Participants: Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP022512
00:06 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson. 00:20 Spirit of the living God 00:28 Fall afresh on me 00:35 Spirit of the living God 00:44 Fall afresh on me 00:52 Break me, melt me 01:00 Mold me, fill me 01:10 Spirit of the living God 01:19 Fall afresh on me 01:33 The song that we are singing is being sung in Spanish 01:36 and its taken from Matthew 01:38 as it's indicated in the bulletin there 01:40 but I will give the translation almost directly 01:44 from the Spanish text that we are singing 01:46 and it says this, translated into English, 01:49 "I say this, if two of you are in agreement here on earth 01:54 to ask for something in prayer of my Father 01:57 who is in heaven He will give it to you 02:02 because where two or three come together in my name 02:06 there am I in the midst of them. 02:10 I am there in the midst of them." 02:13 Amen. 02:34 (speaking in foreign language) 06:35 Let's pray together. 06:40 Oh, God, that prayer in Spanish 06:46 is our prayer too. 06:50 The words of Jesus, if two of you agree 06:55 concerning anything on this earth 07:02 and I ask it of my Father in heaven, 07:04 it will be granted to you 07:08 for where two or three are gathered 07:09 in My name I am there. 07:13 Oh, God, that prayer promise 07:18 we must claim it, we must know it. 07:24 In our teaching today show us how. 07:28 We humbly pray in Jesus name, amen. 07:41 It isn't easy to move 07:44 from a sublime moment like this and worship. 07:50 To our teaching today that begins with 07:56 talking about Tim Tebow. 08:01 So to make that transition a little more comfortable for me 08:05 I need somebody to throw me a football. 08:08 Thank You, Chaplin Jose. 08:11 I feel better already. 08:15 For those of you who don't know, this is a football. 08:19 Don't laugh. 08:22 This is a football and Tim Tebow, 08:24 Tim Tebow, rookie quarterback 08:26 with the Denver Broncos just for now. 08:32 Tim Tebow has become a household name 08:36 in almost every American household 08:38 except yours perhaps. 08:41 Because of a familiar posture 08:48 that Tim Tebow adapted 08:54 knee to the turf 08:57 after a mighty touchdown throw 09:00 or just a grand pass, 09:03 knee to the turf in a pastoral prayer. 09:07 Don't look at me, look at the screen now. 09:08 These are pictures of Tim Tebow. 09:09 This is called by the way Tebowing. 09:13 The press went bananas over this, America went bananas. 09:17 A young evangelical Christian who is unashamed 09:21 of going to his knees and thanking the one 09:24 he believes made that super pass possible, 09:30 Tebowing. 09:33 And everybody has wade in, I'm telling you 09:36 what the August Wall Street Journal-- 09:39 I have a, I have a file photo clip you see. 09:41 The August Wall Street Journal comes out with a guest editorial 09:45 by Fran Tarkington who used to be 09:47 the quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings. 09:48 Title of the editorial, "Does God care 09:51 who wins football games?" 09:57 USA Today did a survey this last month, 10:01 756 American's poll asked the question, 10:05 do you believe God is answering 10:07 Tim Tebow's prayers? 10:10 43.3% of Americans believe that God in fact 10:16 is indeed honoring that man's prayers, 10:18 that young man's prayers. 10:20 But get this, in the 18 to 29 demographic age group 10:23 which most of our Andrews University students you are 10:26 52.3% believe God is in fact answering that boy's prayers. 10:33 Now not everybody's happy. 10:37 Tim Tebow has been roasted in the press 10:39 to the place a sports columnist named Jen, 10:44 let's see what is her name here, Jen Floyd Engel with Fox Sports. 10:49 She wrote a column. 10:50 I thought rather appreciate of her. 10:53 She wrote a column and said, "What the blank is going on 10:57 with Tim Tebow?" 10:58 That was the title of the column. 11:01 And then she says, hey, listen, listen, 11:03 because there was a game this last fall 11:05 where two Detroit Lions sacked the young quarterback 11:08 from the Denver Broncos and after they sacked him 11:11 they mocked his praying because they both got down together 11:15 and pretend like they were thanking God for that sack. 11:20 Now the sports columnist asks, listen, 11:23 "What if Tim Tebow were a Muslim? 11:26 What if Tim Tebow bowed down to Mecca 11:29 every time he scored a quarterback, 11:31 would there be a peep in the United States?" 11:35 Not a word because nobody says a word 11:38 against Muslims but when a young Christian 11:42 who doesn't flaunt himself but thanks the source 11:45 he believes of his athletic prowess and success, 11:48 when a young Christian bows to his knees 11:51 the country goes bananas. 11:53 What's the problem? 11:55 She says, what is this saying not about Tim Tebow, 11:57 what's it saying about us because it bothers us 12:01 every time we see somebody pray in public. 12:04 It reminds us of what we're not doing. 12:08 I thought that was pretty good. 12:10 Tim Tebow, he has put prayer 12:14 on the front page of American sports. 12:17 In fact, now that Tim Tebow is in the off-season 12:20 America needed a new hero and boy, do we get one quick. 12:23 A friend of mine in Toronto, Todd Copeland, 12:27 he is watching live streaming right now. 12:28 Todd said, Dwight, are you following this Jeremy Lin thing? 12:33 Jeremy Lin, 23 years old, a Chinese-American 12:36 Harvard graduate, an evangelical Christian 12:39 who was picked up by the New York Knicks, 12:41 they are down in the cellar and almost single-handedly, 12:45 he brings-- there he is, he brings them, 12:49 resurrects them to life and the whole country now 12:52 is talking about Jeremy Lin. 12:54 That number 17, that's the hottest selling t-shirt 12:57 online with NBA products. 13:00 You know what, welcome to Sports Central Sabbath. 13:05 If this keeps up, we're going to have one Sabbath a month 13:08 Sports Central Sabbath, 13:10 a new headline from God in American sports. 13:13 And trust me we'll never get a headline from the NHL. 13:22 All right, that's for you hockey fans, okay. 13:27 Hey, listen, Dwight, what's up with this? 13:28 I mean, come on, please, what is up, 13:31 we're talking about Tebow in church. 13:34 Well, here's what's up. 13:36 Tebowing and Linsanity, that's what they're calling 13:40 this craze over the young Christian. 13:42 Tebowing and Linsanity have pushed prayer 13:46 into the public spotlight in the United States, 13:49 something Jesus longed to do 2, 000 years ago 13:52 on the eve of His crucifixion. 13:55 If only He could push prayer into our public consciousness. 13:59 So today, we're gonna take Jesus on the eve of His death. 14:03 Open your-- open your Bible please, 14:05 to the Gospel of John, our theme book for this semester. 14:09 Jose, thank you, bless you. 14:11 Open your Bible to John 14. 14:13 Title of this semester series "The last days." 14:17 Not the last days of earth, the last days of Jesus' life 14:19 in the fourth Gospel. 14:21 By the way we're down now to the last 24 hours, 14:24 we're going to spend days on the last 24 hours. 14:27 Oh, don't you miss, don't you miss next Sabbath, 14:29 "The Explosive Secret of the Vine." 14:32 Don't miss a Sabbath after that, "Trinity under Fire." 14:36 A little mini-series tucked inside this big series. 14:40 We're down to the last 24 hours. 14:42 It's Thursday night. 14:44 John 14, open your Bible to John 14. 14:47 Now listen, we love John 14, a whole lot of us 14:49 because it begins with, "Let not your heart be troubled, 14:52 you believe in God believe also in me. 14:55 In my father's house are many mansions, 14:58 if it were not so I would have" 15:00 Told you. "If go to prepare a" 15:02 Place. "And if I go and prepare a" 15:04 Place. "I'll will come again." 15:07 We love that passage, we're gonna fly right over. 15:11 We're gonna go to the middle of John 14. 15:13 If you didn't bring your Bible, 15:14 grab the pew Bible in front of you 15:16 right now, please. 15:17 John Chapter 14, let's pick it up in verse 12. 15:19 I've got my 2011 NIV, 15:22 this is the latest rendition of the NIV, 15:24 and its red letter and so I'm just always percolating 15:27 when I can have read letters. 15:28 And so whatever translation you have that's fine 15:31 but what would be on the screen is the NIV. 15:33 John 14:12, Jesus speaking, "Very truly I tell you." 15:38 Now, whoa, whoa, whoa. 15:40 Very truly, there it is again, 25, 15:42 you remember this, don't you from our teaching series? 15:44 Twenty five times 15:46 John will use this literary device 15:48 inserting a double amen into his gospel, 25 times. 15:53 This is the next to the last time. 15:57 Twenty five times, amen, amen. 16:01 And whenever you run into amen, amen 16:03 it's like a huge-- Whoa, slow down reader, 16:05 slow down. 16:06 Come on, I know you are talking about Tim Tebow 16:08 but this is big stuff here. 16:10 Get what Jesus is about to say. 16:12 So Jesus has our attention now. 16:14 "Very truly, amen, amen I tell you, 16:17 whoever believes in me 16:18 will do the works I have been doing, 16:20 and they will do even greater things than these, 16:24 because I'm going to the father." 16:25 Here comes verse 13, 16:26 "And I'll do whatever you ask in my name, 16:28 so that the father may be glorified in the son." 16:30 Here comes verse 14, 16:31 "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." 16:36 Can you believe that, twice. 16:37 He hasn't even taken a breath, 16:38 twice in the same breath. 16:41 Whatever you want, ask me, ask me for anything you wish, 16:45 I will do it, consider it done. 16:48 That's huge. 16:49 And by the way, unless we conclude 16:52 that this is a little-- 16:53 okay, guys, I need to talk to you about prayer 16:55 just a little bit before we get on to the big stuff 16:57 tonight in the upper room. 16:58 I know Judas is gone, it's just 11 of you and me. 17:01 No, watch this, 17:03 count how many times Jesus will-- 17:05 count how many times Jesus issues this 17:07 identical promise in the upper room. 17:09 All right, so we just read it in verse 13, 17:11 "I'll do whatever you ask in my name." 17:13 We just read it in verse 14, 17:15 "You may ask me anything in my name." 17:16 How many times do we have so far? 17:17 Two. 17:18 Keep a record of the count. 17:20 Drop down to chapter 15, chapter 15:7, 17:23 Jesus speaking, "If you remain in me 17:25 and my words remain in you, 17:27 ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you." 17:30 Wow, there's another one, how many we have now? 17:32 Let's drop down to verse 16, chapter 15, Jesus speaking, 17:35 "You did not choose me but I chose you 17:37 and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit, 17:40 fruit that will last, 17:41 and so that whatever you ask in my name 17:43 the father will give you." 17:44 How many do we have now? 17:46 We got four, let's go to chapter 16. 17:48 Drop down to verse 23 in chapter 16, "In that day, 17:51 " Jesus still speaking, red letters in mind, 17:53 "You will no longer ask me anything. 17:55 Very truly I tell you, my father will give you 17:58 whatever you ask in my name." 18:00 Can you believe it? 18:01 Oh, there's another one, verse 24, verse 24, 18:04 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. 18:07 Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." 18:10 Come on, that's got to be all, Jesus, no more. 18:13 No, He's got one more, verse 26, 18:16 "In that day you will ask in my name. 18:18 I'm not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. 18:21 No. 18:22 The father himself loves you because you have loved me." 18:24 He will give it to you, 18:26 you won't need me to be pleading for Him, 18:28 He loves you and He will take care of you. 18:30 Ladies and gentlemen, how many did we come up with? 18:32 Did you count? How many did we have? 18:33 Seven of them, 18:35 a seven-fold promise, seven times. 18:41 As if He was afraid we would miss it the first, 18:43 the second, the third, the fourth, 18:44 the fifth, the sixth, 18:45 I'll give it to you seven times. 18:49 Grab your study guide, we got to get these down, 18:50 we cannot miss this. 18:52 Your study guide is in your worship bulletin. 18:54 You didn't get a study guide, 18:55 thank you friendly ushers, 18:57 just move right down the isles right now, hold your hands up, 19:00 you are going to get a study guide and a connect card. 19:01 I'll get to that connect card in just a moment. 19:05 If you didn't get a bulletin 19:06 that means you didn't get either of them 19:07 so they're going to give you the both, 19:08 the connect card and the study guide. 19:10 And while they're doing that I want to welcome all of you 19:12 who are-- who are watching on television, 19:15 delighted to have you live streaming, walking-- 19:18 well, watching on tape, get on our website, 19:21 downloaded the video cast. 19:22 However you've got this moment, 19:23 we're very glad to have you. 19:24 Let me put on the screen for you our series title, 19:28 "It's The Last Days, The Last Days of Jesus." 19:30 This particular teaching is entitled, 19:32 "The Saga of Tim Tebow, Prayer and Jesus." 19:35 Now those of you who are viewing live streaming 19:37 and otherwise, down the corner, 19:41 that's where you go to get the study guides. 19:43 So live streamers you are ready on that website, 19:46 download the study guide. 19:47 Get it right now, you can fill it in with us. 19:49 This is a keeper, you will want this study guide. 19:52 So the ushers are coming your way, 19:53 put your hand up and let's plunge into this, 19:58 the promise. 19:59 Let's go back over these promises, 20:00 let's put them up on the screen. 20:02 Let's go back over them and notice-- 20:04 notice the repetition of a particularly 20:09 identifiable word. 20:10 John 14:13, "I will do whatever you ask in my name." 20:16 Would you write that in, please? 20:19 "I'll do whatever you ask in my name, 20:24 so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." 20:26 You see that football in the corner, 20:27 that's to remind us of Tebow 20:28 and that's also to remind me to tell you 20:30 that I am very grateful for my friend, 20:31 Dave Jardine. 20:32 Dave, I got you in right at the beginning of the sermon 20:34 in first church but I want to put you in right here. 20:37 Dave Jardine who happens to be 20:38 the director of student activities and athletics 20:40 here at Andrews University 20:42 and Dave is the guy that found-- got a hold of that football 20:44 and brought it over to me yesterday. 20:46 Thank you, Dave, very much. 20:48 All right, Jesus says, 20:49 "I will do whatever you ask in my name, 20:51 so that the father may be glorified." 20:52 Let's look at the next one, verse 14, Jesus speaking, 20:55 "You may ask me for anything in my name, 20:57 and I will do it." 20:58 You won't have to linger over these long, 20:59 we've already read them. 21:01 Let's go to the next one, 15:7, 21:03 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, 21:05 ask." 21:07 I mean, these may end up all being asked. 21:09 Let's see, "Ask whatever you wish, 21:11 and it will be done for you." 21:12 Here's verse 16 in the same chapter, 21:13 "Whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." 21:16 Come on, you will need a lot of time. 21:17 Let's go on to 16:23, 21:19 "My father will give you whatever you ask in my name." 21:22 Let's go to verse 24, 21:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. 21:26 Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." 21:29 Let's go to the last one, number seven, verse 26, 21:32 "In that day you will ask in my name. 21:35 I'm not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. 21:38 No, the father himself loves you." 21:40 You know what, you almost get the impression, 21:41 Jesus wants us to ask. 21:45 I mean, does that occur to you? 21:47 He wants us to ask. 21:54 Yeah, but come on, Dwight, I know, I know how this works, 21:56 this everyday stuff. 21:57 I know how these things work. 21:58 It's all those little if, ands and buts 22:00 that are tucked in their, those little qualifiers, 22:02 the little conditions that make it almost impossible 22:05 to claim these promises. 22:06 Wrong. 22:08 What little if, ands and buts are you talking about? 22:11 Let's go back over the same list, 22:13 you have it right now in your study guide. 22:14 So I am gonna send you back up to that list 22:16 and now let's circle. 22:18 You just circle every condition. 22:20 You got to do this first in order to get. 22:22 Circle the conditions and let's find out how many 22:25 if, ands and buts are tucked away in that. 22:27 Let's put it back up and that would be 22:29 what is bolded in the blue here. 22:31 So you already have this, 22:32 you've already filled in the word, 22:33 circle, "In my name," because that's the condition, 22:35 you have to ask in my name 22:36 and then also circle because there are two here, 22:38 "That the father may be glorified in the son." 22:40 All right? 22:41 Just circle the conditions. 22:43 Let's go to the next one, verse 14, 22:45 "You may ask for me anything in my name, 22:47 "there it is again. 22:49 Okay. So circle "in my name." 22:51 Let's go to the next one, 15:7, 22:53 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, 22:56 " so circle that, "ask what you wish 22:59 and I'll do it for you." 23:01 All right, let's go to verse 16, Chapter 15, 23:03 "Whatever you ask in my name," 23:05 there it is again, circle that, "the Father will give you." 23:07 Let's go to 16:23, 23:09 "My father will give you whatever you ask in my name," 23:12 circle, "in my name again." 23:13 Let's go to verse 24, 23:15 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name," 23:18 there it is again. 23:19 Let's got to verse 26, 23:22 "In that day you will ask in my name." 23:26 I'm not saying that I'll ask the Father. 23:27 No, He loves you, He'll take care of you. 23:30 There they are ladies and gentlemen, 23:31 according to the circles that you've just drawn 23:33 onto your own study guide there are only three conditions 23:37 to this dynamite prayer promise 23:41 and I tell you what, these three are not rocket science. 23:43 Number one, we must ask in His name, 23:45 six times you circle those words in my name, six times. 23:48 We must number one, ask in His name, 23:50 number two, we must ask that the Father be glorified, 23:54 there's the other one and here's the third one we must-- 23:56 Jesus said, "If you abide in me and I abide in you, 23:59 my word abides in you." 24:00 Okay. 24:01 So those are the three. 24:03 In fact let's just put 24:04 all three of them in one sentence. 24:05 Will you fill this in your study guide, please? 24:07 Jesus promises, here's the promise, 24:09 "You may ask Me for anything you wish, 24:13 if you will ask in My name for the Father's glory 24:16 as you walk with Me in My word." 24:19 That's it. 24:21 Hey, listen, when you update your iTunes, 24:24 you know how they update it, we got ten-point was it now. 24:27 Who knows what the number is. 24:28 But when you-- What is it? 24:30 10.5, okay. 24:31 When you update your iTunes, do you notice this, 24:34 they have embedded in that update request 24:36 what's called-- I have to look it up there, 24:37 end user license agreement. 24:41 And then you get a whole book online, 24:43 a whole book that suddenly appears before your eyes. 24:45 You're supposed to read the whole book through 24:47 and at the very end of the book 24:49 there will be two little sentences, 24:50 I accept, I decline. 24:52 Isn't that right? 24:53 And how many of you-- come on, 24:55 how many of you read the conditions 24:57 that are laid down? 24:58 Raise your hand up, be brave and be unusual. 25:02 Not a soul here reads it. 25:04 I'm saying give me the-- come on, 25:05 I want to go, I accept, 25:07 not knowing that I've just signed away my entire life, 25:10 24/7 now they're going to put a little spy 25:12 that watches me and I gave them permission 25:13 because I didn't read the small print. 25:16 We can be thankful that the lawyers working for Apple 25:19 and Microsoft that bevy of lawyers 25:22 didn't write the conditions for Jesus promise. 25:26 There's no book here, you got to do this, this, this, this, 25:29 this, this, this, this, this, I accept. 25:31 Okay, now I'll help you. 25:33 None of that, three little conditions. 25:36 Jesus says, hey, pray My name, 25:41 ask for the Father's glory and please, 25:44 as you walk with Me in My word let's do it together. 25:47 What's the problem here? 25:50 You say, oh, but, Dwight, I know, I know. 25:51 Listen, I can understand this glory of God thing, 25:54 I mean, I can understand what that means, 25:56 pray for God's glory. 25:57 And I can understand this walking with Jesus in His word 25:59 but I think there's something fishy about this, 26:01 in My name, six times He inserts that, in My name. 26:05 You think that's hard? 26:06 It's not hard at all. 26:07 Craig Keener, the New Testament scholar 26:09 in his two-volume commentary in the fourth gospel, 26:11 I like the way Professor Keener puts it, 26:14 I put it on the screen for you. 26:15 You have to fill it in, "Asking in his name." 26:19 Okay, here's the condition, what does it mean, 26:20 Lord, to ask in your name? 26:21 "Asking in his name signifies asking as his representative, 26:25 while about his business." 26:27 Jesus, I'm down here, 26:28 I am representing You in this university 26:31 on the job in my neighborhood, in this game, 26:34 Lord Jesus, I representing You 26:35 and I want to do Your business while I am here. 26:37 That's what it means. 26:38 Keep reading, "Just as Jesus came 26:40 and did in his Father." 26:41 Now the next line, praying in his name "involves 26:44 prayer 'in keeping with his character,'" write that in. 26:49 I want to pray in keeping with your character. 26:50 "And His concerns and indeed praying any union with Him." 26:57 That's not rocket science, that's not tough. 27:00 If that Desire of Ages a hundred years before 27:02 Craig Keener already had that down. 27:04 Watch this is Desire of Ages 27:06 fill it in your study guide please 27:08 "To pray in Christ's name means much 27:11 it means that we are to accept His character." 27:14 You know-- a person's name, 27:16 a person's character is bound up in his good name. 27:18 That means we accept his character, 27:20 we manifest his spirit and we work is works. 27:24 What's so complicated about that? 27:27 In other words, hey, you remember this, 27:29 some years ago, they had these little-- 27:31 they have these little bands and they had WWJD 27:34 and everybody is wearing these WWJD bands. 27:37 What does WWJD stand for? 27:40 For what Jesus do? 27:42 That's what, that's what it means to pray in His name. 27:45 Instead of WWJD it could be, let's put this up WWJW, 27:52 what would Jesus want? 27:54 That's all you are doing. 27:56 When you pray in His name, you are saying Lord, 27:58 I really need help 27:59 and here's how I'm gonna pray with this particular matter. 28:02 I want to know what you would want. 28:04 That's a fair question what would Jesus want? 28:07 Would Jesus want me to score this touchdown? 28:10 Maybe not. 28:13 Sometimes hey, no, no, no sometimes losing a game 28:17 or a career 28:20 is the most important thing that could ever happen to us. 28:26 It's not just win-win forever with God. 28:30 So what does it mean? 28:31 Jesus, what do you want? 28:32 Do You want me to make a million? 28:34 Maybe that's what He wants, maybe not. 28:38 If you've hung around this planet very long 28:39 you know that poverty is a much more 28:41 powerful instructor than riches are 28:44 which is why Jesus said to the wealthy, 28:46 it's gonna be very hard for the wealthy 28:48 to get into My kingdom. 28:50 So, maybe it's not to get rich. 28:53 What would Jesus want from me right now 28:55 to marry that knockout gorgeous girl? 28:59 Maybe not. 29:02 Some of us old timers have learned, 29:06 we have learned 29:07 that physical beauty can be very skin deep. 29:15 So what do you want for me Jesus, 29:17 to get into med school, to get into law school, 29:20 to get into that school? 29:22 Maybe not, 29:24 may be He has radically different plans for your career 29:29 and you don't have a clue yet, but that's okay. 29:33 Come on Dwight, it says, I just read this Jesus says 29:36 whatever you want you ask of Me and I will give. 29:41 But maybe He won't. 29:44 Hey, listen let me tell you this, 29:45 if you want, if you would like to pray a prayer 29:49 that he will always answer, 29:51 it will always be His will to answer this prayer. 29:54 I want to give you three prayers right now, 29:56 you can pray these prayers for the rest of your life 29:58 and you will always know 30:00 without even saying if it be your will, 30:01 you will know it is God's will. 30:04 Wesley Duewel in his powerful book 30:06 "Mighty Prevailing Prayer," he calls these 30:09 the three always prayers. 30:11 Put them on the screen let's go, 30:12 it's -- they are in your study guide. 30:14 Number one, it is always God's will to glorify His name. 30:20 You never have to say, God I'm going out in classes today, 30:23 I'm going to my job today, 30:24 I'm moving out in the neighborhood today 30:25 and I -- if it is Your will let me glorify Your name. 30:28 Are you kidding? 30:29 It's always His will to glorify His name. 30:31 John 12:28, Jesus says, "Father, glorify your name" 30:35 and here comes his booming word, 30:36 "I have and I will." 30:39 It's always His will. 30:41 Three always prayers you never have to ask, 30:42 is this your will. 30:43 Here's another one, "It is always God's will 30:45 to save the sinner." 30:47 God my roommate do you understand my roommate please, 30:50 if it's your will save her, save him. 30:55 You never have to say, if it's your will. 30:57 It is His will to save your roommate. 31:01 You have children? You have children? 31:04 That you are desperate for Jesus to save 31:06 you never have to pray, if it is your will. 31:08 It's always His will to save your colleagues. 31:11 Always and there's one more and I love this one, 31:14 "It's always God's will to revive the church." 31:17 Always. 31:18 Oh, God if it's your will revive Andrew's University, 31:20 are you kidding, that's His will. 31:22 Revive the Pioneer Memorial Church. 31:24 No, it's my will you don't have to add if it is your will. 31:28 It is my will. 31:32 Next time you're feeling like 31:33 you are not getting enough prayers 31:34 that really have the answers that you want, 31:36 you can pray three prayers those three 31:39 and you'll never have to say if it's your will, you just ask. 31:44 That's what Jesus is saying right here, 31:45 back to 14:13 "And I'll do whatever you ask in my name, 31:53 so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." 31:55 Verse 14, "You may ask me for anything in my name, 31:58 and I will do it." 32:01 Seven times Jesus is saying guys, 32:04 I'm trying to tell you ask Me please ask Me. 32:09 Do you know, why He-- Do you know why He is so big 32:12 on these seven? 32:14 These seven full promise because of verse 12, 32:16 we just -- we just skipped right over verse 12. 32:18 Take a look, a closer look at verse 12 will you? 32:21 John 14:2 "Very truly amen, amen I tell you, 32:27 whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing." 32:31 You're gonna do what I have been doing 32:33 but hold up, hold on to your pew, 32:35 "will do the work that I've been doing 32:37 and they will do even greater things than these 32:43 because I am going to the Father." 32:47 Did you catch that line, even greater things, 32:51 than what I have done you are going to do. 32:54 Amazing. 32:57 I want you to do greater things than I have ever done. 33:00 Wow, wow, Jesus are you serious? 33:03 He is. 33:04 Let me show you how serious He is. 33:06 This summer, early summer I was reading the gospel of John 33:10 through this summer and that's what led to our series. 33:13 But on the day when I came to these verse, 33:16 to verse 12 on the day when I came to verse 12 33:19 first thing that morning as it turns out that very day 33:24 Karen and I were with our friends, 33:25 Dave and Marilyn Bauer. 33:28 Bauer used to be here for years. 33:29 They've been telling me -- they've been emailing me 33:31 for months come on Dwight, come on Karen, 33:33 come on down here. 33:34 We want to take you to the Billy Graham library 33:37 in Charlotte, North Carolina. 33:39 You got to go come spend a few days with us in Hendersonville, 33:42 we'll go to the library together. 33:44 It will just-- you will never have 33:46 quite an experience like it. 33:48 And I want to tell you something ladies and gentlemen, 33:50 it was that plus more when we went 33:52 with Dave in Marilyn, Billy Graham library. 33:55 I mean here is this teenager, how old are you? 33:58 Here is this teenager, who accepts-- 34:01 he is milking cows, he's milking cows 34:04 and he accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. 34:08 He surrenders his life to God and God reaches down 34:12 from the throne of the universe takes that boy 34:15 and uses that cow milking teenager 34:19 to turn an entire generation and an entire planet 34:22 upside down for the glory of the kingdom of haven. 34:26 I mean that's one of those "wow," stories. 34:32 May be that's what Jesus meant. 34:34 I'm going to the Father and you are going to do 34:38 even greater things than I did. 34:43 What does that mean that Billy Graham 34:44 is greater than Jesus? 34:45 No, He didn't say you're gonna be -- 34:48 He didn't say you are going to be greater than me. 34:49 He says you're gonna do greater things than I did. 34:54 Hey, listen, come on guys, all you need-- 34:57 all you need is a laptop, a cell phone 35:03 and a plane ticket, you can go anywhere 35:05 on this planet and become a live missionary 35:07 for Jesus Christ, right now. 35:10 You can go anywhere, you're the most mobile generation 35:12 we've ever had on earth. 35:16 You can get to places Jesus in His lifetime 35:18 could never have dreamed to go. 35:22 You can get to places the disciples 35:23 never dreamed to go. 35:24 When Jesus-- when Jesus says, even greater things, 35:27 He's talking about the extent. 35:33 So what are you dreaming to do for Jesus? 35:36 I mean, what greater thing do you wish to do? 35:41 I got to read that verse again, verse 12, 35:45 Jesus speaking, "Very truly I tell you 35:47 whoever believes in me will do the works I've been doing, 35:53 and they will do even greater even greater things 35:56 than these because I am going to the Father." 35:59 Jesus why are you going to the Father? 36:00 Drop down to verse 16, "I'm going to the Father 36:03 and I will ask the Father," watch this 36:06 "and He will give you another advocate," 36:09 another counselor, another companion, 36:13 another helper, another comforter. 36:15 He's going to give you the Holy Spirit 36:17 and notice what He says about the Holy Spirit, 36:18 "Who will come to help you and be with you forever, 36:23 the Spirit of truth." 36:25 I'm going to the Father. 36:27 I am going to give you a gift 36:28 that you have never received in your life. 36:31 When you get this gift, hey, guess what. 36:33 When the Holy Spirit comes in you, 36:36 remember those three always prayers. 36:38 Those will be the prayers He will be answering 36:39 through your life, you will glorify the -- 36:41 you will glorify God's name 36:43 when the Holy Spirit comes in you. 36:44 You will save loss sinners when the Holy Spirit comes in you. 36:47 You will help revive the church 36:49 when the Holy Spirit comes in you. 36:51 I am gonna send the Holy Spirit. He will be the greatest gift. 36:54 When you get this gift you have everything in the universe. 37:00 Would you jot that down first before I show you 37:02 a quotation that in fact makes that very point. 37:05 Here's what Jesus is saying, He said, "Hey, listen, 37:07 ladies and gentlemen, ask me -- 37:09 "ask Me and I will give you the Holy Spirit 37:12 and even greater things than what I did 37:15 while I was there you and He together will be able to do it." 37:20 Isn't that something? 37:23 You say, oh, Dwight, come on. 37:25 No, no come on, it's the gospel truth. 37:29 Look at this, put this-- you don't have this 37:31 in your study guide because it came to me this morning, 37:32 early and so, we got this inserted, 37:34 just get the page number when you see it 37:36 and scribble it down. 37:37 "The Holy Spirit was the highest of all gifts 37:40 that Jesus could solicit from His Father 37:44 for the exultation of His people. 37:45 This is the-- the numero uno gift 37:48 since they, since they sang in Spanish, 37:50 I can say numero uno gift, this is a number one gift. 37:54 Now watch this next line "This promised blessing" 37:57 this is speaking of the Holy Spirit. 37:59 "This promised blessing, claimed by faith" 38:02 let's read this out loud together, 38:03 "This promise blessing, claimed by faith, 38:07 brings all other blessings in its train." 38:12 What's it mean, in its train? 38:13 It means like if you're in the engine 38:15 and you got a caboose you got all these cars 38:17 don't you just hate coming to a railroad crossing 38:19 and every car that, every train car in the US 38:22 is on that line and you're there for hours. 38:26 In His train when the Holy Spirit comes 38:30 He's got car after car after car after car after car behind Him. 38:33 He says "Listen, girl, boy, if you get Me 38:36 you get everything wrapped up in My gift." 38:42 So Jesus says, seven times 38:45 seven times I've been trying to tell you, ask Me. 38:51 So, before I sit down I got to ask this question, 38:53 I got to ask this question. 38:55 What greater thing and I'm asking this 38:57 I've been praying over this question for the last 24 hours. 39:00 I've been praying over this question for you, 39:03 I've been praying over this question for me 39:05 and I'm saying, God, what are you saying here 39:08 with Jesus seven fold promise, so I'm very serious. 39:11 Now I need you to listen carefully. 39:13 What greater thing would you like to do for Jesus? 39:20 I mean Jesus is very clear this is not for us, 39:23 this is not for us, folks. 39:25 I want to do some great thing for me Jesus, forget it. 39:28 What greater thing would you like to do for me, He says? 39:36 You want to be a Tim Tebow, lives out his radical faith 39:39 in the spotlight of public attention? 39:42 Be the best you can be. 39:44 You want to be a Mother Teresa, 39:46 who lives out her life for the dregs of humanity? 39:48 Be the best you can be but do it for Jesus. 39:51 You want to be an obscure mother 39:53 who simply lives to her child until she grows up 39:56 the fullness of what it means to follow Jesus? 39:59 That's huge, you're doing it for Him. 40:04 You want to be a lay evangelist 40:06 and win a thousand souls for the Kingdom of Heaven. 40:11 Some of you are going to be called 40:13 that you're listening right now and that was a spirits moment, 40:15 His entry into your mind and some things being planted 40:18 in your mind and something is stirring in your heart 40:20 and you're gonna become that person, you watch. 40:23 If you dream for Him not for you, for Him, 40:28 what do you want to be? 40:29 You want to find a cure for cancer? 40:31 Would that be okay? 40:32 A cure for cancer could that glorify God, 40:35 but of course what do you want to be for Jesus? 40:38 What greater thing do you want to do? 40:40 Help write a new law that will end systemic injustice 40:43 in our nation become a jurist, 40:45 who can help a politician who can help. 40:50 What do you want to be for Jesus? 40:52 How about a mission doctor in a far away village 40:54 that nobody's ever heard of before 40:56 and nobody will hear of you again 40:57 but like Albert Schweitzer you will go to that village 41:00 and you will serve the Kingdom of Heaven, why not? 41:05 How about what would Jesus? 41:06 What's the greater thing you could do for Jesus? 41:08 Could it be to become the new Billy Graham? 41:14 Could it be somebody listening today here on television, 41:19 on the radio, on the web some young heart 41:21 hears that line and just like that the Spirit says, 41:24 I'm talking to you boy, I'm talking to you girl, 41:27 I'm talking to you. 41:30 I need you, I'm calling you. 41:33 Greater things than these you will do with Me 41:37 so ask Me, just ask Me. 41:41 Don't go him harm your way through campus 41:43 and life has gone well I'm nobody, 41:45 I'm just a little insignificant, 41:47 nobody even knows my name around this place, forget it. 41:52 In fact, let me end with this, 41:53 this Desire of Ages again, "The Lord is disappointed 41:58 when His people place a low estimate upon themselves." 42:02 I'm nobody, I'm no nobody on this campus 42:05 big man on the campus are you kidding, 42:06 I'm the smallest man on this campus, nobody cares for me. 42:09 You can be milking cows and God has a dream for you. 42:13 Don't you sell yourself short, dream big for Him not for you. 42:17 Maybe that's your problem you've been dreaming for you. 42:19 Oh, I want to be big someday I want to be famous someday. 42:21 I want to be great someday, 42:22 I want to be in the headlines someday, forget it. 42:25 Those headlines will burn one day. 42:30 What can you do with your career, 42:32 your call for the Kingdom of Heaven, 42:34 something greater than even Jesus did 42:37 when He was here, dream big? 42:38 Seven times He says asks Me, ask Me and I'll help you. 42:43 You want to reach an un-reached people group 42:45 that has never before been reached 42:47 by the everlasting gospel? 42:48 Be that missionary, ask me, to do something greater 42:53 than I could have done when I was here, 42:55 I'll send the Holy Spirit to you 42:58 and when the Holy Spirit and you team up 43:00 look out world, this is dynamite partnership 43:05 so ask Me, ask Me for the spirit. 43:08 Ask Me whatever you wish and I will give it to you. 43:13 "The Lord is disappointed when his people 43:14 place a little estimate upon themselves." 43:16 Keep reading. 43:17 "He desires His chosen," that's the theme I love, 43:21 the chosen ones, the chosen. 43:25 "He desires His chosen to value themselves 43:28 according to the price, He has placed upon them." 43:30 Calvary is already purchased you-- 43:32 you are worth all of heaven. 43:34 Jesus would have left heaven for just you 43:37 that's how valuable you are. 43:38 "He desires His chosen to value themselves 43:40 according to the price He has already placed on them." 43:43 Now this gets even better watch this. 43:44 "God wanted you," that's why you were born. 43:47 "God wanted you, else He would not have sent His Son 43:50 on such an expensive errand to redeem you." 43:52 Keep reading. 43:53 "He has a use for you," in the back row of the balcony 43:58 He has a use for you. 44:00 "And He is well pleased when you 44:01 make the very highest demands upon Him, 44:03 that you may glorify His name." 44:06 Watch this, gets even better. 44:08 "You may expect large things 44:12 if you have faith in His promises." 44:16 So He says ask Me. Come on, ask me. 44:23 Ask Me, just ask Me. 44:27 Seven times I'm begging you to ask Me. 44:30 Do you understand? 44:31 I want you to ask Me, 44:33 ask to do something even greater than I did. 44:37 Ask Me, ask Me, ask Me to, ask Me. 44:51 Want you to reach into that bulletin of yours. 44:53 You've already pull the card up, 44:54 pull it out again I want to take the connect card 44:56 Pastor Rodley took us on this first time 44:58 using this card we are so excited about this. 45:00 He took us through one side of the card, 45:02 I'm -- I'm gonna draw your attention to the back side 45:04 of the card, all right, the connect card right here. 45:06 Those of you watching on live streaming 45:09 we are gonna have that connect card up for you, 45:10 you'll be able to get the same connect card. 45:13 You'll be able to make the same next step 45:15 because you know what you can't hear a teaching like this 45:17 and not take the next step. 45:20 You can't hear a teaching like this 45:21 and not do something. 45:23 So turn the card over. 45:24 You see where it says my next step today is 45:27 I want to-- I tell you I wish you would join me 45:30 and just put a check mark here, 45:31 I want Jesus three always prayers 45:34 to become my daily prayer. 45:38 I want Jesus-- look at God, glorify yourself through me, 45:41 save sinners through me, revive help, 45:43 let me help you revive the church. 45:44 Can you put a check mark there? 45:46 How about this one "I wish to pray big," 45:49 now please notice this, "I wish to pray big 45:51 not for the Holy Spirit" notice the word, 45:54 "I wish to pray big with the Holy Spirit." 45:56 I'm not asking for the Holy Spirit, 45:58 I'm asking to pray big with Him 46:00 something great for the Kingdom of Heaven. 46:04 Well, I want to put a check mark right there. 46:06 You say, hey listen Dwight, 46:08 I am just really not into Jesus at all 46:10 I just happened to be in church today 46:12 and here you are and now here I have this card. 46:15 I want to say to you my friend, 46:16 you see the next box over I'm interested in 46:19 you put a check mark right there, 46:21 if the Spirit is speaking to your heart 46:22 or you're just thinking, you know, 46:23 I would love to have a relationship with Jesus 46:26 put a check mark right there. 46:28 I'm interested in beginning 46:29 a relationship with Jesus Christ. 46:33 Our connect team will be in touch with you, 46:35 you'll be given something that will take you 46:37 into that relationship, just like that. 46:42 Some of you today have never said 46:44 I'm serious about a relationship with Jesus, this is your day. 46:47 No altar call, choirs not singing yet, 46:51 just a check mark 46:52 I'm interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus. 46:54 Oh, I'm interested in information on baptism 46:58 you noticed in the other box, we're having a baptism April 21 47:01 and another baptism April 28 to round to cap this semester. 47:06 I can't think of a better gift to give yourself and to give God 47:09 than your choice to follow Jesus in baptism. 47:12 You put a check mark there I'm interested in baptism 47:14 our connect team will be in touch with you. 47:17 Nobody is gonna be baptized next week trust me 47:20 this is a chance for you now 47:21 to decide I'm interested in baptism. 47:24 Information on church membership, 47:26 serving on a team, you are college student, 47:28 you are a community member, a visitor, 47:31 I would love to serve on a team. 47:32 If you check serving on a team we'll send you a website 47:35 and there will be ten ministries right there 47:37 and you pick and you sign up on your own, online. 47:42 We're serious about taking the next step 47:45 because it's not enough to listen to a sermon 47:47 and go home and say "Well, I was edified." 47:49 You have to do something. 47:54 In a moment the ushers are gonna pick this card up 47:57 along with our morning tithes and offerings. 47:59 I want to pray first 48:02 but I want to pray that in a choir at this moment 48:04 you will sense what your next step is 48:08 and I'm hoping if you are 48:09 a long time Andrew's University student 48:11 or a long-time member here 48:13 that those first two 48:15 I want to pray big with the Holy Spirit 48:18 will be on your radar screen. 48:20 Ask Him and see what He will do. 48:25 Let's pray together, 48:26 oh, God I can't come to this seven fold promise, 48:30 this seven fold called a prayer and not take the next step. 48:36 And so please a little check mark here check mark there 48:40 but know that what our hearts are 48:45 we are longing 48:48 to be in tandem with Jesus 48:52 and pray the big, the greater thing. 48:56 We're longing to start over, 48:59 and so wherever we put our check mark dear Father, 49:04 tuck this decision away, 49:05 we will hear from somebody but tuck this decision away. 49:10 And with the seventh fold promise 49:12 in our hands and in our hearts, 49:15 let us move forth into this new week, 49:19 greater things seeking greater things 49:22 for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ 49:24 in His name we pray, amen. 49:27 As the choir sings now the ushers are coming your way, 49:31 they'll receive our morning tithes and offerings 49:33 freely you have received, freely now let us give 49:37 as we continue in worship. 49:58 The Heavens are telling the glory of God 50:08 The wonder of his work displays the firmament 50:17 The wonder of his work displays the firmament 50:28 Today that is coming speaks it's the day 50:40 The night that is gone to following night 50:46 The night that is gone to following night 50:52 The Heavens are telling the glory of God 50:58 The wonder of his work 51:00 The wonder of his work 51:03 displays the firmament 51:07 The wonder of his work 51:10 The wonder of his work 51:11 displays the firmament 51:18 In all the lands resounds 51:24 The word Never unperceived, 51:29 ever understood 51:32 Ever, ever, ever understood 51:42 In all the lands resounds 51:49 The word Never unperceived, 51:53 ever understood 51:56 Ever, ever, ever understood 52:03 Ever, ever, 52:15 ever understood 52:19 The Heavens are telling the glory of God 52:25 The wonder of his work 52:31 Displays the firmament 52:39 The wonder of his work 52:44 displays the firmament 52:47 The wonder of his work 52:50 displays the firmament 52:54 The wonder of his work displays the firmament 53:00 The wonder of his work 53:01 displays the firmament 53:03 displays the firmament 53:28 The wonder of his work 53:34 displays the firmament 53:44 The wonder of his work 53:46 Displays the firmament 53:49 Displays the firmament 53:51 Displays the firmament 53:56 The wonder of his work 54:01 Displays the firmament 54:18 Displays the firmament 54:24 Displays the firmament 54:28 Displays the firmament 54:31 Displays the firmament 54:45 Beautiful. 54:46 Thank you, choral let's stand together 54:48 one stanza of this majestic hymn, 54:50 that God will send us out into the world 54:52 with one stanza on the screen 54:55 let's sing together. 55:12 Lead on, O King eternal 55:16 We follow not with fears 55:20 For gladness breaks like morning 55:24 Where'er Thy face appears 55:28 Thy cross is lifted o'er us 55:32 We journey in its light 55:36 The crown awaits the conquest 55:41 Lead on, O God of might 55:50 And now to Him who is able to do immeasurably 55:52 more than all we ask or imagine. 55:56 According to His power that is at work within us, 55:59 to Him be glory in the church 56:02 and in Christ Jesus 56:04 throughout all generations forever and ever, amen. 56:19 I'd like to take a moment here at the end of the service 56:21 to tell you about one of the most important 56:23 groups of people that make this ministry possible. 56:27 They are a team of people, 56:28 they're not afraid to get down into the thick of life itself, 56:32 which is why you're gonna find them, 56:33 you will find them moving forward on their knees. 56:37 They are our prayer partners. 56:38 A group of men and women and young adults 56:42 who believe that this humble television ministry 56:44 has been raised up by God for such a time as this. 56:47 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher, 56:50 that God will use me, that God will use 56:52 the countless other volunteers 56:54 to spread the everlasting gospel and the word of God 56:57 in ways we could never have imagined before. 56:59 They're the ones who are praying 57:01 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people, 57:04 open up the hearts of viewers 57:05 around the world for the message, 57:08 the critical message for this end time generation. 57:12 And what I'd like to do is ask you 57:14 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us, 57:17 a prayer partner with New Perceptions. 57:18 You don't have to call a toll free number. 57:20 You don't have to go online to register. 57:22 All I need to know is that you'd be willing 57:25 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day. 57:31 Pray that somehow through radio and television and the web, 57:34 God will open up new doors, new regions on earth 57:39 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed. 57:41 There is no question, the power of prayer 57:44 has potential to take this ministry to places 57:46 we could never have imagined before. 57:49 So that's it. 57:50 Would you please be willing to partner with me in prayer? 57:54 The times are urgent, the need is critical 57:58 and I hope you'll say, yes. 57:59 Till we're together next time, 58:01 may the prayer answering God accompany you 58:04 every step of the way. |
Revised 2014-12-17