New Perceptions

The Sabbath: The Invasion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP022308

00:29 Alleluia
00:34 Alleluia
00:39 For our Lord God Almighty reigns
00:45 Alleluia
00:51 Alleluia
00:56 For our Lord God Almighty reigns
01:01 Alleluia
01:07 Holy!
01:12 holy
01:15 Are You Lord God Almighty
01:22 Worthy is the Lamb
01:25 Worthy is the Lamb
01:28 You are Holy
01:32 Holy
01:36 Are You Lord God Almighty
01:42 Worthy is the Lamb
01:46 Worthy is the Lamb
01:49 Amen
01:57 Alleluia
02:02 Alleluia
02:07 For our Lord God Almighty reigns
02:13 Alleluia
02:18 Alleluia
02:23 For our Load God Almighty reigns
02:29 Alleluia
02:34 Holy
02:39 holy
02:42 Are You Lord God Almighty
02:49 Worthy is the Lamb
02:52 Worthy is the Lamb
02:55 You are Holy
02:59 Holy
03:03 Are You Lord God Almighty
03:10 Worthy is the Lamb
03:13 Worthy is the Lamb
03:16 You are Holy
03:20 Holy
03:23 Are You Lord God Almighty
03:30 Worthy is the Lamb
03:33 Worthy is the Lamb
03:36 You are Holy
03:40 Holy
03:44 Are You Lord God Almighty
03:51 Worthy is the Lamb
03:55 Worthy is the Lamb
03:57 Amen
04:22 Oh, God, You are my God.
04:24 Oh, God, You are my God
04:29 And I will ever praise you
04:33 Oh God
04:34 Oh God, You are my God
04:39 And I will ever praise you
04:44 I will seek You in the morning
04:50 And I will learn to walk in Your ways
04:55 And step by step You'll lead me
05:00 And I will follow You all of my days
05:06 Let's sing that again. Oh, God, You are my God.
05:09 And I will ever praise you.
05:13 Oh, God, You are my God
05:18 And I will ever praise you
05:23 Oh, God, You are my God
05:28 And I will ever praise you
05:32 I will seek.
05:34 I will seek You in the morning
05:38 And I will learn to walk in Your ways
05:44 And step by step You'll lead me
05:49 And I will follow You all of my days
05:55 And I will follow.
05:57 And I will follow You all of my days
06:02 And I will follow You all of my days
06:07 And step by step You'll lead me
06:12 And I will follow You all of my days
06:41 Holy, holy,
06:45 Holy
06:50 Lord God
06:53 Almighty
06:59 Early in the morning
07:06 Our song shall rise
07:11 To thee
07:17 Holy, holy,
07:21 Holy
07:25 Merciful
07:29 And mighty
07:34 God
07:37 In Three persons
07:43 Blessed Trinity
07:56 Holy, holy, holy
08:03 Angels adore thee,
08:09 Casting down their bright crowns
08:15 Around the glassy sea
08:23 Thousands and ten thousands
08:29 Worship low before thee
08:36 Which wert, and art
08:41 And evermore
08:46 Shalt be
08:51 Holy, holy, holy
08:57 Though the darkness hide Thee
09:03 Though the eye of sinful man
09:09 Thy glory may not see
09:17 Only Thou art holy
09:23 There is none beside Thee
09:30 Perfect in power,
09:37 In love, and purity
09:42 Let's stand together as we sing this last verse.
09:45 Holy, holy, holy
09:51 Lord God Almighty
09:57 All Thy works shall praise Thy Name
10:03 In earth, and sky, and sea
10:10 Holy, holy, holy
10:16 Merciful and mighty
10:23 God in three Persons
10:29 Blessed Trinity
10:42 Kadosh kadosh
10:47 Kadosh Kadosh
10:52 Kadosh
10:56 Kadosh
11:01 Adonai
11:06 Elohim tz'va'ot
11:10 Adonai
11:14 Elohim tz'va'ot
15:46 Hallelujah hallelujah
15:58 Hallelujah hallelujah
16:08 Hallelujah
16:13 Hallelujah
16:19 Hallelujah
16:32 Holy Father,
16:34 in Hebrew, in Swahili, in English.
16:39 When we lift up our hearts,
16:40 our spirits to praise your name the hallelujah sounds the same.
16:45 It is an expression of deep gratitude.
16:48 We linger just a little longer in Your presence
16:50 now the holy scripture affront the sinner.
16:53 May the Holy Spirit who inspire this teaching
16:56 long, long ago be here as Jesus said to guide us.
17:00 Guide us into all truth, we pray in His name.
17:04 Amen.
17:06 I hold here in my hands in the poppet,
17:09 my doggered copy
17:11 of C.S. Lewis's classic Mere Christianity.
17:16 You know the--
17:17 You know its dogger
17:19 when you have to put a rubber band around it
17:20 to keep the pages inside.
17:23 Some books are just worth hanging on to.
17:27 I'm gonna read a line
17:28 from Mere Christianity for two reasons.
17:31 Number one, the line sets up our--
17:33 sets up our metaphor
17:34 for this teaching today called the invasion.
17:37 And the number two, I have been
17:42 cut by surprise over the last few weeks
17:44 just the last few weeks.
17:46 As I had a four young adults
17:49 to my prayer list, my personal prayer list.
17:53 Four young adults who are wrestling
17:54 over the existence of God.
17:56 I need to tell you the C S Lewis is a young man
17:58 was an atheist.
18:03 It's okay, it's okay to have questions about faith,
18:06 its okay to-- to have doubt, it's not the end of the world.
18:11 C S Lewis became a believer as the young man.
18:14 A believer in Christ.
18:16 And when one to become arguably the greatest apologist,
18:19 the greatest defender of Christianity
18:21 in the 20th century.
18:23 Great mind in writings.
18:26 So, he gave these talks actually over the BBC
18:29 during World War II
18:31 after the talks were given, after the war
18:33 collected it made put into this books.
18:35 So this is from page 50
18:38 of the little classic Mere Christianity,
18:40 I freely admit, Lewis writes "That real Christianity
18:43 as distinct from Christianity and water.
18:45 All right water down Christianity,
18:47 "Real Christianity goes much nearer
18:49 to Dualism than people think."
18:51 Dualism teaches there're two eternal forces,
18:53 good and evil, they're both eternal.
18:54 You just stuck with them for ever.
18:57 But it says, we might be close to that
18:58 "One of the things-- One of the things
18:59 that surprised me when I first read
19:01 the New Testament as a young man
19:03 rather it seriously was that
19:04 it talked so much about a Dark Power in the universe,
19:08 a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power
19:11 behind death and disease, and sin.
19:12 The difference is that Christianity thinks
19:15 this Dark Power was created by God,
19:17 and was good, when he was created,
19:18 and went wrong.
19:20 Christianity agrees with Dualism
19:22 that this universe is at war.
19:24 But it does not think this is a war
19:25 between independent powers.
19:26 It thinks it is a civil war, a rebellion,
19:29 and that we are living in a part of the universe
19:31 occupied by the rebel."
19:33 Right on. I agree with C S Lewis.
19:35 And if not here comes the line.
19:37 "Enemy-occupied territory that is what this world is.
19:41 Christianity is the story
19:43 of how the rightful king has landed,
19:45 you might say landed in disguise,
19:48 and is calling us all to take part
19:50 in a great campaign of sabotage."
19:54 Landing behind enemy lines like--
19:56 I like the metaphor.
19:57 Landing in disguise, the invasion.
20:02 A king or as little baby in a village.
20:06 2,000 years ago, who's the king?
20:09 And by the way, what in the world was that,
20:10 does that have to do with his teachings series
20:12 we are in called the Sabbath.
20:14 Do they fit, what's the peaces fit,
20:16 let's-- let's explore together.
20:18 Open your Bible please to two books,
20:19 we've done-- we gonna do something today
20:20 we have never done before
20:22 and that is we gonna read two books simultaneously.
20:25 Book of Genesis and the book of John.
20:26 So pull your Bible out,
20:27 if you don't have a Bible, grab the Pew Bible.
20:29 We got to go.
20:31 We're gonna fly through this,
20:32 two Bibles-- two books simultaneously,
20:35 we gonna read just their openings, their prologs.
20:38 You gonna be amazed as I was at the dramatic similarity
20:42 between the opening to the Old Testament
20:44 and the opening to the New Testament.
20:46 Is there wait a minute,
20:47 Pastor John is not the opening to the New Testament,
20:49 it's Mathew, no, but John's prolog
20:52 actually goes back before Bethlehem, way before,
20:54 so we could call John effectively
20:56 the prolog to the New Testament.
20:58 So we got the Genesis and John.
21:00 Now everybody knows where Geneses 1 is where will be,
21:04 but John if you have ribbon in your Bible,
21:06 take a ribbon right now because you going--
21:08 you going to going back and forth.
21:09 Put your ribbon in John 1,
21:11 if you got a Bible with a ribbon,
21:13 if you don't, put your both in John 1,
21:15 we'll get a study guide to you just a second.
21:17 We want to know seven strikingly dramatic parallels
21:22 between Genesis and John.
21:23 If I guess, let's do the study guide right now.
21:25 Let's put the study guide, if you do--
21:26 if you came in today with out a study guide,
21:28 you didn't get a worship bulletin,
21:29 assures thank you very much.
21:31 Hold your hands up
21:32 our friendly assures will be by you
21:33 in a just a moment all way to the back of the balcony.
21:35 I want to make sure the choir has study guides as well.
21:38 So hold your hand up,
21:40 you want to get these seven dramatic parallels
21:42 and those who are watching on television right now,
21:45 we are very honored to have you,
21:46 thank you for joining us.
21:47 They'd give a website put it on the screen for you,
21:49 it's-- so you can find
21:50 the study guide,
21:54 that's our website for this new perceptions telecast.
21:58 Go to that website, you looking for
21:59 the teachings series in titled The Sabbath.
22:02 This is part four in that series.
22:04 There are only six parts,
22:05 so we are moving in the second last half here.
22:07 You are looking for the Sabbath the teaching
22:09 this one is in titled The Invasion.
22:12 So when you find The Invasion
22:13 and it says, study guide there, you got it.
22:16 You click there, you'll have the same study guide we do.
22:19 Let make sure-- sure everybody gets one.
22:22 As we gonna fly, you keep your hand up in the back,
22:25 while you are doing that I'm gonna go ahead and start.
22:27 All right seven dramatic parallels,
22:29 striking parallels between Genesis and John.
22:31 Which in it- what you gonna need to do is,
22:33 you gonna need to write the numbers down.
22:34 You gonna need to write the references down.
22:35 We put the books into the study guide,
22:37 let's put the first that's on screen of Genesis 1:1,
22:40 so you write that in, and John 1:1-3.
22:44 All right so the-- parallel number one.
22:46 Here we go.
22:47 Well, Genesis 1:1 that's not hard to find
22:50 its page one of our Pew Bible.
22:52 And it's beginning of every Bible.
22:53 So let's find Genesis 1:1.
22:56 And then we gonna start flying.
22:57 Okay, Genesis 1:1 here the familiar words
23:00 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
23:04 When we get-- when we began the series
23:06 three times ago,
23:07 we remembered that in Christmas eve 1968
23:10 the Apollo Crew looking out
23:12 the little space portal of their capsule
23:15 saw this terrestrial blue green ball
23:17 and they quoted these words to a broad cast center the world
23:21 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
23:23 Okay, so we got that down let's take a look at John.
23:25 So I got ribbon so I can go straight to John 1.
23:28 Put your study guide right in John 1
23:30 if you don't have a ribbon.
23:31 Let's look at John 1:1. John 1.
23:35 John 1:1 "In the beginning" look at that,
23:38 "In the beginning" different language
23:40 Greek and the New Testament Hebrew New Testament
23:43 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,"
23:47 as there capital W word "and the Word was God."
23:50 verse 2 "He was in the beginning with God."
23:51 now notice the verse 3
23:53 "All things were made through Him,
23:54 and without Him nothing was made that was made."
23:58 You know, that-- the Greek word for word
24:00 is logos.
24:02 From when it comes to English word logo,
24:04 as they drop the S we got logo.
24:05 You know what a logo is, don't you?
24:07 A logo is that which becomes
24:08 a visual representation of a reality
24:11 that you can't see, but you have the logo.
24:13 And when you see Andrews University's logo,
24:15 you say, ha, when you see pioneers logo
24:16 on the cover of our bulletin up,
24:17 apple's the logo on the back of a computer
24:20 all lighted up in white, apple you know the logo.
24:23 What it represents.
24:25 So the word is a logo. It's a divine logo.
24:29 See Him?
24:31 He represents the reality behind the logo, the logos.
24:34 By the way John is the only one of the New Testament writers
24:37 to use this word logos
24:38 to refer to one of the members of the God head.
24:40 So it's the significant word.
24:44 I like this Desire of Ages 19
24:46 see in your study guide fill it in.
24:47 "By coming to dwell with us,
24:48 Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to angels.
24:51 He was the Word of God, he was God's thought made audible."
24:54 Look it, You and I look at each other right now
24:56 and neither of us-- neither of us speaks
24:58 I have no idea what you thinking,
24:59 you have no idea of what I'm thinking.
25:00 I have to open my mouth,
25:02 once I put words to it, you know my thoughts,
25:04 once you put words to it, I know your thoughts.
25:06 That's what the word.
25:07 Capital W word was.
25:09 So what is parallel-- parallel one
25:10 between Genesis and John 1 teaches?
25:12 Write it down Christ is the creator,
25:16 Christ is a creator of the world/ universe.
25:18 No question.
25:19 Genesis just says God, John 1 comes on
25:22 and says let me tell you it was Christ Himself.
25:24 By the way not only John teaches that,
25:25 not only-- not only John
25:26 but Paul teaches it,
25:27 Hebrew, Hebrew teaches it as well.
25:30 In fact the New Testament is unequivocal.
25:32 Jap this down the active divine agent,
25:36 see there in your study guide the active divine agent
25:38 who created the earth in the beginning,
25:40 the God who personally shaped
25:42 Adam and Eve into existence was the preincarnate Christ.
25:45 Genesis 2: 7 when it says
25:46 "The Lord God made man of the dust of the ground"
25:49 that is Christ He became Jesus.
25:52 That's Christ's over that little hunk of clay,
25:55 we've got to personality.
25:56 We can put to the God of Genesis 1.
25:59 That's Christ.
26:01 In fact, John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1,
26:03 and I tell you, people, you wanted to know
26:04 where Christ is that created
26:05 John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1,
26:06 let's go to Colossians 1
26:07 "For by Him all things were created
26:10 that are in heaven and that are on earth,
26:12 visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions
26:14 or principalities or powers.
26:16 All things were created through Him and for Him.
26:19 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
26:22 He is the activation of creation. In the God head.
26:25 Let's go to Hebrew's chapter 1 and take a look at this
26:27 "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time
26:31 past to the fathers and mothers by the prophets,
26:34 God as in these last days spoken to us by His Son, Jesus,
26:38 whom He has appointed heir of all things,
26:39 through whom also He made the worlds,
26:42 Christ is a creator, who being the brightness of His glory
26:45 and the express image of His person,
26:47 and upholding all things by the word of His power,
26:50 when He had by Himself a Calvary purged our sins,
26:53 sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."
26:56 He is back on the thrown, the creator of the universe,
26:59 was the baby born in Bethlehem.
27:01 That's the point ladies and gentlemen.
27:05 Christ Himself, okay,
27:06 that's a longest one of the parallels.
27:07 The rest of fly by here comes parallel number 2,
27:10 here is the short one,
27:11 jot the numbers down first please,
27:13 that would be Genesis 1: 3-4
27:15 and John 1: 4, 5, and verse-- verse 9.
27:19 Okay, so you got the ribbon in John
27:21 so that means we go back to Genesis
27:22 you won't loose your place
27:23 put the study guide there in John.
27:25 Because actually use when you are right
27:26 as after the John reading.
27:28 Okay, so what is this in Genesis 1:3, 4, okay,
27:32 "Then God said, 'Let there be'" what?
27:34 "'light' and there was light."
27:36 Verse 4 "And God saw the light, that it was good,
27:39 and God divided the light from the darkness."
27:41 Very clear, the creator immediately
27:44 He is immersed in light, He is dealing with light.
27:46 Is it true, in the prolog of John.
27:48 Take your ribbon,
27:50 now we go to John 1, let's find out.
27:53 Sure enough look at this John 1: 4
27:55 "In Him" in Christ the word, in the word "Was life,
27:58 and the life was the light of men.
28:00 And the light shines in the darkness,
28:02 and the darkness did not comprehend it."
28:04 Now move your finger down to verse 9
28:06 "He was the true Light
28:07 which gives light to every man and women
28:09 coming into the world."
28:11 There it is ladies and gentlemen,
28:13 Christ this is parallel two, jot it down,
28:15 Christ is the light of the world.
28:16 Unmistakably both prologs move from announcing the creator
28:20 to associating immediately the creator was like
28:23 and resists your darkness.
28:25 All right that's clear.
28:26 Parallel number three here we go,
28:27 there are only seven of these, parallel number three,
28:28 jot it down Genesis 1 now we go with verse 26,
28:31 Genesis 1: 26, jot it down John 1:12.
28:35 All right, so here we go back again,
28:36 point you glad we don't have to do this every week,
28:38 this would take for ever.
28:40 All right we go back to Genesis 1
28:42 we drop down to verse 26
28:45 "Then God said, 'Let Us make man and women in Our image,
28:49 according to Our likeness,
28:51 and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
28:53 over the birds of the air,'"
28:54 but aren't those animal or something,
28:55 in Maasai Mara, I tell you what?
28:58 Just let them have dominion over the entire population,
29:01 of animals, birds and fish.
29:03 All right, that's Genesis 1,
29:05 now can we find a parallel in John 1?
29:08 Take your ribbon or your study guide
29:09 flips right back to John 1
29:11 and what are we looking for here this would be a verse 12.
29:15 so in Genesis 1 let's make a man in our image
29:18 and in verse 12 of John 1 it says
29:20 "But as many as received Him, to them
29:23 He gave the right to become children of God,
29:25 to those who believe in His name."
29:27 Jot it down parallel number three,
29:29 the inhabitants of earth are to be the children of God.
29:32 Both prolog makes it clear.
29:34 Earth inhabitants are children of the divine Father,
29:36 in His image.
29:38 Now it's true, John comes along and says,
29:39 oh, oh, oh, wait a minute time out,
29:41 you not born out automatically,
29:42 no, no, no you have to choose now because of the fall,
29:45 you have to choose to be a part of that family.
29:48 Nobody is forced to be in God's family,
29:50 but if you'll accept Christ? You are in.
29:53 All right parallel number four, only seven of these.
29:55 Parallel number four, Genesis 3, now write down here,
30:00 1-14 because that's the whole story.
30:03 But we not gonna read 1-14 and then write down John 1:11.
30:06 Because the moment you see Genesis 3
30:08 you remember it,
30:09 the people that read Genesis say,
30:10 oh boy, that's a story of Eve.
30:13 That's a story of Eve at the tree
30:15 and this is the awful meltdown,
30:18 you are right.
30:20 Let's go to Genesis 3.
30:21 Go to Genesis 3,
30:23 I want to look at just one verse,
30:24 we gonna to verse 8.
30:26 The whole story you know is-- is so tragic,
30:28 but this has to be the heart breaker,
30:30 the heart breaker is verse 8.
30:32 Because remember Christ is the one who shaped them.
30:34 Christ is the one who breathed life into Adam
30:36 and then took a ribbon, breathed life into Eve.
30:39 Christ is their forever friend, He is their creator,
30:42 so this must have broken His heart.
30:44 When you get down to verse 8,
30:45 after they both eaten of the tree and verse 8 says,
30:49 "And they heard, the Adam and Eve,
30:50 heard the sound of the Lord God walking
30:52 in the garden, in the cool of the day."
30:54 That's Christ,
30:55 that's Christ.
30:56 He says, I'm coming down for my friends,
30:58 hey, guys, where are you?
30:59 It's kind of quite around here.
31:01 What's up with that?
31:02 You're usually here when I come.
31:03 You're here to welcome me.
31:04 Hey, anybody here?
31:07 And then He sees the bush moving.
31:09 He said, I never crated a moving bush,
31:12 must be something behind it.
31:15 So it says here, "And they heard the sound of the Lord God
31:17 walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
31:18 and Adam and his wife... " Can you believe this?
31:21 "They hid themselves from the presence
31:23 of the Lord God among the trees of the garden."
31:27 I tell you what, ladies and gentlemen,
31:28 sin tells the lie, and we believe it,
31:32 God is not somebody to be a friend of,
31:34 He is somebody to be afraid of.
31:35 God is not somebody to run to,
31:37 He is somebody to run from.
31:39 The serpent Lucifer has spun that lie the very beginning
31:43 and the human race has bitten it
31:45 hook, line, and sinker.
31:48 Somebody to be afraid of.
31:51 It's what sin has done to us.
31:53 I tell you what? The heartache of verse 8 in Chapter 3
31:56 can only be matched by the heart break of verse 11.
32:01 Back in John 1,
32:02 you know, before I ever looked at these parallels,
32:05 I've always-- I've always gotten a lump in my throat,
32:07 when I read verse 11, it's so sad in John 1,
32:09 do look at John 1 it's just so sad
32:11 that verse is there but it's so sad.
32:14 Look at this John 1:11.
32:16 Isn't it something? "He came to His own,"
32:19 He says, oh, this is-- this is my family.
32:22 "He came to His own..."
32:23 And what happened?
32:25 "His own did not receive Him."
32:27 They didn't run to, and they ran from Him.
32:29 You can't be, you can't be,
32:31 who you say you are.
32:33 He came to His own and His own received Him.
32:35 Now jot it down please, parallel number four,
32:37 sin, it's clear in both prologues.
32:40 "Sin shatters our relationship with our Creator
32:42 and instead of running to Him,
32:44 we run from Him."
32:48 Parallel number five,
32:50 just seven of these, here come five,
32:51 Genesis 3:15 and John 1:14 and then add 29.
32:56 All right, so now leave your ribbon or study guide there,
32:58 you got to go back to Genesis 3,
33:00 so God says, hey, guys, what's happening?
33:03 Why? Why are you hiding from Me, Adam?
33:04 What's the problem, boy?
33:06 Hence this is why, I heard you coming, and I was afraid.
33:07 Why are you afraid? Because I'm naked.
33:11 What do you mean you're naked?
33:12 Who told you, you were naked?
33:14 Did you go near that...?
33:15 Did you eat from that tree?
33:17 Yeah, Well, let me tell you something,
33:18 the woman you made and the one that you gave to me,
33:21 she is the one, who got me into it.
33:22 Woman, Eve, is that true? You ate from the tree?
33:24 Well, let me tell you something.
33:25 The serpent, you made is the one that got me into it.
33:28 Serpent, is this true? It's sin.
33:32 Always self justification, I never take the blame.
33:35 It's not my fault, it's my parents fault,
33:38 it's my wife's faults, it's my husband's fault,
33:40 it's society's fault that I'm this way.
33:44 Always twisting the blame turning in.
33:49 Is that you serpent?
33:50 And then God speaks to the serpent,
33:52 that will be verse 14.
33:53 "So the Lord God said to the serpent,
33:54 'Because you have done this,
33:56 Oh, my, you are cursed more than all cattle,
34:00 And more than every beast of the field,
34:02 On your belly you shall go,
34:03 And you will eat dust All the days of your life."
34:07 And I'm gonna make a promise right now
34:09 in this garden to the three of you.
34:12 Here comes the promise,
34:13 this is beautiful, code language.
34:15 Verse 15, "And I will put enmity, serpent,
34:17 between you and the woman,
34:19 And between your seed and her Seed."
34:21 Notice it's capital S seed now. She is gonna have--
34:23 seeds gonna come through her and he the seed,
34:25 "Shall bruise your head,
34:26 And you shall bruise His heel.'"
34:30 Now if somebody took it and say we got a steamroller here,
34:33 we gonna give you two places, you pick.
34:35 Two places we gonna run over your body.
34:36 We'll either run over your head or we'll run over your heel.
34:39 Which would you choose?
34:42 Please, go ahead.
34:45 It will kill me, but go ahead.
34:47 See the seed will come, he will crush your head,
34:52 but you will be paying to him, you will crush his heel.
34:57 Only one wins.
34:58 The seed of the woman.
35:00 Any parallel to that?
35:02 Somebody coming into this human stream.
35:05 Any parallel? But of course go back, quick, quick.
35:07 Take your ribbon, go back to John 1.
35:09 The parallel is inescapable.
35:11 Look at this verse 14. John 1:14.
35:16 "And the Word..."
35:18 Remember the audible expression of God
35:20 became flesh, the visible now.
35:22 He is not only audible, He is gonna become visible.
35:25 I'm the God of the universe, I'm.
35:29 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
35:32 pitched his tent right beside us
35:34 and we beheld His glory,
35:35 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
35:38 full of grace and truth..."
35:39 And then just a few moments later in the story
35:42 that begins in verse 29 John the Baptist,
35:44 sees Jesus coming and he cries out behold,
35:47 verse 29, "Behold! The Lamb of God
35:49 who takes away the sin of the world!"
35:51 The savior is here.
35:57 The promise of a coming deliverer.
36:00 The word audible, flesh visible,
36:02 C.S. Lewis, jot this down, this line we began with,
36:05 Lewis writing "Christianity is the story
36:07 of how the rightful king has landed,
36:09 you might say in disguise..."
36:12 That's the invasion, guys, that's the invasion.
36:14 He has invaded our space. He came in, in disguise.
36:20 "On this enemy-occupied world, he did in human form."
36:24 And then I love this from Desire of Ages.
36:25 Keep your pen there,
36:26 "So Christ set up His tabernacle
36:28 in the midst of our human encampment.
36:30 He pitched His tent by the side of the tents of men and women,
36:33 that He might dwell among us,
36:34 and make us familiar with His divine character and life.
36:37 Since Christ, since Jesus came to dwell with us,
36:39 we know that God..." I love this.
36:41 "God is acquainted with our trials,
36:42 and sympathizes with our griefs.
36:44 Every son and daughter of Adam may understand
36:48 that our Creator is the friend of sinners."
36:51 Write that in, our Creator.
36:53 Can you believe that? Our creator is our friend.
36:57 "For in every..." This is good.
36:58 "For in every doctrine of grace,
37:00 every promise of joy, every deed of love,
37:02 every divine attraction
37:03 presented in the Savior's life on earth,
37:05 we see "God with us.'"
37:08 Write it down please, parallel number five.
37:10 Our Creator came to earth to become our savior.
37:16 Only seven of these,
37:17 we come to the next of the last,
37:18 parallel number six, jot it down please,
37:20 Genesis 1:31 and then write in 2:1, chapter 2:1,
37:25 that's for Genesis, and then for John write down
37:27 oh, we gonna, we gonna now fly to the end,
37:30 the mightiest, the mighty epic,
37:32 finale of John 19:30, so write that in.
37:36 Now it's still a little bit of a review here,
37:38 we did this in our previous teaching, in this series,
37:40 let's do the readers digest version
37:41 of every 24 hour period.
37:43 Remember the creation hours,
37:45 the Hebrews clear these are 24 hour periods.
37:47 So you tell me, day one,
37:48 24 hour day one, what did God create?
37:51 Light, good.
37:52 24 hour day two, what did God create?
37:56 Atmosphere, very good.
37:57 24 hour day three, what did God create?
38:00 Earth and on top of the earth, trees and flowers.
38:04 24 hour day four, what did God create?
38:08 Solar system, yeah, sun, moon, and the planets.
38:11 24 hour day five,
38:12 what did God create in the air, and in the sea?
38:17 And 24 hour day six, what did God create?
38:22 All of them, long neck, long trunk,
38:25 what a God of variety, huh?
38:27 He could have made them all looking like us.
38:30 How sad?
38:32 Oh, by the way day six, what else did God create?
38:35 You and me. all right so now we were--
38:38 Genesis 1, day six is over,
38:41 I'm gonna read, read that line again with you,
38:42 Genesis 1:31.
38:45 Genesis 1:31,
38:46 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
38:49 and indeed it was very good.
38:53 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
38:56 Now go to verse 1 of chapter 2,
38:58 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
39:00 and all the host of them,
39:02 were..." what? Church, were what?
39:05 "Were finished." Were finished.
39:11 And it says parallel in the gospel of John.
39:14 How does the passion we climax.
39:16 Okay, in spite of the passion, we go to John 19,
39:19 John 19, we're out of the prologue now,
39:21 we are at the huge summation of the gospel of John,
39:25 this is passion we, This is Friday,
39:29 the Lamb of God is about to die for the sins of the world,
39:31 but just before He expires, here we go, this is John 19.
39:36 Now it says verse 30, but we gonna pick it up in verse 28
39:38 just to have the context, after this Jesus knowing,
39:41 it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
39:42 "Knowing that all things were now accomplished,
39:44 and that the Scripture might be fulfilled,
39:46 He said, 'I thirst!'"
39:47 Now verse, they the soldiers heard it,
39:49 "Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there,
39:52 and they filled a sponge."
39:53 So they stick that sponge in with a hyssop branch,
39:55 they get it soak and then they hold the sponge up
39:58 to his broken cracked lips,
39:59 and they say, all right, drink.
40:01 And He could just lick His tongue, as all He can do.
40:04 And then verse 30, now here we go on the screen.
40:06 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine."
40:10 What did He say? He cried it like a trumpet call.
40:12 What did He cry out? "It is finished!"
40:16 And then notice this,
40:17 "And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."
40:21 Ladies and gentlemen, that's intentional death,
40:23 autonomic death which means, you know,
40:25 all of a sudden I quite breathing,
40:26 autonomic death is I'm breathing here
40:27 and suddenly gone and then my head drops.
40:30 Intentional death is,
40:32 you lower your head first and then you stop breathing.
40:37 He came to the hour, the moment of His sacrifice.
40:42 Jot it down, ladies and gentlemen.
40:44 "Day 6 of the Creation week
40:45 and Day 6 of the Passion week..."
40:47 Here's the parallel number six.
40:48 "Both end with the same declaration, it is finished."
40:53 Thus the heavens and the earth,
40:54 and the host of them, were finished."
40:56 That's Genesis.
40:57 Thus the plan of salvation to save
40:58 the host of lost sinners was completed.
41:00 That's John 19, our creator becomes our savior
41:03 and finishes His work on the sixth day of both weeks,
41:07 creation week and passion week.
41:10 Now we're ready for number seven.
41:13 What's all this have to do with the Sabbath?
41:15 Take a look at this, final parallel,
41:17 parallel number seven.
41:19 We gonna go to Genesis and John again
41:21 with a little help of one of our Synoptics.
41:23 Let's do this first question.
41:26 What did the Creator do after He finished His work
41:28 on the sixth day of the Creation week?
41:31 Answer, the same thing He did when He finished His work
41:33 on the sixth day of the Passion week.
41:35 Write it in, He rested, He rested.
41:43 Now we go back, one last time to Genesis, Genesis 2 now.
41:48 Now you can write fill in the parallel Genesis 2:2, 3.
41:53 Go back and by the way I'm gonna read Christ into
41:55 because it's incontrovertibly cleared it in New Testament.
41:59 So we can read Christ into this,
42:00 that's what I'm gonna do.
42:01 Genesis 2:2, "And on the seventh day Christ..."
42:05 the active divine agent of creation.
42:07 "And on the seventh day
42:08 Christ ended His work which He had done,
42:09 and He rested on the seventh day
42:11 from all His work which He had done."
42:13 Verse 3 "Then Christ blessed the seventh day..."
42:15 Remember when we talked about what that word means in Hebrew,
42:18 you turn your face, you turn your face,
42:19 you were so caught up in it.
42:21 Blessing in Hebrew means
42:22 to turn your face to it, and it says,
42:23 "He blessed it and He sanctified it."
42:25 That means you infuse it with your divine presence.
42:27 So He poured Himself into that seventh day.
42:30 "And Christ blessed the seventh day
42:31 and sanctified it,
42:32 because in it He rested from all His work
42:35 which Christ had created and made."
42:39 The Christ doing, His work
42:41 as creator was finished, He rested.
42:43 What did Christ do when His work of savior was completed?
42:47 What did He do?
42:49 Go back, John 19, back to the story.
42:54 John 19, that where our ribbon is, is it?
42:59 It's all right, you got it, John 19.
43:01 Drop down to verse 41.
43:04 "Now in the place where Jesus was crucified
43:07 there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb
43:10 in which no one had yet been laid.
43:12 So they laid Jesus, because of the Jews' Preparation Day,
43:16 for the tomb was nearby."
43:19 He is sleeping now.
43:21 Now we need our help from Dr. Luke, the physician
43:23 because he paints in a little bit more of a detail
43:26 and so just-- just turn back to Luke 23,
43:28 this will be our last text.
43:29 Luke 23.
43:31 This is Luke's Calvary account
43:34 and let's drop down to the end of 23, pick it up in verse 52,
43:37 Luke's talking, describing the moment,
43:39 when Joseph of Arimathea,
43:40 you remember that Joseph comes to Roman Governor,
43:42 Pilate I want the body.
43:43 What do you want the body for?
43:44 The guy is quick, I want the body,
43:46 Can I have it, sir? You may have it.
43:49 All right so that's verse 52 and so
43:51 "This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
43:54 Then he, Joseph took it down, wrapped it in linen,
43:57 and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock,
44:00 where no one had ever lain before."
44:02 Scholars are thinking you know what?
44:03 That's his own tomb,
44:04 He was gonna to be buried there.
44:06 He gave up His Sepulchre, His family plot for His master.
44:13 Now what day was that? Verse 54 now,
44:15 "That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near."
44:20 So it's Friday, Sabbath is drawing near.
44:22 Now we all call it Good Friday.
44:24 We know it's Friday,
44:25 it's Good Friday, the day Jesus died.
44:27 And the Sabbath drew near, verse 55
44:29 "And the women who had come with Him
44:30 from Galilee followed after,
44:32 and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid.
44:34 Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils.
44:37 And they..." By the way that they is not just the woman,
44:39 that's Joseph and Jesus, everybody in this paragraph.
44:43 "And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment."
44:48 Now what commandment would that be?
44:49 That would be the fourth commandment of the Decalogue.
44:51 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
44:54 They rested according to the commandment.
44:58 Write it down, will you please, ladies and gentlemen?
45:00 They all of them, Joseph of Arimathea,
45:02 the women, and the Jesus rested on the Sabbath,
45:05 according to the fourth commandment."
45:08 Isn't that amazing?
45:09 Even as he did on the seventh day of the creation,
45:11 we saw the creator turn savior
45:13 now does on the seventh day of the passion week, He rest.
45:18 He who is Lord of the seventh day Sabbath,
45:21 becomes He who is Lord of Salvation
45:24 and when He became, not only Lord of the Sabbath,
45:26 but now when he becomes Lord of salvation,
45:29 He does as He did in the beginning.
45:33 He keeps, He keeps the Sabbath, that He is Lord of.
45:40 Other way it's the Sabbath that He wrote with His own finger.
45:43 Didn't He write?
45:44 You say how do you know that was Jesus on the--
45:46 that was the preincarnate Christ.
45:47 Well, piece of cake.
45:48 John 8, Jesus said before Abraham was,
45:50 I'm and is very clear that I'm is the one
45:53 who stepped out of that cloud of glory
45:55 and with his own finger carved
45:57 all Ten Commandments into granite.
45:59 Wouldn't you expect the one who wrote the Ten Commandments
46:03 to honor the day that He is Lord of?
46:08 In fact, jot this down, will you?
46:10 This is quoting Mathew 12 and Mark 2
46:13 "After all, did not Jesus declared..." Jot it down.
46:14 "The son of man is Lord of the Sabbath."
46:17 The gospels are clear.
46:18 He is Lord of the Sabbath,
46:19 which by the way keep your pen moving,
46:21 "Makes the seventh day the Lord's Day."
46:24 What day of the week is the Lord's Day?
46:25 It's the day He is Lord of.
46:26 What's He Lord of? Bible's clear,
46:28 He is Lord of the Sabbath.
46:30 Of course He is the Lord, He is the one who made it
46:32 and gave it to the human race in the beginning.
46:34 Why wouldn't He be Lord? Please.
46:37 It's the day He sanctified,
46:39 it's a day He blessed, it's a day He rested.
46:41 Which ladies and gentlemen
46:42 leads us to the concluding point,
46:43 it is a compelling point and I wish you'd write it down.
46:46 "These seventh parallels between Genesis and John
46:49 provide incontrovertible evidence
46:51 that the Creator's universal gift
46:54 of the seventh day Sabbath at Creation remains,
46:57 remains his universal gift in Redemption today."
47:02 Malachi 3:6, " I'm the Lord and I change not."
47:09 I don't change.
47:12 Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is not rocket science,
47:16 this is prayerful, logical thinking.
47:19 I need to ask a series of questions here.
47:22 Were Christ to have changed His mind?
47:24 Okay, okay, I change my mind.
47:26 I change my mind, I'm changing the day,
47:28 were Christ to have changed His mind?
47:30 Should we not expect to hear something from Jesus
47:34 indicating the fact that He has done so?
47:37 I mean somewhere between
47:38 the resurrection and the ascension,
47:40 He say, hey, timeout, guys,
47:41 I just needed to tell you, things have been changed.
47:42 I know I wrote it in rock, but forget it.
47:44 I'm changing it now.
47:46 Wouldn't He say something, just a hint, may be a breath,
47:50 just a suggestion, zero, not even a breath.
48:01 What's up with that?
48:05 Instead it's clear.
48:10 In fact M.L. Andreasen in his carefully reasoned book
48:12 The Sabbath, he puts it this way,
48:14 and you have it in your study guide,
48:15 let me read it in your hearing "God Himself."
48:18 This is careful logic here.
48:19 "God Himself led the way
48:20 in the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.
48:24 Did it in the beginning, did it on Mount Sinai.
48:25 "He Himself proclaimed it in flaming fire from the mount."
48:28 That would be Mount Sinai.
48:29 "He Himself wrote it in enduring stone.
48:31 Millions of God's people were witnesses
48:33 at the base of Mount Sinai,
48:34 and they heard the proclamation,
48:35 and myriads of angels were there.
48:38 Psalm 68:17.
48:40 None of these conditions was present at the time
48:43 when the first day of the week
48:45 was supposed to have been instituted.
48:47 Sunday came in unannounced, unheralded, unnoticed,
48:51 in every way an anticlimax to the original institution
48:56 and inauguration of the Sabbath of the Lord."
48:59 Now he goes on,
49:00 "If God had anything to do with the first day of the week,
49:04 we must draw the conclusion that He wanted the change
49:07 to be made in the most secret and inconspicuous way possible,
49:11 for on the first Sunday."
49:13 My talents are his.
49:14 "Nobody knew that any change had been made,
49:18 not even the disciples, who some say were the ones
49:20 who were supposed to have changed it!
49:22 They were in as complete ignorance as the rest,
49:24 having locked themselves in a room for fear of the Jews."
49:36 The fact remains, there is not a solitary hint,
49:42 there is a not a single word in all the New Testament
49:46 indicating that Christ changed His mind as Creator
49:51 and changed the day.
49:53 No where, no where,
49:55 not from the apostles, not from the Savior.
50:00 I mean come on, just think with me,
50:02 would Jesus, had declared Himself
50:04 to be the Lord of the Sabbath,
50:05 knowing in that in just a few days
50:06 the whole thing's over.
50:07 Then would He say, I'm Lord of the Sabbath,
50:09 and few days later it's gone.
50:13 To the contrary, do you know what Jesus did?
50:15 He told His disciples 40 years after I'm gone.
50:18 40 years after I'm back in heaven,
50:19 you will still be worshiping on the seventh-day Sabbath.
50:22 He told them.
50:23 It's in the great chapter of prophecy, Christ's predictions.
50:27 Look at this Matthew 24:15
50:29 "Therefore Jesus says, when you see
50:30 the ''abomination of desolation,''
50:32 that would be the Romans
50:34 "Spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
50:35 standing in the holy place..."
50:36 When the Romans invade this city,
50:37 I want to tell you something.
50:38 "Whoever reads, let him understand,
50:41 then let those who are in Judea..."
50:42 Guys, just get out of the land.
50:44 "Flee to the mountains."
50:45 Now notice verse 20 "And pray that your flight
50:48 may not be in winter or on the Sabbath."
50:51 Christ is predicting
50:53 the destruction of Jerusalem's temple in 70 AD
50:56 and He says you will be celebrating the Sabbath then,
50:59 pray to the Lord of the Sabbath
51:01 to be your defense, your deliverer,
51:04 call up on me, call up on me,
51:07 when the city melts down and burns the temple.
51:14 The evidence is clear and compelling. Jot it down.
51:17 "The Seventh-day Sabbath remains the Lord's Day today."
51:23 It's it.
51:25 Neither Christ nor the apostles knew or taught any other,
51:28 their silence is deafening, deafening.
51:35 And any scholar
51:37 of the New Testament will tell you,
51:39 that in fact this is true.
51:44 Then how can be, you ask? Come on, come on, Dwight.
51:45 Please nearly all of Christendom today
51:47 is worshiping on the first day of the week
51:49 rather than the Bible seventh-day Sabbath.
51:50 How can it be, You can't tell me
51:51 that all these churches are wrong.
51:54 I want to share with you next week,
51:55 I want to share with you
51:56 one of the most fascinating studies, stories.
51:59 We'll call it the Case of Dr, Eck.
52:03 I just found this, I never knew this.
52:05 Just reading couple months ago
52:07 came across the story of Martin Luther's trial,
52:09 Dr. Eck by the way was the Roman Catholic protagonist
52:13 for Martin Luther in that great trial.
52:16 Stunning bit of logic that Dr. Eck uses.
52:21 I want to share that with you next week, please,
52:23 wherever you are, just get back here,
52:25 get back here for next week.
52:27 If you're watching on television,
52:28 join us next week.
52:30 Listen on the radio, turn on the radio,
52:32 please join us, fascinating study.
52:35 Listen, got to end.
52:36 We began with C.S. Lewis's classic Mere Christianity.
52:38 Let me close now with another classic
52:40 written by Charles Sheldon, it's the book "In His Steps."
52:44 Written a century ago, the book became
52:45 an international best seller.
52:47 If you don't have the book, any bookstore on earth,
52:51 particularly Christian bookstores
52:53 will carry Sheldon's book "In His Steps."
52:55 Now it's a fictionalized story
52:58 of a pastor named Henry Maxwell and this church,
53:00 the first church of Raymond,
53:01 so it's Sunday and the pastor's waxing eloquent,
53:04 his preaching was just about to ready to move
53:06 toward the summation of a sermon
53:08 when down the center aisle of the church
53:12 is a tramp but now we don't call him tramps,
53:13 we call him a homeless man, a homeless man
53:15 is just stumbling down the center aisle,
53:17 he gets down to the front and he looks up
53:19 with the preacher asking for permission
53:22 and the distressed pastor, what else can I do?
53:24 Go ahead.
53:25 The beggar turns around and addresses the congregation,
53:28 "I've been out of work from New York City.
53:31 I've been out of work.
53:34 I came to your city a few days ago.
53:37 I've been going from-- I'm a printer by trade,
53:39 I've been going from store-- establishment to establishment,
53:42 store to store to store, seen some of you,
53:44 not a single word of sympathy from you.
53:48 My wife's dead, I got a little girl left
53:49 with the printer back in New York.
53:52 You know what? I've been listening to your preaching,
53:53 the man had been sitting up in the balcony,
53:55 I've been listening to your preaching,
53:56 he is talking about following Jesus.
53:57 I'm wondering what you mean about following Jesus.
53:59 Does that mean you ask the question,
54:01 what would Jesus do?
54:03 Your intent about walking in His steps?"
54:07 The beggar half turned and collapsed.
54:11 They carried him over to the parson,
54:12 and three days later he dies in the pastor's home.
54:16 Charles Sheldon's brilliant story
54:20 is the struggle
54:21 of a congregation to come to grips,
54:23 well, how do we live with the question,
54:25 what would Jesus do?
54:29 You know what?
54:31 That is the perfect question to ask
54:32 when it comes to the seventh-day Sabbath.
54:35 Lot of people when it comes to seventh-day Sabbath,
54:36 they don't ask of Him, Jesus is the last example we turn to.
54:39 Listen, what would my friends do?
54:40 What would my family do?
54:42 What would my church do?
54:44 Now, we need to learn as Christians
54:45 that the question to ask is what would Jesus do?
54:48 What would Jesus do
54:49 when it comes to the seventh-day Sabbath?
54:51 You know what? We know what He did.
54:53 Let me put a line on the screen for you,
54:54 this is the gospel of Luke 4:16.
54:56 You know what it says? Look at it.
54:57 "And as His custom was, Jesus went in
55:02 on the Sabbath day to worship."
55:07 What would Jesus do?
55:08 I mean look at it, what else would we expect
55:10 the Creator to do on His day?
55:16 And by the way what else would He expect us to do on His day?
55:24 So the question really is not what would Jesus do?
55:28 The more pressing question is what shall we do?
55:33 What shall we do given the lordship
55:38 we who call Him Lord,
55:39 given the lordship of Jesus Christ?
55:44 I want to pray with you.
55:46 Let's bow together.
55:47 Oh, God...
55:53 whatever we do, we who follow Jesus,
55:57 some people are hearing this for the first time,
55:59 wondering what I'm supposed to do with this,
56:02 some have heard it for a long time,
56:05 but all of us are hearing the same invitation
56:09 come, follow Me
56:14 and so Holy Father, because we call Jesus Lord,
56:20 we want to follow
56:24 which is why I humbly pray
56:27 that You'll grant both Your grace and Your courage
56:32 to men and women and young adults
56:36 who with this teaching know in their hearts
56:41 what Christ would have them to do.
56:45 He is the Lord of the Sabbath.
56:48 We've embraced him as the Lord of salvation,
56:50 may He be both for us always.
56:55 We pray in His name, amen.
57:01 I wanted to take one more moment here
57:03 at the end of the telecast to let you know
57:05 how grateful I'm for your journey with us,
57:08 with our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:10 You may think that New Perceptions
57:11 is only about television,
57:12 but I need to tell you we do have a website
57:15 which is more than just the study guide.
57:17 I know we go to the study guide every week
57:19 but if you go to our website,
57:20 let me put the address on the screen again,
57:26 you will find at that website a blog.
57:28 I write every Wednesday, I sit down on my laptop
57:29 and write up a blog something as commenting on world events,
57:32 something local, something national,
57:34 you get the blog.
57:36 You want a archive,
57:37 previous teachings from here in the Pioneer pulpit,
57:39 you go to that annotated archive,
57:42 you can pick out a message, it will be sent to you.
57:44 You want to get into the podcast business,
57:48 I'm not real hi-techy on this but if you click podcast,
57:51 you will be able to connect instantly
57:52 with every new teaching that comes from the Pioneer pulpit.
57:55 The point is we're trying to connect
57:57 with the generation on the move, on the go.
57:59 Thanks for being a part of it.
58:01 Thanks for your prayer partnership.
58:02 We have got to connect with this generation
58:04 at this time in earth's history
58:07 and I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission.
58:09 God bless you, until next time.


Revised 2015-04-09