New Perceptions

When Mercy Grew On Trees

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP011307

00:41 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
00:47 Praise Him, all creatures here below
00:52 Alleluia! Alleluia!
00:58 Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
01:03 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
01:08 Oh, praise Him! Oh, praise Him!
01:13 Alleluia! Alleluia!
01:18 Alleluia!
01:31 Holy Father, on this first Sabbath of 2007
01:35 with Moses we too pray.
01:38 Lord, you've been our dwelling place in all generations.
01:42 Before the mountains were brought forth
01:43 or ever You had formed the earth and the world
01:46 even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.
01:52 For a thousand years in Your side are like yesterday
01:54 when it is passed like a watch in the night.
02:00 Oh, God, our help
02:01 and ages passed our hope for years to come
02:04 teach us we pray even as we worship You
02:07 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
02:09 teach us to number our days
02:13 that we may gain our heart of wisdom.
02:16 Amen.
02:55 O God, our help in ages past
03:02 Our hope for years to come
03:07 Our shelter from the stormy blast
03:13 And our eternal home!
03:21 Under the shadow of Thy throne
03:27 Still may we dwell secure
03:32 Sufficient is Thine arm alone
03:38 And our defense is sure
03:46 Before the hills in order stood
03:52 Or earth received her frame
03:57 From everlasting Thou art God
04:03 To endless years the same
04:11 A thousand ages, in thy sight
04:17 Are like an evening gone
04:22 Short as the watch that ends the night
04:29 Before the rising sun
04:50 O God, our help in ages past
04:57 Our hope for years to come
05:04 Be Thou our guide while life shall last
05:10 And our eternal home!
05:27 I am he that comforteth
05:33 Be not afraid, be not afraid
05:36 For I am thy God
05:40 I am he that comforteth
05:45 Be not afraid, be not afraid
05:48 For I am thy God
05:51 I will strengthen thee
05:55 Thy Lord will strengthen thee
06:04 For thy Lord will strengthen thee
06:11 See and behold white cloud
06:15 See and behold white cloud
06:18 That thou art afraid of a man that shall die
06:26 And forgettest the Lord
06:29 Thy Lord our maker
06:34 Who hath stretched forth the heavens
06:41 And laid the earth's foundations
06:46 The earth's foundations
06:51 Saith the Lord God of hosts
06:57 All the people are called for to
07:04 Be not afraid, be not afraid
07:11 For I am thy God.
07:17 Be not afraid, be not afraid
07:23 For I am thy God
07:30 Be not afraid, be not afraid
07:38 For I am thy God
07:48 I will strengthen thee
08:02 Happy new year to you.
08:04 I have a story today about a young man 19 years old.
08:08 Anybody here 19? 19 years old.
08:13 His name--Cameron is his name, Cameron.
08:17 Let me just take a little peek here
08:19 'cause this story happened just a bit a few day ago
08:22 but let me get his last name to make sure I had a Hollopeter.
08:25 Hollopeter as I-- I predict that
08:28 he pronounces it Hollopeter from Littleton, Massachusetts.
08:32 All right, Cameron, 19 years old.
08:35 Oh, Cameron says when I grow up I want to be a film,
08:39 movie director, producer.
08:43 So he is living in Massachusetts
08:45 but he says I'm gonna go to New York, the New York City
08:48 and I'm gonna go to a special film school
08:51 so that's what he did.
08:53 And he is in New York City
08:55 and he says oh, I need to go on the subway.
08:57 Now do you know what a subway is?
08:58 What is a subway?
09:00 Yes, sir, what is a subway? Train underground.
09:02 Train underground, train underground.
09:04 You got it right. Train underground.
09:07 When I was a boy growing up in Tokyo
09:09 we used to take those trains underground all the time.
09:12 So he said, I've got to get on the subway.
09:15 So he went underground,
09:17 the stairs go down, down, down, down, down, down
09:20 and you are underground.
09:21 And he is in the-- he is at the train station
09:23 now he is on the platform,
09:25 he is walking down the platform
09:27 when--oh, I'm sorry to report this.
09:30 When all of the sudden his body began to experience something.
09:35 Oh, no not here.
09:38 But it was right there, he began to have--
09:41 now this is a--these are two big words,
09:43 an epileptic seizure.
09:47 That's where your body begins to go into a seizure,
09:50 the muscles begin to contract and expand
09:53 and you can't control it.
09:54 It just comes and sometimes it just happens.
09:57 But you can take medicine for it
09:59 and doctors can help you live through it.
10:01 But he started having the seizure
10:04 and because the muscles were now moving
10:06 and he couldn't control them
10:07 they were taking him closer and closer
10:09 to the edge of the track, edge of the platform
10:12 and before he knew it he had fallen on to the subway tracks,
10:17 four feet down below the platform.
10:20 And in the distance there was the sound
10:24 of the rumbling New York subway.
10:28 It just so happened at that split second.
10:32 There was the father name Wesley Autrey
10:35 and his two little girls of your age.
10:37 And the father was going--
10:39 it's holiday times just a few days ago
10:40 and he was taking his girls on the subway.
10:43 And as he was walking with his girls down the track
10:47 he saw Cameron had the seizure
10:51 and fall down on to the track
10:53 and father Autrey looked around and say,
10:56 okay, well, somebody is going to do something now I'm sure,
10:59 'cause the subway is coming, the boy will be killed
11:02 and everybody were just, just frozen like this.
11:06 And suddenly father Wesley said,
11:09 if anybody is gonna do anything it's gonna have to be me
11:13 and without thinking he pushed his girls back
11:15 and he jumped down the 4 feet on to the track
11:19 by the--19 years old boy by his body
11:22 and he is saying, okay, now the train is coming,
11:25 train is coming I've got to get him up on that platform
11:28 and he start to lift that.
11:30 You know, 19 years old is pretty big.
11:32 So he started to lift that 19 years old boy
11:34 and said, I'm gonna get you up, four feet up.
11:35 I'm gonna get you up.
11:37 He realized I'll never be able to get him
11:40 up on the platform on time
11:42 because now the lights are shining
11:44 the train is coming around the tunnel corner.
11:47 And he realized they both be gone if he tries to wait.
11:51 He said, what am I gonna do
11:53 and in that split second
11:55 number two he made another decision
11:57 and grab Cameron and he throw him,
12:01 pushed him down between the subway railway tracks,
12:07 those iron tracks that the underground trains ride on,
12:10 between them is a trough,
12:12 it's a ditch where water and cigarette buds
12:15 and gum wrappers are all thrown.
12:18 It's a ditch and he said, this will--
12:20 I hope and pray this will work
12:22 as he shed Cameron down into the ditch
12:25 and then he threw himself right on top of that 19 year old boy.
12:32 And in that third split second boom!
12:37 There came the subway roaring over the top of them.
12:42 That's the subway engineer
12:44 saw at the last second he slammed on his brakes.
12:47 There were sparks as those iron wheels
12:50 against the iron tracks skidded to a stop.
12:56 The crowd was screaming.
12:58 They had seen it.
13:00 They knew what had happened.
13:02 The two are now dead
13:05 when suddenly a voice came up from underneath the train.
13:10 We're both okay, can you get us out.
13:15 Ah. Oh, my.
13:19 When they pulled Wesley Autrey and Cameron Hollopeter up
13:25 the whole crowd erupted in a cheer.
13:29 Everybody is walking up to Wesley
13:31 and giving him a hug and pounded him on the back.
13:33 You are a hero.
13:37 You saved that boy's life.
13:41 I'm no hero, father Autrey said,
13:44 I just did what had to be done.
13:47 I want to show you a picture of father Autrey
13:49 and his two little girls.
13:50 We'll put it on the big screen too.
13:52 There they are.
13:54 There they are outside the subway station.
13:58 They are calling father Autrey now the hero of Harlem,
14:03 the man who would have risked his life
14:07 to save that 19 year old boy.
14:10 Now I want to show you another picture
14:11 because this was taken just a few days ago
14:13 because all of the New York City is celebrating.
14:16 The Mayor said, Mr. Autrey, you now receive the bronze medallion
14:22 that's given to famous people like General Douglas Macarthur.
14:27 You are a hero to New York City.
14:29 And Donald Trump, have you ever heard of him?
14:32 I'm sorry you have. All right.
14:35 Donald Trump, Donald Trump said bring that man in.
14:39 They brought him in with his little girls,
14:41 he gave him $10,000 and a trip to Disneyland
14:47 and the subway company said,
14:49 we're gonna give you a free years riding on our subways
14:53 and the film school that little Cameron was going to they said,
14:58 we're starting a $2,500 scholarship for your girls.
15:04 Oh, what a hero that man is.
15:10 You know, when I heard that story this week,
15:11 I said, hey, timeout, wow, wow, wow.
15:15 Wait a minute.
15:16 This reminds me of somebody else who is watching
15:20 and he saw all of the earth children
15:23 thrown on to the railway tracks of sin
15:26 and he said, they are gonna die
15:27 and somebody else jumped down on to those tracks to save us.
15:34 Oh, I thought--what is His name that I'm thinking of?
15:38 Jesus.
15:39 I'm thinking of God, I'm thinking of Jesus.
15:41 You are absolutely right.
15:43 And you know what, He said I'm--
15:46 because you know that train I forgot to tell you this,
15:48 the train pass within two inches,
15:50 two inches of the man underneath.
15:53 But when the train went over Jesus, hit Him.
15:57 Jesus was killed because He came to save us from our sins.
16:03 Oh, my.
16:04 I tell you that's the real hero.
16:06 And you know what,
16:07 if you accept the hero as your savior
16:09 you are not going to Disneyland,
16:10 you are going to heaven.
16:13 Oh, hallelujah he is right.
16:15 How many want to put one hand up and say,
16:17 oh, how thankful I am for the hero of heaven
16:20 who jumped down to save the whole world.
16:23 And now with your other hand how many want to say,
16:25 this New Year I want to follow Jesus every step of the way.
16:31 Oh, let's pray together.
16:33 Dear Jesus, You jumped down on the track,
16:37 in front of the roaring train
16:39 that would have killed us and You saved us.
16:42 Oh, Jesus, one hand says we love You,
16:46 and we thank You forever
16:47 and the other hand says we want to follow You not to Disneyland,
16:51 we want to follow You back home to heaven.
16:53 Bless these boys and girls,
16:55 make 2007 the best year ever in their lives.
17:00 Because of your love we pray in Your name, amen.
17:04 As you go quietly now and reverently back to your seats
17:07 you can be saying that in your heart
17:09 oh, thank you Jesus,
17:11 thank you Jesus for jumping on to the tracks and saving me.
17:17 God bless and happy New Year to you.
17:25 And that's why we gather to do today Father,
17:28 a new song, we're tired of the old song
17:32 we're ready for the new one.
17:36 Please set the pitch for the song that we shall sing.
17:42 And let the melody of its refrain be locked in our hearts.
17:46 What we learn this morning
17:50 lock it within for the rest of the journey.
17:54 To keep the song new, we pray in Christ Jesus name, amen.
18:02 I hold here in my hands the report, fascinating,
18:07 fascinating bit of research.
18:09 Report that just came out three weeks ago
18:12 published in that preeminent scientific journal
18:15 called Nature.
18:16 You've heard of Nature. I know you have.
18:18 This is the Associated Press's report
18:20 just came out three weeks ago.
18:22 Here's the report and as it would happen
18:24 also datelined New York.
18:26 Let me read to you just a line or two.
18:29 "In a discovery," listen to this,
18:32 "in a discovery that could lead to better painkillers,"
18:37 all right.
18:39 "Scientists have identified a genetic defect in children
18:43 who cannot feel pain.
18:47 Sound like a blessed way to live, it is not.
18:51 The article goes on, listen now.
18:52 In today's issue the journal Nature,
18:54 "Scientists have found the defect described
18:57 in six related children who have never felt physical pain
19:01 because of the very rare disorder.
19:03 The children come from three families
19:05 with roots in Northern Pakistan, all right.
19:10 Now the reports was on to note
19:12 there is nothing neurologically wrong with these kids.
19:15 Now as they can feel warm and cold,
19:17 they can feel pressure, they can be tickled,
19:19 there is nothing wrong with their brains,
19:21 they just cannot feel pain."
19:25 Incredible.
19:26 Now listen to the effects of this.
19:30 "Because the children felt no pain
19:32 from biting themselves, for example.
19:36 All six had injuries to their lips
19:38 some later requiring plastic surgery,
19:40 two had lost one third of their tongues."
19:45 Isn't that awful?
19:46 I mean, do you ever bite the inside of your mouth
19:48 when you're eating-- you're so excited to eat?
19:51 And then that thing that little bite gets the biggest the swell
19:53 and you keep biting it over and over
19:54 and you are in agony for months.
19:58 No pain, they don't know that they are bitten.
20:02 Listen on.
20:04 "Most had suffered fractures or bone infections
20:06 that were diagnosed only later on
20:08 because of limping or the lack of the use of the limp."
20:10 What's the matter with your arm?
20:11 Well, I don't know I just can't use it anymore.
20:13 It was broken. No pain.
20:16 "Some also had been scalded by boiling liquids or steam,
20:19 or burned from sitting on radiators,
20:21 said C. Geoffrey Woods, a geneticist
20:25 at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research in England.
20:28 He and colleagues wrote the Nature report."
20:30 Now here is one little sad ending.
20:31 "Woods had been asked to see another patient,
20:33 a boy who took advantage of the condition
20:35 by performing street theater,
20:37 piercing his arms with knives out on the sidewalks,
20:39 walking on burning coals.
20:41 But the boy died before Woods saw him,
20:44 after jumping off the roof of a house on his 14th birthday."
20:49 Had no idea this would hurt.
20:52 That's the moral of the story here.
20:55 Summation here
20:56 "Their experience illustrates
20:57 that pain is an important warning of injury,
20:59 disease or danger that signals people
21:01 to save themselves from further injury.
21:03 Life without that signal, the report shows,
21:05 life without that signal is dangerous."
21:10 So here's the question.
21:13 If pain is good for us, all right,
21:16 if pain is good for us
21:17 how much of pain shall we take into this New Year?
21:22 I'm not thinking about physical pain,
21:24 God bless those six children.
21:26 I'm thinking about the pain of the heart,
21:29 the pain of the emotions, the pain of the spirit,
21:32 pain over past memories, pain for memories,
21:38 pain over past failing, past falling.
21:44 Come on guys,
21:45 don't be looking at everybody else in this church,
21:47 we all carry, do we not,
21:49 we all carry that pain, come on.
21:52 Pain over a past decision,
21:55 or choice, a past sorrow,
22:00 a past sin, a past guilt, painful past.
22:06 How much of it do we carry into the New Year
22:08 that's the question, I mean if it's good for us?
22:14 Painful memories of last year
22:16 and for some of us are like a ball
22:17 and chain clasped to our ankles.
22:22 I mean, can you imagine how much pain
22:24 they must have dragged that ball and chain the two of them.
22:27 I tell you what-- if it had been me
22:30 and I have to wake in that morning after
22:34 with that awful, awful grief hangover
22:38 I would not have the strength
22:39 to crawl out of bed that day, impossible.
22:41 Do you ever have great mornings like that
22:43 where you just don't want to get out of bed?
22:45 I mean, maybe it all been a nightmare,
22:48 maybe we here only been dreaming,
22:49 but they knew that they had not been dreaming
22:51 because of the carved out pain,
22:54 terrible and awful pain deep within their hearts.
22:58 And so early the next morning
23:00 just to make sure two grownups,
23:04 grownup children hand in hand
23:06 race back through the morning mist,
23:08 across that wet green carpet.
23:09 And they are gasping for air,
23:11 they stand outside the front door of their old home,
23:15 old home barred and blacked
23:21 by the truth of the Orange Sword.
23:28 Open your Bible with me please to the Book of Beginnings.
23:30 I can't take you a better place to begin,
23:32 when you're beginning a new year than to the Book of Beginnings.
23:34 Go to the book of Genesis please.
23:37 Relive with me for a moment.
23:39 What had to be excruciating pain over the past in their hearts,
23:45 talking about Adam and Eve of course?
23:48 If you didn't bring a Bible you have to see this for yourself.
23:51 Take the pew Bible in front of you,
23:52 It'd be the same translation I'm using New Kings James.
23:54 It's page three in the pew Bible.
23:57 Genesis, please, the truth of the Orange Sword.
24:03 Genesis Chapter 3,
24:06 very last line of this heartbreaking chapter.
24:08 You know, what happens in this chapter,
24:09 the human race falls, it's over, curtains.
24:13 The very last line of this chapter 3 verse 24.
24:17 So He it would be God, the Creator.
24:22 John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1
24:24 very clear this is the pre-incarnate Christ.
24:27 This is their forever friend.
24:29 "So He drove out the man and the woman,
24:34 and He placed cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden,
24:37 and a flaming sword which turned every way,
24:40 to guard the way to the tree of life."
24:44 Did you catch that?
24:45 A flaming sword which turned every way.
24:50 The bitter truth of the Orange Sword,
24:53 four words long, you cannot go back.
25:00 You cannot go back.
25:04 Listen if you've ever been a parent of a first grader
25:07 you'll learn that lesson way too quickly.
25:12 We had the joy of having our children home over the holiday.
25:15 So we're pulling out some of the family photos,
25:17 some of these were going to pass on to the kids
25:19 and all my to the memories come flooded back.
25:22 Now I'm gonna talk a certain segment of you,
25:24 the rest of you listening
25:26 you know that your parents went through this.
25:28 But do you remember the snapshots
25:30 you took of your child's first day at school, remember those?
25:36 We took them in the same place
25:37 always on the stairs in front of the house,
25:39 first it's Kirk, first with dad,
25:41 then with mom, we didn't have any self timer
25:43 just chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk.
25:44 Six years later then Kristy,
25:45 first with dad and then with mom,
25:46 chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk.
25:49 By the way that was back before digital cameras
25:52 which guaranteed that you got
25:54 your pictures develop for posterity.
25:57 I tell you what, we're losing folks, side.
25:58 I don't want to get distracted here
26:00 but digital cameras there must be a billion photographs
26:03 on this earth that will never see the light a day.
26:07 Nobody's print them off.
26:09 And I'm saying that to you young parents,
26:11 hey, hey, you better print those prints off
26:13 because nobody is gonna put a computer disc,
26:15 nobody is gonna ask for your laptop
26:17 when that child's growing up you better print them off.
26:20 Don't get me going.
26:25 Anyway, there is your child,
26:27 you remember that picture of your child.
26:29 Some of you wore the picture.
26:30 You remember that picture there is your child
26:33 in what appears to be an oversize backpack
26:36 hanging way down the back.
26:38 Inside that backpack stuffed are new crayons,
26:43 new pencils, a new notebook
26:45 and a lunch lovingly crafted by mother
26:49 for your first lunch away from home.
26:53 Yeah.
26:54 But here's the point, here's the point,
26:56 ladies and gentlemen,
26:57 when you say goodbye at the classroom door,
26:59 'cause the first day you took them all the way in.
27:03 When you say goodbye at the classroom door
27:05 to that little tiny first grader you knew didn't you?
27:09 Come on I know you knew, you knew,
27:12 I know you knew because
27:13 I know I knew even that we didn't know
27:15 that we knew at the time.
27:18 You knew something is passing away today,
27:24 something is gone.
27:26 And when he comes home, when she comes home,
27:29 the story is changed just a little forever.
27:36 A door what's happen here a door
27:38 that old love song the theme to the days of wine and roses,
27:43 a door--how does that song described it.
27:45 "A door marked nevermore, that wasn't there before."
27:50 There it is.
27:51 Never knew that door was coming but it's there.
27:56 The door marked nevermore like,
27:57 because you cannot go back.
27:59 The growing up of a child, the passing of an innocence,
28:02 the loosing of your own innocence,
28:05 the death of a spouse, the diminishing of a friendship
28:11 you can't go back, it's gone.
28:15 For the thousand tugs at our hearts from yesterday
28:19 it's the truth of the Orange Sword, you cannot go back.
28:25 No matter how deeply you long to,
28:27 no matter how hard you try to, you cannot go back,
28:29 not to joy, not to sorrow, not to success, not to failure,
28:32 not to a friend, not to an enemy,
28:34 you just can't get back period.
28:36 Oh, it's true, we try, oh mercy do we try.
28:39 We spend billions of dollars trying.
28:44 We dye our hair.
28:47 Why do people dye their hair?
28:48 I don't.
28:53 Why we dye hair 'cause we don't want to look like we really are.
28:57 I want to look like I was.
29:00 We shave our faces. Why we shave our face?
29:01 Because you know if you leave that on
29:02 you look terribly old, get off.
29:07 We spend billions on wardrobes
29:09 because we got to get rid off those wide lapels
29:12 and those leisure nylon suits.
29:14 We don't want to look who we are.
29:18 You can't go back. You can try.
29:22 The nation mourned this last week
29:25 the death of the 38th president of the United States.
29:29 A fellow Michigander like us Gerald R. Ford there he is.
29:34 I have to say this by a way of inside.
29:37 I don't recall ever hearing such a unanimous outpouring
29:43 and admiration and respect for a political leader
29:45 as we heard this week across the board.
29:49 There has to be a lesson
29:51 somewhere in that for us, doesn't there?
29:54 Anyway, I'm watching the talking heads this last week
29:58 and they share a statistic.
30:00 This statistic blew me out of the water
30:02 and I have to share with you so that you suffer with me.
30:05 Forty percent of Americans alive today were not alive
30:07 when President G.R. Ford became president.
30:10 Forty percent.
30:13 Talking about making you feel
30:14 oh, Karen I got married while he was vice president.
30:19 We got married in June he becomes president in August
30:21 and we're coming back to the theological seminary
30:23 for the very first time in our lives
30:26 and we're going through Canada went on a Sunday morning
30:29 it is announced on the radio
30:30 he has pardon the previous president.
30:33 Talking about feeling, oh.
30:35 It stats like that.
30:37 And by the way if this were chapel
30:38 and this is the-- the kids are all back
30:40 and this is chapel you know what I could say,
30:42 100% of you were not alive back there.
30:47 Man, it stats like that that keep you and me
30:49 so earnestly spending energy and capital to feel young again,
30:54 we call it a midlife crisis.
30:57 We self medicate our minds, we Botox our faces,
31:05 we plastic surgery our bodies,
31:09 some buy expensive toys to feel young again,
31:12 others turn to sexual exploits
31:14 just to prove they are still virile.
31:17 But we can't go back, it's for nothing.
31:22 It's a truth of the Orange Sword, you cannot go back.
31:27 I wish you would write that down
31:28 and never forgot it for the rest of your lives
31:30 because what we're about to learn from this truth
31:32 is it has way more serious implications
31:35 for the life of the Spirit as you know it in just a moment.
31:37 Take your new study guide out please.
31:39 Let's jot it down the truth of the Orange Sword.
31:43 It's in your worship Bulletin, thank you ushers
31:45 right now it would be a good time
31:46 for you to begin distributing these.
31:48 Hold your hand up if you didn't' get a worship bulletin.
31:50 There is a tiny little piece of dynamite in this
31:52 that you want to keep for the rest of your life.
31:54 So hold you hand up, make sure you receive it.
31:56 Those of you watching on television
31:58 let me put our website on the screen for you.
31:59 You can get the same study guide
32:01 there it is www.pmchurch,
32:05 pioneer memorial,
32:08 click on to the teaching
32:10 "The truth of the Orange Sword."
32:12 This is a standalone.
32:13 By the way, I don't know where you gonna be next week on earth
32:17 but you must be here as we begin a brand new series
32:20 called "Mercy came a running."
32:21 We will never be the same again.
32:24 Trust me, because of this study on mercy.
32:28 Be here next week when we begin it.
32:29 But this is a standalone.
32:31 We might take it on to the series
32:32 as a prequel, the truth of the Orange Sword,
32:35 you see study guide right there
32:36 click on study guide on your computer screen boom,
32:38 you'll have the same one.
32:40 Okay, everybody has the study guide.
32:45 Very good. Let's fill it in please.
32:47 What is the truth of the Orange Sword?
32:49 Fill it in, you already know it.
32:50 "You cannot go back."
32:54 Genesis, right in the book, Genesis 3:24.
32:59 In fact let's read Genesis 3:24.
33:02 Read it again, you got your Bible still open.
33:04 Genesis 3:24 read that last line again.
33:08 "So He" the loving creator,
33:11 "He drove out the man and woman," Adam and Eve,
33:15 "and He placed cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden,
33:18 and a flaming sword which turned every way,
33:21 to guard the way to the tree of life."
33:26 Keep your pen moving.
33:27 Which makes this, it has to make this, jot it down.
33:30 "A God truth."
33:32 It has to be a God truth for our human good.
33:35 Come on, can you imagine God doing anything bad for us?
33:39 It can't be--a divine angry action that's bad.
33:43 It's got to be good.
33:44 That angel with the drawn Orange Sword
33:47 standing and guarding the gate
33:49 that's truth of the Orange Sword
33:50 it has to be a good truth for us.
33:54 For human good, because let's face it.
33:59 An untutored and that's the key word right here
34:02 an untutored conscience.
34:06 We all have consciences and untutored,
34:09 untaught conscience forever rattles
34:12 at the gate marked nevermore.
34:14 Have you noticed, always.
34:17 And it is precisely here.
34:19 I've lived a few years on this planet
34:22 and I've listen to a lot of people talk and I'm convinced.
34:26 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm convinced
34:28 that the deepest pain of the human heart
34:32 is not a death pain,
34:35 it's the pain over the past.
34:40 I'm thinking about moral falling or failing,
34:43 pain over sins that have passed.
34:44 In fact we have a name for this pain.
34:46 Listen carefully. The name is guilt, guilt.
34:53 But I want to be quick to insert here
34:55 I don't believe that's the most painful guilt.
34:57 Here's the most painful guilt of all, of all,
34:59 of all and that is the guilt.
35:03 The recurring-- returning guilt
35:05 even after you have confessed
35:07 and forsaken that sin in the past
35:10 it still comes back to you
35:11 and it still hurts and that's the killer.
35:14 That's the killer. What do we do?
35:18 Even we who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ,
35:20 have you noticed what we do,
35:22 we all of a suddenly want to become
35:23 like the kid in the children story.
35:25 We all want to become Hollywood film directors, all of us.
35:29 And what do we do when we are film directors?
35:31 We attempt to go back to the scene of the crime,
35:35 the sin, the fall, that moral transgression
35:37 that our conscience for some reason
35:39 will not let us forget.
35:41 Why do we want to go back?
35:42 Because we want to re-shoot the scene,
35:46 sans, without our sin in it.
35:51 And thus we attempt to fool ourselves.
35:52 That's how we're doing.
35:53 We attempt to trick ourselves into reliving
35:56 what in fact cannot be relived
35:59 for it is on the other side of a door that marked nevermore.
36:04 You can't go back. And yet we try.
36:08 Oh, how hard we try.
36:12 Bearing the pain of a guilty conscience.
36:14 Get this, tormented by a virtual reality
36:18 no longer accessible to the human race,
36:21 it isn't even real anymore, the past, it's gone.
36:26 But we try to get back to it, how sad.
36:30 No, no, no, no the word is not sad, how painful.
36:35 I know of what I speak.
36:42 Intellectually oh, come we're a bright university parish.
36:45 Intellectually we know we can't
36:47 but emotionally we still try,
36:49 how many thousands of times do you suppose
36:51 Adam and Eve attempted to go back
36:53 and relive that fateful day
36:55 when they ate the forbidden fruit.
36:57 If only I hadn't, if only I hadn't.
37:04 Like amateur film directors
37:06 attempting to re-shoot the scene of our crime
37:08 minus the crime this time.
37:11 Even when we've confessed
37:14 and forsaken that sin
37:16 why is it that for some of us the memory still lingers
37:19 and the pain of its guilt still throbs inside of us, why?
37:27 That's because we either never learned it
37:31 or we have never believed it the truth of the Orange Sword.
37:35 You can't go back, you cannot go back.
37:40 And it is only feudal self medication.
37:42 And by the way, self is the operative word
37:46 and that's my problem.
37:47 I'll tell you really cannot be honest with it,
37:50 that's why I deal with pain.
37:53 Because somehow I think in my mind--
37:57 look at boy you are a big boy
37:59 you can handle this, deal with it,
38:01 get it, kill it this time.
38:05 Somehow I think self-ego pride
38:08 I can self medicate my conscience.
38:12 This time around you can't,
38:15 you can't, no possibly, impossible.
38:22 You know, what's happened?
38:24 We believe the subtle hiss of the garden serpent.
38:28 You will be as God.
38:31 And so with all the might doomed might we try so hard to be God.
38:36 I can extricate this because you see what,
38:39 you see the reality is I don't want to be helpless.
38:44 I don't want to be hopeless.
38:45 I want to be able to set the terms for my life story.
38:51 And it drives me crazy
38:53 that there is some place beyond my touch
38:56 I cannot get back to it but I keep trying.
38:59 You keep trying and the pain keeps eating your heart out.
39:05 Even those of us who call Jesus Lord and Savior
39:08 and so the pain of that unresolved guilt festers on
39:10 we pound, we plead, we cry and that door marked nevermore.
39:15 Thinking that even if we could get back to the past
39:17 we can heal it, we can't, we are humanly impossible.
39:21 Because did you notice by the way
39:22 the truth of the flaming sword
39:24 is that it turns every way that angel is a fencer.
39:27 You ever watched fencing in the Olympics, fencing?
39:28 No matter which you go, go, go that sword is blocking your way.
39:34 Every effort, every route blocked.
39:37 You cannot, you cannot go back.
39:39 But hallelujah write this down, will you?
39:41 The good news, hallelujah, is that you don't have to.
39:45 Write that down please, write now.
39:47 Keep your pen moving.
39:48 Why don't we have to go back.
39:49 "Because the God who locked the gate to the past,"
39:51 write it in, "is the same God
39:53 who has unlocked the door to the future."
39:55 Write that in. And how did He do it.
39:57 "He did it by planting," write this in,
39:59 "another tree of life." Hallelujah.
40:03 Not in the garden this time,
40:05 this tree planted just outside the garden
40:08 and up the hill called Calvary.
40:10 And on that tree this God did what?
40:12 He has decree we shall not do.
40:16 He went back. He went back.
40:19 He went back to the very first sin you ever committed,
40:21 He went back to my very first sin
40:23 and He took all of our sins from the very beginning
40:26 and He board in His own body
40:28 and He buried those sins
40:30 on the top of the mountain called Calvary.
40:32 Hallelujah.
40:34 That's the point of the ancient prophet
40:36 and a little minor prophet Micah
40:39 that now be let us in reading just a moment ago.
40:42 Scribble this down in your study guild please.
40:44 This New Year Scripture who--Micah 7:18, 19.
40:48 "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity
40:51 and passing over the transgression
40:52 of the remnant of His heritage?
40:54 He does not retain His anger forever,
40:56 because He delights in mercy.
40:59 He will again have compassion on us,
41:02 and will subdue our iniquities."
41:03 And here it comes and I love this.
41:05 "You will cast" and this is the key word "All" write it in.
41:11 "You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."
41:17 Every shred of evidence from the past, hallelujah,
41:22 has been buried at Calvary.
41:24 Ladies and gentlemen, that is the everlasting gospel.
41:27 Do you understand that when Jesus died on the cross
41:29 God forgave the entire human race, pardon the race,
41:32 acquitted every sinner to ever be born?
41:34 That's the everlasting Gospel, buried.
41:37 And because He buried it, God through Isaiah cries out.
41:40 You got to write this down.
41:42 Isaiah 43:25 God cries out
41:44 "I even I, am He who blots out
41:47 your transgressions for My own sake,
41:49 and I will not remember" write that down.
41:52 "I will not remember, I will not remember your sins."
41:59 Hallelujah.
42:02 I will not remember your sins.
42:06 Hallelujah.
42:08 You know what that means, ladies and gentlemen.
42:11 If He offers to bury our sins
42:15 and to remember them no more
42:19 then surely He must be inviting us to do the same.
42:22 Don't you supposed He wants us do the same?
42:25 For each others sins by the way, for each others.
42:29 This New Year for God sake quit remembering her sins,
42:35 quit remembering his sins.
42:40 It's been buried. It's gone.
42:44 How many marriages have been buried
42:48 because one or the other or both of them have refused to forget?
42:55 And by the way, not only the sins of others,
42:57 it has to mean I have been given freedom
43:00 to quit remembering my own sins.
43:04 If God says hey, boy, I've taken your sins
43:05 and I've buried them in the depths of the sea
43:07 and I remember them no more,
43:08 I'm sure that that is license for me
43:11 to remember them no more.
43:17 If God has buried them in the depths of sea
43:19 should we not just leave them there and forgot it.
43:22 Come on.
43:26 Which I must warn you
43:28 that leaving and forgetting
43:30 is more than a wishful prayer and wishful thinking.
43:33 And here's what I have learned and I'm still working on it.
43:39 It requires, listen carefully now,
43:42 this could be the key for you in 2007.
43:45 It requires the intentional act of the will,
43:50 the mind, and the heart.
43:52 You have to choose.
43:53 Would you write that down?
43:54 We must choose to forget.
44:01 Just like a mighty sinner turn saint what's his name?
44:04 Paul.
44:05 Paul who cries out Philippians 3:13.
44:07 Jot it down "This one thing I do, forgetting."
44:11 I want you to see that word forgetting,
44:13 the verse forgetting this one thing I do,
44:16 forgetting that which is behind,
44:18 re-passed and reaching forward on to that
44:21 which is ahead re-future I have chosen to forgive
44:24 and forget, I have chosen to forget
44:30 because to live without the pain of the past
44:33 is an intentional choice.
44:36 And I got to tell you this.
44:39 Listen carefully, it's a choice
44:41 you will have to intentionally make every day of your life.
44:53 Which means the next time that demon comes to your mind
44:57 He knows where your conscience is,
44:59 he knows all about your mind,
45:01 he knows every hot button you own.
45:03 The next time that demon comes to your mind
45:05 and he says. I want to remind you,
45:08 I want to remind you about that little fall part
45:11 that was huge and he cites chapter and verse.
45:17 By the way, let me hit the pause button.
45:21 If you have confessed and forsaken your sin
45:25 trust me it will not be God coming to you
45:29 and reminding you of the past.
45:31 Haven't we just read that He buries it in that--
45:33 He remembers it no more?
45:35 If you have confessed and forsaken your sin--
45:37 let me hit the pause button again.
45:39 If you have not confessed,
45:42 if there is something you are carrying into the New Year
45:46 that better be confessed, then it isn't a demon,
45:52 because he don't want that confessed.
45:54 That would be your forever friend
45:56 who saying there is a little something here
45:58 between you and me and a wonderful New Year.
46:01 I need you to let go over it come to me.
46:04 If we confess our sins I'm faithful
46:05 and just to forgive you your sins
46:07 and to cleanse you from all unrighteous
46:08 just give it to me, I'll take it away and bury it,
46:10 I'll never remember, I'll never bring it up again,
46:12 but you have to give it to me the first time.
46:16 Assuming that you've already done that.
46:19 If that voice comes to you
46:23 then you know from whence that voice comes
46:25 three sources, could be the demon,
46:29 or I can tell you this
46:30 'cause the demon doesn't always know what's going on your mind.
46:32 It can be number two, an untutored conscience
46:35 that is still attempting.
46:37 Number three, self-medication.
46:39 I'm trying to get this taken care on my own.
46:42 Either way you must do what Paul did.
46:45 I want to tell you something if you want to talk about
46:47 somebody who had about the worst memories
46:49 any Christian could have and it was with him
46:52 his whole life, it was the Apostle Paul.
46:54 Write this down, will you?
46:55 It's right there, it's in your study guide.
46:56 1 Timothy 1:15 this is a sure saying worthy of acceptance.
47:01 "Christ Jesus came into the world
47:03 to save sinners of whom I am the worst."
47:07 Write it in, the worst.
47:11 So the next time that demon comes to you and says
47:12 boy, girl, I remember something about you, don't I?
47:18 You declare to that demon Christ Jesus.
47:21 Yes, you remember.
47:22 Oh, thank you for reminding me of the gospel.
47:23 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
47:26 and I want to tell you something demon
47:27 I am the worst of them so bug off.
47:31 I got covered by that tree of life.
47:34 And my past has been buried and you may bring it up
47:36 I refuse to touch this.
47:38 You can take it with you to hell
47:44 because that's where He sent the sins, all right.
47:49 Forgetting those things which are behind.
47:55 You got to forget.
47:56 Ladies and gentlemen, it's the good news of the gospel,
47:59 it's the choice of the gospel.
48:01 Listen to this, bad news,
48:04 bad news you cannot go back.
48:11 Good news, you cannot go back. Hallelujah.
48:17 Can't go back, can't go back and don't have to.
48:23 You never have to go back again
48:26 because the only one who could did
48:31 and because He did it's taken care of
48:35 that unrelenting conscience sin,
48:37 those unforgiving memories God says
48:41 move them, I've already buried that boy, leave it there.
48:47 Now here's a little piece of dynamite
48:48 that I hope you keep forever.
48:52 That little book Oswald Chambers book
48:54 My Utmost for His Highest.
48:56 My mother-in-law, it's her birthday this weekend
48:58 so I can kind of brag about her
49:00 she is here in the audience right now.
49:01 She gave me probably the most
49:04 impacting Christmas gift I've ever received.
49:06 She gave it to me back in Christmas in 1987.
49:09 I've read it ever year since except for the year 1991
49:12 which now I read it in 1991.
49:15 It is a great book, Oswald Chambers New Year prayer.
49:19 It's in your study guide,
49:20 you keep your study guide just for this.
49:22 I want to read it out loud to you.
49:24 God's hand, Oh, this is something,
49:25 "God's hand reaches back to the past
49:29 and makes a clearing-house for conscience."
49:32 Isn't that great?
49:34 "God's hand reaches back to the past
49:36 and makes a clearing-house for conscience.
49:38 It is true that we have lost opportunities
49:42 which will never return."
49:44 Yep, can't change that fact.
49:48 "But God can transform this destructive anxiety
49:54 into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future."
49:57 And now here comes, I love this.
49:59 "Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ.
50:04 Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out
50:08 into the Irresistible Future with Him."
50:15 Isn't that dynamite, forgetting those things
50:19 which are behind.
50:23 All right, remember your transgressions no more
50:26 I have buried them, I have buried them
50:30 in the depths of the sea.
50:35 I was visiting a few days ago with one of our members
50:37 whose parent has Alzheimer's.
50:40 Can't remember, you know, Alzheimer's,
50:42 everybody knows Alzheimer's.
50:43 Now, can't remember.
50:45 My dad had a similar form of dementia.
50:48 But I'm gonna say this and I hope I'm not misunderstood here.
50:52 I'm gonna say that the upside of memories lost
50:55 is the absence of pain associated with those memories.
50:59 If you can't remember the pain is gone
51:02 from that memory.
51:06 Dispose that's why God allows our pain
51:08 over the past in the first place.
51:10 Not to keep driving us back, back, back.
51:12 God knows we can't go back,
51:13 He not gonna drive us back,
51:15 no, no, no, no but rather to compel us
51:17 through that attendant pain to seek Him
51:20 who by healing our past can fade the memories
51:23 and sooth away the pain.
51:26 I tell you what?
51:27 Maybe those scientists in the journal Nature were right.
51:30 And pain is good if it leads us to help.
51:37 Capital H, Help.
51:41 Well, I have buried your sins in the depths of the sea
51:45 and I will remember them, halleluiah, no more.
51:52 I don't suppose God has Alzheimer's.
51:57 But whatever He has I hope He keeps it.
52:02 And I'd like to have it to this New Year.
52:05 Wouldn't you?
52:07 Oh, Father, it is an Alzheimer's,
52:11 it is a heart that loves your children
52:13 so much including Adam and Eve
52:19 that You have made provision
52:22 to get back to where we cannot go back to
52:26 and because You've planted that other tree of life
52:30 and took all of our sins
52:32 and buried them at the foot of the cross, oh, Father.
52:37 No wonder they call it mercy,
52:41 no wonder we speak of grace.
52:47 Oh, God, freely we have received,
52:50 freely let us give to others
52:54 who need our forgetter and to ourselves
52:58 we need the forgetter most of all
53:02 You have buried our sins and You will remember
53:05 our transgressions no more as with joy
53:10 we go for with you into this journey uncharted. Amen.
53:52 Is this a day of new beginnings
53:58 Time to remember and move on
54:04 Time to believe what love is bringing
54:11 Laying to rest the pain that's gone?
54:20 How can the seasons of a planet
54:26 Mindlessly spinning round its sun
54:33 With just a human name and number
54:39 Say that some new thing has begun?
54:48 Yet thro' the life and death of Jesus
54:55 Love's mighty Spirit, now as then
55:01 Can make for us a world of difference
55:09 As faith and hope are born again
55:18 Then let us, with the Spirit's daring
55:24 Step from the past and leave behind
55:31 Its disappointment, guilt and grieving
55:38 Seeking new paths, and sure to find
55:47 Christ is alive, and goes before us
55:53 To show and share what love can do
55:59 This is a day of new beginnings
56:07 Our God is making all things new
56:23 And now onto Him
56:25 who is able to keep us from falling
56:29 and to present us before His throne
56:31 with great joy to the only wise God
56:35 our Savior be glory and majesty dominion and power
56:39 both now and forever more. Amen.
57:05 Before you go I wanted to take
57:06 one more moment to let you know.
57:08 How glad I am you share this hour worship
57:09 and Bible teachings with us.
57:12 Living in the world that we do now,
57:13 a civilization surviving on the edge
57:15 of constant prevailing change.
57:18 I'm grateful that we have the bedrock
57:19 hope of Jesus, aren't you?
57:21 And I'm thankful that you and I
57:22 can partnered together to reach this generation
57:24 the world over through the satellite telecast.
57:27 So please know that I thank God
57:29 and you for the generous way you partnered with us.
57:32 Your tax deductible gifts are been multiplied
57:35 all across the earth for such a time as this.
57:38 If you'd like to order a DVD or a video tape copy
57:40 of this teaching today or make a donation on your credit card
57:43 please call our friendly operators
57:45 at the number on your screen.
57:46 There it is 877-HIS-WILL,
57:48 just the two words 877-HIS-Will.
57:51 And I promise you we will invest
57:53 every penny of your generosity in God's mission
57:56 to reach this final generation now.
57:58 Thank you for that partnership.
58:01 And I'll see you here again next time.


Revised 2014-12-17