Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP030709
00:27 That raiseth me.
00:34 Still all my song shall be, 00:43 Nearer My God to Thee 00:50 Nearer My God 00:56 To Thee 00:59 Nearer to Thee 01:10 Though like the wanderer 01:16 The sun gone down 01:21 Darkness be over me 01:28 My rest a stone 01:33 Yet in my dreams I'd be 01:39 Nearer My God to Thee 01:46 Nearer My God to Thee 01:51 Nearer to Thee 02:00 Or if on joyful wing 02:06 Cleaving the sky 02:11 Sun, moon and stars forgot 02:18 Upward I fly 02:23 Still all my song shall be 02:29 Nearer my God to Thee 02:35 Nearer my God to Thee 02:42 Nearer to Thee 05:47 Thank you, Music Festival Brass Ensemble. 05:50 Beautiful and more of that is happening 05:51 at 4 o'clock, is that right? 05:53 Howard Performing Art Center, God bless you. 05:56 Thank you, Douglas Smith, as well. 05:59 Let's pray together. 06:01 Oh, God, You're our Sheppard, 06:06 it's an old Lagrangian metaphor 06:08 but it speaks of tenderness as well as strength. 06:14 In today's teaching shepherd us through be front in centre. 06:19 We pray in Jesus name, amen. 06:24 I know this is gonna sound a bit strange 06:29 but because of the kindness of a friend 06:32 I have been to purgatory. 06:35 Little over ten years ago, we were counting down to 06:44 a global satellite event called NET'98. 06:50 And this friend felt that we needed a little bit of RNR 06:54 before that big event came and so he send us to purgatory 06:59 and I'm telling you we came back so refreshed. 07:03 Any body gives me an opportunity again 07:05 to go to purgatory I go in a heartbeat. 07:08 We're talking about purgatory Colorado, 07:11 beautiful mountain side resort outside Durango. 07:18 So truth in advertising I have been to purgatory. 07:23 But I have also been to the purgatory 07:25 that you may have been thinking of, 07:28 been there intellectually. 07:33 I was having Bible studies 07:34 with a Roman Catholic college professor 07:38 not far from here. 07:41 We are getting into the word together, 07:43 actually when we began the studies 07:45 he was a protestant college professor 07:48 but he fell in love with a Roman Catholic woman 07:51 and converted to Catholicism. 07:54 After his conversion he said hey Dwight, 07:55 we got to study now the big differences. 07:58 What shall we study? 08:00 I said, what do you say we study purgatory. 08:03 He said, that's a deal. So we agreed. 08:06 We would each write a paper. 08:08 He would write a paper defending 08:10 the teaching of purgatory 08:12 and I would write a paper questioning it. 08:16 We exchanged papers 08:20 but after that I never heard from him again. 08:25 Repeated emails, repeated telephone calls, 08:30 visits to his office where he teaches, to no avail, 08:36 leading me to conclude that perhaps his silence 08:40 was a tacit recognition 08:45 of the position in that paper that I had shared with him. 08:52 We have some Roman Catholic friends of mine 08:54 who are here right now. 08:58 We have some Roman Catholic friends I do, 09:03 listening on the radio, right now, 09:06 watching television right now. 09:09 And for you I wish you would allow me to share 09:12 just a -- just a-- just a synopsis 09:16 of what I share with my college professor friend. 09:19 Now for the rest of you who may not be familiar 09:22 with the Roman Catholic teaching of purgatory, 09:24 here is a brief summary, all right. 09:27 This is from the latest Catechism 09:28 of the Catholic churches 09:30 this would be sections 1030 and 1031. 09:33 I'll put it on the screen for you. 09:35 Quoting from the Catechism, 09:37 "All who die in God's grace and friendship, 09:40 but still imperfectly purified, 09:43 are indeed assured of their eternal salvation, 09:45 but after death they undergo purification, 09:48 so as to achieve the holiness necessary 09:51 to enter the joy of heaven." 09:54 The Catechism goes on. 09:55 "The Church gives the name Purgatory 09:57 to this final purification of the elect, 10:01 which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned, 10:03 which would be hell. 10:05 The tradition of the Church, 10:06 by reference to certain texts of Scripture, 10:08 speaks of a cleansing fire." 10:13 Rome teaches that God has provided 10:16 a burning cleansing fire into which all who have died 10:21 and who would be saved must go 10:23 before they can be fully and finally saved 10:25 into the joy of heaven and enter the beatific vision of God. 10:31 Those who died with venial sins, 10:34 is our sins for which there is divine forgiveness 10:39 but those who died with venial sins 10:43 would then go to purgatory to pay the temple punishment 10:45 for their already forgiven sins. 10:48 But those who died with mortal sins unconfessed. 10:52 The only way a mortal sin can be forgiven is 10:54 if it is confessed in the sacrament of the confession 10:57 but if they die with mortal sins unconfessed 11:00 they will go straight to hell to pay the eternal punishment 11:03 for their now never to be forgiven sins. 11:07 The fires of purgatory in hell are identical. 11:11 The difference is in the function of the fires. 11:13 Purgatory fires are for temporary cleansing 11:15 and hell fires are for eternal punishment. 11:19 Now Rome further teaches and provides 11:21 that once tenure or length of stay in purgatory 11:25 after death can be adjusted or shortened 11:29 by penitential and sacrificial acts of the living 11:32 before they die and by penitential and sacrificial acts 11:36 performed by the living on behalf of the dead 11:39 who are already in purgatory. 11:42 Hence, the pope can offer what are called indulgences, 11:47 where in the sinners temporal punishment in purgatory 11:50 can be reduced through a particle indulgence 11:53 or eliminated through a plenary or full indulgence. 11:58 That is why Roman priest perform memorial masses for the dead 12:01 giving the surviving family members an opportunity 12:04 to procure a reduced sentence in purgatory 12:08 for that deceased loved one. 12:10 Now here is the question, does the Bible teach 12:15 a further cleanse of sinners after they have died 12:20 and before they enter heaven? 12:24 The answer to that question obviously 12:26 will determine the veracity of the doctrine of purgatory. 12:29 In my paper to my college professor friend, 12:32 I begin, and by the way, 12:34 the paper is posted on our website. 12:36 Its there right now, you will be download it 12:39 and study it for yourself. 12:41 In that paper, I begin with a single text 12:43 and I wish for the few moments you and I have together, 12:46 let's begin with that same text. 12:47 Open your Bible please to the New Testament 12:49 it would be the Book of Hebrews. 12:51 The Book of Hebrews-- 12:53 by the way if you didn't bring a Bible 12:54 grab the pew Bible in front of you 12:55 because you gonna want to trace this one. 12:57 Just-- just keep your mind open, 13:01 we were into the word together. 13:03 The Book of Hebrews 13:04 that be the towards the end of the New Testament 13:06 if you-- if you grab the pew Bible 13:08 which is the New King James Version 13:10 it will be page 808 in the pew Bible. 13:13 I'm in the Today's New International Version the TNIV 13:17 and that will be the words that are on the screen. 13:20 All right, Hebrews Chapter 9, 13:22 please find Hebrews Chapter 9, Hebrews Chapter 9. 13:27 Let's being the very end of Hebrews Chapter 9:27 13:31 "Just as people are destined to die once, 13:35 and after that to face judgment," 13:40 so verse 28 13:41 "Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many, 13:45 and he will appear a second time," 13:46 by the way that's the only place in all the scripture 13:49 where the return of Christ is called the second appearing. 13:53 It's the only place which is called the second coming. 13:55 "He will appear a second time not to bear sin, 13:58 but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." 14:03 Ladies and Gentlemen, the sequence of the human journey is 14:06 in this passage are mistakable. 14:07 Here is the human journey, 14:09 we're all on this journey, right? 14:10 Life, that's where we all are right now. 14:13 Death, after death judgment 14:17 after which comes the return of Christ. 14:20 Notice, we live, we die and when we die 14:24 the record of our life is closed 14:26 it goes to the judgment and then Christ returns. 14:32 I-- there is no further adjustment to our lives 14:40 or cleansing of our hearts once we die 14:45 because death is the close of human probation. 14:51 That point is so critical I need you to scribbling it down. 14:52 Right now, pull out your study guide please 14:54 it stocked away in your worship bulletin today. 14:56 Pull out your study guide, jot that down. 15:01 Our friend the usher's thank you, 15:02 are going to quickly come by you in the overflow 15:06 up in the balcony and here in the sanctuary as well. 15:09 I want to make sure the Brass by the way, 15:10 usher's, can we send an usher up here up, 15:12 I like the brass to have the study guide as well. 15:16 All right, other ways can you come and serve our guests, 15:20 we are so glad to have them 15:21 and I like them to be able to follow on as well. 15:24 All right, to those who are watching by the way 15:26 we are delighted to have you. 15:27 It doesn't matter what you believe we don't believe 15:29 for the next few movements 15:30 I hope you will find this study fascinating. 15:32 Get the same study guide 15:33 I'll put it on the screen for you right now, 15:35 go to our website www you see there 15:42 This is the final piece in a little three part mini series 15:45 called the truth about hell. 15:47 The teaching today that raps it up 15:49 my journey to purgatory and back. 15:51 And by the way those of you going to the website right now, 15:53 you will also see there special paper on purgatory. 15:57 You click there you will have that paper 15:58 for you later brooding and study. 16:01 So, get the study guide download it 16:03 and please join us, keep your hands up 16:06 our ushers are coming your way. 16:08 Let's go a head and put that first line in though, 16:10 we are ready to go. 16:11 Death marks the end of human probation. 16:15 You say, what's the big deal, Dwight, who cares? 16:17 Hold on, hold on, hold on, just give me a moment. 16:19 Death marks the end of human probation. 16:21 IE, once we die, our eternal destiny is decided. 16:29 Now this needs to be very clear right here. 16:34 There is no-- please don't miss understand this. 16:39 There is no second chance. 16:45 The teaching of purgatory offers a subtle second chance 16:49 sort of theology where in 16:50 if you don't make it in this life 16:52 you can always depend on the after life 16:54 one more opportunity to be cleansed 16:57 so that you can saved and ready for heaven. 16:59 By the way, protestants let us not be too hard 17:01 on our Roman Catholic friends 17:02 for we protestant have also invented 17:06 a non biblical second chance opportunity 17:09 its human nature they want a second chance, 17:12 nobody wants to say curtains, finish, this is it. 17:15 And so what if protestants come up with, 17:17 they have come up with what's called the secret rapture. 17:19 Jesus comes secretly and people that are ready go with Him. 17:22 Then you got if your wife is missing 17:24 you got seven years buddy, to really get ready this time. 17:28 Its second chance theology 17:29 and when He comes the third time 17:31 hopefully you will be ready. 17:32 We all want a second chance 17:35 and that's why this teaching is so urgent. 17:37 The Bible say, hey time out, time out 17:39 there is no second chance not-- not before Jesus comes 17:43 not after death its death is it. 17:46 Human probation closes at death. 17:51 Are you thinking well, this is just 17:52 a little something from Hebrews, 17:53 oh, Bible doesn't support this. 17:54 Oh, let me take you now to the Bible's last book. 17:57 We were just in Hebrews now 17:58 let's go to the last book of the Bible. 17:59 In fact, this is the last page of your Bible. 18:03 Find the last page of the New Testament 18:05 it should be Revelation 22, 18:07 take a look at Jesus mighty exclamation 18:11 as He is returning the second time. 18:14 This is what He says, find the last page 18:17 of Revelation, the apocalypse, I'm finding that too. 18:21 Revelation 22, take a look at this. 18:24 Just one line this is almost if you have a Red Letter Bible, 18:27 you can see this is the next of the last red letter line 18:30 in all of Holy Scripture, all right. 18:32 So this would be verse 12, Revelation 22:12, 18:38 "Look," as Jesus speaking "I am coming. 18:41 My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone 18:44 according to what they have done." 18:48 Oh, boy, grab your pen real quick scribble that now. 18:51 We know that when Christ returns to the earth the second time, 18:55 He comes bringing his reward with him. 18:58 Key point, He comes with His reward. 19:03 So keep your pen moving. 19:04 That reward presupposes a prior judgment 19:07 has already taken place 19:08 rendered for every human being before Christ returns. 19:11 That reward some decision has already been made. 19:15 That's the timeline. 19:16 Look folks, the timeline for Hebrews 9, 19:18 timeline for Revelation 22 is the same. 19:22 Same time line-- life, start with life 19:25 that's where we all are, then will come death 19:28 after death judgment rendering of a decision 19:31 after that the return of Christ. 19:34 Identical timeline. 19:37 This timeline is vital for a challenges 19:40 the teaching that death is followed by an indefinite time 19:43 of purgatory of cleansing after which 19:45 there is a final judgment as Rome teaches. 19:48 No, no, no key point its all over at death, 19:52 everything is over. 19:54 Which is why life, come on guys, life is so critical. 19:58 Aren't you glad for life? 19:59 Hallelujah, think of the alternative. 20:03 We are glad to be alive but life right now is critical. 20:06 Jot it down. 20:08 Death does not transition in Holy Scripture 20:10 to human cleansing, but rather to divine judgment. 20:15 Once we died its over, 20:17 our eternal destinies are sealed. 20:18 Oh, man Dwight, I'm-- I'm gonna fear this death that 20:21 if this is the final curtain oh, my I don't want to go. 20:25 Hey, listen nobody wants to die 20:27 but I want to tell you 20:28 why you don't have to be afraid of death. 20:30 The same apocalypse tells us 20:32 why we don't have to be afraid of that 20:34 which might happen to us after we die. 20:36 This is a beautiful depiction of death. 20:38 Just turn a few pages back to Revelation 14. 20:41 You don't need a page number. 20:42 Revelation 14 just a few pages back 20:47 take a look at this description of death. 20:50 I mean, who would be afraid of death if this is the truth. 20:53 If the Bible is, the truth about death no need to be afraid. 20:55 Look at this, 21:01 "Then I heard a voice from heaven saying," 21:03 all right, this is the voice of God, 21:05 "I heard a voice from heaven saying, 21:07 'Write, Blessed are the dead'" 21:11 when you approach death 21:12 you don't have to approach it with fear. 21:13 What's gonna happen to me after I die? 21:14 No, no, no, "Blessed are the dead 21:18 who die in the Lord from now on." 21:20 "Yes," the spirit pipes it. 21:22 "'Yes,' says the Spirit, 21:24 'they will rest from their labor, 21:27 for their deeds will follow them." 21:30 Death, rest and now notice the very next line-- 21:35 you see that window right up there, 21:36 you see that window high above the-- 21:38 we call it the rose window in this church 21:40 that window is being described in the very next verse 21:42 which is verse 14 21:43 "And I looked, and there before me 21:45 was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud 21:49 was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head 21:52 and a sharp sickle in his hand." 21:55 Death, rest, second coming. 22:00 Oh, would you jot that down please. 22:02 What follows death for the one who believes in Christ 22:04 is rest and repose, not burning and suffering. 22:08 You don't have to be afraid 22:11 for what's awaiting you after death. 22:12 Its rest and repose. 22:14 Death doesn't come to the friends of God 22:16 is some kind of door way to punishment. 22:18 Death comes-- jot it down, death comes as a divine sleep 22:22 for the child and friend of God. 22:24 Sleep, that's it. 22:30 You know what if that's true then you want the best, 22:34 you want the best death by confession 22:35 you could ever give in our life. 22:36 I'm gonna share with you right now, 22:37 you are gonna read it and you are gonna say, 22:39 oh, boy, Dwight, when I die 22:40 I want to die with those words on my lips. 22:42 I want to take you to the greatest death bed 22:44 testimony you can give. 22:46 Only the man is not death bed. 22:47 Karen and I were in Rome back in May 22:50 and we went down into the Mamertine dungeon 22:53 where it is reputed with strong historical reliability 22:57 that Paul himself was incrassated 22:59 in that subterranean hole. 23:01 We climb down into that hole awaiting his final 23:05 it would be beheaded, all right. 23:07 So these are the last words he writes before his beheading. 23:12 I want you to note the spirit 23:15 with which you can approach death. 23:17 You need to turn back to 2 Timothy. 23:20 Let me give you page number 23:21 if you have the pew Bible it will be page 801. 23:22 Just a few-- we got to go back past Hebrews. 23:26 Just a few books back 2 Timothy 23:29 the last will and testament of Paul. 23:32 This is so beautiful. Memorize these words. 23:35 When you come to your death and I come to mine, 23:37 I want to be able to repeat these words 23:39 as I'm breathing my last. 23:41 This is beautiful. 23:42 This is what Paul is doing, he knows he is about to die, 23:44 this would be 2 Timothy 4:6 23:47 "For I am already being 23:48 poured out like a drink offering," 23:50 I hate, hey guys, I know its curtains for me, 23:52 I have hours or may be days who knows, 23:55 "I am already being poured out like a drink offering, 23:57 and the time for my departure is near." 24:01 I'm gonna die. 24:02 Notice verse 7, "I have fought the good fight, 24:06 I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 24:11 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, 24:14 which the Lord, the righteous Judge, 24:16 will award to me on that day and not only to me, 24:19 but also to all who have longed for his appearing." 24:22 Isn't that amazing? 24:23 Would you jot that down please? 24:24 Death for the Christian, get this down never forget it. 24:28 Death for the Christian means the race is finished, 24:32 it means the faith has been kept 24:36 and it means the verdict of the judgment 24:38 is already assured. 24:40 You say Dwight, can you really show that? 24:42 Of course, you can. 24:43 He just said it number 1 but number 2 24:45 let me tell you a word Paul uses here, 24:47 you know that word for crown 24:48 and crown is being set a side for me. 24:51 The Greek word for crown is stephanos. 24:54 From what's come-- once comes the names 24:56 Steven or Stephanie. 24:58 It means that, its in the Greek Olympics 25:01 when you-- excuse me, when you cross the finish line 25:04 they gave you this little laurel wreath 25:06 it's a little green thing that went around your head 25:08 that was a crown stephanos. 25:09 It's the crown of victory. So it's talking about a race. 25:14 Hey listen, I love races, I love to race 25:16 every time there is a race here on the campus 25:18 I sign and pay my five dollars so that I can run in the race. 25:21 And for me the reason that races are so fun 25:24 is because it's such great fellowship. 25:26 I get to talk to everybody who is running, 25:28 pass me towards the finish line. 25:29 I just talk to them as they come by, 25:30 hey, hey I see, I'll see you at the end. 25:33 Yeah, nice running, shot. Set a place for me. 25:35 That kind of thing, because you just interact with people 25:38 as they run by you. 25:39 And its-- its just is a great experience. 25:43 I don't know a lot about races, all right. 25:44 Look, I don't know a lot about races 25:47 but this much I do know, when you cross the finish line 25:51 you don't have to run a few extra laps 25:54 just to make sure you are qualified for the race. 25:59 I repeat, when you cross 26:02 the finish line the race is over. 26:07 There aren't a few more laps through purgatory 26:10 just to make sure you are really qualified to finish the race. 26:16 All right, jot it down, when you come 26:18 to the threshold of death, 26:20 you cross the finish line of life and salvation. 26:24 Death is the take to, you will run through it 26:29 life is over and salvation is over. 26:32 Salvation is over, there is nothing 26:35 anybody can do for you now. 26:37 That's why this teaching is so critical. 26:39 Don't-- don't, don't, don't rest your hopes 26:44 on somebody doing a little bit of adjusting 26:47 and cleansing afterwards. 26:51 You can't. 26:52 Once you cross the finish line every race, every racer knows 26:55 it's over you can't run again. 26:58 It's over. That's the point. 27:02 Bad news, there is no second chance after death. 27:08 Good news you don't need a second chance after death 27:11 you have a Savior before death. 27:14 That's the good news 27:15 that's why Paul can be so utterly confident. 27:18 I mean did you notice this? 27:20 My Roman Catholic friends, I want to ask you 27:21 did you notice there is no-- 27:22 there is no trace of fear in his voice. 27:25 There is no anxiety like, I don't know, 27:27 I don't know it's gonna be painful I know once I die. 27:30 There is none of that. 27:32 Paul says look it, look it, look it 27:33 I know that little stephanos, 27:36 that little wreath has been put on the shelf 27:38 of God's living room and one day when I come out of death 27:41 and I wake up from that sleep 27:43 I'm gonna get that stephanos on my head and not-- 27:46 by the way not only for me but for everybody 27:48 who loves the appearing of Christ. 27:52 Oh, that's why Paul has no calms no questions. 27:57 He is decided who a Savior is. 27:59 In fact, look at this turn just two pages back 28:01 to 1 Timothy 1, I mean 2 Timothy 1 same book 2 Timothy 28:05 notice verse 12, 28:07 here is why Paul is so unequivocal and unafraid. 28:10 Verse 12, "That is why I am suffering." 28:12 He says, look guys, I really I'm suffering. 28:13 This hole that I'm in its bad that's why I'm suffering as I'm. 28:18 Yet, watch this "This is no cause for shame, 28:21 because I know whom I have believed, 28:24 and I am convinced that he is able to guard 28:27 what I have entrusted to him until that day." 28:29 When He comes I'm not worried I got the crown. 28:32 It's already set up for me 28:35 because when I cross that finish line, 28:38 the race is over, it's over. 28:43 Wow, how can anyone be so unabashedly confident 28:48 on the eve of His impending death? 28:50 Ladies and gentlemen, 28:51 it's called the Everlasting Gospel. 28:53 Some people call it therefore ever and ever good news. 28:58 So we exchange these papers, all right? 29:01 My Roman Catholic college professor friend 29:04 in his paper to me, 29:06 he said, Dwight, 29:07 I have to have cleansing. 29:10 I have read Matthew 5:48 29:12 "Be there for perfect as your father in heaven is perfect." 29:15 I'm not perfect 29:17 I know that when I die I'll not be perfect 29:19 I want to be Holy as God is Holy. 29:22 That's why I need a purgatory. 29:25 I want to tell you something, 29:27 I really admire that friend-- that professor friend of mine. 29:32 You know why? 29:33 Because he has a heart longing to be like God. 29:38 I want to be Holy like God. 29:40 I want to be perfect like God. 29:43 I wish people who believe what I believe 29:46 have the same passion of longing. 29:49 I really do, instead of settling for second, 29:52 third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight best 29:55 and just dribbling through life 29:58 half like God and half like this planet. 30:06 My Catholic professor friend says, Dwight, 30:08 it got to be holy place, 30:10 that's why I need purgatory. 30:11 I'll tell you what are you my friend, 30:13 I have a verse for you 30:15 go right back here to Hebrews 9 30:16 where was it, we were in Hebrew 9, look at Hebrews 10. 30:19 We will end up right here. 30:21 Look at Hebrews 10, 30:22 my Roman Catholic friend everything you hunger for 30:26 that which you are passionate thrusting for 30:28 here it is, here it is. 30:30 I want you to see this 30:31 back to Hebrews chapter-- Hebrews Chapter 10. 30:35 We were in Hebrews 9 now we are in Hebrews 10 30:38 its words are written for you. 30:39 Oh, my. 30:41 Hebrews 10:10 30:43 "And by that will," now, watch this, 30:45 "we have been made holy through the sacrifice 30:49 of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." 30:56 And now notice verse 14, 30:57 "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect 31:00 forever those who are being made holy." 31:06 Would you jot this down please? 31:08 Jesus' death was a once for all sacrifice for all! 31:14 In other words, it doesn't have to be repeated 31:17 not in history again and again and again. 31:20 Not in the mass again and gain and gain. 31:24 It doesn't have to be. 31:25 It was a once for all for all sacrifice. 31:33 And notice 31:35 and here I affirm the longing of this friend of mine. 31:37 Please notice verse 14, in fact, jot verse 14, 31:39 I set it up there in the study guides 31:41 you can just jot it down. 31:42 "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect." 31:45 Remember my friend, he said Dwight, 31:47 I got to be perfect. 31:48 By one sacrifice he has made perfect forever 31:52 those who are being made. 31:53 He said, Dwight, I got to be holy. 31:55 I want to be holy like God. 31:57 Through one sacrifice he has made perfect forever 31:59 those who are being made holy. 32:01 The very longing of my Roman Catholic professor friend 32:04 is provided in the once for all sacrifice on Calvary. 32:09 Isn't this amazing? 32:10 The very holiness and perfection 32:12 that God calls for He himself provides 32:16 in the gift of Jesus Christ on Calvary. 32:18 What kind of a God is this, 32:20 who sets the bar so infinity high, 32:22 we can never reach that bar 32:23 and then He says, I'll step in as the infinite one 32:26 and cover the distance on your behalf. 32:29 Ladies and gentlemen, it's called the everlasting gospel. 32:32 Some people call it therefore for ever and ever good news. 32:36 That means its good news 32:37 at the beginning of human history 32:38 and it will still be good news at the end of human history. 32:43 My, oh, my. 32:48 Like that old gospel song sings nothing but the blood of Jesus. 32:53 Yeah, my holiness, my perfection 32:58 they are not contingent on my penance. 33:00 Today, our God's purgatory tomorrow it's all I needed. 33:05 I have done it. 33:07 This is the only time you have boy, 33:10 this is where your probation is. 33:12 Take what I have done, run with it 33:15 you'll cross the finish line perfectly, perfectly 33:20 if you are running with Me. 33:23 And then look at this only gets better. 33:25 Go down to verse 21, 33:26 "And since we have a great priest 33:30 over the house of God" that would be the-- 33:32 we have a great priest over the church of God. 33:36 I wish you jot that down. 33:37 Christ is not only our great sacrifice, 33:39 He is our great priest over the church. 33:44 The doctrine of purgatory teaches 33:47 that the pope and his representatives 33:49 the priest have the authority to administer purgatory 33:52 by their discussionary decisions 33:54 whether to remit entirely or partially the penalty of sins 33:58 being suffered by the tens of thousands of souls 34:01 who are detained in those cleansing fires. 34:06 That's why they offering indulgences. 34:07 It might be a partial easing of the punishment 34:10 or could be a full emission of the penalty 34:12 for all the sins before this movement 34:15 but it's the call, it's their call 34:17 they make the decision will it be partial or primary. 34:22 My dear friends, there is one priest 34:25 capital 'P' Priest in the universe, 34:29 who by his life and death and resurrection is nearly one 34:34 how can decide life and death for the human race. 34:38 He is the only one. 34:41 He is the only one. 34:46 Verse 21 again, "And since we have a great priest 34:49 over the house of God," now, I love 22, 34:51 "Let us draw near to God 34:53 with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, 34:56 having our hearts sprinkled." 34:57 Here it comes, "To cleanse us from a guilty conscience 35:02 and having our bodies washed with pure water." 35:06 Talking about cleansing and purification 35:08 not after death one day you can have it today, 35:10 you can have it right now, 35:11 in this split second in this very place 35:14 you can be cleansed you can be clean 35:17 for ever and ever. 35:20 Right now, 35:25 one of the joys of having to drive your car 35:28 in the winter around this place 35:31 and we thought spring was coming. 35:34 One of the Joys is that by driving on these roads 35:38 you get that awful slugging salt 35:41 and muck splashed and splattered all over your car. 35:48 It's one of my favorite rituals of the week 35:50 comes on a Friday afternoon when I drive down to the-- 35:53 drive my old Blazer down to the village car wash. 35:56 I can hardly wait for this. 35:58 I'll put the five dollars in 36:00 only the express wash not a penny more. 36:04 I put the five dollars in 36:08 you are not driving the door in front of me 36:10 because its winter is closed 36:12 I'm all alone, the doors are locked 36:15 and nobody can take me out now. 36:19 And then oh, boy, oh, boy, 36:22 when those high powered jet spray 36:25 begin to spit out that blue foam 36:28 and they cover my old car 36:30 so even the windows are all covered 36:32 and I really I'm alone, then I know this is what 36:36 I have been living for this week 36:40 because that foam that foam which is drip 36:43 and as it drips I'm saying bring it on, 36:46 bring on it high pressured rids 36:48 bring it on 36:52 and when I drive out of there 36:54 it is the cleanest car in Berrien County, hallelujah. 37:00 Ladies and Gentlemen, that is precisely 37:02 what the gospel declares happens. 37:05 Look at this, is it-- can you believe this 1 John, 37:08 put it on the screen, 1 John 1:7, 37:12 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, 37:16 we have fellowship with one another" 37:18 now, hold on, hold on "and the blood of Jesus, 37:21 His Son, purifies" the New King James says, 37:24 cleanses us from how many sins, 37:27 how many sins you tell me? All sins." 37:30 Does that mean all sins in my past? Yep. 37:32 Does that mean the sins I did last night? Yep. 37:33 Does that mean the sins today? Yep. 37:35 Every sin you have ever committed 37:40 is cleansed, it's cleansed. 37:43 Ah, Dwight, come on give that, give me that. 37:45 How do I do it? 37:46 Which button do I pick-- 37:48 do I go through the express wash 37:49 or what which one? 37:50 I'm telling you folks, 37:52 this is the most express cleansing in the universe 37:54 and it's the most lasting and you get it this way. 37:59 Not charge, no arms giving, 38:04 no good works, 38:11 nothing but this. 38:12 Watch this, verse 9, 38:15 "If we confess our sins, he" God "is faithful 38:21 and just and will forgive us our sins 38:24 and purify us from" how much unrighteousness. 38:28 What is it say, ladies and gentlemen oh, oh, oh, 38:31 our sin, our righteousness, our stains, our mock, 38:37 our guilty sludge high powered and in a split seconds. 38:45 The cleansing form of Calvary 38:47 just eats away what it has got, 38:51 your art and chocked your life 38:57 just like that, hallelujah. 39:02 William Copper it's spelt Cowper 39:05 but it really is pronounced Copper was a-- 39:08 state of asylum four times in his life, 39:11 attempted to end his life by suicide three times. 39:15 He struggled with the meaning of the gospel. 39:17 He struggled but every now and then 39:20 the good news of the everlasting gospel 39:22 would break through 39:23 and one day William Copper sat down 39:26 and he scribbled out these words, 39:28 "There is a fountain filled with blood 39:31 drawn from Emmanuel's veins, 39:35 and sinners plunged beneath that flood 39:37 lose all, all, all their guilty stains." 39:43 Did that old hymn just make it up? 39:46 Nope, we just saw it. 39:48 It is the teaching of the gospel. 39:53 You don't need a cleansing after you die 39:55 because there ain't nothing left to change after you die. 40:01 You need the cleansing now. 40:05 Don't wait, don't you put it off, don't you dare. 40:09 Ha but its is all wrapped up in Jesus, 40:11 no wonder there is verse 23, 40:13 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, 40:17 for he who promised is faithful." 40:25 You cannot save yourself, my friend, 40:30 you cannot. 40:31 Look if you and I paid the penalty long enough 40:33 could we finally pay off for oh, God 40:35 you know what you could be punished for ever and ever. 40:38 You could never pay it off. 40:40 My sin is so deeply ingrained into my very-- 40:43 the very core of my being I can't pay it off. 40:48 I can't go to the merits of the treasury 40:52 of Christ in Mary and the saints 40:54 that treasury of merits. 40:55 I can't draw on that. 40:59 I can't-- I can't by performing deeds 41:03 as a protestant, good deeds. 41:06 I can't by worshiping on God's day. 41:10 I can't save myself. 41:11 I can return as much money as you wish. 41:14 I can't buy salvation. 41:16 It isn't bought by somebody who is faithful 41:18 in his stewardship. 41:20 You can't earn heaven, 41:23 its impossible not enough life times 41:27 for you to achieve enough money in that bank. 41:32 You and I are bankrupt, we are bankrupt. 41:36 Our only hope is that Jesus saves. 41:42 It is a fountain filled with blood 41:44 drawn from Emmanuel's veins 41:45 and sinners plunged beneath that flood 41:47 lose all their guilty stains. 41:51 So, here is the question, 41:53 is it good news no purgatory? 41:57 I must tell you there isn't a theologian 41:59 that knows the Holy Scripture 42:00 who will tell you there is purgatory. 42:03 Not from Holy Scripture there is no purgatory 42:07 and how about in this series the truth of hell, 42:09 well, we have discovered that hell is yet future 42:11 and it is of a short duration. 42:13 Is that good news? Is it? 42:17 I want to be honest with you, 42:19 As I got ready for this little mini series 42:20 I really struggle in my heart 42:21 and said God, I'm gonna blow this. 42:23 I just knew I'm gonna blow this. 42:24 My thumbing human inadequacy 42:27 to somehow takes the glory of the divine character 42:31 and I thumbed a ball. 42:35 I'll drop it in the middle of my examination. 42:39 And that's why we began this mini series with Calvary 42:41 we went to the cross. Why we go to cross? 42:44 Because Calvary is the only paradigm in human existence 42:47 in which we can measure what hell really will be. 42:51 Jesus died the second death that He died the death of hell. 42:54 That's why we went to the cross 42:56 and then when we are through that 42:57 last week did you notice 42:58 we pulled up the parental paradigm 42:59 and we said listen, Jesus when He told us, 43:02 we are going to pray one prayer in this life. 43:03 Here is the way you are supposed to pray. 43:04 Our Father. 43:06 He said, I just want you to call God Father. 43:12 And when we saw the paradigm of God as a Father, 43:16 when we saw the paradigm of God as a father 43:18 we had to ask the question about the caricature 43:21 how could it be that a father could burn 43:24 and torture his children forever and ever and ever. 43:27 Stop daddy, stop, I had enough punishment. 43:29 No, no, no you are gonna keep burning forever and ever. 43:32 What father, what father 43:35 would ever treat his children that way? 43:38 Take me to that father, take me to that father, 43:43 he won't be a father of love. 43:45 He cannot be. 43:47 You're saying okay, Dwight, okay, okay, okay. 43:49 But I tell you what I got a question, 43:52 why would God have hell at all? 43:54 He shouldn't have hell at all. 43:56 Now, what's the point of -- 43:58 Revelation 20 says that the lost are like the sands of the sea. 44:00 You mean you are just gonna blow them away. 44:03 I mean is there a parent who would even though that-- 44:07 even though that little child is so naughty 44:10 is there a parent who wouldn't do everything she could, 44:13 is there a mother who wouldn't save that child. 44:15 If she could save that child, 44:17 no matter how naughty the child 44:19 and you're saying that God does it. 44:23 I want to end the story 44:25 I want to end the whole series 44:26 with a story, it's a true story 44:29 and through its feeble efforts 44:32 may be one last glimpse of the love of God. 44:37 It happened on a Friday afternoon. 44:42 Telephone in the parsonage 44:44 rang in Salem, Oregon where we are living, 44:49 a voice screaming on the other end, 44:51 the voice of a parishioner of mine. 44:53 We can't find Georgie. We can't find Georgie, Georgie. 44:58 It was six year old Georgie, 45:00 full of nick, full of life their only child. 45:04 I leaped into my car raised over the interstate 45:07 just a few blocks away 45:08 by the time I got there the police were there. 45:12 And they found him. 45:15 You see, they had a backyard pool 45:20 and over the winter months alga as it will happen 45:24 just grew dark and green 45:27 and there was no way that frantic mother 45:30 could see beneath the alga. 45:35 The EMT's were performing CPR on Georgie's lifeless body. 45:40 We raced behind the ambulance to the hospital in Salem. 45:44 First ER then ICU. 45:49 Georgie was on life support 45:51 the doctors were fighting to raise his body's temperature. 45:54 They are wrapping him 45:55 and silver heat retaining aluminum blankets 45:58 and fusing floods into him. 45:59 We sat with those numb parents for six long hours. 46:06 But the medical team 46:07 tried every experiment they could conceive 46:11 in an attempt to save little Georgie's life. 46:14 Finally sometime just a few minutes after midnight 46:18 the doctor came out and gently 46:23 but plainly described to the parents 46:28 that they have done every thing they could think of. 46:30 They are just its nothing. 46:34 Georgie was on life support 46:36 there is no chance, there really is no chance 46:40 we will ever be able to save him. 46:43 And I sat there and watched 46:49 as two parents agonized 46:53 over what to do with their only child. 46:57 I tell you what, listen to me carefully. 47:00 Only a parent could understand 47:05 the agony of that decision. 47:08 Only a parent could understand. 47:13 I sat there as they made their decision 47:20 to unplug the life support 47:23 and let their only child die. 47:30 Only, a parent could understand the agony. 47:38 Now that choice that he will have to make one day 47:45 and there will be a billion parents beneath 47:47 his great white throne 47:51 who will in a very limited measure know 47:55 the love and the agony of the God 48:02 who must make the only loving decision 48:05 a heart broken parent can make 48:09 to turn off the life support system 48:13 for a child that can never be saved now. 48:17 And let her die, 48:20 let him die for ever and ever, amen. 48:26 And then it will be hells darkest movement 48:32 when God buries His head in His hands 48:37 and cries in inconsolably and all who have choose 48:41 God over Lucifer will also weep with Him 48:45 for at last they have seen the truth 48:49 God is love 48:54 for ever and ever, amen. 49:16 We cannot end this series 49:20 without making a decision. 49:24 We cannot end this. 49:28 I have to make an appeal to you right now, 49:32 this is it, there is no second opportunity 49:36 there is no second life this is all we get. 49:43 I'll make a invitation to you right now, 49:47 it doesn't matter in what religious community 49:50 you belong to right now. 49:52 I want to make an invitation. 49:55 Would you be willing to join me today right now, 50:01 in asking the Christ of this gospel 50:06 to provide the cleansing of his promise 50:12 and cleanse every sin 50:14 you have ever sinned in your past. 50:19 Every sin you and I have ever sinned today. 50:25 And then ask Him everyday for the rest of our lives 50:33 to forgive us and cleanse us 50:37 from all unrighteousness. 50:42 There is no catch to this. 50:43 This isn't like, well, you got to join 50:44 my church in order to do this. 50:46 Are you-- are you kidding me? 50:49 This is global good news all you have to do 50:54 is ask Jesus to be your Savior 50:58 and wash you in the heart wash of the gospel 51:03 and like that you are clean, 51:07 you are pure, you are saved. 51:11 How about it, I think, 51:14 I think we have to cease this moment don't you, 51:17 reaffirm or for the first time make the decision. 51:23 You don't have to put your hand on a television set, 51:24 I'm not into that. 51:28 But if you are watching right now 51:29 and I know you are you just raise you hand. 51:34 There is nobody in the room but God. 51:38 Can you say God, 51:41 please right now, 51:46 I want to be clean in Christ Jesus 51:49 my Savior forgive me, amen. 51:56 You want to pray that same prayer? 51:57 Come on, don't stand 52:00 because somebody besides you is standing 52:04 if you want Jesus to be the one 52:07 who will take you to death 52:11 keeping you cleansed 52:14 you can stand on your feet right now. 52:17 And by standing to your feet you say Jesus. 52:22 Oh, Jesus, 52:25 today and today and today until you come 52:31 I want to be clean. 52:34 The man who tried to commit suicide 52:39 the gospel finally broke through to him. 52:41 I want to sing with you the words of that one stanza, 52:46 "There is a fountain filled with blood 52:48 drawn from Emmanuel's veins, 52:51 and sinners plunged beneath that flood 52:53 lose all their guilty stains." 52:56 Let's sing that stanza together. 53:13 There is a fountain filled with blood 53:20 Drawn from Emmanuel's veins 53:28 And sinners plunged beneath that flood 53:36 Lose all their guilty stains 53:44 Lose all their guilty stains 53:52 Lose all their guilty stains 54:00 And sinners plunged 54:04 beneath that flood 54:08 Lose all their 54:11 Guilty stains 54:17 I want to sing that stanza one more time. 54:18 We are going to sing it quite as a prayer. 54:20 You understand it is a prayer. 54:22 You are saying Jesus, take me into that flood. 54:26 Cover me by Yours once for all sacrifice 54:30 and cleanse me to my core and do it tomorrow 54:34 and I'll ask you the next day and I'll ask you, 54:35 and I'll ask you until You come. 54:37 And He says I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it. 54:39 Sing it as a prayer this time, 54:41 we are gonna sing it quietly now. 54:43 There is a fountain 54:49 Filled with blood 54:52 Drawn from Emmanuel's veins 55:00 And sinners plunged 55:05 Beneath that flood 55:09 Lose all their 55:12 Guilty stains 55:18 Lose all their 55:21 Guilty stains 55:26 Lose all their 55:30 Guilty stains 55:35 And sinners plunged 55:39 Beneath that flood 55:44 Lose all their guilty stains. 55:53 Oh, Holy Father, you promised it 55:56 you said I'll send my son 55:57 He will do it once for all for everyone 56:03 and so we accept Your promise. 56:06 We choose to believe that the cleansing is now 56:11 in this instant You have already answered our prayers. 56:17 Oh, God now walk with us, 56:19 now let us walk with You 56:23 with our Father's love 56:32 draws near. 56:39 In Jesus name, amen. 56:47 Did you know that there's one place in cyberspace 56:49 that you can go to with the multitude of resources 56:52 that you can share with your friends? 56:54 It's our website. 56:55 Let me tell you about that website 56:56 but first let me give you the address, 56:57 57:01 You go to that website, 57:03 number one you're gonna find my weekly pastor's blog 57:05 that wrestles with current events and news and topics 57:08 that are relevant to our lives today. 57:10 You can sign up also at that website. 57:11 Number two, and receive our podcast, no charge to you. 57:15 You go to that website, you can download our video, 57:18 download the audio of every teaching 57:20 that we share here in the Pioneer Church. 57:21 You can go to that website, 57:23 the study guides are all there 57:24 ready for you to simply print off. 57:28 That website multiple resources, 57:30 the address once again 57:34 All the online media, it's free. 57:36 It's free for you. It's free for your friends. 57:38 Free for their family and neighbors. 57:40 If you want something you can pass along the website. 57:44 You are saying, but wait a minute 57:45 I'd like something a little more tangible. 57:46 You can get that at the website as well. 57:48 Order a DVD 57:49 and we'll send that to you for a small fee. 57:52 Please use the website, use it, 57:55 take advantage of it, share it, pass it along. 57:58 This is the end time generation. 57:59 Now more than ever we must communicate 58:02 the good news in cyberspace 58:03 and all the space around us. 58:05 God bless you as you do. 58:07 I'll see you here next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17