the unity of a godly marriage
41:26 where two become one
41:27 even so the Trinity three are one.
41:33 Let us make man in our image and indeed they did.
41:39 We become one just as they are one.
41:43 Wow, it's a mystery, two diverse people coming together
41:49 and becoming one in marriage, it's a mystery.
41:52 Three diverse persons together as the Trinity.
41:58 But I know what you say.
41:59 You say, you know something, Dwight.
42:01 So what?
42:03 I mean please, what difference does this make
42:06 for my life in the third millennium.
42:11 Remembers Jesus' upper room discourse,
42:13 how He demonstrates His, passionate unity with the Father
42:17 His passionate unity with the Spirit.
42:19 Guess what, in that same upper room,
42:22 He prays for passionate unity,
42:24 His passionate unity with you and me.
42:27 In fact listen to this.
42:28 Four times in his closing prayer,
42:30 the last prayer he prays
42:31 before His crucifixion for you and me.
42:33 Four times, notice this prayer.
42:34 Put it on the screen just flying by, verse 17:11.
42:38 "O, Father that they may be one as we are."
42:40 Look at the next verse, verse 21.
42:42 O, Father that they may all be one in Us,
42:43 that the world may believe that You sent Me."
42:45 Look at the next verse, verse 22.
42:46 "O, Father that they may be one just as We are one."
42:50 Look at verse 23.
42:51 "Father I in them, and You in me
42:53 that they may be perfect in one."
42:55 I like the way the NIV renders that.
42:56 "That they may be brought to complete unity."
43:00 The last prayer He prays for us.
43:02 Father bring them please to complete unity.
43:06 So how united,
43:09 how united are we around here?
43:15 How united are we?
43:19 Are we one even as the Father and Christ, and Spirit are one.
43:24 You know, what they say, don't you.
43:27 They say marriage is when two people become one,
43:29 the trouble starts when they have to decide which one.
43:35 Isn't that the truth?
43:37 Yeah, we won but yeah,
43:38 which one are we're going to be, you or me.
43:41 That's perhaps the seed of our own disunity.
43:47 Now sitting
43:49 with the group of denominational leaders this last week.
43:52 And one of our senior leaders commented
43:55 that he feared that our schools
43:58 and our hospitals and our churches
44:01 are drifting apart into aloneness
44:04 rather than oneness.
44:10 The days of institutional unity and partnership long on,
44:14 every organization now looks out for itself first.
44:17 And by the way, that's not just institutions,
44:19 that's people, Christian people, Adventist Christian people,
44:23 people who allow racial differences to breed disunity,
44:27 people who allow social economic education differences
44:30 to isolate ourselves
44:31 in stifling silos of our own making.
44:35 People who have abandoned interracial,
44:39 intergenerational, institutional collaboration in unity.
44:45 Where are those days?
44:46 Do we have to worship separately?
44:51 Do we have to socialize separately?
44:56 Do we have to read in the cafeteria separately?
45:04 Jesus' last prayer for us. Put it on the screen.
45:06 "O, Father, that they may be one just as We are one."
45:12 Because we were created for unity within community.
45:15 Did you know that?
45:17 In fact did you know that the word unity is right there.
45:22 You see the word unity in the word community,
45:24 sure you do. There it is.
45:27 Unity is in community.
45:29 You can't have community without unity.
45:31 If you take the unity out of community you have comm.
45:37 And who wants comm.
45:41 You have to have unity in community
45:43 for community to be community.
45:45 And that's the Trinity, they have found unity,
45:49 they have displayed for us unity within community.
45:53 That's how the Trinity has live forever and ever
45:56 and that's how humanity must learn to live.
45:58 Unity within community, that's the calling,
46:02 that's why the Trinity make
46:03 such a big difference for you and me.
46:06 We can't just brush this off
46:08 as old academic doctrinal, who cares.
46:12 No, it matters everything
46:15 for the survival of this community of faith.
46:18 For if we abandon unity, there will be no community.
46:22 And then we're doomed.
46:26 You say what's that mean unity and community,
46:28 just ask the Trinity.
46:30 You want the Trinity to answer that.
46:31 In closing let me share with you
46:33 the Trinity's answer, here it is.
46:34 Jot it down, will you please.
46:36 The unity of the Trinity
46:37 is the fruit of mutual submission.
46:40 I wrestled for usage, shall we put
46:41 the word subordination.
46:43 It just feels too clingy.
46:45 The Trinity demonstrates unity through mutual submission.
46:51 Watch how these works, keep your pen moving.
46:53 "The Father submits to the Son."
46:56 In Hebrew's 1:13,
46:59 "The Father comes and said, Son, sit right here
47:01 'cause I'm gonna take care of Your enemies for You,
47:02 I'm gonna put them
47:03 under your feet as your footstool."
47:04 The Father summits Himself to the Son.
47:08 In Philippians 2, He says, "Okay, all universe,
47:10 I want you to bow down to Him.
47:12 Every knee will bow down to Christ.
47:15 The Father summits Himself to the Son
47:16 and guess what, it works the other way.
47:18 The Son summits Himself to the Father.
47:21 That's huge Jesus says in John 5:19.
47:24 "I can't do anything on my own,
47:25 everything I do comes from the Father."
47:28 Boy, He says, the Father speaks,
47:34 I speak, He has submitted Himself to the Son--
47:38 in fact He's to the Father rather.
47:40 In fact in Philippians 2, it says, "The Son
47:44 rather than choosing equality with God
47:46 to be something grasp at, empties Himself.
47:51 Submits to Father. You, You, I come down.
47:56 And by the way you guessed
47:57 the Holy Spirit submits to both the Father and the Son.
48:01 In the upper room discourse it's very clear.
48:02 Father says Spirit go, the Spirit goes.
48:04 Son says Spirit go, the Spirit goes.
48:07 The Spirit has submitted himself to both.
48:10 His companions in the Trinity.
48:11 Submitted himself, mutual submission.
48:16 Ladies and gentlemen, jot it down, will you please.
48:18 Mutual submission is the secret to genuine unity.
48:21 When I place your interest ahead of mine.
48:26 When I love you sacrificially
48:28 in other words at my own expense.
48:31 How many marriages today could be saved
48:33 if unity were defined as mutual submission.
48:36 I summit myself to you.
48:39 No, I submit myself to you, mutual submission.
48:43 I place your interests ahead of mine.
48:45 I will love you sacrificially.
48:49 Calvary, I want to put this on the screen
48:53 'cause I want you to just...
48:57 let this go deep in your mind.
49:00 Calvary is the Trinity's most sublime exhibit
49:05 of Their mutual submission to our fallen race.
49:10 Do you understand that the Trinity
49:11 has submitted itself to this earth?
49:16 And one member of the Trinity will for ever and ever
49:19 bear the form of humanity as evidence,
49:23 the Trinity has put our interest ahead of theirs,
49:28 risking the entire kingdom
49:31 in an effort to save the human race.
49:33 And I tell you what, ladies and gentlemen,
49:34 unity within community,
49:35 it doesn't get any better than that.
49:37 Unity within community saved us once upon a time.
49:40 And unity within community can only save us now.
49:44 Unity within community.
49:46 Unity within community, that is our only salvation.
49:58 So what do I do with this teaching?
50:01 You got a next step for me this time, Dwight?
50:03 Yep, take out your connect card, will you.
50:06 Take out your connect cart.
50:08 It's in your worship bonus,
50:09 it's sort of card that Chaplin Hosea
50:10 talked about just a moment ago.
50:12 You've already filled out this side of it,
50:13 that's what you do when you come,
50:14 you spend the first moments of your worship experience
50:17 is making sure this side is filled out,
50:18 so that we can get to this side.
50:19 I want to go to the backside.
50:20 What's the next step, because you can't come
50:22 to a teaching like this and not take a next step.
50:25 So turn your card around.
50:26 My next step today is I want to read Jesus
50:30 John 17 prayer everyday this next week.
50:33 I'm gonna put a checkmark there
50:34 and I want to invite you to put a checkmark too.
50:36 I will read John 17 everyday this next week.
50:41 The great prayer of unity.
50:44 And here's another checkmark.
50:45 I will seek to build unity within community.
50:47 In my dormitory room I will seek to build
50:50 unity within community.
50:51 In my marriage I will seek to build unity within community.
50:54 In my office place, I will seek to build
50:56 unity within community.
50:58 In my school,
51:01 I will seek to build unity within community.
51:05 Put a check mark there.
51:06 You are saying but, Dwight,
51:08 you know, I love this metaphor, the wine and the bread
51:10 and, you know, I've never come to Jesus.
51:12 I have never given my life to Jesus.
51:15 You know, what my friend, today is your day.
51:18 You see this little box right here.
51:19 You please put a check mark, I'm interested in beginning
51:22 a relationship with Jesus.
51:23 Put a check mark there.
51:24 Our connect team will get this
51:26 and tomorrow the next day in cyberspace
51:31 you will receive the steps to take,
51:35 to begin a life in relationship, in friendship with Jesus.
51:40 You want to begin anew,
51:41 I can't believe how many last week,
51:42 for the last two weeks we've just begun this card,
51:44 the same number every week.
51:46 New people saying I want to begin my friendship.
51:50 And by the way, those of you watching on live streaming,
51:52 we got responses from across the nation
51:54 and we were not even prepared.
51:55 You will see a mechanism
51:57 whereby you can send the same decision.
52:00 And we will honor that decision
52:01 and we'll try to get to you the material that we have here.
52:05 I am interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus
52:07 I would like, Dwight, could you send me
52:08 some information on baptism?
52:11 I love the idea that Trinity coming to my baptism.
52:13 I love the idea being drawn into a friendship
52:17 with a community that will last for ever and ever,
52:19 I want to be in that community,
52:20 I want to be baptized like Jesus,
52:22 I want them there that day.
52:24 By the way, over here we're setting aside
52:26 Saturday April 21 or Saturday April 28.
52:30 Why not in the semester with you making a decision
52:34 and sealing the decision.
52:35 I want to be one with the Trinity.
52:37 They are one together,
52:38 I want to be a part of that oneness.
52:41 Make the decision. Put a check mark there.
52:43 You want information on church membership
52:44 put a check mark there, we'll get a information to you.
52:47 Interested in serving on a team at PMC.
52:49 Listen to this, I got to tell you this.
52:50 So I come to church today its early
52:52 and I see one of my seminary students
52:54 who was in my preaching class last year.
52:58 And I said, Raul, what do you all dressed up
53:00 in the orange of the--
53:01 the orange of the traffic ministry.
53:02 I didn't know you're on this team.
53:03 He said, I wasn't.
53:04 But you said the other day to sign up to serve the church,
53:07 I went online 12 ministries will send you.
53:09 You pick the one you want.
53:10 He said, I picked traffic ministry
53:11 and I'm starting today.
53:13 You don't have to take a month,
53:14 you don't have take a half a year
53:15 to figure out what to do.
53:17 We'll start you next Sabbath, if you want to serve Christ.
53:21 Come on, you're always thinking about studying,
53:24 studying socializing, socializing.
53:29 I invite you to think about serving, serving.
53:31 You're an adult, you've been sitting on this pews
53:33 for a long time and you aren't serving.
53:35 Go to that, we'll send you a website.
53:36 You'll pick the 12, pick, you pick, it's yours.
53:40 And finally I like to learn more about the Bible.
53:43 Seventy two people last week send in,
53:44 I want to learn more about the Bible. Wow.
53:48 If you'd like to know more about the Bible,
53:49 we'll make sure that you know more about the Bible.
53:53 In a moment I'm gonna pray with you.
53:55 And then the ushers are gonna come
53:57 and we're gonna receive our morning tithes and offerings.
53:59 Today's offering by the way is
54:00 for this little church right here,
54:02 the Andrews University Pioneer Memorial Church.
54:05 It's to keep this church going.
54:07 It's so that this church can minister to this campus
54:09 and through you minister to the entire planet.
54:12 A hundred nations are part of this congregation.
54:16 If this church is a blessing to you,
54:18 if you're a member in this congregation,
54:20 thank you for your liberal generosity.
54:22 So that this congregation
54:23 can continue to do what it's doing.
54:25 I'm gonna pray with you.
54:26 We received our morning tithes and offerings
54:29 and then at the end
54:30 two stanzas of this majestic Trinitarian in Him.
54:34 This service doesn't end until those two stanzas,
54:37 look it, it's 10 minutes before you're used to leaving,
54:41 so stay right here.
54:44 You know, we are so conditioned as American Adventist
54:47 that when the preacher is down,
54:49 I got what I came for and I'm out of here.
54:52 No, you didn't get what you came for.
54:54 Here's a majestic Trinitarian in Him,
54:57 just to short stanzas of it, holy, holy, holy,
55:00 and we're gonna sing with all our might,
55:02 then we go forth into the world with the Trinity.
55:06 Let's pray first and then our ushers will come.
55:09 Dear God, Father, Son and Spirit,
55:13 You've emptied Your throne
55:19 in the treasury of heaven
55:20 to save this runaway rebel race.
55:26 And we will never be able to thank you enough
55:29 but we give now,
55:30 it's just a humble unselfish response,
55:34 take these gifts.
55:37 The tithes return, take them, multiply them,
55:39 grow Your kingdom on earth even as it is in heaven.
55:43 But dear God, there's a next step.
55:46 We can't learn about you
55:48 and not take a next step with You.
55:50 So whether it's reading and praying John 17
55:53 everyday this next week
55:55 and then beginning to grow unity
55:57 within the little communities where we are.
56:00 Whether it's coming to Jesus for the first time,
56:02 asking please help me,
56:04 show me what I must do to follow Him in baptism.
56:08 Whether it's joining the church,
56:09 or joining a service, a ministry team
56:12 whatever it is, dear God, bless our next steps.
56:15 Let the Trinity join us in every step
56:19 until that day when we shall be face to face.
56:22 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
56:27 I'd like to take a moment here at the end of the service
56:29 to tell you about one of the most
56:30 important groups of people
56:31 that make this ministry possible.
56:34 They are team of people, they're not afraid to get down
56:37 into the thick of life itself,
56:40 which is why you're gonna find them,
56:41 you will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:44 There are prayer partners.
56:46 A group of men and women and young adults
56:49 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:52 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:54 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher.
56:58 The God will use me, the God will use
56:59 the countless other volunteers
57:01 to spread the everlasting gospel
57:03 and the word of God in ways
57:04 we could never have imagined before.
57:07 They're the ones who are praying
57:08 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people,
57:11 open up the hearts of viewers
57:13 around the world for the message,
57:15 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:19 And what I'd like to do is ask you.
57:21 Would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us,
57:24 a prayer partner with New Perceptions.
57:26 You don't have to call a toll free number.
57:27 You don't have to go online to register.
57:30 All I need to know is that you'd be willing
57:32 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day.
57:38 Pray that somehow through radio
57:41 and television and the web,
57:42 God will open up new doors,
57:43 new regions on earth
57:46 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed.
57:49 There is no question, the power of prayer
57:51 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:54 we could never have imagined before.
57:57 So that's it.
57:58 Would you please be willing to partner with me in prayer.
58:01 The times are urgent, the need is critical
58:05 and I hope you'll say yes.
58:07 Till we're together next time, may the prayer answering God
58:11 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17