3ABN Now

d'Sozo - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NOW

Program Code: NOW018034A

00:15 This is 3ABN Now
00:17 with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
00:21 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Now.
00:23 Thank you that you've taken the time
00:24 to watch this program.
00:26 3ABN Now has been going for a number of years now.
00:30 And we've had various guests on the program.
00:34 But today's program is really a continuation
00:36 of another program that we earlier had
00:40 and that's with David Fiedler.
00:42 And he's the author of three books
00:46 that I'm aware of.
00:48 One of them is called Tremble,
00:50 and the other one is called D'Sozo.
00:52 And he had another book called Hindsight.
00:53 Hindsight.
00:55 Hindsight is something we all think
00:56 is a great thing, isn't it?
00:57 You know, what would we do
00:59 if we knew ahead of time different things?
01:00 Well, I always said hindsight is a great thing
01:03 when you learn from somebody else.
01:04 Yeah. There you go.
01:06 You don't want to have your own hindsight,
01:07 because that's usually
01:08 because you did something wrong.
01:10 And that was the goal,
01:11 was just a collection of the stories
01:13 of Adventist history that I thought were important
01:15 and had a lesson to learn.
01:16 And I'd rather learn from them than do the same thing myself.
01:19 Yes, but we're bit slow on that sometimes,
01:20 aren't we, Dave?
01:22 Yeah. Some of us.
01:23 But some of us, that's true.
01:25 Some more than others. Yeah.
01:27 But Dave is also historian
01:29 and particularly in Adventist history.
01:31 And in the last program, we touched on Dr. Kellogg.
01:36 Now he was a physician, Dave, that's right, isn't it?
01:39 He was a physician. Yes, he was.
01:41 He started the work,
01:42 early work of health
01:44 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:46 and we'll go get Dave to clarify a little bit
01:49 about that being the historian he is but before we do that,
01:53 there's a text in the Bible that Dave's chosen that
01:55 we would like to read and that Dave comment on.
01:58 Okay.
01:59 It's right at the back of the book.
02:02 Dave Fiedler has chosen Revelation 22:13.
02:06 It's very short.
02:08 And to the point. Very to the point.
02:10 "I am," says Jesus, "Alpha and Omega,
02:14 the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
02:19 Now, I want to know why you chose that verse
02:22 for what you're going to talk about today?
02:25 We will be...
02:27 Well, it's impossible to talk about Dr. Kellogg
02:29 without eventually ending up
02:31 addressing what Ellen White referred to
02:34 as the alpha of apostasy.
02:38 And in that context,
02:39 she warned that there would be an Omega
02:41 that would follow
02:43 and so I am the Alpha and the Omega.
02:45 This kind of sets the tone and gives the...
02:49 It's like the beginning and the end.
02:50 Yes.
02:52 The beginning and the end, the first and the last, yeah.
02:53 I suppose you could say, this is Jesus saying,
02:56 "I am the Alpha and Omega,"
02:58 but there was a counterfeit
02:59 that end up being the alpha of apostasy.
03:02 Indeed.
03:03 And then there'll be the alpha of, the omega of apostasy.
03:06 Yes.
03:07 You know, if you go back, I don't know,
03:10 to the early years of 3ABN in the United States at least,
03:14 I still remember
03:15 one of the little catch lines that they used.
03:17 Do you remember that? Yeah.
03:18 Counteracting the counterfeit, yes.
03:20 That's pretty good, actually.
03:22 And the devil's work is always counterfeit.
03:24 And so, there is the Christ, the Alpha and Omega,
03:28 and then there is the alpha and the omega
03:30 of Lucifer's efforts as well in these days.
03:33 So there's a great controversy raging, isn't there?
03:35 And, you know, the Bible reveals that to us
03:38 in a very definite manner.
03:40 Yes.
03:42 And really what it comes down to,
03:43 it's like the three angels' messages.
03:45 You have God's truth,
03:48 you have Satan's lies, you choose.
03:50 So you have to choose.
03:52 So when we deal with the Alpha and Omega,
03:54 you really have to choose.
03:55 Yes, it will split the world down
03:59 into two parties.
04:00 The alpha and omega of apostasy is obvious within,
04:06 basically the opposite of God.
04:08 Indeed, the opposite and yet the counterfeit.
04:12 Yeah, so how do you make something that's the opposite
04:14 and have it look the same though?
04:15 That's the tricky part. Yes.
04:17 So with Dr. Kellogg,
04:19 put us in the right historical time frame
04:22 of when he began the work and what was involved?
04:28 Dr. Kellogg got his medical education
04:30 in the early 1870s.
04:33 And he became
04:34 the medical director of the denominations,
04:37 Seventh-day Adventist denomination's flagship.
04:39 Medical Institute at the time was known
04:40 as the Western Health Reform Institute.
04:44 And he became the medical director
04:46 when he was 24 years old.
04:47 Young man. Young man in 1876.
04:50 In fact, he didn't want the job.
04:53 And he fought them off for a couple of, you know,
04:58 for many months.
05:00 They wanted him to take the job.
05:01 And he said, "No, no, no, no."
05:03 And he would never say why.
05:04 But the suspicion is that
05:07 he was frankly afraid of the patient's reactions
05:10 because of his youth.
05:12 Not only was he young, he looked young.
05:15 And when he finally accepted the job,
05:17 his premonitions were perhaps correct,
05:20 because one quarter of the patients
05:22 took one look at him and walked out the door.
05:24 They said, "Nope, not me."
05:26 He was right.
05:27 He was, yeah, so it was a bit of a rocky start.
05:29 But, you know, one of the first things he did
05:33 without bothering to ask
05:34 the permission of the board of directors,
05:36 he changed the name.
05:38 He said people are tired of being reformed.
05:43 From now on, this will be the Battle Creek Sanitarium.
05:46 And actually he made up that word.
05:48 There was no such word.
05:50 In Australia you're quite used to sanitarium, yes,
05:52 but there was the word sanatorium,
05:57 which was a medical facility for tuberculosis patients.
06:02 But there's no such thing as a sanitarium,
06:03 that was a newly coined phrase or term.
06:07 And so people asked and said, "What's that mean?
06:09 And he said, "It will come to mean
06:11 the place where people go to learn
06:12 to stay well."
06:14 So he always had an educational component
06:17 in his mind,
06:19 you know, it was not just curative,
06:22 it was always to be to address the broader picture
06:27 of the, you know, the person's physical needs
06:30 and the future as well as the past.
06:33 So, that was 1876.
06:35 And, you know, for our purposes,
06:38 we'll pass over the next 12 years.
06:41 And there were things that happened
06:42 and there's some interesting stories there
06:44 and he got married and, you know, life went on.
06:46 But for us, really the,
06:48 probably the next key event comes in 1888.
06:53 You may have heard
06:57 of the 1888 General Conference Session
07:01 for Seventh-day Adventists who are into their history,
07:03 they may recognize this
07:04 as the session with A.T. Jones and E.J. Wagner
07:07 and righteousness by faith
07:08 and that whole discussion which is,
07:11 you could probably do several segments on that too
07:13 but we won't know.
07:16 Ellen White wrote an interesting statement.
07:18 She said, "After the meeting at Minneapolis,
07:22 Dr. Kellogg was a converted man and we all knew it.
07:27 We could see the converting power of God
07:29 working in his heart and life."
07:32 Well, you know, when I read that,
07:33 I was intrigued.
07:35 I have a bit of a sense of curiosity, shall we say?
07:41 And if you can, all of a sudden see
07:43 that the man is different,
07:44 my question was, what was different?
07:48 What was different?
07:50 Yeah, what was he doing wrong before you know?
07:52 And so, and I addressed this in class,
07:55 or something I always actually did.
07:56 Does that mean he stopped going to the bar
07:58 and getting drunk on Friday nights?
07:59 No.
08:01 No, he did not stop going to the bar
08:02 and getting drunk with friends.
08:03 He never had.
08:05 You know, that's rumor
08:06 'cause he never had gone to the bar on Friday nights.
08:08 But what was different?
08:09 And really what it boils down to,
08:12 is he started being nice to people.
08:15 And that sounds anticlimactic, I know.
08:18 But that's what converted people do.
08:21 And...
08:22 There's a change in heart
08:24 and the attitude towards others.
08:25 He had a change in heart
08:26 and he set down a different path.
08:30 And you know, Dr. Kellogg,
08:31 I've to just tell you some stories about Dr. Kellogg
08:33 because he's not a mere mortal like myself
08:38 and possibly you and maybe some of our audience.
08:41 He was somewhere beyond me.
08:45 Every morning Dr. Kellogg would bound
08:48 out of bed,
08:50 get dressed and run downstairs
08:53 and outside in front of his house
08:54 and there was a large circular paved area.
08:59 And he would jump on his bike
09:01 and ride round and round and round furiously in circles
09:03 in this paved area to get his exercise.
09:06 Well, that's great. Okay, so exercise is good.
09:09 But mere mortals
09:10 would have gone down the roadways
09:11 to see some scenery.
09:13 Why is he going round and round and round in circles?
09:15 Well, the answer to that is in the center of that circle,
09:18 sitting on a stool was a stenographer,
09:20 taking dictation.
09:22 Kellogg could dictate a book,
09:26 skip the proofreading just print it.
09:28 He wrote 54 I think it was books in his lifetime.
09:32 I think 54.
09:34 Fifty four, something like that.
09:35 Yeah.
09:36 He's riding fast on his bike
09:39 and he's at the same time dictating,
09:41 thinking and speaking while he's pedaling fast.
09:45 I'd be tired out.
09:46 Yeah, yeah, and that's good aerobic exercise, I guess.
09:52 But Kellogg was just, he was that level of special,
09:56 let's put that way.
09:58 Okay.
09:59 So many, so many little stories I can tell.
10:03 When he went on a train,
10:04 of course, they didn't have planes
10:06 in those days, you know.
10:07 But Kellogg was the
10:08 super-duper platinum frequent flyer guy
10:11 for the trains, you know.
10:13 And when he went on a train trip,
10:17 he would take two stenographers with him
10:19 and they'd get on the train
10:21 and he would dictate for eight hours to one guy
10:25 and he'd get off
10:26 and ride back home to the office
10:28 as they're typing it all up
10:29 and Kellogg would just immediately start it
10:30 on the second guy.
10:32 And when he was done with his two stenographers,
10:35 he had a piece of kid leather,
10:42 you know, the very soft baby goat kid leather, right,
10:45 about the size of a good handkerchief.
10:48 And he would take his fingers like this
10:50 and he'd make this circle
10:51 and he'd lay this leather on top of it.
10:54 And then he'd poke it down inside so he had a pouch
10:58 and then with his other hand
11:00 he would practice sutures
11:03 in the bottom of this leather
11:07 with his little suturing needle and whatnot.
11:10 And he became an excellent surgeon.
11:13 He actually, at the time,
11:15 it was about the average
11:18 was between 20 and 25%. fatality
11:22 the moment you entered the thoracic cavity.
11:27 He set a record, I think it was 164 without a fatality,
11:30 something like that 164 consecutive surgeries
11:32 without fatality.
11:35 For years was up...
11:36 So he was very unique in as a person
11:40 and the time he spent
11:43 and showed that he didn't waste any time at all.
11:46 He did not waste any time
11:47 and he was totally devoted to his work.
11:52 He was a workaholic.
11:54 You could say he was a workaholic.
11:55 You could probably say that
11:57 and yet he never seemed to visibly tire.
12:01 Now you have a good point
12:02 because that's one of the points
12:05 that Ellen White writes to him time after time after time.
12:08 She's saying, "You're trying to do too much.
12:11 You're not giving yourself the time to think clearly
12:13 on what you're doing."
12:14 And so he was in fact, a workaholic,
12:16 but visibly you couldn't see that he tired.
12:17 He was one of those that, you know, there are...
12:20 There's a small percentage of population
12:22 that just doesn't need much sleep.
12:24 He rarely slept more than four hours a night.
12:26 That's extraordinary, really. Yeah.
12:27 And he just...
12:30 I don't know if you had that commercial over here.
12:31 But you know, like the Energizer Bunny
12:33 you know, they have this commercial
12:35 and says that it just keeps going
12:36 and going and going.
12:37 I mean, these days I come outside,
12:39 I don't watch TV.
12:40 But, yeah, he was like that.
12:43 And he just really kept going.
12:46 There was one particular instance
12:48 in the 1890s
12:49 that really speaks to the source of his success.
12:55 He was talking
12:56 with one of his closest friends and colleagues,
12:59 Dr. David Paulson.
13:01 And he said,
13:02 "Dr. Paulson, do you know how it is
13:05 that I stay five years ahead of the medical industry?"
13:10 And Paulson said, "No, nobody knows how, "
13:13 and they all wonder, basically.
13:16 And he said,
13:18 "I know from my reading of the Spirit of Prophecy.
13:20 Anytime a new medical technique
13:22 or method or theory comes along,
13:26 I know from my reading of the Spirit of Prophecy,
13:27 I know immediately
13:28 whether it belongs in our system or not.
13:30 If it belongs, I grab it and run with it.
13:34 If it doesn't, I just never touch it.
13:37 And so, for something that was new,
13:39 that ended up being good,
13:40 he had a five-year head start
13:42 while everybody else is running careful little tests and trials
13:45 for those things that when a fad came in that,
13:47 you know, swept everyone off their feet
13:49 and Kellogg didn't touch it,
13:50 you know, it took them five years
13:51 and they figured out how did he not get caught
13:53 like the rest of us, you know, typically.
13:55 And the point there is that throughout his career,
14:01 his success really rose and fell
14:04 with his acceptance and adherence
14:07 to the council of Spirit of Prophecy.
14:11 Maybe just unpack that a little bit about
14:13 because some viewers might not know
14:14 when you refer to the Spirit of Prophecy.
14:17 These are writings
14:18 that God revealed to a messenger here.
14:21 Her name was Ellen White. Yes.
14:23 Our prophetess.
14:24 And as a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
14:27 we don't...
14:28 Her writings are a lesser light to the greater light,
14:31 which is the Word of God.
14:32 But she had a lot of counsel from God relating to health.
14:35 Indeed. Indeed.
14:37 And much of what she wrote is now today,
14:41 just in recent years been proven to be true,
14:44 even though she wrote them 150 years ago.
14:47 Yes, yeah.
14:48 Her track record is definitely admirable.
14:52 And he got a hold of that and he knew the value of that.
14:56 She recognized the value of him.
14:59 And she supported and assisted him
15:03 probably like no other individual,
15:06 as long as he would listen, you know.
15:08 When he stopped listening
15:10 and she didn't immediately just cut him off,
15:11 I'm not saying that.
15:13 But when he stopped listening to her,
15:19 he stopped in areas that you wouldn't think
15:21 would affect his medical practice.
15:24 You know, but it's funny
15:26 how in life obedience
15:29 tends to bleed into other areas,
15:31 let's put that way, you know.
15:32 And when he stopped listening
15:34 in what we might think of as simple ways,
15:38 it had a negative effect that eventually largely,
15:44 well, destroyed his work
15:46 as far as the work of God is concerned
15:49 and damaged his work even, you know,
15:51 from the medical
15:52 and the professional perspective
15:54 as well.
15:55 That's interesting to note that he started the sanitarium,
15:57 Battle Creek Sanitarium, didn't he?
16:00 That's quite a large building
16:02 and took a lot of money to build that
16:04 and a lot of effort.
16:05 It still stands today,
16:07 but it's not used for that purpose.
16:08 The second building still stands.
16:10 Yeah, that's correct.
16:11 Yeah. Yeah.
16:13 And we got to see
16:14 that it's quite an outstanding building
16:16 in its own right.
16:17 Yes.
16:18 And that was unfortunately against council.
16:22 There was, it was, it would have been much better
16:25 had it been smaller.
16:29 Ellen White once wrote that it would be desirable
16:32 to split that institution into 10
16:34 and scatter them around the countryside,
16:36 you know, the smaller scattered about model.
16:41 We find that in the writings of the messengers of the Lord
16:44 that the Spirit of Prophecy...
16:47 In almost everything, you'll find this idea of,
16:50 it doesn't need to be huge.
16:52 It's actually a greater influence
16:54 the more you can spread it out.
16:55 Yes, because a large institution
16:56 is very sterile
16:58 but a smaller institution becomes very personal
17:00 and you can interact with the people
17:03 and it's much more beneficial in terms of healing too.
17:07 And not only that,
17:08 you can reach more places
17:10 if you've got a number of school or places,
17:13 institutions than one big hospital
17:14 in one location.
17:16 Yeah.
17:17 Ellen White was very clear on that.
17:19 And this is a point that Dr. Kellogg resisted,
17:22 because he felt challenged in his leadership,
17:27 somewhat, and frankly,
17:28 it's much easier to control one large institution
17:31 than it is to control 10 little ones
17:33 scattered around the countryside.
17:35 And so that's part of the problem
17:37 that developed.
17:39 But let me just touch again here.
17:41 This is somewhat of an anomaly
17:44 in the writing of Ellen White in this regard.
17:48 During the 1890s,
17:53 a bit of a rift began to develop
17:56 between the ministers of the church
17:58 and the medical workers of the church,
18:00 and it was very unfortunate.
18:03 And as a result,
18:05 we find Ellen White trying to pull them back together.
18:09 And so she would write to the ministers
18:11 and she would say,
18:12 "Brethren, you need to be more charitable
18:15 in your assessment of Dr. Kellogg,
18:17 and you need to work with him,
18:18 you know, and she would reprove them
18:20 and encourage, you know,
18:22 working with the medical workers.
18:24 And then she wrote to the medical workers
18:25 and Dr. Kellogg.
18:26 She would reprove them and encourage working,
18:28 you know, and so it was this kind of
18:31 a constant approach that way.
18:33 There is this one very fascinating exception
18:36 from 1899,
18:38 where Ellen White was writing directly to Dr. Kellogg.
18:41 She said something I find very fascinating.
18:44 She says, "My dear brother,
18:46 as I have before written to you,
18:48 I know that the Lord has placed you
18:50 in a very responsible position,
18:52 standing as you do,
18:55 as the greatest physician in our world."
18:59 It's kind of a fascinating thing to say.
19:01 The American Medical Association
19:03 maybe wouldn't put it that way
19:04 but they did say that he was the most,
19:06 the single most significant physician
19:09 over a period of 60 years.
19:10 I think it was 40 or 60 years. I may be wrong on that.
19:12 But we'll say 40 years to go on the low side.
19:16 He did more to shape
19:18 and to change the practice of medicine in America
19:20 than any other man.
19:22 Well, then when she said that at the time,
19:24 she could really make that statement.
19:26 If they have also said that there was no one else.
19:28 You know, he was the most outstanding.
19:30 Well, they didn't say that
19:31 until the 1950s or 60s or something like that but...
19:33 That's right.
19:35 But they've acknowledged what she's written...
19:36 They've acknowledged that.
19:37 Yeah, once again, she was right.
19:39 Yeah. Yeah.
19:40 But here's where it becomes to me most fascinating
19:47 is that again,
19:51 the writings of the messengers of the Lord,
19:54 Ellen White, the Spirit of Prophecy,
19:55 however, you want to turn that.
19:57 In 1892, November 22,
20:01 1892 in the Review and Herald, the publication,
20:04 Ellen White wrote an interesting statement.
20:06 She said, "The time of test is just before us,
20:08 for the loud cry of the third angel
20:11 has already begun in the revelation
20:13 as the righteousness of Christ.
20:16 And we have four...
20:20 Most of our time,
20:22 most of the time and thought that has gone into that,
20:24 we have looked at it as a matter of theology
20:29 and coincidentally, providentially,
20:34 however you want to say it.
20:37 About nine years ago now,
20:42 some rare documents fell into my hands
20:46 and it was quite fascinating.
20:48 There was a general meeting of the church,
20:50 a General Conference in 1893,
20:54 just two and a half months after the statement
20:56 that the loud cry had begun.
20:57 There was this, and it was, you can imagine
21:00 and, of course, a loud cry is an event
21:03 that we understand to happen just shortly
21:06 before the Second Coming.
21:07 Okay, so obviously this would,
21:09 you know, kind of be a bit of a buzz, right?
21:10 Okay?
21:12 In fact, A.T. Jones, prominent Adventist ministry,
21:17 he gave a series of 24 sermons
21:19 through that whole General Conference.
21:21 They've been reprinted at least three times,
21:22 an excellent, excellent material.
21:24 I encourage people to read those.
21:26 What was lost sight of
21:28 is that Dr. Kellogg gave a series of talks as well.
21:32 And they were not included
21:34 in the General Conference bulletin,
21:36 which is unusual.
21:38 Normally, everything goes
21:40 into the General Conference bulletin.
21:41 But everything to do with Kellogg, his talks,
21:46 and the development of organizational actions
21:52 and establishment of a new medical organization,
21:55 those things were not included in the bulletin.
22:00 It's a little bit fishy.
22:01 I suspect that rather there was...
22:03 There was kind of an editorial decision.
22:06 We just don't really want to give this guy any publicity
22:08 because he had stepped on some toes.
22:09 As I said,
22:11 there was a bit of a difference of opinion
22:12 between the ministers and the medical workers
22:13 sometimes and so.
22:15 So he was dropped out of that official record.
22:19 And this is what a portion of those
22:21 that's what fell into my hands in 2009.
22:25 And let me read one part of one short sermon
22:31 of what he said and when I read this,
22:35 to me, it was, it was mind-blowing,
22:39 yeah, because it is made so much sense
22:41 out of so many things
22:43 that I had not been able to piece together before.
22:45 He said this, now bear in mind,
22:46 Ellen White said the loud cry is just begun.
22:49 And Kellogg addressing the leaders
22:53 and members of the denomination,
22:54 he said,
22:56 "If the loud cry has been begun by our people,
23:00 it must be
23:02 because we have just begun to do a little
23:04 in the way of letting our light shine.
23:08 But we have done so little in that way
23:10 that it seems to me that before the loud cry
23:12 will make any great noise in the world,
23:14 we will have to let our light shine a great deal brighter."
23:18 You don't know what this is talking about yet.
23:22 "We've to let our light shine a great deal brighter
23:24 than we have ever yet done
23:25 because the works come first.
23:31 The light must shine through these good works
23:33 before we can be called the repairers of the breach
23:37 and the restorers of paths to dwell in,
23:39 for the promise comes
23:40 after all of these conditions you see."
23:44 Now, you might be able to piece together a little bit,
23:46 but I'm sure many of our listeners
23:48 would not quite understand the content.
23:51 Bear in mind this came in the middle of a sermon.
23:52 Okay.
23:54 The letting your light shine
23:56 is a promise from Isaiah Chapter 58.
23:59 And at the end of the chapter is this passage
24:02 about being the repairers of the breach,
24:04 the restorers of paths to dwell in.
24:07 And what Kellogg is saying is that
24:09 these promises are a representation
24:12 of the loud cry.
24:14 And that they come after all the conditions.
24:18 Well, what are the conditions?
24:20 Isaiah 58, "If you deal your bread to the hungry,
24:24 if you bring the poor who are cast out to your home,
24:26 if you clothed the naked,
24:28 if you hide not yourself from your own flesh,
24:31 if you extend your soul to the needy soul,
24:35 and you minister to others."
24:36 This is the great chapter
24:39 which portrays
24:40 not only the work that Christ did,
24:42 but the work that He calls His people too.
24:45 And Kellogg said,
24:47 "This loud cry has just barely begun
24:51 because we have in fact
24:52 just barely begun
24:55 our medical missionary outreach to the world, "
24:57 and that was true historically.
24:59 In the year just before that
25:00 they'd started the orphanage in Battle Creek,
25:02 they'd started a visiting nurses program,
25:05 they had started the Christian health bands,
25:07 which was just the organizing of God's people
25:11 into small little groups to try and help.
25:14 You know, they'd be given a certain block of town,
25:15 you know, from this street to this street,
25:17 this avenue to this avenue.
25:19 And your little group of nine people,
25:20 your job is to find anyone who needs help
25:22 and see if we can help them.
25:24 So he had a clear understanding
25:25 of what Jesus was teaching.
25:27 He did.
25:28 He had this clear recognition of the practical work
25:33 to go along with the theoretical
25:35 and some might doubt,
25:39 you know, I'm sure
25:40 many listeners may not have seen
25:42 our previous presentation.
25:44 But there was a great thought in there
25:46 is that Christ could not verbally portray
25:49 the Father,
25:50 but through His actions He can.
25:52 And Kellogg understood that.
25:54 And so, he did great good.
26:00 And then unfortunately, he went off the cliff.
26:05 So you quoted earlier on,
26:06 Ellen White said there was a change.
26:08 So we're talking about a change from knowing what Jesus taught,
26:13 but then something happened.
26:15 What happened? Yeah.
26:16 And here's where it gets tricky
26:19 because when we're talking about counterfeits.
26:22 How do you change
26:23 the very heart and soul of something
26:24 but make it look the same, you know?
26:27 And that's really what happened is that this good work,
26:31 this humanitarian work, this benevolent,
26:35 kind work was kidnapped,
26:42 shall we say,
26:43 to serve purposes that were not beneficial
26:47 to God's work on earth.
26:49 Kellogg began one thing.
26:52 He was a fantastic fundraiser.
26:56 He was a great speaker.
26:57 He was very engaging and very entertaining
27:00 and if you weren't careful,
27:02 he could fleece you of your money.
27:04 I'm not saying dishonestly.
27:07 But he could persuade you with happy heart
27:11 to hand over your funds.
27:14 And the problem was that he was using, I mean,
27:17 the denomination was fairly small
27:18 in those days.
27:19 There was a, you know, we would,
27:21 other than miraculous
27:22 there was a fairly finite pool of funding.
27:26 And rather than having that distributed
27:29 wisely and carefully and broadly
27:31 through the all the needs...
27:34 He got it for himself. He got it for, not himself.
27:36 I understand though.
27:38 As an individual, he was selfless,
27:39 but in terms of his department, his medical work,
27:46 everything went to there that he get his hands on...
27:48 And the rest suffered because of that, really.
27:50 Australia in particular.
27:52 Ellen White was here in Australia during that time,
27:55 and they labored for years with insufficient funding,
27:58 largely because of the doctor.
28:00 And so there were definite problems there.
28:04 And then eventually it,
28:07 it went a notch further and this is...
28:10 You mentioned my two books.
28:12 And I'll just say simply
28:13 that D'Sozo is kind of the story
28:15 of the good Kellogg
28:16 and what the Lord tried to accomplish through him.
28:19 Tremble is a story of the bad Kellogg.
28:21 It's not as happy a story.
28:24 And just as a note to for viewers
28:26 that D'Sozo is out of print?
28:29 It is out of print.
28:31 Yes, you can get the Kindle edition.
28:33 And I found a few online news bookstores.
28:37 And the local ABC store near us
28:41 the Adventist Book Center or call better books and food.
28:44 They do have some copies.
28:46 But if people want to get them,
28:48 you better get them before while they are gone.
28:50 Yes, I was pleasantly surprised
28:52 that apparently there is a bit of a stock
28:54 left in Australia and that's good
28:55 because you can't get them
28:57 in the United States or Canada any longer.
28:59 We may do a reprinting.
29:01 I have another book coming out.
29:02 And I warned the printer, I said this,
29:04 this other book covers some similar territory
29:07 and I have a lot of footnotes to say
29:08 if you need more on this story,
29:09 you need to consult my previous books,
29:11 so they may have to reprint it.
29:14 But eventually,
29:17 Dr. Kellogg got himself into trouble.
29:23 Let's just put it that way, he got himself into trouble.
29:25 And in a variety of ways, partly his stubbornness,
29:28 partly his organizational pride,
29:32 not personal pride so much but his organizational pride
29:35 and organizational selfishness,
29:37 and he became very suspicious of others
29:43 who might need some money for some other,
29:46 you know, there were missionaries
29:47 that were dying for want of wages,
29:50 that type of thing, you know,
29:51 and he became very, very suspicious
29:53 and very controlling
29:54 and these kind of things develop.
29:56 Eventually,
29:58 there were a couple of different things
29:59 that really kind of tipped the scale.
30:02 One of those was the publication of a book.
30:05 The title was, Living Temple, "The Living Temple."
30:10 And I have a passage here
30:14 just a short comment
30:15 that Ellen White makes on this book.
30:17 I think we can put this up on the screen probably.
30:20 "In the book Living Temple,
30:22 there is presented the alpha of deadly heresies.
30:28 The omega will follow,
30:31 and will be received
30:32 by those who are not willing to heed
30:35 the warning God has given."
30:39 That sounds kind of ominous. It does.
30:41 It does sound, yes, right, the alpha of deadly heresies.
30:46 Well, so naturally the question comes up
30:48 what was in the book?
30:50 And I would point out
30:53 that perhaps the first question that should be asked
30:57 is what was the warning God has given?
31:01 If you remember the statement there,
31:02 it said that this omega will come
31:04 and will be received by those
31:06 who will not receive the warning God has given.
31:09 So the first question to ask is what is the warning?
31:14 The warning is don't read the book.
31:18 The warning is don't read the book.
31:20 And...
31:24 I've not read the book.
31:26 I'll just be honest, I haven't read the book.
31:28 I've got a PDF version of it on my computer,
31:31 but I got it just so I can get a picture of the cover.
31:34 I've never read the book. I don't tend to read the book.
31:37 But I can tell you that you know, over time,
31:40 obviously different ones did back in the day
31:43 and have and whatnot.
31:44 And there are about five paragraphs
31:48 that have been pulled from the book
31:50 to exemplify the theological problems, okay.
31:54 And essentially,
31:55 the difficulty with the book on a theological basis
32:00 is that it introduces principles and concepts
32:04 of what we termed pantheism
32:07 which is, is really, essentially a Hindu concept
32:12 that God is everything, everything is God.
32:19 God in the universe are synonymous.
32:22 And all that is in the universe is part of God.
32:24 Therefore you're part of God and I'm part of God.
32:27 And God is in everything. God is in everything.
32:30 Yes, that's the pan which means all across theism,
32:34 which is referenced
32:35 to the God theology type of thing now, okay.
32:40 And so pantheism is...
32:45 It's contrary to the Bible.
32:47 That's simple, simply put.
32:50 Kellogg's presentation of it is actually quite mild.
32:53 You can find far worse in any public library today
32:57 if you wanted to go looking which I choose not to.
32:59 I don't want to read those books either, actually,
33:01 but I know, you know, enough about it.
33:03 I'm not totally ignorant on it by any ways.
33:05 The trouble is, if you start reading things like this,
33:10 how are you going to know
33:13 that you are going to not be impacted by it?
33:16 That's right. Yes.
33:18 And part of the warning... That's one of the dangers.
33:19 Know its error. Yes.
33:22 Don't read it.
33:23 Don't read the book.
33:24 Because if it is, if it is the error
33:26 we know about pantheism
33:29 or contains pantheistic ideologies,
33:33 you are opening yourself to be deceived,
33:36 because a brain can do things you don't expect it to.
33:40 And you will find many testimonies of individuals
33:46 who have made remarkable
33:49 I would say not remarkable in a good way,
33:51 but remarkable in a bad way
33:53 transformations of their belief systems
33:55 from being Christians, Methodists, Baptists, whatever,
33:59 and suddenly becoming in many cases Luciferian.
34:06 And this comes about through a process of mysticism.
34:12 Now let me just address that for a moment
34:14 because I'm putting another slide
34:17 up on the screen here I think.
34:20 "We need not the mysticism that is in this book,
34:25 Living Temple.
34:26 Those who entertain these sophistries
34:29 will soon find themselves in a position
34:31 where the enemy can talk with them,
34:34 and lead them away from God."
34:35 That's right.
34:37 You know, that's the...
34:39 You know, what is this all about?
34:41 Okay?
34:42 What is mysticism?
34:45 Well, I'll give you, you can go
34:47 with dictionary definitions and things,
34:49 but let me just give a quick description of it.
34:52 Mysticism comes in many, many forums,
34:55 it's spread across all religious beliefs.
34:58 You'll find mysticism in the Catholics,
35:00 and the Hindus, and the Hebrews,
35:03 the Jews have mysticism.
35:06 Confucianism,
35:07 there's a mystical element in Islam,
35:10 it's known as the Sufi sect.
35:13 It's everywhere in Protestantism,
35:17 it would probably, we would equate it
35:19 with the Pentecostal movement.
35:22 It's everywhere.
35:24 But the one common denominator that marks it as mystical just,
35:29 that's the name we put on it
35:31 is the belief that I can learn
35:35 a set of methods,
35:39 often called exercises.
35:41 I can learn a procedure
35:44 through which I can establish direct contact with my deity,
35:50 no matter which religious system I'm in.
35:54 This ends up becoming a very cross,
35:58 a very ecumenical influence
36:03 because mystics
36:04 in all these different religions,
36:07 they all, when you have this experience,
36:11 one of the most commonly reported
36:14 initial mind expanding things
36:19 is this sudden realization
36:21 that you are one with the universe,
36:24 i.e., pantheism.
36:26 And it doesn't matter
36:28 if I'm a Catholic and you're a Hindu,
36:31 we have the same experience and they feel drawn together
36:34 and this is something that we see playing out
36:37 in our world today.
36:39 It's a very united influence, isn't it?
36:41 It is very uniting influence.
36:43 It's a very deceptive influence.
36:45 But when we start playing with things like that,
36:49 and you know, and in that quote there
36:51 that you said before,
36:53 you would hear that a Satan speaking to you.
36:56 Yes, yes.
36:57 You're opening the door for him to address you
37:01 however you want.
37:02 People who have been in these, you know,
37:04 where they feel one with everything,
37:07 you know, like someone we know has actually experienced
37:12 that sort of things.
37:14 And has said that you do hear,
37:17 you actually hear a voice speaking to you
37:21 and telling you things to do.
37:23 Yep.
37:24 There are too many individual accounts,
37:29 both from those who have been in the mystical movement
37:32 and then have come back out.
37:35 But also you can find plenty, I mean,
37:37 I'm always a little bit cautious
37:38 about someone who's renounced something,
37:40 they may have an axe to grind it,
37:41 they may misrepresent it, you know.
37:43 And so, if I want to find out about this,
37:45 that or the other thing,
37:47 I place a certain premium on reading that
37:51 from those who are perfectly happy
37:52 where they're at,
37:54 and you'll find the same thing there.
37:55 You'll find the same thing there.
37:57 One of the things that intrigued me
37:59 for quite a number of years
38:01 and I didn't really understand and didn't know
38:03 why it would be important.
38:05 Very early on in Ellen White's ministry,
38:08 so in 1845-46, maybe up to 47.
38:13 She was repeatedly and on a number of occasions,
38:17 maybe five, six times, she was accused of having said,
38:23 "I can have a vision whenever I want."
38:28 And, you know, to me, I looked at that and said,
38:33 well, that sound crazy thing to say
38:35 but you know, what difference does that make?
38:38 But I noted that her response, when she responds to this.
38:43 It's vehement.
38:45 She is very...
38:47 That is, I have never said that.
38:49 That's absolutely impossible.
38:51 No one could do that.
38:52 And then she goes right on and she says,
38:55 "If I could have my own way,
38:58 if I could please myself and please God as well,
39:03 I would rather die than have another vision
39:06 because every vision places me under responsibility
39:08 to bear the message
39:10 to those who often don't want to receive it.
39:12 She said, "This has always been painful to me."
39:14 She does not, I mean, here we are,
39:17 she'd rather die than have a vision.
39:19 And these, all these other people
39:21 who are teaching their mindfulness techniques,
39:23 their yoga techniques,
39:24 their centering prayer techniques,
39:26 all these different, Lectio Divina, all these names.
39:31 I don't know if you recognize any of these.
39:33 Yeah, I see some nods.
39:34 Okay.
39:36 All of those have that one common element
39:39 is that they offer you
39:41 the privilege of at your convenience,
39:46 driving your way
39:48 into the chamber of the Most High
39:50 so to speak, and she wasn't anxious for it.
39:55 And this is the whole attracting point
39:57 for these other guys
39:58 and I enforced the conclusion we're talking about
40:01 two totally different phenomena.
40:03 Two different experiences.
40:04 Two totally different experiences.
40:07 Yeah.
40:08 And so it, it went on,
40:13 Dr. Kellogg and his work.
40:18 There are some fascinating lessons
40:20 to be learned.
40:23 How old was he when he died?
40:25 I think he was 94 if I remember right.
40:27 He lived a very long life.
40:28 He did live a long life. Very busy workaholic.
40:30 He did, he did that, he was...
40:34 You know, he was, he lived very healthful life
40:37 in terms of his physical habits,
40:41 lived a long time.
40:42 He was still performing operations
40:44 up into his 90s.
40:47 And he, you know,
40:48 up until the whole at least into the 1970s.
40:52 I mean, he died in the 40s and up into the 1970s,
40:54 I know there were still people who would in the Michigan area
40:59 especially they would present themselves
41:01 for their annual physical with a new doctor,
41:03 you know, the old doctor died or something like that
41:05 and then they come to a new doctor.
41:08 And the doctor would look and you'd see a suture line,
41:09 and he says Dr. Kellogg, I can tell.
41:13 He was good.
41:14 He was good.
41:16 So here we have just to recap a little bit.
41:18 Here we had a man that was called for the work.
41:23 He had a change in his life.
41:25 And like you said,
41:27 he was quite renowned for his surgery.
41:29 He did a lot of good and that can go for anyone,
41:33 that could be an illustration of anyone living
41:36 that died or anytime.
41:38 But there's something that came out I believe
41:41 and you want to share this with us.
41:42 What is it that can change in us,
41:46 that can bring about the change that Dr. Kellogg went through?
41:50 The good change?
41:51 Well...
41:52 The bad change? The bad change.
41:54 I want to make sure I'm on the right page.
41:55 Yeah, the bad change.
41:57 Well, you can tell, you know, there can be a good change
41:58 going the other way too but in this case,
42:01 there was a bad change.
42:03 The bad change for Kellogg.
42:08 And there's a sobering lesson here.
42:11 Well, we want to learn from it
42:12 because we don't want to make the same mistakes.
42:13 No, no.
42:15 And, you know, I invested most of the year
42:19 actually trying to make sure
42:21 I understood Dr. Kellogg's decline,
42:24 just because there was a little conflicting,
42:27 you know, evidence in different things,
42:29 you know, and I said, "No, no, no, no,
42:30 I don't understand this well enough yet."
42:32 And so I read everything that Ellen White wrote
42:36 to or about him over a 15-year period.
42:38 I wrote, I read all of his papers.
42:41 Did he have a lot of direction from Ellen White?
42:43 A great deal. Yes.
42:45 Some of which he followed.
42:47 Well, she sort of treated him almost like a son, didn't she?
42:50 She did, yes.
42:52 Didn't she and her husband help pay for him
42:55 to go through medical school?
42:56 They did. Yes. Yes, they did.
42:57 Actually her son, Ellen White's son,
43:01 Willie White writing,
43:04 I think he might have been writing
43:05 to Dr. Kellogg actually, because they were, you know,
43:08 young men, they grew up together and whatnot.
43:10 And they had been very friendly until then later in life
43:14 when there's these tensions.
43:16 But Willie White wrote to Dr. Kellogg, I think it was,
43:19 it might have been someone else.
43:21 But he said,
43:24 "I have no question in my mind
43:26 that the mother would work harder
43:29 to save Dr. Kellogg
43:31 than she would for either of her two sons,
43:35 because she knows how important he is
43:38 to Lord's work."
43:40 And he said that with no malice whatsoever.
43:44 But yes, what was the change?
43:45 Well, the change in one sense came gradually
43:48 because there was a weakness that he held on to
43:53 and he resisted ever correcting.
43:58 And that weakness was simply his desire
44:00 for what I would call grandiosity.
44:03 He loved to make a big show.
44:05 He wanted to be in charge
44:07 and he wanted it to be impressive.
44:09 And so hence the building
44:11 that you mentioned in Battle Creek
44:12 is large and impressive.
44:14 Unfortunately, it was grandiose in a way
44:16 that was counterproductive.
44:19 And it was really, as near as I read it now,
44:22 it was that at the heart that that caused him to reject,
44:28 to ignore all the other councils,
44:31 anything that came in the way of his pride basically.
44:36 Yeah, yeah, in particular shape and form of pride.
44:41 And that's really what did it.
44:43 And that's something
44:45 that we've all got to be careful of.
44:46 Indeed.
44:47 Any one of us could have in our lives
44:50 something that we have not surrendered
44:53 of self
44:55 that we need to let go of
44:58 or else it could drag us away from God.
45:01 And that's what I say is so sobering about it,
45:03 you know, it would have been one thing if I found that,
45:06 oh, in 1899,
45:08 there was a particular event and suddenly Kellogg,
45:11 you know, was deranged.
45:13 But it wasn't.
45:15 It was a little thing
45:18 that is a lot like the little things
45:20 that I have to deal within my life.
45:22 In the Song of Solomon, in the Bible,
45:25 it says it's the little foxes that spoil the grapes.
45:29 It's the little sins that we hold on to
45:32 that can destroy our lives.
45:34 Because it's those little sins that leave the door open
45:39 for the devil to work in our lives
45:41 and drag us away from God.
45:43 It's an old saying amongst sociologists
45:45 that every culture, every civilization
45:48 establishes a theology to meet their practices.
45:52 And we do that, we tend to do that
45:53 on an independent or an individual basis as well.
45:56 Instead of fit our practices in with the theology.
45:59 The theology of truth, find the truth and fit to that,
46:02 you know, and we have this.
46:04 You know, there's a danger when we're successful,
46:06 because we attributed that success,
46:09 not to the one who gives us the ability,
46:11 but to ourselves and the I can see that in this,
46:16 you know, the history of Kellogg
46:18 because he, you know, he's a man,
46:21 just like any one of us...
46:22 A successful and famous man. Yes.
46:24 Extremely successful, yes.
46:25 And so that's the danger
46:26 and we always need to attribute everything we do
46:28 in our abilities to God.
46:30 Didn't they have US President,
46:32 some things come to the Battle Creek?
46:33 Yes, they had the royalty from Europe,
46:37 they had senators.
46:40 I think the President that came was not in office at the time.
46:44 He was a former President.
46:46 It was Taft, I believe it was.
46:48 All the titans of the, you know,
46:51 this was the Gilded Age
46:52 of American commercial interest.
46:56 You know, the John D. Rockefellers.
46:58 He was a frequent guest.
46:59 Ivan Powell, the Russian scientist
47:02 was a friend of Dr. Kellogg's.
47:04 Henry Firestone, the tire company,
47:07 and Henry Ford, the guy from ice,
47:12 was it, hmm,
47:15 IBM International Business Machines,
47:17 which in those days
47:18 was with the old manual cash registers,
47:21 you know, yeah.
47:22 But they all came. They all came.
47:24 So He became very famous
47:27 and very sought after by very rich
47:30 and influential people.
47:31 Yes, he himself and this is,
47:33 you know, part of the intrigue of the whole thing.
47:35 He never did become particularly wealthy himself.
47:38 He could have,
47:39 he could have been a millionaire times
47:41 over times over times over.
47:42 He's very generous as an individual.
47:48 But there is a development that I think is fascinating,
47:53 and I'm going to scoot ahead to that if I may.
47:57 As Dr. Kellogg really caused
48:02 more trouble,
48:04 and as this book Living Temple came out,
48:08 and it was disturbing things and presenting error.
48:14 He was causing a huge amount of trouble
48:16 for the leaders of the Adventist Church.
48:19 He was just really a pain in their neck.
48:22 And he was attacking them, accusing them of,
48:26 you know, being, well,
48:29 accusing them of attacking him, basically.
48:32 Yeah, okay.
48:34 He was just causing them a mountain of grief.
48:42 And then Ellen White would write something,
48:45 if we can put this on the screen too here.
48:49 "Some thought the time had come long ago
48:53 to make a determined effort
48:55 to break the spell and expose the deception."
48:58 So Kellogg's got this pantheism stuff out there
49:01 and he's got all these other things.
49:03 And she says, you know,
49:05 some and I can give you some of the names,
49:06 you know, A.G. Daniels,
49:07 the General Conference President,
49:09 W.W. Prescott,
49:10 the Editor of the Review and Herald,
49:12 the ones that Kellogg was bashing
49:14 so badly in their way.
49:16 They were, you know, they were human.
49:19 And they said, "No, let's come on,
49:20 let's stop this, Sister White.
49:22 You've got information.
49:24 You've got instruction from God that could stop this.
49:27 Make it visible."
49:29 And that that quote goes on...
49:30 Break the spell. Yes.
49:32 She says, "But I was shown
49:35 that our brethren must make no move
49:37 until Dr. Kellogg and his associates
49:39 had taken a decided position to repudiate the testimonies.
49:43 When this was done,
49:45 we must show our people the right side
49:47 and take the affirmative in the name of the Lord."
49:51 Okay, now the testimony is referred to there
49:53 would be the writings of Ellen White,
49:57 and this is awkward
49:59 and she hated having to stand up
50:00 and defend her own work.
50:02 But it was not her own work,
50:03 it was the instruction from God.
50:05 And so here's you have this,
50:06 this replay of the battle in heaven with Lucifer.
50:11 When Lucifer said, "I will not listen to God."
50:17 He was expelled.
50:18 And what she's saying here
50:20 is when he takes a firm stand against inspiration,
50:27 that's the time to act.
50:29 The statement goes on, one more slide here.
50:33 "We had to move,
50:36 and yet we had to wait
50:38 until those in error
50:40 thought they could carry things
50:42 against the ministers and churches.
50:45 I was shown their course of action,
50:48 and had everything in readiness for such a movement
50:51 and labored to defeat their deep-laid plot."
50:55 I find this fascinating
50:58 because what this tells me
51:00 is that the battle between good and evil is real.
51:06 It's not just some sort of spiritual battle,
51:11 it is a spiritual battle,
51:12 but it's a spiritual battle that requires
51:14 real intelligence, real strategy,
51:17 real instruction from, I mean, you know,
51:21 every army in the world has their spies
51:24 and their intelligence sources.
51:25 Well, we've got God.
51:27 There's a bit of an advantage there.
51:29 You know, and as she said,
51:31 she was shown in advance what was going to happen.
51:34 And she was given the timing of it.
51:36 Not now, not now.
51:37 We must, we had to move
51:39 and yet we had to wait, she says.
51:41 And I find that so fascinating
51:43 because it makes it a compelling wartime story
51:48 if that, you know.
51:50 But the battle wasn't this, the battle was God's.
51:53 The battle was God's.
51:54 And once again, the only weapon
51:56 was the revelation of truth.
51:59 And so, amazingly enough,
52:01 when the final push came to shove,
52:04 of the whole event came down.
52:07 It actually was Christmas time 1905,
52:10 and oddly enough, this is a story
52:12 that Adventist historians have not told much.
52:14 I was totally unaware
52:16 of this particular turn of events
52:17 until about six months ago, just from my own research.
52:20 And I don't know why that is.
52:21 But I'm going to just hold you there
52:22 because I want to hear this story.
52:24 But we just going to take a break for a moment
52:26 to put up our address details.
52:28 And I just want to mention to you
52:30 that David does do seminars and lectures around the world
52:35 and I know he's here in Australia,
52:38 and to share his knowledge
52:40 about the medical missionary work.
52:43 And if you want to contact him,
52:44 we will give you his email address
52:46 and his website.
52:48 But for us here,
52:49 I want to thank you for supporting us
52:51 and if you would like to do that again, each month,
52:55 that would be a great thing
52:57 to see this part of these programs
52:59 and anything that we do here that goes around the world.
53:02 For you to be a part of,
53:03 you can do so by contacting us at this address.
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54:02 Thank you for all you do to help us like the world
54:04 with the glory of God's truth.
54:09 We look forward to hearing from you,
54:11 our viewers and our listeners who are very valuable to us.
54:14 But at the moment
54:15 we're talking with David Fiedler.
54:17 And, David, we're going to put your email address up
54:21 in case people want to contact you
54:22 directly.
54:24 Yes, it's D Fiedler,
54:26 that's dfiedler
54:31 @adventistcitymissions.org.
54:34 Adventistcitymissions.org.
54:37 Perfect. Good.
54:38 Now I want to hear the rest of the story.
54:40 We don't have time,
54:42 much time but we've got to get it in.
54:44 As Ellen White had said,
54:45 we had to move and yet we had to wait,
54:48 she was shown their plans
54:50 and she was instructed as to what to do.
54:52 Well, the instruction what was said
54:54 we don't have that on the screen
54:56 but what it said was
54:57 have the truth of the matter all written out,
55:01 ready to publish at the right time.
55:03 Okay.
55:04 So when's the right time?
55:06 Well, we just have to wait and see.
55:07 Okay.
55:08 The Lord didn't say, "Oh, it's going to be on this date."
55:10 He just said, when this happens, okay.
55:12 Well, in December of 1905,
55:17 Dr. Kellogg took
55:19 a more decided and open repudiation stand
55:22 against the instruction he'd received from God.
55:28 Ellen White, before that happened,
55:31 she was instructed on the 21st of December,
55:35 she was told to get certain documents together
55:38 and send them to Battle Creek, Michigan.
55:40 She wired a telegram to Elder Daniels
55:43 who was somewhere else
55:44 and said proceed to Battle Creek
55:45 and wait for documents.
55:47 The documents came in on the morning of the 26th.
55:52 The night of the 25th
55:54 before was one Kellogg had taken his stand,
55:56 which is to say four days before Kellogg
55:58 did what he did,
56:00 the Lord told her
56:01 now's the time to mail the documents.
56:03 The documents that she gathered up,
56:05 the most pointed one
56:07 had actually been written on the 4th of January,
56:12 no, excuse me,
56:13 it would have been the 1st of January, 1904,
56:18 almost two years before.
56:20 The document had been written.
56:21 And in that document she had quotes of things
56:24 that had been said in the meeting
56:26 the night before the document arrived
56:29 in Battle Creek, yes, okay.
56:32 And so, the power of the rebellion,
56:35 if you wish was largely broken by this obvious demonstration
56:40 of divine foreknowledge maneuvered,
56:44 managed in a way that only God could have done
56:46 to provide the right document at the right time.
56:50 In fact, the first person to look at it
56:52 was one of the doctors
56:54 who had sat in the meeting the night before
56:56 and listening to Dr. Kellogg
56:58 and he recognized the meeting and he said this,
57:00 "Okay. I'm done."
57:03 How do you combat this?
57:05 And so,
57:06 I think there are lessons here for our day.
57:09 Rebellion is not a thing of the past.
57:11 We have not yet come
57:13 to the ultimate omega of apostasy
57:16 which has been promised.
57:18 And when it comes it will look much like the real thing.
57:24 A humanitarian message
57:29 that forsakes the truth of the gospel
57:31 and it still looks the same.
57:33 Anyhow, there you go. You have to be careful.
57:34 Yes.
57:35 Thank you, David,
57:37 for coming on the program and sharing that,
57:38 these things we will always learn
57:40 from past experiences.
57:42 Take note, Jesus is coming soon.
57:44 See you next time.


Revised 2020-07-17