New Perceptions

The Greatest Forgiver

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP022016A

00:33 To God be the glory great things He hath done
00:39 So loved He the world that He gave us His Son
00:46 Who yielded His life an atonement for sin
00:52 And opened the life gate that all may go in
00:58 Praise the Lord praise the Lord
01:02 Let the earth hear His voice
01:05 Praise the Lord praise the Lord
01:08 Let the people rejoice
01:11 O, come to the Father Through Jesus the Son
01:17 And give Him the glory
01:20 Great things He hath done
01:26 Great things He hath taught us Great things He hath done
01:32 And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son
01:38 But purer, and higher, and greater will be
01:45 Our wonder, our transport When Jesus we see
01:52 Praise the Lord praise the Lord
01:56 Let the earth hear His voice
01:59 Praise the Lord praise the Lord
02:03 Let the people rejoice
02:06 O, come to the Father Through Jesus the Son
02:12 And give Him the glory Great things
02:17 He hath done.
02:57 Lord
03:00 I will lift
03:04 Mine eyes
03:08 To the hills
03:14 Knowing
03:17 My help
03:21 Is coming
03:25 From You
03:30 Your peace
03:33 You give me
03:37 In time of
03:41 The storm
03:47 You are
03:49 The source of my strength
03:55 You are
03:57 The strength of my life
04:03 I lift my hands
04:07 In total praise
04:12 To you
04:18 Lord, I will lift
04:25 Mine eyes
04:28 To the hills
04:34 Knowing
04:37 My help
04:41 Is coming
04:45 From You
04:50 Your peace
04:53 You give me
04:57 In time of
05:01 The storm
05:07 You are
05:09 The source of my strength
05:15 You are
05:17 The strength of my life
05:23 I lift my hands in total
05:30 Praise
05:31 To you
05:38 You are
05:40 The source of my strength
05:46 You are
05:48 The strength of my life
05:54 I lift my hands in total
06:01 Praise
06:03 To you
06:07 Amen
06:10 Amen
06:15 Amen
06:19 Amen
06:23 Amen.
06:48 Oh, draw me
06:54 Lord
06:57 Oh, draw me
07:02 Lord
07:05 Oh, draw me
07:10 Lord
07:14 And I'll run
07:18 After You
07:23 Oh, draw me
07:28 Lord
07:31 Oh, draw me
07:37 Lord
07:40 Oh, draw me
07:46 Lord
07:49 And I'll run
07:53 After You
07:58 Oh, draw me
08:03 Lord
08:06 Oh, draw me
08:11 Lord
08:14 Oh, draw me
08:20 Lord
08:23 And I'll run
08:27 After You
08:32 Oh, draw me
08:36 Lord
08:39 Oh, draw me
08:44 Lord
08:48 Oh, draw me
08:52 Lord
08:56 And I'll run
09:00 After You
09:20 Jesus, I've forgotten
09:24 The words that You have spoken
09:29 Promises that burned within my heart
09:33 Have now grown dim
09:36 With a doubting heart I follow
09:40 The paths of earthly wisdom
09:44 Forgive me for my unbelief,
09:48 Renew the fire again
09:54 Lord have mercy
09:58 Christ have mercy
10:02 Lord have mercy
10:06 On me
10:10 Lord have mercy
10:14 Christ have mercy
10:18 Lord have mercy
10:22 On me
10:29 I have built an altar
10:32 Where I worship things of men
10:37 I have taken journeys
10:40 That have drawn me far from You
10:45 Now I am returning
10:48 To Your mercies ever flowing
10:53 Pardon my transgressions
10:55 Help me love You again
11:02 Lord have mercy
11:06 Christ have mercy
11:10 Lord have mercy
11:14 On me
11:17 Lord have mercy
11:21 Christ have mercy
11:25 Lord have mercy
11:29 On me
11:53 I have longed to know You
11:56 And all Your tender mercies
12:00 Like a river of forgiveness
12:04 Ever flowing without end
12:07 So I bow my heart before You
12:11 In the goodness of Your presence
12:15 Your grace forever shining
12:19 Like a beacon in the night
12:25 Lord have mercy
12:29 Christ have mercy
12:33 Lord have mercy
12:36 On me
12:40 Lord have mercy
12:44 Christ have mercy
12:48 Lord have mercy
12:52 On me
12:57 Lord have mercy
13:01 Christ have mercy
13:05 Lord have mercy
13:10 On me
13:13 Lord have mercy
13:17 Christ have mercy
13:21 Lord have mercy
13:26 On me.
13:36 Precious Lord
13:40 Take my hand
13:44 Lead me on
13:48 Through the night
13:52 Through the dark
13:56 Through the storm
14:00 Through the night
14:08 I am feeling
14:13 Through the mount
14:17 I have seen
14:21 The Promised Land
14:26 Precious Lord
14:31 Precious Lord
14:35 Take my hand
14:46 Precious Lord
14:50 Take my hand
14:54 Bring thy child
14:58 Home at last
15:03 Where the strife
15:07 And the pain
15:11 All are past
15:19 I have dreamed
15:24 A great dream
15:29 That thy love
15:33 Shall rule the land
15:39 Precious Lord
15:44 Precious Lord
15:49 Take my hand
16:00 Precious Lord
16:07 Take my hand
16:13 Take thy child
16:18 Unto Thee
16:23 With my dream
16:27 Of a world
16:31 That is free
16:40 For that day
16:44 When all flesh
16:49 Joins the glory
16:53 Thou hast planned
17:03 Precious Lord
17:09 Precious Lord
17:14 Take my hand
17:21 Take my hand.
18:44 Oh, God, could it be true, You will take our hands,
18:49 it's a choir that just sung,
18:53 and You will walk with us.
18:58 How could we ask for more
19:01 that this vineyard of you
19:04 capture our hearts and our minds.
19:07 We pray in Jesus' name.
19:08 Amen.
19:11 It's kind of embarrassing to put it this way
19:15 but I got to ask the question,
19:17 forgive me,
19:18 but does God have Alzheimer's?
19:28 I hold here in my hands, can you see it?
19:30 The latest issue of Time Magazine,
19:32 this is actually dated next week.
19:35 The Alzheimer's Pill.
19:37 What's the subtitle?
19:39 A radical new drug could change old age.
19:42 Let me just read a line or two to you,
19:44 just wondering about God.
19:46 "Dr. Frank Longo
19:48 isn't the kind of guy who chokes up easily.
19:51 The preeminent neurologist is better known
19:53 for his professional stoicism
19:55 and scholarly approach to the devastation
19:57 he sees weekly in his Alzheimer's patients.
19:59 The people come to his office
20:01 at the Stanford University School of Medicine,
20:02 their memory just a little bit worse
20:05 than the last time he saw them.
20:08 But today even though he's trying to keep it together
20:10 his throat tightens.
20:13 He's in a small examining room outside Kansas City, Kansas,
20:16 watching a young man do something people do every day.
20:19 He swallowing a pill with a big gulp of water,
20:22 but it's not just any pill, it's a new drug
20:24 that Longo hopes will prove to be
20:26 an effective treatment for Alzheimer's.
20:28 And when the man swallows tears pool
20:31 in the deep furrows around Longo's eyes.
20:37 'My biggest frustration
20:38 is that we've cured Alzheimer's in mice many times,
20:41 why can't we move the success to people?'
20:43 Longo asks.
20:45 He's referring to the numerous promising compounds
20:47 that have that, that have
20:49 eliminated the amyloidal plaques
20:51 associated with Alzheimer's in animals.
20:53 If the ongoing human trials
20:54 continue to progress the way he hopes,
20:56 Longo's drug called LM11A-31
21:00 could be a critical part of finally making that happen.
21:04 But that's still a big 'if.'"
21:06 Listen to these stats, America.
21:09 "The stakes couldn't be higher not just for Longo
21:10 but also for the world's aging population.
21:13 In the US..." All right, our country.
21:15 "In the US, one third of Americans over 85
21:18 are already affected by Alzheimer's.
21:22 Globally, nearly 50 million people
21:24 are living with dementia,
21:26 most of which is caused by Alzheimer's,
21:29 and absent effective drugs or other interventions,
21:32 that number is expected to double every 20 years.
21:36 With no treatments,
21:38 caring for them falls to loved ones
21:39 in assisted living facilities."
21:42 And some of you here know exactly
21:43 what that sentence is describing.
21:48 "The cost of that care is skyrocketing."
21:50 Last line, "In three years
21:53 the global annual burden
21:54 could reach over one trillion dollars."
22:00 Does God need the Alzheimer's pill?
22:05 I know it sounds irreverent to even asked the question.
22:08 But we have His word on it.
22:11 If we take it
22:13 and divine amnesia may not be out of the question.
22:18 I want you to grab your Bible right now,
22:19 let's go, let's cut to the chase.
22:21 Grab your Bible
22:22 and your study guide at the same time,
22:23 you need them both.
22:25 A stunning set of verses
22:27 that heavily tilt to the possibility.
22:29 You check it out for yourself
22:31 and while you're finding your Bible,
22:32 let's get our friendly ushers to put in your hands
22:35 today's brand new study guide.
22:38 They're jumping up.
22:40 I think.
22:43 Well, we don't need our friendly ushers,
22:44 come on, we can do this ourselves,
22:46 just reach in your bulletin,
22:47 there's your study guide, pull it out.
22:48 You didn't get one, then hold your hand up
22:50 and they're coming.
22:51 Yeah, they're thinking, where are the study...
22:53 Oh, look at.
22:54 And those of you watching right now on the screen.
22:59 Some of you on screen and some of you on television,
23:01 they put the website up for you,
23:02 you can get the same study guide.
23:03 You gonna want this study guide.
23:05 Here's the website www...
23:07 excuse me, www...
23:09 Excuse me again.
23:10, that's our new website,
23:16 Go to that website,
23:17 you're looking for the little series
23:18 Charmed Into Righteousness,
23:20 title of today's teaching The Greatest Forgiver.
23:23 Click on there, there will be a study guide.
23:24 You got to follow along with us.
23:25 So glad you're here.
23:27 Grab that study guide and let's go.
23:29 Now for that stunning set of verses,
23:30 you ready for this?
23:32 Start off with the Book of Isaiah.
23:34 By the way, you go home this afternoon
23:36 and mark these up in your Bible.
23:37 These are, these are top drawer verses,
23:38 you'll never find verses more potent then these.
23:42 We're not going to take time to look them up right now,
23:43 let's put them on the screen.
23:44 Isaiah 43:25, God, first person,
23:49 "I, even I, am he
23:51 who blots out your transgressions,
23:54 for mine own sake, and remembers your sins..."
23:57 Write it in please. "No more."
24:01 I will remember your sins no more, divine amnesia.
24:05 Come on, guys, how can we miss it.
24:07 First person promise,
24:08 I promise to blot out your transgressions
24:10 and remember your sins no more.
24:12 Which begs the question, how much is no more?
24:16 How much is no more?
24:17 In fact, let's put the words up in English.
24:19 You know what, you can't make that any shorter than that,
24:21 "No more."
24:22 Now I suppose you could, you could say "Nomo."
24:27 So we'll use nomo.
24:29 God says, I'll remember your sins nomo.
24:33 Just to make sure that we get the point,
24:35 Isaiah goes on.
24:36 Jot this one down, Isaiah 38:17,
24:39 Isaiah speaking to God,
24:40 "You have put all my sins behind your back."
24:45 Throws them away, behind your back.
24:47 No wonder God can't remember our sins,
24:48 they're no longer sitting there in front of Him.
24:51 The problem is, they're sitting in front of
24:52 somebody else and somebody's always remembering, right?
24:54 Somebody's always remembering.
24:55 And if you can't think of anybody, it's the devil.
24:58 Devil never let you forget
24:59 and that's why you keep recalling them.
25:01 Come on, this is behind, too bad, there they are again.
25:05 Isaiah goes on, Isaiah 44, jot this down, verse 22,
25:08 God, first person again,
25:10 "I have swept away your offenses like a cloud,
25:13 your sins like the morning mist."
25:16 And by the way, that's not the Microsoft cloud
25:18 or the Apple cloud, that's another cloud.
25:20 A little white fluffy thing.
25:22 How does it happen?
25:23 You're looking at it and suddenly it vanishes
25:25 in front of your eyes, that's what I've done,
25:27 like the low lying fog in the St. Joseph River Valley.
25:32 Gone with the advent of the son.
25:34 God says that's what I've done.
25:36 Jeremiah says, listen, guys,
25:37 I hope you're not missing what Isaiah is telling you,
25:39 but in case you have missed it,
25:40 let me add my voice.
25:42 Jeremiah 31:34, God, first person again,
25:45 "For I will forgive their wickedness
25:47 and will remember their sins no more."
25:50 There it is again, no more.
25:52 I'm not going to remember it, I promise you.
25:56 How many of you almost get the feeling,
25:58 you know, that God wants us to conclude
25:59 that when it comes to our sins
26:00 He really does suffer from a severe case of amnesia?
26:05 No more.
26:08 And Micah says, me too, me too, little Micah.
26:10 Say, I got to get into this.
26:11 Let's put Micah on the screen.
26:13 Micah 7:18-19, Micah ask, "Who is a God like you,
26:18 who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
26:20 of the remnant of his inheritance?
26:22 You do not stay angry forever but You delight to show mercy."
26:26 Boy, was that I'm singing this morning or what?
26:29 Christ, Lord, have mercy on us.
26:31 You delight to, you delight to show mercy.
26:34 Now Micah goes on,
26:36 "You will again have compassion on us,
26:38 you will tread our sins underfoot
26:40 and hurl all our iniquities into the..."
26:42 Write it down. "The depths of the sea."
26:47 God says, I'll bury your sins at sea.
26:51 At little mountain lake,
26:53 where I grew up as a missionary's kid in Japan,
26:55 there would be drowning almost tragically every summer.
27:00 And I tell you what, when you're kid,
27:02 four years, five years old,
27:03 that stuff is indelibly imprinted
27:05 on the hard disk of childhood memories.
27:07 I can still see that little, that little motor boat
27:10 chugging around the vast place in the lake
27:12 where they saw the victim.
27:14 I can see those authorities looking,
27:15 I can see them finally reaching into that little skiff
27:18 and pulling out grappling hooks
27:20 and dropping those hooks
27:22 over the side to drag on the bottom of that lake
27:24 in hopes of finding that victim.
27:28 Here Micah,
27:29 God promises to bury our sins at the bottom of the sea.
27:32 And the only way they could ever again confront us
27:36 is if we drop the grappling hooks
27:38 all over the side ourselves
27:40 and look for that, the corpse of that sin to pull back up
27:43 and stare at, and mourn over,
27:46 and sob over when God says, what are you doing, girl?
27:50 I buried that already.
27:54 The devil does not want us to get this, guys.
27:56 Oh he does not, this will set you free
27:58 if you get this picture of God today.
28:00 And the devil would say, no,
28:01 I am going to keep it in front of you,
28:03 I'm going to rub your nose in it,
28:04 I'm going to rub your face in it.
28:05 Every time you forget, I'm back to remind you.
28:10 Now look,
28:13 all of these stunning promises are presupposed
28:16 upon the reality that we have
28:21 earnestly with broken heart
28:24 taken that sin to Jesus and given it to Him.
28:28 The promises presupposed, if that's what you've done.
28:30 I can't throw away what he doesn't have.
28:33 1 John 1:9, come on, don't you ever forget this,
28:34 the great shining diamond
28:36 in the New Testament near the end.
28:37 1 John 1:9, let's read this one out loud together,
28:40 "If we confess our sins,
28:44 he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
28:48 and cleanse us, purify us from all unrighteousness."
28:54 Man.
28:56 Every one of these promises,
28:58 the stunning set that we've just gone through
29:00 is premised on the simple condition
29:03 that we confess and repent of our sin before God.
29:07 Bring it to me, bring it to me and see what I'll do with it.
29:11 Isaiah, well, we got to go back to Isaiah.
29:12 Jot this down, Isaiah 1:18, "'Come now,' God says,
29:16 'Let us settle the matter,' says the Lord.
29:19 Though your sins are like scarlet,
29:21 they shall be as white as..."
29:23 Snow!
29:25 Hallelujah. Got melted yesterday.
29:28 Ain't that some?
29:30 Quit laughing so soon, it will be back.
29:34 "Though your sins are like scarlet,
29:36 they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson,
29:38 they shall be as wool."
29:40 Jesus says, Oh, come on, guys, please, I beg of you,
29:44 bring them to me, bring it to me.
29:45 I don't care what kind of sin it is,
29:47 I don't care what color of sin it is,
29:48 I will not only forgive you, I will wash you,
29:50 I will purify you, I will cleanse you,
29:52 and then I'm going to bury that sin
29:54 in the depths of the sea.
29:55 I'm going to burn that sin off like the morning mist,
29:57 gone, dissipated, vanished.
30:00 I will remember your sin no more, no more.
30:05 Just give it to me.
30:07 Let me have it."
30:10 In the New Testament, barely comes to closing,
30:14 when they quickly slip in
30:16 what we've just gotten in the Old Testament,
30:17 the New Testament says, don't miss this.
30:19 Two times in the Book of Hebrews,
30:20 jot this down.
30:22 Hebrews 10:17, "Their, "God speaking,
30:24 "'Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.'"
30:31 I ask you again.
30:35 Does God have Alzheimer's?
30:39 I mean what's up with this, guys?
30:40 What have we just read?
30:45 Severe case of divine amnesia, at best.
30:51 In order to put these stunning promises to the test,
30:55 we got to operationalize this cluster.
30:59 We need to operationalize it
31:01 with a red blooded human exhibit A,
31:04 all you're going to need is exhibit A, and trust me,
31:06 that's all you're going to need.
31:08 This one perhaps is the most stunning text of all
31:10 to set us up.
31:12 We need to consider four questions.
31:13 So here come the four questions.
31:14 Question number one, is it a sin to walk
31:16 on your roof?
31:18 Yes or no?
31:19 The answer is no.
31:21 Question number two, is it a sin
31:22 to walk over to the edge of your roof?
31:23 No, if you don't fall off, it's not.
31:25 Two.
31:26 Number three,
31:28 is it a sin to look into your neighbor's backyard?
31:29 The answer is, no, it's not a sin.
31:31 Number four, is it a sin to watch your neighbor's wife
31:33 taking a bath in her backyard in evening?
31:37 Yes.
31:38 Yeah.
31:39 The whole world knows the story of young King David,
31:42 who crossed over the line between innocence and guilt,
31:46 in that moment when he should have turned away,
31:48 his finger was on the mouse, and unwonted picture popped up
31:52 on his screen and all he had to do was click
31:55 and it would have been gone.
31:57 But he lingered and crash and burn.
32:01 Like a fighter jet shot out of the blue heavens,
32:03 spiraling down, down, down, crash.
32:07 It's over, it's inevitable.
32:09 Any sin you coddle,
32:11 you will crash and burn, every time.
32:16 Of course, the rest is a tragic morality tale
32:18 of warning in King David's life.
32:21 He not only sleeps with his neighbor's wife, get this,
32:23 he impregnates her.
32:25 And so to cover it up, he brings her husband home
32:27 from the battlefront where he's been fighting,
32:29 he says, go sleep with your wife,
32:30 she's been missing you.
32:32 The husband refuses to sleep with his wife
32:34 because, his men are still on the frontline,
32:35 taking, taking bullets.
32:39 So, David, accidentally executes him
32:42 by giving the command when he's up at the front,
32:44 everybody pull back.
32:48 And it worked.
32:50 David goading over that little nifty secret
32:53 that only he and she know.
32:57 When Nathan, the prophet storms into that palace
33:03 and with King James English, he cries out,
33:06 "Thou are the man."
33:09 And the record reads, David burst into tears
33:12 and he sobs,
33:13 "I have sinned against the Lord."
33:17 And now added to the annals of penitential literature
33:21 is this great Psalms 51 prayer,
33:23 and I need you to see it in your Bible,
33:24 not on the screen now.
33:25 No, no, no, you find it, Psalm 51.
33:28 Find it on your phone, doesn't matter to me.
33:30 Psalm 51.
33:32 Don't have a Bible, grab the pew Bible,
33:33 it will be page 387.
33:35 This prayer, this prayer,
33:38 this great prayer, David praying,
33:41 verse 1, Psalm 51:1,
33:43 "Have mercy on me, O God,"
33:45 we sang those words a moment ago.
33:48 "Have mercy on me, O God,
33:50 according to your unfailing love,
33:52 according to your great compassion
33:53 blot out my transgressions."
33:55 Verse 2,
33:57 "Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin."
34:00 David sobs.
34:02 Did you catch that? Come on.
34:04 David is praying for what God has already promised
34:07 in this stunning set of verses we've already read.
34:11 David, "Please blot out my transgressions."
34:14 But God has promised, I will remember your sins no more.
34:17 David sobs, "Cleanse me from my sin."
34:20 But God promises, though your sins be a scarlet,
34:22 they should be as white as snow.
34:23 God has already made provision for your prayer
34:28 that sobs these words.
34:30 Already done.
34:34 And how deep was God's forgiveness for David?
34:38 Consider now the most stunning of all the verses
34:40 we look at this morning.
34:42 Because David eventually dies, yes, he does.
34:44 And God has to send a message to the wicked,
34:46 one of David's successors, wicked and evil King Jeroboam.
34:51 I want you to see what God sends to Jeroboam.
34:55 Turn back, you're on Psalm 51, Psalm 51.
34:57 Go back to 1 Kings 14.
34:59 If this verse is not marked in your Bible,
35:00 today is the day that you circle it,
35:02 you put stars all around it, you underline it.
35:07 You've bend the page over if you have to,
35:09 you need to see this stunning proof
35:13 that the stunning promises we've read are all true.
35:16 Here we go, 1 Kings 14:8, I am in the NIV.
35:21 Let's go, verse 8, God speaking,
35:23 "I tore the kingdom away from the house of David
35:25 and gave it to you, King Jeroboam,
35:27 but you have not been like my servant David,
35:31 who kept my commands
35:32 and followed me with all his heart,
35:34 doing only what was right in my eyes.
35:38 You cannot fathom the depth of what God has just said
35:41 unless we break it down.
35:42 So we're going to break it down right now
35:44 with your study guide.
35:45 Write it back down, let's go.
35:47 '"But you, Jeroboam,
35:49 have not been like my servant David who,"
35:51 number one, so I've added the numbers.
35:53 "Who number 1 kept my commandments."
35:56 Oh, God. Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out.
36:00 Come on, what are you talking about?
36:02 He broke the seventh commandment
36:04 about adultery.
36:05 He killed the husband, that would be six.
36:07 He lied, that would be eight.
36:09 He coveted to start the whole thing, that's 10.
36:11 He dishonored his father and mother
36:12 in their spiritual legacy,
36:13 he broke the whole 10, what are you saying,
36:15 you kept all my commandments?
36:18 God says, quit interrupting me, boy,
36:19 I have more to say.
36:21 Number two, jot it down.
36:26 "Who kept my commandments," and number two,
36:27 "followed me with all his heart."
36:33 I could do this again, but just,
36:35 are we talking about the same David?
36:38 All his heart he gave to you?
36:40 I don't want to say this, but are you crazy?
36:43 You got Alzheimer's, that, boy,
36:45 that's a big secret that shouldn't get out.
36:48 God says, I am not through yet, I got one more.
36:52 "Who kept my commandments," numbered one and two,
36:56 "follow me with all his heart,"
36:57 and number three,
36:59 "He did only what was right in my eyes."
37:03 God, you, you are sick.
37:08 You lost it.
37:10 You know what he did.
37:12 The whole world knows, it's too late.
37:19 Scribbling on this page of my Bible,
37:23 I've left these words in every Bible
37:25 that I can find 1 Kings 14:8,
37:27 I write these words in that Bible.
37:29 You can do the same because
37:30 I give it to you in your study guide,
37:32 The Steps to Christ, they are the classic.
37:34 Steps to Christ, how to come to Jesus.
37:36 Page 62, oh, this is good.
37:38 Jot it down.
37:39 "If you give yourself to Jesus, and accept him as your Savior,
37:43 then, sinful as your life may have been,
37:46 for His sake you are accounted righteous.
37:50 Christ's character stands in place of your character,
37:53 and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sin."
37:59 Write it down and never forget it,
38:03 corroboration that this stunning
38:06 set of promises is true.
38:10 I will remember your sin no more.
38:13 I will bury it in the depths of the sea.
38:15 I will burn it off like the morning mist.
38:17 I will throw it behind my back.
38:18 I will treat you like David so that when you die
38:20 or your name comes up in the judgment,
38:22 when they call your name, I'll say,
38:24 hey, I don't remember a thing about him,
38:28 she did only what was right.
38:32 That's the God we've just met in this ancient book.
38:39 Wow.
38:41 I tell you what, it simply,
38:43 it simply does not get any better than that
38:46 if you're a sinner like me
38:49 because God is the greatest forgiver.
38:51 Perdonar.
38:53 If you're like me, you have been forgiven
38:55 by some very merciful and grace filled,
38:59 wonderful people in your life.
39:02 Trust me, I have too.
39:04 But better than them all
39:05 is the greatest forgiver in the universe
39:07 who says, I don't even remember.
39:11 Nomo.
39:13 Nomo.
39:17 Which makes you wonder,
39:20 if we really believe this, come on, come on,
39:22 if we truly believe
39:24 that God is the greatest forgiver in the universe,
39:25 why wouldn't we be more open with Him
39:28 about what's inside of us?
39:30 Come on, why?
39:33 If he's the greatest forgiver of all,
39:35 why wouldn't we be more transparent,
39:38 transparent before Him?
39:42 Why would we be more vulnerable
39:44 in confessing our little dirty secrets to Him?
39:51 I mean, please.
39:52 We all play these silly little games with God, don't we?
39:56 Pretending to be not quite as needy,
39:58 not quite as desperate,
39:59 as that publican who is sitting way in back of the church,
40:01 or in the front of the church, in this case.
40:07 But I thank you that I tithe and I keep the Sabbath,
40:14 fast twice a week.
40:21 C.S. Lewis in his little book Letters to Malcolm:
40:23 Chiefly on Prayer, wisely observes, jot this down.
40:27 Very, very insightful.
40:29 "We must lay before God what is in us,
40:34 not what ought to be in us."
40:37 We've got to tell him, this is in me.
40:39 Now, not, see, here what we got to say,
40:41 I know what he wants, I know he wants.
40:43 Watch this, hey, God, I am that way.
40:46 What a foolish game.
40:47 Lewis goes on, "The prayer preceding all prayers is..."
40:51 I like this.
40:52 "May it be the real I who speaks,
40:56 and may it be the real thou that I speak to."
41:02 Who do we think we're fooling
41:04 when the darkest secrets of our hearts
41:05 we keep them from God.
41:06 Shh, I don't want Him to see, I don't want Him to know.
41:09 Are you crazy?
41:11 Is He God?
41:13 Of course, He knows.
41:16 I mean, we're like a little girl.
41:19 Mother comes in, insisting that
41:21 she's eating chocolate chip cookies.
41:22 So she says, not me, not me, mama.
41:24 Chocolate spreading all around her lips,
41:25 crumbs all over her face.
41:27 Not me mama, I haven't eaten.
41:28 God says, who you fooling?
41:29 I see, it's all over you.
41:32 Fess up.
41:34 Philip Yancey, boy, this is good.
41:38 "Unless I level with God, that relationship..."
41:41 My relationship with him, oh, this is, this you need.
41:45 "My relationship with him will go nowhere
41:47 if I don't level with him.
41:49 I may continue going to church, as I did today,
41:51 I may sing hymns and praise choruses, as we did today,
41:54 I may even address God politely in formal prayers,
41:57 but I will never break through the intimacy barrier."
42:02 Did you catch that?
42:03 Because God says, what are you trying to tell me?
42:08 I know you, but you obviously don't know me
42:11 because you're hiding it out of me.
42:12 I know exactly what you're hiding.
42:14 Why don't you get this out in the open?
42:15 Why don't you just deal with this,
42:16 then you and I can really go deep,
42:18 but I can't go deep with somebody
42:19 who's always playing a game with me.
42:21 I'm tired of silly games, I'm running out of time,
42:24 tell me who you are, tell me what you need,
42:26 and ask me to do what I've already promised to do.
42:30 Don't go around saying, I'm not that way
42:34 when in fact you are.
42:39 You may fool your lawyer by the way,
42:41 but you're not going to fool God.
42:50 It's the only way we can break this intimacy barrier.
42:52 How can...
42:54 Look at the Bible says, James 4:8,
42:57 "Drawn nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you."
43:02 Come close to me.
43:05 Of course, I'm getting closer to you,
43:06 because you're coming closer to me.
43:09 It's like I was standing up,
43:10 I needed you to just step my way.
43:14 You can trust the greatest forgiver in the universe
43:17 with your deepest and darkest secrets
43:18 because He already knows them all,
43:20 and loves you with all His heart,
43:23 in spite of them all.
43:26 Once upon a time there was a God
43:29 who came down to this earth
43:32 and when it came time to die for this world,
43:34 He stretched out His arms as they nailed Him on the cross,
43:38 and He prayed a single prayer.
43:40 Put that prayer on the screen for you.
43:43 He prayed, "Father,
43:46 forgive them,
43:51 they don't know what they're doing.
43:54 I beg of you, forgive them, please."
43:59 Desire of Ages writes, put it on the screen,
44:01 "That prayer of Christ for His enemies embraced the world.
44:04 It took in every sinner that should live,
44:07 that has lived or should live from the beginning of the world
44:09 to the end of time.
44:11 Upon all rests the guilt of crucifying the Son of God."
44:14 And then here comes the gospel,
44:15 "To all, forgiveness is freely offered.
44:20 'Whosoever will' may have peace with God,
44:22 and inherit eternal life."
44:24 Hey, guys, please get this,
44:28 the truth is because of Calvary,
44:31 listen, the truth is
44:33 we have already been forgiven
44:37 2,000 years ago.
44:41 The whole world got forgiven.
44:42 We pardoned, charges dropped
44:46 2,000 years ago which reduces to absurdity.
44:51 Get this, come on, which reduces to absurdity
44:54 the suggestion that God may not forgive me this time,
44:58 when in fact, He has already forgiven me for next time
45:03 2,000 years ago.
45:05 Come on.
45:07 Nomo.
45:09 I'm promising you nomo.
45:16 So why not receive the gift right now?
45:20 Several years ago, Morris Venden,
45:21 the great preacher stood right here.
45:25 I'll remember this.
45:27 And he announce that there are four things
45:29 that God does not know.
45:31 One, He does not know a sin He does not hate.
45:36 Two, He does not know a sinner He doesn't love.
45:42 Three, He does not know a sin He can't forgive.
45:46 And four, He does not know a better time than now.
45:51 Amen.
45:53 Pull out that connect card, will you, please.
45:58 Because I want to give you an opportunity
45:59 to make the decision right now.
46:01 We've played these silly games long enough.
46:02 Today is your day of deliverance, God is here.
46:05 The devil has been held at bay for a few more minutes.
46:10 Pull out your connect card,
46:11 I want to go through that connect card with you.
46:13 Get, be sure that I have your email address on the front,
46:17 your name and email address, that's all I need.
46:19 I want to go to the back
46:21 and it's time to make a decision,
46:22 my next step today.
46:24 Some of you this moment
46:25 is going to be a liberating moment for you.
46:26 And I want to do something I've never done
46:28 with connect cards before so let me have your ears.
46:30 Let me have your ears.
46:32 My next step today, number one, I am grateful,
46:35 God not only forgives all my sins
46:38 but also remembers them no more.
46:40 Today, I confess to Him what he already knows.
46:44 Some of you have been playing this game
46:46 long, long, long enough,
46:48 and it's time for your heart to be set free.
46:50 Jesus says, if the son sets you free,
46:52 you're free indeed, man, woman,
46:54 you're free indeed.
46:55 Just let me give it to me and I'll remember it nomo,
46:59 but you have to give it to me.
47:00 I want you to give me what's 30 years behind you,
47:02 I need what's 30 years behind you
47:04 because that baby keeps coming up
47:06 and I'm sick and tired of it being a wall
47:07 between you and me.
47:09 I need you to come clean for me,
47:10 I need you to come clean right now, just get it out.
47:13 Let's go.
47:15 I want you to put a check mark right there
47:16 and I want to give you an opportunity in a moment
47:20 to operationalize that checkmark.
47:24 Box number two, I would like to pierce the intimacy barrier
47:28 and daily prayer and talk to God
47:32 with vulnerable candor.
47:35 Vulnerable candor.
47:38 That's we're talking about, be honest with Him.
47:41 Open your heart up.
47:44 Place all your sins in His hands.
47:47 If they're particularly fresh, good,
47:49 if they're unusually distant, hope for more, get them, go on.
47:55 And box number three, I'd like to bury my past
47:57 in the waters of baptism.
47:59 Please be in touch with me.
48:01 That is the most significant symbol
48:03 that the Bible gives
48:04 to burying the past once and for all.
48:08 If you have not been baptized
48:09 and you're in this sanctuary right now,
48:11 and you're watching on television,
48:12 you're live streaming right now,
48:14 I need you to know
48:17 if you are not been baptized this is the act in Christ
48:21 that will wash your passed away.
48:23 Amen.
48:25 You say, I'm not going to be baptized.
48:26 You want to carry that ball and chain, be my guest.
48:30 If you have not been baptized, put a check mark there.
48:33 Nobody's going to rush you, you take your time.
48:35 But you make the decision today.
48:37 I'm tired of carrying,
48:39 dragging this ball and chain in my life.
48:41 I want it gone.
48:43 You put a check mark there.
48:46 And it will be an honor to be in touch with you,
48:48 by email, by email.
48:50 You control everything.
48:53 But make the decision
48:54 because you control the decision.
48:56 God is saying, that girl,
48:57 why is she making that decision?
48:58 That boy...
49:00 I mean, how many times have I asked that boy
49:01 to give me his heart and to baptize his life
49:03 and burry his past in me,
49:04 but he won't, he's playing this silly little game
49:06 as if there's nothing in his life
49:08 he needs right now, everything's hunky-dory,
49:09 God, thank you so much,
49:11 call me again when you need me.
49:14 Give me a life, he says, let me have it,
49:18 and I'll just bury it and you'll be gone, girl.
49:22 It will be gone.
49:27 Cuba mission, put a check mark there.
49:29 So here's what's different, if God is calling you,
49:33 put them all in my hands right now,
49:34 everything, everything,
49:36 put it all in my hands right now,
49:37 I'm going to ask you to take this card
49:38 and walk to the front right now.
49:40 Don't have to, look, Choir singing a lovely hymn.
49:43 Nope, just take this card and come to the front.
49:45 And by that saying, Dwight,
49:49 pray for me right now on the spot.
49:51 And I will pray for you right now on the spot.
49:53 I want a couple of pastors to stand right here
49:55 and receive these cards.
49:56 Not asking for your tithes and offerings,
49:58 I'm asking for your connect card.
49:59 If you've made a decision today
50:01 that I'm going to bury that past,
50:02 I'm going to give everything to you, God,
50:04 everything to you.
50:06 I want you to come forward, please.
50:08 And put a card in one of these pastor's hands.
50:12 And I want to pray with you.
50:14 And if you're in the balcony, the very back of the balcony,
50:17 and the spirit is speaking to your heart,
50:19 I want to invite you to come,
50:20 make the long trip down the stairs
50:21 and come right here.
50:23 You say, Dwight, I am just going to it on a card,
50:24 it's real private.
50:25 Of course, you may, and you may, and you may.
50:27 But some times to operationalize your choice
50:29 makes all the difference in the world.
50:32 That has been in your past so long now,
50:35 it's time to bring it out.
50:42 If you be willing to place your heart
50:47 and that past in Jesus' hands right now, join us...
50:53 Already opened the door for you.
50:58 I'm not rushing home to dinner, guys.
51:01 The spirit is right here, right now,
51:03 I've been praying before I got up,
51:04 God, keep the devil outside the double doors.
51:08 Just keep him out right now
51:09 because somebody's going to get free today,
51:10 somebody's going to get set free today in a lasting way
51:15 because you operationalized your choice.
51:18 There's no magic in the card.
51:21 It's just a choice.
51:23 I will remember your sins nomo.
51:30 Anyone else?
51:34 From the choir, from the sanctuary,
51:38 those of you watching right now alone somewhere, streaming.
51:43 You make the decision too.
51:46 In order to walk while you're watching,
51:48 you just raise your hand to Jesus and say,
51:51 Jesus, I'm giving it all to you.
51:55 Why should I carry this?
52:01 I'm not going to prolong this.
52:05 But somebody else needs
52:09 to make the physical response of walking to the front.
52:14 We do connect cards so that you never have to do this.
52:16 But the Lord said, that's nice, now, Dwight, come on,
52:19 give somebody a chance.
52:20 Amen.
52:22 Never been baptized before, bring the card.
52:25 Just leave here right up here at the front.
52:27 We'll be in touch with you, we'll be in touch.
52:30 But make the decision.
52:43 God bless you.
52:48 Don't be in the back of the sanctuary saying,
52:49 ah, that's so...
52:50 You got to walk that whole distance,
52:52 what's the point of it?
52:53 The point is, Jesus says,
52:55 he who confesses Me before others,
52:56 I'll confess before the Father,
52:58 he who does not confessed Me before others,
53:00 well, you don't need Me.
53:02 What do I say for you?
53:05 You want to put it all in those nail scared hands.
53:10 And those prayer is already covered you to the max,
53:14 you are covered.
53:16 You may be here to worship God, but you just say, man,
53:18 I wasn't even planed to be here but I'm here,
53:20 and the spirit is speaking to you then come on.
53:26 They're coming.
53:29 Thirty years is a long time for carrying that little secret.
53:35 And if by saying that,
53:37 that puts too much pressure on you
53:38 to come forward, I understand.
53:41 If you will mark this box
53:45 we will pray over your name.
53:52 And if you're too embarrassed to put your name,
53:56 you just turn it in,
53:58 you just put a little check mark.
54:01 That's appropriate, do you leave your name off.
54:05 We're not interested in doing anything
54:06 but facilitating this moment
54:08 so that you can let go what God says,
54:11 it's no more in my mind, it's not in my heart,
54:15 I got a new journey,
54:16 I got a new chapter to write for you.
54:19 Let me write it, just give me permission.
54:26 How many want to say with these who come forward,
54:28 no matter what check mark you've put here or haven't,
54:32 but how many want to say, you know what, Dwight, yeah,
54:36 I want it clean, I want all the secrets,
54:39 I want Him to have it all, He already knows it all anyway.
54:43 I'm putting my hand up,
54:44 and if you would be willing to say,
54:45 Got, I'm going to give you that because I know exactly
54:49 what it is you're asking for.
54:53 Just put your hands up while you're sitting.
54:56 Just your hand up and say, Jesus.
54:58 Now look, you didn't have to walk up so hold your hand,
55:00 just hold your hand.
55:01 Don't be embarrassed, just hold it up.
55:04 You're operationalizing a decision and saying,
55:06 Jesus, this intimacy barrier
55:07 that we haven't been able to cross it,
55:09 how old am I now?
55:10 Good, nine, I am that old?
55:12 I want to break that intimacy barrier with you,
55:15 I want to let you know that I know you know,
55:18 and so I'm giving you everything,
55:19 everything in my life.
55:24 Oh, marvelous, marvelous grace.
55:28 Oh, God, I praise Your name for these who come forward.
55:32 Ah, it always takes a little bit
55:35 of gumption and courage
55:36 to step up in front of everybody and.
55:40 But you know what, Lord, Jesus with a cross on his back
55:45 all alone dragged it to the top of Golgotha.
55:50 He did it to operationalize the prayer,
55:52 Father forgive him, forgive her,
55:54 she did know what she was doing.
55:57 Bring it to me, child, just bring it to me,
55:59 I'll bury in the depths of the sea
56:01 and I will remember your sin no more.
56:05 It's not between you and me ever again.
56:07 I've dropped it, I dropped it 2,000 years ago.
56:11 Drop it now, please, drop it in my hand.
56:14 I'll take it
56:15 and then I'll breathe into you
56:17 all the power and grace and courage
56:20 you need to live boldly for Me.
56:23 I know what this means for you
56:26 but you have Me,
56:29 and I'm with you.
56:30 I am with you till the end of the age
56:33 so stay with Me, we'll go together.
56:37 In that intimacy, you watch.
56:41 It will be there, you and me, every morning alone.
56:45 Oh, Father, take our raised hands in these decisions
56:48 and seal this moment.
56:50 Made this almost too good to be true picture of You.
56:54 Be what remains in our hearts until Jesus comes.
56:59 Amen. Amen.
57:04 May I take an extra moment with you
57:06 and let you know how grateful I am
57:07 that you joined us and worshiped today.
57:10 And from viewers like you across the nation
57:12 and literally around the world, and I'm thankful.
57:14 If you would like to explore further
57:16 what we've just shared
57:17 I'll hope you will visit us at our website.
57:19 It's an easy one to remember
57:24 we are the Pioneer Memorial Church
57:26 here on the campus of Andrews University.
57:28 So that's
57:32 Click on to that website
57:33 and you will be able to listen to a podcast of this material,
57:35 you can download the presentation,
57:36 you can print off the study guide,
57:38 you may have a special prayer need that you wish to share
57:40 with our prayer partners
57:42 or you may wish to partner with us
57:43 through a personal donation to help reach this generation
57:46 with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:49 If you rather talk with someone,
57:50 call one of our friendly operators.
57:52 Here's the toll free number 877
57:54 and then the two words HIS-WILL,
57:56 877-HIS-WILL.
57:59 In the meantime, may the grace and peace of Jesus be yours
58:02 every step of this adventurous way.


Revised 2016-04-21