New Perceptions

How To Put A Smile On God's Face

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP030307

00:30 Men of faith rise up and sing
00:34 Of our great and glorious King
00:39 You are strong when you feel weak
00:43 In your brokenness complete
00:48 Everyone join.
00:50 Shout to the North and the south
00:54 Sing to the east and the west
00:58 Jesus is Savior to all
01:02 Lord of heaven and earth
01:08 Rise up women of the truth
01:12 Stand and sing to broken hearts
01:16 Who can know the healing power
01:20 Of our awesome King of love
01:27 Shout to the north and the south
01:31 Sing to the east and the west
01:36 Jesus is Savior to all
01:40 Lord of heaven and earth
01:44 Everyone sing.
01:46 Rise up church with broken wings
01:50 Fill this place with songs again
01:54 Of our God who reigns on high
01:58 By his grace again we'll fly
02:05 Shout to the north and the south
02:09 Sing to the east and the west
02:13 Jesus is Savior to all
02:18 Lord of heaven and earth
02:22 Lord of heaven and earth
02:33 God's love for us is something amazing, isn't it?
02:37 So why we sing shout to the north
02:40 not only that Jesus is Lord but also that God has this,
02:44 this-- this amazingly strong and over powering love for us.
02:52 I pray that out of His glorious riches
02:54 He may strengthen you with power
02:57 through His spirit in your inner being,
02:59 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
03:03 And I pray that you being rooted and established in that love,
03:07 may have power together with all the saints to grasp.
03:11 How wide and long and high and deep
03:18 is the love of Christ.
03:22 How deep the Father's love for us, amen.
03:25 How great.
03:30 How deep the Father's love for us
03:35 How vast beyond all measure
03:41 That He should give His only Son
03:46 To make a wretch His treasure
03:51 How great the pain of searing loss
03:57 The Father turns His face away
04:02 As wounds which mar the chosen One
04:07 Bring many sons to glory
04:14 Behold the Man upon a cross
04:19 My sin upon His shoulders
04:24 Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
04:30 Call out among the scoffers
04:35 It was my sin that left Him there
04:40 Until it was accomplished
04:46 His dying breath has brought me life
04:51 I know that it is finished
04:57 I will not boast in anything
05:03 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
05:08 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
05:13 His death and resurrection
05:19 Why should I gain from His reward
05:24 I cannot give an answer
05:29 But this I know with all my heart
05:35 His wounds have paid my ransom
05:56 Lord, you have my heart
06:00 And I will search for Yours
06:05 Jesus, take my life and lead me on
06:12 Join us as we sing.
06:14 Lord, you have my heart
06:19 And I will search for Yours
06:23 Jesus, take my life and lead me on
06:32 Lord, you have my heart
06:36 And I will search for Yours
06:41 Let me be to You a sacrifice
06:49 And I will praise You, Lord
06:58 And I will sing of love come down
07:06 And as You show Your face
07:14 We'll see Your glory here
07:25 Mercy Came Running, by now I'm sure
07:28 we are all becoming very familiar with that phrase
07:31 and hopefully it's getting burned into our minds
07:34 that God comes running after us.
07:38 Well, what you are seeing here is several different colors.
07:42 This is the result of a conversation
07:44 that I was having with Brain Manly
07:47 one of our faculty over in art and design
07:50 and we started talking about mercy.
07:54 What is something visual that can tie us
07:57 into this concept of mercy?
07:59 So we ask the question,
08:01 well, colors communicate things, don't they?
08:06 White, the color of white, what does that communicate?
08:09 Peace, purity many things like that.
08:13 In every culture colors communicate
08:17 and so we started asking what color is mercy?
08:22 And so I post this question
08:24 to several of my artist friends here
08:28 and ask them come up with a color
08:31 that to you communicate something of God's mercy.
08:36 First of all, Jenny Shepherd,
08:37 one of our students in art and design.
08:42 Jenny, you've chosen a green, a very vibrant green.
08:46 Tell us what this color communicates?
08:49 Well, I choose the color light green,
08:53 specifically because it reminds me of new growth.
08:56 It's the color of new growth like the grass and spring.
09:00 And how this relates to God's mercy for me is that
09:03 in our Christian lives
09:05 we are continually growing towards God
09:09 and in His infinite mercy He allow--
09:13 He forgives us our sins and we keep growing.
09:16 So it's just a continual green growth in mercy.
09:21 Amen.
09:22 Says God's mercies are new every morning
09:25 always ready for that new growth.
09:27 Yes. Amen, thank you.
09:30 Greg Howell, one of our students at the seminary here
09:33 also a talented artist has chosen this
09:36 very also very vibrant orange.
09:40 Greg, tell us why orange?
09:42 What does orange communicate?
09:45 Orange to me actually is kind of my favorite color
09:47 in several different things, sunsets, fall leaves
09:51 in my favorite pictures these days have been
09:55 deep space things from like the Hubble telescope and stuff.
09:58 And when, they show the sun it's never that yellow color
10:00 like we typically associate
10:01 but its that deep orangish reds and stuff like that.
10:05 So I was thinking about the sun and the power
10:08 the closure you get to the sun the more it affects you,
10:10 I mean the hotter you get
10:12 the more intense UV rays you get and everything.
10:14 And to me that's kind of what mercy does,
10:16 because the closure I get to mercy
10:18 and to seeing what God is really like
10:21 the more it has to affect me and change me.
10:24 It's hard to-- well, I would say impossible to contact,
10:28 come in contact with God's mercy and remain unchanged
10:32 much like falling into the sun.
10:35 It's hard to remain unchanged,
10:37 although God's mercy doesn't vaporize us in the way
10:40 that the sun would hopefully.
10:42 Okay, all right, thank you, Greg.
10:46 Heidi Murphy is not a stranger to many,
10:48 many of you here.
10:50 Lovely wife of Pat Murphy,
10:52 who you can hear saying amen, every week.
10:56 Heidi, you have chosen a blue, blue, tell us why blue?
11:01 Well, blue for two reasons.
11:03 The first one is I use to procrastinate a lot
11:06 when I was in school I was an art major
11:08 and-- I used to wait to do my projects
11:11 till the end of the semester
11:12 and I would stay up all night and work.
11:14 So, the morning light of the blue sky,
11:19 meant I need mercy, because my projects are not done yet.
11:24 So God would show me mercy through the sky say
11:27 you have only got a couple of more hours
11:29 till you got to get your project done.
11:31 And every time my professors would show me mercy.
11:34 Amen.
11:35 And it was through them that I shown mercy.
11:38 Number two, and I don't know if you could see the--
11:41 the transition from the dark corners to the blue
11:44 it's almost royal and it's almost mercy
11:46 shows transition in your heart.
11:49 You change and you evolve from darkness to a royalness
11:53 in experiencing who Jesus is.
11:55 Amen.
11:56 Are we taking notes, professors?
12:02 Arnol Jimenez,
12:05 he's not a stranger also to our community.
12:07 He is been a part of it for a number of years here
12:10 and he has chosen kind of a flesh tone
12:15 a flesh tone.
12:16 Arnol, tell us about this?
12:20 Well, there is also two reasons.
12:23 The first one is because
12:26 obviously flesh tone represents humanity.
12:33 And we are the ones who needs the most of mercy.
12:37 And also because the almighty merciful
12:43 became flesh, so it's in honor to Him.
12:47 Amen. Amen.
12:49 And its fitting that we should end on this color.
12:52 John 1 says, the word became flesh
12:57 and pitched his tent among us,
13:00 he built his house next to us.
13:03 Hebrews 2 says,
13:05 "That He had to be made like His brothers in every way,
13:09 so that He might become a merciful and faithful
13:14 high priest in service to God, and that He might make
13:17 atonement for the sins of our people."
13:20 Flesh, flesh is the color of God's mercy to us
13:25 because God's mercy became flesh.
13:29 Blue, blue because the day is coming
13:34 and we have to turn things in
13:36 but there is mercy for us, thankfully, thankfully.
13:41 And God changes us from something that's dark
13:43 to something that's royal.
13:47 Orange, orange the power of the sun,
13:51 the power to change, the power to lighten.
13:55 And Green, growth.
13:58 It's our prayer today all of us I'm sure that,
14:02 that all of you every one of us will be able to experience
14:06 a new color of God's mercy.
14:13 In a moment we look full into His eyes
14:17 and we ask that question again
14:19 what is oh, God, the color of your mercy?
14:24 Holy Father, whatever color it is
14:26 and perhaps it's every color in the universe
14:32 we've got to get the color straight
14:36 and may be the color is different
14:39 for every single one of us,
14:42 divinely shaped and crafted to perfectly match
14:48 our own deep and personal need.
14:53 Whatever the color is may we see the colors
14:56 and may the picture of the colors compel us
15:00 to be that color to the world around us.
15:03 We pray in Christ name, amen.
15:10 The neighborhood hadn't seen,
15:12 it had not seen so many stretched
15:14 limo's in its life time.
15:17 I mean, you have seen stretched limo's
15:18 you know they come in all colors and shapes and sizes.
15:24 When our boy Kirk was growing up
15:28 one of his favorite backseat pastimes
15:30 as we were heading over to Chicago is to count
15:32 how many limo's he could see
15:33 on the way to the airport in O'Hare.
15:36 The gray, the black, and the silver
15:39 because you and I know that when you spot it
15:42 when you spot a limo your eyes immediately light up
15:45 because limos tend to indicate
15:47 somebody very important is passing by.
15:52 Limos are driven for people who are important
15:55 or for people who are trying hard
15:57 to pretend that they are important.
16:01 Like the academy awards, either way the limousines
16:04 always catch your eyes.
16:07 And so the neighborhood that is absolutely a buzz tonight
16:11 because as far as the eye can see
16:12 they are those stretched limos everywhere.
16:16 Big party, places jammed, oh, the very interesting tonight
16:21 the paparazzi you know, those you ubiquitous gawking
16:24 cameramen that always show up where its happening,
16:27 no paparazzi tonight because the word is out
16:30 nobody important is coming.
16:34 But the guest drive up invited
16:38 in their rented status symbols
16:40 the man with greasy slick black hair
16:44 or pasty goody girl clinging on to that right elbow,
16:49 one by one by one they come
16:52 but there is no site of the guest.
16:54 Where is the guest of honor?
16:56 Party has already started and eventually he arrives
17:00 chugging up the street and that beat up old Ford Taurus.
17:06 Drives into the drive way, the guest steps out,
17:11 no talks, no girl,
17:16 just a Kmart Blue Light special of a suit
17:19 but when the whole spots man comes
17:22 bounding down those stairs with his arms out stretched
17:25 you could have sworn
17:27 this is the president of the United States himself.
17:30 Only the little camera's one of those yellow Kodak
17:33 throw away special
17:34 flashing, flashing, flashing, flashing
17:36 let the party begin the guest is here.
17:40 I want to go, I want to go to that flesh colored mercy
17:44 with you this morning.
17:45 Open your Bible with me please because three of the gospel,
17:48 three of the gospel writers
17:49 just paint in their own unique hues
17:51 that unforgettable late night party.
17:54 Let's go to that party.
17:56 Now, we know that we have a friend in this series
17:58 and our friend is Matthew.
17:59 And so we are gonna go to Matthew for the party.
18:01 Although I've got to tell you this is Matthew Chapter 9.
18:03 Matthew is so humble
18:05 he will not even tell us in his account
18:07 that he is the one throwing the party
18:09 and that is taken place in his ornate mansion.
18:12 Not a word about it.
18:13 Now, let's go to Matthew Chapter 9,
18:15 you got a Bible in the quire off,
18:17 you got a Bible in the pew.
18:19 If you didn't bring the Bible,
18:20 just grab the pew Bible in front of you please,
18:21 because it will be the New King James Version
18:24 which is what I will be in this morning with you.
18:27 Page number in our pew Bible page 634,
18:30 let the party begin here it goes,
18:33 Matthew 9:9 "As Jesus passed on from there,
18:40 He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office.
18:44 And He said to him, 'Follow Me.'
18:49 And so Matthew arose and followed Him."
18:52 Hey hit the pause button right there
18:54 because I got to tell you this is a very gutsy call
18:56 on the part of Christ because I remind you in case you forgot
18:59 Matthew was a member of the hated tax collectors.
19:03 You know, the tax collectors, well, who don't you?
19:04 They were those wealthy Jews
19:06 who collaborated with the despise Romans
19:09 to raise the taxes of little land of Judea.
19:15 Because you see it's a good deal.
19:17 If the Romans come to you and they say
19:18 hey boy, we are gonna give you Berrien Springs
19:20 and we have assessed Berrien Springs
19:21 every year it's a good deal.
19:25 The bad, the bad part of the deal is that Romans say
19:28 if you don't get $200,000 from them
19:30 we will take it right out of your own hand.
19:31 So we -- we don't care where you get it
19:33 we need $200,000.
19:34 The good news is that
19:35 because you are under that kind of pressure
19:37 you can set exuberating levels of levy taxes.
19:44 And so you can understand the tax collectors
19:47 were not the most popular men in the village.
19:50 In fact, they were despised and hated as collaborators
19:54 who would cut some kind of fusty
19:56 and bargain with the devil himself.
19:58 Please, so you got to admit pretty gutsy of Jesus to say
20:02 hey, boy, you-- you follow Me,
20:06 I gonna make you
20:07 apart of the inner circle of My closest.
20:13 All right verse 9 and "As Jesus passed on from there,
20:17 He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office.
20:19 And He said to him, 'Follow Me.'
20:21 So Matthew arose and followed Him."
20:23 Verse 10, And "Now it happened
20:24 as Jesus sat at the table in the house,
20:26 that behold, many" notice the word, many.
20:31 "Many tax collectors and sinners came
20:33 and sat down with Jesus and His disciples."
20:36 Matthew humbly omits any mention of
20:39 who is throwing this party
20:40 but Mark and Luke are absolutely insisting
20:42 that we know its Matthew himself
20:44 and because Matthew is a tax collector
20:46 he is a very wealthy man.
20:47 He will not be wealthy for long
20:49 but he is living in this opulent mansion.
20:52 Matthew is throwing the party and ladies and gentlemen,
20:55 because verse 9 and verse 10 are juxtaposed side to side.
20:59 We know two reasons -- two reasons,
21:01 its Matthew's kind of subtle way of telling us
21:04 there are two reasons why I threw this party.
21:05 Reason number one, he is overwhelmed
21:07 with a deep and almost tearful gratitude
21:11 to this Jesus of Nazareth who has saved Him
21:13 from that life of under the table extortion and greed.
21:16 I just-- I just have to say thank you.
21:19 And reason number two is, Matthew cannot wait
21:23 to have his buddies
21:25 with their concerts and their girlfriends
21:26 and their wives meet the very same Jesus,
21:29 who obviously is a friend of tax collectors.
21:31 When mercy comes a running to you,
21:33 you cannot keep that fact to yourself.
21:38 You got to tell, so he is having a party,
21:41 very big party.
21:42 By the way Luke's language is it's a huge party,
21:47 broke the bank to say thank you.
21:49 All right, now let's read-- let's read verse 10 again.
21:52 And so "Now it happened as Jesus sat at the table
21:55 in Matthew's house, that behold, many tax collectors
21:59 and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples."
22:02 Because notice, notice the coupling
22:04 of those two categories
22:05 when ever the Jews had this little word associate together
22:07 yeah, let's word association.
22:08 I'll say a word you respond
22:10 whenever they would say tax collector,
22:11 they knew their winning response was always sinner.
22:16 If you say Pharisee, saint.
22:19 If you say Roman, heathen or pig.
22:23 If you say Samaritan, half breed or dog.
22:27 Tax collector, sinner.
22:30 Always those two bound together.
22:33 So this is a party for the tax collectors
22:37 and sinners and other are social
22:38 and ecclesiastical outcast and for Jesus
22:41 and guess what Pharisees think they were invited.
22:43 Wrong guys, but they didn't know
22:45 they just went ahead and showed up any way.
22:46 Hence you know it.
22:48 Look at verse 11 "And when the Pharisees saw it"
22:51 Pharisees, when the Pharisees saw the party
22:55 "they said to His disciples, 'Why does your Teacher eat
22:57 with tax collectors and sinners?'"
23:00 Party poopers its like that old jingle,
23:03 every party has a pooper that's why we invited you
23:06 party pooper, party pooper.
23:11 So when the Pharisees showed up
23:13 they weren't invited drove up in their Honda Accords.
23:22 I love this Kodak moment,
23:24 this Kodak moment picture Jesus.
23:26 I just love this.
23:27 Look at these guys because the Pharisees
23:30 these hoity religious pallets who would have be caught dead
23:34 in the house of an unclean publican.
23:42 But they got to find a way
23:44 to get inside that party some how.
23:45 They can't go in so they find a giant open window
23:48 beside the balcony.
23:51 The orange festive light is spilling out on to the ground,
23:53 they are standing in that orange light.
23:55 The laughter of a party in full progress
23:57 was into the night air and the Pharisees
24:01 they get up to that window on their tiptoes they go psst.
24:05 Because Pharisees always hiss,
24:10 psst hey, they try to get the attention
24:13 as some of these young men
24:14 that call the guest of honor, master.
24:16 Psst, come, come, come, come.
24:20 I tell you what the bunch of whips
24:23 will take on Jesus but pick on His followers instead.
24:28 But here comes this Kodak moment
24:29 and I just love this because my mother was this way.
24:32 And you know what, your mother was this way.
24:34 I mean, did you notice this about your mom?
24:37 I mean you can be in a room packed
24:39 right may be was in your-- your own little house
24:41 and everybody has come over and mom is across the room
24:44 caught up in a conversation with her friends
24:45 in that corner of the room
24:46 and on the other side of the living room,
24:48 you and your little buddies are there.
24:49 And you know what you can make
24:50 one slipping mistake in a word
24:55 and that mother who is so concentrated on her friends
24:58 the whole time with that rare view antenna
25:01 is listening to everything you are saying.
25:05 Boom, she is in oh, boy, what did you say boy?
25:09 Jesus is just like a great mom.
25:11 This is the Kodak moment because He is over here,
25:13 and nobody has asked Jesus a thing.
25:15 He is in conversation with the other publicans
25:18 and tax collectors and prostitutes over there.
25:20 He is in conversation but His ear is monitoring,
25:23 His little voice over in that corner
25:25 and they are just a few years younger than He.
25:28 And when He hears that psst,
25:32 boom he was not invited but he cuts into that conversation.
25:38 You had a question gentlemen?
25:43 I love that-- I love that about Jesus,
25:45 He will never leave you alone by the way.
25:47 You will never have to dangle alone
25:50 if He is your master.
25:51 He has got an ear to wherever you be He is listening.
25:58 All right, I'll see them on the next page
26:03 probably just a moment.
26:04 All right, here we go.
26:06 Verse 11, yeah, it's a great story I love it.
26:09 Verse 11, "And when the Pharisees saw it,
26:11 " we read it again " they said to His disciples,
26:13 'Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?'"
26:15 And "When Jesus heard that," see that ears caught,
26:17 "when Jesus heard that, He cut into that conversation
26:20 and He said to them," and by the way
26:21 when Jesus speaks up He get's everybody's attention.
26:24 That party likes-- in that party just go shh,
26:27 what and Jesus from across the room
26:29 hey you guys outside the window.
26:31 You have a question talk to me?
26:35 Jesus speaks in verse 12, He says, hey, don't you know,
26:38 you guys obviously have been on hospital
26:40 "Those who are well have no need of a physician."
26:44 Well, people don't need a doctor.
26:46 Jesus said no, no, no "but those who are sick."
26:49 In fact, go and learn.
26:50 Since you guys weren't invited to this party anyway
26:52 why don't you go home and have a Bible study.
26:54 Go have a Bible study
26:55 I want you to pull out the scrolls
26:56 be sure you get the scroll to Hosea.
26:58 There is one little line in Hosea guys,
26:59 I wish you would please mediate on for a while
27:01 for the rest of this night.
27:02 "Go and learn what this means,
27:04 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.'
27:06 For I did not come to call the righteous,
27:08 but sinners, to repentance."
27:16 I love the way Eugene Peterson renders this last line of Jesus
27:20 in the message He said, as Jesus saying,
27:22 "I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders."
27:27 Insiders always want to be coddle, coddle, coddle,
27:29 coddle, coddle so it reminds me the prayer
27:31 Martin Luther once prayed.
27:32 Oh, when I saw this prayer I said,
27:34 thank you Luther, for teaching me that
27:35 because I would like to pray it too.
27:36 It goes like this, "May God of His mercy
27:40 preserve me from a church
27:41 in which there are none but saints."
27:44 Wow, awful church to be in
27:48 if there are only saints in it trust me.
27:51 Good thing you and I are here.
27:54 "May God of His mercy preserve me from a church
27:55 in which there are none but saints.
27:56 I desire to dwell with the humble,
27:58 the feeble, the sick,
27:59 who know and feel their sins,
28:00 and who groan and cry continually to God
28:02 from the bottom of their hearts
28:03 to obtain His consolation and support."
28:06 Jesus said I came to call sinners
28:09 what kind of sinners what do you suppose.
28:12 Ladies and gentlemen, as far as I can tell
28:13 there are no express limitations
28:15 in Jesus rejoinder, do you see any?
28:17 I think He probably means.
28:18 Now, I'm just guessing at this
28:20 I think He probably means all sinners.
28:22 You know the type don't you?
28:24 Heterosexual sinners and homosexual sinners,
28:29 you know the type,
28:31 ethical sinners and unethical sinners,
28:36 alcoholic sinners, and non-alcoholic sinners,
28:43 democrat sinners, and republican sinners.
28:47 Some of you think, some of you think
28:49 Jesus hung around with the republicans.
28:51 He did not, He hung around the with the publicans.
28:56 It's not the same thing.
29:00 Independent sinners probably,
29:03 white sinners, black sinners, brown sinners,
29:05 yellow sinners, red sinners.
29:07 All of them, rich, poor sinners, yup.
29:09 Male, female yup educated, illiterate, yup.
29:14 Christian sinners, Jewish sinners,
29:18 Muslim sinners, Hindu sinners,
29:21 atheist sinners, Adventist sinners,
29:25 come on you know the type all of them.
29:27 I hang around them all,
29:30 apparently when mercy comes running
29:31 it comes running for all of us
29:33 which strikes me some a bit of good news,
29:35 don't it strike you that way?
29:36 Please, say, hey, you guys by the window.
29:42 Matthew says you weren't invited,
29:44 so go home and have a Bible study will you?
29:47 And look it up, Hosea 6:6 figure out what God means
29:50 when He says, I desire mercy and not sacrifice.
29:53 Good night.
29:58 Did you know that, that solitary line from Hosea
30:01 is quoted only twice in the New Testament.
30:03 Both times my Matthew and both times
30:06 on the lips of Jesus himself
30:09 there must be some really punch pat
30:13 and that powerful line
30:15 the only other time in the New Testament
30:17 take a look, just turn one page over Matthew Chapter 12.
30:19 Take a look at this.
30:21 Matthew 12:1 only other time Hosea 6,
30:26 Matthew 12:1 let's go, and
30:28 "At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath.
30:33 And His disciples were hungry,
30:34 and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat.
30:37 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him,
30:40 'Look, Your disciples are doing
30:42 what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath!'
30:45 But Jesus said to them," Here come the red letters now,
30:47 "Jesus said, what's your guys problem,
30:49 'Haven't you read what David did when he was hungry,
30:52 and he and those who were with him,
30:53 how he entered the house of God, verse 4,
30:55 how he ate the showbread
30:56 which was not lawful for him to eat,
30:58 nor was it for those who were with him,
30:59 but only for the priests?"
31:01 Or how about this guys, verse 5,
31:02 "Haven't you read in the law that on the Sabbath
31:05 the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath,
31:06 and are blameless?
31:08 Yet I say to you if you guys could get this
31:10 that there is one greater than the temple."
31:11 Who is standing here.
31:13 But verse 7, "I wish you have another Bible study
31:15 verse 7, "But if you had known what this means,
31:20 'I desire mercy, there it is
31:22 I desire mercy and not sacrifice,'
31:25 you would not have condemned the guiltless.'"
31:27 And by the way "The Son of Man is Lord
31:30 even of the Sabbath."
31:36 Only two places in the New Testament,
31:38 we just read them.
31:40 And by the way this story is not over yet
31:41 because Jesus said, these are the guys that slow me up,
31:43 I'm planning to go to church today,
31:44 where is the synagogue
31:45 because I'm having worship today with you.
31:48 And so the very next verse, verse 9,
31:49 "Now when He had departed from there,
31:50 He went into their synagogue.
31:52 And behold, there was a man" verse 10,
31:54 "who had a withered hand.
31:55 And they asked Him, saying," hey teacher,
31:59 "'Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?'
32:01 That they might accuse Him."
32:03 They didn't want to know, they didn't want an answer.
32:05 They want to nail Him.
32:07 And Jesus said to them again.
32:08 These guys shh, are every where.
32:11 "Then He said to them, 'What man is there'"
32:13 common guys tell me, you got a sheep,
32:16 sheep wanders how do you look like on the Sabbath
32:18 tumbles into a pit you are on your way to church
32:20 and you look down that pit and that is your praise sheep.
32:23 What are you gonna do on the Sabbath?
32:25 Don't tell me that you are going to ahead
32:26 and go worship and leave that sheep there.
32:27 Are you crazy? I know what you will do?
32:29 You will climb down to get all dirty in that pit
32:31 just to save the life of a little tiny fluffy sheep.
32:36 Now Jesus says, verse 12 "Of how much more value
32:39 then is a human being than a sheep?
32:42 Therefore I'm telling you it is lawful to do good
32:45 on the Sabbath."
32:47 He turns some of those party poopers
32:50 and He says to the man, "Stretch out your hand."
32:55 And the man with the withered hand
32:58 realizes he is in the presence of divinity and in faith.
33:04 And hand just like, just like that, just like that.
33:10 And then verse 14, oh, boy, "The Pharisees went out
33:14 and plotted against Jesus, how they might destroy Him."
33:17 And its clear form the gospel record from that point
33:19 it's all down hill He is headed to death.
33:22 By that single act of mercy
33:24 Jesus signed His own death warrant.
33:28 Mercy is that important to Him.
33:30 Signed His execution orders.
33:31 There they are ladies and gentlemen,
33:33 two stories one punch line, I desire mercy.
33:37 And what's the truth about that punch line?
33:40 This is the great truth about mercy
33:42 and you can track this truth
33:43 all the way through Jesus life and here it is.
33:45 The truth is that mercy elevates need above creed.
33:51 Need over creed, need over creed.
33:54 You know, what the problem with you and me is
33:56 we get it backwards and so that we won't get it backwards,
33:59 let's quickly write it in frontward's.
34:01 Take the study guide
34:02 that's in your worship bulletin we do that.
34:04 Just take your study guide out we got to write this in.
34:06 Thank you ushers, we probably have people here
34:08 who got in without study guides so ushers come all the way
34:12 up to the front make sure we cover up here.
34:14 Hold your hand up if you need a study guide
34:16 and while the ushers are coming by.
34:17 Let me say to those who are watching on TV
34:19 you can get the same study guide right now.
34:21 Let me put it on the screen for you,
34:23 there it is
34:26 that's our website.
34:28 You can get the study guide by going to this
34:30 particular teaching series
34:31 its called "Mercy Came A Running."
34:34 And the title of this teaching is
34:37 "How to Put a Smile on God's Face."
34:39 You want to put a smile on God's face.
34:40 It's mercy, mercy, mercy.
34:43 When you see that how to put a smile on God's face
34:45 it says study guide click right there
34:47 and you will have that study guide right on the screen
34:49 before you and you can fill it in
34:50 even as we go here on your computer there.
34:54 All right, everybody get one all in the balcony,
34:57 quire has theirs I know.
34:58 Let's go, number one, fill it up please.
35:01 Two stories about Jesus with a single truth about God,
35:04 "I desire mercy."
35:06 Fill that in please, I desire mercy.
35:09 That's Hosea 6:6. Keep your pen moving.
35:11 The truth we need to get "frontwards" here it is.
35:13 Mercy elevates need above creed.
35:16 Need over creed. Keep your pen moving.
35:20 That means people above propriety.
35:23 What's proper no people more important.
35:25 Human lives above human laws.
35:27 And mercy above justice.
35:31 Did you get that? Mercy above justice.
35:33 Are we just imagining this guys,
35:35 are we making this up?
35:36 No, no, no there is a stunning line
35:39 and you got to see it in your own Bible.
35:40 This is our last text to look up.
35:42 Go to the little book of James in the New Testament.
35:45 If you can find the Book of Hebrews,
35:46 it's the book right after Hebrew is James.
35:48 Page number in our pew Bible would be page 812
35:51 some of you are gonna be startled that,
35:53 in fact, this verse is in your Bible,
35:55 this is unbelievable.
35:57 Take a look at this, James Chapter 2,
36:00 James Chapter 2 drop down to verse 13.
36:06 James 2:13, can you believe this "For judgment is without mercy
36:11 to the one who has shown no mercy.
36:14 But mercy triumphs over judgment."
36:19 Isn't that sound?
36:21 Jot that in, let's put in there
36:23 fill in the blank version of that.
36:25 Please fill it in, "For judgment is without mercy
36:29 to the one who has shown no mercy.
36:31 But mercy triumphs over judgment."
36:36 And by the way the Greek word for judgment is krisis,
36:39 from where it comes the word crisis.
36:41 In the New Testament translated either way it can be translated
36:44 judgment or it can be translated justice.
36:47 So that justice technically true is the reading
36:50 mercy triumphs over justice.
36:55 Now I know some of you-- you already have a voice
36:56 protesting in the back of your mind
36:58 you are saying hold, hold.
36:59 No, no, no before you rise up and protest
37:02 I want to be quick to affirm
37:03 that we are not trying to create here
37:05 some sort of false dichotomy between mercy and justice.
37:09 We don't have to concoct a straw man.
37:10 We don't have to come up with a paper tiger.
37:12 I understand mercy and justice are not antithetical,
37:16 they are not opposites, they are not even apposed.
37:18 In fact, do you know what they hold hands?
37:21 More over Psalms 85 declares that mercy and justice kiss,
37:24 they are not opposites.
37:27 However, and I believe every single one of us
37:29 could very this in the witness of our own spirits.
37:31 Every one of us knows this in our soul of souls
37:36 that there are times when mercy must over rule
37:42 a strict legalistic sense of justice and right.
37:48 When need must be elevated above creed,
37:51 when people are more important than propriety,
37:54 when mercy must triumph, over judgment.
37:57 Come on guys, don't you know this?
37:59 There are times when the letter of the law...
38:05 or the letter of the church manual
38:07 or the letter of the university handbook,
38:10 it says, thrown them out, but there are times
38:13 when mercy must stand up
38:16 it must stand up in that committee room.
38:18 It must stand up in that boardroom
38:20 it must stand up in that staff room,
38:21 in that class room, in that dorm room,
38:23 mercy must stand up and say you can't you just cannot,
38:28 we must over ride and over rule the letter of the law.
38:33 No, no, not so that somehow we become, we become lawless
38:38 but rather for the sake of making certain
38:40 that we are never loveless.
38:43 In fact, I wish, I wish you take a look at this.
38:46 This is-- this is controversial,
38:51 I found a line a hundred years ago,
38:52 a hundred years ago.
38:54 I believe this line is mercy's appeal
38:55 to the faith community.
38:57 It's in your study guide and you have to fill it in.
38:59 Move right down to where I am.
39:00 Read this, read these words "In reforms" isn't this amazing?
39:04 "In reforms we would better come one step short of the mark
39:09 than to go one step beyond it."
39:12 If any thing hold back, hold back,
39:16 now, here comes the one here is what knocks
39:18 your spiritual socks out of this, this next line,
39:21 "And if there is error at all,
39:25 let it be on the side next to the people."
39:29 Write that in.
39:31 If you are doing an error, if there is going to be error
39:34 always error on the side of the people.
39:39 I desire mercy that's why.
39:43 And so Jesus what did He do,
39:44 He sided with the need of the people,
39:46 rather than the creed of the Pharisees.
39:49 Sure come on, a case could be made
39:50 that associating with tax collectors
39:52 and socializing with prostitutes,
39:54 makes for a bad press for the kingdom of God.
39:56 Who doesn't understand that?
39:58 And so some could perhaps even conclude you know what,
40:01 that kind of association will only encourage
40:03 the immoral in their immoralities
40:06 but Jesus elevated need over creed.
40:10 He stood on the side of the people and He said nope,
40:13 look at it if I can win two or three more like Matthew,
40:16 its worth a risk need over creed.
40:22 And so Jesus took His places
40:23 we just read in this quotation on the side next to the people.
40:26 For you see mercy elevates need over creed.
40:29 Our temptation is to do what exactly opposite.
40:33 Here, fill this in, here is what we want to do.
40:35 We want to elevate creed over need, don't we?
40:41 I mean we get Jesus mercy backwards.
40:44 And so we win our arguments but we live we win our argument
40:48 but we lose our communities.
40:49 We prove the point and tell there is finally nobody
40:52 to whom to prove the point to anymore.
40:54 Creed won but it missed it,
40:56 it lost the need of the people.
40:59 That is so sad.
41:00 Pharisees always get it backwards,
41:03 Pharisees always exile creed over need.
41:06 I don't care if you are hungry,
41:09 I don't care if that man has a shrivel arm.
41:11 What are we suppose to do?
41:12 Do something about it on the Sabbath.
41:13 The creed says this is Sabbath nothing.
41:16 Pharisees always elevate creed over need.
41:21 Jesus says you got it backwards I desire mercy not sacrifice.
41:27 So I'll tell you what how did Martin Luther pray
41:30 "May God of His mercy preserve me from a church
41:33 in which there are none but saints."
41:35 Deliver me please from the perfect
41:40 and that's why both Luther and Jesus
41:42 chose to be on the side of the people.
41:48 Need over creed.
41:51 If there is an error at all,
41:52 let it be on the side next to the people.
41:56 Question since its clear that mercy
41:58 is the default setting for God
41:59 I desire mercy what should be the default setting
42:02 for the people of God?
42:03 Answer, mercy.
42:05 But of course I want to end with a testimony.
42:14 I've had a bit more time
42:17 to contemplate this issue of mercy
42:19 than you have because I started booting on this last fall.
42:22 So I'm a few weeks ahead of you.
42:25 I want to share with you a testimony of --
42:27 of where I'm at with this -- with this brooding
42:31 because I have been wondering to God I said, God I mean,
42:33 this makes sense but how do we do it practically?
42:36 How do we live it out?
42:38 I found a little question that I'm experimenting with
42:42 then I wish you jot this question now
42:43 for what's its worth, I understand
42:45 you don't have to take it.
42:46 But would you jot it down please?
42:47 And here is the question I have been asking myself.
42:49 What would be the most merciful?
42:51 Write it in.
42:52 What would be the most merciful thing
42:54 to do in this instance?
42:56 I know about the-- you know, what would Jesus do question?
42:59 That's okay, there is also this question,
43:02 what does the Bible tell me to do?
43:03 That's instructive but I'm not getting much help
43:05 with those questions.
43:06 I'm being honest with you I'm finding that this question
43:09 what would mercy do,
43:12 what would be the merciful thing to do?
43:15 The most merciful response in this instance?
43:21 I mean, somebody calls me up, say Dwight, I need some help?
43:25 So how I'm gonna respond?
43:26 It's a--- I'm trying to say okay,
43:29 what would mercy do in this instance?
43:33 I want to give somebody a piece of my mind.
43:36 This is not done right. This is wrong.
43:40 I just want to give you a little piece of my mind
43:42 so that you can understand where I stand in this.
43:45 I want to give my wife a piece of my mind.
43:48 I have given so many pieces of my mind to Karen
43:50 I don't even have a mind left.
43:56 We have always given pieces of our mind
43:57 hat's why we are walking out empty brain.
44:00 Giving out piece of my mind here
44:02 but so I'm starting to-- I'm starting to learn
44:04 I'm not there yet but I'm starting to learn.
44:07 Come on Dwight, calm down, please.
44:11 What would be the merciful response in this situation?
44:18 Somebody calls me up, it's my day off,
44:21 I'm already worn out
44:22 could you come and help us please?
44:26 I have to put a little break,
44:27 hold it right there, hold it, hold it.
44:28 Okay, boy, what would be the most merciful way
44:31 to respond to this instance?
44:36 My roommate, oh, my roommate,
44:40 say what would be the most merciful way
44:43 to respond to this?
44:45 My employer, no my employee,
44:49 no my colleague, hey come on please.
44:54 No, what would be the most merciful way to respond?
44:58 It's Friday afternoon I got to get gas
45:01 and we both gone for the gas pump at the same time,
45:07 parking spot both of us.
45:11 What would be the most merciful way
45:13 to respond in this instance?
45:16 I'm beginning to figure out now,
45:17 please this is gonna sound okay to you,
45:20 I'm beginning to think that may be mercy even dictates
45:23 how I respond to our pet dog.
45:28 No, seriously, Karen and I the other day, true,
45:30 Karen and I the other day we are having worship
45:32 and we are reading this little book
45:33 called Sons and Daughters of God
45:34 and there was this line in it and I put in your study guide.
45:36 "He or she who loves God
45:38 will not only love his fellow men,
45:40 but will regard with tender compassion
45:42 the creatures which God has made."
45:45 So I'm hurrying out of the house because I have --
45:47 I got a creed and that is you don't show up late
45:50 I got a creed but my little dog at the top of the stairs
45:54 has a major need.
45:58 So I have to look at Saydi,
46:01 well, you can hold the girl
46:02 I'll back in four hours just hold it.
46:06 And I asked myself, wait a minute, wait a minute
46:07 is that mercy, is that mercy to my dog?
46:10 No need, need right now,
46:14 gets elevated above creed
46:16 because if a creature is a creation of my loving God
46:19 who Has had mercy on me
46:21 then I need to have mercy on His creatures too.
46:24 So even the way you treat your pets
46:26 somehow I know it sounds a bit --
46:28 a bit corny I'm not intending it for to
46:31 but all I'm telling you is honestly,
46:35 I'm finding that asking this question,
46:37 what would be the most merciful response
46:39 to make in this particular instance, is help in me.
46:42 As I said a moment ago, I don't know who is asking
46:44 I just, sometimes I don't have time for mercy.
46:49 You see, I understand that.
46:52 But you know what and this is true,
46:54 I only have two or three months ahead of you on this
46:56 but I use to stew, I still do it
47:01 but I use to really get up tight
47:03 because once I figured something was wrong
47:05 it was not-- its not good if we don't do things like this,
47:09 once I find that about-- find out about that then I stew
47:12 and I'm giving all kinds of speeches in my mind
47:15 to the person that needs the speech.
47:18 I give the speech so that speech has a negative
47:21 its just very poisons and so my stomach
47:23 scours these little gastric juices
47:26 and my stomach goes into a nut and a nut.
47:29 And I'm all uptight now,
47:31 I'm not afraid of confrontation trust me,
47:33 bring it on but until it takes place,
47:36 see it's just like this.
47:38 And I'm realizing guys, I'm sorry to be so
47:40 I can't do with you but I'm realizing that when you--
47:43 if you ask this question what would be the most mercy--
47:45 common Dwight, take a break, take a chill pill.
47:49 What would be the most merciful way
47:51 for you to respond in this instance?
47:54 I just find that little nothic that
47:55 I just find it goes like that,
47:58 yeah, what's the deal?
48:00 I don't have to defend my right.
48:02 I don't have to prove that I have a creed
48:03 that demands perfection of everybody.
48:05 I don't have to prove anything at all,
48:07 the need right now is mercy.
48:10 And when I let that go, my stomach actually relaxes
48:13 and I'm in a path a bit more piece,
48:15 refreshing piece in my life.
48:18 Guys, look at I'm not there yet I know
48:20 but I'm telling you I had a few weeks ahead of you,
48:23 it really does work.
48:24 What would mercy do in this particular instance
48:28 with my wife, with my children,
48:31 with my friends, with my strangers,
48:33 with my colleagues with my employees,
48:36 what would it do?
48:39 Because the fact of the matter is
48:40 when mercy had a choice
48:42 between creed or need at Calvary,
48:46 now listen to me carefully when mercy had a choice
48:49 between creed or need at Calvary
48:53 mercy said we are going for need.
48:56 Because the creed is he is dead meat
49:00 she is dead, she has sinned.
49:02 The creed is clear you lost
49:05 but mercy said no, no, no...
49:08 when I'm around need goes over creed.
49:14 And so mercy stretched out his arms and died for me
49:18 knowing the creed but embrace the need.
49:22 And mercy triumphs over judgment.
49:25 And all, you know that song that we had
49:28 Nick Zoric sing a few Sabbath's ago
49:30 that song, when -- "When I could not reach mercy.
49:35 Mercy came running to me." Hallelujah.
49:39 Ladies and gentlemen,
49:43 when ever I go running to any of you in the future
49:47 I'm asking God, please
49:50 let mercy go running with me.
49:55 You want that too?
49:57 I want to be like Jesus,
49:59 I want to be like Jesus, don't you?
50:02 How many want to be like Jesus?
50:03 Come on, how many want to be like Jesus
50:05 and let mercy go running?
50:07 We called an audible during
50:09 between our worship first service and now,
50:12 because I heard what you are about to hear
50:14 in first church and I said oh, Jesus, this song
50:16 this glorious rendition of
50:20 "Jesus, the very thought of thee"
50:23 this song has got to be sung at this moment
50:27 because I want to be like Jesus
50:28 and I want Jesus to be reflected in me.
50:30 And so here is what I'm going to ask you to do
50:32 while Stephen Zork is coming forward.
50:34 I'm gonna ask you to take out your hymnal
50:36 and its hymn number 241.
50:38 There are gonna sing a rendition of this you never heard before,
50:40 241 this thing moves to a glorious climax.
50:45 Follow the words, pray the prayer,
50:47 I want you Jesus, I want to be like you.
51:30 Jesus, the very thought of Thee
51:39 With sweetness fills the breast
51:49 But sweeter far Thy face to see
51:59 And in Thy presence rest
52:15 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame
52:24 Nor can the memory find
52:33 A sweeter sound than Thy blest Name
52:42 O Savior of mankind!
53:09 O hope of every contrite heart
53:18 O joy of all the meek
53:27 To those who fall, how kind Thou art!
53:36 How good to those who seek!
54:06 But what to those who find?
54:13 Ah, this Nor tongue
54:18 Nor pen can show
54:26 The love of Jesus, what it is
54:36 None but His loved ones know
55:36 Jesus, our only joy be Thou
55:45 As Thou our prize will be
55:54 Jesus be Thou our glory now
56:03 And through eternity
56:13 Jesus be Thou our glory now
56:27 And through eternity
56:58 Let me take one more moment of your time
57:00 to let you know that one of the blessings
57:01 I receive from this telecast
57:03 is being in touch with viewers like you,
57:05 all across Michiana and our nation
57:07 and literally the world.
57:09 I'm humbled and honored
57:10 with you sharing a journey with us.
57:11 Sometimes it's a Bible question,
57:13 other times it's an observation or suggestion
57:15 and sometimes just a note
57:16 to share a prayer or a prayer request.
57:19 I would love to hear from you
57:20 and it's so easy to be in touch.
57:21 Just go to our Pioneer Memorial Church website
57:27 and click on contact and then the word Pastor
57:30 and then jot down the message you wish to send.
57:33 If you have a prayer request click on those words
57:35 or call our toll free number 1-877-HIS-WILL
57:40 and I promise you that our prayer partners
57:42 will lift your personal need to God
57:44 because nobody should have to journey alone,
57:46 not only do we have Jesus but we also have each other.
57:49 So write me won't you at
57:53 In the mean time may the God who's mercy
57:56 continually runs after us
57:57 be with you 24/7 every step of the way.
58:02 I'll see you again right here next time.


Revised 2014-12-17