New Perceptions

The Two Word Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP022407

00:33 Philippians 2 tells us about Jesus,
00:37 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
00:41 and gave him the name that is above every name,
00:45 that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow,
00:50 and in heaven and on earth and under the earth
00:53 and every tongue confess
00:54 Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father."
00:59 Sing with us this morning.
01:05 Over all the earth You reign on high
01:10 Every mountain stream every sunset sky
01:15 But my one request, Lord, my only aim
01:21 Is that You'd reign in me again
01:24 Lord, reign in me, reign in Your pow'r
01:29 Over all my dreams in my darkest hour
01:34 You are the Lord of all I am
01:39 So won't You reign in me again
01:53 Over every thought, over every word
01:57 May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord
02:02 'Cause You mean more to me
02:04 Than any earthly thing
02:08 So won't You reign in me again
02:11 Lord, reign in me, reign in Your pow'r
02:16 Over all my dreams in my darkest hour
02:21 You are the Lord of all I am
02:26 So won't You reign in me again
02:30 Lord, reign in me, reign in Your pow'r
02:35 Over all my dreams in my darkest hour
02:40 You are the Lord of all I am
02:45 So won't You reign in me again
03:10 We fall down, we lay our crowns
03:15 At the feet of Jesus
03:21 The greatness of His mercy and love
03:26 At the feet of Jesus
03:31 And we cry holy, holy, holy
03:36 And we cry holy, holy, holy
03:42 And we cry holy, holy, holy
03:47 Is the Lamb
03:54 We fall down, we lay our crowns
03:59 At the feet of Jesus
04:05 The greatness of His mercy and love
04:10 At the feet of Jesus
04:15 And we cry holy, holy, holy
04:21 We cry holy, holy, holy
04:27 We cry holy, holy, holy
04:33 Is the Lamb
05:00 What a beautiful name, amen.
05:04 What a beautiful name is the name of Jesus.
05:07 This name that, when the angels hear it,
05:11 they cover their faces.
05:14 Do we love His name that much? Do you?
05:18 When was the last time that someone spoke that name,
05:21 that we felt like just covering our faces,
05:24 because of its beauty, its holiness, its power.
05:30 Jesus, what a beautiful name.
05:32 Jesus, what a beautiful name
05:40 Son of God, Son of Man
05:45 Lamb that was slain
05:49 Joy and peace, strength and hope
05:54 Grace that blows all fear away
05:59 Jesus, what a beautiful name
06:08 Jesus, what a beautiful name
06:16 Truth revealed, my future sealed
06:21 Healed my pain
06:25 Love and freedom, life and warmth
06:30 Grace that blows all fear away
06:35 Jesus, what a beautiful name
06:43 Jesus, what a beautiful name
06:51 Rescued my soul, my stronghold
06:56 Lifts me from shame
07:00 Forgiveness, security, power and love
07:05 Grace that blows all fear away
07:09 Jesus, what a beautiful name
07:17 Forgiveness, security, power and love
07:22 Grace that blows all fear away
07:27 Jesus, what a beautiful name
07:35 As many of you know, our worship theme
07:38 for this semester is "Mercy came a runnin'".
07:43 Now the Bible says that God's mercy endures forever, amen.
07:49 Well, I have with me today a Dr. Robert Moore,
07:53 the chair of the mathematics department here,
07:55 at our very own Andrews University.
07:58 Good morning.
07:59 And I just want to ask you a few questions, Dr. Moore.
08:04 The Bible says a lot about eternity,
08:07 about things that have no end.
08:10 We call it infinity, I suppose.
08:13 And as we've been studying mercy,
08:17 we notice that it lasts forever.
08:20 But we want to understand
08:21 more about forever, about infinity.
08:23 So how can you help us to understand this concept?
08:28 Well the mathematics of infinity
08:30 is rather complicated,
08:32 but let's try a few illustrations.
08:33 Okay.
08:34 All right, let's start with your salary.
08:36 Okay.
08:37 All right, I suppose you could use a little extra.
08:40 Yes, I could.
08:42 All right, how about if I had double your salary?
08:44 That sounds good.
08:45 Okay.
08:46 And even better yet, how about the next month,
08:49 I double it again?
08:50 Are we taking notes? This sounds good, keep going.
08:54 And the next month, we'll double again.
08:55 Okay. And again.
08:57 So every month it doubles.
08:59 Yes, before long you'll be a wealthy man.
09:01 It's true, it's true.
09:02 You'll have more than I have.
09:04 It's true.
09:06 When will you have an infinite amount of money,
09:09 an infinite salary, by this process?
09:14 I'm guessing never.
09:16 You're right.
09:18 In fact, even though you have a great deal,
09:22 it will always be a finite amount
09:24 and you'll never reach infinity.
09:26 In fact, you'll always be infinitely short
09:29 of having an infinite amount.
09:33 So the closer I get to infinity,
09:36 I'm still short infinity.
09:39 Yeah, you are not really getting close to infinity.
09:41 At all?
09:42 No.
09:43 Okay.
09:45 Let's try a different aspect of infinity.
09:48 Let's illustrate this with some apples.
09:49 Okay. We have a slide already.
09:54 Okay, now there's a basket of apples with--
09:58 Okay.
09:59 13 apples, now that's a finite number.
10:01 Right.
10:02 You like apples, I suppose.
10:03 So I'll offer you one.
10:05 Okay, thank you. Would you like to have one?
10:06 Thank you.
10:07 Okay, how many apples would remain in the basket
10:10 after you took one?
10:12 Well, I'm, it says that we have 12 left.
10:16 Okay.
10:17 That's why we have the chair of the mathematics department.
10:19 You're doing well, Jerry.
10:21 Thank you, I'm trying.
10:22 Do you have any fewer than you had to,
10:26 than we had to start with?
10:27 Yes, of course.
10:28 That's right, and if we share the apples
10:30 with other people here.
10:31 They will be gone quickly.
10:32 That's right. All gone.
10:35 Let's imagine a bigger basket of apples.
10:37 Okay.
10:38 I mean, a really large basket of apples.
10:41 Infinitely large.
10:43 Okay.
10:44 Next slide, next slide.
10:47 That's a lot of apples.
10:48 Doesn't even fit on the screen.
10:49 That's good, that's more than
10:51 we can produce here in Michigan.
10:53 Yes, now I offer you an apple from that basket.
10:56 Okay, all right.
10:57 How many apples remain in the basket?
11:01 I'm guessing the answer is not one less than infinity.
11:05 You're right. It's not.
11:07 Okay.
11:08 What do you think the answer might be?
11:11 Well if I take another peek,
11:14 I see that the answer is still infinity.
11:17 In fact, you'll have just as many apples left
11:21 as you started with.
11:24 What if I, now see I can, I can see this is easy,
11:26 if I just take one out because if you took one out,
11:29 I'd still say there was the same number
11:31 because I can't tell by looking at it.
11:33 But what if, what's the largest number
11:35 that we know, besides infinity?
11:39 Is it a million, billion, trillion.
11:41 A googolplex.
11:42 Googolplex.
11:43 Well, what if I subtract a googolplex
11:46 of apples from this basket?
11:48 There will still be just as many apples
11:50 in the basket as we started with.
11:53 All right.
11:54 Now I know that's hard to explain
11:56 but let me illustrate it with a number line.
11:59 Let's look at the next slide here.
12:01 And we have two rows of numbers
12:04 and the three dots mean the numbers,
12:07 you know, the lists go on forever and ever.
12:09 Forever, an endless line of numbers.
12:11 Okay, now would you say that there is the same number
12:14 of numbers in each of these lists?
12:15 I would.
12:16 Yeah, okay, so the one matches
12:18 with the one, the two with the two,
12:20 and so on all the way down the line.
12:21 Okay.
12:22 All right, now take away the one from the lower list.
12:26 Okay.
12:28 Now how many numbers are in the lower list?
12:32 More or less or the same as the first list?
12:36 Well, it looks like there is one less
12:38 but I'm guessing I'm wrong.
12:40 Now in mathematics when we want to count
12:43 an infinite number of things,
12:44 we don't actually count them, we try to pair them off.
12:49 So let's pair the one in the upper list
12:51 with the two in the lower list.
12:52 The two in the upper list
12:54 with the three in the lower list
12:55 and so on down the line.
12:57 Does every number in the upper list have a partner?
13:00 If we keep going, yes.
13:02 Does every number in the lower list have a partner?
13:05 Yes.
13:06 Now if we can pair them off one for one, wouldn't you say
13:10 there is the same number in each list?
13:13 Yes.
13:15 Very good.
13:17 I'm learning.
13:19 You are.
13:20 Yes, the mathematics of infinity is strange, okay.
13:27 This reminds me of when Jesus told the disciples
13:30 you should forgive your neighbor seventy times seven.
13:35 That's a lot. It is.
13:37 And I think He just meant don't try to keep count.
13:39 Okay.
13:41 But I think He was also trying to hint
13:43 at the infinite forgiveness and mercy of God.
13:47 Amen.
13:48 Let's illustrate this with some church pews.
13:51 Okay.
13:53 Okay, so here we have a pew filled with people.
13:57 No arms.
14:01 It's like a full of people.
14:02 They have heads and they're thinking.
14:04 That's enough.
14:08 Okay, now that church pew is full.
14:12 Yes, it's full.
14:13 And if another person comes along,
14:15 we might try to make room,
14:16 we say everybody scoot down one to make room
14:18 but the person on the end of the pew
14:20 is going to get bumped off the end and that's no good.
14:23 It's true, I see that happening here sometimes.
14:25 Okay, so let's try a longer pew.
14:28 Okay, how long?
14:30 You guess.
14:31 Infinitely long.
14:32 Very good.
14:33 Okay.
14:35 Okay, so now that pew is filled with people
14:39 and you might think there's no room.
14:41 Another person comes along, needs a place, no problem.
14:45 Now we have everybody move over one
14:48 and since the pew is infinitely long,
14:51 we can do that.
14:52 They can do that.
14:53 Everybody moves over one and now there is a room
14:56 at the beginning of the pew for this new person.
14:58 So what you are telling me
14:59 is that if this infinite pew is full of people,
15:05 it's not really, or is it full?
15:13 Well, it's kind of both.
15:15 But we can always make more room.
15:17 Okay, I guess that's the most important thing, isn't it?
15:19 Yes.
15:20 When we were talking,
15:21 I was reminded of a song that we like to sing.
15:26 The song, one of the most popular hymns, amazing grace.
15:30 Amazing grace, that's right, the last stanza.
15:33 Does everyone know that? Let's say it together.
15:37 When we've been there, ten thousand years,
15:41 Bright shining as the sun,
15:44 we've no less days to sing God's praise,
15:49 than when we'd first begun.
15:53 And the same is true with God's mercy.
15:56 So 10,000 years in heaven doesn't make a dent?
16:00 No, you still have just as much time left to praise God.
16:03 Amen.
16:05 Now what does all of this talk about infinity,
16:08 the mathematics of infinity?
16:10 What is it tell us about God's mercy.
16:13 You cannot ever use up God's mercy.
16:16 There's always room for God to forgive me one more time.
16:21 There is always God to forgive your neighbor,
16:23 my neighbor one more time.
16:25 We can't use it up.
16:27 So when I feel like I have used it up, what then?
16:31 You just walk up to that pew
16:32 and ask everybody to scoot over.
16:34 Amen. Amen.
16:37 Psalm 136, "Give praise to the Lord for He is good."
16:43 "His mercy endures forever."
16:46 "Give thanks to the God of Gods His mercy endures forever."
16:52 'Gives thanks to the Lord of Lords."
16:55 Say it with me. "His mercy endures forever."
17:03 Thank you Professor Bob,
17:05 for those reminders,
17:11 how mysterious is this infinite mercy, wow.
17:15 Always room for one more sinner, always room.
17:20 And if that one more sinner is here today,
17:23 I want to assure you that
17:24 by the time this service is over,
17:27 there will be room in that pew for you.
17:31 You'll be listening.
17:32 Mercy has a message for you today.
17:38 That's great.
17:43 Oh, God, the mystery, the infinity of mercy.
17:50 How could we ever possibly wrap
17:55 our finite minds around so great a truth?
17:59 We're trying Father, we're trying hard this season.
18:02 We're coming back to mercy, over and over again
18:06 and mercy keeps running after us.
18:10 Today, with mercy's teaching,
18:14 today, remind us that there is always room
18:21 for one more sinner on Your pew,
18:27 in Christ Jesus' name,
18:31 we pray, amen.
18:38 I'm gonna show you a picture, in just a moment,
18:41 of somebody, I'm gonna ask you
18:44 if you can recognize who this somebody is.
18:48 It has been reputed all right, this is the little hint.
18:51 It has been reputed, reportedly,
18:56 this somebody once owned the estate
19:03 at the end of Kephart Lane here
19:06 in Berrien Springs, Michigan, all right.
19:09 Now you old timers are saying, oh, yeah, I know, all right.
19:13 So let's take a look at this somebody,
19:15 reputedly once in our town
19:18 and lets see if we recognize him.
19:20 Recognize him? Oh, come on.
19:26 The notorious 1920s and 1930s
19:30 mob gangster name Alphonse Capone.
19:36 "Chicago Tribune" just a few days ago
19:38 ran a piece on Al Capone.
19:41 Included in it were these un-enviable highlights
19:44 from his police rap sheet.
19:47 Can we run a few these by you?
19:49 Born Alphonse Capone January 17, 1899, Brooklyn, New York.
19:54 At the age of 14 he quits school
19:55 to join the notorious five points gang in Manhattan.
19:58 While working as a bouncer and a bartender
20:01 at the seedy Little Harvard Inn in Brooklyn,
20:03 he got into a fight with one of the patrons,
20:06 scared up his face
20:07 and hence his nickname, Scar face.
20:10 In 1919, the New York gang war heated up
20:13 and Capone moved to the windy city
20:15 and he became one of our own, Chicago.
20:18 Capone went to work for the crime boss John Torrio,
20:21 by 1922 Capone had risen to the number two position
20:25 in the mob in Chicago.
20:26 When Torrio left town in 1925, Capone took over,
20:31 controlling the speakeasies, the bookie joints,
20:33 the gambling houses, the brothels,
20:34 the race tracks, the distilleries,
20:36 remember that's during the prohibition
20:37 when they were bootlegging alcohol
20:39 and other businesses, he ran them all.
20:42 February 14, 1929, Capone reportedly ordered
20:47 the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre,
20:50 you've heard of that.
20:52 Six members of the rival Bugs Moran's mob were gunned down.
20:55 Capone said, I didn't do it, his alibi,
20:56 he was in Florida, and he really was.
20:59 By 1930, at the peak of his power,
21:02 Al Capone was declared
21:03 Chicago's public enemy number one.
21:07 Ended up on Time magazine,
21:08 in 1931, Capone indicted for income tax evasion,
21:11 the jury found him not guilty on 18 of the 23 charges.
21:15 He was sentenced to 10 years
21:16 in Federal penitentiary first in Atlanta,
21:18 you've heard of this place Alcatraz?
21:20 There he went.
21:21 He was released in November 16, 1939,
21:24 returned home to Palm Island in Florida.
21:27 Capone's heath rapidly deteriorated.
21:30 He suffered from a syphilis related complication,
21:34 probably contracted syphilis while he was young.
21:37 He died a powerless recluse on January 25, 1947,
21:41 at home in bed and he is buried
21:42 in the Mount Carmel Catholic cemetery,
21:44 in west of Bremen, Illinois, Chicago.
21:49 You're saying, please pastor,
21:51 all this fuss about Al Capone, what's up?
21:54 I'll tell you what's up, that's his grave stone.
21:56 Thanks to my friend Bob Little,
21:58 I have a picture of his grave stone
21:59 and I want you to see it,
22:01 we'll put it on the screen for you right now.
22:03 There it is.
22:05 Alphonse Capone, 1899-1947,
22:10 and then this prayer, my Jesus, mercy.
22:17 Quite a prayer to pray,
22:18 I mean, you think about it, my Jesus, mercy.
22:20 When you're a public enemy number one,
22:22 bootlegging, gun toting, scar face,
22:23 syphilis infected, mobster,
22:25 wouldn't you say that's the prayer to pray.
22:27 My Jesus, mercy, I mean, come on.
22:29 You don't suppose God would dare to have mercy
22:32 on such a reprobate sinner, as Al Capone, do you?
22:37 Open your Bible please with me,
22:40 to Al Capone's two word prayer.
22:45 Four times in one gospel,
22:50 this two word prayer, that Al Capone prayed.
22:55 And every time that it's prayed,
22:57 every time it is prayed,
22:58 mercy comes a running, hallelujah.
23:01 Which, by the way, if I might move to the punch line
23:03 rather early in the teaching,
23:06 ought to be reason enough for you and me to earnestly
23:10 latch onto this prayer
23:11 and pray it for the rest of our lives.
23:13 Two word prayer.
23:14 Four stories, two words, one prayer,
23:17 we're gonna look for it.
23:18 In this particular teaching series,
23:19 we're only in one book so we'll go to that one book,
23:21 it's a book of Matthew,
23:22 that's our theme book for this series
23:24 "When mercy came a runnin'"
23:26 Open you Bible please, to the gospel of Matthew.
23:29 Four stories, we're looking for a two word prayer,
23:33 just one prayer.
23:34 First story, Matthew 9.
23:37 By the way if you dint bring a Bible,
23:38 grab the Bible right in front of you in the pew rack.
23:40 We're gonna read these in rapid fire succession.
23:42 Four stories, you got to read
23:43 the stories for yourself, grab the Bible.
23:45 Pew Bible page number would be 655.
23:49 And this is Matthew 9, so I'm finding it with you,
23:52 New King James version, which I'll be reading from.
23:56 Those of you watching on television
23:57 that's what you'll be reading on the screen
23:59 and that's our pew Bible as it turns out.
24:01 Matthew 9, lets drop down to verse 27.
24:04 "When Jesus departed from there,
24:05 two blind men followed Him, crying out."
24:08 By the way isn't that something,
24:09 you can be blind and follow Jesus.
24:12 Isn't that great?
24:13 You can be blind and follow Jesus.
24:17 You can follow Jesus and still be blind by the way.
24:22 Either way, you look at it, it's good news.
24:25 "When Jesus departed from there,
24:26 two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying,
24:28 'Son of David, have mercy on us!'
24:32 And when He had come into the house
24:33 the blind men came to Him, Jesus, and Jesus said to them,
24:35 'hey, do you believe I am able to do this?'
24:39 they said to Him, yes sir, we believe."
24:43 Verse 29, "Then he touched their eyes, saying,
24:47 'According to your faith, let it be to you.'
24:51 And their eyes were opened." Whose face did they see first?
24:57 Now that's a good a way to begin everyday, isn't it?
24:59 The first face you see everyday,
25:01 that would be the face of Jesus.
25:03 First face they see, and its Jesus.
25:05 "And their eyes were opened, and Jesus sternly warned them."
25:07 Jesus was not a masochist, he was not looking for trouble.
25:10 He said I am trying to stay out of trouble,
25:11 don't tell anybody what I've done to you,
25:13 I don't want a premature death.
25:15 So Jesus sternly warns them in, what verse is this?
25:19 He sternly warns them in verse 30,
25:21 "See that no one knows it."
25:22 Verse 31, "But when they had departed,
25:24 they spread the news about Him in all that country."
25:27 You know why?
25:28 Because when mercy is just come run into you, you can't help
25:30 but go running with the good news.
25:33 That's the mystery of mercy.
25:35 Once you have it, you got to share.
25:39 Okay, story number two.
25:41 Two word prayer, story number two,
25:42 just turn the page over to chapter 15.
25:45 Chapter 15, few pages over,
25:48 Matthew 15, drop down to verse 21.
25:51 What's the two word prayer?
25:52 We're trying to find this two word prayer,
25:53 see if you can spot it.
25:54 Matthew 15:21, "Then Jesus went out from there
25:58 and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
26:00 And Behold, a woman of Canaan."
26:02 Let me tell you something,
26:03 that woman is a pagan, she is raw.
26:06 She is not of the saved,
26:08 she is not of the community of faith,
26:09 she is a pagan and a godless pagan.
26:14 "And behold, a woman of Canaan verse 22.
26:16 Came from that region and cried out to Him saying,
26:21 'Have mercy on me, O Lord, son of David!
26:24 My daughter is severely demon-possessed.'"
26:27 But Jesus does something totally uncharacteristic
26:30 of the compassionate nature
26:31 you and I have come to know Him as,
26:34 and He answered her, verse 23.
26:36 "But He answered her not a word."
26:39 To the place-- because in the Greek,
26:42 in the Greek, the tense of the Greek verb here
26:45 indicates it wasn't just one time
26:46 she said have mercy.
26:47 She's saying O Lord, have mercy,
26:49 son of David have mercy,
26:50 it's repetitious, over and over.
26:52 Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy.
26:53 And she is driving the guys crazy
26:55 and finally the disciples come to Jesus
26:57 and they said, well what's up with this?
26:58 Please do something.
27:00 And that's what they're saying here in the verse 23,
27:01 "His disciples came and urged Him, saying,
27:03 'Send her away, for she cries out after us.'
27:09 But He answered and said,
27:11 'I was not sent except to the lost sheep
27:14 of the house of Israel.'"
27:16 Is He talking about the disciples?
27:18 Or He is talking about her?
27:22 A mystery, we don't know.
27:26 "And then she came and worshiped."
27:29 Now the Greek is clear that
27:30 in order to do this verb "worship"
27:32 she has to go on her hands and knees.
27:35 "And she came on her hands and knees
27:37 and worshiped Him, saying, 'Lord, help me!'
27:42 But He answered and said, Hey, look.
27:44 'It is not good to take the children's bread
27:45 and throw it to the little dogs.'
27:51 And she said, 'Yes, Lord,
27:53 yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs
27:55 which fall from their masters' table,
27:57 have mercy on me, a dog, Lord, give me something.'"
28:02 And Jesus, I'm sure tears of joy
28:05 just welled up in His eye and He,
28:07 you know His vision goes blur,
28:09 He is looking into this pagan's face
28:11 and "He says 'O woman, great is your faith!
28:16 Let it be to you as you desire.'
28:18 And her daughter was healed from that very hour."
28:23 Story number three of that two word prayer,
28:26 turn to one more page again, to Matthew 17.
28:30 Four stories, in rapid fire succession.
28:32 Drop down to verse 14.
28:34 Matthew 17:14
28:36 "And when they had come to the multitude,
28:37 a man came to Him, kneeling down."
28:40 Have you noticed the posture? Have you noticed the posture?
28:44 She goes down on her hands and knees,
28:45 he goes down on his hands and knees,
28:47 a man comes to Him, you know why?
28:49 Because they're both parents,
28:50 and that is the posture of most parents
28:53 who go to Jesus about their children.
28:56 Hands and knees.
28:58 He's a dad now, we just saw a mom,
29:00 watch the dad.
29:02 "And when they had come to the multitude,
29:03 a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him
29:05 and saying, 'Lord, have mercy on my son,
29:09 for he is an epileptic and suffers severely
29:11 for he often falls into the fire
29:13 and often into the water.
29:15 So I brought him to Your disciples,
29:17 but they could not cure him.'"
29:19 Now I want you to catch a little bit
29:20 of the desperation, much more dramatic
29:23 that desperation in the gospel of St. Mark
29:25 and so hold your finger right here
29:26 because we have one more story in Matthew,
29:27 but just go over to Mark 9.
29:29 We'll let Mark finish the story
29:30 because we want to sense the pathos,
29:34 the psyche of this desperate father.
29:36 So we go over to Mark 9
29:38 and in the pew Bible that would be page 680.
29:41 Take a look at this,
29:42 keep your finger right where it was in Matthew.
29:44 Verse 20, so Mark, we'll pick up Mark's story right
29:46 where we left it off in Matthew's story.
29:48 Verse 20, "And then they brought him,
29:49 the boy to Him, Jesus.
29:52 And when he, the boy saw Him,
29:54 Jesus, immediately the spirit convulsed him,
29:58 and he fell on the ground and wallowed,
30:00 foaming at the mouth.
30:02 So Jesus asked the father,
30:04 'how long has this been happening to your boy?'"
30:06 Sounds like a doctor, physical examination, isn't it?
30:09 How long has this been going on?
30:12 And immediately the father says from childhood,
30:14 verse 22, and father goes on,
30:16 "'And often he, the spirit has thrown him,
30:18 my boy both into the fire and into the water to destroy
30:21 but, look, look, if You can do anything,
30:24 if you can do anything, you, you can do anything
30:29 have compassion on us and help us.'
30:32 And Jesus said, 'what you are talking about, if me? If you,'"
30:38 and quotes him right back.
30:40 "'If you can believe,
30:43 all things are possible to him who believes.'
30:44 And immediately that father of the child cried out
30:48 and said with tears."
30:49 I want you to mark that word tears.
30:51 How many of you have parents? Should be most of us.
30:57 Do you know what tears are?
31:00 They are the pathology of parental desperation.
31:04 Tears are the very nature of parental desperation.
31:07 You got a momma at home, you got a papa at home?
31:10 Let me tell you something,
31:11 I don't even have to ask them, they know.
31:14 They know the meaning of tears.
31:18 The mother cries, the daddy cries.
31:22 I've seen dad's cry, that's not a pretty sight,
31:25 it's bad, it's bad when a man cries.
31:29 It's good for him to cry, just doesn't look good.
31:35 And papa burst in the tears.
31:36 This is so, this is so touching,
31:38 "Immediately the father of the child cried out
31:40 and said with tears,
31:42 'Lord, I believe, You got to help my unbelief! Please.'
31:47 And when Jesus saw
31:48 that the people came running together."
31:49 I am not gonna make a show out of this Jesus said,
31:51 let's quick, let's get to action.
31:53 Jesus, what is this?
31:54 Verse 25, "Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,
31:56 saying to it 'Deaf and dumb spirit,
31:58 I command you, come out of him and enter him no more!'
32:00 Then the spirit cried out,
32:02 convulsing the boy greatly, and came out of him.
32:04 And the boy became as one dead,
32:05 so that those standing by said, 'He is dead.'"
32:08 Too late.
32:12 "But Jesus, mercy took him by the hand
32:16 and lifted him up, and he arose."
32:20 Story number four of the two word prayer,
32:23 go back to Matthew, Matthew last story,
32:24 Matthew 20, Matthew 20.
32:28 Four stories in one gospel, two words, one prayer.
32:34 Matthew 20, drop down to verse 29.
32:37 "And now, as they went out of Jericho,
32:40 a great multitude followed Him,"
32:42 that would be Jesus.
32:43 "And behold, two blind men sitting by the road."
32:45 Hey, wait a minute, are these the same two blind men
32:47 that were in that first story?
32:49 Impossible, of course it can't be the same blind men,
32:50 those guys see now.
32:52 These are two more blind men. You know what the deal is?
32:55 The blind beggars traveled in pairs,
32:59 so that when one goes down,
33:01 the other can stumble in that darkness
33:03 to raise the first one back onto his feet.
33:07 It's a classic case of the blind leading the blind.
33:11 And it's a paradigm a life around here, isn't it?
33:16 So they traveled in two's.
33:18 "And behold, two blind men sitting by the road,
33:20 when they heard Jesus was passing by, cried out"
33:23 There is that cry again.
33:24 "Cried out, saying, 'Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!'"
33:28 Now in the story of the mother,
33:31 the Greek tense indicates she's just saying it
33:32 over and over and over again,
33:34 but in this story the Greek tense is absolutely clear,
33:37 they get it out only once.
33:38 You know why?
33:39 Because as soon as they cry out that two word prayer,
33:43 the grumbling crowd has a two word response, shut up.
33:51 "Then the multitude," verse 31, "warned them
33:53 that they should be quiet."
33:54 Hush your mouth.
33:59 "But they cried out," I love this.
34:00 "But they cried out all the more,
34:03 over the noise of the crowd,
34:05 saying, 'Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!'"
34:07 So Jesus above the cacophony of that rabble,
34:10 Jesus hears the cry.
34:14 "And He stood still and He called them,
34:18 and He said, 'What do you want Me to do for you?'
34:20 And they said to Him, 'Lord, that our eyes may be opened.'
34:24 So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes.
34:27 And immediately their eyes received sight,
34:30 and they followed Him."
34:34 There they are ladies and gentlemen,
34:35 four stories, two words, one prayer.
34:41 Have you figured out, what the two word, one prayer is?
34:46 The prayer that Al Capone prayed on his grave stone.
34:50 I wish you would write it down,
34:51 so that you'll never forget this prayer again.
34:53 I need to write it down,
34:54 so that we might earnestly embrace this prayer
34:56 for the rest of our lives.
34:57 Write it down, right now the two word prayer.
34:59 Take your study guide out.
35:01 You got a study guide in your worship bulletin
35:02 grab it right now, please.
35:03 Ushers, thank you, for making sure
35:05 that everybody here gets one,
35:06 hold your hand up if you don't have a study guide.
35:08 Way in the balcony, up here, front,
35:10 doesn't matter, just, they are coming in both directions,
35:12 so just hold your hand up.
35:13 And we will make sure you'll get it.
35:14 And while they are doing that,
35:15 I want to say to those of you watching right now,
35:17 if you go to our website,
35:18 let me put it on the screen for you.
35:19 There it is,,
35:23 that's our website Pioneer Memorial Church,
35:27 Go to our, our new series called "Mercy came a runnin'"
35:30 And when you go to that series
35:32 you want to click on to this teaching,
35:33 this is called "The two word prayer."
35:36 You'll see right there, the word study guide.
35:39 Click onto that word study guide
35:41 and you'll have the same study,
35:42 the same study guide we have right here.
35:46 I give you a second to do that, those of you watching.
35:49 If you're on a DVD right now just hit that pause get it
35:51 and pick right up with us, please.
35:54 All right, right there at the top of the study guide,
35:55 jot it down please.
35:56 Al Capone, the prayer of Al Capone, "My Jesus Mercy."
36:03 Write it down. Four stories, two words, one prayer.
36:07 What is that one prayer?
36:09 Say it out loud with me, "Have mercy."
36:11 Have mercy, would you please write that down.
36:14 My Jesus, have mercy.
36:16 You know what mercy is, don't you?
36:17 You know what you're saying, when you say have mercy,
36:19 you're saying, you're saying hey look,
36:20 don't give me what I deserve,
36:23 give me what I desperately need.
36:26 Don't give me what I deserve.
36:28 I know what I deserve, I don't need another voice telling me,
36:31 everybody is telling me.
36:33 I'm asking for what I don't deserve,
36:36 that's mercy, that's what I need.
36:40 Question is, when in life should we pray this prayer?
36:43 When in life? Okay, let's go back to the fourth story.
36:46 Boom, boom, boom.
36:47 We're not gonna look 'em up now,
36:48 because you already know the story,
36:49 story number one tells us the answer.
36:50 When in life should I pray this prayer?
36:52 When you cannot behold. That's one word, fill it in please.
36:55 When you cannot see, when you cannot behold,
36:58 that's when you pray the prayer, have mercy.
37:01 You know, it's like driving, don't you just love winter?
37:04 I mean, you're driving on a highway,
37:05 it's two lane highway, and an 18 wheeler is in front of you.
37:08 Doesn't that just bug you
37:09 because one half of those 18 wheels,
37:11 9, 9 of those tires are hitting every mucky, brown puddle
37:16 between here and your destination.
37:17 And when they hit that muck where does it end up?
37:22 Splattered all over you.
37:24 All over the windshield or as our friends in England
37:26 would say all over the windscreen.
37:30 Pray the prayer.
37:33 When personal guilt and sin have morally blinded you,
37:37 you cannot even behold, the Lamb of God
37:39 who takes away the sin of the world,
37:41 that's the time to cry out,
37:42 Lord, you got to have mercy on me.
37:44 Have mercy on me. I can't see.
37:48 I love this line, it describes the face
37:51 that the two blind men saw,
37:52 the very first vision they saw when their eyes were opened.
37:55 And this line is in your study guide.
37:56 Isn't this great? Never, you see that word?
37:59 I wish you would circle the word 'never'.
38:01 Never, circle that word never.
38:04 "Never does that kindly face and that arm of strength..."
38:08 he's speaking of Jesus,
38:09 "turn from the supplicating hands
38:11 that are stretched out for mercy.'
38:15 Isn't that great? Never.
38:16 You want one prayer that God will always answer.
38:18 Do you want a prayer that God will always answer?
38:20 It's the prayer for mercy. Always.
38:24 You want mercy. I have mercy on you, boy.
38:28 I have mercy on you, girl. Never, never will He turn away.
38:35 My Jesus, have mercy.
38:37 And by the way, in Matthew, in between these stories
38:40 there's a story about Peter walking on the water,
38:41 remember Peter in a stormy night,
38:43 he's walking on water, he says, Jesus, called me,
38:44 and so Jesus says come on, boy,
38:46 and Peter gets out, middle of the night, remember that?
38:48 And then he takes his eyes off of Jesus
38:50 and what happens to him?
38:51 Refresh my memory, what happens to him?
38:53 He thinks he is going down to Davy Jones locker, all right.
38:56 And he cries out a two word prayer,
38:57 you know what that two-word prayer was?
38:59 Lord, save me.
39:01 I want to tell you something guys,
39:02 if you ever forget the words, have mercy,
39:04 you can know that their synonym prayer is save me.
39:07 Same prayer, have mercy, save me, save me.
39:14 So that's the two word prayer to pray.
39:16 When should I pray this two word prayer?
39:17 When you cannot behold story number two,
39:20 when you cannot be helped.
39:23 Write that in as well.
39:24 Pray the prayer, when you cannot be helped.
39:28 You've turned your help from, to everyone you can think of,
39:30 your physiatrist, your counselors,
39:31 your doctors, the bank, the church,
39:33 but that which is dear to you is slipping away
39:35 and there is no one left to whom you can turn.
39:39 That's the time to pray this prayer.
39:40 Have mercy on me, Son of David, have mercy.
39:44 Because truth be known, hey look,
39:46 truth is, we know this, don't we?
39:49 Like that Syrophoenician mother
39:51 it may sometimes appear that your pleading and sobbing
39:55 are falling on even deaf ears up there.
39:58 Come on, I know, you know that.
40:00 They are times when it seems nobody will hear,
40:03 not even God Himself.
40:04 But you know what, guys, lets take a, lets take a page
40:07 out of this desperate mother's play book.
40:10 And like the Greek tense indicates
40:12 lets just keep repeating the prayer and
40:33 To be walking by.
40:35 Surely, He will be accosted by your desperation.
40:39 My sobbing, surely He will stop and stoop,
40:41 where we've thrown ourselves to block His path.
40:44 Surely He will stop and have mercy.
40:47 So you pray that prayer and you can't be helped.
40:54 Philip Yancey, oh, boy this,
40:56 I wish I could get this book for you.
40:58 It says, provocative brand new book, Philip Yancey's new book,
41:02 "Prayer, Does it Make Any Difference."
41:05 We're brooding over this book
41:06 and how's the prayer, by the way, on Wednesday night?
41:08 Love to have you come and join us.
41:10 It is just very provocative,
41:11 the answer is totally transparent
41:13 as he struggles with the reality of prayer
41:14 and which of us hasn't struggled with prayer?
41:17 But the answer is, he's dealing with prayer
41:19 and he's recalling that story
41:21 where Abraham, with the mental stranger.
41:23 You remember the, remember the stranger that showed up
41:26 outside of his tent one day and he gave him,
41:28 you know, he gave that meal.
41:29 And then the other two leave
41:30 and so it's just Abraham alone with that mental stranger
41:33 and the mental stranger says, I'm going down to Sodom,
41:35 to figure out what I'm gonna do with this city.
41:37 And Abraham realizes his nephew, his one boy, is there
41:41 and so Abraham begins to barter with God,
41:43 you remember that story?
41:44 He said okay God, look, look, look.
41:46 I know this is very important what's happened down at Sodom,
41:48 if there are 50 people there,
41:50 would you save the city if there are 50?
41:51 And God looks,
41:52 the mental stranger looks out of those shadows
41:54 into the face of this man who's bartering with him.
41:56 He says, I'll give you Sodom for 50.
41:59 There Abraham realizes, man, that was easy,
42:02 let me go down five.
42:03 He says, how about if there are 45?
42:05 Will you save him for 45?
42:07 And the mental stranger looks back,
42:08 he says, I will give it to you for 45.
42:09 And Abraham says well, I am really dumb,
42:12 let me ask you one more time. How about for 40?
42:15 And just like that the mental stranger says,
42:16 you can have it for 40 and suddenly Abraham realizes,
42:19 he is winning in this bartering
42:20 and so instead of an increment of five,
42:22 he now jumps to increments of 10.
42:24 I'm dropping it down to 30, would you save Sodom for 30?
42:26 I will save it for 30.
42:28 I will save it for 30. Would save it 20?
42:29 I'll save it for 20?
42:30 Oh, God don't strike me dead, please, I'm just ashes,
42:33 but would you save it for 10?
42:37 And the mental stranger looks straight into his face
42:38 and he says I will save it for 10.
42:41 And there's this pause and Yancey wonders,
42:45 could it be the mental stranger saying,
42:48 you want to go any lower?
42:51 You want to go any lower?
42:54 What if Abraham had gone down to one?
42:57 I got a boy.
43:00 So now Yancey's writing,
43:02 it's in your study guide, this is great.
43:03 Watch, look.
43:04 "Was God, so quick to concede each point,
43:06 actually looking for an advocate,
43:08 a human being bold enough to express
43:10 God's own deepest instinct of mercy?"
43:13 I wish you'd just circle that,
43:14 God's deepest instinct of mercy.
43:17 Yancey goes on.
43:18 "God invites argument and struggle
43:19 from you and me, and often yields,
43:22 especially when the point of contention is God's mercy."
43:26 Hold on, he is quoting this,
43:28 somebody named Archbishop Trench,
43:30 "Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance." I like this.
43:34 "Prayer is laying hold of God's highest willingness."
43:38 And they agree.
43:39 Yes, you have to talk me into it.
43:41 I already am mercy.
43:44 I want to do what you're asking.
43:47 Ask me, have mercy. Have mercy, wow.
43:52 So a desperate mother, kept on pleading,
43:55 have mercy on me, Son of David, you got to have mercy.
43:57 And finally tears in His eyes,
43:59 He says, woman great is your faith,
44:00 I have mercy on you, go, it's okay, you win.
44:05 Mercy comes a runnin', you win.
44:10 So when do you pray this prayer?
44:13 You pray this prayer, when you can't be behold.
44:17 You pray this prayer, when you can't be helped.
44:20 And story number three,
44:21 you pray this prayer when you can't believe.
44:24 Write it down, you can't believe.
44:28 Living in this academic environment as we do,
44:30 we must be honest and confess
44:32 that at times it is hard to believe,
44:34 hard to know what to believe, at times.
44:36 Hard to know how to believe, at times.
44:38 I received a card from one of our viewers
44:41 out on the west coast just this last week.
44:45 It read and asked for a book,
44:48 little book, "Built to Last" so we send him the book,
44:50 I got the card back.
44:52 Skip the first couple of paragraphs,
44:53 "Pastor Nelson, although I believe in a higher power,
44:59 I am still an angry agnostic
45:01 due to the horrible life of my..."
45:04 and then he describes a loved one of his
45:06 and what that loved one has had to endure.
45:09 "Consequently, I am continually looking for answers."
45:16 He signs his name.
45:19 The third story is about a father who says,
45:21 you know what, I don't believe.
45:25 I believe, but you got to help my un-belief.
45:27 Don't you suppose ladies and gentlemen,
45:28 that God actually responds to such transparency,
45:34 don't you think it just moves the heart of God
45:36 when you're honest with me.
45:38 The problem is when you and I pray,
45:39 we're never honest with God, that's the problem.
45:41 We always think we got to come to God
45:43 as the way we think God wants us to be when we come to Him
45:46 and so we put on the charade
45:47 and God says, who are you fooling?
45:50 C.S. Lewis, you have this in your study guide.
45:52 This is so great.
45:53 C.S. Lewis, he says "The prayer preceding all prayers is this,
45:57 'May it be the real I who speaks."
46:01 No games God, no games.
46:03 "May it be the real I who speaks
46:05 and may it be the real Thou that I speak to."
46:10 I talk to the real God, not this caricature.
46:13 I make a caricature of me, I make a caricature of Him
46:17 and we had these little caricatures
46:19 going through this play acting.
46:21 No, Yancey commenting on that prayer,
46:23 look at this, you got it in your study guide.
46:24 "Prayer invites me to lower defenses
46:27 and present the self that no other person fully knows
46:30 to a God who already knows."
46:34 You don't have to play with Him.
46:36 To play game with Him, He knows who you are.
46:39 He knows what you're like.
46:41 Be honest, come to mercy.
46:44 Like that father, O, I believe, I believe,
46:47 but help my un-belief.
46:50 God says, bring it to me, come as you are.
46:55 And I couldn't go to mercy, mercy came in runnin' to me.
47:04 Two word prayer,
47:06 showed you the mercy of God is for universities like us.
47:10 Two word prayer. You pray this prayer when you cannot behold.
47:14 You pray this prayer when you cannot be helped.
47:17 You pray this prayer when you cannot believe.
47:20 And you pray this prayer when you cannot be heard.
47:23 Write it down. That's our fourth story.
47:28 When you cannot be heard.
47:32 I didn't know her.
47:34 I don't imagine you did either.
47:39 But I, I want to tell you something, just be honest here.
47:41 I have felt such a sense of sadness,
47:45 over the tragic death and even more tragic life
47:49 of Anna Nicole Smith.
47:55 Newsweek magazine carried a story on her
47:57 and they showed a picture of her when she is in Texas
47:59 as a young mother and wife and I tell you what
48:01 she is just a garden variety woman next door.
48:04 She is just... That's all she was.
48:08 An average, commoner woman.
48:10 But who becomes driven by a fiend,
48:15 hungry for acceptance, hungry for live,
48:18 hungry for popularity, fame and fortune, give me that.
48:25 Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.
48:32 Anna Nicole Smith became a third millennial embodiment
48:35 of ecclesiastic's forlorn obituary.
48:41 There she is,
48:42 that's what the book of Ecclesiastics is all about.
48:47 Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
48:49 Did any of the men, who now claim paternity rights
48:53 to her surviving baby, that surviving baby daughter.
48:58 A baby crying. For somebody to say, I am your daddy.
49:15 Did any of the men, you think about this guys,
49:17 I mean this, you just can't believe,
49:19 this soap opera is just a circus.
49:22 Did any of the men who now claim paternity rights
49:24 to her surviving baby daughter,
49:27 ever get close enough to Anna Nicole Smith
49:29 to satisfy her pleading for love?
49:31 Did they know what she was hungry for?
49:33 It was not sex, it was love. Somebody love me.
49:42 And so she screaming,
49:45 but the paparazzi and the noisy crowd that ever dogged her,
49:50 spiked heels, drowned out her sobs for mercy.
49:56 Could that be it?
49:58 But then doesn't that fourth story tell us there is someone
50:01 who can hear above the cacophony of the crowd.
50:05 The whispered prayer, for mercy.
50:14 My Jesus mercy,
50:15 prays the grave stone of Al Capone,
50:17 could it be the contested body still in the morgue
50:20 of Anna Nicole Smith prays the same today.
50:27 Could it be that in the words of Frederick Faber?
50:31 "There is wideness in God's mercy,
50:34 like the wideness of the sea.
50:38 There is a kindness in God's justice,
50:43 which is more than liberty."
50:45 Could it be true
50:48 in that second stanza of his that the love of God
50:50 is broader than the measure of man's mind
50:53 and the heart of the eternal?
50:55 The infinite, the heart of the eternal.
51:00 He's most wonderfully kind.
51:03 Could it be?
51:04 There is room in the pew for one more, Anna Nicole.
51:14 There is welcome for the sinner and more graces for the good,
51:17 there is mercy with the savior, there is healing in His blood.
51:22 And could it be, finally I ask you, could it be?
51:25 That we are just as much in need of mercy today
51:29 as Al Capone and Anna Nicole Smith,
51:33 you and me.
51:35 My Jesus mercy.
51:38 I mean, didn't Jesus tell us story once upon a time
51:40 about two men who went to church on Sabbath,
51:43 did He tell the story about them?
51:45 Didn't He tell us the story about that one?
51:48 The self righteous one who stood up in church
51:51 and he cried out, O, God I thank you
51:53 that I am not like Al Capone and Anna Nicole Smith,
51:57 I tie, stewardship is my thing,
51:59 I eat carefully, diet is my thing.
52:04 And I thank you that I am not like other men and women
52:07 and like that sinner, sitting in the back row of this church.
52:12 Did Jesus story, come on, come on,
52:14 didn't Jesus story also tell about the sinner
52:17 in the back row of the church that Sabbath,
52:20 who beat his heart and during the closing hymn
52:23 could not even raise his eyes heavenward,
52:25 but sob quietly into the sleeve of his jacket.
52:29 O, God, be merciful, be merciful to me a sinner.
52:35 My Jesus, mercy, have mercy on me.
52:41 And did it?
52:42 Come on and didn't the story of Jesus end
52:45 with the punch line that the likes of Anna Nicole Smith
52:49 and Al Capone got saved
52:51 while the likes of that self righteous prig got lost.
53:00 What made the difference?
53:03 You want to know what made the difference?
53:05 You want to know what made the difference?
53:07 That two word prayer.
53:11 Because only sinners plead for mercy
53:16 and only for sinners can mercy plead.
53:33 Have mercy upon me O, God,
53:37 according to Your loving kindness,
53:41 according to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
53:45 blot out my transgressions.
53:48 Wash me thoroughly from my inequity
53:51 and cleanse me from my sin.
53:54 For I acknowledge my transgressions
53:56 and my sin is always before me, against You,
53:59 You only, have I sinned, I've done this evil in Your sight,
54:03 that you may be found just when You speaking
54:05 and blameless when you judge.
54:09 Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.
54:14 Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
54:19 Hide your face from my sins and blot out my inequities.
54:22 Create in me a clean heart O, God
54:24 and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
54:27 Do not cast me away from your presence.
54:29 And do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
54:34 My Jesus mercy, please. I beg of you, have mercy on me.
54:45 O, God, Holy Father,
54:53 have mercy on us.
54:58 Jesus' story is right.
55:01 We all ended up in church today
55:05 and the truth about both worshipers,
55:09 they were each desperately in need of mercy.
55:16 Holy God, please have mercy on us.
55:36 If there is a sinner here, today,
55:42 like Al Capone
55:47 or like Anna Nicole Smith
55:51 and you're in need of mercy,
55:58 I would like to invite you to stand
56:00 and sing this two word prayer to heaven right now.
56:22 Holy Father,
56:26 we have got to home today saved from worship.
56:31 Which ever one we are, in Jesus' story,
56:37 which ever one we are Capone, Smith, it doesn't matter.
56:45 We stand with a prayer, have mercy,
56:52 O, God, upon us.
56:59 Amen.
57:02 Let me take one more moment of you time
57:03 to let you know that one of the blessings I've received
57:05 from this telecast is being in touch with viewers like you,
57:08 all across Michigan and our nation and literally the world.
57:12 I'm humbled and honored
57:13 with your sharing of journey with us.
57:15 Sometimes it's a Bible question,
57:16 other times it's an observation or suggestion
57:19 and sometimes just a note
57:20 to share a prayer or a prayer request.
57:22 I'd love to hear from you and it's so easy to be in touch.
57:25 Just go to our Pioneer Memorial Church website
57:27, and click on contact,
57:32 and then the word pastor
57:34 and then jot down the message you wish to send.
57:36 If you have a prayer request, click on those words
57:39 or call our toll free number 1-877-HIS-WILL
57:43 and I promise you
57:44 that our prayer partners will lift your personal need to God,
57:47 because, nobody should have to journey alone.
57:49 Not only do we have Jesus but we also have each other.
57:52 So write me, won't you at
57:57 In the meantime, may the God whose mercy
57:59 continually runs after us, be with you 24/7
58:03 every step of the way.
58:05 I will see you again right here next time.


Revised 2015-05-06