New Perceptions

The Sabbath: Legacy Of The 'bastard' Science

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP020208

00:27 A time for every tribe and nation
00:33 All of Your creation.
00:34 For all of Your creation
00:36 To come and honor You.
00:37 To come and honor You
00:42 You are my creator
00:45 Lord over Heaven and Earth
00:50 You are my sustainer
00:53 My soul You redeemed from the curse
00:58 And as I delight in You
01:01 You cause me to ride on the high places of the earth
01:06 My King, my God
01:10 This is Your day
01:13 My King.
01:14 My King, my God
01:18 This is Your day
01:23 Amen.
01:27 It's Your day Father, and today we say
01:28 blessed be Your name
01:31 in the good times and in the bad times.
01:35 Blessed be Your name.
01:47 Blessed be Your name
01:50 In the land that is plentiful
01:54 Where Your streams of abundance flow
01:58 Blessed be Your name
02:03 Blessed Be Your name
02:06 When I'm found in the desert place
02:10 Though I walk through the wilderness
02:14 Blessed Be Your name
02:17 Every blessing.
02:18 Every blessing You pour out
02:22 I'll turn back to praise
02:26 When the darkness closes in, Lord
02:30 Still I will say
02:32 Blessed be the name of the Lord
02:36 Blessed be Your name
02:39 Blessed be.
02:40 Blessed be the name of the Lord
02:44 Blessed be Your glorious name
02:51 Blessed be Your name
02:54 When the sun's shining down on me
02:58 When the world's all as it should be
03:02 Blessed be Your name
03:07 Blessed be Your name
03:10 On the road marked with suffering
03:13 Though there's pain in the offering
03:17 Blessed be Your name
03:20 Every voice, every blessing.
03:22 Every blessing You pour out
03:25 I'll turn back to praise
03:29 When the darkness closes in, Lord
03:33 Still I will say
03:36 Blessed be the name of the Lord
03:39 Blessed be Your name
03:43 Blessed be the name of the Lord
03:47 Blessed be Your glorious name
03:53 You give and take away
03:57 You give and take away
04:01 My heart will choose to say
04:05 Lord, blessed be Your name
04:09 You give and take away
04:13 You give and take away
04:16 My heart will choose to say
04:20 Lord, blessed be Your name
04:25 Blessed be the name of the Lord
04:29 Blessed be Your name
04:33 Blessed be the name of the Lord
04:37 Blessed be Your glorious name
04:41 Blessed be the name of the Lord
04:45 Blessed be Your name
04:49 Blessed be the name of the Lord
04:52 Blessed be Your glorious name
04:59 Hallelujah. Blessed be Your name, Jesus.
05:04 He's been so good toward us.
05:07 We're gonna sing that song Amazing Love.
05:09 How can it be that the King, He would die for you and me.
05:13 I want to invite you to stand and sing the song.
05:16 Contemplate the sacrifice of our Lord for your sins,
05:21 for my sins and "Amazing Love."
05:35 I'm forgiven.
05:38 I'm forgiven
05:41 Because You were forsaken
05:45 I'm accepted
05:49 You were condemned
05:53 I'm alive and well
05:55 Your Spirit is within me
05:59 Because You died and rose again
06:06 Let sing that chorus.
06:08 Amazing love
06:10 How can it be
06:15 That You, my King
06:17 Would die for me
06:23 Amazing love
06:26 I know it's true
06:31 It's my joy to honor You
06:36 In all I do
06:40 I honor You
06:55 I'm forgiven.
06:57 I'm forgiven
07:00 because You were forsaken
07:03 Just think about it.
07:05 I'm accepted
07:08 You were condemned
07:11 I'm alive and well
07:14 Your spirit is within me
07:18 Because You died and rose again
07:24 Just pray our church, amazing love.
07:27 Amazing love
07:29 How can it be
07:34 That You, my King
07:36 Would die for me
07:41 Amazing love
07:44 I know it's true
07:49 And it's my joy to honor You
07:54 In all I do
07:58 I honor You
08:01 You are my King.
08:03 You are my King
08:10 Jesus
08:11 You are my King
08:18 You are my King
08:25 Jesus
08:26 You are my King
08:32 Amazing love
08:34 Amazing love
08:36 How can it be
08:41 That You, my King
08:43 Would die for me
08:48 Amazing love
08:51 I know it's true
08:55 It's my joy to honor You
09:01 In all I do
09:05 I honor You
09:09 In all I do
09:13 I honor You
09:18 I love you, Lord
09:23 Let's sing together.
09:25 And I lift my voice
09:32 To worship You
09:39 Oh, my soul
09:44 Rejoice
09:48 Take joy, my King
09:55 In what You hear
10:02 May it be a sweet
10:07 Sweet sound
10:11 In Your ear
10:17 Let's sing that one more time, I love you, Lord.
10:20 I love you, Lord
10:27 And I lift my voice
10:35 To worship You
10:42 Oh, my soul
10:47 Rejoice
10:51 Take joy, my King
10:57 In what You hear
11:05 May it be a sweet
11:09 Sweet sound
11:14 In Your ear
11:23 Lord, we thank You for this moment.
11:26 And even in silence God,
11:29 we thank You for Your presence.
11:32 Continue to be with us, in Jesus name, amen.
11:47 I, the Lord of sea and sky
11:52 I have heard my people cry
11:56 All who dwell in dark and sin
12:01 My hand will save
12:05 I who made the stars and night
12:09 I will make the darkness bright
12:14 Who will bear my light to them?
12:18 Whom shall I send?
12:23 Here I am Lord
12:28 Is it I Lord?
12:32 I have heard
12:34 You calling in the night
12:40 I will go Lord
12:43 If You lead me
12:48 I will hold
12:50 Your people in my heart
13:02 I, the Lord of snow and rain
13:06 I have born my peoples pain
13:10 I have wept for love of them
13:14 They turn away
13:19 I will break their hearts of stone
13:23 Give them hearts for love alone
13:27 I will speak My word to them
13:31 Whom shall I send?
13:36 Here I am Lord
13:41 Is it I Lord?
13:45 I have heard
13:47 You calling in the night
13:53 I will go Lord
13:57 If You lead me
14:01 I will hold
14:03 Your people in my heart
14:23 I, the Lord of wind and flame
14:28 I will tend the poor and lame
14:32 I will set a feast for them
14:36 My hand will save
14:40 Finest bread I will provide
14:45 Till their hearts be satisfied
14:49 I will give My life to them
14:53 Whom shall I send?
14:58 Here I am Lord
15:02 Is it I Lord?
15:06 I have heard
15:08 You calling in the night
15:14 I will go Lord
15:18 If You lead me
15:22 I will hold
15:25 Your people in my heart
15:32 Here I am
15:35 Here I am
15:38 Here I am, Lord
15:56 Father, we want to respond with the children.
15:59 Here we are, here I am, here each of us is.
16:05 In the night we've heard Your voice,
16:08 that noon day we hear.
16:13 What we are simply asking now holy Father,
16:15 is that as You speak to us through Holy Spirit that
16:18 we would hear clearly what You had to say.
16:20 We need You to engage our minds,
16:22 that we need You to address our hearts as well,
16:25 because we've got to heed
16:29 what You will teach us in Your word.
16:30 So here we are, have Your way, in Jesus name, amen.
16:38 Its probably will not come as a surprise to you
16:40 but when I was a kid growing up
16:42 about the age of these boys up here
16:44 my mouth used to get me in trouble with my mother.
16:49 My mother adopted a form of torture
16:51 that is not even exercise today in Guantanamo Bay
16:56 as a response and that is
16:59 she would wash my mouth out with soap.
17:04 If you have never had your mouth washed out
17:07 with soap see me afterwards.
17:13 My mother is watching this, this is a satellite network,
17:15 we are on three satellite networks
17:16 and my mother in Banning, California
17:18 is watching this right now.
17:20 I'm telling you this story
17:21 because I hope she won't want to wash my mouth out
17:25 after we begin this sermon.
17:27 I'm gonna use a word right now that is not used
17:31 in polite conversation or gentle company.
17:36 It's a very strong word and we find it
17:39 in a sentence making a very strong point.
17:45 The sentence belongs to E.W. Maunder
17:48 and then he refers to what he calls
17:50 the Bastard Science, that was the word.
17:55 Going to the dictionary bastard describes
17:58 and according now "any irregular, inferior,
18:01 illegitimate or counterfeit thing."
18:05 So bastard science would be an illegitimate
18:08 or counterfeit, a fake science.
18:12 And what would that be?
18:14 Well, E.W. Maunder,
18:16 I quote the sentence here, he is writing
18:18 "The bastard science which has always tried
18:21 parasite like to suck its life from astronomy."
18:27 Now everybody knows what astronomy is.
18:30 Astronomy is the study of the astro's,
18:32 that's a Greek word for stars.
18:33 Some of you are taking astronomy
18:35 right now in this university
18:36 but I predict there is nobody here today
18:38 enrolled in astrology.
18:40 You know why?
18:41 Because it's a fake, illegitimate science
18:44 that a science psychic prophetic powers to the moon
18:48 and of the planets and the stars.
18:51 So imagine my surprise to discover that
18:54 that this bastard science of astrology lies at the heart
18:57 of much of the confusion today over the Sabbath.
19:05 Do you know that there are some people
19:06 who believe that you can find astrology
19:09 in the creation account in Genesis 1?
19:12 I'm gonna show this to you, take a look at this.
19:14 We got to do some multitasking right now.
19:16 So open your Bible to Genesis 1, page 1
19:19 if you use the pew Bible and I hope you'll follow along
19:21 if you didn't bring your own Bible.
19:22 But we are gonna multitask.
19:23 While you find in that take out your study guide,
19:26 brand new study guide in your worship bulletin today,
19:28 take it out because I want to get
19:30 both of these parallel tracks going right away
19:33 and your generation is brilliant at multitasking
19:35 so you are not having any problem with this.
19:37 In fact, here's the third task, hold your hand up
19:38 if you don't have a study guide.
19:40 Thank you ushers, right now I see hands
19:42 right through to the back I see hands up in the balcony,
19:45 maybe in the overflow chapel as well,
19:47 make sure that everybody today gets a study guide.
19:49 And those of you, who are joining us on television
19:51 we are honored to have you.
19:53 This will be a fascinating study.
19:54 You're gonna want to have this study guide.
19:56 We put our website on the screen for you,
20:03 You are looking for the series called, "The Sabbath."
20:06 This is part three of the Sabbath.
20:08 Title of this teaching
20:09 "The Legacy of the Bastard Science."
20:14 When it says study guide right there,
20:16 you click it, you have what we have
20:17 and then we can all go together.
20:21 If you are listening on a podcast
20:22 or watching on a DVD all you have to do is hit pause
20:25 and go to your computer do the same thing
20:27 you will be able to follow with us.
20:29 All right, let's just, let's just plunge into this.
20:31 I want to make sure we get this E.W. Maunder sentence down,
20:34 so would you write it please?
20:35 "Astrology is the 'bastard science
20:39 which has always tried parasite like
20:42 to suck its life from astronomy.'"
20:44 All right, Maunder's words.
20:47 Keep writing, Astrology lies at the heart
20:49 of the confusion today over the Sabbath.
20:52 So here's the question, can you find astrology
20:55 in the creation account, in Genesis 1?
20:57 Open your Bible to Genesis 1, you've already got there
20:59 and I'm sitting up here talking.
21:00 I haven't found it yet.
21:01 Genesis 1, page 1 in your pew Bible.
21:05 Same translation and I'll be reading
21:07 from here the New King James Version.
21:08 Let's go to the fourth day of creation, all right,
21:10 fourth day of creation, drop down to verse 14.
21:13 Genesis 1:14, "Then God said," day four creation,
21:17 "'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens
21:20 to divide the day from the night
21:22 and let them be for signs and seasons,
21:24 and for days and years,
21:25 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens
21:28 to give light on the earth,' and" boom "it was so."
21:31 Verse 16, "Then God made two great lights,
21:35 the greater light to rule the day,
21:36 and the lesser light to rule the night.
21:37 He made also the stars." Verse 17
21:40 "God set them in the firmament
21:41 of the heavens to give light on the earth,
21:43 and to rule over the day and over the night,
21:45 and to divide the light from the darkness.
21:46 And God saw that it was good."
21:50 Finally verse 19 "So the evening
21:51 and the morning were the fourth day."
21:54 Now astrologers have tried to justify
21:56 their divination of the celestial bodies
22:00 by the phrase there in verse 14,
22:01 these shall be for signs and seasons,
22:03 they say that's astrological science.
22:06 Are you serious?
22:08 Let me disabuse you about notion
22:11 by showing that quite to the contrary
22:12 what we've just read is a polemic against astrology.
22:18 Watch this, Moses who is writing,
22:21 please note, in fact jot this down.
22:23 "God carefully avoids naming" did you catch this?
22:26 "God carefully avoids naming
22:27 the two most prominent celestial bodies to earth,
22:30 that will be the sun and the moon."
22:31 Is it word sun bad word?
22:34 You get your mouth washed out?
22:35 No, the moon isn't either.
22:36 All the way, you'll find them all the way through the Bible
22:38 but here in the initial, in the beginning
22:42 Moses refers to them
22:43 as the greater light that rules the day
22:45 and the lesser light that rules the night.
22:48 No, sun, no moon, why?
22:50 Because Moses has been schooled in Egypt
22:52 and Moses knows that in Egypt they worship the sun god "Ra"
22:56 and Pharaoh is the sun of the sun god.
23:00 Pharaoh is the sun of-- the incarnate sun
23:02 of the sun god, you see.
23:04 Moses says, no way,
23:05 clearly we have an over attempt to make certain
23:08 that you cannot leave the defecation
23:10 of celestial bodies into Holy Scripture.
23:13 Certainly not into the creation account.
23:16 So they are simply called the greater light for the day,
23:18 the lesser light for the night.
23:21 By the way, if you are not clear there please not,
23:25 God does not tolerate the defecation
23:27 of celestial bodies and you get that sense
23:29 because of the very strong language
23:31 He uses in Holy Scripture.
23:33 I'm gonna have you look this up.
23:34 Go to the Book of Isaiah, you are in Isaiah,
23:37 you need a page number here that's page 416.
23:41 I'm sorry that's page 492, 492, Isaiah 47.
23:47 Isaiah 47,
23:52 Isaiah 47, this is fascinating.
23:54 Now this is God speaking in Isaiah 47
23:56 and He is speaking as you'll notice,
23:57 we'll start in verse 1, that's not where I want to go.
23:59 Go quickly to the end of the chapter
24:00 but just get the feel for it in verse 1.
24:02 Isaiah 47:1 God is speaking,
24:04 "Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon,"
24:10 So let's be clear God's--
24:11 this is a judgment against Babylon.
24:13 Virgin daughter Babylon you sit in the dust.
24:16 "Sit on the ground without a throne,
24:17 O daughter of the Chaldeans!
24:19 For you shall no more be called tender and delicate."
24:21 God is saying, hey listen Babylon, listen to me.
24:23 Read my lips. You are under judgment now.
24:25 By the way because Isaiah 47
24:28 is a judgment against Babylon you come to Babylon
24:31 in the apocalypse Revelation Chapter 18
24:33 and it heavily borrows the language of Isaiah 47.
24:37 There is another Babylon at the end of time
24:39 but this is the ancient Babylon that
24:41 God is speaking to through Isaiah.
24:43 Go down to the end, go down to verse 12
24:44 near the end of the chapter, God still speaking to Babylon.
24:47 "Stand now with your enchantments
24:50 and the multitude of your sorceries,"
24:52 see the Babylon has always been
24:53 the seat of the occult, sorceries.
24:57 And the multitude of your sorceries
24:59 in which you have labored from your youth,
25:02 Perhaps you will be able to profit,
25:03 Perhaps you will prevail."
25:04 Maybe your, maybe your witchcraft
25:07 will get you out of this by now.
25:09 In fact, God says I have another suggestion
25:10 for you, verse 13.
25:12 "You are wearied
25:13 in the multitude of your counsels,"
25:14 you've been going everywhere for counsel.
25:16 "Let now the astrologers, the stargazers,
25:19 and the monthly prognosticators"
25:22 those who study which house is the moon
25:23 and which house is the moon in.
25:25 "The monthly prognosticators"
25:27 let them "stand up and save you
25:28 from what shall come upon you.
25:29 Behold, they "your astrologers shall be as stubble,"
25:32 and the fire shall burn them."
25:34 There is no question ladies and gentlemen,
25:36 jot this down, unequivocally it is strong language here
25:40 by which God condemns astrolatry.
25:44 That is the human worship of celestial bodies.
25:47 God says, nope, nope, cannot do it.
25:52 About truth be known, there has been somebody
25:53 from the very beginning of earth time
25:55 whose been drawn like a moth, like a moth to the flame.
25:58 Ever seen a moth go to a flame?
26:00 Its not smart enough, stay away.
26:01 Like a moth to the flame from the beginning
26:03 he has been drawn to the sun, to the sun.
26:07 He is big on the sun.
26:09 There are some mysterious attraction for him
26:12 Go to chapter 14 here in Isaiah,
26:14 since we are there Isaiah 14.
26:16 Who is this somebody
26:18 who from the beginning has been drawn to the sun?
26:20 Isaiah 14, this will be page 469.
26:27 Isaiah 14:12, God is speaking to this being.
26:32 Now, who is this being?
26:33 "How are you fallen from heaven,
26:35 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
26:39 How you are cut down to the ground,
26:40 You who weakened the nations!"
26:42 Verse 13 "For you have said in your heart,
26:43 'I will ascend into heaven,'"
26:45 Notice he asked the logical language here,
26:47 I will ascend to heaven.
26:48 "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
26:51 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
26:54 on the farthest sides of the north,"
26:55 verse 14 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,"
26:58 I'm going up there.
26:59 "I will be like the Most High."
27:04 Somebody has a fascination
27:07 with the sun like a moth to the flame.
27:10 Hey, by the way, did you know this?
27:11 Lucifer is not in the Bible,
27:13 you can't find that name anywhere.
27:14 It's not a Hebrew name, that's no name.
27:16 That's from the Latin Vulgate.
27:18 The actual Hebrew reads right here
27:20 "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer."
27:21 The Hebrew reads, "O shining one,"
27:24 which would be helel "son of the dawn!"
27:26 Ben HaShachar. There is no Lucifer.
27:30 Lucifer is Latin and it means light bearer,
27:32 kind of close but that little Latinized mistake
27:36 is how we got the name Lucifer.
27:40 The New American Standard Bible, jot this down,
27:42 it translate the-- translates that line,
27:44 "O Lucifer, son of the morning" this way.
27:46 "O star of the morning"
27:48 that's what the Hebrew helel means.
27:50 "O star of the morning, son of the dawn."
27:54 But isn't it amazing ladies and gentlemen,
27:55 those are the titles, that is really the title
27:58 for Christ in the New Testament.
28:00 That belongs to Jesus.
28:01 Watch this, 2 Peter 1:19 jot it down.
28:04 "Until the day dawns
28:06 and the morning star rises in your heart."
28:09 Now how can a star?
28:11 What is there in my heart that would rise?
28:13 Oh, look at this, Revelation Chapter 22,
28:15 let's put it on the screen please, verse 16.
28:17 "I Jesus, am the bright Morning Star."
28:22 Isn't it amazing?
28:23 By the way I got to just hit the pause button here.
28:26 Isn't that beautiful news
28:27 about Christ being the morning star?
28:29 There are times when it seems in your life
28:31 that you are stuck in night forever.
28:34 Jesus says, that's okay.
28:36 Even in the darkest night I appear.
28:38 Do you know that Venus the morning star
28:40 is seven times brighter than the brightest fix star
28:43 in our heavens and that would be serious?
28:45 Venus is seven times brighter and Jesus says
28:49 I'll be that bright light in your dark night
28:52 and I'll care you all the way to the morning one day.
28:58 Don't you give up the night is not forever,
29:01 I'm the morning star.
29:02 Oh, that's beautiful.
29:04 But isn't it something
29:05 how Lucifer is called the morning star
29:08 leading some scholars to conclude and it--
29:11 you and I would certainly concur.
29:13 Write this down, this Lucifer,
29:15 whoever he is and you and I already know who he is.
29:18 This "Lucifer is clearly portrayed
29:19 as a being who once occupied a high and exalted
29:23 state in heaven next to Christ himself."
29:28 Whoever he is he is way up there.
29:32 Its no wonder he was susceptible
29:34 to the delusion of pride, I, oh, I could be God.
29:38 I, I, I, and you know what, every time Dwight
29:42 get stuck on that same solitary vow.
29:45 Other way the letter "I"
29:46 is the middle letter to Lucifer's name.
29:51 I quickly check my name to make it wasn't the middle.
29:54 It's not because only six letters
29:56 in my name so thank you.
29:57 Those of you are named Tim it's the middle of your name
30:01 or if have a name Anita
30:02 it would be the middle of your name too.
30:04 Anyway, every time I get stuck,
30:05 because it doesn't matter my name,
30:07 every time I get stuck on that solitary vowel
30:10 that first person proving on I'm just like Lucifer.
30:13 I'm tempted to deify myself
30:16 and assert myself just like Lucifer.
30:20 Robert Odom, in this amazing bit
30:22 of research he did in his book entitled
30:24 "Sunday in Roman Paganism."
30:27 This is fascinating.
30:28 He suggest that star of the morning that Lucifer is,
30:31 star of the morning actually can also referred
30:33 to the greater light that rules the day.
30:34 Because what's the star we have all day long?
30:36 The star that we have is the sun, isn't it?
30:38 Now jot this down, this is in your study guide.
30:41 Odom writing, "It is not to be wondered at
30:43 that Satan should choose the shining solar orb
30:46 the most glorious object in the sky
30:49 to be the supreme symbol of paganism."
30:54 Come on, what is paganism? What is paganism?
30:56 If not at its heart it's Satanism.
30:59 And is not Satanism
31:00 at the heart of all sun worship?
31:02 But of course which explains why sun worship
31:06 this really-- when you sit down
31:08 and begin to just kind of brood over this, this is striking.
31:12 Sun worship is riddled all through sacred history.
31:17 Now, I know why somebody thinks of himself as the sun.
31:25 Job, I just read Job-- Job read through in January
31:30 and I never even caught this text
31:32 that Robert Odom point is out to me.
31:33 Let me put this verse on the screen for you.
31:34 This is Job what's the what's the chapter, 31, Job 31:26.
31:39 Job is saying look at
31:40 "If I have observed the sun when it shines,
31:43 or the moon moving in brightness."
31:45 Look at if I've shown attention to the celestial bodies.
31:47 "So that my heart has been secretly enticed,
31:49 and my mouth has kissed my hand,"
31:51 I explain that in a moment.
31:52 "This also would be in iniquity deserving of judgment,
31:54 for I would have denied God who is above."
31:57 This is fascinating.
31:58 Do you know that the pagans who worship the sun,
32:01 every time the sun came up
32:02 they went like this, they blew a kiss.
32:07 Job said have I kissed my hand toward the sun?
32:11 They blew kisses to the sun. Isn't that amazing?
32:14 Who do you suppose has been behind sun worship
32:16 from the very beginning if not Lucifer?
32:19 Star of the morning, son of the dawn.
32:23 Job is one of the oldest stories in Scripture.
32:25 The Exodus happens after Job.
32:27 I love the Exodus story.
32:29 You know, you may not have ever known
32:30 this about those ten plagues.
32:31 Sometimes we get to read get really mad at God.
32:34 I mean what kind of God are you to use ten plagues
32:36 and bang-up the people like that?
32:38 Listen to me carefully, those ten plagues
32:40 by through which God liberates Israel,
32:42 those ten plagues are not against Egyptians.
32:45 In fact, and in every plague
32:46 that threatens human life God gives a word.
32:49 Hey, you can get out this will not happen to you.
32:51 Follow these directions.
32:53 They're not-- they're not directed against Egyptians.
32:55 Guess what?
32:56 They are directed straight against
32:57 the Pantheon of Egypt's top god's
33:00 and the last two plagues are going for one main God.
33:06 Watch this here's plague number nine,
33:07 we'll put it on the screen.
33:08 This will be Exodus 10: 21.
33:10 "Then the Lord said to Moses,
33:12 'Stretch out your hand toward heaven,
33:14 that there may be'" what?
33:16 "'There may be darkness over the land of Egypt,
33:18 darkness which may even be felt.'"
33:21 All right, Pharaoh, son of the sun God.
33:23 Pharaoh, you want light ask your God, asking him again.
33:28 What's the matter with your god?
33:29 Ask him again.
33:31 God strikes raw. Isn't that amazing?
33:34 And by the way, the plagues increase in their intensity,
33:37 the final plague is number ten.
33:40 Do you know what number ten is against?
33:42 The firstborn, your firstborn, Pharaoh.
33:45 The only way you will survive, your boy will survive
33:49 is if you put blood over her palace door.
33:51 If you don't and he didn't
33:53 you will lose the son of the son of the sun god.
33:58 Now where is the raw? See God win's.
34:02 He tries to spare Egypt, the people but they let him go.
34:06 They let the people go.
34:08 You got sun worship ladies and gentlemen,
34:09 from the get-go.
34:10 And in fact isn't this embarrassing
34:12 not only to sun worship riddle pagan history
34:16 it riddles sacred community of faith history as well.
34:22 They're just out of Egypt by days, maybe weeks.
34:25 Remember that? And where is this Moses guy?
34:27 Come on, where is he?
34:28 He's gone up into that mountain.
34:29 Aaron, make a God for us and scholars now believe that
34:32 the God Aaron fashioned out of their gold jewelry
34:35 the Egyptian bull, is a bull
34:37 and in Egypt it was always bright yellow
34:40 and the name of the bull is Ptah.
34:43 The bull was the symbol of the sun god.
34:46 Isn't that amazing,
34:47 the children of the most high God
34:49 are dancing to the music of the sun god.
34:54 Boy, I hate for that to happen again, wouldn't you?
34:56 I'd hate for that to happen again.
34:58 To get confused who our God is even in the way we worship.
35:06 Yeah, we have sun worship all the way through.
35:08 And by the way, just before they go,
35:10 just before they go into the Promise Land,
35:11 you remember Balaam?
35:12 Does that name ring a bell, Balaam?
35:14 Did the false prophet, the true but then turned false prophet.
35:17 Remember he sent those pretty little Moabites girls
35:19 into the camp, they infiltrated the camp.
35:21 They were all cult prostitutes for Baal worship
35:24 which is the worship of the sun god.
35:26 And Israel it says there Numbers 25:4,
35:29 Israel bows down just before the Promise Land
35:32 and worships the sun god.
35:35 You can't believe it.
35:36 Ladies and gentlemen, it's everywhere.
35:37 And by the way the top one thousand leaders
35:39 who are stricken in the judgment,
35:41 you know the instructions are string them up
35:43 and make sure the sun is shining on their bodies.
35:46 There is deep irony.
35:48 You have a battle from the beginning.
35:50 From the fall of the human race the one who says I'm the sun
35:54 and the God who says I made the sun.
35:56 You have an intense battle all the way through.
36:00 You get to the books of the judges
36:01 and the kings and its all over,
36:03 again I'm gonna skip all the stories
36:04 and end with one last story
36:06 and that's the one about the pagan princess.
36:07 She was rather pretty from what I hear.
36:10 Ahab, the true, the king of the true Israel
36:12 fell in love with Jezebel.
36:15 And when he married her, be careful gentlemen,
36:17 whom you marry, be careful whom you marry,
36:21 she brings with her a lot of baggage.
36:23 By the way let me flip that around just,
36:24 because this is a different age.
36:26 Be careful ladies, whom you marry.
36:29 Got more amen's from the ladies, look at that.
36:33 Be very careful because
36:34 you bring your family's baggage with you.
36:37 And Jezebel is from the cult of Baal
36:41 and she got the whole nation of Israel
36:44 to be caught up in astrolatry.
36:49 Worship of the celestial bodies.
36:51 And then you remember the day
36:53 when that, oh, I love this guy,
36:54 you know, some bushy bearded,
36:56 leather clad come slapping into the throne room of King Ahab
36:59 and he points his prophetic finger at Ahab
37:02 and he says, you want the sun?
37:03 You love the sun, don't you?
37:05 I'm gonna give you three and half years
37:06 of nothing but sun.
37:07 Not a drop of water until this place
37:09 is crisp dust ball until you hear
37:12 from me again and Elijah is gone and boom.
37:15 Baal can't do a thing for three and half years
37:19 and then there is that heart stopping showdown,
37:21 850 priests of the sun god
37:24 and one lonely prophet of the Creator God.
37:28 Hey, listen guys, doesn't matter the numbers.
37:31 If you are standing for Jesus
37:32 you just stand as one, because one plus Jesus,
37:35 you know the outline, you win, you win.
37:40 Elijah--
37:43 All right, I want to just share one text,
37:45 this is the last text we look up Ezekiel.
37:47 This is near the end of the Old Testament,
37:48 sun worship is still going on.
37:51 You are not gonna believe this text is in your Bible.
37:52 Ezekiel Chapter 8,
37:55 you will not-- oh, did I leave out.
37:56 Let me just put up here Deuteronomy 4:19.
38:01 Thank you, mezzanine for going with us.
38:02 Just before they went into the Promise Land
38:04 this is how serious God is about
38:06 not getting involved in astrology.
38:07 Watch this, this is God speaking
38:09 just before the Promise Land.
38:10 "And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven,
38:13 and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars,
38:15 and all the host of heaven," be very careful now
38:18 lest "you feel driven to worship them and serve them,
38:20 which the Lord your God has given"
38:22 I put them up there for all the peoples
38:24 under the whole heaven as a heritage."
38:26 They are therefore your light not your worship.
38:28 There is a strong word,
38:30 but in spite of that strong word here
38:32 we are Ezekiel 8 and if you need a page number
38:35 that would be page 561 in your pew Bible.
38:38 Look at this Ezekiel 8:15.
38:42 Now Ezekiel is already captive in Babylon
38:44 and God says boy, you are not gonna believe
38:46 what's happening back at home.
38:47 I'm gonna give you a series of insights.
38:49 This is one of those insights. This is a climaxing inside.
38:53 He's given us to what's going on in his hometown.
38:55 Verse 15, "Then He" the Spirit of God "said to me,
38:58 'Have you seen this, O son of man?
39:02 Turn again, '" I'm gonna show you one thing
39:03 that's even a "greater abomination."
39:05 Look at this, verse 16
39:07 "So He brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house
39:11 and there, at the door of the temple of the Lord,
39:12 between the porch and the altar,
39:14 were about twenty-five men
39:16 with their backs to the church of the Lord
39:19 and their faces toward the east,
39:21 and they were worshiping the sun toward the east."
39:25 In the church they are worshiping the sun.
39:29 That's one of the heart breaking lines
39:30 of the Old Testament,
39:31 they are worshiping sun apparently.
39:36 Apparently sun worship has that
39:39 strong and magnetic an appeal.
39:44 Even within the community of faith
39:47 we can be led to worship the sun.
39:53 They say, hey, come on, Dwight, please.
39:55 I mean, you start off talking about sun
39:56 or you are talking about sun worship and astrology
39:58 and you say this has something to do with the Sabbath.
40:00 I don't see the connection.
40:01 Okay, here comes right now, enter now the seven day week.
40:06 You understand this, don't you,
40:08 that the Hebrew record of creation
40:10 is the oldest extent record we have for the origin
40:13 of the septenary or seven day week.
40:17 It's the oldest record we have
40:19 in all human literature, this is it.
40:22 And from the creation account onward did you know this,
40:25 from creation all the way through the New Testament
40:27 the Hebrews never named their days.
40:31 Its first day, second day, third day, fourth day,
40:32 fifth day, six day, seventh day.
40:34 Oh, seventh day would be the exception.
40:35 The one day that God himself named, dated and named it.
40:38 God says this seventh day we are calling the Sabbath.
40:43 No other names.
40:45 And that's why chiseled into the garnet
40:48 of the Decalogue were these words.
40:49 You remember them Exodus 20, the fourth commandment,
40:52 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
40:55 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
40:57 but the seventh day is the Sabbath" proper name.
40:59 This is my Sabbath,
41:00 "the Sabbath of the Lord your God." Why?
41:02 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea,
41:05 and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
41:08 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
41:12 Hey, guys, listen, listen.
41:13 From our primeval beginnings
41:17 there has always been a sacred month
41:19 between the septenary cycle,
41:21 the seven day a week and the seventh day
41:26 they have been bound together just like this.
41:29 In the words of Robert Odom, I get this down.
41:32 This is some, it's in your study guide.
41:34 "The week of seven days is not a natural division of time,
41:38 and is not related to the movements
41:40 of any of the heavenly bodies."
41:42 Oh, let's hit the pause button right there.
41:44 Okay, let's do this.
41:46 Every year something in our solar system goes like this.
41:51 It takes one year to do it.
41:52 What is happening, come on you scientist,
41:54 what's happening every year?
41:56 The earth goes where?
41:58 Once around the sun. Okay, very good.
42:01 Every month something goes around.
42:03 Every month something goes around.
42:06 All right? All right, isn't that right?
42:07 Its 28 days but every month the moon goes round.
42:10 Listen, every 24 hours, every 24 hours
42:14 something turns on its axis, what's that?
42:17 The earth, 24 hour a day.
42:19 Every seven days, all right,
42:21 every seven days now what's the cycle?
42:23 Every seven days what goes around?
42:25 Come on, you get it.
42:27 Every seven days what goes around?
42:28 The answer is absolutely nothing.
42:32 Nothing.
42:33 You can point to the day, you can point to the month,
42:34 you can point to the year
42:35 and say, oh, we got it naturally.
42:37 There is one cycle of human time
42:39 that did not come naturally, it came supernaturally.
42:42 It's the gift of the septenary week,
42:45 the seven day a week, proof.
42:48 Philosophers of time do not know
42:50 how to explain the seven day a week.
42:51 See, we got it. Yeah, we did.
42:56 That's Robert Odom's point, keep going here.
42:58 "The week of seven days is not a natural division of time,
43:00 and is not related to the movements
43:02 of any of the heavenly bodies.
43:03 The creation record of Genesis, the Decalogue,
43:05 and the Mosaic law clearly show that it was originally
43:09 a divinely established institution
43:12 and is a" now I like this
43:13 "is a twin sister of the Sabbath."
43:19 You know what that means? They are twins.
43:21 The seven day a week and the seventh day Sabbath
43:24 they go just like two twins.
43:26 You know what that means? Jot it down.
43:27 "The only reason for the septenary
43:29 for the seven day week was so that the human race
43:32 might keep track of the seventh-day Sabbath
43:34 and their weekly appointment with the Creator."
43:36 God didn't need a week, He didn't need a week.
43:39 The only reason we have a week so that you can keep trace,
43:42 every seven days you come back to me.
43:44 Every seven days it's you and Me,
43:46 you and Me, friend, just you and Me.
43:49 I'll make sure you'll never miss it.
43:52 I'll put us on a seven day cycle,
43:54 you can't go to anywhere in the universe
43:55 to prove this one, I gave it to you.
43:58 You see, they are twins. Where did they come from?
44:01 Exodus 20:10, "For the seventh day
44:04 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
44:07 Now I need you to really start thinking with me, really now.
44:10 Can you now understand why if you were Lucifer,
44:14 thank God we are not,
44:16 but you were Lucifer can you understand you and I,
44:19 if we were he, why if you were Lucifer
44:23 and in rebellion against the Creator
44:25 and you were hell bent on securing the adulation,
44:29 the allegiance and the worship of the human race.
44:31 Can you not understand that you would mark
44:34 your diabolical sights on the twin gifts?
44:39 You would go for the week to kill the day.
44:43 If you can kill the week you got the day.
44:47 The one reminder of the human race has
44:49 that it has come supernaturally
44:50 from the hand of the Almighty Creator.
44:52 Kill the week, so you can kill the day.
44:57 Enter now not the seven day a week,
44:59 enter now the astrological week
45:01 of the Claudian or Babylonian astrology
45:04 that was eventually embraced by the Romans
45:06 where the order is changed and--
45:10 hey, this would really throw them off.
45:12 Instead of having a day that reminds you of the Creator
45:14 what if we took all seven days and turned every day
45:17 into a day of honor to another celestial god,
45:20 will make the planetary gods the hero's of the seven days.
45:25 You would have to be pretty brilliant
45:28 and pretty desperate to secure the worship
45:32 that belongs only to the creator by coming up
45:35 with the devilish strategy like that.
45:39 So what do we have not? We have a new order.
45:42 The order has been changed and names have been inserted.
45:44 The names of the seven celestial bodies
45:46 the ancients worship.
45:47 Let's put them up.
45:48 Day one, Saturn Day, that was the first day,
45:52 I'll show in a moment how it got changed
45:53 but that was the order.
45:54 Day two, Sun Day. Day three, Moon Day.
46:01 Day four, Mars-- you say Dwight,
46:04 doesn't sound like-- Tuesday didn't sound like Mars?
46:06 Any English dictionary you look up Tuesday,
46:08 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
46:10 and you find out the Latin equivalent
46:12 and you will discovered they are all named after gods,
46:14 all of them after planetary gods.
46:17 So got Mars Day, day four.
46:18 Day five, Mercury Day. Day six, Jupiter Day.
46:21 Day five, Mercury Day. Day seven, Venus Day.
46:24 Every day for another god.
46:28 Won't have to worry about that Creator around, this hear pods.
46:36 The astrological week of the bastard science,
46:38 who do you suppose was the dark mind behind that creation?
46:46 Whose agenda was it to obliterate
46:48 the septenary reminder of the Creator
46:50 of the heavens and the earth?
46:54 Enter now finally,
46:56 the wily pagan Roman Emperor name Constantine.
47:02 You may have grown up believing that
47:03 Constantine was some sort of hero?
47:04 I did.
47:05 I mean, isn't it, isn't this the Roman general
47:08 to become emperor who one morning
47:09 before battle in 312 AD is having a vision
47:12 and he sees a cross and then he hears a voice
47:14 that says, by this sign you shall conquer.
47:17 Yep, that's the same Constantine.
47:18 Oh, by the way, a little bit of revision of history
47:21 since we found out through Eusebius
47:23 that actually that very morning when Constantine was praying
47:25 and getting that vision he was praying to the rising sun.
47:29 Praying to the most high god?
47:31 yeah, but wait a minute, wait a minute,
47:32 wasn't Constantine the one who converted to Christianity
47:35 and then he painted the Greek letters the key
47:37 which looks like an "X" and then the row
47:38 which looks like a "P" on all their shields.
47:40 Wasn't that?
47:41 Yep, that was Constantine, all right.
47:43 But guess what we found out now?
47:44 We've discovered that in fact those two letters were
47:47 heathen initials used long before
47:49 Christianity as a symbol of the sun.
47:53 You are gonna gone real excited about
47:55 having Constantine as a Christian,
47:57 turns out he is a sun worshipper.
47:58 You know what the family god of Constantine was?
48:00 Apollo. You know who Apollo is?
48:01 He is the form of the old Roman god Sol.
48:05 You ever say solar for the sun,
48:06 Sol and the Caesars worshipped the Sol.
48:10 Constantine was the high priest
48:15 for solar religion for the worship of the sun.
48:18 Yeah, but come on, come on pastor,
48:19 didn't Constantine was neither one that
48:21 chaired the gathering of the bishops
48:22 and the delegates of Christianity
48:23 from across the far flung empires
48:25 as they gathered in that mighty church council,
48:27 325 AD, the council of Council of Nicaea?
48:29 Yep, that's the same one but guess what,
48:32 while he is chairing that meeting
48:35 he is bearing upon himself the title "Pontifex Maximus"
48:39 the pagan title for Roman emperors
48:41 is the head of occult of the invincible sun.
48:44 Guy's, its sun worship all the way through.
48:48 Leading Edward Gibbon,
48:49 the great historian Edward Gibbon
48:51 in his celebrated book, the volumes
48:53 "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
48:55 these are his words, put it on the screen for you.
48:57 "As he Constantine gradually advanced
48:59 in the knowledge of the truth,
49:01 he proportionately declined in the practice of virtue,
49:05 and the same year of his reign
49:07 which he convened the Council of Nice,"
49:08 we say Nicaea "was polluted by the execution,
49:11 or rather murder," he murdered "his eldest son."
49:14 He felt so threatened to the throne.
49:16 This is the same, this is the same Constantine.
49:19 "Constantine may have converted to Christianity"
49:20 jot this down "but historians rightfully
49:22 consider it a conversion of convenience."
49:26 He was brilliant as a politician,
49:28 which by the way explains his most infamous
49:30 or famous depending upon your perspective imperial decree.
49:33 The first civil Sunday law in history, March 7, 321 AD,
49:39 that Sunday law begins with these words.
49:41 On the-- you got it in your study guide.
49:43 "On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates
49:47 and people residing in cities rest,
49:50 and let all workshops be closed."
49:54 And ladies and gentlemen, with that single sentence
49:57 Constantine with wily political savvy blends
50:00 the septenary cycles of time in his empire.
50:03 He takes the astrological week of the pagans
50:05 and he takes the biblical week of the Christians
50:07 and he makes them one.
50:09 I'll take-- I'll keep the planetary gods
50:11 for the names but I'll use the order.
50:13 And now Saturn Day will be seven instead of one
50:16 and I'll make Sunday the greatest day of the week.
50:22 Thus officially adopting the week
50:24 into the Roman civil calendar
50:25 and by edict declaring for the first time in history
50:28 that pagan name Dies Solis, Solis the day the sun
50:32 to be the legal name of the first day.
50:34 And so tomorrow when you say today is Sunday
50:37 you can thank Constantine for that ability, he's the one.
50:42 Braved, brilliant. Now jot this down.
50:47 "Not only did he declare the venerable day
50:49 of the Sun to now be the first day of the week"
50:51 get this "he also mandated
50:53 this new pagan Christian veneration
50:55 to be a day of 'rest' for everybody."
51:00 Have mercy. And the rest is history.
51:07 Two triumphing historic genius, jot them down,
51:13 the genius of Constantine who united both church
51:16 and state in a marriage of convenience
51:18 for the compromise of truth and the genius the Lucifer
51:21 who with his bastard science
51:23 created his own counterfeit twins,
51:25 the astrological week and the day of the Sun
51:28 thus replacing the Creator with his own--
51:30 with Lucifer's own deified self
51:32 and the seventh day Sabbath of the Creator
51:34 with the first day Sun Day of Lucifer.
51:37 I'm the sun and I'm king of this earth
51:40 and that will be my day.
51:43 Sunday is Lucifer's day
51:49 and rest is history.
51:52 Hey history by the way, hey, hold on, hold on,
51:54 now come on, come on, come on, come on,
51:55 a history that might had been mended by people
52:03 raised up by God for such a time as this.
52:10 I don't know what you want to call them.
52:11 I don't know what to call them, let's just agree on this,
52:13 we call them God's seventh day Sabbath people.
52:15 Let's just call them that,
52:16 God's seventh day Sabbath people
52:18 who cherish his friendship above all odds in life
52:20 and who honor his day above all other days and time.
52:23 Let's just call them God's seventh day Sabbath people
52:26 who chose to be loyal to the Creator
52:28 and His creation no matter the popular culture,
52:30 no matter the unpopularity of obedience
52:32 to the fourth commandment.
52:33 We just call them God's seventh-day Sabbath people.
52:37 Who might even yet by their faithful witness be
52:40 led by God to bring forth a generation
52:44 to reject Lucifer's counterfeit dominion.
52:49 You were born accidentally for this time, my friend.
52:53 You are born for a reason. History can still get mended.
53:00 We call them God's seventh-day Sabbath people
53:03 who one day will refuse to bow to the edict of church,
53:07 a united church and state for we sure yet hear
53:11 from a new Constantine.
53:13 Trust me, we are gonna hear from a new Constantine one day
53:20 and it is that reality and prospect
53:22 and compels me now to end
53:25 these moments together with this appeal.
53:27 Do you understand?
53:28 Did you listen to my friend Vern Alger?
53:30 Do you understand that there are forces today
53:32 in both the government and society that are seeking
53:33 to blend church and state?
53:35 Do you understand it?
53:36 Now I know that you and I believe
53:37 in a separation of church and state
53:39 as our founding fathers did.
53:40 But we are in a political season now
53:41 and you'll hear all kinds of new notions.
53:49 Constantine's legacy, the union of church and state,
53:52 I need to remind you is a tragic legacy.
53:56 Because you know what-- you know who wants--
53:57 you know who wants the union?
53:59 The state doesn't want the union,
54:00 it's the church that wants a union.
54:02 Why does the church want the union?
54:03 Because when the church unites
54:04 with the state it's always this way.
54:06 The state becomes the enforcing arm of the church.
54:09 That's all the church wants,
54:10 we need somebody to make everybody go with us.
54:13 That's all, you think that
54:14 church is in honor with the state?
54:16 Are you kidding?
54:17 We got more power, I got more,
54:18 I got more in my army
54:20 than you have in yours and it's true.
54:24 Ladies and gentlemen,
54:26 the Constantinian packed.
54:32 It not only destroys the church and the state
54:34 but it destroys all the innocent people in between.
54:37 This summer I went with the architects,
54:39 I see some of the architects here.
54:40 I went with the architects. Where did we go?
54:41 We went to Italy.
54:42 We went into those green alpine valleys
54:44 and stood where the Waldenses once stood.
54:46 Do you know what the cost was to stand
54:48 as the loyalist to the Creator?
54:50 Did you know what the cost was then?
54:53 It's a high cost.
54:56 I'm warning you, it's not a pretty picture
54:58 when the new Constantine comes.
54:59 You are saying, Dwight, what are you talking about?
55:00 Well, I'm talking about, you know, what,
55:02 we ought to seize this moment as this generation.
55:04 We ought to seize the moment
55:05 and appeal in the highest judicial
55:07 and legislative circles in America.
55:09 We ought to appeal to our leaders to maintain
55:13 the separation of church and state.
55:16 One day it's gonna be over, I understand that.
55:20 And when it's over, listen to me carefully,
55:21 I'm not a prophet or the son of a prophet
55:23 but I promise you that when church and state
55:26 unite as they were one day
55:27 and apocalyptic prophecy assures us
55:29 it will happen all over again.
55:30 When they unite, the very, the very fruit of that union
55:35 will be the same as with Constantine the day of the sun
55:40 will be codified for the human race.
55:44 You just watch,
55:48 it always happens in the history of Christendom
55:51 when church and state unite.
55:55 State becomes the power to enforce the church.
56:01 What should we do?
56:04 Two responses.
56:06 Response number one, stand tall.
56:10 Stand tall as a child of the Creator.
56:12 Want to go around and apologize.
56:14 Well, you know, can you get together with us?
56:16 Now see, I'm sorry but I kind of preoccupied that day.
56:19 Don't apologize.
56:21 Sam, I'm child of the Creator and I had that day,
56:24 I have that day with another friend, my forever friend.
56:29 You never apologize, never, never, never apologize
56:33 for standing up for the Creator that's why you are here.
56:37 He needed you for this hour.
56:38 There's gonna be a generation that will turn--
56:39 that will mend history and you are part of it.
56:43 So number one, stand tall for the Creator
56:44 and number two invest what you have now
56:49 to advance the cause of liberty on earth.
56:54 Invest what you have now
56:56 to advance the cause of liberty on earth.
57:02 I wanted to take one more moment here
57:04 at the end of the telecast
57:05 to let you know how grateful I'm
57:06 for your journey with us,
57:08 with our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:10 You may think that New Perceptions
57:11 is only about television,
57:13 but I need to tell you we do have a website
57:16 which is more than just the study guide.
57:18 I know we go to the study guide every week
57:19 but if you go to our website let me put the address
57:21 on the screen again,,
57:26 you will find at that website a blog.
57:28 Every Wednesday I sit down on my laptop
57:30 and write up a blog something as commenting on world events,
57:33 something local, something national,
57:35 you get the blog.
57:36 You want to archive previous teachings
57:38 from here the Pioneer pulpit you go to that
57:41 annotated archive you can pick out a message,
57:43 it will be sent to you.
57:45 You want to podcast business
57:48 I'm not real hi-tech here on this
57:50 but if you click podcast you will be able to connect
57:53 instantly with every new teaching
57:54 that comes from the Pioneer pulpit.
57:56 The point is, we're trying to connect
57:57 with the generation on the move, on the go.
58:00 Thanks for being a part of it.
58:01 Thanks for your prayer partnership.
58:03 We've got to connect with this generation
58:05 at this time in earth's history
58:07 and I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission.
58:10 God bless you, until next time.


Revised 2015-04-09