3ABN Now

Making Big

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NOW

Program Code: NOW019005A

00:16 This is 3ABN Now with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
00:21 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Now.
00:23 3ABN Television Network goes all around the world.
00:29 And we are very happy to have someone in the studio
00:31 that comes from India. So if you are watching in India
00:35 a special welcome to all of you there.
00:37 And I know that the story that we're going to hear today
00:41 will impact many people's lives.
00:43 And you know, Dever Kujur... you are from India.
00:46 Thank you for coming on the program. We are very happy
00:49 to have you here. Thank you very much.
00:52 You know, what's interesting is
00:54 as Christian parents we have a great desire
00:58 to see our children follow the faith, follow the Bible,
01:01 follow God, follow Jesus...
01:03 to be with them in the kingdom of heaven.
01:05 And I know that the story today is a testimony
01:09 from Dever that will I'm sure help many people...
01:13 especially young people. Espe- cially those who are brought up
01:16 in Christian homes where it's expected that they will follow.
01:19 But we don't really know what's going on in their hearts.
01:22 We THINK we do... but as we'll see from this
01:25 testimony, God led Dever through a journey where
01:29 he discovered God at a later age
01:31 even though he grew up in a Christian home.
01:33 So Dever: you know this is going to be an interesting story.
01:37 I know that your testimony is a powerful one
01:40 and so we are looking forward to hearing it.
01:42 But before we do you've chosen a text.
01:46 I'm going to get Rosemary to read it - um-hmm -
01:48 then you can tell us about it.
01:49 It's from I John 3:16
01:53 and it says:
01:54 "Hereby perceive we the love of God
01:57 because He laid down His life for us
02:01 and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. "
02:05 So Dever, tell me: what is it that's especially...
02:10 what makes that special to your heart?
02:14 This Bible verse is very special to me
02:17 because Jesus Christ laid down His life for me
02:21 and for the rest of humanity.
02:24 But I like the last line.
02:26 That we also should lay down our life for our brother
02:32 and sister... whether he's a Hindu, Muslim, Christian...
02:35 whoever. We have to learn that we need to serve
02:40 others, and that really struck me.
02:44 Usually I always think: "Yes, Jesus has laid down His life
02:48 for me" but what am I going to do?
02:53 Just sit back? NO! I need to be a witness.
02:58 I need to give a service to others.
03:02 And therefore that really impressed me.
03:05 Hmm. I like it how Jesus came to this earth and He was a servant.
03:11 And so, you know, that's a concept that we have to
03:14 deal with: that we need to be helping other people.
03:17 In many ways. It could be health. It could be in many many
03:20 ways: their spiritual walk... even their finances.
03:23 Even providing for people who are starving,
03:26 don't have clothing.
03:28 Who are sick or in prison... all those sorts of aspects.
03:30 That's what Jesus calls us to do as well.
03:33 Yes. Hmm. Laying down our lives in any way
03:36 that we need to. Not necessarily dying
03:39 but laying down our own rights even sometimes
03:44 or our own wants to do for other people who are needy.
03:49 True, because many are living for themselves today.
03:54 And therefore... I mean this world is a selfish world.
03:58 Everyone is working for themselves
04:01 amassing money, fame, riches.
04:05 But then when you look at the life of Jesus Christ...
04:09 He was poor; He left His high command -
04:13 um-hmm - and came to this world.
04:15 He became poor but we became rich... spiritually rich.
04:19 Yes. And therefore I looked at my life
04:21 and I said: "I need to serve others. "
04:24 All around the world. Not only in India
04:27 but even now in Australia I need to continue
04:31 that service for humanity.
04:34 And you know what it was like to live a life of wanting to
04:38 basically serve yourself.
04:41 To be famous and to do extremely well
04:47 above other people.
04:49 So we're going to listen to your testimony, which
04:52 I found REALLY interesting.
04:54 So let's start. Tell us about your family, your background.
04:58 I am brought up in a Seventh-day Adventist family.
05:02 I have an elder sister. We are only two of us in the family.
05:06 A very close-knitted family.
05:09 Um-hmm. Every day we have morning worship,
05:12 evening worship. Every Sabbath Day we go to church.
05:17 But really, I didn't find any meaning in it.
05:23 Hmm. I was feeling that I was like a robot.
05:28 "Oh yes, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist. " "Why? "
05:31 "Because my parents are Seventh-day Adventist.
05:34 That's why I am a Seventh-day Adventist. "
05:36 And that's not a good reason.
05:39 That's right. I really did not experience the Lord -
05:43 hmm - but it was more or less like a duty.
05:47 And over time I began to get tired of
05:51 this monotonous schedule
05:55 and therefore I began to search the Lord.
05:59 You know, just going back a bit. So you had Adventist parents.
06:04 Yes. They were working in the work in the church. Sure.
06:08 And you were at home. You went to a Christian school?
06:12 Yes. You went through school in your early years. Yes.
06:16 And you had all the training. Yes!
06:20 And yet there was something missing. Is that right?
06:23 Yes. I had all the ingredients.
06:25 I was there in the set up, but I didn't come close to the Lord.
06:31 So did your mom and dad see you as a "good boy? "
06:34 A good little boy? Oh, yes!
06:35 Outwardly I was like a saint. Oh!
06:40 But I really did not find the Lord.
06:44 You didn't know Him for yourself.
06:46 Had anybody approached you to
06:51 introduce you to Him even though you were a youth in the church?
06:55 You know? By doing Bible studies with you?
06:58 By trying to teach you
07:00 about having a relationship with Jesus? Or was it just
07:04 the basics that you needed to know?
07:07 I had the basics, right? There were Bible studies.
07:11 We had camping. So many activities we had.
07:16 But really... So you were busy "doing. "
07:19 Yes, I was busy doing all these things.
07:21 Hmm. But... I was really not convinced
07:25 why I am a Seventh-day Adventist.
07:28 Hmm. So therefore I went in another direction
07:33 which I will share with you in a few minutes from now.
07:37 I think there's a lot of young people in churches -
07:40 not just Adventists but in a lot of churches -
07:43 who are there for the same reasons that you have said.
07:47 And they're going through the motions - true -
07:51 because it's the right thing to do - yes -
07:54 and because their family is doing it or their friends
07:57 are doing it - yes - but they have no connection with
08:02 God themselves. That's true. It's an important Bible teaching
08:06 that you honor your father and your mother.
08:08 And I think as children get to the age...
08:11 You know, while they're young
08:13 they should be listening to their mom and dad.
08:15 And when I say young, you know, Jesus was 12 years old -
08:18 when He began - yes - His ministry.
08:21 But up unto that time He was listening to His parents.
08:25 And I think it's important that, you know, children understand
08:29 they are not parents until they get older.
08:31 But when you get older you do do make decisions for yourself.
08:34 So it's good to follow the counsel and direction
08:37 of mom and dad. And what you did was right,
08:39 but there's that other part that you have to decide.
08:42 Yes. In fact, if you look at obedience.
08:45 Obedience is based on love. Hmm.
08:49 I mean, yes... I obeyed my parents
08:51 but was it from a willing heart?
08:55 Hmm. Because obedience is based on love.
08:58 Um-hmm. And I had not discovered that love
09:01 and therefore inwardly I was actually a rebel.
09:05 Hmm! And therefore when you look at life
09:09 there are 5 things that drive life today
09:13 and even in my days.
09:15 So I think it's: riches, power,
09:19 fame, pleasure, and ease of life.
09:24 Hmm. These are the five things that drive life today.
09:28 Hmm. And therefore for me I wanted to be rich.
09:33 I wanted to be famous.
09:35 Everyone should look at me in this world.
09:38 If I should land in Melbourne City,
09:40 oh, a crowd should be around me. "Here comes Kujur. "
09:44 Yes. Seeking for my autograph or my signature.
09:48 You know, it gives that temporary satisfaction -
09:52 yes - so I decide for that. Only temporary.
09:55 Yes. And then of course power comes in.
09:58 Hmm. Of course pleasure and ease of life.
10:03 Hmm. So that really drives life today.
10:06 Very good. Now as a young person
10:08 your parents were working for the church?
10:11 Yes. You had an uncle
10:15 who was very high up in the church in India.
10:21 What was his job?
10:23 He was the president. Of the? Of the division.
10:28 Of the Southern Asia? Yes, Southern Asia Division.
10:31 So he was the "top dog" there as they say.
10:34 Yes, he was the "top dog" there, and we had to
10:37 really put a life in order.
10:41 If not, he would be at stake.
10:44 But did you put your life in order?
10:46 I did not... but I tried to keep a low profile.
10:52 So OK then, tell us some of the things that you were up to
10:56 as a young person. I remember you mentioning
10:59 to us prior to the interview
11:02 that you were involved in music.
11:05 That came later, but maybe I will begin this way.
11:09 After my high school in India
11:12 I wanted to be a commercial pilot. Um-hmm.
11:17 Now in India there's a lot of competition.
11:20 Hmm. But because I come from a tribe
11:25 where the government gives certain quota
11:28 where I can get into that institution - um-hmm -
11:31 I took the privilege of trying to get into this aviation
11:37 institution. So I secured
11:42 that quota and I was ready to plunge in.
11:46 The first two years you will be trained by the...
11:49 by the Air Force of India.
11:52 And in the third year you can select either for the Air Force
11:56 or for the commercial flying.
11:58 I was opting for the commercial flying because I like to go
12:01 around the world and I want to be rich.
12:03 Um-hmm. I want to be famous.
12:05 I want to be powerful. You know, that's my goal.
12:09 So news went to my uncle, and my dad and my mom
12:15 used to work in the organization. Um-hmm.
12:18 And so my uncle had a serious talk with them.
12:21 "I mean your son can't do this. "
12:24 "What would the church people say? "
12:27 "My nephew has gone into the world. "
12:31 So my parents talked to me
12:33 and I said: "Oh, this can't work because
12:37 where will the money come? It will come from my parents. "
12:40 And my parents are telling me now: "This is not the right
12:43 direction. " So I said: "OK, let's give up. "
12:48 But I was really upset
12:51 because I wanted to reach my goal.
12:54 And so that was after high school. Um-hmm.
12:58 And after that I joined
13:03 a college. But really I didn't like being in the college.
13:09 And that was an Adventist college.
13:11 And what were you studying?
13:13 I was just studying for the sake of studying.
13:16 So I took up... I was interested in biology.
13:20 Right. And, of course, physics,
13:23 mathematics. So all that I took.
13:27 But I really did not want to be in that college.
13:32 So I created a situation
13:34 that I can flee from the college.
13:38 You hatched a plan.
13:40 I hatched a plan, a secret agenda, that only my sister
13:44 knew about it. And she said: "OK, if that is
13:48 your wish better you leave then. "
13:53 And so I left the college.
13:55 And now I was not in college. No studies.
13:58 And then there was a person
14:02 who saw some of my drawings.
14:05 By the way, I am a born artist.
14:07 Yes. So he had a look. He said: "Wow!
14:10 You are really good in designing automobiles. "
14:16 I said: "Yes... but in India we don't have
14:18 any institution that can really train me. "
14:22 Because in that time there was no good automobile industry
14:28 in India. We just had one company
14:32 that made the Ambassador. Um-hmm.
14:36 So that company mushroomed out from the British company
14:40 called Morris Minor.
14:42 OK. Because the Britishers had colonized India. Yes.
14:47 So we just had one automobile company.
14:51 And each time I looked at that car
14:54 it brought sadness to my face.
14:56 No design... nothing.
15:00 It just takes you from A to B - um-hmm - but nothing to look at.
15:06 So I said: "Well, the opportunities in India
15:08 are very low. " So this man told me
15:12 "Don't worry... give me your portfolio.
15:16 Make some good car designs
15:19 and I know a person in Japan
15:22 who will be interested? "
15:26 And in those days Japan was good in cars.
15:29 Um-hmm. A lot of companies in Japan.
15:32 I said: "Wow! That's good! "
15:34 So I made my portfolio
15:36 and the owner of that institu- tion or the company in Japan
15:42 was very interested.
15:45 He said: "Yes, the fee for this much
15:47 you have to pay every semester.
15:51 And you can come and stay at the company and work for us. "
15:57 But I wrote him back
16:00 that I'm not a rich person. Now he's talking about yen
16:04 and dollars. Umm! And in India we talk about rupees.
16:08 No match. Yeah, I know.
16:12 So I said: "Oh another obstacle. I can't reach my goal. "
16:15 Um-hmm. So then I wrote back to him and said:
16:19 "I will not be able to come because of the fees. "
16:24 And then he wrote back to me and said:
16:26 "No problem. Everything will be free for you. "
16:31 Hmm! "Just come to Japan, but you need to learn Japanese. "
16:36 I said: "OK, I'm going to learn Japanese! "
16:40 That's not an easy task!
16:42 No, it's not an easy task but there are still some traces of
16:45 Japanese language in me. Like if you say: "How are you? "
16:49 "Oh-GEN-kee deska. "
16:50 Hai. Genkee des... that's something: genkee des.
16:53 That means I'm fine.
16:54 So I say: "Konnichiwa" you know what I'm saying?
16:58 Yes! "Arigatou gozaimasu. "
17:01 So I had a great interest because remember: I needed to
17:05 reach my goal. So I would do anything in life
17:09 and therefore I got in touch with a Japanese lady
17:14 in the Embassy in India.
17:17 She said: "OK, you can come to my home
17:21 and I will personally teach you Japanese. "
17:24 Hmm! I said: "Wow! That's a good privilege. "
17:27 It is! Yeah. So I used to go regularly.
17:31 And I loved that language. How hard it may be
17:34 but remember: at the back of my mind
17:37 I need to reach my goal.
17:39 Um-hmm. So that really drove me.
17:43 And therefore after a few months after I learned that language
17:46 I was ready to go to Japan.
17:49 Now did you learn just conver- sational? Or did you learn
17:52 to read and write? I learned just conversational
17:57 so that I can move about in Japan.
17:59 And at the same time I was learning the script.
18:02 Katakana and Hiragan. Yes.
18:05 And then they have the Chinese characters.
18:07 Yes. Very complicated. Very complicated
18:09 but they are all pictures. And I being an artist
18:12 I used to look at those alphabets and say: "Wow!
18:15 that looks like a house. " "Oh, that looks like a fish. "
18:17 Those are very picturesque.
18:21 So therefore after I finished all that
18:24 I needed to apply for the visa.
18:28 So I turned in my papers
18:31 filled out with the Consulate lady.
18:34 And then she said: "Yes, we have submitted your paper.
18:38 You have to wait say for a month. "
18:43 So those were anxious moments in my life.
18:47 So I waited patiently.
18:50 And then the day came when I had to go to the Embassy
18:53 and receive my visa. So I went to the Embassy.
18:59 I got my passport. I went and looked...
19:03 There was no visa. Hmm! I was shocked.
19:07 That means you can't go. Yes!
19:09 I can't go. And I wrote back to that person in Japan.
19:15 He was totally shocked. He said: "I am a millionaire.
19:20 I am in Japan and you didn't get a visa? "
19:26 I said: "Yes! " And you had the lady at the Consulate
19:29 helping you. Yes! I had the lady at the Consulate
19:32 helping me and I didn't get.
19:37 And I had a lot of question marks in my head.
19:40 Hmm. Where is God?
19:42 Why didn't He help me?
19:45 He did! Yes. You know,
19:48 Dever, I was thinking about your parents during this time.
19:52 Here is their son doing all this to leave and go to Japan.
19:58 What were they? Did they say anything to you?
20:01 They didn't say anything to me. If you look at
20:04 most parents in India, they want their children to progress -
20:08 um-hmm - in the world.
20:10 Even today when you look in India
20:12 most children are doing medicine
20:18 or engineering. There are only two careers
20:21 in India. Either you be a doctor
20:25 or you be an engineer.
20:27 OR in computer engineering.
20:30 Um-hmm. That's it, because you know it gives status
20:35 to the family. Um-hmm. "Oh, I have two children.
20:38 They are both doctors. " You know?
20:40 Hmm. So my parents would think: "Wow! OK... this is a new
20:45 field of study. But let him go to Japan;
20:49 let him make big. "
20:53 OK. I like that word "make big. "
20:54 Yes!
20:56 So therefore they really did not object me to go to Japan -
21:02 um-hmm - with the hope that I will find Jesus in Japan.
21:06 Um-hmm. Which would be very interesting!
21:11 But I knew I was going in another direction.
21:13 Yes, I would have gone to Japan.
21:15 OK. I would have married maybe a Japanese lady
21:18 and I would have settled there.
21:20 I would become famous because to be an automotive designer
21:24 whenever they have the auto show
21:28 I mean I always see a lot of people around the car.
21:31 They're looking at the car.
21:33 They think: "Who's the designer? "
21:34 You know they're not looking really at the engine.
21:37 First they look at the body... the outward appearance.
21:40 Uh-huh. So I said: "Oh, I'm going to be famous. "
21:44 So when I got the sad news
21:46 I said: "There is no God. "
21:49 Hmm. "God cannot exist.
21:52 He does not love me. " Do you think there were people
21:55 praying for you that you wouldn't get the visa?
21:58 I've never thought about that!
22:00 Maybe the uncle? I'm sure...
22:04 I think my parents would have prayed:
22:06 "What is Your will, Lord? Let it be done. "
22:09 Um-hmm. So I came back home disheartened.
22:13 Nothing to look forward.
22:15 I didn't want to go to college and do the degree course.
22:20 I didn't want to be a doctor because I said it's a very
22:23 boring profession. Oh, that's interesting!
22:26 Oh, yes... you only see SICK people.
22:30 Yes. And I didn't like the smell.
22:33 I wanted life. Uh-huh.
22:36 So therefore I didn't know what to do.
22:39 So I was at home just contemplating about life.
22:44 "What is the next step should I take? "
22:47 And then my mom comes into the room and says:
22:51 "Dever, I have news for you. "
22:54 And I was like: "What news
22:58 when everything is like over with me? "
23:02 She said: "I'm so happy you didn't go to Japan. "
23:05 I said: "Why? Why are you happy? "
23:08 "I mean, I'm sad; you're happy... but why? "
23:12 She said: "Look at the newspaper! "
23:14 And I said: "What's wrong with the newspaper? "
23:18 She said: "There was a big earthquake at Kobe. "
23:23 The place where I was supposed to go.
23:26 Umm. And then I began to connect the dots now.
23:31 Earthquake! Would I have survived or?
23:36 If you had gone to Japan, you would have been in that location
23:39 in that place where the earthquake was. Is that right?
23:41 Yes... that is very true.
23:44 And then I said: "Lord, You wanted to save my life
23:49 and therefore You didn't allow me to go there. "
23:54 For that few days and weeks
23:58 yes I was close to God but really did not find Him still.
24:02 Hmm. Then I began to think about my future now.
24:07 What next? What should I do?
24:10 And so my parents told me: "Son, in India if you need to
24:16 have a job you need to have a degree.
24:20 Whatever degree... whether it's in history,
24:22 whether it's in physics, whether it's in English,
24:25 whatever... you need to have a degree. "
24:29 So reluctantly I took a step forward
24:35 and I joined a college in the capitol city of India.
24:40 Um-hmm. So there I enrolled myself
24:45 and I decided to get into the media.
24:49 Remember... my goal to be what? Rich!
24:54 And famous. Famous!
24:56 So I decided to become a journalist
24:58 along with my classmates.
25:01 But I said: "No, I don't like to see text.
25:03 Only writing, reporting, and all that.
25:05 Interview the politicians and all that.
25:08 No... since I'm an artist I want to be a cartoonist. "
25:12 Um-hmm. Umm!
25:14 And at that time we had a very famous cartoonist.
25:17 His name is Laxman. Um-hmm.
25:20 He was working in that newspaper
25:22 firm where I was supposed to work.
25:26 I said: "Wow! That's it! That's nice now
25:29 to be with someone famous. "
25:31 This is like a step up, isn't it?
25:34 Oh, yes! On the route to fame.
25:36 Yes, on the route to fame and success.
25:39 You'll hold on to his fame for a bit. Yes!
25:41 So therefore after I finished my graduation
25:45 there was a cartoon competition all over India
25:51 because the company was look- ing for budding cartoonists.
25:55 Um-hmm. So they gave a competition.
25:59 So there were like 50,000 to 60,000 entries.
26:02 Really? Oh, there's a lot of people in India
26:05 so I've got to remember that, don't I? Yes!
26:08 So we have not touched the 1 billion mark
26:12 but I think it was around 700 million people.
26:14 Hmm. So everyone gave them the entries.
26:18 I gave mine. There were two sections that they gave us:
26:21 one to draw about social cartoons;
26:24 the other one is political but you can draw caricatures.
26:29 Um-hmm. So I was good in caricatures.
26:32 So always I blew up their face. You know, make it really funny.
26:36 So I did that, and I was surprised
26:39 that I won in both of the categories.
26:42 Oh! I said: "Oh, I'm going in the right direction! "
26:49 And so eventually the company asked me to fill out the forms
26:53 to join the company. And in the meantime
26:56 I worked for another magazine, It's called the Commerce Weekly,
27:02 just for me to get an orien- tation how the work will be.
27:06 And so I joined and I was very happy about it.
27:10 Now I'll stop here because before I go into the next
27:16 step of my conversion
27:19 meanwhile when I was in the job
27:23 I really enjoyed. Because in India, at least I can
27:27 talk for India, normally politi- cians are scared of journalists.
27:32 We can destroy them or build them. Yes.
27:35 That's how it goes... and I really loved that.
27:39 So I was a cartoonist but I was to go with my classmates.
27:42 I remember one incident we went to interview
27:46 a mullah in a mosque.
27:50 And I told my friend - my journalist friend -
27:54 "Be kind with him. These are Muslim people
27:58 and we are in the mosque.
28:00 Anything can take place. " He said: "Don't worry.
28:03 Even if we die it'll be in the paper. "
28:07 Nothing to fear!
28:10 And he went in there and I was really shocked
28:14 the way he destroyed that person - umm -
28:19 without fear. It made me to pain a bit.
28:26 Does Got want me to be like this?
28:30 To destroy people?
28:32 But always I would brush off the idea because my goals
28:35 are in front. To be famous and to be rich!
28:40 That was my goal.
28:43 So in the meantime... Let me go back to my college days.
28:49 When we were in college
28:52 there was what we call a music society
28:58 that was created in the college.
29:00 And the college always wanted to get a good name
29:04 for its... for its institution.
29:08 So we had the dramatic society
29:11 then we had the music society
29:14 and so on and forth.
29:16 So I was good in music, playing the keyboard and the guitar.
29:21 So then I joined the music society.
29:24 And I really liked this society, you know,
29:28 because again you're famous. Here is a band...
29:31 a rock band that I joined.
29:34 And whenever we walk up on stage we have bodyguards.
29:38 I felt very nice! Have people cheering?
29:41 Yes, we have people cheering. They knew our group.
29:44 You feel good? We feel good!
29:47 And we have the security and the police. They stand around
29:51 the stage, and when you are on stage you are someone now.
29:56 And we used to play all kinds of rock music.
30:02 And then the real show used to come on Friday night,
30:08 Saturday night. These are the two nights.
30:12 And my parents? Yes, they were praying for me
30:16 but they were not forcefully telling me: "Don't go. "
30:20 "If you go, we will do this, we will do that. "
30:22 They knew I would become more rebellious.
30:25 Umm. So Friday nights we used to go and play music...
30:31 rock music... till 11 or 12 in the night.
30:36 Now this band that you're talking about
30:38 Dever, was not just a backyard band, was it?
30:42 No, it was not a backyard band. We were the third best
30:45 rock band in India. Hmm! That's pretty good.
30:48 And when you think - it's like we were saying before -
30:50 the population of India and how many rock bands there must be.
30:53 Yes. That's pretty high! Yes, it's pretty high.
30:56 We really mastered the music that rock groups play
31:00 like - what you call it - like Black Sabbath.
31:04 Ian Gillan, and we really liked the rock group Scorpions.
31:10 Not a very good name, are they? Not a good name.
31:13 At that time the hit song was... I think it was?
31:18 I forget the group name but the song was
31:22 The Final Countdown - OK. When the Discovery,
31:26 that space shuttle, exploded in the sky -
31:29 umm - then they made the song.
31:32 OK. So we always started with that song.
31:34 All by Van Halen a song called Jump.
31:38 We would start with that.
31:40 So we were three Christians in this rock band.
31:44 Three along with others. How many altogether?
31:47 We were a five-member team. All right.
31:49 So two were Hindus; three were Christians.
31:53 Um-hmm. And then as we kept on playing all this music
31:56 and then we had a look at the lyrics
31:59 we said: "This is all anti Christ and we are Christians! "
32:04 Um-hmm. "Why are we playing this song? "
32:07 So you hadn't bothered to listen to the words before?
32:11 It was just a matter of playing the music? Yes.
32:12 Just the music. We liked the music
32:15 but we really didn't look at the words.
32:16 Because? You liked the prestige and the power and the music.
32:19 Yes, and the music. The thing is: we were not the lead singer.
32:24 I was the keyboardist
32:27 and the other Christian was the bass guitarist
32:30 and the lead guitarist was another Christian.
32:33 But the singer was not a Christian so it does not matter.
32:38 I am singing. The point is, though,
32:41 you're playing on a Friday night - yes -
32:44 and you're a Seventh-day Adventist. Yes.
32:46 So how did that work?
32:49 I didn't really bothered about it. Hmm.
32:53 Whether it's Wednesday or Friday night. Every day is same for me.
32:58 Yes, Sunday is a more quieter day
33:01 because in India on Sunday the shops are closed.
33:04 People are in their homes, so I only could really understand
33:08 Sunday... but the other days are all the same to me
33:10 because I was resisting the Holy Spirit.
33:13 That's true. I was fighting. That's true.
33:15 At times it bothered me
33:17 but I said: "I am here to make some money and to be famous. "
33:21 So what happened when you really started looking at the words?
33:25 What did you do?
33:26 We said: "We can't play these songs. "
33:29 We told the lead singer. He said: "Like what's wrong?
33:35 I mean, we have a crowd. We earn money
33:38 so what is your problem? " We said: "We are Christians
33:41 and we believe in Jesus Christ. "
33:44 But we really did not believe.
33:47 So we broke up from this band
33:50 and then we said: "OK, let us form another
33:55 group - another band group -
33:58 but it will be a Christian rock. "
34:01 So we had the good words, the good lyrics,
34:04 but the style of music was just the same.
34:07 Hmm. That's right.
34:09 So we really played for maybe for a few months.
34:13 The congregation of that church
34:17 really enjoyed, but what was the difference?
34:20 There was no difference. Hmm.
34:24 So eventually coming back to my work in the newspaper co.
34:30 eventually there was an offer for me to come to Australia.
34:35 Umm! I said: "Wow! OK...
34:39 that's a good idea: to come to Australia
34:41 and again, to make big. " Be famous!
34:46 Be famous; be rich.
34:49 Have pleasure and the ease of life.
34:52 That was my purpose in life.
34:54 If I had no purpose in life, I mean, then better to die.
34:58 So you had your degree and masters in design.
35:01 He had the degree. When did you get your masters?
35:05 That was way back I would say
35:08 in the 90's. Was that before you came to Australia?
35:12 Before I came to Australia. So I had my degrees;
35:15 I had my experience. Everything. Now I'm coming here
35:19 to a foreign country. And you've got cartooning
35:23 as part of your qualification and 3D graphics?
35:26 Yes. You're coming to Australia to make it big in media
35:29 in that area. Is that right?
35:30 Yes. To make it big over here.
35:33 In the meantime this later I came to know
35:36 not at that time my mother and another Australian lady
35:41 were praying for me. Hmm.
35:44 And working in the background? Working in the background.
35:46 Behind the scenes. They never told me that.
35:49 After many years they told me that.
35:52 So then I could connect the dots why I had to go to Australia.
35:57 So then they prayed and they said
36:04 "I think this is the best way
36:05 for Dever to come back to the Lord. "
36:10 So my mother came up to me and asked
36:13 "Would you be willing to apply for a visa to Australia? "
36:18 She knew I was disappointed with Japan so I said nothing.
36:21 "Why should I go abroad? Let me be in India and make it big
36:24 somewhere here only" 'cause I was upset.
36:28 And so my mother looked at me and I said:
36:32 "Yes, mom... I'll have a shot at it. I'll have a go at it.
36:36 I don't mind. " And she was so happy.
36:40 She went back to this Australian woman
36:42 and said "Yes! He said yes! "
36:44 "OK. Come on. Let's start!
36:46 Get the documents; get the invitation letter.
36:48 get the sponsorship letter. " Everything was done.
36:51 Ready. I submitted it at the Australian Embassy in New Delhi
36:58 and I was so happy. Yes, I'll leave India and go abroad.
37:02 And so I waited for a month
37:05 and then I went to pick up my passport.
37:08 And when I went to pick up my passport
37:11 I opened it. No visa. Again!
37:16 Same thing... second time. Yes... no visa... oh!
37:19 Now I know there's no God.
37:21 Not helping me. And I told my mom
37:24 "Yes... you must be praying for me.
37:27 But where? I didn't get the visa. "
37:30 So then few months went by
37:34 but my mother and that Australia lady said: "No,
37:37 let's go down on our knees. Let's pray again! "
37:42 So they prayed and they said: "Let... maybe, let Dever try
37:47 again for another time. "
37:52 My mom said: "No... he's so upset about it
37:55 he may not. " But the Australian lady said: "No.
37:59 Don't give up; try it. "
38:03 So my mom comes back - comes to my bedroom -
38:06 a bit nervous: "How to ask my son again? "
38:11 And she asked: "Son, would you like to apply
38:17 for an Australian visa the second time? "
38:20 I said: "OK, mom... nothing to lose. "
38:24 And she was going: "Whoa! "
38:27 Yeah... she was a big surprised. Wow!
38:31 So again all the work started again.
38:35 Got the invitation; got the sponsorship letter
38:38 from the same source in Australia
38:41 and then I applied. And after a month I went to the Embassy.
38:45 opened my passport. "Wow! The visa is there! "
38:51 I said: "Wow! Thank you, Lord. "
38:53 You know, good things are happening to me...
38:55 so I need to thank the Lord. Yes.
38:57 So my mom was very happy. I was happy.
39:01 Packed all my documents, all my degrees
39:05 and all that. Ready to go and not to come back.
39:10 So my mom was able to bear with that
39:13 because "at least my son has something in life to do. "
39:17 So I left and came to Australia.
39:20 But the agenda was like this: to put me in a pastor's home
39:25 up in Brisbane. So I landed in Brisbane
39:29 and I went to this pastor's home
39:33 and stayed with him and his family.
39:37 And every morning they have their worship
39:40 and every evening their worship. The usual thing
39:43 what all SDA families do. And what you used to
39:46 do in your family. Yes. I would cooperate
39:49 because I'm in a foreign land.
39:51 And you're staying in their home. I'm staying in their home.
39:54 But down deep I mean it's not interesting for me.
39:58 It's being polite, isn't it? Yes... it's being polite.
40:02 Very diplomatic.
40:05 So this went for a month
40:09 and then this pastor
40:12 was touching the chapter 2 of Daniel.
40:18 And he was talking about the European Union.
40:22 Now remember, when I was a cartoonist
40:25 working in the media I always had the desire
40:29 that Europe should be united.
40:31 Hmm. All those little countries in Europe:
40:35 why are they separated?
40:36 They should be united.
40:38 And I liked that idea very much.
40:41 Wow! That's interesting now.
40:45 This pastor is saying that the unification of Europe
40:49 is against God's divine plan.
40:52 Hmm. "How can that be? " I would say.
40:55 And I have never read that chapter.
40:58 Never tried to understand that chapter.
41:02 And THAT was a turning point in my life.
41:05 I said: "There must be something special in that black book" -
41:09 hmm - "that I missed all these years. "
41:13 You know, we have interviewed a lot of people
41:16 on this program, and the Bible chapter
41:22 that has affected the majority - the vast majority -
41:26 and has brought them to accept God
41:30 is Daniel chapter 2. It's a very powerful chapter.
41:35 Yes, it is a very powerful chapter.
41:37 And I said: "God is in control of this world! "
41:41 Hmm. "He places kings, leaders. He takes them away. "
41:46 And therefore I began to... And He knows the future.
41:50 Yes! He knows the future.
41:52 And therefore I began to take interest in opening my Bible
41:57 to read, and it was the first time.
42:00 Always I had a Bible with me but I never opened the Bible.
42:03 Hmm. It's always closed.
42:05 But I carry it to church... but never read it.
42:09 And this was the first time in my life that I began to study
42:13 the book of Daniel.
42:17 And I was saying: "It's amazing
42:21 to know a God who knows the future! "
42:25 Hmm. And I am only finite.
42:29 And I took great interest and the pastor was so happy.
42:34 He said: "Maybe he knows the strategy is working. "
42:39 So all this is going behind the scene because
42:42 they were communicating with my mother and with my father
42:45 how their son is progressing in the Lord.
42:49 Hmm. And eventually all my desire to be famous,
42:54 to be rich, to make it big in Australia came to zero.
43:00 I said: "No... I need to share
43:03 this message to my people in India" -
43:07 hmm - "and I am going back. "
43:10 So you discovered for yourself really
43:13 the God of the Bible - yes - and what He wants for humanity.
43:16 For each one of you and I.
43:18 So I would encourage you, too, that the book of Daniel
43:21 is a prophetic book telling exactly what's going to happen
43:27 in history right till this time we're living in now
43:30 and even to the future.
43:31 And when you discovered that there was this truth
43:35 in the Word of God it changed your life. Yes.
43:39 So much so that to make it big now is not really important,
43:43 is it? No, it's not important.
43:44 So there's a change going on - true -
43:47 in the direction we choose to life our life.
43:49 And that's what the Bible does: it gives us another view
43:53 to comprehend or to consider
43:55 to choose which way you're going to go in life.
43:59 And if you're young, the sooner you find that out
44:01 the better it is, isn't it?
44:03 Yes. When you start to
44:06 surrender to God, to accept Him who He is
44:09 and to understand Him and to love Him,
44:13 you have a change of attitude.
44:15 Yes. And a change of goal. True.
44:18 And that's what you were experiencing.
44:20 True. All your priorities that you had in the past
44:24 that are earthly, that are temporary just goes away.
44:29 Hmm. And therefore when I looked back
44:31 I said: "Why was I running for riches?
44:35 For power? For fame? For pleasure? Ease of life? "
44:41 "If I'm not going to die on this earth and to life forever
44:45 in sin, it's a different story. "
44:48 "But if it's going to be 70 years on this earth,
44:51 what am I doing with my life? "
44:53 That's a question I think we all have to look at
44:55 and answer because it does give direction as to what we do.
45:00 So it's very important.
45:02 Some find it out earlier, though, Dever.
45:04 Some find it out later. True.
45:06 And when we find out later we look back and say...
45:09 You know, you were brought up in a home where
45:12 they were trying to convey that to you - yes -
45:14 and yet it didn't happen, did it?
45:16 No, it didn't happen. How old were you when you came
45:19 to Australia? I was maybe 28. Twenty-eight? So... Yes.
45:26 So you're still pondering and then it took 28 years
45:30 to finally... for that light to switch on.
45:35 Yes. And that's good because
45:38 no matter how old you are God can switch the light on
45:41 if you just open up yourself to Him.
45:44 Well so here you are in Australia. You're working here.
45:49 You have now come to understand God.
45:52 How long were you actually in Australia?
45:54 Just for a few months.
45:55 In fact, the U-turn that I made
45:59 took place after a month after landing in Australia.
46:03 So I really didn't get into any company or whatever.
46:08 No. Hmm!
46:10 And so you now want to tell your people about Jesus.
46:15 Yes. So what'd you do?
46:17 Yes, so therefore I just wanted to share with you
46:20 another incident. When I look back at my life
46:23 had I died, I mean... That's it... curtains. That's it.
46:29 That's an important point.
46:31 Because I was a person who really liked speed.
46:35 Not the drug but to speed on the bike.
46:39 Yeah. Because I learned one thing what my parents told me.
46:43 My father always told me
46:45 "Don't be a loser in this world. "
46:47 Hmm. He said: "Son,
46:50 if you want to take drugs, you want to drink,
46:54 you want to have many girl- friends, bring them home.
46:57 Don't hide behind my back. "
46:59 Hmm. "But don't be a loser. "
47:02 "When you fall sick by smoking or drinking
47:06 don't come to me. So don't be a loser, son. "
47:10 Hmm. And therefore during my wayward life
47:13 never touched drugs, wine or smoking
47:18 or girlfriends. No.
47:20 But I was just a rebel.
47:22 Do everything opposite what the Lord wants me to do.
47:26 And because of this spirit
47:29 for 12 to 15 years I never stepped in the church.
47:34 Hmm. I stopped going to church
47:38 because I was a person that fought for justice.
47:44 When I looked how my dad and mom worked in the organization
47:50 I always looked at people who are working as holy men
47:54 in that time. They don't make mistakes.
47:57 And whenever something goes wrong in their workplace
48:01 I always say: "They have the Bible but they don't practice
48:05 so I think this religion is not correct. "
48:08 I had that attitude. Hmm.
48:10 So because of the injustice done to my parents
48:13 I decided to stop going to church.
48:17 What you were really looking for was an excuse.
48:20 True. You were trying to find something
48:23 that you could find... that was at fault - yes -
48:27 so you could justify your attitude - true -
48:31 of not wanting to be part of it.
48:33 So therefore I didn't go to church.
48:37 And in that period of time I used to have my friend's bike.
48:41 At that time he had a new Kawasaki bike.
48:44 Kawasaki? Yes.
48:46 Fast bike? Fast bike!
48:48 My parents would not buy me a bike. My father said:
48:52 "We love you so much, but if you buy a bike
48:54 you will kill yourself. " Do you know what I call
48:57 Australians who ride motor bikes? Temporary Australians.
49:01 That's the term they put for motorcycles. Yes.
49:04 True. So I had to sneak out of the house
49:07 to get my friend's bike. And one day I was driving
49:10 the bike very fast but at a turn.
49:15 And as I turned the next thing I saw
49:17 I was between the two wheels of a trailer truck.
49:21 Because I was at an angle
49:23 I ran in and I could see the chassis of the truck
49:27 next to my ear. And I looked back. I could see
49:30 these huge wheels behind me.
49:33 But I do not know how I just came out again.
49:36 So you slipped under and came out?
49:38 And came out but I didn't lose balance.
49:39 I was at the turn, and the trailer truck was also turning.
49:43 It's a long trailer truck.
49:46 So I went in, and the roads were not too even.
49:48 They were a bit bumpy.
49:50 So I bounced and went inside at an angle
49:53 and came out. And as I came back I said:
49:57 "It could only have been an angel
49:59 that could have drawn me out! " Brought you back.
50:01 If I died in that accident, I mean I would be a lost man.
50:07 Hmm. So as I played back my life I thanked the Lord:
50:11 "You had a purpose in my life what I should do. "
50:16 And part of that purpose was you went back to India.
50:20 Because we've got a couple of photos. Um-hmm.
50:23 And... You met a lady when you came back.
50:25 When you went back. Oh yes, yes!
50:27 I just want to jump to this bit and then we'll go back
50:31 again - yes - 'cause I don't want to miss it.
50:33 OK. You met somebody. What's her name?
50:37 Her name is Virginia.
50:40 So I met her through this Australian lady
50:43 in Australia. And there she is with you.
50:46 Oh, yes... there she is.
50:49 And then we have another photo, too,
50:51 with some family members. Yes!
50:54 That's my sister and her two sons.
50:57 She lives in Berrien Springs in America.
51:00 Hmm. That's our church in India
51:02 where we go to, and I'm the elder of that church.
51:05 And you can see Virginia is not a tall person.
51:08 Yes, not a tall person. She's little.
51:11 She's like my daughter-in-law. They're...
51:14 Good things come in small pack- ages my folks used to say.
51:18 Yes... she is little.
51:20 So the family in Australia
51:26 gave me the address to get in touch with her family.
51:31 And therefore when I went back to India
51:33 her brother was into ministry work. Um-hmm.
51:37 And we used to share a lot of things, and that's how
51:39 we got to know each other and eventually we got married.
51:44 That's a good point to take a break here because,
51:46 you know, if you're interested in what 3ABN's doing
51:51 and the stories that we're shar- ing with you and the testimonies
51:54 this organization is totally a non-profit organization.
51:58 It's based on your prayers and faith in God
52:02 that He will provide the money. And if you have been impressed
52:05 to maybe support this ministry,
52:08 we're going to do an address roll here
52:10 that we'd like you to take note of.
52:13 3ABN reaches all around the world.
52:15 And you know, it's an exciting thing to be part
52:18 of this ministry, and you can be part of it
52:20 by your prayers and financial donations.
53:17 Thank you for all you do to help us light the world
53:20 with the glory of God's truth.
53:25 We're talking with Dever Kujur. He's from India
53:29 and we're listening to his testimony.
53:31 We got to the part, Dever, where you came back to India
53:34 after visiting Australia.
53:36 And what I have to ask you is:
53:39 your mom and dad... what was their response
53:42 with you coming home as a Christian?
53:45 Yes. And so when I was in Australia itself
53:49 I gave them a call and told them: "I'm coming back home. "
53:53 And they said: "Wow! That's good news for us. "
53:57 I said: "Yes. " So they came to the airport.
54:00 Normally they would not come to the airport
54:02 to receive me because the flights would land early
54:05 in the morning. They were at the airport to receive me.
54:08 And I embraced them and they were so happy.
54:12 They said: "Son, yes, you are back. " Welcome home!
54:16 "Welcome home... you are back with us. "
54:18 Because always we lived separate lives.
54:22 They knew, though I stayed under one roof,
54:25 but they would go to church. I would go to the university.
54:30 I would go out and do all... Actually, one of the
54:32 points is, too, the motorcycle event that you told us
54:35 about before. Yes. That happened on a Sabbath morning,
54:38 didn't it?
54:40 No, that didn't happen on a Sabbath morning. I think that
54:42 was on a Monday - um-hmm - it was.
54:46 On a Monday. Usually on Sabbath
54:49 I would either go to the university campus
54:52 where I studied. Or since it is a very warm
54:56 weather on that day -
54:59 we didn't have any air conditioning at home -
55:01 I would go to the theater be- cause it's all air conditioned.
55:04 Yes. Get cool.
55:07 So you met your wife Virginia - yes - and you got married.
55:14 So now you've got a different direction.
55:16 Make big is not part of the scene.
55:19 No! Becoming rich and famous?
55:20 You've obviously got something different now.
55:23 Tell us just briefly, just briefly, what it is
55:27 that you and your wife decided to do. Yes.
55:29 In fact, my wife was already exposed to the ministry
55:33 because of her brother. Um-hmm.
55:35 And of course she's from the Catholic background.
55:38 She'll tell more about it.
55:40 And therefore, it was easy for her to accept me.
55:44 In fact, they were converted to the Lord before I would be
55:48 converted. So therefore we joined hands together.
55:52 And then since I was more into the media work
55:57 I decided to go to Europe
56:00 and then help another ministry there with magazine layout
56:04 with illustrations and for the cover design.
56:08 All that I did - um-hmm - from India.
56:11 I went there, met the people, came back to India
56:13 and online I would do the work.
56:16 So that's how I used to do the ministry work
56:19 also for the people in Europe. But also in India
56:22 we decided to set up something for our people.
56:27 Um-hmm. And that is where I will share with you
56:30 more later how our approach is in India...
56:34 especially on the health work.
56:36 Because many people in India are not in good health -
56:39 umm - and they don't have much money.
56:42 Um-hmm. And when you look at the people in India
56:44 there are people who are VERY rich.
56:46 The disparity between the rich and poor. People are very poor.
56:49 Yes! Very poor.
56:51 Just in the closing few seconds, Dever - yes -
56:54 we've heard your story: living a life
56:57 under the banner of being a Christian as a young person.
57:00 What would you say to someone that's viewing now
57:03 if you are not sure about your faith. What would you
57:07 tell them if they're a young-age person,
57:09 they don't sort of want to follow mom and dad?
57:11 Yes, first of all I will talk to them
57:14 and ask them: "What is your calling? "
57:17 "What is your purpose on this earth? "
57:20 Hmm. You know, with young people I often
57:23 talk to them because they want directions.
57:25 If you look at the young people in India,
57:27 they only know to become a doctor or an engineer
57:30 or computer software... or flee to the USA.
57:35 That's all they're doing. Yes.
57:38 Well, you know what? We're going to come back
57:40 because we know that this is a great story that these two
57:42 have. Until the next program: God bless you.


Revised 2020-11-03