Night Light Live - 2nd Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley & C. A. Murray


Series Code: NLLB

Program Code: NLLB012705

00:01 Welcome back, we are coming to you live from Israel,
00:05 from Jerusalem, from the RRSat Center-- Yes.
00:09 Here in Jerusalem.
00:11 And we've been having a great time
00:13 and hopefully you've heard some information
00:15 and you've caught the fire, the fever, the fervor
00:18 of what's happening here in Israel.
00:20 And as we said in our first half,
00:21 work is a little tougher here than many other places
00:24 in the world because of the community,
00:25 because of the history, because of this country,
00:28 but Christ is doing some marvelous things in Israel
00:32 and it's exciting to be a part of that, Jim.
00:33 Amen, it really is. Yeah.
00:35 And when I hear Pastor Roger speak. Yeah.
00:41 I tell you, I get really excited and Pastor Olen. Yes.
00:45 And you hear about,
00:47 you know, the challenges they have, yes,
00:50 but the opportunities that they have are just fantastic.
00:54 Yes, yeah. So we're excited
00:55 and then when we began to visit with Joanne Davis
01:00 and she is sharing with us some of the things
01:04 that she has experienced in our trip this week
01:08 and we're gonna start talking about
01:10 what the trip has been meaning to people spiritually
01:13 and why that we just feel that
01:18 it's a very important thing to do.
01:20 And we don't believe everybody needs to do this,
01:22 we really don't.
01:23 But, you know, a lot of people take
01:25 expensive vacations every year and they go to exotic places.
01:29 There are really a lot of people that do that.
01:31 And when they have made this kind of trip,
01:36 they find it so much more meaningful
01:38 than lying on a beach in Hawaii or something of that nature.
01:42 I'm not knocking that,
01:43 but the world we live in today is so different.
01:48 Back in the time say of Ellen White,
01:50 it took virtually a year for people to come here.
01:55 There were no real accommodations for them
01:57 when they got here.
01:59 And so there was really not all that much to do.
02:02 Mark Twain wrote a book about it.
02:04 And if anyone ever read that book,
02:07 there would certainly never want to come to Israel.
02:10 Things are different now. The travel is different.
02:13 You can come over here.
02:15 You'd go on a week, 10 days something like that
02:17 like a normal vacation would be.
02:20 The amount of money that used to cost to come
02:22 was about a year's salary.
02:24 Now it's the amount of money
02:26 that somebody would spend for a normal vacation.
02:29 So it's not--the perspective is altogether different
02:33 than it was 150 years ago.
02:37 You know, it's just a whole different idea. Yeah.
02:39 So we have found that it's been an exciting thing
02:43 and you see what Dr. Roger was talking about
02:47 and how he wants to have a study group over here,
02:51 a place where a lot of young people can be inspired.
02:54 Like that idea. Yeah.
02:55 Like that idea.
02:57 We have Joanne Davis with us in the studio.
03:00 We've sort of cut you off
03:02 because you had a story you wanted to share,
03:04 but before you share that story,let's just back up
03:06 and you just spent sometime at the general conference? I have.
03:08 And some things are happening there.
03:10 Fill us in on that and then we'll go to your story.
03:12 Well, I've just returned back to New Zealand
03:15 after a 5-day global communication summit.
03:19 And 70 of our communicators from around the world
03:23 joined together to come up with ways
03:26 that we can strategically reach the world for Jesus.
03:31 Do you know we've got so many different people,
03:33 3ABN included, who are working,
03:35 doing fantastic work in different parts of the world
03:39 and with different ministries.
03:41 But wouldn't it be wonderful
03:43 if we could come together from time to time
03:46 and strategically tell the world
03:49 about the second coming of Jesus? Yes, yes.
03:52 And it was 5 days of trying to workout
03:54 whether there was a desire for that to happen
03:57 and whether it could actually be possible.
04:00 And I left the GC greatly encouraged that it is possible,
04:05 that there is a desire that we do this,
04:08 and that technology today will facilitate that,
04:11 that even individuals with their own ministries like I do
04:15 and like many, many church members all over the world do,
04:19 can be part of something much bigger that can reach the world.
04:23 There is so many parts of the world
04:25 that just haven't heard of Jesus at all.
04:29 And if we keep doing what we're doing in our own little pockets,
04:33 we'll never actually reach those areas.
04:35 Now imagine if we got all of the Generals around a map
04:40 and we drew circles on where we've already reached
04:44 and we found out where we hadn't reached
04:46 and we made a commitment that,
04:49 you know, you would do this
04:50 and you would do that, and you would do this
04:52 and then we could actually cover the whole world. Yeah, yeah.
04:54 And then thought about and prayed about a campaign
04:58 that the Lord would give us.
05:00 Could you imagine a creative campaign
05:03 where the Lord gave us the idea? Amen.
05:06 You know, we all look as communicators for ideas
05:10 that will go viral.
05:12 That's the desire of every great communicator
05:15 and every great advertiser,
05:17 but very rarely does it happen,
05:20 but Jesus is the greatest creator of all
05:23 and I'm sure that He has got a message that would go viral,
05:27 if we reached the world
05:29 and we strategically and intentionally did that. Yes.
05:32 You know, the nearest thing to that,
05:34 that we have seen was the Ten Commandments book
05:38 with Shelley and Danny Shelton.
05:43 Over 10 million of those went out.
05:47 People don't realize that's an astronomical number
05:51 for a book and it's still going.
05:54 It's beyond that-- I'm sure but--
05:57 But, you know, there are 17 million members
06:00 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
06:01 and probably about 25 million people
06:04 that attend church each week,
06:06 but there are 7 billion people in the world
06:09 and what we have is
06:11 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians is so precious
06:14 and so necessary that we tell people around the world
06:18 and I know I just long and pray for the day
06:20 when all 25 million of us can get together
06:25 and do something together that would reach the world
06:28 and that the world would stand up and listen,
06:30 you know, when everyone does the same thing
06:32 and when a big crowd does the same thing, it's noteworthy.
06:36 It is and then the world's media will report
06:40 and they'll say now what is this?
06:41 What is happening that they're all doing the same thing?
06:46 They've all got the same message.
06:47 They've all got the same campaign, "What is it?" Yeah.
06:50 You know, something I believe that's gonna happen
06:52 before Christ comes-- I do.
06:54 With all my heart, I do, Jim.
06:55 And it maybe strange way,
06:58 it maybe brought about by persecution.
07:00 It maybe brought about by whatever,
07:02 because sometimes bad news is what the news focuses on.
07:09 The situation that we've had here,
07:12 you know, folks, it was bad,
07:13 but more people have died with West Nile virus in United States
07:19 twice as many as have died in this conflict that took place.
07:23 Now I'm not cheapening that.
07:25 I don't think anyone should die anytime from anything,
07:28 but you see there are so many things going on,
07:31 but something like this is sensational
07:34 and so the news gets right on it
07:37 and they focus it and the whole world's looking at it.
07:39 And actually even blowing it beyond what it really was.
07:43 Even though it was bad enough,
07:45 they make a big thing out of it.
07:48 Somehow God's people are gonna to be a focus in a way
07:54 that is gonna bring worldwide attention.
07:56 And it may not be fun.
07:58 It may not be popular at the time,
08:01 but it will be getting that message across around the world.
08:05 It could be just something so beautiful that we've shared.
08:08 You know, we've got a wonderful world president Elder Wilson,
08:12 and he called this communication summit.
08:14 He is committed to us working together around the world.
08:19 What if we did something that was so loving
08:22 and so precious that people stood up and listened?
08:25 You know, our job is to tell people about Jesus.
08:29 A valid answer is I don't want to hear it. Yeah.
08:32 But what we could do is just tell people
08:34 what they need to know,
08:36 so that when something does happen in the economy
08:38 or in natural disasters or whatever,
08:41 they go, "Ooh, I remember.
08:42 I remember those people telling me about that."
08:44 That's right. That's true.
08:45 And it brings it back to mind.
08:47 You know, I think
08:50 and I was not able to make that meeting because of my surgery,
08:53 but one of the things that I think
08:56 we will shift into is that media particularly Adventist media
09:01 will in and off itself, you know, there's a time
09:04 when the preacher preached and the media reported about it
09:08 or someone did something and the media report about it,
09:10 but I think media itself
09:11 will become an integral part of the finishing of the work.
09:14 And I think as we coordinate our different media outlets,
09:17 we ought to--whenever and wherever people are,
09:21 we ought to be there.
09:23 That's physically, that's in the cyber world,
09:25 that's in the electronic world,
09:27 wherever there's an ear, or an eye, or a heart,
09:30 the Adventist message ought to be there.
09:32 And so I think media not only should they report
09:34 on what preachers are doing, I think they themselves
09:37 ought to be integral in the finishing of the work.
09:39 And I think you agree with me in that idea.
09:43 God is going to show us how to go
09:45 and I don't want to use the term take back,
09:47 for me that's what it is,
09:49 some of these things that the devil has owned for too long
09:51 that we're gonna have to use for the finishing of the work.
09:55 And I think as media flexes its spiritual muscles,
09:59 dare I say, and becomes very aggressive
10:02 that God will use it in a powerful, powerful way.
10:04 We know now that when television,
10:07 3ABN in particular, goes into certain areas, things happen,
10:10 pots begin to bubble and souls begin to come
10:13 and I think the more that is expanded,
10:16 there was a time when there was no television presence,
10:22 now there are a slew of stations all preaching the gospel
10:26 and we cannot have too much of that.
10:27 But the beautiful part is that you said
10:30 wherever there's a heart and it's people loving the people
10:34 that the media brings into the church. Yeah, amen.
10:37 So it's a working together. Yeah, so much.
10:40 Joanne, thank you so very, very much.
10:42 Thank you for your love for the Lord,
10:44 for your media background and for those talents
10:46 that you bring to the work of God.
10:47 It's been a pleasure. God bless you.
10:49 Thank you. God bless you. Good to see you.
10:52 Well, listen this and we're getting so many great emails
10:59 and we want to say, well, Shelley is coming in.
11:02 I want to say that those of you that are trying to reach Roger
11:06 and you're coming through me, that's fine.
11:08 You just send them on to me
11:10 and I will forward them to Dr. Roger Robertson
11:14 and many of you have asked
11:16 what is the best way to come to Israel?
11:20 Should you come and stay there,
11:22 that might work for you as I would come as a group.
11:25 As individuals, the best way is come with a trip like ours
11:29 and it really is because it's organized.
11:32 In the end, it won't cost you any more
11:34 because we're able to as a group secure
11:38 some of these costs at a lot lower rate
11:42 than you can as an individual.
11:43 Well, Shelley, it's good to have you with us.
11:46 Well, it's exciting to be here.
11:47 And I just want to say to those of you at home, Shabbat Shalom.
11:52 You know, J.D. and I came with you yesterday--
11:56 we are awake, aren't we? Right.
11:57 Last year and it was life changing for us
12:00 because we've really-- it made the Bible come alive
12:04 and our guide Malcolm Cartier last year was wonderful.
12:08 This year it has been even better
12:12 because everything we learned last year,
12:15 it is just coming together for us,
12:19 you know, and you're already familiar.
12:21 I just can't wait to come back again. Right.
12:24 And we can't wait for you to come back.
12:27 Well, tell us you had some experiences though
12:29 that were exciting too, witnessing and so forth?
12:32 Absolutely, and you know we're with such a wonderful group
12:35 and we watch them.
12:37 They are great ambassadors for the Lord,
12:39 as they're out talking with shopkeepers
12:41 and we've had people ask about our beliefs.
12:45 I think for me the highlights
12:48 are when you stand on the Mount of Beatitudes
12:52 where Christ gave His inaugural address as King of the universe
12:57 and then like today where we were at the garden tomb,
13:01 Golgotha the garden tomb, and then having communion together.
13:06 It cements relationships and to watch the people on our bus
13:12 how they are growing, how there is so many tears.
13:15 We've had people who've said that
13:17 their emotions have been blocked for a year or 2 years
13:22 and suddenly every thing's come
13:23 and they feel like they're reconnecting with the Lord.
13:26 It's wonderful--
13:28 One of the things that I actually read about
13:29 this trip has been very healing,
13:30 because as we found out today during testimony time,
13:33 there are a number of people on this trip
13:34 who've lost children, husbands,
13:38 you know, very, very close and to come and to sort of
13:41 just bask in the sunshine of the love of Christ
13:44 and fellow Adventist is a healing thing.
13:46 Yeah, several ladies have lost husbands.
13:48 One young mother who had a child that was shocked and killed
13:55 only a few months ago and she says that she feels that
14:00 this has been a great healing experience.
14:02 Well, listen, we can't keep you too long,
14:04 but I want to talk to some of those
14:10 that have been helping us with this trip,
14:12 because it's a ministry for them.
14:17 Greg Riley, I began first working with his grandfather
14:22 Richard Riley over 30 years ago and then with his father Mike
14:28 and now Greg and I want to tell you something,
14:31 I liked his grandfather, and I liked his father,
14:33 but I like Greg better than both of them--
14:35 This is kind of in your DNA, man. It is, it is.
14:37 It is, I mean, if you got a child coming on you--
14:40 Two of them, two boys.
14:42 We got to start grooming them into the business also.
14:44 All right, this is right in the family tradition. It is, it is.
14:48 Yeah, well, Greg, we welcome you and tell us,
14:51 I know you have expressed to me that this is a ministry to you,
14:54 tell me a little bit about it.
14:56 Well, as you said, my grandfather started this
14:58 38 years ago now.
14:59 My father is in it and he was a missionary
15:03 and when he came back from India--
15:05 Your grandfather? My grandfather,
15:06 and one of his friends said,
15:08 "Hey, we got a fam trip, let's take you to the holy land."
15:11 And he went and came back and said,
15:13 "That's it, everybody has to go."
15:15 So from then till now,
15:17 we've been sending people to the holy land monthly.
15:21 Yes, well, I can understand his enthusiasm,
15:24 because to be honest with you, my first trip,
15:27 I did not have a good experience.
15:30 I had a very--I had a guide I couldn't understand
15:33 and see this is why we have worked so hard
15:36 to get guides that people can understand,
15:39 who get guides who are Christians,
15:42 to get the organization set up
15:45 so that it's friendly to our people,
15:49 because that first trip I came it wasn't.
15:51 But when I came back the second time,
15:53 I got Malcolm Cartier and from then on,
15:57 I have over 20 something trips with him
16:00 and we're gonna meet him in a little bit. Yes.
16:03 But it's been an exciting time.
16:07 But, Greg, I know we got a lot of people to talk to.
16:10 Do you have anything you wanted to share?
16:12 We're happy to serve you
16:14 and looking forward to maybe next year
16:16 serving a group in the holy land again.
16:18 Well, we hope you good.
16:20 We'll see you tomorrow in the bus.
16:21 All right, okay, thanks, Greg.
16:23 Now listen they've got people of all ages on this trip.
16:27 We have one family, they have their two children
16:32 that are like of what-- I think they are 11--
16:39 Between 10 and 12 certainly, yeah.
16:41 And these are two of the greatest kids. They are.
16:43 Ryan, a little boy, he is just into this trip so much
16:47 and the parents are just wonderful folks.
16:50 Yeah, Ryan was taking the pictures
16:51 when we were in the baptism oath-- Yeah.
16:54 In the Jordan the other day doing baptism
16:55 and the little boy was taking the pictures
16:57 and doing very, very fine job.
16:58 Very well behaved and you like to have nice children like that
17:01 who are paying attention,
17:03 who are listening as part of your tour.
17:05 Now, C.A., I have little bit of a conflict of interest
17:10 in this particular guest.
17:12 Would you do this part of the interview for me?
17:15 I think you and he share the same name. Yes, we do.
17:18 You know, the other day, I was trying to call you in your room
17:20 and I dialed the number
17:23 and I heard this voice, I said, "That's not Jim."
17:26 And I said, "Is this Jim Gilley?"
17:27 He said, "Yeah, this is Jim Gilley."
17:29 I said, "No you're not.
17:30 You're not Jim Gilley. I know his voice.
17:32 You're not Jim Gilley."
17:33 But it was Jim Gilley, I guess, the III. The III.
17:35 Yeah, the third Jim Gilley,
17:37 took a little time out to be with us. Yes.
17:39 I guess, he's the only person on this particular trip
17:41 sub 20 and-- Yeah, and that's not with their parents.
17:46 Yeah, you are right, who's not with their parents.
17:49 But what we want to ask you is first time here? Yes.
17:52 Yeah, your impressions as an academy student
17:56 attending an Adventist Academy. Where do you go to school? Yeah.
17:59 Sunnydale Adventist Academy.
18:00 Okay, a little commercial for Sunnydale and--
18:02 And they're in Centralia, Missouri. Centralia, Missouri.
18:05 It's a great school. I love it there.
18:07 All right.
18:08 Why did you want to come and now that you've come,
18:12 what do you think?
18:13 Well, I wanted to come because it's the place
18:16 I've been reading about since I was a little kid
18:19 and to finally see it come alive all the stories that I've read,
18:23 it's really been a good experience for me.
18:27 Less than you thought, more than you thought,
18:29 exactly what you thought, how has it impressed you?
18:31 Well, I really didn't know what to think coming here.
18:33 That was kind of just surprising but it's been really cool.
18:40 Now just between me and you, traveling with your grandfather,
18:45 good thing or has it been kind of, you know?
18:48 It's been really great.
18:49 Okay, you are politically correct.
18:53 I tell you his dad's been one of my favorite
18:56 travel partners through the years too.
18:58 And my kids, I love traveling with them.
19:02 It gives us--over the years, it gives us an opportunity
19:04 to be close to them, spend some real quality time.
19:08 Yeah, your kids did evangelism with you for many years.
19:10 Oh, yes, absolutely and working as kids, I mean,
19:15 you know, but then everyone had a job to do
19:18 and were very much a part of the team.
19:20 Marianne always ran the sound, my son Jim, his dad,
19:25 ran the computer, and took care of all the slides and so forth.
19:30 Their son John always ran the spotlight and Amy,
19:34 she just kind of ran around and helped with-- Just ran.
19:37 Right, but she was our youngest daughter,
19:41 but every once in a while, I've had them say to me,
19:45 "We got to go somewhere and do a meeting again sometime."
19:48 Well, Jim, we got to move along.
19:50 But--we do thanks, my friend, for coming,
19:53 my grandson. Thank you.
19:54 By the way, I had the privilege
19:56 of baptizing Jimmy in the Jordan River.
20:01 And we baptized, how many 35 was it?
20:04 It was a good number-- I think it was 35 people.
20:07 Many of them were rebaptisms,
20:09 but they were meaning for rebaptisms.
20:12 And there was one for sure that was a brand new baptism.
20:17 And she gave her heart to the Lord.
20:20 And, boy, I tell you the devil has fought her so hard,
20:24 but she needs holding on to Jesus
20:26 and it's an exciting thing.
20:28 Yeah, you know what, Jim, we're kind of slipping in here.
20:30 I had something happen in that baptismal service
20:33 that never happened in 38 years of ministry.
20:37 I had a lady float away from here,
20:38 in fact she floated right down that--
20:40 she did she float down to J.D., you kind of saved me.
20:43 I thought you told me you were fish nibbling--
20:45 With fish nibbling I've had before
20:47 when I baptized in fresh water before,
20:49 but she kind of just laid out and she just floated down.
20:54 I never had that happen before.
20:56 I thought I had pretty good technique.
20:57 You caught her though. Yeah, we got her.
20:59 Yeah, we've never lost anyone in a baptism.
21:01 Oh, you just stand up, it's not deep.
21:03 No, it's right, it's right.
21:06 This is J.D. Quinn. Yeah.
21:07 You know him very well.
21:09 He is the director of our pastoral department at 3ABN,
21:11 husband of Shelley Quinn
21:13 and J.D. Quinn is like a father in Israel.
21:15 What do you say? He is.
21:16 I tell you more people pray with J.D. than anybody I know of.
21:21 Really, really he does.
21:22 He prays with a lot of people all the time
21:24 and we just appreciate him so very much.
21:27 You know, we have something happening
21:29 right now in the United States.
21:32 One of our young men, Kyle Warne,
21:36 his father Mike died this week of a heart attack. Very sudden.
21:42 And Kyle and his brother, uh... Matthew.
21:46 Matthew--his sister Ruth. Yeah, and they just--
21:53 it just was a tragic sudden death for a man in his 50s
21:57 that heart attack that just took him immediately.
22:03 They're having a funeral this very hour
22:06 and we want to remember them.
22:08 In fact, J.D., I'm gonna ask you to have a prayer.
22:12 We've not had a prayer in our meeting so far
22:15 and I'm gonna ask you to have a prayer right now
22:18 for the family and for all those who maybe
22:21 hurting around in the world. Amen.
22:23 Would you pray?
22:25 Oh, Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus
22:27 and we just thank you, Lord,
22:28 that You are the great comforter.
22:31 And, Father, as we come to You right now
22:33 during this major loss,
22:35 a premature loss in our opinion, Lord,
22:37 Father, but Your ways are higher than our ways
22:39 and we don't understand them.
22:41 But, Father, this was such a godly man,
22:43 Mike was such a godly man and everyone loved him.
22:45 And he's got two precious boys and a precious girl
22:50 and a very precious wife, Lord.
22:52 And we're just asking that You will be with them, Lord,
22:54 that You will wrap Your arms around them,
22:56 and that You will give them the comfort needed, Lord.
22:58 And that You will just give them
23:00 a better understanding of the planet
23:02 You have for their life, Lord.
23:03 And, Father, there are many people, Lord,
23:06 right now that have different issues in life.
23:10 And, Father, as we just stand in the gap for them,
23:12 we just lift them up to you and just ask, Lord,
23:14 that You will just bless them according to their needs,
23:19 their desires, Lord, but what we want more than anything, Lord,
23:22 is that our will is lined up with Yours,
23:24 because then we know, Lord, that we're walking with You
23:29 with Your arms around us to smooth the road before us.
23:32 So, Father, we thank You and we love You
23:34 and we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
23:36 Amen. Amen.
23:38 You know, J.D., you were with us last year
23:41 and Shelley expressed how much the trip meant
23:46 and then how much it's meant this year.
23:49 How was your response?
23:50 Let me just share this if I can real quick,
23:53 because I've been keeping a day timer for 37 years
23:57 and let me just kind of just share in 15 or 20 seconds,
24:01 what we do every day.
24:02 We started with the Sea of Galilee,
24:04 then we went to Chorazin National Park,
24:07 then we went to Caesarea Philippi,
24:09 then we went to the source of the Jordan.
24:12 I mean, its looks like the Glacier National Park,
24:15 the water is so beautiful
24:16 and there's such an object lesson there is
24:18 as we get further away from the source,
24:20 we get further away from Jesus, you know.
24:22 And then we start,
24:23 then the next day we're at the Beit She'an National Park
24:27 and fantastic ruins by one of Herod's model cities
24:35 and then we went to Tiberius the Mount of Beatitudes,
24:39 we went to Capernaum, we went then--
24:42 and had this wonderful baptism,
24:44 what a wonderful baptism in the Jordan.
24:47 And I'll just quickly go,
24:49 we went to Megiddo, the national park,
24:51 we went to where Mount Carmel,
24:54 when Elijah was there,
24:56 we went to Caesarea there right on the Mediterranean,
25:01 then we went to Jericho,
25:03 we went to the sycamore tree that Zacchaeus went up,
25:06 I mean, these were just things that--
25:08 we went to Messara Qumran
25:09 where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered.
25:12 We went to the Dead Sea of what you cannot sink,
25:15 your legs were sticking up, your arms were sticking up
25:18 and it's just like sitting in a rocking chair.
25:21 And then, today we started off with the Mount of Olives,
25:26 then we went to the Eastern Gate, mercy grace,
25:29 we went to the Palm Sunday Path,
25:31 we went to the Garden of Gethsemane.
25:33 What a precious place, you know,
25:35 that everyone can sit there and pray together.
25:38 And as Joanne brought to you, the 27 echoes,
25:43 Pastor Gilley here as he said,
25:45 he says, I've been a frustrated choir director all my life
25:49 and I'll guarantee you, we have people that can sing like--
25:52 Just to be making up. Oh, yeah.
25:53 It was absolutely fantastic "How Great Thou Art." Yeah.
25:57 You know, and so then I just want to say one thing in closing
26:03 and that all the guests here,
26:04 before we came we dinner
26:06 and they say, hello, hello, hello,
26:07 that they're enjoying and they love it.
26:10 And so anyway. Okay.
26:13 Well, listen, J.D.,
26:14 we appreciate you coming in for us.
26:15 And we wanted to talk to a number of people
26:18 and let you visit with some
26:19 and one of those with a great voice
26:22 is this gentlemen right here.
26:24 Yeah. Pastor Hall.
26:27 Gladwin Hall, he's become our de facto song leader,
26:31 'cause he has the great voice, he leads songs very well.
26:33 Good to have you here, man. Greatful to be here.
26:36 First time. Very first time.
26:37 And it's a million times better than I imagined.
26:42 And I'm not a pastor and I'm not a song leader,
26:45 really, I describe myself as one who makes a joyful noise.
26:50 Amen. That's just me. Yeah.
26:52 You are a very, very enthusiastic song leader.
26:57 The group is so special and you know,
26:59 the variety and everything
27:01 and that just inspires me, it's beautiful.
27:03 Now looking at the joy in your faces,
27:05 I think this trip has exceeded your expectations.
27:07 Way, way beyond my dreams.
27:09 With the violence and everything at the beginning,
27:12 there was some concern.
27:14 The last Sabbath, my church family
27:16 at the Heart Lake SDA Church had a special prayer for me,
27:19 I didn't expect that.
27:21 They had a special prayer for me in Sabbath school
27:23 and after that prayer,
27:25 I just felt that there was nothing that'll stop me. Wow.
27:27 Yeah, I just feel a heart to be here
27:29 and whatever it takes, I know that I am here,
27:33 it's just beautiful, it's beyond belief.
27:37 The thing that lingers in my mind,
27:40 the first impression--
27:41 Well, first of all, I learned a number of things,
27:44 one, that the Sea of Galilee is not salt. Big revelation.
27:49 But our trip on that boat on that Sea of Galilee,
27:53 I will remember until my dying days.
27:55 It was just overwhelming,
27:58 it was just too much.
28:00 I almost couldn't breathe, you know,
28:03 I just see Jesus there with us.
28:05 And it was great, it was beautiful.
28:08 I don't know How else to put it.
28:09 Yeah, praise God, praise God.
28:11 Well, I can tell you're excited about it
28:14 and we want you to come back
28:16 and go with us again sometime. Oh, I will, I will.
28:19 And I have a bunch of friends who I'm sure,
28:21 when I go back and report and tell them that,
28:24 they're gonna want to be here. Yeah.
28:26 You have already ended this.
28:27 Before we let you go,
28:29 I want to ask you a quick question.
28:30 Are you a watcher of 3ABN?
28:32 How did you find out about this?
28:33 Oh, I'm a big fan of 3ABN.
28:37 I watched the every week and I purchased things
28:40 and so forth and I got a newsletter.
28:42 That's how I got it. Okay.
28:44 And I was just beyond excited. All right.
28:47 And I jumped on it immediately
28:49 and I have not regretted a cent or a second.
28:55 Well done, all right. Thank you.
28:58 All right, we're glad, God bless. We will see you.
29:00 Well you know, one of the things that,
29:01 as we said, makes our trips spiritually exciting
29:06 and informative is to have a real good guide.
29:09 Yeah. It's so important.
29:11 We're gonna talk to some of these guides,
29:12 right now that we've had.
29:15 And this is one right here. This is the guy on my bus, so--
29:17 That's your man. And he is on our bus.
29:21 This guy knows his stuff. He does.
29:23 Yeah, and he's calm,
29:25 he's cool, he's collected. Yeah.
29:27 He only got a little rattled one time.
29:28 We had this group kind of filter in our group
29:30 and cut through our group.
29:31 And that kind of rattled him a little bit
29:33 because this group kept coming into our group,
29:34 he is trying to talk and people are filtering through. Yeah.
29:36 But he's a good guy and he knows his stuff.
29:37 Good to have you, on board, man.
29:39 Well, good to be here. Yeah.
29:40 How long have you been guiding?
29:42 I asked that same question.
29:43 13 years now. Is that right?
29:45 Yeah. 13 years.
29:47 What was, kind of, the thing that got you started doing this?
29:49 Well, you know, pastor it never crossed my mind
29:54 years before I started doing this
29:56 that I would ever be doing that sort of thing.
29:58 I came from a completely different field. Yeah.
30:01 I was in medicine, you know, I was educated in Jersey.
30:04 Yeah, you told us, went to school in Jersey.
30:06 School in New Jersey, four years of pre-medicine
30:09 and then another year of medical genetics
30:12 here at the Hebrew University.
30:15 And then my cousin came to me
30:16 and he said let's do this tour guiding course.
30:18 And I said, I have no interest, I have no time. Yeah.
30:22 Well, to cut a long story short, to get him off my back,
30:25 I said okay, I'll come with you and I'll do it.
30:28 And I had no idea why I was doing it at that time,
30:30 but now I do know why, because the official title says,
30:35 tour guide, but there's a lot more to it than this.
30:38 I've been doing this for 13 years
30:39 and I said, when I started doing this,
30:41 I'll put my genetics program on hold
30:44 and I'll come back to it when I'm done with the tour guide,
30:47 because it's a long process of training.
30:49 Its three years of training and I never went back to that.
30:52 And I love what I'm doing, it's not just tour guiding,
30:55 it's sharing the word, it's sharing a moment of faith
30:59 and, you know, when you get an email from someone
31:02 who has been on a trip and he says or she says,
31:05 you know, "I'm reading the Bible
31:06 and it sounds completely different now"
31:07 or you get a word from the pastor and he says,
31:09 "I quoted you in a sermon today," it just makes--
31:12 the feeling is just-- I can't describe it,
31:16 you'd have to experience that
31:18 to be able to know what it feels like.
31:19 You know, today we had people give their testimonies
31:22 at the Garden Tomb after communion.
31:26 When you sit there and you hear them
31:28 tell about what this has meant to them,
31:32 don't you feel the depth of a ministry?
31:35 The joy is just so deep
31:38 and you feel like you have really touched somebody's life.
31:42 Because they've been listening to you all week. Exactly.
31:45 And now they are having this communion
31:51 and they are now expressing
31:54 what this is happening to their soul and to their lives
31:58 and the depth of their spiritual growth,
32:00 it's happening in a short week time of study and prayer
32:05 and intense--it's an intensive, it really is. It is, it is.
32:08 But it is life, literally, we use that old term a lot,
32:11 but it is literally life changing.
32:14 It is life changing--
32:15 So you're in a life changing business,
32:17 so to say, ministry.
32:19 I'm just a tool, we all are. Yeah.
32:23 Oh, absolutely, but God is using you
32:26 and the information that you supply
32:29 to bring about this inspiration because, you know,
32:32 we have a little devotional time with everybody,
32:35 but the time that they spend with you
32:39 is the time that I feel impacts them more than anything else.
32:44 That's true. Yeah.
32:46 It's very important for a guide to love the Lord,
32:50 to understand the geography and the archeology
32:57 and all of the things about the areas,
33:01 so that he can share those particular things.
33:04 Yeah, and now you said very early
33:05 on when we met you, you were a Christian,
33:07 you talked about the church you went to, you did some things.
33:10 You give out massive amounts of information,
33:13 it's all in here, because you're not looking at a paper,
33:15 really, it's just coming from your head and from your heart.
33:18 So you really believe that what you're doing is ministry,
33:20 because I can hear that passion that it comes with
33:24 and it's coming from your heart.
33:25 You know this stuff,
33:27 you know the text,
33:28 you know the history.
33:29 Do you pray up before you go before a group
33:31 or are you looking to say something
33:33 or looking to change a heart or anything--
33:35 No, well, do I pray? Yes.
33:37 But it just comes naturally to you.
33:40 I say, it's a gift.
33:43 Well, yeah, and I said it
33:44 and I say it beginning of every tour as a local question. Yes.
33:48 My philosophy with this is that the land is fifth gospel.
33:51 When you come and you see the land
33:53 and you see everything in the land,
33:55 geography, topography even animals and plants
33:57 and you talk to the people and you see the living stones,
34:00 it just makes it a lot more alive and lot more colorful
34:03 and that's what I try to concentrate on. Yes.
34:05 On these trips and I think it's been successful so far
34:08 So far, yes it has.
34:09 George, thank you so very, very much.
34:11 Well, thank you.
34:12 He is the tour guide of the red bus,
34:14 that's our bus. That's it.
34:15 And then, you know, he was calling "red bus!"
34:16 You know, time to come on back.
34:18 Yes. He is part of that.
34:19 All right, they were asking for us
34:22 to put that mike right over in front of our guest.
34:26 And you and I have to get closer together than we like.
34:31 But it's alright.
34:33 And now we have the guide of our blue bus
34:37 and I want you to introduce this guy, this is Yehuda.
34:42 This is Yehuda. Shalom.
34:43 And you are messianic Jew and that means he is Jewish
34:51 but he's accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.
34:54 And tell us a little bit about--
34:58 we've just visited with George
35:01 and he shared with us about his ministry
35:04 and what about how you feel about it as a ministry?
35:08 Well, I see again that it's not just a job, that it's really--
35:16 guiding is really helping people and I'm so--
35:21 I feel privileged to be with Maranatha Tours
35:26 which help to bring people that the hungry and thirst
35:30 for the word of God to get to know God
35:33 and there's no other place in the world
35:36 that you can find it.
35:37 I mean, just in this city where we're sitting now,
35:41 is the city of Jerusalem which is chosen by God
35:45 and people coming here to the land.
35:48 And again, they obviously heard of the places,
35:54 but there's nothing like reading the Bible
35:58 and being at the place where those things happened,
36:02 where miracles happened, where teaching,
36:05 those words were said at the place
36:08 and you're sitting and you're reading the word
36:10 and you actually look around, you see the place
36:14 and not only you get the perspective in the geography
36:18 but again, the scripture, the geography,
36:21 the land, the custom, you get know,
36:24 learn the custom of the people at the time,
36:27 what they used to dress, how they used to walk,
36:29 rather than driving a bus or a car.
36:32 And it's making then also personal,
36:38 to you yourself sitting at the place and thinking
36:43 how this word is gonna speak to me
36:46 and suddenly the words not only come alive,
36:49 but God speak to you.
36:51 Yes. Praise God.
36:52 And the good thing I say here is that
36:55 it doesn't you cost a lot because it's a local call
36:57 and you can call God and speak to Him directly.
37:01 Yeah. And you can hear him.
37:04 Yeah. I like that, I do. Well, that's great.
37:06 Yehuda, we heard part of your testimony.
37:08 You were a world class athlete, an Olympic class athlete.
37:13 George told us how he came in to be a tour guide.
37:16 How did that happen for you? Was it something you aspired to?
37:18 Kind of slipped into? How did you become a tour guide?
37:22 You know, we always want to call it tour guide ministry,
37:24 because we're seeing that, that it is a ministry,
37:26 but how did things happen?
37:27 I think even more for you than most people I've known.
37:29 So how did you come to that?
37:33 Well, first of all, love to meet people from all over the world.
37:39 And people come from all over the world
37:41 with all different languages,
37:43 they all come here to the land of the Bible
37:46 because they want to meet with God,
37:48 they want to hear Him
37:50 and they want to be able
37:52 to understand the life and the Bible.
37:56 And also for me, I wanted to help people
37:59 to not only just to take them from place to place,
38:03 but also to share the things that I've learned
38:08 when I was little, about the scripture.
38:12 Reading Isaiah 53, reading Jeremiah 31,
38:16 reading Micah 5:2 and so on.
38:19 And to be able to create some hunger in them,
38:27 so when they go home they can connect the dots
38:30 and they can say, "Wow.
38:34 I want to tell you what I've learned, what I've seen."
38:39 And then to share it with others,
38:41 so others can come because I think
38:44 that if something else that someone tell you,
38:47 you should come to the land of the Bible.
38:50 But it's so important to also be able to pray about it
38:55 and then come yourself and see
38:58 and experience for yourself. All right.
39:00 And for me to able to take people around,
39:04 to help them in all their needs and to share what I know
39:09 and to see them going home happy and safe
39:13 and so lively, that's what I really see the blessing.
39:21 Thank you, Yehuda. God bless you. Bless you.
39:23 I appreciate you coming and sharing with us.
39:25 I hope to come out again. All right--
39:27 To see you all and meet you all.
39:28 Shalom. All right.
39:30 Well, listen, we've got one more guest that we want to talk to
39:33 and this is a man that I met over 30 years ago.
39:37 He is the man I mentioned a while ago
39:39 that changed my whole appreciation
39:42 for this part of the world because of the knowledge
39:45 that God had given him through his own study
39:48 and because of the way that he presents it.
39:52 Malcolm Cartier, we welcome you.
39:54 We're so glad to have you.
39:55 Shalom, shalom. Yes.
39:57 Or as the early Christians would say,
39:58 Shalom Maranatha. All right.
40:01 But you would know, the word was Maranatha,
40:03 1 Corinthians 15, "Our Lord comes."
40:06 So I'm saying what better way to travel than with Maranatha?
40:09 That's right, we want Him to come soon.
40:12 Malcolm has been my guide for over 20 trips
40:15 and he would be in one of them this year.
40:21 We had three last year on that trip,
40:24 these trips are expandable,
40:26 we can start with one bus we go to two buses,
40:28 three buses as they fill up.
40:30 So we have no limit
40:31 to how many people that we can take,
40:34 really, I guess there would be a limit
40:36 but I don't anticipate that that'll ever be a problem.
40:40 And reason I mention that
40:41 is someone just sent me an email,
40:43 said how many people can you bring?
40:46 And so the important thing is that we organize these trips
40:53 so that they are spiritual, so that they are informative
40:58 and so that they're interesting
41:00 and we have a very wonderful time of fellowship together.
41:03 But-- So we got together about 30 years ago
41:07 and you really helped me in my understanding of the word,
41:12 and as we studied the fifth Gospel.
41:16 But you had surgery this past year
41:19 and you have had cancer surgery,
41:23 things are going well because I know a lot of people
41:26 that are watching have been over here with you.
41:28 And you probably have guided
41:30 more Seventh-day Adventists than any guide alive
41:35 and we have a large Seventh-day Adventist world,
41:38 I believe that, really.
41:40 And we had the largest viewing audience
41:44 of Seventh-day Adventists in our denomination.
41:46 So we believe that a lot of them are watching.
41:48 In fact, if you want to tell Malcolm hello,
41:51 just send me a message.
41:56 and we'll get it to him. Thank you.
41:58 But, Malcolm, you've got a wonderful family,
42:01 I know them, how many children?
42:03 I have three children. And how many grandchildren?
42:05 We got two grandchildren at the moment. All right.
42:08 My youngest I haven't yet seen. All right.
42:11 I would like to hold him for his circumcision,
42:14 but unfortunately at that time I was in hospital
42:16 and unable to do so.
42:17 Okay, so you had to do it by skype.
42:20 So we had to do it by skype.
42:21 Yes, this is the modern world we live in.
42:23 That's right, right.
42:25 Well, tell us a little bit now,
42:27 you really feel that when you present the word,
42:31 you are helping people have a deeper spiritual experience?
42:35 Most definitely, yes.
42:36 I think it was Paul that said,
42:38 "It is insufficient to tell, you have give up your self."
42:41 We all have to give up ourselves.
42:44 And here when people come to the Promised Land
42:46 which is the geo-political historical center
42:49 of where it all happened.
42:51 This is the navel of the world,
42:52 this is the link of the world together.
42:55 Europe, Asia, Africa, we're that keystone,
42:59 we have to survive.
43:01 The world collapses otherwise.
43:03 Certainly by the way of faith.
43:05 So I think, yes, it is important that they should come,
43:08 they should see, they should understand,
43:10 we are a mosaic of people today,
43:12 whether be by color or creed, religion, vegetation even.
43:17 This is the link.
43:20 And by showing people, where they see much more
43:23 than they can see anywhere in the world, it's all here.
43:28 There's something for everyone in this tiny piece of land.
43:33 I'm not surprised God chose it.
43:34 No. I'm really not.
43:37 But here they can fully understand
43:40 what they are seeing, what are they reading.
43:42 It's not just words on a page, it suddenly becomes alive,
43:47 the Bible lives through that.
43:50 And I think by the guides and the work that they do,
43:54 they're expressing themselves,
43:56 but they're expressing God's work too. Yeah.
43:59 And that is the importance of being here.
44:02 To see, to smell, to touch, to taste, to feel everything
44:06 and make that Bible come alive in their own lives today.
44:09 And that cannot be done anywhere else in the world.
44:13 You know, when you talk about being the center,
44:15 I mentioned this earlier.
44:17 I think you probably could explain it much better than I,
44:19 but it is geographically located
44:24 between Africa and Europe and Asia, right.
44:30 So whether it's in Europe, Asia and Africa,
44:32 Shem, Ham and Japheth. Yeah.
44:34 It's all starting here. From here it spreads out.
44:37 Out of Jerusalem goes the word of the Lord.
44:40 Okay. Out of Jerusalem, out of Zion.
44:43 So what better place than come back to Zion
44:45 to understand the call of where the message came out from.
44:50 And if we look at Jerusalem today,
44:52 we can go back to the days even to the Canaanites,
44:56 if we look at Jerusalem like a man lying on his back
44:58 from the pool of Siloam down by his feet
45:02 which is incidentally is where Jesus cures the blind man.
45:06 Interesting enough that this is how it rises up
45:08 through the city of David that made this the Messianic city,
45:12 the city for all peoples to come and to hear
45:15 about the coming of the Messiah.
45:17 But in order to attack it,
45:18 and he attacked as a military man
45:21 which forbade him to build the temple.
45:23 But when he came and took Jerusalem,
45:25 he said go up the shaft killing the lame and the blind.
45:29 I find that very interesting
45:32 because out of that messianic line came Jesus
45:35 and who does he cure in Jerusalem?
45:37 Only two miracles, the lame and the blind. Wow.
45:42 But to understand that, to understand the connection,
45:44 the inter-relationship between the Old and the New Testament
45:48 coming off from David to Solomon building the temple
45:51 to the Antonia Fortress and finally at the head,
45:54 the Garden Tomb, the sight of Calvary.
45:58 An empty tomb set in the garden.
46:01 You feel, you experience.
46:03 You're quite right, it's not another trip,
46:06 it's not going on a cruise and relaxing,
46:09 or seeing grass skirts or seeing some unusual animal. Right.
46:15 But you will go home,
46:18 your life certainly will be changed.
46:19 I've been to America,
46:21 I have traveled much of America,
46:22 I've been to many different churches
46:25 and I've seen ministries of ministers turned around.
46:29 It's no long that old gospel explanation again.
46:33 It wasn't out there,
46:35 somewhere in that mystical land in Gethsemane,
46:38 but when I was in Gethsemane, when I stood by Calvary,
46:43 when I sailed the Sea of Galilee when I walk through Caesarea,
46:49 and saw that trial of Paul,
46:51 could you have stood up like Paul? You experience.
46:56 And there's nothing that can compensate that experience,
47:00 other and being here seeing, understanding,
47:04 tasting, smelling.
47:07 And this county will be a country of the meeting
47:09 of the east and the west.
47:12 "They will be my people, I will be their God
47:14 in faithfulness and righteousness"
47:15 in Zechariah Chapter 8. Here it all comes together.
47:21 So then, answer this question for me,
47:23 Malcolm, if you will.
47:25 If someone wanted to say to you, finish this sentence.
47:28 "As a tour guide who has a body of knowledge and the country,
47:34 the land being the fifth gospel,"
47:36 and I didn't understand that till I got here
47:37 and that has been drilled into our heads,
47:39 but also explain to us in a way that you have to accept it.
47:43 You say, "my job as a tour guide and as a preacher is to do
47:51 what to those people who you have listening to you
47:55 for five, seven, eight, ten days
47:57 when I'm done I want them to be aware and knowing what?"
48:01 I think when I'm done, they have just begun.
48:04 I think when I'm done and that word becomes alive
48:07 and they have seen the place, they have touched it,
48:10 they have seen those flowers and they have tasted that food.
48:13 It suddenly has a new experience within their head.
48:16 When they end up in Calvary and take communion,
48:21 they have finished that physical journey,
48:24 they have just begun their spiritual journey.
48:27 They have suddenly understood,
48:29 "Why do I believe, why do I accept?
48:34 I have been in the footsteps of those sages,
48:36 I've walked in the footsteps of Jesus,
48:39 I've seen the very stones that He saw."
48:42 And many people say to me, and yes,
48:44 but when I get to Jerusalem
48:46 I'm going to see this big large modern buildings.
48:49 You think Jesus saw a bunch of antiquities?
48:52 No. He saw big numbers.
48:55 But He saw the most glorious temple
48:57 that had ever been built by man anywhere in the world.
49:00 He who did not see the temple of Herod the great
49:03 had never seen beauty.
49:05 But if you want to see beauty,
49:06 you want to understand that beauty,
49:08 you want to feel and experience that beauty,
49:11 then come and do that, do exactly that.
49:15 So I think by the end of my journey,
49:17 I have given them sufficient knowledge,
49:19 sufficient understanding that when they go home,
49:23 they will never read their Bibles the same.
49:25 They will read as an experience, "Oh, I remember.
49:30 Ah, I got that train of thought.
49:33 I see it in a totally different light."
49:38 And on the first trip, what can I say?
49:40 Very often, it's overwhelming. We've heard that this evening.
49:44 The second trip, it wasn't all brand new,
49:47 I began to understand, but that really comes in the third trip.
49:54 Now I really understand
49:56 and I think if I ask Pastor Jim here after 30 times--
50:01 Twenty two. When the first time--
50:02 Twenty two times, but I'm praying for 23.
50:06 He is praying for 23. Yeah.
50:09 It just rejuvenates me spiritually and just renews
50:15 and I learn so much more every time I come.
50:19 And even going to the same sites even when I have--
50:22 and we always throw in different sites,
50:23 but even when I go to the same sites,
50:27 I find out new information that I never knew before.
50:31 We learn new information. Yeah.
50:33 A guide, as a pastor grows in his ministry.
50:36 Yeah, you're not telling me
50:38 the same thing you did 30 years ago.
50:39 No, certainly not. No.
50:41 Look at what we have already found. Yeah.
50:43 People that have been here 20, 30 times
50:46 and there's always something new to show them.
50:48 Yeah, yeah. And it's still the same place.
50:51 You know, Beit She'an we were out there
50:53 and I remember in the 70s my first trip here,
50:58 well, it was before I met you.
51:00 All they had was just one little gate there
51:02 and then I come back
51:04 and all of this excavation has been done.
51:06 It's all here. It's amazing.
51:08 And this is not the only place, there are several places.
51:12 Chorazin the work has been done there. Absolutely.
51:15 And all the other places that you are able to really see
51:19 and these are places that were important to Jesus.
51:22 We look at those three spots up there
51:25 particularly where He taught so much Capernaum,
51:29 Chorazin and what's the third one?
51:33 Capernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida.
51:35 Yeah, Bethsaida, okay.
51:37 But we find that these are the towns
51:40 where Jesus taught more than any other place.
51:43 And He says "Woe unto you,"
51:45 because this will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah
51:49 and in the end, it will be for you
51:51 because you've had such an opportunity to hear the gospel.
51:56 Yeah, you can hear the gospel in the same place
51:59 where that same teaching took place.
52:01 Right, exactly.
52:04 But do you begin to understand what he was saying to them
52:07 and the proximity of where He was going
52:11 and giving this message.
52:14 Wow, let's say, it is exciting, yeah.
52:17 Malcolm, I just want to ask you a question before we go
52:19 because you've been through a tough physical bout,
52:22 healthwise this year and yet there's still this joy,
52:24 there's excitement in you.
52:26 That has not dimmed, we can feel it coming from you.
52:28 Let me ask you one of those big high console questions
52:30 we ask every now and again.
52:32 What, When a tour's over,
52:34 what's the best thing a person can say to you,
52:36 make you go home at night and sleep well?
52:38 To know you've done your job?
52:40 I remember a number of years ago,
52:42 I had a group with Pastor Jim.
52:45 And there was two gentlemen
52:46 that were traveling together around the world.
52:49 And they came on the trip here to the Holy Land
52:53 and one of them at the end of the trip came up to me
52:56 and he asked me a question.
52:58 He said, Malcolm, I traveled many, many places,
53:03 I never even had in my wildest dreams
53:05 to come to the Promised Land,
53:07 but my friend wanted to come and I came with him.
53:11 And my last question to you before I go home.
53:14 Where do I start learning, what do I start reading?
53:20 That Bible is the best guide book
53:23 and when you have been here and seen it,
53:25 they go home and they say,
53:28 "I need to know more, it is now a part of my life."
53:34 Creates that hunger.
53:36 It creates that hunger, that thirst which then grows.
53:40 All we can do is sow the seed.
53:43 What you do with the seed is up to you.
53:45 That's right. Absolutely. Wow.
53:49 Well, thanks so much for coming in
53:52 and sharing with us, Malcolm.
53:56 You're one of my great friends.
53:57 You've got a lot of friends
53:59 and I know that Greg Riley is your closest friend
54:02 and Greg is a wonderful man,
54:06 he's been a very faithful friend to you and all of us. Yes.
54:11 And beyond that, you have hundreds of friends,
54:15 probably may be even beyond that.
54:17 And I'm just glad to be numbered as one of those,
54:20 I want you to know that.
54:21 Well, I look forward to being very, very close friends.
54:24 God bless you. We're down to the last 30 seconds now.
54:27 Yeah, stay with us till the end,
54:29 you don't need to go. Sit with us.
54:30 Well, listen, why don't you take us out?
54:32 Well, it's been a wonderful
54:34 exciting time for us just being here,
54:36 just experiencing what God has for us in this land
54:39 and being in the places that we've read about
54:42 and heard about as Malcolm had said so eloquently.
54:44 It's been a great blessing.
54:46 Our job here at Night Light is to bring you the truth
54:48 about what's happening in the world today
54:50 and, Jim, this has been an exciting time, has it not?
54:53 It really has. Yeah.
54:54 And we can tell from the response
54:56 that you appreciate it. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17