New Perceptions

The Midnight Blitz

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP012409

00:27 I'm alive and well,
00:30 Your spirit lives within me
00:33 Because You died and rose again
00:41 Amazing love, how can it be
00:48 That You, my King would die for me
00:55 Amazing love, I know it's true
01:01 And it's my joy to honor You
01:06 In all I do, I honor You
01:14 Amazing Love, how can it be
01:22 That You, my King would die for me
01:29 Amazing love, I know it's true
01:36 And it's my joy to honor You
01:41 In all I do, I honor You
01:49 You are my King
01:55 Jesus, You are my King
02:03 You are my King
02:08 Jesus, You are my King
02:17 Amazing Love, how can it be
02:24 That You, my King would die for me
02:31 Amazing love, I know it's true
02:38 And it's my joy to honor You
02:43 In all I do, I honor You
02:50 In all I do, I honor You
03:05 If ye love Me
03:12 If ye love Me
03:19 Keep My commandments
03:25 Keep My commandments
03:31 Keep My commandments
03:41 If ye love Me
03:47 If ye love Me
03:53 Keep My commandments
03:58 Keep My commandments
04:04 Keep My commandments
04:13 And I will pray the Father
04:20 And I will pray the Father
04:27 And He will give you
04:33 another Comforter
04:41 Even the Spirit
04:46 Even the Spirit of truth
05:03 If ye love Me
05:10 If ye love Me
05:16 Keep My commandments
05:22 Keep My commandments
05:27 Keep My commandments
05:36 Keep My commandments
05:46 If ye love Me
06:11 Oh, God we really do love you.
06:15 We seek to love you with all our hearts
06:17 and with all our minds and with all our bodies.
06:25 We want to know that truth.
06:30 We are brave enough to say that we will follow your truth
06:33 wherever it leads but it must be clear.
06:40 And so, Holy Father, over these next few moments
06:43 teach us through Holy Scripture,
06:46 we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
06:52 Her dark cape is pulled
06:57 low over her nervous and sweaty brow.
07:07 Concealing eyes that wearily study
07:15 the three strangers crouched against her wall.
07:22 If she accedes to their midnight request,
07:24 she knows that she takes
07:29 her life in her bony hands.
07:34 But what is a witch to do but do what witches do?
07:43 And so those long narrow fingers reach out
07:47 to the vials and bowls
07:49 as she drags her instruments across the cold floor
07:55 toward the dying embers of that orange light.
07:59 And she begins the low moaning,
08:04 groaning secret incantation that will summon
08:09 from the netherworld a visitor tonight.
08:14 The three mantled strangers stare in wide-eyed silence
08:21 and suddenly the witch sCremes,
08:24 they freeze, the three men.
08:29 As out of the dark earth there begins to emerge
08:36 gray, silver, white,
08:40 an ethereal apparition of the form of an old man bent,
08:48 himself cloaked to hide his featureless face.
08:53 She has called for him, he has come and he brings
09:01 a message of terrible terror to the mantled king.
09:07 You must read that message carefully for yourself.
09:15 But the question presses upon us,
09:18 what should we do with these words from beyond the grave?
09:24 This is the only story in all of Holy Scripture
09:27 where a spirit purports to bring from beyond that grave
09:31 a momentary message
09:33 before disappearing into the netherworld again.
09:37 I need you to read this very carefully,
09:41 it's the story of the witch of En Dor.
09:43 Open your Bible please, to 1 Samuel 28.
09:47 You didn't bring a Bible?
09:48 You have got to track this story with me, please.
09:51 1 Samuel 28, grab the pew Bible in front of you.
09:54 Let me give you a page number, 208.
09:56 1 Samuel 28, pew Bible, pulpit Bible,
10:00 today, the same translation, the New King James Version.
10:05 The story of the witch of En Dor.
10:08 We'll begin in Verse 3. 1 Samuel 28:3
10:12 that will be what appears on the screen.
10:17 1 Samuel 28:3, "Now Samuel had died,"
10:22 I've got to tell you, of all the Hebrew prophets
10:25 he was one of the most beloved.
10:28 "Now Samuel had died and all Israel had lamented for him
10:31 and buried him in Ramah, in his own city.
10:35 And Saul," that would be
10:36 the first king of Israel, still reigning,
10:38 "Saul had put the mediums and the spiritists out of the land."
10:43 Do you know what a medium is?
10:45 Do you know what a spiritist is?
10:48 In just a few moments I am going to tell you
10:49 about an Englishman named Benjamin Crème
10:52 and you will know what a medium is, trust me.
10:57 Verse 4, "Then the Philistines,"
10:59 that would be the enemy of Israel,
11:01 "gathered together, and came and encamped at Shunem.
11:03 So Saul gathered all Israel together,
11:05 and they encamped at Gilboa.
11:07 When Saul," Verse 5, "saw the army of the Philistines,
11:10 he was afraid, and his heart trembled greatly.
11:13 And when Saul inquired of the Lord,
11:16 the Lord did not answer him." God you got to help me.
11:19 "The Lord did not answer him, not by dreams or by Urim,"
11:25 that's the ephod worn by the high priests.
11:27 Two stones, one stone here the Urim,
11:29 one stone here the Thummim.
11:31 Yes, no. Light over the Urim, yes.
11:33 Shadow over the Thummim, no. No answer.
11:38 "The Lord did not answer him,
11:39 either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets.
11:45 Then Saul said to his servants,
11:47 'Find me a woman who is a medium,
11:50 that I may go to her and inquire of her.'
11:52 And his servants said to him,
11:53 "Well, just, as a matter of fact your highness,
11:55 there is a woman who is a medium at En Dor.'
11:59 So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothes,"
12:02 because it's capital offence to be caught as a medium,
12:06 "he disguised himself and put on other clothes and he went,
12:08 and the two men with him
12:09 and they came to the woman by night.
12:11 And he said, 'Please conduct a séance for me,
12:13 and bring up for me the one I shall name to you.'
12:16 Then the woman said to him,
12:18 'Look, you know what Saul has done,
12:20 how he has cut off the mediums
12:21 and the spiritists from the land.
12:22 Then why do you lay a snare for my life,
12:24 to cause me to die?'" You want to kill me?
12:27 "And Saul swore to her, the mantled king,"
12:30 she doesn't no who he is.
12:31 The mantled king swears to her
12:33 by the God who is not answering him,
12:37 by the God who is not answering him,
12:39 "And so Saul swore to her by the Lord,
12:41 saying, 'As the Lord lives,
12:43 no punishment shall come upon you for this thing.'
12:45 Then the woman said, Whom shall I bring up for you?'
12:49 And he said, 'Bring up Samuel for me.'"
12:53 And in between those verses
12:55 the incantations and the moanings begin.
12:59 "And when the woman saw Samuel,'
13:03 now here comes that sCreme,
13:04 "she cried out with a loud voice.
13:06 And the woman spoke to Saul,
13:08 'Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul!'
13:13 And the king said to her, 'Do not be afraid.
13:16 What did you see?'"
13:17 Would you mark it clearly, ladies and gentlemen?
13:20 Saul sees not a thing. He sees nothing.
13:25 What are you looking at, woman?
13:27 What do you see?
13:28 Everything will be mediated through the woman to him.
13:32 He sees nothing. "What did you see?
13:37 And the woman said to Saul,
13:38 'I saw a spirit ascending out of the earth.'"
13:42 Isn't that amazing?
13:44 If you believe that when a good man dies,
13:46 he goes straight to heaven,
13:47 it should read and I saw spirit descending from heaven.
13:53 Somebody is playing a trick here.
13:58 "She said 'I saw a spirit ascending out of the earth'
14:01 and so he said to her, 'What is its form?'
14:03 And she said, 'An old man is coming up,
14:05 and he is covered with a mantle.'
14:06 And Saul perceived," he did not see,
14:08 "Saul perceived that it was Samuel,
14:11 and he stooped with his face to the ground
14:12 and bowed down to worship that spirit."
14:16 My, oh my.
14:21 And, Samuel, let me have your eyes for a moment.
14:24 "And Samuel" you know what I mean by these, doesn't you?
14:28 Quotation marks, "And Samuel."
14:32 "And Samuel said to Saul,
14:34 'Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?'"
14:37 He should have said by bringing me down.
14:40 "And Saul answered, 'I am deeply distressed
14:43 for the Philistines make war against me,
14:44 and God has departed from me and does not answer me anymore,
14:47 neither by the prophets nor by dreams.
14:48 Therefore I have called on you
14:50 that you may reveal to me what I should do now."
14:53 Oh, prophet, whom I never listen to when you were here.
14:59 Verse 16, "Then Samuel said, 'So why do you ask me,
15:05 seeing the Lord has departed from you
15:08 and has become your enemy?'"
15:10 Ladies and gentlemen, hit the pause button right there,
15:12 I need you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt
15:15 that we are now entering a bold faced lie
15:23 because that is not the truth about God.
15:25 God never becomes your enemy,
15:29 even if you reject him like King Saul did,
15:32 even if you reject him like Judas did,
15:35 He will never become your enemy.
15:37 In fact, I'll remind you, how did Jesus treat His betrayer,
15:40 after that wet kiss has been planted on bearded cheek,
15:43 what did Jesus call Judas? What did he call Judas?
15:46 Friend. Friend.
15:49 But the demon does not want
15:52 you to ever know the truth about God.
15:56 That He is not somebody to be afraid of,
15:58 He is someone to be a friend of.
16:00 And so he twists the truth and it comes out,
16:04 God is your enemy.
16:09 Verse 16 again, "Then Samuel said
16:10 'So why do you ask me, seeing the Lord
16:12 has departed from you and has become your enemy?'
16:15 And the Lord has done for Himself,"
16:17 the spirit goes on, "as He spoke by me.
16:20 For the Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hand
16:22 and given it to your neighbor, David."
16:23 Samuel really did say those words once upon a time.
16:26 "Because you did not obey the voice of the Lord
16:29 nor execute His fierce wrath upon Amalek,
16:32 therefore the Lord has done this thing to you this day.
16:35 Moreover the Lord will also deliver Israel with you
16:38 into the hand of the Philistines.
16:39 And tomorrow you and your sons will be with me.'"
16:43 Come on, Samuel, you are in heaven.
16:45 Does that mean Saul is going to heaven,
16:47 who rejected god? Something's fishy here.
16:52 It doesn't smell right.
16:55 You will be with me tomorrow.
17:01 "The Lord will also deliver the army of Israel
17:03 into the hand of the Philistines." Gone.
17:05 "Immediately," verse 20,
17:06 "Saul fell full length on the ground,
17:08 and was dreadfully afraid because of the words of Samuel.
17:11 And there was no strength in him,
17:12 for he had eaten no food all day or all night."
17:15 Drop down to the ending, verse24,
17:17 "Now the woman" the witch,
17:20 "had a fatted calf in the house, and she hastened to kill it.
17:23 And she took flour and kneaded it,
17:25 and she baked unleavened bread from it.
17:26 So she brought it before Saul
17:28 and his servants, and they ate.
17:29 Then they rose and went away that night."
17:33 Isn't it interesting that the story of Saul
17:36 ends precisely the way the story of Judas does,
17:39 and he went out and it was night
17:42 because it is always night
17:44 when you step away from the light
17:45 and listen to the darkness, always night.
17:51 So here's the question, can the dead commune with us?
17:58 Now look, if you believe the serpent's hissing lie
18:03 in the garden that when you die, you do not die,
18:09 then you have only one answer you can give,
18:11 and the answer is, yes,
18:12 of course that dead can commune with us.
18:14 If however you believe the teaching of Jesus
18:17 and Holy Scriptures that when you die
18:19 you go to sleep to be awakened one day by a resurrection,
18:22 then you know that the answer is no.
18:26 No, the dead cannot commune with the human race.
18:33 Then who is this Samuel who arises out of the earth
18:40 to terrorize that desperate king?
18:44 The answer is so critical, we have to write it down.
18:47 Write it down right now,
18:48 pull out your study guide please,
18:49 pull out that study guide out of your worship bulletin.
18:52 We have got to write it down.
18:53 You didn't get a study guide, hold your hand up,
18:55 our friendly ushers will make sure
18:57 that you have a study guide
18:58 all the way up into the back of the balcony,
18:59 in the overflow, everybody gets a study guide today.
19:03 This is part three, the final piece of the trilogy
19:07 entitled "The truth about death."
19:09 I want to say to those of you watching on television,
19:11 we are glad you are here, you are--
19:12 this piece, you need this piece.
19:15 I want to make sure you get the same study guide.
19:17 Let me put it on your screen for you right now,
19:19 our website
19:24 You are looking for a series entitled
19:26 "The truth about death."
19:28 By the way this website has been brand new constructed,
19:32 it's brand new. Go back to that website.
19:35 We are very grateful for a young adult designer,
19:38 Matthew Hamilton who has re-designed that website.
19:42 You are looking for a series called "The truth about death."
19:44 You are looking for the final piece in this trilogy
19:46 and it's called "The Midnight Blitz."
19:48 When you see midnight blitz, you click on there,
19:50 you will have the study guide,
19:51 the same study guide we have and by the way,
19:53 this little trilogy ends today.
19:55 I am going to take a little two week break,
19:56 we will do other things during these two weeks
19:58 and then we are coming back
19:59 because you have got to know the truth about hell.
20:02 You can not separate them, there's another trilogy
20:04 right behind this, don't you miss it.
20:06 Come to the same website,
20:07 you'll get the same, you'll get everything there.
20:09 All right, this is the final piece on death.
20:12 Write it down in your study guide, 1 Timothy 4:1
20:15 from the today's New International version,
20:17 "The spirit clearly says that in later times
20:23 some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits
20:27 and things taught by demons."
20:30 I want you to get that crystal clear
20:32 in your heart and brain right now.
20:35 Spirits and demons interchangeable,
20:37 they are one and the same.
20:38 Who are they, keep writing,
20:39 the bible is clear spirits are demons
20:41 i.e. fallen angels loyal to Satan.
20:45 Take a look sometimes in Revelation 12:9
20:48 when Satan-- when Lucifer was expelled
20:49 from heaven the loyal angels to him,
20:52 they become the demons.
20:53 They came to earth as well,
20:54 that's who the demons are, they're all fallen angels.
20:56 Who else would be lying to Saul about God and about death?
21:00 It would have to be the deceiver and his hordes.
21:05 Note carefully now, I need you to scribble this down quick.
21:08 Note carefully these four demonic realities
21:11 that emerge out of the story of the witch of En Dor.
21:13 Jot these four down, demonic reality number one,
21:16 demons impersonate the dead.
21:19 I'll give you an extra moment
21:20 to spell that word correctly, impersonate.
21:23 Demons impersonate the dead.
21:27 Keep it on the screen for you.
21:29 Because that wasn't Samuel.
21:31 The Bible teaches, at death you simply cease to exist.
21:34 It could not have been Samuel, his body turned to dust,
21:37 the breath of life that he had
21:38 went back to the God who gave it.
21:41 The devil cannot resurrect anybody.
21:43 Do you understand that the devil
21:45 is just as dependant upon God as you and I are?
21:48 For every breath Satan breathes,
21:50 it's a loan, a gift from God.
21:53 He is dependent on the life giver.
21:55 He can't raise anybody.
21:56 So what has to do he has--
21:58 he has to impersonate the deceased.
22:03 Guess what, you think about it,
22:05 after a lifetime of observing my idiosyncratic speech
22:10 and my quirky mannerisms,
22:11 don't you suppose the demon that has been tracking me
22:14 every day of my life pretty much has it down pat?
22:17 Come on, some time ago
22:20 there was a well-known theologian on this campus
22:22 and I was in a room where some college students
22:25 were imitating the theologian
22:27 and they head it down to a T.
22:29 I mean, if a college kid can do it,
22:32 how about somebody who's tracked you all your life?
22:34 I really thought that was funny,
22:35 until one day when into the seminary
22:36 and there were three seminaries, they didn't see me coming in
22:39 and they were imitating me
22:40 and you know what, it's not funny at all.
22:42 It is not funny. You quit doing stuff like that.
22:49 So anyway don't you suppose
22:53 the demons know how we behave, trust me.
22:56 All right, Seeing is not believing,
22:59 seeing is not believing.
23:01 All right, that's demonic reality
23:03 number one from the story.
23:04 Demonic reality number two, write it down, demons lie.
23:07 Oh, boy.
23:09 If I put it on the screen for you,
23:11 it's in your study guide,
23:12 the words of Christ himself, John 8:44,
23:14 two times ago we looked at these words,
23:16 "When the devil lies, he speaks his native language
23:20 for he is a liar and the father of lies."
23:24 Look at, ladies and gentlemen, he lied to Eve,
23:26 he lied to Saul, he is lying to you.
23:29 Don't you ever sing the song, what a friend we have in Satan.
23:33 You have no friend in him, trust me.
23:36 He is your mortal enemy,
23:38 he hates you and he lives for your destruction,
23:42 he will lie to you through his teeth
23:44 until he gets you or loses you,
23:47 whichever comes to pass.
23:52 But he's even clever in his lying, very clever.
23:55 Jot this down, demonic reality number three,
23:57 demons mix truth with their lies. Brilliant.
24:02 The demon impersonating Samuel quoted the very words
24:04 that genuine Samuel once upon a time spoke to Saul
24:07 when he had been alive,
24:08 but the demon twist in the words
24:10 in order to throttle the last vestige of hope
24:13 that might have clung to that king's demented heart.
24:18 Twist.
24:22 Leading us to demonic reality number four,
24:24 demons transact business with the currency of fear.
24:30 All the devil wants for you is for you to be afraid
24:34 and that's why the Bible declares,
24:35 he is a roaring lion.
24:39 He has to work by intimidation,
24:41 paralysis is the way the lion roars to petrify his prey.
24:49 The devil has to mask the truth of Calvary
24:53 that at the cross Jesus shattered the devil's dominion.
24:57 He has to hide it and so he intimidates you.
25:01 I was at the Sacramento once during a weekend series,
25:04 started with Friday night,
25:05 some sitting in the front of the church
25:07 and were waiting for the service to begin.
25:11 I turned around, I see a kid coming down
25:12 the center aisle of that church, the Carmichael church
25:14 where my sister and her husband are now pasturing.
25:16 It was before that day.
25:17 And this kid is coming down and he has this black t-shirt on
25:20 and in huge red letters, it says, Satan.
25:24 And I'm thinking to myself, have I come to the right place,
25:27 what's up with this?
25:29 And he had this smile on his face
25:31 and by the time he gets up to me,
25:32 he puts his hand out, so I said, well, I guess this is okay.
25:34 And when I got close enough to shake his hand,
25:36 I read that there were two more words on that black t-shirt,
25:40 also in red, tiny little words, is defeated.
25:45 You know what, if you ever decide to get a black t-shirt
25:49 with those three words on it, here's how you do it.
25:50 You put up here, Satan is defeated.
25:55 That's the message of Calvary.
25:57 Calvary was the shattering
25:59 of the demonic dominion on this planet.
26:01 The battle, the war has already been won,
26:03 the war has been won.
26:05 Look at his Revelation 12:11,
26:07 "And they, the followers of Christ overcame him,"
26:09 the dragon, that would be Lucifer the fallen Satan
26:12 "by blood of the lamb," code language for Calvary,
26:14 "and by the word of their testimony,
26:16 and they did not cling to life even in the face of death,"
26:19 as another translation puts it.
26:21 There is the truth.
26:23 Don't you ever let the devil intimidate you
26:25 into believing he has a right to you.
26:27 He has zero, nada, no right to you.
26:31 Calvary's blood has been shed to claim you back.
26:35 You belong to another king,
26:37 don't you ever follow that dark warlord.
26:41 So who was this Samuel who brought a message to Saul?
26:44 S-a-t-a-n, that's who.
26:50 And guess what, he's got a message for you and me as well.
26:53 In fact, the message is right here at the end of this chapter.
26:56 You got to see this, read the last two verses again.
26:59 1 Samuel 28:24, "Now the woman
27:01 had a fatted calf in the house and she hastened to kill it.
27:04 And she took flour and kneaded it,
27:05 and baked unleavened bread from it.
27:07 And so she brought it before Saul and his servants,
27:09 and they ate and then they arose
27:10 and went away and it was night."
27:12 You might say, I don't see any message there.
27:14 Well, it isn't a direct message,
27:16 it is a message cryptically tucked away in that line,
27:19 "Now the woman had a fatted calf."
27:23 Do you know why people have fatted calves?
27:27 Why do they fatten the calf?
27:29 Why do they get it plump and juicy and thick?
27:35 Because they are looking forward to the day of slaughter.
27:41 There is a fatted calf in this story,
27:44 only it's not the calf, it is the king
27:48 who is being fattened
27:50 for the day of slaughter just hours away now.
27:54 Just like you and me and the human race today,
27:59 we are being fattened.
28:01 A generation being fattened by Satan and his demons
28:05 for the impending day of slaughter.
28:08 You say I am not getting fattened. Watch.
28:13 I want you to jot down at a very partial,
28:16 this is very partial,
28:18 a very partial list of demonic deceptions today.
28:22 Jot them down, number one, The Ghost Whisperer.
28:27 Write it down,
28:28 The Ghost Whispers is a television series
28:30 starring Jennifer Love Hewitt
28:31 as a young woman in touch with the dead.
28:33 CBS has produced this program for entertainment and I saw,
28:39 I decided I am going to go to the website.
28:41 I go to the website and guess what I discover?
28:43 There is a real life at the website,
28:44 a real life what they call ghost buster.
28:47 She really is what we would call a spiritist or a medium
28:51 and she's there to answer fan mail,
28:54 fans who have questions about what happens at death.
28:57 So with your permission, I am going to put it on the screen.
28:59 This is directly from CBS Television's website
29:03 for The Ghost Whisperer. Let's go.
29:09 My name is Mary Ann Winkowowsk
29:11 and I am a consultant on the show Ghost Whisperer
29:15 and I am going to try to answer some questions for you
29:18 that come in every week about ghosts
29:20 or anything with paranormal.
29:23 This is from Denise in Chicago.
29:26 One of my aunts passed away about two years ago,
29:29 complications of surgery, leaving a three year old son.
29:34 When this first happened,
29:36 her son claimed that she was with us
29:38 because he would say that he saw her every day
29:41 and he would talk to her.
29:43 Do you think this is possible?
29:45 Absolutely, this is possible.
29:49 Now I have no way of knowing from the letter
29:51 if she is earth bound or if she has crossed over.
29:56 Unfortunately, when people die and leave young children,
30:01 that's one of the reasons why they did not go into the light.
30:06 How did you get through it?
30:08 I just knew He'd be with me.
30:13 Wherever I went, and He is.
30:20 Even when moms and dads that die do go into the light,
30:24 believe me, they do not miss a birthday,
30:27 anniversary, a holiday, they are there for all of that.
30:31 No doubt about it, Denise.
30:33 She is definitely around visiting
30:35 and staying with her son.
30:38 Please keep your questions coming,
30:39 I enjoy getting them
30:41 and we'll try to answer as many as we can.
30:45 Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.
30:48 In the name of American entertainment,
30:52 there is a medium, a spiritist hired
30:55 by CBS on the set
30:58 as they produce the programs to tell us,
31:01 "Oh, thank you, Mary Ann Winkowowski
31:03 for telling us the truth about death.
31:05 We knew you would."
31:09 You will not surely die.
31:12 Do you recognize the hiss of that garden serpent
31:16 who is fattening a generation for the day of slaughter?
31:23 Jot this one down, medium.
31:26 Well, that's a dead giveaway, isn't it?
31:28 NBC not to be outdone by its competitor CBS,
31:31 has its own form of demonic entertainment.
31:34 It's called the Medium.
31:35 Let me read to you the NBC promo of this hit series.
31:38 Emmy award winning, by the way,
31:40 we're talking about the artsy world recognizing,
31:42 oh, this is so good.
31:45 "From Emmy award winning executive producer,
31:46 creator and director Glenn Gordon Caron comes Medium.
31:49 A chilling drama series inspired by the real life story
31:52 of research medium Allison DuBois,
31:55 Emmy winner Patricia Arquette stars as a young wife and mother
31:58 who has gradually come to grips
31:59 with her extraordinary ability to talk to dead people."
32:06 Do you watch this for entertainment?
32:09 Do you?
32:11 Hey, Dwight, what's the big deal, it's just acting.
32:15 Oh, really?
32:16 Did Mary Ann Winkowowski,
32:23 did she make you think this was just acting?
32:28 Are they consulting the production even?
32:33 And you watch it for entertainment
32:35 because you have nothing better to do.
32:38 You say, it's not going to affect me, Dwight.
32:40 Listen, my friend, you cannot
32:42 dispassionately imbibe and not be affected.
32:46 Something is getting sown in your mind.
32:48 If you're going to Hollywood
32:49 for a Saturday night entertainment,
32:50 it's a little bit of the occult
32:52 and it's a little bit of demonism
32:53 and I know it's all fun and laughs
32:55 and you're going there to drink that drink from that
32:59 well, my friend, do you get it?
33:03 Fattened for the day of slaughter.
33:07 You say, I'll never get tricked.
33:10 Oh, really?
33:13 Play around with them long enough,
33:16 you inadvertently end up on their side.
33:19 You don't even know it.
33:21 Write this down, number four, this is a very partial list
33:23 but would you jot these two words down?
33:24 I'll leave them up so you can get the spelling correct.
33:26 Marian apparitions.
33:29 Marian apparitions.
33:33 There are sincere Roman Catholic Christians, you get that?
33:37 I'll wait just a moment. Marian apparitions.
33:41 There are sincere Roman Catholic Christians
33:43 who believe that Mary is now appearing
33:45 across the earth to select devoted adherents.
33:50 According to Johann Roten, the director
33:52 of the international Marian Research Institute
33:54 at the university of Dayton here in the United States,
33:57 most claims of messages and visions
33:59 are not investigated by the church.
34:01 Their website records 386 cases of Marian apparitions.
34:05 Mary showing up in the 20th century,
34:07 the church having made no decision
34:09 about 299 of them and of the 87 investigated,
34:12 only eight were deemed to have a supernatural character.
34:16 Eight of these are genuine,
34:20 that is Mary.
34:24 Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is part three,
34:27 we've already had the first two parts.
34:29 If what the Bible teaches about death is true,
34:32 that when Mary died, she went to sleep
34:34 and she's not in heaven, then who is this?
34:39 Who is showing up across the planet in the name of Mary?
34:44 Who is it?
34:49 I am going just give you four.
34:51 Here's number four, I call this credible source testimonies.
34:55 Write down the word testimonies.
34:57 Isn't this amazing?
34:58 Nothing turns the secular news media into believers
35:01 faster than the death of one of their own stars.
35:04 The whole nation was saddened in April,
35:08 it was April, when Tim Russert,
35:11 the famed and celebrated host of Meet the Press,
35:13 suddenly on a Friday afternoon, gone,
35:16 heart attack, just gone.
35:17 No warning, dead.
35:23 I was amazed at how NBC and the news world
35:26 were suddenly awash in testimonies that you know,
35:29 I can feel Tim is looking down upon us now.
35:33 You say, what, come on, Dwight,
35:34 what do you think they're supposed to say?
35:36 That's what the world believes.
35:37 I understand that but the very repetition of the serpent's lie
35:42 over and over and over again conditions the hearer
35:46 whether a believer or an agnostic
35:48 into at least a subconscious tacit
35:51 acceptance of the assertion as reality.
35:53 Maybe it's true.
35:56 You get enough of these in your brain,
35:59 you watch it enough times. Maybe...
36:06 Pastor Rick Warren concluded his prayer
36:08 at President Barack Obama's inauguration
36:13 with the observations,
36:15 I am sure it was more to us than to God,
36:18 that Martin Luther King Junior was looking down
36:20 upon this glorious moment with that great cloud of witnesses,
36:25 quoting Hebrews 12:1.
36:30 Again, I understand Rick Warren's misunderstanding
36:33 of the Bible truth about death
36:34 leads him to pray the way he prays,
36:37 but the point is that over and over and over again
36:40 there is a very unsubtle conditioning
36:43 taking place in the human race,
36:45 a fattening of the calf
36:48 for the day of slaughter, if you please.
36:51 Through the news media, through the internet,
36:54 through Hollywood, through television,
36:55 through the arts, through music,
36:57 through everything, everything, everything.
37:05 You say, come on, Pastor,
37:06 what's this day of slaughter thing you're talking about?
37:09 Ah, let me let the Bible describe that moment for you.
37:12 Go to one other text before we conclude,
37:14 just go to the end of the Bible,
37:15 go to Revelation, the last book of your Bible.
37:18 Take a look at this, Revelation 16.
37:21 Want to see the day of slaughter, here it is.
37:24 It couldn't be any plainer than this,
37:25 it couldn't be any clearer in my book anyway.
37:28 Revelation 16, just before the return of Christ
37:30 something's going to happen on this planet.
37:32 Revelation 16, oh, by the way
37:33 that's page 831 in our pew Bible.
37:36 Revelation 16:13, "And I saw three unclean spirits
37:41 like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
37:47 the beast, and the false prophet."
37:48 Who's that, Dwight?
37:49 Oh, those are three allied political religious powers
37:53 that form a final coalition to stand down
37:57 against Christ himself.
38:00 It's the earth taken captive by Lucifer.
38:05 Who are these three unclean spirits?
38:07 Verse 14, "For they are spirits of demons performing signs."
38:13 Look at that, the devil can perform
38:14 any miracle except resurrection,
38:16 and he can even fake a resurrection.
38:18 He can do anything.
38:20 "They are the spirits of demons performing signs
38:22 which go out to the kings of the earth."
38:23 The highest, the most politically
38:26 powerful people on earth will be under that strategy.
38:30 "They go forth to the kings of the earth,
38:32 oh, not just them, they go forth to the whole world,
38:35 to gather them to the battle of that great day of God almighty."
38:37 Verse15, Christ interjecting his word,
38:39 "Behold I am coming as a thief,
38:42 blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments,
38:46 blessed is she lest she walk naked
38:48 and they see her shame."
38:49 I am coming, keep clothed, look out.
38:52 And the verse 16, "And the demons
38:55 gathered the human race together
38:57 to the place called in Hebrew Armageddon."
39:01 The human race fattened for the day of slaughter
39:04 in unequivocal language.
39:06 The Bible declares that there will be a demonic blitz
39:09 of unprecedented proportions across the entire planet
39:13 at the midnight of earth's history
39:15 just before the return of Christ.
39:20 From the highest and most powerful
39:21 in the governments of earth to the lowliest villager
39:24 in the farthest corner of the planet,
39:27 all will be swept into the deception.
39:31 And by the way, at that moment,
39:33 this is where this whole thing is going,
39:34 at that moment knowing the truth about death
39:39 will mean the difference between life and death for you.
39:44 Listen to me very carefully now,
39:46 I want to explain that to you.
39:48 When it comes to God's reward of eternal life
39:52 for His friends after death,
39:54 I want to tell you something
39:56 that I didn't say in the first two
39:57 but I will put it right out here now.
39:59 The fact of the matter is, it really doesn't matter.
40:03 You can say to me, Dwight, death is a sleep,
40:05 you know nothing and then boom,
40:06 resurrection, you go to heaven.
40:08 Or if Socrates is right,
40:09 the soul goes to heaven right at death,
40:11 either way just like that you're in heaven.
40:15 So what's the big deal?
40:17 Ah, here is the huge deal, write it down.
40:22 Should be in italics in your study guide because this is it,
40:25 the whole teaching here.
40:26 The towering value of God's Bible truth about death
40:29 is that it provides the only spiritual and intellectual
40:34 safeguard, protection, safeguard,
40:38 the only spiritual and intellectual safeguard
40:40 from the demonic midnight blitz
40:42 that will sweep the earth into Satan's final deception.
40:46 That's it, now let's just illustrate this,
40:48 you and me together. All right.
40:49 We will take a cue from the witch of En Dor.
40:51 We can do this.
40:52 So tonight, we're sound asleep, it's midnight.
40:54 Okay, you and I are sound asleep,
40:56 when all of a sudden in the middle of our sleep,
40:58 something is shaking us, something is moving the bed.
41:05 And then we hear a voice,
41:09 gentle and calm calling our names.
41:13 Dwight, Dwight or whatever your name is.
41:20 You know how it is, somebody wakes you up,
41:22 you're kind of groggy, it's so dark.
41:26 And then we look to the side of the bed
41:31 and in that ephemeral
41:33 shimmering light, it's a form.
41:40 And in that instant just before passing out,
41:44 we grab the covers to throw them over our head
41:46 when the form speaks, no, no, no, Dwight.
41:52 And when we hear the voice,
41:54 we know it's my dead mother, it's my dead dad.
42:00 That's my dead child, that's my dead wife.
42:03 And we look again and sure enough
42:05 in that glowing light there are the features,
42:08 the very form of one whose death has crushed our hearts.
42:14 Shh, I am sorry to startle you like this.
42:19 Dwight, I am okay. I am in heaven.
42:26 God loves you so much,
42:29 He sent me to bring you a very urgent message.
42:35 Listen carefully.
42:39 One day, ladies and gentlemen, across the entire planet,
42:47 the day of slaughter will come as a night of deception.
42:52 Mark these words.
42:54 And now, think, think, think, think.
42:56 If you believe the serpent's lie
42:58 that when you die you don't die,
43:00 you go to heaven, you have no choice,
43:03 you have no choice but to believe that
43:06 that apparition is precisely who it says it is.
43:10 You have to believe it, you have to.
43:13 I mean, how could it be possible for you
43:18 to challenge the veracity of one who speaks and thinks
43:22 and has secret code languages
43:26 and love words that only the deceased knew?
43:32 You and the deceased.
43:34 How could you possibly challenge the veracity
43:37 of what you are seeing in front of your eyes,
43:39 if you believe that when you die,
43:41 boom, you go to heaven?
43:43 Mommy, mommy. Daddy, daddy.
43:47 Jesus sent me, I am here.
43:50 He loves you so much. I am okay.
43:52 He wants you to know that it's important
43:54 that you believe and then fill in the blank.
43:57 Anything Satan wishes to deceive the planet over,
44:00 you just fill in the blank.
44:02 And by the millions and billions people will believe.
44:09 It's got to be, it's got to be.
44:14 I repeat, the towering value of God's Bible truth about death
44:17 is that it provides the only spiritual
44:20 and intellectual safeguard from the midnight blitz
44:26 of the demons of hell for the day of slaughter.
44:31 That's why this teaching is so critical.
44:34 You can quibble with me all you wish
44:37 but now you know the difference between truth and error,
44:43 will be eventually the difference
44:46 between life and death.
44:49 It really will come down to the midnight blitz.
44:57 Because if you know the truth,
44:58 come on, if you know the truth,
45:01 what's your mind going to tell you?
45:03 I know what your eyes are telling you,
45:04 that's got to be her.
45:06 I was with a heartbroken young husband
45:09 who's a widower now, just a few weeks ago.
45:12 He grieves for her so deeply.
45:18 You will have to choose between what you've seen
45:24 and what you know and it will be all up here.
45:29 That the battle will be won or lost right here.
45:35 It has to be a demon.
45:37 That will be the hardest thing you could ever say in your life,
45:39 it has to be a demon.
45:42 It can't be, the Bible says.
45:45 And by the way, if the demons of hell
45:50 will impersonate the dead as with the witch of En Dor,
45:53 do you suppose, I got to ask you this,
45:54 do you suppose the prince of darkness
45:56 himself might attempt the ultimate impersonation,
45:59 and I wonder who that would be.
46:01 Whom would he impersonate for the day of slaughter?
46:04 Two verses make my case, 2 Corinthians 11,
46:08 put it on the screen please. Verse 14.
46:10 Now if your study guide says four,
46:12 you just add a one in front of it.
46:13 All right, 2 Corinthians rather 11:14,
46:16 "And no wonder for Satan himself
46:19 transforms himself into an angel of light."
46:23 All right, put that text,
46:25 couple it with Jesus' own words, Matthew 24:24,
46:28 "For false christs at the end of time will rise
46:32 and show great signs and wonders
46:34 to deceive if possible even the elect."
46:38 Do you know what the elect are?
46:39 They are God's friends.
46:40 This test will be so, will be cut so razor sharp close
46:45 that even His friends,
46:51 what is it, even His friends.
46:56 Don't you suppose that Lucifer has it up
46:58 his nefarious sleeve one day
47:01 to impersonate Jesus Christ himself? Come on.
47:07 Have you ever heard of Benjamin Creme?
47:09 There we go now. Benjamin Creme, an Englishman.
47:13 I wan to tell you about him.
47:14 This is now CBS again,,
47:17 just last month on press release.
47:20 Now is not national
47:24 This is the huge economic engine of the CBS,
47:29 a web services.
47:31 I want to read this for you, last month.
47:36 "Dateline, Los Angeles.
47:38 Look now," Oh, by the way, it begins,
47:40 I am going to share this with you.
47:41 "For years the world has been filled
47:42 with miracles of all kinds," miracles.
47:44 "In April 1995, Time magazine devoted
47:46 an eight page spread to its cover story
47:48 on miracles and concluded,"
47:50 listen to this, "People are hungry for signs."
47:53 Well, that's the biggest no-brainer on earth, isn't it?
47:54 Everybody's just hungry, give me a sign.
47:56 We become so visual, everything now we have to see,
47:59 screen, screen, screen, screen, screen,
48:00 screen, screen, we are now visual.
48:03 So what's on the screen
48:05 or in front of us, we go for it.
48:07 People are hungry for signs.
48:08 Listen to this, "Look now for the biggest miracle of all
48:10 in the very near future,
48:12 a large bright star will appear in this sky,
48:16 visible to all throughout the world night and day."
48:20 You Google this for yourself, watch this now.
48:22 "Unbelievable? Fantasy?
48:25 No, a simple fact, around a week later
48:28 after that sign in the sky appears, Maitreya."
48:31 I am going to spell it out for you, m-a-i-t-r-e-y-a.
48:34 It's all over, you just go check it out.
48:36 "Maitreya, the world teacher for all humanity
48:40 will began his open emergence
48:43 and though not yet using the name Maitreya
48:46 will be interviewed on a major US television program,
48:51 maybe CBS.
48:55 For over 30 years, here it goes now,
48:56 put his picture on the screen for you.
48:58 For over 30 years, artist, author
49:00 and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way
49:04 for the emergence of Maitreya and his group,
49:06 this is a group, now there appears a group.
49:08 The masters of wisdom.
49:10 You go to Benjamin Creme's website c-r-e-m-e.
49:13 You go to his website, he tells you,
49:16 I am a medium, I am a channel for Maitreya.
49:21 The messages are coming through Benjamin Creme
49:23 who is spending his life getting the world ready.
49:25 Now watch this, "Awaited by all faiths under different names,
49:30 Maitreya is the Christ to Christians,
49:34 the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus,
49:38 the Messiah to Jews
49:40 and Maitreya Buddha to the Buddhists
49:42 and probably Mary to Roman Catholics.
49:47 He is the world teacher for all religious or not,
49:50 an educator in the broadest sense."
49:52 Final line, "With Maitreya and his group
49:54 working openly (eventually) in the world,
49:57 humanity is assured not only of survival
50:00 but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization."
50:07 Come on, please.
50:12 Just another hoax, perhaps,
50:18 but a hoax the world will be hungry for
50:22 when the planet is plunged into a massive global crisis.
50:29 People are wide open then.
50:33 Note these words in the apocalyptic classic
50:35 "Great Controversy" you have it in your study guide.
50:37 Let me read it in your hearing,
50:39 "As the crowning act in the great drama of deception,
50:41 Satan himself will impersonate Christ,
50:44 in different parts of the earth
50:46 Satan will manifest himself among men and women
50:48 as a majestic being of dazzling brightness
50:51 resembling the description of the son of God
50:53 given by John in the Revelation."
50:56 Remember we have to impersonate, we need it,
50:58 we need something to see first and then we'll be like it.
51:02 See, keep reading, "The glory that surrounds Satan
51:05 as the impersonated Christ is unsurpassed
51:08 by anything mortal eyes have yet beheld.
51:12 The shout of triumph rings out upon the air,
51:14 Christ has come! Christ has come!
51:16 The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him
51:19 while he lifts up his hands
51:20 and pronounces a blessing upon them
51:22 as Christ blessed his disciples when He was upon the earth."
51:28 The next paragraph calls this
51:29 the strong almost over mastering delusion.
51:34 Ladies and gentlemen, I need to ask you in closing,
51:36 two questions.
51:38 Shall we believe our senses
51:42 or shall we trust His scriptures?
51:47 You can't ave both.
51:49 Will we believe what we see
51:53 or will we believe what He said?
52:00 The choice will be that stark and the stakes eternal.
52:06 In fact, Great Controversy,
52:07 jot this down, last one there,
52:09 "Only those who have been
52:11 diligent students of the scriptures
52:13 and who have received the love of truth
52:14 will be shielded from the powerful delusion
52:16 that takes the world captive.
52:18 Would we in such a crisis
52:20 cling to the Bible and the Bible only?"
52:24 Ladies and gentlemen,
52:25 I need to with all the earnestness I can muster,
52:28 make this appeal to you right now, right now.
52:31 Right now I need to appeal to you to be just like Jesus.
52:38 By the way do you understand
52:39 that Christ himself faced a midnight blitz of demons
52:45 on the burning sands of that wilderness
52:47 after 40 days of fasting?
52:49 Do you realize an angel of light
52:51 showed up pretending to be from heaven?
52:56 And when Christ defeated Satan on his own ground,
52:59 what was the weapon of Jesus?
53:01 What was His weapon of choice?
53:03 "It is written, men and women
53:07 shall not live by bread alone but by every word
53:09 that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
53:11 Thy word have I hid in my heart
53:13 that I might not sin against thee."
53:17 The Bible and the Bible only.
53:19 Ladies and gentlemen, this is it, this is it.
53:23 The test will be that close, what I see or what He says.
53:30 Look, you ever take a final exam?
53:32 You've done it a thousand times.
53:34 You know you can't wait till the night before,
53:37 you can't wait till the night before to pass this thing.
53:43 You'd have to be investing in advance
53:46 of the big final examination,
53:49 investing your time
53:51 or you will fail the final, you will fail the final.
53:56 It will be so strong that your eyes
54:00 will blitz your mind and it's over.
54:05 Calf slaughtered.
54:09 I submit to you that this book
54:11 is your only hope in Christ Jesus.
54:14 You got time, you got time.
54:18 Use the time to read from this book,
54:20 to meditate from it, seven days a week, eat the book.
54:27 It will protect you, it will be Jesus doing it
54:31 but He has to have something on the hard drive
54:34 to access in that moment crisis.
54:35 Quick, and then the word comes.
54:38 If you have not read this book you're dead meat.
54:42 You are a fatted calf and dead meat
54:46 on the day of slaughter.
54:47 I am not trying to scare you, I am trying to urge you.
54:53 Take the book again.
54:55 So here's the deal, would you be willing today to tell Jesus?
55:01 Let's do it in each other's presence.
55:02 Just tell Jesus, Jesus, by Your grace,
55:04 I know you beat the devil, hallelujah.
55:06 By your grace I want to consume this book,
55:10 I want this book to be hid in my heart
55:12 so that on the day of battle I'll stand with you,
55:16 I'll stand with you, Jesus.
55:17 You want to send that prayer to heaven right now?
55:19 Stand to your feet and standing to your feet,
55:21 you say Jesus, I take this word,
55:23 I take Your word, the Bible and the Bible only,
55:28 the Bible and the Bible only.
55:32 The Bible and the Bible only. Let's pray.
55:38 Oh, God, the Bible and the Bible only,
55:43 our master himself, the king that we worship
55:48 that was his only,
55:50 his only strategy before that angel of life,
55:54 that deceiver who was out to destroy Him, it is written.
56:01 Holy Father there are many opinions
56:06 circulating on this planet.
56:08 For the last three Sabbaths,
56:11 we've gone to Your word, Your word is truth.
56:15 Please, oh, God, let us cling to this book.
56:20 And may every man, woman and child here,
56:22 every man, woman and child listening now
56:27 may together in Christ we stand firm for the savior
56:33 on that day of slaughter when He shall return.
56:37 Let at all the people say, amen and amen.
56:43 Did you know that there's one place in cyberspace
56:46 that you can go to with the multitude of resources
56:48 that you can share with your friends?
56:51 It's our website.
56:52 Let me tell you about that website,
56:53 first let me give you the address
56:58 You go to that website
56:59 and you are going to find my weekly pastor's blog
57:01 that wrestles with current events and news and topics
57:04 that are relevant to our lives today.
57:06 You can sign up also at that website number two,
57:09 and receive our podcast, no charge to you.
57:12 You go to that website, you can download our video,
57:14 download the audio of every teaching
57:16 that we share here in the Pioneer Church.
57:18 You can go to that website,
57:19 the study guides are all there
57:21 ready for you to simply print off.
57:24 That website multiple resources,
57:27 the address once again
57:31 All the online media, it's free, it's free for you,
57:34 it's free for your friends,
57:35 free for their family and neighbors.
57:37 If you want something you can pass along the website.
57:40 You are saying, but wait a minute,
57:41 I'd like something a little more tangible.
57:43 You can get that at the website as well.
57:44 Order a DVD and we'll send that to you for a small fee.
57:49 Please use the website, use it,
57:51 take advantage of it, share it, pass it along.
57:54 This is the end time generation.
57:56 Now more than ever we must communicate the good news
57:59 in cyberspace and all the space around us.
58:02 God bless you as you do. I'll see you here next time.


Revised 2014-12-17