New Perceptions

The Sabbath: The Case Of Dr. Eck

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP030108

00:35 Stand with us as we sing "To God be the glory."
00:47 To God be the glory
00:50 Great things He hath done
00:53 So loved He the world that He gave us His Son
01:00 Who yielded His life an atonement for sin
01:06 And opened the life gate that all may go in
01:13 Praise the Lord
01:15 Praise the Lord
01:16 Let the earth hear His voice
01:20 Praise the Lord
01:21 Praise the Lord
01:23 Let the people rejoice
01:26 O come to the Father
01:29 Through Jesus the Son
01:32 And give Him the glory
01:36 Great things He hath done
01:41 Great things He hath taught us
01:44 great things He hath done
01:47 And great our rejoicing thru Jesus the Son
01:54 But purer and higher
01:57 And greater will be
02:00 Our wonder, our transport,
02:04 when Jesus we see
02:07 Praise the Lord
02:09 Praise the Lord
02:10 Let the earth hear His voice
02:14 Praise the Lord
02:15 Praise the Lord
02:17 Let the people rejoice
02:20 O come to the Father
02:24 Through Jesus the Son
02:27 And give Him the glory
02:30 Great things He hath done.
02:39 Amen, you may be seated.
02:45 The Psalm says
02:46 I will sing the Lord's unfailing love forever.
02:50 Young and old will hear here of Your faithfulness.
02:54 Your unfailing love will last forever.
02:57 Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.
03:01 As we sing this morning may you be transported
03:05 into the presence of our Holy King and Savior, Jesus.
03:12 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
03:17 Open the eyes of my heart
03:20 I want to see You
03:24 I want to see You
03:29 Open the eyes
03:30 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
03:34 Open the eyes of my heart
03:38 I want to see You
03:42 I want to see You
03:45 To see You high and lifted up
03:47 To see You high and lifted up
03:52 Shining in the light of Your glory
03:57 Pour out Your power and love
04:00 As we sing holy, holy, holy
04:06 High and lifted up
04:10 Shining in the light of Your glory
04:15 Pour out Your power and love
04:18 As we sing holy, holy, holy
04:26 Holy, holy, holy
04:30 Holy, holy, holy
04:35 Holy, holy, holy
04:38 I want to see you.
04:44 Holy, holy, holy
04:49 Holy, holy, holy
04:53 Holy, holy, holy
04:57 I want to see you.
05:13 Sing with us "Light of the World."
05:18 Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness
05:25 Opened my eyes, let me see
05:31 Beauty that made this heart adore You
05:38 Hope of my life spent with You.
05:46 Here I am to worship
05:50 Here I am to bow down
05:53 Here I am to say that
05:56 You're my God.
05:59 You're altogether lovely
06:03 Altogether worthy
06:06 Altogether wonderful to me
06:15 King of all days
06:17 King of all days
06:19 Oh, so highly exalted
06:23 Glorious in heaven above
06:30 Humbly, You came to the earth You created
06:36 All for love's sake became poor
06:45 Here I am to worship
06:48 Here I am to bow down
06:51 Here I am to say that
06:55 You're my God
06:58 You're altogether lovely
07:01 Altogether worthy
07:05 Altogether wonderful to me
07:15 And I'll never know how much it cost
07:22 To see my sin upon that cross
07:29 I'll never know how much it cost
07:35 To see my sin upon that cross
07:42 I'll never know how much it cost
07:48 To see my sin upon that cross
07:55 I'll never know how much it cost
08:01 To see my sin upon that cross
08:14 Here I am to worship
08:18 Here I am to bow down
08:21 Here I am to say that
08:25 You're my God
08:27 You're altogether lovely
08:31 Altogether worthy
08:34 Altogether wonderful to me
08:40 Here I am to worship.
08:41 Here I am to worship
08:44 Here I am to bow down
08:48 Here I am to say that
08:51 You're my God
08:54 You're altogether lovely
08:58 Altogether worthy
09:01 Altogether wonderful to me
09:10 Let sing, "I'll Never Know."
09:12 I'll never know
09:15 How much it cost
09:19 To see my sin upon that cross
09:26 I'll never know
09:29 How much it cost
09:33 To see my sin upon that cross
09:44 To Father in heaven, Lord,
09:47 and we have sensed
09:48 Your presence here already in a mighty way.
09:52 And Lord, we can never know,
09:56 how much it cost You to sacrifice Your life for us,
10:02 but we accept it willingly, we'll take it
10:07 and we praise you for that sacrifice that you made.
10:10 Lord give us eyes and hearts to receive
10:14 that abundance of grace that You have for us.
10:18 Amen.
10:47 Be Thou my Vision
10:51 O Lord of my heart
10:57 Naught be all else to me
11:03 Save that Thou art
11:08 Thou my best thought
11:12 By day or by night
11:19 Waking or sleeping
11:23 Thy presence my light
11:33 Be Thou my Wisdom.
11:37 Be Thou my Wisdom
11:41 Be Thou my true Word
11:47 I ever with Thee
11:52 Thou with me, Lord
11:57 Thou my great Father
12:03 I Thy true son
12:08 Thou in me dwelling
12:12 And I with Thee one
12:25 Riches, I heed not
12:30 Nor man's empty praise
12:36 Thou my inheritance
12:41 Now and always
12:46 Thou and Thou only
12:51 First in my heart
12:56 High King of Heaven
13:00 My Treasure Thou art
13:14 High King of Heaven
13:19 When victory is won
13:24 May I reach Heaven's joys
13:29 O bright Heaven's Sun
13:35 Heart of my own heart
13:39 Whatever befall
13:45 Still be my vision
13:50 O ruler of all
13:57 Still be my vision
14:02 O ruler of all
14:20 We tried this song last week and well,
14:23 we would like to try it again
14:24 so we can kind of get into our memory.
14:26 It talks about how God is a God
14:30 who deserves our quietness, our stillness
14:35 and sometimes we just need to be still
14:37 and know that He is God.
14:46 Sing with us, "Hide me now."
14:49 Hide me now
14:55 Under your wings
15:03 Cover me
15:09 Within your mighty hand
15:16 Struggle in it
15:17 Hide me now
15:24 Under your wings
15:32 Cover me
15:38 Within your mighty hand
15:44 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
15:51 I will soar with you above the storm
15:58 Father, You are King over the flood
16:05 I will be still
16:08 Know You are God
16:20 Find rest my soul in Christ alone.
16:24 Find rest my soul
16:31 In Christ alone
16:38 Know His power
16:44 In quietness and trust
16:50 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
16:57 I will soar with you above the storm
17:04 Father, You are King over the flood
17:11 I will be still
17:14 Know You are God
17:18 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
17:25 I will soar with you above the storm
17:31 Father, You are King over the flood
17:38 I will be still
17:41 Know You are God
17:46 I will be still
17:48 Know You are God
18:32 Gloria, Gloria
18:37 Gloria, Gloria
18:41 In excelsis Deo
18:49 In excelsis Deo
18:57 Gloria, Gloria
19:01 Gloria, Gloria
19:06 In Excelsis Deo
19:17 Gloria, Gloria
19:22 In excelsis
19:39 Deo
19:43 Gloria in excelsis Deo
19:48 Gloria in excelsis
19:52 Deo
19:56 Gloria in excelsis
19:59 Deo
20:11 In Excelsis
20:17 Deo
20:22 Gloria in excelsis Deo
20:40 Holy Father, we want to sing that in our souls
20:43 even as the choir has sung it for us.
20:49 Glory to You in highest.
20:54 I cannot imagine what it would be like
20:57 when this Holy Scripture says,
20:58 from one Sabbath to the next,
21:02 and the earth made new we shall gather at Your feet
21:06 and with the thousands times than ten thousands
21:12 and thousands of thousands
21:16 we lift up our voices together, what?
21:19 What?
21:20 A moment that will be, we sing by faith, glory to you.
21:27 We wait by faith on You now that Holy Scripture
21:29 might not only engage our minds
21:32 but that it might address our hearts
21:33 that we might know, how to follow Jesus?
21:38 We pray in his name.
21:40 Amen.
21:43 The case of Dr. Eck...
21:47 I wish we could put the face of Dr. Eck
21:50 on the screen for you today.
21:54 I know if at least three sketches and paintings of him
21:58 and they are all contrary to each other,
22:00 so there are no help at all.
22:01 Fortunately, however we an eyewitness,
22:04 we have an eyewitness description of Dr. Eck,
22:08 on that June 27th day, 1519 at the University of Leipzig.
22:15 Actually, not only an eyewitness
22:17 of description of Dr. Eck,
22:18 he also-- this eyewitness describes the protagonist
22:22 in that 18-day debate,
22:25 a fellow German Martin Luther
22:27 and his sidekick Andreas Karlstadt.
22:31 So here is-- as I was reading
22:33 this eyewitness description of these three main players
22:39 in that memorable debate.
22:42 I kept thinking who am I thinking
22:44 of when this description
22:47 is applied to our congregation here.
22:49 You may think of somebody
22:50 that would fit these three descriptions,
22:52 now the eyewitness starts off with the Luther,
22:54 Martin he goes, "Martin is a middle height,"
23:00 500 years ago people were shorter obviously
23:01 then they are today, so if this is a kind of average
23:05 then middle would be right here,
23:07 obviously not a very tall man,
23:08 "Martin is a middle height initiative from Karen Study
23:12 so that you can almost count his bones through his skin."
23:16 Seen anybody around you, like that?
23:18 "Almost count his bones through his skin.
23:20 He is in the vigor manhood
23:21 and has a clear penetrating voice,
23:24 he is affable and friendly
23:25 and in no sense dower or arrogant."
23:29 Kind of sounds like a friendly person to get to know
23:31 so that's Martin, that's Martin Luther.
23:34 Now here his sidekick Andreas Karlstadt,
23:37 "Karlstadt is smaller than Luther
23:39 with a complexion of smoke haring."
23:43 You know, I am not sure, is that a complement?
23:44 Smoke hairy, huh?
23:46 Anybody here you see?
23:48 No, smoked haring, mercy.
23:52 "Karlstadt is smaller than Luther
23:53 with a complexion of smoke haring,
23:54 his voice is thick and unpleasant,
23:56 he is slower of memory and quicker in anger."
23:59 All right that's two of the three,
24:01 now, Dr. Eck, here we go Eck.
24:06 "Eck is a heavy square set fellow
24:08 with a full German voice supported by a hefty chest,"
24:13 you can picture can't you?
24:15 "He would make a tragedian that would be"--
24:18 that is an actor in a great tragedies
24:20 that so that's a guy-- no PA is backed in
24:22 so he bellowing the lines out from the stage.
24:25 "He would make a tragedian or a town crier
24:28 but his voice is rather rough then clear,"
24:30 so it's kind of a gravelling
24:31 you know gravelly kind of voice.
24:34 "His eyes and mouth and his whole face remind
24:37 one more of a butcher than a theologian."
24:40 And you are already picturing somebody.
24:43 But don't let the robust physique of Dr. Eck fool you.
24:48 One biographer describe him this way,
24:50 "despite his butchers face and bull's voice,
24:53 he was a man prodigious memory,
24:55 torrential fluency, and uncanny acumen,
24:59 a professional disputant or debater."
25:02 This is a guy that loves to get that microphone
25:06 and plunge into a debate.
25:08 And now the fame debate between,
25:09 Dr. Eck and Martin Luther,
25:10 the summer of 1519 at the University of Leipzig.
25:14 Now you remember two years earlier October, 31, 1517,
25:18 that young German Mark in his early to mid 30s unwittingly,
25:25 you remember ignited,
25:27 the mighty Protestant Reformation when he nailed up
25:30 on the University Cathedrals wooden doors.
25:32 He nailed up his 95 challenges to Rome sale of indulgences.
25:37 Now indulgences back then were, if you pay a little money,
25:40 you could shorten your time in purgatory,
25:42 you could shorten your mother's time or father's time
25:44 or were some loved one, all right.
25:47 So when Eck, your honest Eck,
25:49 when he finally gets a hold of these 95 theses,
25:52 these 95 challenges, he is a loyal son of the church
25:56 and he is a debater to the core and he says,
25:58 "bring on, that fellow German monk"
26:02 and Luther agrees actually, Eck went for Karlstadt first,
26:05 but he said-- his I was on Luther,
26:07 Luther agreed and the University of Leipzig
26:09 also agreed that they would host a debate.
26:12 So everything is set now
26:15 for this brilliant piece of logic that,
26:18 Eck has reserved for unsuspecting, Luther.
26:20 Luther has no idea it is gonna come.
26:23 And Luther the way faithful Roman Catholic himself
26:25 a Roman Catholic pastor and professor,
26:27 he has more and more off late been taking an anti Rome stance
26:31 in his teaching and preaching.
26:33 And now seven days into the debate,
26:35 can you imagine going for 18 days?
26:37 One week into that debate, Luther finally challenges,
26:42 he says, "look-- he challenges
26:44 the pope's divine right to primacy"
26:46 and he says, "look, whether you got one pope
26:48 or ten pope or a thousand pope's,
26:50 it doesn't matter we still got unity in the church"
26:53 to which, Eck fires back,
26:56 "I am marveled, that the reverend father
26:59 should forget the everlasting dissension
27:01 of the English and the French.
27:02 What do you mean we got unity in the church?
27:03 You got the French and the English,
27:05 the inviter hatred of the French for the Spaniards
27:09 "as for me I confess one faith,
27:14 one Lord Jesus Christ,
27:16 and I venerate the Roman pontiff as Christ Vicar."
27:23 In fact, Eck went on to hone his argument for the kill.
27:26 He said, "you know what, Martin?
27:28 You obviously are disciple of the Bohemian, Jan Huss."
27:33 And if you defend his writings then you are heretical,
27:36 erroneous, blasphemous, presumptuous, seditious,
27:38 and offensive to pious ears respectively.
27:42 Tell us how you really fell, Dr. Eck?
27:45 To which Luther fires back,
27:47 cries out word now hear the word,
27:49 here we go-- here is where we're going for this line.
27:51 He's throwing down the gantlet now.
27:53 Luther cries out "let me talk in German."
27:55 Apparently they're debating in Latin.
27:57 He said, let me-- let me-- because there is this gallery.
28:00 Let me speak the language to the people,
28:02 I'm being misunderstood by the people.
28:03 I assert, Luther declared that a church council
28:06 has sometimes heard and may sometimes are,
28:09 a council cannot make divine
28:11 right out of that which by nature is not divine right.
28:13 Councils have contradicted each other
28:15 a simple laymen here, he goes,
28:17 a simple laymen armed with scriptures to be--
28:20 be believed above a pope or a council without it,
28:23 and asked for the pope's decretal on indulgences,
28:26 I say that "neither the church nor the pope
28:28 can establish articles of faith.
28:31 These must come from scripture"
28:33 and now here is his thrust "for the sake of scripture
28:36 we should reject pope and councils."
28:43 And there it was Luther's ringing challenge
28:46 to the Church of Rome.
28:47 All truth, all truth, must come sola scriptura,
28:54 Holy Scriptures only,
28:55 for that how do you put it here for the sake of scripture
28:58 we should reject pope and councils
29:00 and so it was ladies and gentlemen
29:01 that sola scriptura became our battle cry
29:07 of the mighty Protestant Reformation
29:09 and it becomes the first line by the way
29:10 that we want to scribble down in our study guide this morning
29:13 and so would you take your study out
29:14 in your worship bulletin.
29:16 Pull it out first line, get it down,
29:18 if you didn't get a study guide,
29:19 ushers, thank you right now.
29:21 Hold your hands up there's some quotations here
29:23 that you want to--
29:25 you want to make sure to add to your-- your collection,
29:27 so make sure you get the study guide,
29:29 all the way up in the balcony those of you in the orchestra
29:32 and choir we put study guides on your chairs
29:34 grab that study guide right now,
29:36 and while the ushers are getting the study guides out,
29:38 let me say it to those of you
29:39 who are joining us on television,
29:41 we're honored to have you.
29:42 I hope this teaching will stir you up,
29:44 you get the same study guide we have,
29:46 let me put the website on the screen for you
29:48 go to this website
29:53 You're looking for our series, The Sabbath.
29:54 This is the next to the last piece in The Sabbath
29:57 that all concludes next weekend.
29:59 You're looking for The Sabbath
30:00 title this teaching "The Case of Dr. Eck."
30:04 And when it's-- when it says study guide beside
30:06 "The Case of Dr. Eck" you click there,
30:07 you have the identical study guide and by the way,
30:09 those of you who are getting it off the web
30:12 the answer is in very small print are on the bottom.
30:14 So don't feel bad, if you miss something along the way,
30:16 you'll be able to double check yourself
30:19 at the end of that study guide.
30:20 All right, let's write it down,
30:21 line number one study guide all the way
30:23 that balcony you've got them up there?
30:25 Be patient, the ushers are coming to you,
30:27 but we need to go line number one,
30:29 the heart of the Leipzig debate July 1519
30:33 between Johannes Eck and Martin Luther
30:35 was over sola scriptura "only Holy Scripture,"
30:40 as the great Protestant principal in premise,
30:44 only Holy Scripture.
30:46 Now, Eck has a position.
30:47 Jot it down, Eck championed the authority and primacy
30:50 of the church through councils and popes,
30:53 these are his words, we heard a moment ago,
30:55 "I venerate the Roman pontiff as Christ's vicar."
30:58 All right, that's exposition and here comes
31:01 Luke's-- Luther's rather.
31:02 Luther defended the authority and primacy of the scriptures
31:06 through study and prayer for the sake of scripture.
31:10 Luther, write out we should reject pope and councils.
31:14 One more line, "Thus the die was cast
31:16 and the gauntlet thrown down
31:17 sola scriptura versus church tradition."
31:21 That's the key, that's this big debate.
31:24 Scriptures only or scriptures plus church tradition.
31:28 That's-- that's the-- that's the nub,
31:31 which one carries a greater authority,
31:32 who won that debate?
31:33 It all depends on who you rooting for.
31:36 But it was in the on going written debate,
31:38 now listen to this guys,
31:39 in the ongoing written debate beyond Leipzig that,
31:42 Dr. Eck score perhaps is most--
31:44 his most telling logical thrust at Luther.
31:48 As far as I know, we do not have a response from,
31:52 Luther on this one and I'm not surprised
31:54 there is no adequate logical response to Eck's thrust.
32:00 Now, Eck actually include this in a,
32:02 in a book he published it's entitled--
32:06 you have it right there in your study guide.
32:08 Stunning rebuttal to sola scriptura,
32:11 fill it in, this is Eck writing now,
32:13 "If however the church,"
32:15 the Roman Church "has had power to change
32:19 the Sabbath of the Bible into Sunday
32:23 and to command Sunday keeping
32:24 why should it not have this power
32:26 concerning other holy days?"
32:28 Because the reformers saying "hey, wait a minute no more--
32:29 no more holy feast, we don't have those anymore"
32:32 and, Eck said, "hey, wait a minute,
32:33 come on guy's, please,
32:35 we change that Sabbath to Sunday,
32:37 why should we be able to have the powerful holy days.
32:39 Now notice the logic, "if you omit the latter,
32:42 you don't want the liturgical holy days
32:45 and you turn from the church to the scriptures alone,
32:48 sola scriptura, then you must keep the Sabbath with the Jews,
32:53 which has been kept from the be beginning of the world."
32:57 Cha-Chaing, huh?
33:02 Do you get that one?
33:05 Mercy, in other words,
33:11 you Protestants cannot have your cake,
33:14 I need it too, can't do it.
33:18 You say, you believe, Dr. Eck challenges,
33:20 you say, you believe in sola scriptura,
33:22 the Holy Scriptures only but if you really believe
33:24 that you would be worshipping
33:26 on the Seventh-day Sabbath, why?
33:27 Because everybody knows that
33:28 that is the only day postulated in Holy Scripture.
33:33 So I repeat, Dr. Eck just drives that thrust home,
33:37 I repeat if sola scriptura, jot this down will you?
33:44 "If sola scriptura is your reformation cry,
33:47 you must return to the Bible Sabbath or"
33:50 and his logic is searing here,
33:52 "or you must reject sola scriptura
33:55 and accept Rome's claim to determine divine truth,
33:58 evidenced by her power to change the Sabbath to Sunday."
34:03 You got two choices boys, which will it be?
34:09 Because even in the time of Luther and Eck,
34:11 everybody knew that Rome claimed
34:13 to have change the day of worship
34:14 from Sabbath to Sunday.
34:16 I'll tell you what ladies and gentlemen,
34:17 it was brilliant.
34:19 It was a double bind, double thrust piece of logic
34:24 for which neither Luther nor any Protestant today
34:28 has offered an adequate response.
34:34 In other words, Eck was right.
34:37 You can have your cake and eat it too.
34:38 You must either accept the Seventh-day Sabbath
34:40 of the Bible or you must accept the authority
34:42 of the Church of Rome,
34:43 which claims to have changed the day
34:44 of worship to the day of the Sun,
34:45 the venerated day in the Sun.
34:49 There's no other authoritative stance
34:52 or reason for keeping Sunday, save the authority of Rome.
34:57 That is Eck's logic, in "The Case of Dr. Eck."
35:06 And by the way if Eck is right,
35:08 then you might as well throw the Protestant principal
35:10 of sola scriptura out the window,
35:13 it will not hold water.
35:17 There is one another bit of fascinating history
35:18 that I never knew before.
35:21 A few weeks ago, the first time I ever heard of this one,
35:24 you remember that in response to the Protestant Reformation,
35:27 the Church of Rome convened a major church council.
35:31 Well, this isn't a surprise,
35:32 everybody knows about that the Council of Trent,
35:35 it was convened in March of 1545
35:38 and preceded with interruptions until 1564 almost 20 years.
35:43 Now here's the part, it was a surprise to me
35:45 and this may be a surprise to you as well,
35:47 it turns out that in the debate of the Council of Trent
35:50 and they're wondering how shall we meet the challenge
35:52 of the Protestant Reformation?
35:54 It turns out that in that debate
35:56 there was a large group of influential churchmen
35:59 at the council who began to advocate
36:01 that the Church of Rome ought to abandon this idea
36:04 of tradition plus scripture
36:06 and in fact embraced the Reformation's
36:09 premise sola scriptura.
36:12 They are championing it within the Church of Rome,
36:15 to the place they finally the papal legates
36:18 write back to the Vatican and they say,
36:19 "we are gridlocked,
36:20 and it looks like they're going to carry the day."
36:25 Sixteen sessions of the Council of Trent have ended
36:31 and it is clear now that they are still at loggerheads
36:34 on this question when on the beginning
36:36 of the 17th session held on January 18th, 1552,
36:39 the Archbishop of Reggio Gaspar del Fosso
36:44 stood up and made a speech that ended up carrying the day
36:48 and here's his speech,
36:49 in fact you have a portion of his speech
36:51 in your study guide, I want you to--
36:52 I want you to hang onto this little speech,
36:54 you hang on to it.
36:56 The Archbishop of Reggio
36:58 stood before the assembled Council
37:00 and he made this statement,
37:03 such-- you see there in the study guide?
37:05 "Such is the condition of the heretics."
37:07 He is talking about the Protestant Reformance,
37:09 "such is the condition of the heretics today
37:11 that they appeal to no other matter
37:13 more than that they under the pretense
37:15 of the Word of God,
37:16 overthrow the Roman Church" what he's saying is innocent,
37:19 you know what they're doing they're saying,
37:20 "it's the Bible and the Bible alone."
37:22 That's how they throughout this whole church thing.
37:24 But I want to tell you,
37:25 he goes on now, now look notice.
37:27 "Yet the authority of the Church
37:29 is most gloriously set forth by the scriptures
37:32 for a while on the one hand the church
37:36 she recommends them the scriptures"
37:38 now watch this "on the other hand
37:40 the legal precepts of the Lord contained in them
37:44 that would be the law.
37:45 Those precepts have ceased
37:47 by virtue of the same authority.
37:49 We declare that it no longer
37:51 holds the legal precepts of God."
37:54 Now gentleman, and he's making his point,
37:56 let me give you a case in point.
37:58 "The Sabbath" jot that in please
38:00 "the Sabbath" now here's his illustration
38:03 "the Sabbath, the most glorious day in the law
38:05 has been changed to the Lord's Day
38:08 by virtue of the authority of the Church.
38:10 Should this authority cease
38:11 which will surely please heretics,
38:13 who would then witness for truth
38:15 and confound the obstinacy of the heretics?
38:19 Now do you get what he's saying?
38:20 Let me run it by you one more time,
38:22 you have it there, it'll take awhile its old English,
38:24 you'll-- you'll have to kind a brood over later.
38:27 Let me run it by you one more time,
38:29 i.e., -- here is what del Fosso is saying,
38:32 "i.e., if we as a church choose sola scriptura,
38:37 we will lose our authority as the ruling church.
38:42 Therefore, we must reject sola scriptura
38:44 in favor of tradition that grants us our authority,
38:48 authority proven by the way by the fact
38:50 that we change the Sabbath to Sunday."
38:52 We can't go down that road gentleman,
38:55 and the speech carried the day.
39:01 And he did it brilliantly just as,
39:03 Dr. Eck had done earlier by appealing
39:06 to Rome's change of the Sabbath to Sunday as the reason
39:08 why the tradition of the Church Council imposed,
39:11 couldn't be and should be elevated above Holy Scripture.
39:14 Ladies and gentlemen, some of you are into law,
39:16 we have some lawyers here it's called circular reasoning.
39:19 And it goes like this,
39:21 the proof that we have the power
39:23 and authority to change the scripture
39:25 is that we change the scripture.
39:31 You can argue that forever, its circular reasoning.
39:35 But it carried the day, jot it down,
39:36 "at the council of Trent sola scriptura
39:39 was finally and officially
39:40 superseded by church tradition."
39:45 Because there's no other authoritative reason
39:47 for keeping Sunday except
39:48 for the authority of the Roman Church,
39:49 that you-- you can go anywhere.
39:51 You said, what about the New Testament.
39:53 Let me tell you something, jot this down,
39:54 there are eight references in the New Testament
39:56 to the first day the week.
39:57 Only eight of them, six of those references,
39:59 jot it down please, "six of those references
40:02 have to do with a glorious resurrection of the Lord,
40:04 Jesus Christ on the first day of the week."
40:06 No contest there, everybody knew that.
40:08 One of them, Acts 20:7 has to do,
40:11 and jot this down please,
40:12 it actually is "describing a Saturday night meeting
40:15 because Saturday night
40:17 is a dark part in the first day,"
40:18 which would be Sunday.
40:19 "A Saturday night gathering
40:20 of Christians with Paul in Troas."
40:22 In fact, the New English Bible comes along
40:23 and translates Acts 20:7, as Saturday night.
40:27 No, no contest there, that leaves only one,
40:30 the final of the eight,
40:32 it's when Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 16:1
40:35 he writes to the Christians in court
40:36 and then he says, "hey, listen guys,
40:38 I want to take financial stock every first day of the new week
40:41 in order to set money aside at home,"
40:44 put it by you at home, it doesn't go to church,
40:46 it says, "put it by you at home
40:47 for famine relief aid for Christians in Jerusalem,"
40:51 keep your pen moving,
40:52 "not one of these eight even remotely suggests
40:55 God changed his mind and his Seventh-day Sabbath,"
40:58 it's just not there.
41:00 Let it be repeated, the only remaining reason
41:03 for keeping Sunday instead of Sabbath
41:05 is to accept the authority claimed by the Roman Church.
41:10 That was the case of Dr. Eck, and the rest is history.
41:18 A history that Jesus surely was not unmindful of,
41:22 when He uttered the sternest renunciation
41:25 and condemnation of tradition
41:27 anywhere in the sacred literature.
41:30 Now, we open the Bible, I want you to take a look at
41:32 the gospel of Saint Mark, take a look at this,
41:37 it is almost as if Jesus spoke these words
41:39 after the Council of Trent decision.
41:42 The gospel of Mark, Mark 7, if you didn't bring the Bible,
41:45 grab the pew Bible in front of you,
41:46 it will be page 678, in that pew Bible Mark 7.
41:51 I'm gonna read the first three verses here,
41:53 Mark 7, Mark 7:1 "Then the Pharisees
41:59 and some of the scribes came together"
42:01 these are the religiously, all right.
42:03 These are the professionals, "some of those Pharisees
42:08 and some of the scribes came together
42:09 to Jesus, having come from Jerusalem."
42:11 He was up in Galilee.
42:12 Now verse 2, "When they saw
42:14 some of His disciples eat bread with defiled,
42:16 that is, unwashed hands," "they found fault."
42:22 Verse 3 "For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat
42:26 unless they wash their hands in a special way,
42:30 holding the tradition of the elders."
42:34 Now put a quotation in your study guide
42:36 from the Bible Commentary, take a look at this,
42:38 so don't take my word for it, here's a reputable commentary.
42:42 Let me just read that quotation with you,
42:43 "The washing here referred to was strictly ritualistic"
42:46 write it down "not sanitary," this is not the kind of washing
42:49 when you were a kid and you came in at supper time
42:51 and your mom says, "show me your hands.
42:52 Did you wash your hand?" "I wash my hands."
42:53 "Show me your hands, let me see.
42:55 Because you didn't wash-- did you use soap?"
42:57 "No."
42:58 "Did you use water?" "No."
42:59 "What did you do?" "Wipe it on a towel?"
43:00 "Yep." "Go back."
43:02 Come on, you remember your Mom doing that?
43:04 "Let me see those hands again boy."
43:07 This is not sanitary watch-- washing,
43:09 the washing here referred
43:10 to a strictly ritualistic, not sanitary.
43:13 Now watch this, "this right is said
43:16 to have consisted of pouring a small amount of--
43:19 small quantity of water up on the fingers
43:22 and palm of first one hand and then the other hand tilted
43:27 so that the water ran from the Palm
43:29 to the wrist but no further."
43:31 So you get just as little bit of water
43:33 and you get a movement in your hand,
43:34 so it's kind of clumsy
43:36 and you roll it up to your wrists.
43:37 You can't let it go down your arm,
43:39 you have to stop it, and you cannot,
43:41 as a quotation goes on to say,
43:42 you cannot let it go back into the palm
43:44 because that ruins the whole ritual.
43:45 So you have to get that water just bounce it up on your wrist
43:48 and then quickly turn your palms over
43:49 and wipe your hands
43:50 and then you have ritually washed.
43:54 How much water should we use?
43:56 Well, that's a great question,
43:57 read on here "the minimum amount of water
43:59 prescribed was that which would be contained
44:01 in one and a half egg shells."
44:04 That's how much water to use.
44:06 "It seems however I thought this was"--
44:08 listen to this "it seems, however,
44:10 that where water was not available
44:12 a dry ablution was permitted
44:15 in which a person would simply go through
44:17 the motions of washing his hands
44:18 in the prescribed manner."
44:20 There's no water here, what are you doing?
44:22 I don't know, I'm just doing it,
44:23 there is no water-- what do you think I washed?
44:24 Yes, I'm. I'm doing this.
44:26 What's going on ladies and gentlemen?
44:27 You know what's going on?
44:28 This little ritual has been created
44:30 so that those who imbibe in it are declared
44:33 all those who are watching-- washing, I--
44:36 I have found a measure of holiness in my life.
44:40 No water at all, no, I'm just pretending,
44:44 but, but I have the motions.
44:51 Is there a place in Holy Scripture
44:53 where God prescribes washing like that?
44:56 Absolutely not. What's happened?
44:58 It's the oral tradition of the elders.
45:01 In massive body oral rabbinical regulations
45:03 that have grown up around the Tara,
45:04 in some cases the oral tradition
45:06 came to be regarded as more sacred than the law itself.
45:11 And Christ is with fury,
45:15 attacking the traditions of that religious community.
45:22 And so the Pharisees come to him
45:23 and look drop to verse 5
45:24 "Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him,
45:26 "Why do Your disciples not walk
45:28 according to the tradition of the elders,
45:29 but eat bread with unwashed hands?'"
45:31 and here it come Jesus answered
45:33 the sternest words He has spoken about
45:34 tradition in all scripture He answered and said to them,
45:38 "Well, did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites,
45:41 as it is written, This people honors Me
45:43 with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.
45:46 And in vain they worship Me,
45:48 Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
45:51 Almost as if He were speaking the words,
45:53 after the Council of Trent verse 8
45:55 "For laying aside the commandment of God,
45:58 you hold the tradition of men
45:59 the washing of pitchers and cups,
46:00 and many other such things that you do."
46:03 He said, verse 9 "He said to them,
46:05 'All too well you reject the commandment of God,
46:09 that you may keep your tradition.'
46:14 " Jot it down, ladies and gentlemen,
46:15 shades of "The Case of Dr. Eck."
46:18 Write it down "you reject the command,"
46:20 I inserted the word fourth
46:22 "you reject the fourth commandment of God
46:24 that you may keep your tradition."
46:27 Thus Jesus says, keep writing, "in vain you worship Me,
46:30 teaching as doctrines the commandments of man."
46:33 You know what, it is almost as if Jesus were addressing,
46:37 Dr. Eck, the archbishop, the tradition of Rome
46:41 and Protestants today you have made the word of God
46:44 of no effect through your tradition.
46:47 It's a direct quote from verse 13,
46:49 "you've made it have no effect
46:51 through your tradition which you have handed down."
46:56 There it is ladies and gentlemen,
46:57 sola scriptura or church tradition.
47:00 How do we choose? How shall we respond?
47:03 Fact to the matter is for every Roman Catholic
47:08 faithful today for every faithful Protestant,
47:10 you know, what, for all of us as Christians,
47:11 for all of us as Christians,
47:14 when it comes to the day of worship,
47:17 there are only two possible responses.
47:24 Response number one,
47:26 embrace the Seventh-day Sabbath,
47:28 the Holy Scripture the gift of the creative
47:30 the human race, that's response number one.
47:31 Response number two,
47:34 we can accept Rome's veneration of Sunday
47:38 and acknowledge her
47:40 to be the ultimate orbiter of divine truth.
47:44 There is no third choice, there--
47:45 there just is no other option.
47:50 Which is why I should-- should not have been stern
47:54 when I learned this last May of the resignation
48:00 of Dr. Frank Beckwith, former President
48:03 of the Evangelical Theological Society,
48:06 one of the most prestigious
48:08 theological societies in the world.
48:12 After his resignation, the Executive Committee
48:14 of the Evangelical Theological Society
48:18 released this statement to the press
48:20 and I have a copy of it right here.
48:23 It was released on May, 8th of this last year, all right.
48:26 I'm reading now "on May 5 last year,
48:30 Dr. Frank Beckwith resigned
48:31 as President of the Evangelical Theological Society,
48:35 this resignation has come as a result of his decision
48:38 to be received into full communion
48:39 in the Roman Catholic Church, which he did on April 29,
48:44 Dr. Beckwith has informed executive committee
48:46 that this was a decision he came to after "much prayer,
48:51 council, and consideration,
48:54 the members of the executive committee wish,
48:56 Dr. Beckwith well in his ongoing professional work,
48:59 we've come to appreciate him as a scholar
49:02 and as a friend, and so we thank,
49:03 Dr. Beckwith for his service to the society.
49:07 The work of the Evangelical Theological Society
49:09 as a scholarly form precedes on the basis
49:12 that the Bible alone-- in the Bible in its entirety
49:18 is the word of God written.
49:21 Where as the Roman Catholic Church
49:23 posits a larger canon of scripture,
49:26 then that recognized by Evangelical Protestants
49:28 including its canon several writings from the Apocrypha.
49:31 It also extends the quality of infallibility
49:33 to certain expressions of Church Dogma
49:35 issued by the magisterium,
49:37 the teaching office of the Roman Catholic Church
49:39 as well as certain pronouncements of the pope,
49:41 which are delivered ex cathedra
49:43 such as doctrines about the Immaculate Conception
49:46 and bodily assumption of Mary."
49:50 Ladies and gentlemen, "The Case of Dr. Eck,"
49:53 and the decision of Dr. Beckwith
49:56 are entirely logical and laudable.
50:02 If sola scriptura is not the defining premise,
50:08 if however you embrace sola scripture
50:15 then you must choose to live your life
50:19 in obedience to Jesus Christ and His Holy Scriptures,
50:22 and the day of worship will be defined
50:25 by the example of Christ Himself.
50:30 You say, "hey, listen Dwight come on please, please, please
50:33 what's a big deal, what's the matter?
50:36 I think he know, some, for some its this way,
50:39 for some it's that way, long as--
50:40 as long as our hearts are faithful to God."
50:46 I want to share with you the final piece next Sabbath.
50:50 Next week in the final piece,
50:51 I want to share with you a dramatic--
50:54 a dramatic segment out of apocalyptic prophecy.
51:01 The teaching next week, our last teaching
51:03 I hope you're here for that one,
51:04 the teaching next week
51:05 "A Test Very Simply and Highly Visible"
51:12 because of apocalyptic prophecy is true,
51:15 it will come down to a final exam.
51:18 Very simple, highly visible
51:21 and the answer to the question, what does it matter?
51:24 Becomes crystal clear.
51:27 I've stood on that hallow peace of earth,
51:30 where in the grass is embedded a plaque,
51:34 announcing that here on April 18, 1521,
51:37 Martin Luther stood and defended his faith
51:43 before the Imperial Council of Diet of Worms.
51:48 Scholars are not sure, how Luther's speech ended,
51:52 nobody wrote it down, its is amazing
51:54 because it-- his entire remarks were transcribed
51:57 but some scholars were suggesting that
51:59 the audience was so moved by Luther's final words
52:04 that it was just silence and nobody scribbled it down.
52:07 Some months later, the final words
52:09 were rendered in writing and they are these,
52:13 "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise, God help me.
52:20 Amen."
52:23 Now it's true, Martin Luther did not live long enough
52:27 to recover all the Bible truth
52:28 that had become buried by church tradition.
52:30 During a long dark and middle ages,
52:32 that's absolutely true.
52:34 Martin Luther in his one short lifetime
52:36 spent his energies focusing the church
52:38 and the world on Jesus as Lord of salvation.
52:41 No time for any exploration about
52:45 Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath.
52:47 But the fact is ladies and gentlemen,
52:49 today the bright light of divine truth
52:52 is surely raising up another generation
52:57 of young reformers.
53:00 It seems today that the light is bright enough
53:06 and the time is right enough.
53:10 For generation of men, women, and young adults
53:14 to stand up in the same way
53:17 and in standing declare that
53:21 they will embrace the creator salvation
53:26 and the creator Sabbath
53:30 with a courage born of conviction
53:34 that this is the only stand
53:38 I can logically and biblically take.
53:44 Here I to stand, I can do no other,
53:51 so help me God.
53:52 Amen.
53:55 We do you think about that?
53:57 That's a really gutsy stance, isn't it?
53:59 But you know, what I believe
54:00 God is raising up a generation of young reformers,
54:05 I want to make an invitation, if you 30 or younger,
54:08 if you're 30 or younger right now, and you be willing,
54:15 even if you stood all alone to take that
54:17 same stand so help me God, I will stand on sola scriptura,
54:24 I will stand on this book to the heavens fall.
54:27 If you're 30 or younger
54:29 and you're willing to take that stand,
54:30 I wish you'd stand right now.
54:32 Thirty or younger, 30 or younger,
54:44 I'm willing to stand, so help me God
54:48 if I stand alone-- here I stand, hallelujah.
54:54 How about this, if you're 30 or older,
54:59 a pretty much would bring the rest of us here,
55:01 and if you're 30 or older and my heart,
55:04 you know, I've been studying this I've been going over this
55:06 and I'm saying, "oh, Jesus, please, I don't know.
55:10 I can't read the future all I'm telling you Jesus is
55:13 in the present I want to have that guts,
55:16 I want to have the courage to stand
55:19 even if I have to stand alone,
55:21 I want to stand for the Holy Scriptures
55:25 and the Holy Scriptures only."
55:28 If you're 30 or older and you want to make that
55:29 same stance you stand to your feet as well please.
55:33 God bless you, and why not, why not, why not?
55:40 Holy Father, Holy Father,
55:44 we stand it's not a huge deal,
55:49 we do it in comfort, we do it in security,
55:53 it's not one man against the council,
55:55 it's not one woman against the community,
55:58 it's-- we're together
56:01 but still we stand.
56:03 Oh, Jesus, please, the fires ignited,
56:09 five centuries ago in the recovery of truth buried
56:13 to the dark ages keep those fires burning brightly
56:17 and in the men and women in the young adults
56:19 who have stood today raise up,
56:24 new reformers for this third millennium.
56:30 Do whatever it takes in her life,
56:31 do whatever it takes in his life,
56:33 stand beside him as he stands for You,
56:37 as she stands up for Jesus.
56:39 Seal this moment, someday, may we remember
56:45 that we made this decision on this day for the glory
56:51 and honor of our Savior,
56:53 here we stand so help us God.
56:58 Amen.
57:00 Have a blessed Sabbath.
57:03 I wanted to take one more moment here
57:05 at the end of the telecast,
57:06 to let you know how grateful I am for your journey with us,
57:10 with our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:12 You may think that New Perceptions
57:13 is only about television but I need to tell you,
57:16 we do have a website which is more than
57:18 just the study guide.
57:19 I know we go to the study guide every week
57:21 but if you go to our website, let me put the address
57:23 on the screen again,
57:28 You'll find at that website, a blog I write every Wednesday,
57:31 I sit down on my laptop and write up a blog
57:32 something as commenting on world events
57:35 something local, something national,
57:36 you get the blog.
57:38 You want to archive previous teachings
57:40 from here in the Pioneer Pulpit,
57:41 you go to that annotated archive,
57:44 you can pick out a message, it will be sent to you.
57:46 You want to get into a podcast business,
57:50 I'm not a real high-techie on this
57:52 but if you click podcast,
57:53 you'll be able to connect instantly
57:55 with every new teaching that comes from the Pioneer Pulpit.
57:57 The point is, we're trying to connect
57:59 with the generation on the move, on the go.
58:02 Thanks for being a part of it.
58:03 Thanks for you prayer partnership.
58:04 We've got to connect with this generation
58:07 at this time in earth's history,
58:09 and I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission.
58:11 God bless you until next time.


Revised 2015-05-06