New Perceptions

The Explosive Secret Of The Vine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP030312

00:05 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:34 Gloria in excelsis Deo
00:50 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:12 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:17 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:20 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:25 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:33 Gloria
01:35 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:48 Gloria in excelsis Deo
01:57 Gloria in excelsis Deo
02:09 Gloria
02:11 Gloria in ex-cel-sis Deo...
02:41 One of the most beautiful things,
02:43 one of the best pictures that I see in Revelation
02:46 is that picture of when we get to heaven,
02:50 and we've been given our crowns
02:52 and when we see Jesus, we take our crowns
02:54 and we throw them at His feet
02:56 because we recognize that we are unworthy.
02:59 Now what's really interesting about that picture is that
03:02 it doesn't really matter who you are.
03:06 It really doesn't matter what preferences you have
03:10 in terms of food, in terms of language,
03:12 in terms of music,
03:14 in terms of things that you might be
03:15 familiar with in your dress,
03:17 at that stage, none of that really matters.
03:22 What matters is that you've just seen
03:24 the son of Jesus Christ and there is only one
03:27 who is worthy to wear that crown.
03:31 And that is our Lord and our Savior and our friend.
03:35 At His feet, we are all His children
03:38 at His feet, He is our Master and our King.
03:41 Join with us as we sing hymn number 223
03:45 "Crown Him with many crowns."
04:23 Crown Him with many crowns
04:27 The Lamb upon His throne
04:31 Hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns
04:36 All music but its own!
04:41 Awake, my soul, and sing
04:45 Of Him Who died for thee
04:50 And hail Him as thy matchless King
04:55 Through all eternity
05:01 Crown Him the Lord of love!
05:05 Behold His hands and side
05:10 Those wounds, yet visible above
05:14 In beauty glorified
05:19 No angel in the sky
05:24 Can fully bear that sight
05:28 But downward bends His wondering eye
05:33 At mysteries so great
05:40 Crown Him the Lord of peace!
05:45 Whose hand a scepter sways
05:50 From pole to pole that wars may cease
05:54 And all be prayer and praise
05:59 His reign shall know no end
06:04 And around His pierced feet
06:08 Fair flowers of Paradise extend
06:13 Their fragrance ever sweet
06:38 Crown Him the Lord of years
06:42 The Potentate of time
06:47 Creator of the rolling spheres,
06:52 Ineffably sublime!
06:57 All hail! Redeemer, hail!
07:02 For Thou hast died for me
07:07 Thy praise shall never, never fail
07:12 Throughout eternity!
07:22 One thing that I love about
07:24 the Lord that I serve is that I can see Him in everything.
07:29 Whether it's big or small, I can see Him.
07:32 I see Him in people walking around campus on a daily basis.
07:36 I see Him in the snow. I see Him in the sunshine.
07:41 And because of that wonderful fact
07:43 that our Lord is everywhere and omnipresent,
07:47 His name alone is sweet.
07:50 And when we call upon it, we can be saved.
07:54 This next song we're gonna sing
07:55 is a newer song, it's called "No sweeter name."
07:59 It's a really easy melody and it talks about
08:02 there being no sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:04 and that He alone is the life to our heart and our soul.
08:08 Join us as we sing this.
08:20 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:24 No sweeter name than I've ever known
08:28 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:34 No sweeter name
08:36 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:41 No sweeter name have I ever known
08:45 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:51 No sweeter name
08:53 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
08:57 No sweeter name have I ever known
09:01 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
09:08 You are the life
09:10 You are the life to my heart and my soul
09:14 You are the light to the darkness around me
09:18 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
09:22 You are the only truth and the way
09:26 You are the life to my heart and my soul
09:31 You are the light to the darkness around me
09:35 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
09:39 You are the only truth and the way
09:46 The truth and the way
09:50 Truth and the way
09:55 Let's sing that chorus one more time.
09:57 You are the life...
10:00 You are the life to my heart and my soul
10:04 You are the light to the darkness around me
10:09 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
10:13 You are the only truth and the way
10:21 Amen.
10:39 Though I might prophesy in tongues
10:44 Both earthly and divine
10:49 If love were not their very root
10:55 I could not call them Thine
11:08 Though I might prophesy in tongues
11:13 Both earthly and divine
11:18 If love were not their very root
11:23 I could not call them Thine
11:28 A sounding gong a cymbal's clash
11:33 Is all that they would be
11:39 Though mountains moved through power of faith
11:44 Yet would it not be Thee
11:56 Though I might give all I possessed
12:01 In succour to the poor
12:06 Yet without love no change is made
12:12 To what they lacked before
12:17 True love is patient selfless, kind
12:22 And does all things endure
12:28 Its trust in truth can never end
12:33 Nor ever be unsure
12:55 When we have come to adult faith
13:01 And love like this has grown
13:06 So shall we see God face to face
13:12 And know as we are known
13:17 Then shall the choirs of Faith and Hope
13:23 Give praise unceasingly
13:29 To what is greater than them both
13:35 The gift of Charity
13:50 The gift of
13:56 Charity
14:02 Charity
14:17 Let's plunge into our teaching,
14:18 want to begin with a story but first prayer.
14:21 Oh, God, that gift of charity,
14:23 that's, that's the gift
14:28 that is the greatest of the gifts.
14:31 That's the gift we want.
14:33 We want it somehow wrapped up in You
14:35 and so today's teaching don't let it be ambivalent,
14:39 don't let me be ambivalent.
14:42 Let it be clear what the Lord Jesus
14:44 will teach us from scripture.
14:45 These few moments together we pray in His name.
14:49 Amen.
14:51 I heard a story once that just blew me out of the water.
14:55 And if I haven't heard it in the first person,
14:57 I wouldn't have believed it.
14:58 But she was standing right here when she told the story.
15:01 Edwina Humphrey Flynn,
15:05 young adult, Seventh-day Adventist,
15:06 classical vocalist, Juilliard trained,
15:11 we're talking top drawer in terms of music
15:16 started out just like this.
15:20 She told a story about her first day
15:22 at school in New York City,
15:26 before getting on the subway heading off
15:29 downtown to that campus,
15:32 she asked God "Come into my life,
15:35 shine out of my life, whoever I meet today, amen."
15:39 Got on the train raced into classes,
15:44 school has begun.
15:45 A few weeks later, it's a day off,
15:48 she says "I'm going back down to the conservatory,
15:51 I'm gonna go back down where the practice rooms
15:54 are obviously free now
15:55 and I'm gonna do my ho-ho-ho-ho-ho"
15:58 you know what you do.
16:00 Nobody be there and I can just do it."
16:02 So she did it, halfway through her practices,
16:05 she hears this loud ruckus noise down the hallway
16:10 and it's getting louder and it sounds angry
16:12 and it's getting closer and all of a sudden boom!
16:15 Her practice room door flies open.
16:17 Four students come trumping in,
16:20 they are also students of the conservatory.
16:25 I knew I'd find you here that young spokesman said.
16:30 Turns out they're group of warlocks and witches.
16:33 Warlocks being a male witch, witch being female.
16:37 They've been debating a cult issues like
16:39 "Which is better,
16:40 which do you think is more good,
16:43 black magic or white magic?"
16:45 They're having this big discussion
16:48 and Edwina finally gets composes herself,
16:51 she says, "Listen, I don't know
16:52 what that has to do with me anyway
16:54 because I don't know anything about
16:55 black magic or white magic."
16:56 Ah, but the young man said
16:59 "I saw you when you came to school the first day,
17:01 I saw you get off the subway,
17:03 there was a circle of light around you
17:06 and it went front of you
17:07 and you walked into that light."
17:10 She says, "Yeah, but why you're here now?
17:12 You didn't even know I was here."
17:13 "Because we were having this debate down the hallway
17:16 and I saw light coming under this door
17:19 and I recognized it as the same light
17:21 I saw that day you got off the subway.
17:24 And I knew you'd be here."
17:27 Can you believe it?
17:29 I mean she prays before she goes,
17:31 she connects with God and she says,
17:32 "Shine Your light through me,"
17:34 having no clue that God would literally shine His light
17:38 through her to get the attention
17:40 of another young adult on her campus.
17:42 Wow.
17:45 So here's the no-brainer question.
17:47 Wouldn't you love to live so close to Jesus
17:50 that His light shines out of you too,
17:54 me too and people see it, they sense it?
17:58 I want to share the explosive secret
17:59 to how that can happen,
18:01 right here in our continuing journey
18:02 for the Gospel of John, the Fourth Gospel.
18:05 Open your Bible please to John Chapter 15.
18:07 You didn't bring a Bible,
18:08 oh, my grab the pew Bible in front of you,
18:11 it's page 727 in your pew Bible, let us go.
18:14 Explosive secret, the explosive secret
18:18 to how that light can shine out of you.
18:19 Now I need to tell you this
18:20 while you're looking for John 15,
18:22 a lot of people believe
18:24 that John 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
18:28 which if you have a red letter Bible
18:30 are almost totally red.
18:32 A lot of people think all those chapters
18:34 happen up here in the upper room,
18:36 but that's not the case.
18:37 When you put the three synoptics together
18:40 and you include the Fourth Gospel,
18:42 you realize that Chapters 13 and 14
18:45 happen in the upper room,
18:46 but Chapters 15, 16 and 17
18:49 happen out of doors, it's Passover.
18:52 Full silver moon, always a full moon on Passover.
18:56 Jesus is speaking in the night air,
18:58 15, 16, and 17.
19:01 The little clue in John is right here.
19:05 Look at the last line of Chapter 14.
19:09 That little clue plus the synoptics helps us
19:11 know that 15 and onward is outdoors.
19:14 The last line in Chapter 14
19:15 you see it, there Jesus speaking,
19:16 "Arise, let us go from here."
19:19 Come on, guys, it's time to go.
19:22 That's it.
19:24 And then 15 happens.
19:25 That means that eleven men
19:27 'cause one has already slipped away
19:28 to do his nefarious deed,
19:29 eleven men plus the Master pound down those clay steps,
19:32 I've been in the upper room in Jerusalem archeologists
19:34 are absolutely sure it's the identical upper room,
19:37 pound down the clay steps
19:38 into the winding wending alleyways,
19:41 silver shadows beneath the full Passover moon,
19:43 they come to the gate, out the gate
19:45 down the crooked pathway, I've walked down that
19:47 into the notch called the Kidron,
19:49 then up to a garden called Gethsemane,
19:52 somewhere along the way
19:53 Craig Keener in his Commentary says
19:55 somewhere along the way Jesus sees a vine.
19:59 Desire of Ages conquers a century earlier,
20:02 Desire of Ages says Jesus came upon a trellis
20:05 in the silver light and He stops.
20:07 The Master Teacher stops beside the trellis,
20:10 He takes that full fruit of the vine,
20:12 holds it in His hand and it becomes
20:15 an unforgettable teaching moment.
20:18 His last time with these eleven.
20:20 This is the secret He's been waiting
20:22 till now to share and He shares it.
20:26 15, here we go.
20:27 John 15:1, "I am the true vine,
20:33 and My Father is the vinedresser.
20:36 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit
20:38 He takes away, and every branch
20:40 that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
20:44 You are already clean."
20:46 The Greek word for prune and clean same word,
20:49 play on words there, You are clean already
20:53 because of the word which I have spoken to you
20:55 back in the upper room.
20:56 Here comes verse 5, "So abide in Me, and I in you."
21:00 And He's holding it up,
21:02 "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
21:05 unless it abides in the vine,
21:07 neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
21:09 Now here comes verse 5.
21:11 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
21:14 He who abides in Me, and I in him,
21:17 bears much fruit, for without Me
21:19 you can do nothing."
21:24 For the Jews in Palestine at the time of Christ,
21:28 the most common fruit trees they had were these,
21:31 fig, yuck, olives,
21:35 bring it on, and the vine, all right?
21:38 Those were the three most widely planted fruit trees
21:42 but of the three, hands down,
21:43 any loyal patriotic Jew knows that if you're asking me
21:47 which one I'm gonna identify with
21:48 hands down, it's the vine.
21:50 The Jews believed we Israel the true vine of God.
21:55 In fact, during the Maccabeans,
21:56 you flipped the coin over,
21:57 they have a vine on that coin
21:59 as a symbol of that, "We are the vine of God."
22:04 And Herod the Great was no dummy,
22:05 when he built that majestic
22:08 archeological wonder called the Jerusalem Temple,
22:11 he made sure that the craftsmen
22:12 shaped into the entrance of the temple a golden vine.
22:17 We are the vine.
22:19 And Jesus takes that notion
22:21 and just flips the coin over and said, "No, no, no, no.
22:25 I am the true vine.
22:29 You are the branches."
22:33 Wow.
22:35 Tomorrow the blood red fruit of the vine
22:39 will flow crimson on that Roman cross, tomorrow.
22:44 But tonight the silver light of the moon,
22:47 beneath it Jesus says, I am the vine.
22:51 Look at verse 5 again, verse 5 again.
22:54 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
22:58 She who abides in Me, and I in her,
23:00 bears much fruit,
23:01 for without Me you can do nothing."
23:05 It's the explosive secret of the vine.
23:06 Jesus takes the great truth of eternity
23:11 and pours it into a single metaphor
23:13 that is a solitary secret.
23:16 It's all wrapped up right there
23:19 and to do it, listen to this, to do it.
23:21 He reaches back to the upper room
23:22 where He's just been and He pulls the word
23:24 out of the upper room.
23:26 You see in the upper room, He used this word,
23:27 He said "In my Father's house are many mansions."
23:32 The Greek word for mansion is mone.
23:34 So what Jesus does He reaches back as they've forgotten that
23:36 and He grabs that word from the upper room
23:38 and here standing beside the vine,
23:40 He now turns the noun into a verb, meno.
23:44 Monay, meno, which means
23:47 that you could actually translate this line
23:51 mansion in Me and I in you.
23:55 In other words take up residence in Me
23:57 and I'll take up residence in you.
24:00 That's why Eugene Peterson
24:01 and I love the message rendition.
24:04 He puts it this way.
24:05 "Live in Me, make your home in Me just as I do in you."
24:11 So let's pause just long enough to get that critical point.
24:13 Grab your study guide right now, will you?
24:15 Take your study guide out
24:16 and let's get this down while it's fresh in our minds.
24:20 You've got study guides here in the choir,
24:22 you've got study guides out here
24:23 but if several of you came in with one bulletin,
24:25 hold your hand up, we've got our friendly ushers
24:26 coming your way, just hold your hand up,
24:28 we'll get a study guide to you, up in the balcony,
24:30 we'll get study guides to you.
24:33 And all of you who are watching right now on live streaming,
24:36 we're delighted to have you, wherever in the world you are,
24:39 it's eastern standard time here in the United States,
24:42 we're glad you're here.
24:43 I want you to get the same study guide,
24:44 and so I'm gonna put it on the screen right now.
24:47 You see a clip up,
24:48 there it is
24:53 Now you're looking for the series
24:54 which is our second semester series,
24:56 The Last Days.
24:57 It's not the last days of earth,
24:58 it's the last days of Jesus.
25:00 We're down to His final 24 hours
25:02 and oh, my, don't miss next week,
25:05 Trinity under fire.
25:06 You can't believe it
25:07 but they are going after the Trinity
25:10 and I want you to use your bright mind
25:13 and grapple with some of the issues.
25:15 Trinity under fire, next week.
25:18 But today it's the explosive
25:20 secret of the vine
25:21 you see that there you click on to that
25:23 on that webpage it'll say study guide.
25:27 Click on there and you'll have the same study guide we do.
25:29 Let's fill out the study guide,
25:30 just so that we can lock this in before
25:32 we move into the teaching.
25:34 "In my father's house, Jesus is speaking,
25:36 'In my father's house are many mansions'
25:39 right in the word mansions.
25:40 That's the noun, that's John 14:2.
25:42 That's the noun mone.
25:44 But that noun becomes 'Abide' that's the verb, meno.
25:50 'Abide in Me, as I abide in you'.
25:53 So go ahead and fill that out.
25:54 Won't you ever fill that you know,
25:55 that's what's happening.
25:56 That's a Greek word that got switched around.
25:59 Thus John 15:4 could read
26:02 "Mansion in me, as I mansion in you."
26:05 I like that.
26:07 I want to be in your mansion,
26:09 let me be, let you be in my mansion.
26:12 Let's mansion in each other.
26:14 Take a precedence in me
26:16 while I take a precedence in you
26:17 but let's put it,
26:18 I want to get Peterson the message,
26:20 this is how he puts it "Live in me,
26:23 make your home in me just as I do in you."
26:28 Because let's face it, come on, ladies and gentlemen,
26:30 the people we really feel at home with
26:34 our closest friends and family, isn't that right?
26:37 I mean, you know what,
26:38 with anybody else we're little stiffer,
26:41 we're little more on the guard.
26:42 I mean we have to be careful, we're bit more formal.
26:45 But when you're with the people
26:46 that you are really friends with
26:48 when you're with close family
26:51 we use a phrase up close in personal
26:53 "I feel at home with you."
26:54 I love being around her
26:55 because I feel at home with her,
26:56 I love being around him
26:57 because I feel at home with him.
26:58 What's that mean?
27:00 That means you can just be yourself.
27:01 Even some of the etiquette that you do elsewhere,
27:05 you don't worry about it here.
27:07 I'm not going to give you examples of that but you know.
27:09 You're just got a-- you're just at home.
27:11 You feel comfortable.
27:13 People accept me for what I am.
27:14 I'm not worried about somebody say,
27:16 what does he mean by that?
27:17 What does she mean by that?
27:18 No, I can act like a boy,
27:19 you can act like a girl and nobody cares.
27:22 Jesus says that's what I want to be.
27:23 I want you to feel at home with me
27:25 and I want to feel at home with you.
27:27 It's a language of friendship.
27:30 Let's be friends,
27:32 let's be at home with each other
27:33 and by the way
27:34 in case we didn't get the language of friendship
27:37 he now overtly switches to the language of friendship.
27:40 Watch this, fascinating.
27:44 Verse 9, as he goes on here.
27:45 He's still standing by the vine
27:47 and you'll see all the way through here
27:48 he's standing by the vine.
27:50 Verse 9, "As the Father loved Me,
27:51 I also have loved you, abide"
27:53 there it is, 11 times in this little passage
27:55 he used that word meno.
27:57 "Abide in My love.
27:59 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love,
28:02 just as I have kept My Father's commandments
28:04 and abide in His love."
28:06 Now watch this verse 13, speaking of love,
28:08 "Greater love has no one than this,
28:11 than to lay down one's life for his, what?"
28:14 "For his friends."
28:15 Now notice verse 14, "You are My, what?
28:18 "You are my friends, if you do what I command you."
28:22 Verse 15, "No longer do I call you servants,
28:24 for a servant doesn't know what his master is doing,
28:26 but I have called you friends, for all the things
28:29 that I heard form My Father I have made known to you."
28:31 Verse 16, last verse, "You didn't choose Me,
28:33 but I chose you and appointed you
28:35 so that you should go and bear fruit,
28:38 and that your fruit should remain,"
28:39 by the way remain same word, meno,
28:41 11th time in that passage meno, that your fruit will abide.
28:45 "That whatever you ask the Father in My name
28:48 He may give you."
28:50 There it is, ladies and gentlemen,
28:51 standing by the vine 11 times
28:53 Jesus is making the point "abide".
28:57 You and me, abide in each other.
28:59 It's the rich language of friendship.
29:03 So hey, I'm the closest friend you'll ever have.
29:06 Ever, ever, ever.
29:08 In fact, tomorrow
29:10 I'm gonna lay down my life for you
29:11 and there is no greater love than that.
29:13 We are friends, do you understand?
29:15 We are friends, forever friends.
29:19 Jot that down, so that we don't miss it, please.
29:22 "Greater love has no one than this,
29:23 than to lay down one's life for his friends.
29:27 You are My friends,
29:28 No longer do I call you servants
29:29 but I have called you friends."
29:31 Again and again and again abide in me and I in you
29:36 that's the invitation of a friend.
29:38 But by the way not any old friend,
29:43 Facebook in the University of Milan
29:45 did you read about the study
29:46 that they did just a few weeks ago
29:47 Facebook in the University of Milan?
29:49 They did a study to find out
29:50 how far the 721 million users of Facebook in the planet.
29:56 How far apart are we?
29:57 How many degrees of separation,
29:59 did you read about that?
30:02 We used to think it was six degrees
30:04 and that was based on a 1929 short story called 'Chains'
30:07 by Frigyes Karinthy in which he suggested
30:10 no one is more than a string of six friends
30:13 away from another person.
30:16 So he called Six Degrees of Separation.
30:18 But Facebook did the numbers,
30:20 they crunched all the math and they found out,
30:23 get this, that we are 4.74 degrees of separation.
30:30 4.74 degrees of separation but in the United States
30:34 where one half of everybody
30:36 over the age of 13 is on Facebook.
30:40 Our separation is 4.37 we're even a little closer.
30:44 So what does that mean?
30:46 Well, that means Facebook says,
30:48 that means that if there is a man in Papua New Guinea
30:50 and he has to be on Facebook by the way.
30:52 But if there is a man in the jungles
30:53 of Papua New Guinea,
30:55 let me show you how close you are.
30:56 Let's put up a beautiful graphic here,
30:58 this is from Joanna Divine my PowerPoint
31:00 operator right now, she is a junior math major.
31:02 She told me how they get those numbers 4.74
31:05 I have-- I could not repeat it you
31:07 but she made this graphics so that we would get it.
31:11 Okay, so on one side is a woman on the other side is a man.
31:14 So you be either side you wish
31:16 I'm gonna be on the man side which is on the left side.
31:18 So the New Guinean in this case will be a woman.
31:21 The New Guineans over here, watch this, this means 4.74.
31:26 That a friend of my friend,
31:28 'cause my friend is right beside me
31:30 and a friend of my friend is a next person.
31:32 A friend of my friend is a friend
31:37 of the friend of the New Guinean.
31:41 Do we feel closer, what?
31:44 With Papua New Guinea you and me,
31:46 just there that's the proof.
31:50 Wow.
31:51 Facebook is so cool.
31:59 Are we really so close?
32:02 I tell you why we're not so close
32:04 because Facebook has changed the definition of a friend.
32:08 Now you can have a million friends
32:10 and not be close to a single one of them.
32:14 Am I telling tales out at school?
32:16 No.
32:18 That's not the kind of friendship
32:19 Jesus is talking about.
32:21 Jesus says, hey, listen abide in Me and I in you,
32:25 that means no degrees of separations.
32:28 Put that on the screen.
32:29 No degrees of separation
32:33 between the branch and the vine.
32:35 No degrees, not 4.74, not 3.74, not 1.74, zero.
32:40 Not a, no degrees of separation.
32:44 Because nature has told us
32:46 that if there is even one degree of separation
32:48 between a branch and a vine the branch dies.
32:51 Isn't that right?
32:52 You can't separate a branch from the vine.
32:54 It's dead meat, it's over.
32:57 Jesus says, I'm closer than Facebook,
33:00 I'm closer than Facebook.
33:02 I'm a real friend.
33:04 And there are no degrees of separation
33:06 between you and Me.
33:07 We're just like this.
33:09 I'm the vine you are the branches,
33:11 no degrees of separation,
33:12 I'm the vine you are the branches
33:14 there is nothing between us.
33:17 We're like this, abide in Me and I in you.
33:22 Wow.
33:26 So if a branch is not connected what happens to Jesus,
33:29 well, look at verse 6, Jesus speaking here,
33:31 "If anyone does not abide in Me"
33:33 oh-oh, "he is cast out as a branch and is withered,"
33:36 well, it's not like you are being punished
33:38 you got away from the vine, you cut yourself off.
33:41 "He is cast away and is withered
33:42 and they gather them and throw them into the fire,
33:45 and they all burned."
33:46 Now, look, go back to verse 4,
33:47 so Jesus says, "Abide in Me and I in you.
33:51 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
33:53 unless it abides in the vine,
33:55 neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
33:58 'I am the vine, you are the branches.
34:01 She, he who abides in Me, and I in him,
34:06 I in her, bears much fruit,
34:08 for without Me you can do nothing."
34:13 And that, ladies and gentlemen,
34:14 is the explosive secret of the vine.
34:17 Put that on the screen again.
34:18 "Without Me you can do nothing."
34:21 Not a, no thing, in fact, John is so intense here
34:27 that he turns this into a double negative.
34:29 Now Jesus is already you--
34:30 John has already used a double negative up
34:32 here in the upper room,
34:33 remember when Jesus came to wash Peter's feet
34:36 and Peter says to Jesus in the Greek,
34:38 Peter says to Jesus, 'You shall no not wash my feet'
34:42 same Jesus, same Peter out here under the moon
34:44 and Jesus grabs that double negative
34:46 if he were speaking Greek and He says,
34:48 'Without Me, you can do no, not anything.'
34:53 Double negative in case you missed it the first time.
34:56 Not a, nothing, you can do nothing without Me.
35:03 I mean, like the man said,
35:04 which part of the 'no' do you not understand?
35:07 The 'N' or the 'O'.
35:10 No thing, you can do no thing without Me,
35:15 double negative no, not anything without Me.
35:20 So what F.F. Bruce--
35:21 In fact, let's put that up first before we-- yeah.
35:23 "Without Me, you can do 'no not anything'".
35:26 That's a Greek.
35:27 So when you have that in your study guide
35:28 and you're sharing this teaching with somebody else
35:29 you can just say, oh yeah,
35:30 that's a double negative, right there.
35:32 F.F. Bruce, the great New Testament scholar
35:36 describes the total adequacy of Christ.
35:41 Now put that on the screen,
35:43 "The total adequacy of Christ."
35:47 I've been bruting on that. Was bruting on it last night.
35:50 He's saying you know, total adequacy of Christ.
35:54 Keep it, don't turn your study guide over yet
35:56 because I want you to write this other line down,
35:58 I think this other line there
35:59 that actually is a word essentiality.
36:02 'The total essentiality' would you scribble that down
36:05 or keep it up it's only one L,
36:06 'the total essentiality of Christ',
36:10 what's that mean?
36:11 He is utterly essential.
36:14 You can not, you can not,
36:16 you cannot not have him and work and live,
36:21 'the total essentiality' scribble that down
36:23 while still on the screen,
36:24 'the total essentiality of Christ'
36:27 that's the truth.
36:28 Without Me you can do nothing,
36:30 no not anything,
36:31 'the total essentiality of Christ'.
36:34 He is utterly essential to everything
36:37 that we stand for,
36:38 to salvation, to everything in life,
36:41 He is utterly essential. Our only hope is in Jesus.
36:46 At had a seminary come up to me after my class this week,
36:48 I just started teaching at the seminary
36:49 as I was due at this time of year
36:51 to round out the semester teach a class in preaching.
36:54 The seminarian came to me
36:56 concerned about some of the guest preachers
36:58 that are being invited to this campus.
37:03 Not by the university, not by the Chaplains,
37:08 not by the Pioneer Memorial Church,
37:10 not by the Pastors, guest preachers
37:14 that are being invited by independent student groups.
37:20 He described for me
37:22 some of the teachings of these guests
37:24 what they are propagating in the name of God.
37:27 Extreme focus on personal behavior,
37:29 a repeated calling for perfection,
37:32 he's gone to some of those meetings
37:34 and he said "I'm deeply-- he said pastor,
37:35 I'm deeply concerned for these undergrad students
37:37 who are innocently sitting there, wide eyed,
37:41 listening to the human behavior centered teaching
37:44 despairing of ever attaining salvation
37:47 by such stringent standards.
37:51 Oh, when I learned that I'm concerned too.
37:55 The only way that kind of teaching survives
37:58 the only way you can preach that way
38:00 is if you abandoned the gospel of Jesus
38:03 you subvert the gospel so that you end up
38:06 as the Galatians did with Judaizers
38:08 who came into their myths
38:09 focusing on what Paul calls the works of the law.
38:14 Those works of the law
38:15 that will save you if you do them.
38:21 Jesus is utterly essential and absolutely clear here
38:27 "Without Me you can do nothing."
38:29 Your salvation has not a thread of human devising in it.
38:34 And if anybody shows up
38:36 Paul says if even an angel from heaven comes down
38:39 and teaches that your salvation
38:40 has a thread of human devising in it,
38:42 let him be accursed.
38:46 The University ought to be concerned,
38:49 the pastor ought to be concerned,
38:51 that's not the gospel,
38:52 that's not the everlasting gospel.
38:54 The everlasting gospel is without Me,
38:57 I am what it is, I am the vine,
39:02 you are the branches.
39:03 The life is all in Me
39:05 you can't go through a little routine
39:07 to get the life in you
39:09 apart from Me you are nothing.
39:11 I am the vine, you are the branches,
39:16 without Me you can do nothing, no not anything.
39:21 There can be no degree of separation
39:23 between the branch and the vine,
39:24 the branch doesn't go off and do a little something
39:25 and then come back,
39:26 no, the branch is hooked to the vine,
39:28 that's the only way the branch lives.
39:32 The total adequacy of Christ,
39:33 the total essentiality of Christ
39:36 is the antidote not only for legalism
39:38 but hold on now, hold on, not only for legalism
39:40 which would use the works of the laws
39:42 and method of gaining God's attention in salvation.
39:45 Not only for legalism, it is also the antidote
39:48 for cheap grace,
39:50 because cheap grace is the flipside
39:52 of that errand coin,
39:54 the notion is since my behavior
39:55 is not the basis for my salvation,
39:57 I can do whatever I please
39:58 no matter what the prophets of the prophet say.
40:02 Both areas are wrong,
40:05 ditches on both sides of the road.
40:08 Without Me you can do nothing
40:11 but fall, Paul will flip it around,
40:13 Philippians 4:13,
40:14 but I can do all things through Christ
40:19 who strengthens me.
40:21 You see there is a ditch on either side of the road
40:24 but the total adequacy of Christ
40:27 whenever it's compromised in public teaching
40:30 it's because the gospel is not understood by the teacher.
40:37 Now they'll kill you
40:38 for taking a position like that.
40:41 It drove Paul out everywhere.
40:43 Judaizers said no, no, no, no we need the works of the law.
40:46 No, Jesus said on the eve of His crucifixion.
40:49 Without Me nothing, no not anything.
40:54 In fact, Paul put it this way I like this in Colossians 3:11
40:57 "Christ is all, and in all."
40:59 Talking about the total essentiality of Christ,
41:02 there it is.
41:03 Christ is all and in all.
41:06 Ladies and gentlemen, that's the gospel,
41:10 that's the everlasting gospel, don't be discouraged,
41:14 don't be driven away.
41:17 You can do to Jesus straight and He will be sufficient.
41:23 Do I stay the way I am when I get to Him?
41:24 No, you won't stay the way you are He'll take care of that
41:27 but He will take care of it,
41:29 you connect to the vine, He'll take care of it.
41:32 His emphasis are on come on,
41:33 concentrate on how you are behaving
41:35 concentrate, concentrate, concentrate
41:36 takes your eyes off Jesus
41:38 and then you're no longer connected
41:39 to the vine that's the danger.
41:42 That's what about killed the church in Galatia.
41:44 Andrews University ought to be concerned,
41:47 the pastor of this church ought to be concerned.
41:53 Without Me, Jesus says, you can do nothing.
42:00 Let's read "Desire of Ages"
42:01 I love this, beautiful, "Desire of Ages,
42:03 "The life of the vine becomes the life of the branch.
42:07 So the soul dead in trespasses and sins
42:11 receives life through the connection with Christ.
42:13 By faith in Him as a personal Savior the union is formed.
42:17 The sinner unites his weakness to Christ's strength,
42:19 her emptiness to Christ's fullness,
42:21 his frailty to Christ's enduring might."
42:24 You know what,
42:26 whenever there is a moral meltdown in a man,
42:31 in a woman, in a teenager,
42:33 whenever there is a moral meltdown
42:36 always, not partly,
42:38 always it's because the branch has become separated,
42:44 degrees of separation
42:45 have removed the branch from the vine.
42:48 And in that weakened withering
42:49 beginning to wither stage
42:51 that's always when the enemy strikes.
42:53 When the branch has been disconnected,
42:55 boom, He moves in.
42:58 And moral meltdowns occur.
43:01 But I want you to know that
43:02 if you're gone through a moral meltdown
43:03 this promise of Jesus is very good news for you.
43:08 The broken and withered branch
43:11 can be re-grafted on to the vine.
43:14 New life can flow through that branch
43:16 sooner will bear fruit again
43:18 just as it did once upon a time.
43:20 Don't despair
43:21 because your branch was severed.
43:26 By one's thoughtless choice,
43:28 don't despair the branch can be re-grafted
43:32 don't wait the branch will wither and die.
43:36 Don't wait, if you wait, it's too late.
43:40 Come back to the vine.
43:42 He will re-graft you to Himself,
43:44 without Me you can do nothing.
43:47 Well, hope is there for us sinners,
43:48 ah, keep reading put it back on the screen, please.
43:50 "The life of the vine becomes the life of the branch.
43:54 So the soul dead in trespasses and sins
43:57 receives life through connection with Christ.
43:58 Look at it's your own study guide,
43:59 would you circle Christ in the pronoun
44:02 related to Him and savior
44:03 and all just circle them, will you?
44:05 So circle Christ there, the connection is with Christ
44:08 "By faith in Him, circle that,
44:10 as a personal Savior, circle that,
44:11 the union is formed.
44:13 The sinner unites his weakness to Christ's,
44:15 circle that, Christ's strength,
44:17 her emptiness to Christ's, circle that,
44:20 Christ's fullness, their frailty to Christ's,
44:23 circle that, enduring might."
44:25 Then they have the mind of Christ.
44:28 The humanity of Christ has touched our humanity
44:31 and our humanity has touched divinity.
44:32 That would be Jesus,
44:33 "Thus through the agency of the Holy Spirit,
44:35 circle that again,
44:36 we become partakers of the divine nature.
44:39 We are accepted in the beloved, circle beloved.
44:41 Ladies and gentlemen, the everlasting gospel
44:43 that's the truth
44:44 you are accepted in the beloved.
44:46 "Without Me you can do nothing."
44:48 It's all Jesus.
44:54 Without Me you can do nothing.
45:04 One more line from "Desire of Ages"
45:05 put it on the screen for you, you need to fill this in.
45:07 "No more, said Jesus, can you live apart from Me.
45:10 Oh, I've circled that.
45:11 The life you've received from Me
45:13 can be preserved only by, look at this word,
45:16 continual communion."
45:18 Continual communion,
45:19 you know we used to read that sentence.
45:20 We used to read that line I mean,
45:22 we just read the words continual communications
45:24 how we put it today.
45:25 Continual communication, we used to say,
45:27 it is humanly impossible
45:29 to have continual communication, right?
45:32 You can't just have continual communication
45:34 until they invented the cell phone.
45:38 Now, hey, I went over Thursday
45:41 to hear my friend Dick Duerksen over
45:42 at the Harvard Performing Arts Center,
45:44 They'd already turned the lights off,
45:45 Dick hadn't gotten up here but they turn the lights off
45:47 so I'm in the dark trying to find my place
45:49 to a seat it's still open.
45:51 But you know what,
45:52 it suddenly got very bright in there
45:53 'cause I saw on every lap a white glow.
45:57 A white glow just all over,
45:59 just like fireflies all over this dark auditorium,
46:02 what's up?
46:03 It's all the smart phones catching up on my emails,
46:05 my text messages and voice mails.
46:09 Don't talk to me about well,
46:11 I just can't do this concert communication thing.
46:13 Yes, you can, you do it all the time.
46:16 You can do concert and communication.
46:19 That's the secret, continual communication.
46:22 That's the promise of the Holy Spirit.
46:23 I will keep you continually abiding
46:26 in communication with Jesus, the vine.
46:28 I'm gonna put a verse in that we didn't have,
46:30 when we put the study guide together Friday morning,
46:32 but it came to me and I want to share this one
46:34 I want you to write it in please,
46:35 1st John 3:24,
46:37 how do I abide in Jesus
46:39 because this is a little many series tucked
46:41 into the series on the Holy Spirit.
46:43 How do I abide in Jesus?
46:44 John who was there under the silver moon
46:47 heard Jesus and this is now end of his life
46:50 and by this we know the He,
46:51 Christ abides in us by the spirit
46:54 whom He has given us.
46:56 That's how we abide in Jesus. It's through the Holy Spirit.
47:00 The Holy Spirit comes in to your mind,
47:01 it comes into your life and that's how--
47:03 Jesus can't come to you personally.
47:05 Because if He came to you personally
47:06 then I won't get Him.
47:07 Jesus stays, He has a body now
47:09 He can be everywhere He wants,
47:10 He has a body now but He has a friend
47:12 who comes and when the friend comes the friend never says,
47:15 hey, psst, Dwight, Holy Spirit's here.
47:17 Friend always comes and says, psst, Dwight Jesus is here.
47:21 He exudes the presence of Christ.
47:23 That's why when you're praying sometimes
47:25 it will feel like Jesus is right there beside you.
47:29 The Holy Spirit always draws attention
47:31 to Christ never to Himself,
47:33 you want to abide in Him, Holy Spirit.
47:36 That's His mission, Holy Spirit.
47:40 Ah, last line on the screen,
47:43 "Abiding in Christ means
47:45 a constant receiving of His Spirit" see that's it.
47:49 You got to have the Spirit,
47:50 just ask for the Spirit everyday,
47:51 when you pray Holy Spirit feel me,
47:53 you know what you get filled with,
47:54 you get filled with Jesus.
47:56 And if you say, Jesus, fill me with you,
47:57 He'll fill you with the Holy Spirit
47:59 because they are-- they are talking about branch and vine
48:02 they are just like this.
48:03 We'll talk about the trinity next week,
48:04 they're just like this.
48:06 When you get the Holy Spirit you always get Jesus.
48:09 "Abiding in Christ means
48:11 a constant receiving of His Spirit,
48:12 a life of unreserved surrender to His Service.
48:15 That channel of communication must be open continually,
48:19 cell phone style, continually on open
48:23 between us and our God,
48:25 so long, and I love this, I love this,
48:28 so long as the soul is united to Christ,
48:30 there is no danger it will wither or decay."
48:35 If you're broken off,
48:36 if something broke off your life
48:39 from the vine the good news is get grafted back on
48:42 and as long as you will stay connected
48:45 this day in and day out communication,
48:48 as long as you stay connected you will never wither,
48:50 you will never die.
48:52 Wow, that is an explosive secret
48:56 because without Me you can do nothing,
48:58 you can do nothing.
49:00 No, not anything, no, no, no, no
49:02 so abide in Me and let Me abide in you.
49:06 So here's the question I want to end with.
49:07 What are you doing to keep daily connected
49:12 with your very best friend?
49:15 What are you doing?
49:17 Let me share a study that Cornell University
49:20 came out with, this is fascinating.
49:23 Just few weeks ago,
49:24 'for all there so called friends on Facebook
49:27 most American's have fewer closer confidence now
49:30 then they did a generation ago.
49:32 Cornell University sociologists surveyed 2,000 adults
49:35 and found that on average they had only two friends
49:40 with whom they could discuss important matters.
49:43 Just two, that's down by the way from three in 1985,
49:48 nearly half of the volunteers listed only one friend
49:52 and four percent said they had none.'
49:55 Isn't that sad? None.
49:58 A reduce social networking
49:59 now they are calling Matthew Brashears,
50:01 study author,
50:02 a reduced social network makes us
50:04 potentially more vulnerable, he said,
50:07 because talking our troubles
50:09 over with a trusted pal provides both emotional support
50:13 and ideas for how to solve problems.
50:15 Brashears says that,
50:17 while we appear to be just as social as ever
50:20 our friendship seemed to be shallower
50:22 leaving us with fewer people
50:24 we can call on to lend us money.
50:31 But you think about it? Where would you go?
50:34 Where would you go?
50:36 'Leaving us fewer people
50:37 we can call on to lend us money give us a place to stay,
50:43 how do guys show up, one night late,
50:46 he said, I've just been kicked out of my house.
50:48 Can I stay here?
50:52 Where would you go?
50:54 Leaving us a fewer people
50:55 we can call on to lend us money,
50:57 give us a place to stay or simply keep us company
50:59 during a tough time.
51:01 Would you like to have a friend like that?
51:04 Who's with you in the toughest of times,
51:06 who will never leave you or forsake you
51:08 then connect to Jesus.
51:10 Do what Edwina Humphrey Flynn did.
51:13 Every morning early connect with Jesus
51:16 and as light will shine out of you
51:18 wherever you go.
51:21 The secret is every morning getting connected with Jesus.
51:28 Do that.
51:31 And you'll never have to worry about your branch withering,
51:36 decaying and dying away.
51:38 You'll be alive in Christ forever and ever.
51:42 Amen.
51:44 I want you to take the connect card
51:45 there's in your bulletin, right now
51:47 I've got mine right here.
51:49 Let's talk about connecting to Christ
51:50 for these last few moments before our service ends.
51:59 You see this card, turn the card over,
52:00 Pastor Jose, just a moment ago
52:02 talked about the front of the card
52:03 I want to talk about back of the card.
52:05 There's a little box here it says,
52:06 my next step today is.
52:08 Hey, how about this one because you know what,
52:11 you can't hear teaching like this
52:12 and not take a next step.
52:13 That's the danger we hear the teaching and we go on.
52:15 No, no, take a step.
52:17 How about this one,
52:18 I want to stay connected to the vine
52:20 please send me that online book.
52:22 I've got a prayer book
52:23 that I'd love for you to read every morning
52:24 before we head out of the day,
52:25 I'll send you a link to that prayer book
52:26 you can read it everyday.
52:28 If you put a checkmark right there,
52:29 please send me that online book.
52:31 Here's the next box,
52:32 I would like a how to guide for a fresh new way to pray.
52:38 I'm gonna do that.
52:40 I need to freshen up but, tell you what my prayer life
52:43 I'd like something fresh,
52:44 you put a checkmark there our connect team will send you,
52:48 he'll send you a link.
52:49 You'll get away and trust me I know it works for me.
52:56 You say, but Dwight look
52:57 I've never really connected to Jesus at all,
52:59 I just kind of been want into life
53:00 I'm hanging around a lot of Jesus friends
53:02 but I have not myself chosen Him.
53:05 See that little box right beside it,
53:06 I'm interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus.
53:10 We just launched this card last week.
53:13 22 people last week said,
53:15 I want to start a relationship with Jesus.
53:17 22, isn't that something?
53:20 So you put a checkmark,
53:21 you don't have a relationship with Jesus
53:22 we'll send you something
53:23 that will get you going in that relationship.
53:26 Here's the next one,
53:28 I'd like information on Baptism.
53:30 Last week 19 people said, I want to be baptized.
53:33 Isn't that something,
53:34 they are sitting all around you.
53:35 You are one of them, you said,
53:36 I've never been baptized, let me tell you something,
53:38 my friend, if you are a student here
53:40 I can't think of a better way to end the school year
53:42 than to be baptized into Christ.
53:44 Back to that other box,
53:45 I'd like more information about being baptized
53:47 on Saturday, April 21 or Saturday, April 28.
53:50 Why not? What a gift.
53:52 God to you and you back to Him.
53:54 Put a checkmark that one information on baptism.
53:56 I want information in church membership.
53:58 15 people last week said
53:59 I want some information on that and look at this one.
54:03 Serving on a team,
54:05 we'll send you a link to a website
54:06 72 people last week said,
54:08 I want to serve on a team in this church.
54:10 College students can serve,
54:12 we'll send you a link to a website
54:13 there'll be 12 ministries you pick the one you want
54:15 and you can start the next day.
54:16 None of this, we got to get you trained
54:18 for six months you can start the next day,
54:20 you can serve Christ immediately.
54:22 I want to learn about the Bible.
54:24 27 people said I want to have Bible studies,
54:26 teach me about the Bible.
54:28 Isn't that something?
54:29 Fill out that card, nobody's looking at your card,
54:32 nobody's asking you to stand.
54:34 You do this quietly and in just a moment
54:36 our ushers are gonna come by and receive not only the cards
54:39 but our morning tithes and offerings.
54:42 Now some of you jumped up last week,
54:43 oh, Dwight's through the sermons
54:44 it's time to go.
54:45 No, no, we got a--
54:47 we have a very important response to make
54:50 to our Lord who is our vine.
54:54 So I want to pray with you then the ushers will come.
54:58 Stay seated we're gonna sing a stanza of a hymn
55:03 that is a perfect hymn for this teaching on the vine
55:06 "Draw Me Nearer" we won't jump up.
55:10 We'll stay seated so that the place keep moving
55:13 and the service will end with a benediction.
55:17 But let me pray with you before
55:18 you turn the card in, oh, God,
55:20 this is the moment when we chose ways
55:25 that we wish to connect with the vine.
55:27 If there's anybody here who needs you
55:29 for the first time Lord Jesus,
55:31 give him courage put a checkmark.
55:36 Somebody wants to follow you in Baptism bless her decision.
55:40 Somebody says I need to freshen up
55:42 my prayer life, please help me.
55:44 Send me an online prayer book
55:45 whatever the decision dear God bless every decision
55:49 make it a bold next step for our forever friend.
55:56 As we turn our tithes and offerings
55:59 today giving for this little church on this campus
56:01 so that it can serve the campus and the world
56:05 take our tithes and offerings.
56:07 It's-- it's just a gift, we give it back,
56:10 we're connected to the vine
56:11 that's how we got it in the first place
56:13 so we're happy.
56:15 We're happy to return to you, well, it's yours.
56:20 And through the Sprit of Jesus
56:22 walk with us the whole way until He comes.
56:27 Let all the people say, amen and amen.
56:34 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:36 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time
56:39 with us right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:41 in the campus of Andrews University.
56:43 Do you know that around the world people
56:44 join us every week for this hour of worship?
56:46 We're looking as a consequence for new ways to bridge
56:50 somehow to connect with these people
56:52 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:55 One of the areas that is quickly growing for us
56:57 is our website.
56:58 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:02 It's an incredible opportunity
57:04 that God has given us to expand His kingdom.
57:07 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:09 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel,
57:12 I'd love to have you call our toll free number
57:14 we got very friendly operators standing by,
57:17 here's the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:20 877 and then the two words HIS WILL,
57:22 one of the operators will be happy to give you the details
57:25 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:28 If you prefer listen, you can do it all online
57:30 go to our website please
57:35 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:36 of partnering with you
57:37 as we seek to spread the truth about God
57:39 for this generation we are living in urgent times,
57:44 not more than ever we've got to go to the world
57:47 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:49 So once again here's that toll free number
57:51 877-HIS-WILL.
57:53 Thank you in advance for you generosity
57:56 it blesses me and you grow this ministry
57:59 and pray that the Spirit of Christ
58:01 will abide with you every step of the way
58:03 and I'll hope you come back again next time right here
58:06 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2014-12-17