3ABN Now

God's Leading Hand

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NOW

Program Code: NOW019007A

00:15 This is 3ABN Now
00:17 with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
00:21 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Now.
00:23 3ABN is one of those Christian television networks
00:26 that goes right across the world.
00:28 In fact, if you are watching somewhere in South Africa
00:31 for example, you'll be very interested in this program
00:34 because we are interviewing two people
00:37 who come from that part of the world.
00:38 What's interesting is when you're young you wonder
00:41 how God actually leads people in their life.
00:44 Well today we're going to have the testimony of Cornelius and
00:48 Ulna Keet. Welcome Cornelius and welcome Ulna.
00:51 Thank you. They're going to tell the story of how God
00:54 has led them throughout their life.
00:56 And it's exciting! And I know for a fact
00:59 as I'm getting older and I start to look back
01:02 I can see that God is leading.
01:04 Oh, they had some very SERIOUS leading at the time!
01:08 That's right. And it's good to know
01:10 God takes care of you all the time.
01:12 But before we start the interview
01:14 Rosemary, Cornelius and Ulna have chosen a text.
01:18 Would you like to read it? Yes. They've chosen Jeremiah
01:21 chapter 29 and verse 11.
01:24 This is a very popular verse around the world.
01:27 It says... God says:
01:30 "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you
01:33 saith the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil
01:38 to give you an expected end. "
01:41 Cornelius: you like that verse.
01:44 I like it very much! I think the background to me
01:50 for that is what I believe
01:56 has played a part in my life.
02:00 I also like the two verses that come after that:
02:04 verse 12 and 13. "Then shall ye call upon Me
02:08 and you shall go and pray unto Me
02:11 and I WILL hearken unto you. " That's right.
02:14 "And ye shall seek Me and find Me
02:17 when you shall search for Me with all your heart. "
02:20 That's right! So those 3 verses go beautifully together.
02:23 Yes. And they explain each other.
02:26 Yes. But we are to pray to God and He promises that
02:28 He will hear. Yes.
02:30 You know the thoughts that God has towards you, don't you
02:33 Ulna? Yes, I know.
02:34 And you've experienced it throughout your life.
02:37 All of my life really the Lord was good to us.
02:40 You know, you cannot believe how the Lord led us.
02:44 It is just... I mean, when I was a little girl on the farm.
02:49 It just can't come in my mind what the Lord has done
02:54 and how He led us, you know. It is just wonderful! Yes.
02:58 So when you discovered the Lord how many years ago was that?
03:01 Many? Oh, that's many years ago.
03:04 Yes, many years ago on the farm already.
03:06 Yes. And you mustn't forget
03:09 how I had the best mother in the world.
03:16 That's good to know you come from a very good family
03:19 and you love your mother. My mother was a SDA
03:22 from her birth till the day she died.
03:28 Um-hmm. But not my father. My father became an Adventist
03:31 afterwards. Uh-huh. But I've had the best mother
03:35 in the world that looked after me.
03:38 And you know one of the main things is
03:40 she taught you about Jesus. That's right; that's right.
03:43 The same with me. I had the most wonderful parents really.
03:47 My dad was a wonderful person
03:50 and mom... both my mom and dad.
03:53 Yeah, but he's saying that his was the best and you're saying
03:55 that yours were? Mine was also!
03:58 I know he had a very good mother and a good father.
04:01 So did you get the best and did you get the best?
04:04 I got the best and I hope he got the best.
04:06 She can... she just told you now
04:10 what she said, and I'm saying the same thing.
04:14 Very good. We should all think that our parents are the best.
04:17 My daughter-in-law here Monique, she always when introduces us
04:22 to people she says: "You know, I've never seen
04:25 people... they never fight. "
04:27 She said: "They never fight.
04:30 Never! " That's a good testimony.
04:34 That's a good testimony really.
04:35 He knows the wife is always right.
04:38 It's the good Lord that looks after us every day
04:41 of our lives... EVERY DAY... He is with us.
04:45 Now I'm just going to ask you to do something
04:47 Cornelius, because there may be people watching
04:50 in So. Africa. English is not your first language, is it?
04:56 No. You started out with Afrikaans, is that right?
04:59 With Afrikaans, yes,
05:01 which is a language derived out of the Dutch
05:05 and a little bit of German.
05:08 But in general that comes from... out of the Dutch.
05:12 Now I understand Dutch I would say 90%. OK.
05:17 And so with the Dutch people when I speak they understand me
05:23 but I cannot speak it. Aah!
05:26 It's a bit annoying, isn't it? Yes!
05:29 Anyway, we are happy. And then I thank the Lord
05:35 that I went to our college therein South Africa.
05:39 Helderberg? Helderberg College
05:41 and there I learned to speak English
05:46 more and better than what I would've if I didn't go there.
05:51 Well, I understand you very well.
05:53 Now I would like to... I don't know if you are going to
05:56 talk in tongues or some other jibber, but would you like to
05:58 greet the people in So. Africa and give them a little comment?
06:22 You can tell me afterwards what you said
06:24 but I'm sure somebody would have understood you.
06:26 Ulna at least.
06:29 You know, I'm very interested. You said you grew up
06:33 in an Adventist home, is that right? That's right.
06:35 My mother was a full-time Adventist.
06:38 So we'll start with you, Cornelius. Tell us a bit
06:41 where you grew up. Where you were born;
06:43 where you went a little bit to school.
06:46 We lived nearby the city of Cape Town. Not too far:
06:52 approx. 130 km. away from
06:58 the city of Cape Town - um-hmm -
07:01 where my father had a general dealer's shop
07:07 on a farm there.
07:09 And my mother was the Adventist part of it. Um-hmm.
07:14 And I grew up as a child there
07:18 and went to the government school that was there.
07:23 But in my younger years, of course. You know what I'm saying
07:29 there? In the years that I was only from
07:34 year six through about 10, 12.
07:39 Then my mother said: "No... oh no. Not here any longer. "
07:44 "You... " I was... when I got up to the grades
07:50 of 8th she said: "No!
07:54 You are going to Helderberg College.
07:58 You're going to go to our school
08:00 not the government school. "
08:02 Well, which I appreciated because she wanted me to stay
08:06 within the run of the SDA church you know.
08:12 So that's what happened and I went there.
08:17 And I thank God in this very day that she did that to me
08:22 because it did a lot to me.
08:26 I'm just wondering... just backing up to when you
08:29 were 10 or 12. You said your mother was the SDA
08:33 and your dad wasn't. Did you find a bit of a pull
08:36 by your dad's way? No! No! No, my dad was very very...
08:41 he was a very good man in this respect:
08:45 that he respected my mother and us.
08:48 Oh good! He didn't... he didn't go -
08:51 try to pull you away? Pull away from that? None of that.
08:55 How old were you when your father became a SDA?
08:59 We were already in years; we were married already I think.
09:04 So it was late in his life? Late in his life, yes.
09:08 He became a SDA because of a series of meetings
09:14 that were held by one of our people there in that area.
09:19 Like evangelistic meetings? Yes.
09:21 Evangelistic meetings. Then he became a SDA
09:25 and you wouldn't believe it but... I WILL believe it:
09:30 you tell it. Then the place where we went to
09:36 was nearer to Cape Town because it was in a place called
09:40 Wellington - OK - Wellington... which is a name
09:44 that I think you can appreciate.
09:46 And in that place he also had a very very big
09:51 general dealer shop... you know, shop.
09:53 And would you believe it that before
09:58 and after he became an Adventist... before
10:00 he had his shop open on Sabbaths, Saturdays - yes -
10:04 and then he decided when he became the Adventist
10:07 he would close the shop. And so the business went broke?
10:10 The business was better than before.
10:14 You wouldn't believe that. I don't know how it worked
10:17 but I think... I KNOW how it worked.
10:20 I've heard that same story many times. Yes.
10:23 And it was a better business after he became an Adventist
10:26 than before. He admitted himself before he died.
10:31 Now when you went to Helderberg College
10:35 what did you study?
10:36 No... I was in the business spot. OK. Yes, I didn't
10:42 go for... One person said to me:
10:46 "But you can become a theology student. "
10:52 Yeah. I said: "No, no, no... I'll
10:53 go for business... I'm not a pastor. "
10:58 Well, you know we don't... The interesting thing is
11:01 God uses everyone in different areas of life.
11:03 You don't have to be a pastor. No. No.
11:05 You can be someone who's a faithful worker
11:08 in any profession. Even if you preach...
11:10 Even if you go to preaching doesn't mean you have to be
11:12 a pastor. No, no. But anyway God looked after me there as well.
11:17 You did accounting? Yeah, accounting.
11:19 And then you wouldn't believe... You believe me, but I went
11:26 when I finished there at Helderberg
11:28 I went and worked outside. That's good experience.
11:32 Yeah. I went and worked outside for a big company
11:35 in Cape Town. Umm. And then
11:39 one morning my boss said to me
11:44 "Go down to the reception.
11:47 There's somebody that wants to see you. "
11:50 Hmm. I said: "Is that so? "
11:52 "Yes. " So I went down there.
11:55 Lo and behold, there was the treasurer
11:59 of the South African Union offices sitting down there.
12:04 And I had to go and have a chat with him.
12:09 And he said to me... he said to me:
12:11 "We want you in our office. "
12:15 Hmm. That's at the Union office.
12:17 So they must have heard some- thing good about you, Cornelius.
12:19 Most probably yes!
12:22 And so I had to... I said to him: "Look,
12:28 thank you very much. I think we both accept your call
12:32 at go. " My parents weren't too happy
12:35 because now I'm moving away from them.
12:38 We lived right next to each other.
12:39 Ah yes.
12:41 We had to go to the city called Bloemfontein.
12:47 Bloemfontein. Yeah! I'm putting it so that you
12:51 understand that. Yes. So we were to go there
12:54 and then we stayed there for four years.
12:58 Then another call for me.
13:01 I'm going to just stop you here because you said "we. "
13:04 You would have met this lady and you were married, is that right?
13:07 We married on the first of January 1964.
13:12 Oh, what an easy date? No wonder you remember the date.
13:16 You must have chosen it so he wouldn't forget.
13:18 Yes. This is a wedding photo with you.
13:22 Who's there Cornelius? In the middle, of course,
13:25 you know who the two in the middle are.
13:27 Me and my wife. And then on my side
13:31 it's my sister and her husband.
13:34 Um-hmm. At that time it was still her fiancé. Yes.
13:39 And on the other side - on her side -
13:41 is her own sister
13:43 and also a friend of mine.
13:49 OK. And who's the little girl?
13:51 My youngest sister. Oh, isn't that lovely!
13:53 She's getting ready and she's still got a sister that's old.
13:57 What year? She was only 5 years old.
14:01 And this is your actual wedding photo? That's right.
14:04 And does it seem long ago?
14:07 Yes! Only yesterday you're saying, isn't it?
14:11 Yes. You wish. And believe it or not
14:13 we are married now in the first of January of this year
14:18 fifty-five years. Fifty-five years! That's a good age.
14:24 That's a very good age. Yeah.
14:25 So... And I'm just going to go to Ulna for a moment
14:29 because we want to know about the lady he married.
14:31 Where did you grow up, Ulna? I grew up on the farm.
14:36 It's called the long cluff. It's a long valley -
14:42 OK - with mountains on the sides, and it's just
14:44 fruit wherever you look. All those farms it's just fruit.
14:48 Good fruit? What sort of fruit?
14:50 Apples and pears were the main fruit
14:54 and then we had lots of apricots, lots of peaches,
14:58 plums, and we had figs... LOTS of figs.
15:03 And then prickly pears. I don't know if you know
15:06 what the prickly pear is.
15:09 And we grew all kinds of vegetables:
15:16 beans, peas, potatoes, beet root, cabbage.
15:20 Very fertile area? Very fertile!
15:21 All kinds... but we never knew broccoli.
15:25 They didn't grow that but otherwise...
15:28 And we had all our cattle, all our own milk,
15:33 cream, and everything. And we were big meat eaters
15:38 at that time... at that time.
15:40 And you had how many sisters?
15:43 I've got me seven sisters.
15:45 I am the eldest. And no boys? No boys.
15:48 And my dad was a farmer.
15:49 No sons to take over the farm.
15:52 Oh, so you girls had to learn like... We were on the farm
15:53 all the time, never in the house.
15:55 Is that right? Yes. So where did you do your schooling?
15:59 I'm in public school. In public school we did it, yes.
16:02 So where did you two meet?
16:05 At Camp Meeting. We used to go to
16:08 Camp Meeting every year and this is where we meet.
16:11 I find a lot of people go to Camp Meeting to find a spouse.
16:14 Yes, yes. Sometimes it's the only reason they're there.
16:19 So you said you went to a public school? Public school.
16:21 What about your mom and dad... were they Adventists?
16:24 My dad was an Adventist. My mom came as a teacher there
16:28 and she was not an Adventist... but when they got married
16:32 she became an Adventist. So I grew up with very very
16:35 strict parents... very very strict parents.
16:38 Well, it can be the other way. I think I'd rather have
16:41 strict parents. VERY strict parents.
16:43 You met... you met at the Camp Meeting.
16:46 At Camp Meeting, yes. And you decided to... Did you...
16:50 did you court together for very long, Cornelius?
16:53 How many years? About two years!
16:55 But we were far apart because he's in Cape Town
16:59 and I'm in Port Elizabeth.
17:01 No e-mail then. No!
17:03 And we used to call now and then because it was very
17:06 expensive you see. And he even when he asked to marry me
17:11 he called my... no, he wrote a letter to my dad.
17:14 Oh! But my dad was very fond of him
17:18 so there were no problems.
17:21 Have the blessing of the father you're OK.
17:26 I like that idea. You went to consult with your parents
17:30 and ask. I think it's a very good thing. Very good!
17:32 So you got married and where did you first go?
17:35 You mentioned a government job. We went to Cape Town.
17:39 We lived in Somerset West
17:41 in that town where Helderberg College is.
17:46 You see, we lived there.
17:47 And then we went to as he said
17:52 then I worked at a big company.
17:56 And that I told you that the secretary/treasurer
17:59 of that company was an Adventist.
18:02 And that was him that recommended my husband
18:05 to the treasurer at the Union office. That was him.
18:10 And so we were there for 4 years
18:14 and then we went to Bloemfontein.
18:17 And I worked also there. I first was secretary
18:22 to the Publishing Dept. secretary
18:26 and then to the youth, and then they brought me down
18:28 to the Accounts Department. You see,
18:30 and that's where my first... We were married 7 years
18:34 before we had children.
18:36 And my first son... he was born there.
18:40 And then we got a call back to Somerset West
18:43 in Cape Town. And then my second boy, he was born there.
18:49 You know, Cornelius, when I think of both of you.
18:52 You meet, you get married. You're SDA both of you.
18:56 Where do you place God at the beginning of your marriage
18:58 and in your early life? Where did you place God?
19:02 I don't know about my wife but as far as I'm concerned
19:07 I had no other options: number one.
19:12 Number one. And you? Yes, definitely! Definitely.
19:15 So you're both together starting out at the same
19:19 understanding of God. On the same page.
19:21 Especially... especially with the father,
19:26 parents that she had. You know, he was a
19:29 qualified. He was an ordained. Not ordained, he was a graduate
19:35 theology student. It was only a few years that he pastored
19:41 because then his dad got sick and he had to go to the farm.
19:44 So only in his later years he went into the ministry again.
19:49 OK... and so my thought is
19:53 did you start to ask God to lead you right back then?
19:58 Well, you know what it's like.
20:05 Remember, we're not saints. Yet!
20:10 We are also human beings, you know.
20:14 And you do make mistakes here and there and so on.
20:17 But on your knees every evening, every morning
20:22 to say: "Sorry Lord, we made a mistake today
20:27 or this or that but we love You. "
20:30 Hmm. That's how we live.
20:34 And then of course being in the organization
20:39 when we were called to come in it makes a big difference
20:44 because you are every day busy with the Lord's work.
20:48 We've got some photos that I want to have a look at.
20:51 The first one is you with your two sons
20:54 'cause you only had the two sons
20:56 and this is a picture. Now who are they?
20:58 Tell us their names. The one on my lap
21:01 is my eldest son Gillum.
21:04 He is in South Africa still.
21:09 The other one... the little one on her lap
21:12 that's our... this is François. François lives here.
21:16 Yes he does. Lives here, yes. So we know him.
21:19 And the couple in the middle? I presume it's Cornelius & Ulna.
21:23 Cornelius and Ulna... yes.
21:25 And we've got another photo of when the boys... they're a bit
21:27 older here. That's right.
21:29 That's a lovely family portrait.
21:31 Yeah. Now they are grown up here and you can see the two of us
21:36 have also grown older.
21:38 The interesting thing is that both of your boys
21:42 went into accounting. That's right.
21:44 So you're all in accounting. They both have jobs as
21:46 accountants, yes. All of us - the whole family -
21:50 is an accounting family.
21:53 I hope you're counting well.
21:56 You're counting well because you're getting more and more
21:58 grandchildren. Well, as you know we have
22:02 gone through a lot as far as this is concerned.
22:06 And we've got another picture I want to look at, and it's
22:08 a specific house. You told us about this house.
22:12 This is in South Africa. This is in South Africa, yes.
22:16 We lived on almost you can say was sort of a compound
22:21 that the church has got there.
22:24 It's in Johannesburg itself
22:28 but a little bit towards the southern part of Johannesburg.
22:34 Anyway, it's a big house that many many
22:40 visitors from overseas came and stayed there.
22:44 That's traditional, isn't it?
22:46 I always had to take all the people every time.
22:50 Well, they gave you a big house! Yes.
22:52 And there were five houses on the compound
22:54 and then the church office and the home health
22:57 and education service office.
22:59 So it was really good. And my children grew up there.
23:04 They finished their university there, you know.
23:08 Everything. That's a special place for you guys, isn't it?
23:12 And my brother-in-law became the president of the conference.
23:15 They lived there; they had three boys.
23:19 And so those five boys
23:21 that was their friends
23:24 so they didn't actually have other friends coming there.
23:27 So that was just too wonderful for them.
23:30 You mentioned that that place was owned by a mining company.
23:33 Is that right? Before. And then tell us
23:36 how God blessed the purchase of that and what happened.
23:38 Well we had a president there...
23:41 he was a VERY suave guy.
23:44 He had a little bit of business in him, too. Yes!
23:48 And he saw this old place and I still remember
23:54 that they bought that place
23:56 for something like 70,000 rand.
24:01 Um-hmm. Now 70,000 rand in those days
24:04 was a lot of money. Yes.
24:07 I may be out a little bit but you know it's too long ago.
24:13 And that place was sold afterwards
24:16 for... I'm not going to give you the precise... but
24:20 for millions. For millions! Yes.
24:22 So that enabled the conference then or the union was it?
24:25 Which one was it? The conference... the conference
24:27 then to buy a new place. A new, fully, properly
24:33 built up office block.
24:37 Completed; ready-to-use. It was a beautiful building!
24:40 Ready to move in and it was a beautiful place.
24:42 So did you work in that place?
24:44 Oh yes, we worked in there.
24:46 I was in there as the accountant.
24:49 A little later on I became the treasurer. OK.
24:54 And a very good time that we were together there.
24:58 We've got a couple of pictures of you two in the office.
25:01 Is it the same office or another office?
25:03 That's the same. This is where you're working in the new bldg.
25:06 New building. Yes, that's the new building.
25:08 Ulna... a busy desk and the man on the phone.
25:12 I see you have a computer there; I can see an adding machine
25:15 you know for adding manually. Yes.
25:18 It's interesting how times have changed.
25:20 You're telling me! Yes, yes. Umm... very much so.
25:24 So I know that you both - Cornelius in particular -
25:28 has a story that I'm sure the viewers would love to hear
25:31 how God really protects you when you're on God's errands.
25:35 Tell us the story about your journey and then...
25:38 Well, you see what happened was
25:40 that the conference had a ministerial meeting
25:44 not in the conference office itself
25:48 but I would say approximately
25:52 170 to 180 kilometers away from there at a certain spot
25:58 where they could have this ministerial meeting.
26:01 And, of course, being the treasurer
26:05 I had to be there,
26:07 and any financial things that needed I was the one to
26:12 stand in and make sure that... everything was OK.
26:17 And also all the equipment that needed to be there
26:21 it was my duty to put it in my car and take it there.
26:26 And then after that meeting was finished -
26:31 it was... for a week... for a week, yes.
26:35 And then after that of course you want to go home quickly.
26:39 Yes. Packed the gear into the car and I left.
26:45 You had all this equipment to take back. All the equipment...
26:48 all the equipment in my car and I had to...
26:50 And he put it all on the back seat and started moving.
26:55 That's why he stopped along the road.
26:57 And I stopped next along the road.
26:59 I didn't see any people around there.
27:02 I learned a lesson that day, too. Tell you now
27:05 what the lesson was. But there I stopped, and
27:08 the next thing... You got out to shift the load.
27:12 I beg your pardon? Re-arrange the load.
27:13 Yes, he was standing like at the back seat... busy...
27:18 yeah but with my back toward the side of the road, you know.
27:21 And all of a sudden I felt an arm coming around my neck
27:25 and I saw a big knife coming to my... and just
27:30 I said to myself: "Is this where I die today?
27:35 Or what will it be? " They pulled me into the bush there
27:38 and they threw me on the ground.
27:40 Yes. There were two of them.
27:42 Didn't have a chance to fight them... not in the least.
27:47 And there I was lying on the ground
27:50 and of course they started looking in my pockets
27:53 and money that I have for the church -
27:56 not a lot, fortunately - was in my pocket here.
27:59 They look that; they took my wallet.
28:02 They took every penny that I had in there.
28:05 They took that out and they made sure that they got everything.
28:09 Then they took my watch. Now it was
28:14 a fairly expensive watch.
28:16 They don't like silver... they want gold. Gold!
28:21 And I told them a little bit of a lie
28:25 which I should... A little bit of an untruth? Yeah.
28:28 I said: "That's a cheap old watch. " He took a look at it
28:31 and he threw it back at me. Can you believe that?
28:35 He threw it back at me and then...
28:37 It wasn't a funny situation, was it?
28:39 It was quite serious. But in the meantime, all the way
28:43 he stood with his knife right against my neck.
28:46 They would... I said: "Please take it away!
28:48 I won't run away... take it away. " No,
28:51 no... he kept it just like that.
28:54 So the one took my car keys. He went to our car and he checked
28:58 in my car to see if I don't have a gun - yes -
29:02 and any more money or something in the car.
29:05 And lately came back.
29:08 Now we had bedding because they had to take their own
29:12 bedding, and stole some food because they had to
29:15 prepare, somebody there that prepared their meals.
29:19 There were some things... we had it in the car.
29:20 So he took some of the food and he took bedding, you see,
29:25 and came back. Yeah, he came back and then
29:27 I said: 'Lord, please, please...
29:33 protect me. " But I said it quietly to myself.
29:37 And but then... I became sort of
29:42 calmed down... after you asked God to? Yes.
29:47 HE gave you some peace.
29:49 As if I said to myself: "Well if it's my day
29:53 it's my day. " But you know what?
29:56 And all of a sudden that one guy
30:01 his eyes got that big.
30:04 He looked and he threw the car keys down
30:10 and he ran. And the other one with the knife
30:14 he took the knife away and his eyes were like this.
30:18 They saw something which I didn't see.
30:21 We're sure it's an angel. Yeah, it must have been an angel.
30:24 And he ran away too? And he ran away too!
30:26 That doesn't normally happen, does it? Never! Never!
30:29 No, no! Because those were troublous times then
30:31 in Cape Town. That's usually what happens:
30:34 they will kill you.
30:37 They'll take everything and kill you before they leave.
30:39 Because if they don't do that
30:42 you're a witness to them for when they are in trouble.
30:47 So they ran away completely
30:51 and here I'm sitting. I said: "Thank you, God!
30:55 You looked after me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "
30:59 Did you spend very much time sitting there?
31:01 No! I got up; got in my car.
31:05 He said he couldn't get the key in the ignition.
31:07 I couldn't get the key... Couldn't get away fast enough!
31:11 And then eventually I drove off.
31:15 And then I got on the highway between
31:19 Pretoria, the city of Pretoria, and Johannesburg
31:22 which is a very busy highway - um-hmm -
31:25 and lo and behold it started raining.
31:28 But not rain... it's a cloud- burst - yes -
31:34 that came down. I couldn't see. Now all traffic
31:39 came to a standstill on that road. Not again!
31:45 What more for this day?
31:48 And I drove off to... later on drove off to the office
31:54 with all the equipment. And then she was there
31:58 at the office. She's: "Where did you go? Where did you go?
32:01 Look at you! " He was so dirty
32:04 because those people...
32:06 He sat down. When he told the story what did you think?
32:09 I thought "what on earth? " because didn't know what...
32:12 I said: "Where have you been? Look at you! "
32:15 He said: "Don't talk to me like that. "
32:17 He said: "You don't know what happened to me you know. "
32:21 Well, it was God that looked after me that day.
32:25 There is no other answer to this
32:29 than God looked after me that day. He protected me
32:32 completely. Amen! Yeah.
32:36 But that set a different course in your life, didn't it?
32:40 Because... tell us a little bit about that.
32:42 Then I said to myself:
32:45 "If this is what's going to happen to us
32:49 in future years, what... " I got a little bit worried because
32:55 she's here, the two of us.
32:58 Are we going to stay here in this country
33:01 or are we going to move off?
33:04 And you wouldn't believe it... Now I'm going to say something
33:09 you may laugh about it... somebody
33:14 Les Ralian said to him because they worked together.
33:18 He said to me: "Why don't you? It was in the newspaper...
33:20 "Why don't you try the American? "
33:25 Because a lot of people... Green card... green card.
33:28 And Les also try to, you know. Yeah.
33:31 Well Les came to Australia but he first tried there.
33:34 He didn't get in there. The card... what do you call that?
33:38 Green card. It was a green card lottery. Lottery.
33:41 But a lottery now... this is the thing.
33:43 It wasn't a lottery because I didn't buy here
33:47 one penny to get it.
33:49 It wasn't gambling money.
33:53 You put your name in and then they choose it out.
33:55 Yeah, you send your name in.
33:56 I sent my name in and nothing happens.
33:58 I said: "Well, that's the luck that I have. "
34:01 "I never get any... there's no luck for me. "
34:03 And I said to myself: "Wait a minute!
34:07 I'm going to send her name in and my name the next year. "
34:12 And I sent our names in and lo and behold she got it.
34:17 If one gets it and you're married, the other one...
34:20 We're married and then we get it.
34:21 But unfortunately our children couldn't go with us
34:24 because they were overage. Overage...
34:27 they couldn't go. That was very hard.
34:30 Of course, both of them got married over there in So. Africa
34:34 and that made it a bit more easy for us.
34:38 But when we left it was... And then...
34:42 then one day about 3 months
34:46 we had gone through everything that we needed to go through
34:49 and I said to her: "Please call the people
34:53 and let's hear what they say. "
34:55 And she called them. You know what the woman said?
34:58 She said: "You know, madam,
35:01 we are just busy now with yours at this very moment! "
35:07 So when you called? Yes. Can you believe that?
35:10 When she called she says: "I am busy at this very moment
35:14 with yours. " And of course we got our papers,
35:18 on the plane, and we landed on the other side in America.
35:23 Now you must remember: I'm leaving the country
35:26 without a job. You're both leaving your jobs behind.
35:31 Because I... You did this on your own.
35:34 It wasn't a call. I wasn't called. Yes.
35:38 I left South Africa without a job because I went
35:42 over there and "we'll see if we can get a job over there. "
35:45 And... That was a step of faith!
35:48 But before that I can tell you that
35:51 because somebody told me: "Ulna, take your furniture with.
35:55 If you go there you will feel more at home
35:58 if you have your own furniture. "
36:00 So then Monique, my daughter- in-law, and my son François,
36:05 they were still dating. And she was working at
36:08 a shipping agent
36:11 and she worked very high up there.
36:16 She's a very good worker.
36:18 And he was just joking with her. I mean, how can you expect?
36:22 And he said: "Monique, ask your boss if he won't
36:25 send our goods over there... send your container wholesale. "
36:31 Wholesale, you call the word for a discount.
36:34 They know, and he was just joking. I mean
36:38 about three weeks later I was sitting at the office -
36:41 it was a Friday - and Monique called.
36:44 "Auntie Ulna, my boss said 'It's on the house. ' "
36:50 I'm telling you... That's not bad! They brought the...
36:53 You can't get any "wholesaler" than that!
36:56 They brought the container to our house.
36:59 They packed it; they loaded it;
37:01 they took him and he had to seal it.
37:03 They took it down to Durbin where the harbor is
37:06 and it was sent to Savannah without one cent.
37:10 We couldn't believe it.
37:12 Yes. You know, I'm interested to know: how did your fellow
37:15 workers... You were up and you were going to be going.
37:18 What were they? They were very upset.
37:21 They couldn't believe it... they couldn't believe it.
37:24 They were very upset. They did- n't want us to leave, you see.
37:28 They were very upset! But anyway, we had gone over to
37:32 there and here we are: no house, no nothing.
37:37 And you have lots of people you know. Is that right?
37:39 I had a sister and her husband. They were living there
37:43 where we went. But they're the only ones, though.
37:45 The only ones... so we could stay with them you see.
37:48 And so I... we stayed with them.
37:52 Where were they living? In Chattanooga in Tennessee.
37:56 In Tennessee. This is where Southern University is.
37:59 What's the first thing you noticed about from where
38:02 you were living to you're now arrived in America?
38:06 What's the first thing you noticed?
38:09 The other way driving.
38:12 Other side of the road? On the other side of the road!
38:15 That's one thing. And then the first... to get a vehicle
38:20 to drive on that side of the road
38:23 we had to get our license to do that. Yes.
38:25 And once we'd gone through that...
38:27 Fortunately, didn't take a lot of...
38:32 I'm thinking more the ability just to do what you want to do.
38:35 Yeah, yes. But we still had in mind, of course...
38:41 It was still in my mind: "Shall I get a job
38:44 into the church work again? "
38:48 We wanted to go... We wanted to work for the church again.
38:52 We don't want to go and work outside.
38:54 And the Georgia Cumberland Conference -
38:59 um-hmm - which is not far from there, about
39:03 sixty miles I would say.
39:05 We are in mind: "Shall we go there and see if we can get
39:11 a job? " Anyway, we... You don't have a place to live!
39:16 No, that's the biggest... And we didn't want to rent a house.
39:20 You have all household things! And we didn't have a place
39:23 waiting! That was the problem. There was a man that
39:25 started building an area near a suburb
39:30 with new houses there and we met him.
39:34 And I said to him, I said: "Would you be
39:38 able to? Could I rent a house from you
39:42 for two years and then after two years
39:46 I will buy it from you. How's that for a deal? "
39:52 "Sure, " he said, "that's no problem. "
39:55 He said: "Give me a thousand dollars"
39:59 which I had of course because I sold my house in So. Africa
40:02 and he said: "Sure, I'll give it to you. "
40:05 And he says: "Come and see me on Monday morning
40:09 and we can do the paperwork. "
40:13 Monday morning I came there.
40:16 He threw my check back at me.
40:20 I said: "What's wrong? Don't you want to do business with me?
40:23 Am I that bad? " He laughed.
40:27 He says: "No, I spoke to my bank
40:29 and they are going to give you a loan for a house
40:33 so you can get a house immediately. "
40:35 When have you heard this that you don't even have a job
40:40 but you get a loan from the bank?
40:42 You're from another country. I'm from another country.
40:44 You've just arrived; you have no job;
40:46 you have no credit rating. Yeah! You have nothing
40:49 nothing... yet the bank will give you a loan.
40:51 In two weeks we had a key for the house!
40:53 Key for the house before the house is... Now
40:55 what do you think? How did that come along?
41:00 And we've got a picture of the house.
41:02 Yes. That's a big house.
41:04 That's OURS... that's our house.
41:06 That's our Father up there that looked after us.
41:10 He was such a good to me and my wife.
41:15 He looked after us all the way.
41:17 Then I had to go and look for a job.
41:20 Before that you had to bring your furniture. And so
41:23 how did that all work together?
41:24 We went there the beginning of August.
41:28 Our furniture I remember arrived the 18th of September.
41:33 But all the time we stayed with my...
41:35 um-hmm... with my sister. Yeah. And you know, we...
41:39 we couldn't take electrical stuff because there they
41:43 the currents are different and all. So we went and we
41:46 bought the fridge and washing machine and dryer and things.
41:51 It had a dishwasher and a stove in all houses there.
41:54 When you buy it it had...
41:56 So we did that you know. Do little things there
41:58 and buy little things. We were so excited.
42:01 Yeah. But you had to wait for? We had to wait for...
42:04 Our agreement came the 18th also.
42:07 So you could go out in your car. Did you notice
42:11 a difference? You could stop on the roadside!
42:13 Oh yes! What was that like?
42:15 That was fantastic and... and what I couldn't get used to:
42:19 there's no walls around the houses.
42:21 And we've got walls and these security things:
42:27 electric fencing on... in South Africa. I was so scared
42:31 in the beginning to work in my yard
42:33 because I was always looking, you know,
42:36 and later on because there was no walls around you know.
42:39 It was really fantastic.
42:41 Then I said to myself, I said:
42:46 "We must get a job because... " You've got a loan to pay!
42:49 "We can't sit here and do nothing. "
42:52 "I didn't come over here to do nothing. "
42:55 Hmm. So we went over to the Georgia Cumberland Conference
43:00 there. Oh, they are the most fantastic conference
43:05 I have ever worked for.
43:07 And you've worked for a few.
43:09 And... But anyway, we went there
43:12 and I just made a bit of a joke, you know. I said to the one guy
43:17 that I spoke to... Be careful, don't joke, eh?
43:19 Yeah. I said to him: "Listen, do you have work for me here?
43:24 I am coming... " And I told him where I come from and so on.
43:28 I said: "Do you have work? " I said: "I'll be willing
43:30 to be your tea man - the "tea boy" -
43:33 in the morning and the afternoon. "
43:36 So you were prepared to do anything. Anything!
43:37 I said: "Anything. What do you have for me? "
43:39 He laughed. They had a very good laugh about that
43:43 and he said to me: "Come and see us
43:45 in two weeks' time. "
43:47 But in the meantime... That's right; only two weeks...
43:50 the president was in So. Africa; they invited him for a Camp Mtg.
43:55 OK. And that was in that Bloenfontein area
43:59 and the treasurer of the Union office there
44:04 were best friends, and he told the president about us, too.
44:08 And of course, he was you know...
44:11 He knew a little bit about us. What amazes me: United States
44:14 has got many states.
44:15 You could have been in any other state.
44:17 Any one! We went there... Yeah, we call that is it coincidence?
44:20 Or do we call that divine providence?
44:23 Divine providence, I'm sure. Divine providence,
44:24 that's for sure. And so when he went the 2nd time
44:27 when they called us to come in
44:29 the president knew everything about us
44:32 and they knew everything so we got the job... a job.
44:36 But when we went... Is this as a team, then?
44:39 So then after two weeks I went there and the president,
44:44 the treasurer, and the secretary were sitting on
44:48 one side of the table. They looked at me and they said:
44:50 "Sell yourselves. "
44:53 "Sell yourself to us. "
44:55 And so of course I had to tell them who I am, what did I
44:58 do and so on and so on and so on.
45:00 And then they said: "Look,
45:04 we've got three auditors. "
45:09 It's a big conference there. Um-hmm.
45:12 I'm taking my hat off for those people.
45:14 I think they are the most fantastic place I've ever
45:18 worked for, and they have got 40,000 members.
45:21 That's a lot of people. It is!
45:23 And over 200 churches. Um-hmm.
45:29 And that... What now? It was in the 40.. about 40 schools.
45:36 Hmm! So it's a big organization.
45:39 And he said to me: "Look, we've got three auditors.
45:44 Two of them: one retired;
45:47 unfortunately, the other one died. "
45:52 They were all retired people, see.
45:54 The third one that was doing auditing for them
45:58 was the conference had their own plane - OK -
46:02 and he was the pilot.
46:03 He was the pilot of that plane. And he was
46:05 more interested in pilot than in auditing.
46:09 More interested in pilot than the auditing. I don't blame him!
46:12 And so they said: "We want you. "
46:17 And they said: "You are now the head of the auditing dept. "
46:22 That's for me. So you just arrived from Africa.
46:25 You said Africa. I'm sorry... in USA from Africa. Yes.
46:28 And at the right time. At the right time!
46:31 It's amazing! You know, the Lord was really good to us.
46:34 The Lord was looking after us AGAIN!
46:36 So you are the head auditor, what about Ulna?
46:38 I said to them:
46:42 "Now what about my wife be- cause... " You couldn't do this
46:45 work on our own! You're replacing both.
46:48 It's impossible. I said: "What about? "
46:50 "No... she's got a job already. "
46:52 She's also doing... she's got to be with me
46:55 in the auditing department. "
46:57 I said: "Thank you very much. "
46:59 And then they had a problem.
47:01 Then they had a problem. They said to me:
47:04 "You know we don't have an office here.
47:06 Our office is getting... it's expanding.
47:09 Things are expanding too such
47:11 right that we don't have an office for you here. "
47:14 Do you have a place at your home? "
47:16 I said: "Well, the new house that we just... "
47:19 And we immediately started working on it
47:22 and there was a lovely basement.
47:27 And they put...
47:30 We started working and finishing it off.
47:33 So you put an office down in your basement!
47:36 In our basement. A nice big office!
47:39 Yes, but in a few days
47:40 they delivered all the equipment that we needed
47:43 for that office: computers and file cabinets
47:48 and so on and installed it for us there.
47:51 And there we have our office right in our house.
47:54 How good is that! You don't have to drive
47:57 60 miles there and 60 miles back every day.
48:00 Once we started doing the auditing work
48:03 we get into our car and we drive off to where
48:06 we were to go. We had to go all over the conference.
48:09 You will be surprised that in that time
48:12 that we worked for them
48:16 again I say: "The good Lord looked after us. "
48:20 We done approximately
48:24 1,100,000 miles.
48:29 Miles! Are you serious? Really?
48:31 We drove a lot. I was really tired of it.
48:35 Well let me give you the size of the conference:
48:37 it's half of Tennessee, the full of Georgia,
48:42 and a part of North Carolina.
48:45 Umm! So it's a big area.
48:47 It's a big area and we've done...
48:50 And then they said to me: "Listen... sorry...
48:53 we are a little bit behind. There's one year that we
48:57 are behind in our auditing services
49:01 when we started there because of the chaps that got us... "
49:06 So they said: "Sorry... " And in the first year
49:10 we made up everything in that auditing that was behind
49:14 and we told them: "It's up-to-date now. "
49:18 And so from there on... That is good to hear!
49:20 You know, you must have worked very hard.
49:23 Yes! And every month we had to report to them
49:28 what we did. Uh-huh. And they wanted a meeting
49:31 to ask him how... Yeah, that's right.
49:33 They asked me... I had to go to the executive commtitee
49:38 once a year. And the treasurer was very good with me.
49:44 He liked me very much.
49:47 And he said to me: "Can you tell us
49:49 do you have any problems... any problems there? "
49:53 I said: "Yes I do. " I said: "I'm very happy but I do
49:57 have a problem. " He said: "What's that problem? "
50:00 I said: "The problem is I cannot speak Hispanic.
50:03 The Hispanic people don't understand me
50:06 and vice versa. We don't understand each other. "
50:10 And they didn't understand Afrikaans! No!
50:12 No. You see, what happened there in the country is a lot of
50:17 these Hispanic people came over and work on the farms there.
50:22 Uh-huh. And then the Adventist part of that
50:26 is that they are there and they don't learn
50:32 the English language you see.
50:35 And so I said: "Look, this is my problem.
50:38 I don't understand Hispanic and the Hispanics don't
50:40 understand me. And they laughed about it
50:43 and they said: "No, you are very right. " And there was a guy
50:46 in the church there at the university -
50:50 right next to the university there is a church there,
50:53 a Hispanic church. And I said to them: "Listen,
50:57 there is a person there that we know is very good "
51:02 He said: "Very well-spoken. English speaking
51:05 but he's Hispanic too.
51:07 And what about us having him... "
51:10 because he was all retired sort of.
51:13 "What about him? Can't we teach him what to do? "
51:16 He says: "You've got him already! "
51:19 Right there at the executive committee they said:
51:23 "You've got him already!
51:24 He's part and possible of you people. "
51:27 And we trained him and he did our Hispanic churches.
51:32 There are thirty four of them. Thirty four! Umm!
51:34 Thirty four Hispanic churches. You know, I'm just thinking:
51:37 so once you got everything up to date they said bye bye to you?
51:41 How many years did you work there?
51:43 We worked for 15 years there.
51:46 Fifteen years! Together? Yeah, together.
51:48 Together. And then I told them:
51:52 "It's time for me to retire too. "
51:56 And of course... They were very happy for that?
51:58 Oh no. I walked off one morning...
52:02 I went to the treasurer's office and I wanted to speak
52:06 to him about something. And I knocked at his door.
52:09 He looked up and he said: "You can come in
52:12 if you... on one condition: you decide to stay longer. "
52:18 We were sixty-nine already, you know, and we thought" -
52:21 sixty-nine, yes, yes - "it's time to retire. "
52:23 Time to retire, you know.
52:25 Well, I can tell you: your story, their story, has been
52:28 a real amazement that God has led them in this way.
52:31 And I'm sure that you would be thinking the same thing.
52:35 You can see how God has led up until the age of 69.
52:39 We're just going to take a break for a moment.
52:41 We're going to have our details on the screen.
52:44 3ABN is a faith-based ministry and it relies upon
52:47 people like you to keep this ministry going.
52:49 If you want to support us OR if you want to
52:53 get in touch with Cornelius or Ulna about things that
52:57 they have said you can do so at this address:
53:04 If you would like to contact 3ABN Australia
53:07 you may do so in the following ways:
53:55 Thank you for all you do
53:56 to help us light the world with the glory of God's truth.
54:02 I hope you wrote those details down because we love to hear
54:05 from you... so contact us so that we can hear
54:08 how you are going and how much you enjoy the programs.
54:10 I know a lot of people enjoyed listening or
54:13 watching this program because they tell us they love listening
54:16 to peoples' stories. And we are talking with
54:19 Cornelius and Ulna Keet
54:21 from South Africa, USA, and now we're up to the point
54:25 that you were just retiring. We've only got a little bit of
54:28 time left unfortunately because I know there's a lot
54:31 more story. What did you do when you retired?
54:33 Did you... obviously you didn't stay in the US.
54:36 No, I talked to my son that's here.
54:40 He's here. He's an Australian citizen.
54:42 I said to him: "We're going to retire now. "
54:45 He says: "On one condition: you are not going to stay
54:48 in South Africa... you are coming over here. "
54:51 And he applied for us
54:53 and we are here in Australia at this point.
54:57 So it's really amazing, isn't it?
54:59 You've lived in Africa, America, and now you're in Australia.
55:05 I became an American citizen on top of that. OK! Umm!
55:09 OK. So after being there for 15 years I think you're
55:13 probably entitled. You know as we've listened to your story
55:16 I'm sure there's some young people out there deciding:
55:18 "Do we follow God or not? "
55:20 You know, Cornelius, what would you say
55:22 to the folk out there or even older ones
55:24 about shifting to another... What would you say to them?
55:27 I would say to them: "Make God your first person
55:32 in your life... your first God in your life.
55:36 He is the One that will lead you all the way. "
55:42 He will lead you in amazing ways! Yes!
55:44 As your testimony has told us.
55:47 It is just... I have never ever...
55:50 I will never ever look back again.
55:52 And Ulna, what about you? What would you say to the
55:54 people out there? I would tell them to...
55:55 really to hang onto God.
56:00 Look what He's done for us. Look what my husband
56:03 went through, and look how He led us.
56:05 He is just fantastic really.
56:08 I don't know how we can ever ever leave Him.
56:13 Really, He was just amazing to us.
56:16 I know that the story of how you got to Australia
56:19 was just as amazing as what happened when you
56:21 went to the US, but unfortu- nately we haven't got the time
56:24 to talk about it. But God has continued to lead.
56:27 That's right... that's right. And the other thing
56:29 I want to say, too, is that you know God...
56:31 It's not just about living here, is it Cornelius and Ulna?
56:34 No. God is offering us something more precious.
56:37 Oh yes. What is that, Ulna? What is God offering us
56:40 if we remain faithful to Him?
56:41 Yes! When He comes, He'll take us with Him.
56:45 That's what it is... that's what I'm looking forward...
56:48 He is blessing you every day with good health
56:51 and other things in this life
56:54 and protect you from all your...
56:57 He's really very good to us really.
56:59 And I... Every time I pray "Help me to be ready;
57:04 take my hand and lead me. "
57:05 Because I want to be ready when He comes on the clouds
57:09 of heaven and I want my family also to be ready.
57:12 That's right! That's right!
57:13 James 1:17 says: "Every good gift,
57:16 every perfect gift, is from above. "
57:19 That's right. "Cometh down from the Father of life
57:22 with whom is no variableness
57:24 neither shadow of turning. " God does not change.
57:27 He blesses. No, He does not change. That's right.
57:29 We just need to stand in that blessing. That's right.
57:31 That's right. There's no other God like this one.
57:34 Amen! That's a good thought to finish on:
57:36 there's no other God. And you know, until we meet you
57:39 next time remember: God is willing to lead
57:42 but we have to be willing to ask Him.
57:44 So God bless you till next time. Amen!


Revised 2021-04-27