Night Light Live - 2nd Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NLLB

Program Code: NLLB012701

00:09 Well, we've been learning some very interesting things
00:12 about the work here in Puerto Rico.
00:14 You see, growth like we have seen
00:18 just doesn't happen automatically.
00:21 No, it's no accident. There's a plan here.
00:23 There's a plan that involves the medical work--
00:26 Mm-hmm. Educational work, evangelism--
00:29 Mm. The media-- Yeah.
00:31 And the media is really big here.
00:35 3ABN has been here for a long time--Quite a while.
00:38 And so we've been part of that media inroads
00:42 that have been made and are gonna be even hopefully more.
00:46 Mm-hmm. So because we're converting now to digital,
00:51 which means we'll have four channels now.
00:53 We're in the eastern part of the island--
00:54 No, we're in the western part of the island.
00:57 I'm talking about where our 3ABN is.
00:58 Oh, 3ABN is, okay, yeah. I know--
01:00 That's eastern. We're in the western part, right.
01:02 But the 3ABN tower is-- Is in the east.
01:05 In the eastern. That's correct.
01:06 Right, right, San Juan area
01:08 and it does hit a very populous area. Yeah.
01:14 Folks, we're gonna see some exciting things
01:16 happening in the future, because we'll have four channels
01:19 plus two radio channels.
01:22 Four television channels, 3ABN, 3ABN Latino,
01:27 Dare to Dream and Proclaim. Hmm.
01:29 And then two of the radio channels, 3ABN Latino and 3ABN.
01:35 So there's just no way that that isn't gonna
01:39 have an impact in that particular area.
01:40 Oh, I agree. I agree.
01:42 And so we're excited about that media outreach.
01:45 Yeah, we are. Jorge, I want to just go to you
01:48 because you've spent considerable time here.
01:50 We talked about your impressions,
01:52 but you were here a month last year.
01:54 Tell us some of the things that 3ABN has done
01:56 even working with this particular church
01:58 and in media as far as programming
01:59 and some of the things that you're looking at
02:01 with 3ABN Latino coming out of Puerto Rico.
02:05 Si, uh, yes. Si. I'm confused. Yeah, it's true.
02:12 We have done quite a bit of productions here
02:14 and like--as I said in the first hour,
02:17 we have so many talents and one of the things
02:20 that we were into, to work here with the media centers
02:22 in series especially on sciences and religion aspects.
02:28 We just finished last September.
02:30 We were here one month.
02:32 And we finished a series that is called
02:34 "Ciencia Tres Sesenta," science 360.
02:37 It is a series of interview with different scientists
02:42 and professors hosted by a person
02:46 who is very well known here, Dr. Efrain Velazquez,
02:50 and they touch all these topics about creation
02:53 and sciences and religion and actually this program
02:57 has been a blessing.
02:59 We have received so much response
03:02 and we are very, very pleased for that.
03:04 And we continue-- we want to continue
03:07 to produce this kind of programs
03:09 because this is-- like we were mentioning
03:11 and at some point last-- in the first hour,
03:13 there's a university here and there's different careers
03:18 and the reputation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:21 is also very strong on the education part.
03:24 So we want to take advantage of that,
03:28 if you will, to show new programs
03:30 that I will talk about religions and science
03:33 and also other topics and we have that kind of academy here.
03:37 We are starting a new program, a children's program.
03:41 So we're gonna also get this type of programming
03:46 in the air with many, many opportunities and talents
03:51 that we have here in this church,
03:54 in this community-- Mm-hmm.
03:55 As far as, like, in this case children programs.
03:59 I know my wife is producing a program
04:03 and young people from this area are coming to 3ABN currently--
04:06 That is correct. Yeah.
04:09 And, yes, we have two representatives,
04:13 two young, young ladies that they went to 3ABN
04:17 and they did a program over there
04:18 that is called Cocina Con Color--Uh-huh.
04:23 Cooking with color.
04:25 And they are very young, but very enthusiastic
04:28 and they have projected this Puerto Rican passion
04:32 and they're cooking and what their goal
04:34 is to show how kids, young kids--
04:36 Mm-hmm. Teenagers can also be useful in the kitchen.
04:41 Mm. And they can create different dishes
04:43 and things and so Patricia and Priscilla Gonzalez are the--
04:47 Oh, yes. Ones who are doing this program.
04:50 Praise the Lord. So I know that 3ABN Latino
04:52 is very happy because they're getting some benefit
04:54 out of Puerto Rico, major benefit and major programming.
04:57 Yes. That is correct. Yes.
05:00 Well, we've talked about programming, Jim,
05:02 and we've talked about media outreach
05:04 and, of course, we're TV guys--
05:08 Yeah. But radio is still a very,
05:12 very powerful, powerful missionary tool.
05:15 Very, very powerful. And--
05:17 And a very important part of 3ABN as well.
05:20 Very much so, very much so. Yes.
05:21 We're gonna ask, I want to get his name, Jaime Blanco to come.
05:26 He is the General Manager of Radio Paraiso--
05:30 Mm-hmm. Radio Paraiso and he's a great host.
05:32 He had us out for lunch today. Great. Yes.
05:37 See, I know--have affinity because this is a New York guy.
05:42 All right. He's in Puerto Rico now,
05:44 but he goes back to the Bronx. Yes.
05:46 He's a New York guy.
05:47 So you and Pastor Lomacang, this is a New York guy--
05:49 Uh-huh. So we can talk with him.
05:51 Okay. Well, I know one thing,
05:53 that he has a broad range of ministry.
05:57 Mm-hmm. He has been involved in the food business.
06:01 That's right. And also in media and in pastoral ministry.
06:09 And today, tell us a little bit about--
06:11 we ate at a health food restaurant
06:14 that is located at the conference office,
06:17 tell us a little bit about that. Yes, we have a supermarket.
06:20 All right. West conference.
06:23 We also have in that supermarket a cafeteria and a ABC store.
06:27 All right. So it's all together and our customers
06:29 will come in and they can eat, or they can read--
06:32 Uh-huh. Or they can buy their supplies--
06:33 Right. That they've enjoyed at the cafeteria
06:36 and also take home.
06:37 And this has been at least successful
06:41 enough to stay in business for a number of years.
06:43 Yes, this had started since 1998. Is that right?
06:47 We have been supplying all the supermarkets
06:49 in Puerto Rico besides selling our food
06:53 to the neighbors near the conference--Uh-huh.
06:55 We also supply for the supermarkets in Puerto Rico,
06:58 vegetarian meats, vegetarian products--
07:01 Okay. And also the health food stores--
07:03 Right. Are being benefited by our distribution of foods
07:06 that can be healthy for our listeners
07:09 and also our members from church.
07:11 Wow. I didn't know that, that comes through you.
07:13 You are the supplier for other markets?
07:15 Yes. Our conference does that for all of Puerto Rico
07:19 and even the Virgin Islands. Wow.
07:21 Hmm, very good. Praise the Lord.
07:22 So it's been a blessing not only to have the opportunity
07:25 to reach people with the food,
07:28 but we also have the opportunity in our conference,
07:30 as you said before, to reach the people
07:32 through our radio station. Mm-hmm.
07:33 Well, we had lunch there today and we were your guests
07:36 and we appreciated that very much.
07:38 But it was not only healthy, it was delicious.
07:42 Amen. And I think we enjoyed it very much.
07:46 Indeed, we did. I enjoyed mine, I did.
07:47 Yeah, I enjoyed mine, yes.
07:49 I could say that I did see you enjoy your food today. Yes.
07:53 Yeah. I really did--
07:55 Now just to get some background on you,
07:58 you were born in Puerto Rico or born in New York?
08:00 I know you spent considerable time in the States--
08:02 Yes. But born here or born in the States?
08:03 I was born in New York. Uh-huh. I was born in Bronx.
08:06 Mm-hmm. In Bronx, New York and after being there
08:09 for 18 years is that when I come to Puerto Rico in 1984
08:12 and I start living here in Puerto Rico
08:15 and ever since, I've been here. Mm-hmm. For the past 25 years.
08:18 Uh-huh. All right. Hmm.
08:20 Now your background is in ministry? Yes, it is.
08:22 Uh-huh. I have a major in theology
08:24 and I studied at the university--
08:26 Seventh-day Adventist University here in Mayaguez--
08:28 Uh-huh. That's where I finished my theology major.
08:31 Okay. And after that I had the calling to stay
08:34 in this Conference and we've been working ever since.
08:36 Mm-hmm. Hmm.
08:38 So the brethren asked you to go into radio.
08:41 Did you immediately see the benefit of moving
08:44 from pastoral ministry into really a wider sphere in radio?
08:47 Well, it was a great challenge
08:49 'cause I had never been in radio before.
08:50 Uh-huh. I did participate.
08:53 I did have the opportunity to share with the manager
08:57 before me and it was a great challenge
09:00 and I thought that if God had called me,
09:02 he would also prepare me to do so.
09:04 Yes. Mm-hmm. And it's been a great blessing. Mm-hmm.
09:06 In reality, it's been a great blessing to see
09:09 and hear people give testimony of what the radio station can do
09:13 for their lives when they're in a desperate situation.
09:15 You know, a lot of radio stations
09:17 work on taped programs.
09:19 In fact, some of them, there's no one really alive
09:22 there, except maybe an engineer
09:25 and even during the nighttime, it may be all automated.
09:29 But when I went to your radio station, I saw studios.
09:33 I saw people running in and out.
09:35 I even saw the chief of police
09:37 coming to do an interview program.
09:40 We did an interview program.
09:43 How many live programs do you do a day?
09:46 Well, we could say that at least 75% of our programs are live.
09:51 Is that right? Yes, it is.
09:52 And the rest of the programs have been taped
09:57 because of the people that are running the program
10:03 have other things to do so--Yes.
10:06 Their time is not as wide or broad-- Right.
10:08 As ours, so--they-- Right--right.
10:09 They do the taping before that. Uh-huh.
10:11 But we also have an English version
10:14 of Paradise Radio. Okay.
10:16 That's how we call it in English. Uh-huh.
10:17 Radio Paraiso and we also have some of 3ABN programs
10:22 in that radio station-- All right.
10:23 Now-- And in the internet.
10:25 Is that a different letters
10:27 and different numbers on the dial?
10:30 This is 90...what? 92.9.
10:33 Okay. The FM in Puerto Rico--
10:35 And is it all on 92.9 or is there a different channel?
10:37 That would be in the internet. Okay.
10:39 The radio station we have in English version
10:41 which we also try to reach other people, besides--All right.
10:45 Our Spanish speaking here in Puerto Rico-- Yes.
10:48 We have had the English version also to reach the people
10:52 that stay here in Puerto Rico
10:53 that only speak English. Right.
10:55 And it's been a blessing 'cause we have calls
10:56 from different countries-- Sure.
10:58 Such as Iraq, Russia, Italy.
11:00 So it's on the internet.
11:02 It's on the internet. That's right. All right.
11:03 Yeah, we're looking at some pictures now
11:04 and I was just getting ready to call for this Radio Paraiso.
11:07 It's on the same campus as the conference office
11:10 and the health food store--
11:12 Right. That's right.
11:14 All sort of tucked there together
11:15 and really doing a very, very fine job.
11:17 You gave us some stories that we kind of want you to--
11:21 here's the conference office we're looking at now.
11:24 Beautiful campus, very tropical feel
11:27 and that's where you have to go to work every day,
11:30 bless your heart. Yeah, that's right.
11:31 That's not a bad place to go to work every day,
11:33 but you gave us some stories
11:35 that I kind of want you just recite now of--
11:39 there were two very powerful stories of the ministry
11:42 that your station, Radio Paraiso is doing
11:46 and the lives that it is saving and touching.
11:48 Recount those stories for us now, Jaime, if you will.
11:50 Yes, the first one that I had told you this morning is
11:53 one of a man that we received a letter today--
11:55 yesterday, I'm sorry.
11:57 He was a radio listener that was going through a rough situation
12:01 with his life and at one moment he decided to commit suicide.
12:05 And when he decided to do so,
12:07 he started breaking all the things
12:10 he had in his house, as he wrote in his letter
12:12 and he was throwing things left to right at his house
12:15 and the last thing he left to throw was his radio.
12:19 So--but when he threw his radio,
12:21 it was on Paradise Radio, Radio Paraiso.
12:25 And the song that was playing is a song about the life of Noah
12:29 when he was in the ark and he sent a dove
12:32 to go and see if it could--
12:33 it was positive to already be still and come out of the ark.
12:38 And that song is relating the dove to the Holy Spirit.
12:41 How the Holy Spirit will go out and come back and reach you
12:43 and let you know that there's hope.
12:46 So he was listening to that song
12:48 as he was thinking about committing suicide.
12:50 And at that moment, our DJ or the radio controller said,
12:54 "Listen, if you need prayer, you can call me right now."
12:57 And he gave out the phone number and this person decided to call
13:00 and God liberated him from committing suicide
13:03 at that moment-- Wow.
13:04 And he's very thankful to God for that.
13:05 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
13:07 And we've had other situations like that before.
13:09 Now before you go to the other one just--
13:10 I just want to stop there.
13:12 Jim, that's no accident. No, absolutely not.
13:13 You know, at the moment that you're getting ready-- Yeah.
13:15 To sort of just end it all, you throw your radio
13:17 and there's a song and an appeal-- Right.
13:20 At the time that you really need it
13:22 and God provides it. That's a blessing.
13:23 That's the miracle about that situation there.
13:24 Yes. That's right--
13:26 Yeah, even though he did not have
13:29 Paradise Radio on his dial, on his radio station,
13:31 it ended up and-- It was there at that moment--
13:33 Yeah. Praise the Lord for that.
13:37 I tell you, when he gets to the kingdom,
13:40 he's gonna need to talk to his angel.
13:42 He sure does.
13:43 And that angel was flipping that dial pretty quick.
13:46 Yes, he was, yes, he was. And--
13:47 Now there was a second one
13:49 equally as dramatic that you said--
13:50 Yeah. Tell us that story.
13:52 Well, it's about a person that is a guard.
13:55 He works as a guard for a company,
13:57 a factory and he also has in his mind to commit suicide
14:03 and at that moment to avoid people from listening the shot
14:06 that he was gonna give himself with his gun,
14:09 he decided to put up real loud the radio that he had.
14:13 But the radio station when he put it
14:15 at real loud was on Paradise Radio. Hmm.
14:17 And at that moment, our technician that was on the radio
14:21 at that moment was appealing to people if they had any problems,
14:24 if they had any situations that they needed prayer
14:27 and he also said,
14:28 "If you're trying to commit suicide at this moment,
14:30 I would like to tell you that
14:32 there's somebody that loves you." Mm.
14:34 And at that moment, when he heard those words,
14:36 he was really impressed
14:38 and he put down the volume of his radio
14:41 and the DJ that was talking at that moment
14:44 also gave the phone number for prayer
14:46 and he called and he let our DJ know,
14:48 John Estevez, which was the person at that moment,
14:52 that he had just saved his life. Hmm.
14:54 But it wasn't him, it was God-- It was God.
14:56 It was the Holy Spirit-- Yeah.
14:57 Who had worked of again putting that dial of his radio
15:01 on Paradise Radio.
15:03 Wow. Exactly. Wow. Powerful.
15:05 Yeah. Powerful.
15:06 And I guess you get those kinds of things
15:09 certainly maybe on a daily, weekly basis.
15:11 You're getting affirmations that
15:13 you're meeting needs here on the island. Oh, yes.
15:15 We had one program that was called "Try Jesus Christ."
15:18 It was at the beginning of 2010 in January.
15:21 And we had people calling
15:23 and asking for prayer for 40 days.
15:26 We did a 40-day plan of prayer, intensive prayer,
15:29 morning, afternoon, and evening.
15:31 And people were calling.
15:32 Some of those testimonies were parents
15:34 that had situation with their sons
15:37 and daughters and it was wonderful
15:39 to have those people call back and let us know
15:42 that God had done something marvelous
15:44 with their families. Hmm.
15:45 And there was no problem anymore with that situation
15:48 where their parents had a faulty situation
15:50 with their son or their daughter.
15:52 God had reconciled that family.
15:54 And it was great to have those kind of calls
15:56 and people that were calling that God had even healed them
16:00 from cancer was one case that we heard.
16:02 Mm. Mm.
16:04 Praise God. Wow.
16:05 Now I know you live a little ways away.
16:08 You're an hour or plus away.
16:10 I guess, it makes that drive that much easier
16:13 and sweeter to know that when you come to work,
16:16 you're doing a ministry that is saving and touching lives.
16:18 Oh, yes. I enjoy it very much.
16:20 It's been a great experience.
16:22 I thank God and the conference
16:24 for giving me the opportunity to work in the radio station
16:26 and also our TV station, which is Paradise Radio
16:30 and Paradise TV-- Mm-hmm.
16:32 And we're working on, on having more channels
16:35 so that we can keep giving the opportunity to the people
16:37 to listen to the word of God and see the word of God.
16:40 Praise God. Yeah.
16:41 Praise God. It's been a great experience.
16:43 To hear just the testimony of people letting us know that
16:47 God has touched those lives, it's very impressive for us.
16:51 You know, one of the things that we like
16:52 and I know Jim likes this too, 'cause we talk about this
16:54 a lot at 3ABN is when we get hard evidence
16:58 that someone was led to the Lord
17:00 or to the Adventist Church through our ministry.
17:03 We get them almost on a daily basis. Yeah.
17:05 But there are churches that baptize
17:07 30, 40, 50 people a year through 3ABN.
17:10 Do you get that or do you keep any kind of record
17:12 of how many people come through hearing your radio station
17:16 and come into the church of God?
17:18 Well, last year, we started doing that account
17:20 and we reached 10 souls last year.
17:23 Praise the Lord. Wow.
17:24 Through our radio station that were baptized-- Mm-hmm.
17:26 And this year we have at least eight people Mm-hmm.
17:29 That are starting the Bible
17:31 to get prepared for baptism. Mm-hmm.
17:33 And we also have one testimony which was very interesting
17:36 that he was asking through facebook
17:39 that if anybody could help him to go
17:41 and visit a Seventh-day Adventist Church
17:44 in the West Conference area, and I answered his call.
17:48 I wrote to him and he wrote back
17:51 and now he's doing a theology major
17:54 at the university-- Oh, wow.
17:55 Of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-- Wow.
17:57 And he was baptized last week. Praise the Lord.
18:00 And God is really working it and-- Yes.
18:01 Through our radio station-- Yes, he is. Yes.
18:03 In great ways. Wow.
18:04 Not only in the church, Jim,
18:05 but in the church and in the ministry--
18:07 That's right. Getting ready to call--
18:08 That's right. Others to Christ. Yeah.
18:10 Well, I tell you, it is an exciting thing
18:11 and those are the ones that you directly know.
18:15 You have no idea-- That's right.
18:16 Of those that have been indirectly
18:19 reached with the message and have found a church
18:22 on their own, never said a word about-- Mm-hmm.
18:25 The fact that they've been listening to the radio
18:26 or watching your television, but they simply found the church
18:31 and started becoming a part of it.
18:33 Yes, last week, on Saturday,
18:36 when the President was here with us,
18:39 general conference president-- Mm-hmm.
18:41 Ted Wilson, I had some-- a female sit right next to me
18:45 and her name is Leslie and she told me
18:46 "You know what? I accepted Jesus Christ
18:49 through your radio station." Praise God.
18:52 And that was great to hear
18:53 and it was an impressive way the way it happened.
18:55 She was driving on her way home at 2 o'clock in the morning.
18:58 She had just come out from a bar
19:01 and she was there listening to the radio
19:04 and all of a sudden she started switching the radio station
19:06 and it ended up in our dial, 92.9.
19:09 And they started hearing a preacher
19:11 which was Alejandra Bujon-- Is that right?
19:13 And it touched her heart and she started crying.
19:16 She said she couldn't stop crying.
19:18 And she kept on listening at that--every, every morning
19:21 at 2 o'clock in the morning, the sermons that we would
19:23 put through our radio station. Mm-hmm.
19:25 And today, she is a Seventh-day Adventist also.
19:27 Amen. Wow.
19:28 The Lord has touched her heart
19:29 and she's trying also to bring her family to know Jesus Christ.
19:32 Jim, there's that angel again turning the dial.
19:35 That's right. That's right. Yeah.
19:36 Well, you have your ways of the Lord working
19:39 with your TV station and-- Yeah. Oh, yes.
19:42 And I'm sure glad God has His angels working
19:43 also with our radio station-- Yes.
19:45 We've had a remarkable number of people who will get 3ABN
19:50 and they'll say they don't know how they were getting it. Yes.
19:53 Because they didn't have a satellite,
19:55 they were not on a cable.
19:58 We didn't maybe even have a local station
20:01 in that particular area, but they began to get it on their TV
20:04 and in several instances-- Yes.
20:06 They could only get 3ABN.
20:08 There was nothing else that would come on. Yeah.
20:10 We had a story and I thought this was great.
20:13 A lady told us, I think it was in Vegas
20:15 that she was getting 3ABN suddenly on her television set
20:21 and it stayed on.
20:23 She called the local church,
20:26 started attending the local church,
20:28 got baptized in a local church and the day she got baptized,
20:32 the signal went off. Yeah, that's right.
20:33 And has never come back again
20:36 for God kept it just long enough to get her in
20:39 and get her baptized-- Amen, amen.
20:40 And then the signal went off. Yeah, amen.
20:42 So it must be a blessing,
20:44 truly a blessing for you to work in radio
20:46 and in media and in doing something
20:48 that touches the hearts of so many people. Oh, yes.
20:49 It's also a blessing to be able to reach people
20:52 not only through our frequency in 92.9,
20:54 but also on the internet--
20:55 Mm-hmm. Yes.
20:57 Our web page is,
21:01 and you can select our page right there
21:04 and you can listen live. Hmm--
21:05 To our radio station not only in Spanish,
21:07 but also in English. Praise God, Praise God.
21:08 Let me ask you this, just a quick question
21:10 before I let you go.
21:11 How far does your station extend,
21:13 you know, in miles around?
21:15 Well, we reach more than half of Puerto Rico.
21:17 We reach from the West Coast
21:19 all the way down to the Northeast Coast
21:21 and the Southeast Coast also. Mm-hmm.
21:24 So we could say it's a pretty large radius-- Yes.
21:27 Close to 70 miles on a radius that we reach--Yeah.
21:30 Over three quarters--close to three quarters of Puerto Rico
21:34 and it's great to even be driving all the way down
21:36 to one of the towns called Dorado,
21:38 which is pretty far from here.
21:40 It's like an hour and a half drive or more
21:42 and we could still listen--
21:43 Oh, praise the Lord, yeah. To 92.9--
21:45 Yeah. Radio Paraiso. Yeah.
21:46 We were listening to it,
21:47 Camille and I were on the way out here tonight
21:49 and we had a very good signal and we were enjoying the program
21:54 and it was music,
21:55 almost all music all the time we were listening. Yes.
21:58 And it was beautiful music. Amen.
22:00 Very, very good.
22:01 Yeah, it's remarkable because you have so--
22:03 you have a good number of mountains here
22:06 and that you're getting over those mountains
22:07 and still covering so much of the island.
22:09 How old is the station?
22:10 I don't know if we touched on that.
22:12 When did you first begin broadcasting?
22:13 Well, we started 40 years ago. Uh-huh.
22:15 40 years ago we started in a garage of a house
22:17 of an engineer called Ricardo Vega.
22:22 He started the radio station at his house.
22:24 And after a few years of starting the radio station
22:27 at his house, he decided to give it to
22:30 or sell it to the West Conference. Uh-huh.
22:33 And the West Conference started at one of the mountains
22:35 where we have our tower.
22:37 The guys used to call down here with walkie-talkies
22:40 and let them know what was going to be next
22:41 and that's how it started.
22:43 And so then we came down to the Conference
22:46 and we had a little room that was separated for us
22:48 and now we have, by the blessing of God
22:50 and by the blessing through the people
22:53 that listen to the listeners 'cause they're the ones
22:55 that support our radio station, now we have a whole building.
22:58 Yeah. And we can share it with others. Yeah.
23:01 And--Yeah, a new microwave up to a tower on--
23:04 That's right. On the mountain.
23:06 On the mountain. Mm-hmm.
23:07 And so it's good. Yeah.
23:08 Great reception.
23:10 As we saw on the video, very beautiful facility-- Yeah.
23:11 Very well run, lovely place to be
23:13 and thank you so very, very much--
23:15 Thank you very much.
23:16 For just giving us a little taste of what's happening
23:18 through radio here in West Conference.
23:21 God bless you. Thank you very much.
23:22 All righty. God bless you.
23:25 We want to fit, Jim, now to some of
23:27 the work being done in this local church. Yes.
23:29 Because as Jorge has intimated,
23:32 they're doing some great media things
23:34 in this local church-- Uh-huh.
23:36 And really there's a vision here,
23:39 that's being underrated by the vision
23:40 that we've seen in the total island of Puerto Rico. Yes.
23:43 From the union to the conference, to the radio,
23:45 to the hospital, to the school,
23:46 and now the local church as we call Pastor Parra
23:48 up to be with us because the local church
23:51 is doing some great things and on our credits
23:53 for our "Anchors of Truth,"
23:55 we've begun to put thanks
23:57 to the Bella Vista Media Center, Pastor,
24:00 and we want to talk about that
24:01 and a little bit about his work here-- Yes.
24:04 At the church. All right.
24:14 Yes, we are very happy for what the Lord is providing us
24:18 to do here in this church with a very nice,
24:22 very good dedicated group of people. Mm-hmm.
24:36 I praise the Lord for this and there's a good group of people
24:42 under the leadership of the media center
24:46 director Brother Nemuel Artiles.
24:50 Tell us a little bit about you,
24:51 where you were born and where you were educated
24:54 and how you became an Adventist and so forth.
25:10 I am from Columbia--
25:11 And the Lord called me to the ministry
25:14 when I was 17 years old.
25:15 Mm-hmm. All right.
25:23 See, I received a call to come to Puerto Rico
25:25 and I've been adopted and I've been loved.
25:28 So I'm gonna stay here for the grace of God.
25:30 All right, all right. Praise the Lord.
25:42 I've been working here at the Bella Vista
25:44 for 2 years with my wife Liliana and my two daughters.
25:50 All right. Wonderful.
25:52 You came--when you came, the media center was already
25:55 in existence and getting started.
26:00 Did you feel God's call to support that work?
26:03 Because it's unusual for a local church
26:06 to start up a whole media ministry,
26:08 particularly a television ministry on its own.
26:21 I am praising the Lord because this project
26:23 had started before I came and we are learning.
26:34 Then I feel the conviction from the Lord
26:36 to support this ministry for this time.
26:39 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
26:50 We are at the end of times and the Lord wants us
26:54 to use different methods to reach people.
27:05 And I also praise the Lord for the ministry of 3ABN
27:08 has been helping to reach the world with the gospel.
27:14 We're going to have
27:15 Nemuel come up in just a little bit to talk about
27:17 specifically the media center ministry,
27:19 but what other kinds of things is the church doing
27:22 to try to reach out to the community?
27:24 You're in a very unique area,
27:26 but what kinds of things is the church doing
27:27 to reach out to the community in addition to the media work?
27:44 We have the hospital.
27:45 They're right just next door to us.
27:47 So we are taking advantage of that
27:50 to do service to the community.
28:01 And also because we have the academy
28:04 right next door too,
28:05 we are using that as another tool to reach the community.
28:20 And the church is supporting two pathfinder clubs
28:26 that we are supporting that way
28:29 we can reach also that segment of the community.
28:40 And this year, we have several ministries
28:42 serving the community.
28:43 Praise the Lord.
28:52 We are trying to visit people with needs, special needs.
28:58 To help them also,
28:59 we are starting our prison ministry.
29:08 Then we also are taking--
29:09 we're taking care of the homeless
29:11 using the pathfinders to help us with that.
29:15 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
29:18 Well, you've got a great ministry going,
29:20 a beautiful church, a wonderful congregation
29:24 and I know that God is blessing your efforts here--
29:28 And it's a very exciting area
29:33 and I'm just very impressed with the growth
29:36 that we've seen here. Yeah.
29:38 I just want to take one more look at the video.
29:40 I'm gonna ask Joel and the guys to roll this.
29:43 You know, this is such an impressive place to be.
29:45 It's an impressive place to be on Sabbath.
29:47 This is, you know, the church building.
29:49 It's perched really here
29:51 on the side of the mountain and gorgeous views.
29:55 It's a beautiful building.
29:56 There's the front of the church
29:58 and then just to the right down the hill is the school
30:01 and then down the hill again is the hospital
30:03 and, you know, you've sort of pressured-
30:04 you kind of feel like you're a little close to heaven, Jim,
30:07 a little piece of heaven up here.
30:08 Yeah. Yeah, really nice. Really, really, well done.
30:10 It's very well done and a very nice place. Yeah.
30:14 Pastor, thank you so very much.
30:16 We're gonna actually talk to some of your members now
30:17 and dig a little more into this media ministry
30:20 being run out of this church.
30:22 Thank you so very much for your support
30:24 and I know that they are very, very thankful also.
30:26 And you have made us feel very welcome.
30:28 Thank you very much. God bless.
30:31 Oh, yes. You know, I was just thinking of the translation.
30:36 Translation is so important.
30:38 It has to be accurate
30:41 and I believe that we've got a very good translator.
30:44 I've had translators that were interpreters
30:47 instead of translators. Instead of translators, yes.
30:49 They would change things.
30:50 And John and I were talking about that, John Lomacang.
30:53 And he was telling me about a translator
30:56 who--he was translating and the man was telling about
31:00 a bear chasing him and the people began to laugh.
31:05 And he said, "Why are you laughing?
31:08 Why are the people laughing?" He said to his translator.
31:11 And the translator said, "Well, I don't know the word
31:14 for bear in Spanish, so I just said rabbit."
31:20 And if a man is running from a rabbit,
31:23 it's a great deal of difference than running from a bear,
31:25 you know. Running from a bear.
31:27 So--Right, so I thought
31:28 that was a great translator story.
31:31 So, Jorge, we want to thank you and give you flowers
31:33 while you can still smell them. Thank you for translating.
31:36 I thank you for your kind words
31:39 but I have to apologize to the viewers
31:41 because my accent always get in the way.
31:44 We'll do our best. God will do the best.
31:47 I don't know do you have an accent in Spanish?
31:49 'Cause you don't- you do fine in English. So...
31:51 My accent is mixed of--
31:55 You've got an accent in both languages.
31:57 I do. Okay.
31:58 My wife Irma can tell pretty much
32:00 by listening to the different accents where people are from
32:06 I can do that with most West Indian Islands.
32:08 I can tell Jamaica from Trinidad and that kind of thing
32:10 but Irma can tell South America, Central America,
32:13 from Costa Rica, from Panama,
32:15 she says there are differences-- Yes.
32:16 I can't pick them up but Irma knows them. Yeah--
32:18 There's very, very distinctive differences
32:20 especially South America, Central America, Mexico.
32:23 We have our little differences
32:25 and sometimes we have to be very careful
32:28 when we say certain words that mean something totally different
32:32 and not always a good thing to repeat it.
32:35 So we have to be careful.
32:37 Well, when I was in Ukraine preaching,
32:39 my good friend and one of my best friends,
32:41 Valery Tchunkovski, was my translator
32:44 and sometimes people would come up and say,
32:46 you know, you're preaching one sermon,
32:48 he's preaching another one.
32:49 So we know-- they understood both languages.
32:52 And so whatever Valery was doing,
32:55 it worked because the Lord gave us tremendous baptisms.
32:58 Praise the Lord.
33:00 And it was probably His preaching rather than mine.
33:03 We're gonna call Nemuel Artiles up now.
33:06 He is the director of the Bella Vista Media Center--
33:08 All right.
33:10 That is headquarter to this church.
33:11 Want to get a little background on him
33:12 and find out how a church got a vision
33:16 to become a media center
33:17 that really is beginning to reach the world.
33:18 Nemuel, good to have you here. Thank you.
33:20 My pleasure to be here with you all. Yes.
33:22 Tell us a little bit about that.
33:24 How'd it get started? Whose idea was it?
33:27 Well, it was the idea of Anibal Gonzalez and myself.
33:31 Basically, as you can see, we are up in the top of a hill
33:36 and it's kind of a difficult to do some visit,
33:40 you know, to go door to door because of the fences
33:44 and the type of houses that are here
33:47 but still we have the commission--Yes.
33:49 And we need to preach the word.
33:51 So we started that several years ago with a little radio station.
33:55 We have one watt and we were sending cards to our neighbors,
33:59 please tune up this frequency
34:02 so you can listen to our service.
34:04 At that time, we were told that one watt was okay with the FCC.
34:10 Well, by the grace of the Lord, the transmitter broke down.
34:15 We didn't know it. It was down for 6 months or so.
34:20 One day, the pastor was here and the FCC officer came in
34:25 and he said we heard that there is a radio station
34:28 without license broadcasting out of this church.
34:32 And the pastor says,
34:33 "Well," and by the way, he was a new pastor.
34:35 He didn't know about it.
34:36 So they began to search and began to search
34:40 and finally they found the broken transmitter.
34:45 And then the officer says,
34:47 "Well, I mean, kind of a monitoring for 2 weeks.
34:50 I didn't see-- I didn't hear any signal.
34:53 So you told me you did not know anything.
34:56 You're okay, but please don't do it.
34:59 But then we kept-- what we're gonna do?
35:03 And then it came to our mind
35:05 an idea of how about making programs for TV?
35:11 So the idea began to flow in our mind
35:16 and one day, one member of this church
35:18 Suami Sepulveda, she visit here
35:22 and she came back and she say,
35:23 you know what? I think 3ABN can help us out.
35:26 So through Suami you came down
35:30 and we started to broadcast, I mean, to produce programs.
35:35 Praise the Lord. So that was at the genesis.
35:37 You would never think that a broken transmitter
35:40 would be a blessing from the Lord. Right.
35:43 But it was. So you began obviously in baby steps.
35:47 Were you daunted?
35:48 I mean, television, first of all, is not a cheap enterprise.
35:51 It's not an easy thing to get in.
35:52 It takes a lot to do. Right.
35:54 When you sort of got a handle on what it takes to do this,
35:58 were you encouraged, discouraged, scared?
36:02 How did it strike you at that point?
36:03 Well, we were very clear that there was a way
36:07 in which we can preach God's word.
36:12 So we sat down with a group of your channel
36:17 and we went through deep planning
36:20 and when we look at the figure we say, "Wow,"
36:23 but we say, "Well, we heard your story.
36:26 How the Lord did so many miracles." Yes.
36:29 And we said, "Well, if the Lord want us
36:31 to get involved in this, He will open door for us too."
36:35 So we established a plan of three phases.
36:38 The first phase was the lighting for the church,
36:41 which we already accomplished.
36:43 We invested there about $87,000 with a lighting
36:47 and the installation and some electrical improvement
36:50 that we needed to do at the church
36:51 in order to run this new lighting system.
36:54 We're right now working in the second phase,
36:57 which is the production equipment.
37:00 That phase we estimated that is gonna cost around $175,000.
37:07 We have about $50,000.
37:09 So we are encouraging our members
37:12 to continue with the generosity for this project.
37:16 And then the third phase will be the editing equipment
37:19 and the editing education for members to do so.
37:25 So we're working and we're very happy.
37:30 And probably one of the motivating factors
37:32 that we have is 3ABN.
37:35 You have been our counselors throughout the process.
37:39 This is the fifth time your equipment fly to this church.
37:45 We are very happy that we are doing this live.
37:49 But we have produced with you more than 120 hours of programs.
37:55 We see the program broadcast in the Latino channel.
37:59 So we are seeing that our work is not in vain.
38:04 As a matter of fact, last year,
38:07 we did the Ten Commandment series here
38:10 and three people baptized-- Praise God.
38:13 Out of this series. So the Lord is blessing.
38:18 We think we are in the right track.
38:20 Every time we hear experiences about the church members,
38:24 how the Lord impressed them
38:25 to contribute in a miraculous way.
38:28 So we are very motivated to go forward.
38:30 Now, Nemuel, you're an elder in this church?
38:33 Not this year.
38:35 Because I am directly in the media center. In the media.
38:38 But media is not your background, not your vocation.
38:41 No, it's not.
38:43 I am a hospital administrator. Is that right?
38:46 That's my regular job. That's what I do for living.
38:50 So you're learning as you're going also?
38:52 That's right. Yeah.
38:54 And every time we tape some programs,
38:58 there is a school, we learn.
39:00 And this particular occasion that we're doing it live
39:04 is a new education program. Wow.
39:08 We praise the Lord. Praise the Lord for that.
39:12 Tell us about-- you mentioned miracles.
39:14 Is there anything that stands out in your mind
39:16 that God has done to sort of encourage you along the way?
39:18 You're still in a startup stage.
39:20 You're in stage number 2 of a 3-phase stage,
39:24 but does anything stand out in your mind
39:26 as far as God's leading hands showing you that He's in charge?
39:29 Well, several things, several things are in my mind.
39:32 For example, when we began to start this project,
39:38 we have zero money.
39:40 And in a period of time of 8 months, we raised $87,000.
39:47 And let me tell you a couple of stories about these.
39:49 One story was after we did a sermon to the congregation,
39:57 one member of this church,
39:59 he came out of his house and said,
40:03 "Lord, if you want me to contribute
40:05 to the media center, what can I do?"
40:07 And then he saw an old car
40:08 he haven't used it for a long time.
40:10 He said, "Well, Lord, if You let me to sell that car,
40:15 I'm gonna give the money to the media center."
40:17 In one week, the car was sold. Praise the Lord.
40:20 Another member of the church, a physician,
40:24 he was talking to his wife to get a new car.
40:28 After they listened to the sermon,
40:29 they say, "Well, you know to think it really,
40:32 I mean, the car is good, just a little bit old, but it's good.
40:35 How about if we make a pledge with the Lord,
40:38 the amount of money that we were going to pay
40:41 on a monthly basis for the new car,
40:45 let's put it on the church for the media center."
40:48 And they've been doing that. Let me tell you another story.
40:50 This is the last one. Cars are very interesting here.
40:55 There is a member of the church and he wanted to sell
40:59 this particular car, but he wanted particular price.
41:03 And people came to his house, saw the car,
41:08 was pretty good, but they wanted to pay lower.
41:12 So after he heard the last sermon
41:14 that we did this past month of January,
41:17 he said, "Well, Lord, you know, this car is good.
41:21 I want to sell it for this amount of money.
41:24 If You allow me to do that,
41:26 I'm gonna put $2,000 on the media center."
41:30 In one week, the car was sold.
41:32 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Yeah, this is--
41:35 For the Lord is in a car selling business too, Jim.
41:37 Right, absolutely, and I tell you, it's amazing
41:41 but people can equate cars.
41:43 You know, they buy cars. They sell cars.
41:46 They think in terms-- and I've seen this happening
41:48 before where they'll think in terms of we can postpone
41:52 a car for a year and make that payment
41:55 towards a project like this.
41:57 And it's an amazing thing. It's not a bad appeal either.
42:01 That's right. It really isn't.
42:03 If you allow me to--
42:05 let me speak a little bit about Bella Vista.
42:09 Probably, you heard already that
42:10 the Seventh-day Adventist work start here
42:13 in Mayaguez back in 1901.
42:18 In 1940, there was a physician
42:21 by the name of Dr. William Doscan.
42:24 He was a physician for the largest sugarcane company
42:27 in the world that at that time
42:28 was in the southern part of the island.
42:31 And a businessman from this town,
42:34 he heard about the good job that doctor was doing
42:38 and he visited him several times
42:40 and for years he was telling Dr. Doscan,
42:42 "Please come to Mayaguez.
42:44 Please establish a medical work in Mayaguez."
42:47 So Dr. Doscan came to Mayaguez in 1940
42:51 after he retired from the sugarcane company
42:54 as a physician over there and he established the hospital.
42:58 He established the school for the children
43:00 and then he established also the church.
43:03 He was so influential in this community,
43:06 that when there was a political problem in Cuba,
43:10 he lobbied with a church leader and the Antillean College
43:13 back then that was in Cuba
43:15 was moved to Mayaguez. Wow.
43:18 So we have that legacy of Dr. Doscan
43:23 that planted the seed in Mayaguez for the church
43:26 to grow that much and we're just carrying on
43:29 the legacy that he established here.
43:31 That's why you were talking about the college,
43:33 you were talking about the school,
43:35 you were talking about the hospital, and this church.
43:37 So there is a story behind it.
43:39 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
43:41 Ultimately, as you look down the road,
43:43 when your dream is up and fulfilled and running,
43:45 what do you envision this media center doing
43:48 at its hype when it is fully functional?
43:51 Once the media center is fully functional,
43:54 we ambition our church people to work side by side,
43:58 all the church very active in producing program
44:01 on a weekly basis, and those program
44:04 being send out to preach God's call.
44:10 And let me tell you something,
44:11 when we started this media center, we put a vision.
44:16 It's time to open the doors and our windows
44:18 from Bella Vista to the world.
44:20 And we've been doing that
44:22 this very night in less than 2 years.
44:24 We never dreamed that was gonna happen that soon,
44:27 that quick and it is happening.
44:30 And we praise the Lord for that. Praise the Lord.
44:32 That is a miracle. It really is.
44:35 I would like to add something here to what Nemuel is saying.
44:39 Nemuel has a vision. He's a man of vision.
44:41 And that is all--vision is what it takes for communications
44:47 and I am very pleased that we are here together.
44:50 It's like a dream come true.
44:52 He told me once, "Someday I would like 3ABN to come.
44:57 I would like to invite Pastor Gilley.
44:59 I would like to invite C.A. Murray, Danny Shelton,"
45:04 but we were looking at this long term possibility
45:10 and now today we're all here.
45:12 So I know that it's been a dream for you.
45:15 As we've been realizing this series of the "Anchor of Truth"
45:21 this week on live, so the committee members,
45:25 we've been talking, and we have come to an agreement
45:27 when the Lord bless, He bless abundantly. Yes.
45:31 So we were planning to renew one by one
45:33 and He already had done all at once.
45:38 We are glad to know
45:39 that we're a blessing of the Lord. That's right.
45:41 Now, Nemuel, thank you so much.
45:42 We're gonna have to get you out
45:43 and get in your second in command,
45:47 if I can call her that, because we got a testimony to get in.
45:51 Our time is sort of getting away from us.
45:53 And ere know it, our time will be gone.
45:54 But we're gonna call Ivette del Toro to come.
45:57 She is a producer for the media center
46:00 and so glad to have you here
46:02 if you'll pick up that microphone.
46:04 Now again, your background is not in media. Is it?
46:09 No, my background is not in communications.
46:13 You and your husband own a business, I understand?
46:23 I studied administration and with my husband,
46:27 we have a business of in home care.
46:32 What is your function with the media center?
46:34 What do you do with the media center?
46:43 From the beginning of the media center,
46:46 I've been helping them well to establish the media center.
46:54 At that point, I was the church treasurer. Okay.
47:07 So I was part of the group who made analysis
47:10 of how much was needed to start this project.
47:17 Nemuel tells us what motivates and drives him.
47:21 Why do you-- this is extra time, extra work,
47:23 what motivates you to do this?
47:34 What for me is interesting, I was already acquainted
47:37 with the ministry of 3ABN.
47:46 You know, and the convention-- youth convention here
47:49 in Puerto Rico, the 3ABN team came,
47:52 so they came to see the church.
48:08 And what interested me is that the project
48:13 from the beginning involved so many people
48:15 that could be preaching the gospel
48:19 without having to really preach.
48:31 What impresses me is how adults and young people
48:34 have been involved in
48:36 the development of the media center.
48:40 We asked Nemuel and before we let you go,
48:42 I want to ask you the same question,
48:44 when you look at the-- down the road, the future,
48:47 what do you see this media center
48:49 doing for the cause of Christ?
48:54 Very interesting question.
49:01 I would like to see the media center
49:03 preaching about the love of Jesus.
49:22 The love of Jesus is reflected in my life.
49:25 If I love Jesus,
49:27 I have to share that with others. That's right.
49:31 Praise the Lord. Amen.
49:33 And that's what this is all about. Isn't it?
49:35 Talking about Jesus. Yeah.
49:37 And sharing Him.
49:39 You know, as we drive up here
49:40 and we sometimes take several different routes to get here,
49:44 we find a lot of gated homes,
49:47 homes with fences in front and gates
49:50 and there's no way to get behind those
49:54 except through media, because that is the way
49:57 you get through the gates. Oh, yeah.
49:59 Get into the home and not just once a week
50:03 but day after day after day, you're there with a message
50:08 and I have become so convinced that God is going to use media
50:14 even greater to finish the work. Praise the Lord.
50:25 Working with the media center, I had opportunity to visit
50:28 with people who have known
50:30 the gospel through 3ABN ministry.
50:45 Amen. Praise God.
50:47 Recently, I went to Dominican Republic
50:49 and a lady in the church recognized me
50:51 and she told me how her heart was transformed
50:55 by watching 3ABN and knowing about Jesus. Praise God.
50:59 As you see here on 3ABN--
51:02 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
51:03 Ivette, we'll have to let you go
51:05 because our time is slipping away.
51:06 We've got to make a quick change and add a chair
51:07 because we want to bring in our last two people
51:10 for our segment before our time slips away.
51:12 Fernando Gonzalez and Yanira Matos,
51:14 we want to bring them in because this is--,
51:16 Jim, these are people who actually came to the Lord
51:19 through the ministry here out of this church
51:21 and we want to just talk to them
51:23 before our time gets away from us.
51:24 Yes. Welcome.
51:27 It's a lovely husband and wife team here. Yes.
51:29 Praise the Lord. And this is why we do this.
51:32 Yeah, yeah. And this is why we preach.
51:35 This is why we're on television.
51:37 Indeed, indeed.
51:39 You're gonna have to share that microphone a little bit.
51:42 But my understanding is, Fernando, you came first
51:46 to a Ten Commandments weekend, is that so?
51:50 Yes, that's correct.
51:57 Everything started because I work
52:00 in a security system, home security systems.
52:07 And I was doing an installation
52:08 to one of the brothers of the church.
52:16 So he had a flyer showing that in this church
52:20 there's gonna be a Ten Commandments
52:23 seminar taking place. Okay.
52:24 Now were you a religious guy?
52:25 Were you going to church before this?
52:34 We were congregating in another church
52:36 but we were not really committed. I understand.
52:49 So the first time that I came to church,
52:51 I wasn't very impressed but my wife was impressed.
53:04 So we decided to come and that day
53:06 when the series has started,
53:09 they gave us a little flyer with the Ten Commandments.
53:19 So when I read this flyer,
53:21 I see the Ten Commandments and read fourth commandment.
53:28 And that commandment was not in the commandments
53:31 that I was familiar with.
53:37 So what's going on?
53:47 So his wife knew-- has some knowledge
53:50 about the Ten Commandments and she said,
53:52 "Yes, these are the true Ten Commandments."
54:05 So we decided to continue as attending
54:07 to the Ten Commandment series that was being taped here
54:10 and we decided to stay in the church.
54:13 Praise the Lord.
54:14 So it was the Sabbath commandment
54:16 that sort of was the spark that got your attention.
54:21 Yes, that is correct.
54:23 Now pass it to your wife.
54:25 We need to hear from her just a little bit.
54:28 He says he was not too impressed the first time, but you were.
54:32 How were you impressed with what was going on here?
54:54 I had friends that we used to go out
54:57 and sometimes we were out to the movies.
54:58 And one day, one of my friends said, "Let's go to church."
55:01 And I said, "Well, if we are going to other places,
55:05 why not go into church?" And we came to church.
55:13 So I got familiar a little bit with Adventism.
55:23 So I told my husband, "If we ever go to a church,
55:26 it has to be a Seventh-day Adventist church." Amen.
55:38 So when the opportunity came, I told him, "Let's go.
55:41 We have nothing to lose. Let's go."
55:48 What I never thought or never crossed my mind
55:53 that this was going to be a big change in our lives.
55:58 But obviously it was. Yeah. Yes.
56:04 Was it a struggle to make the changes to become Adventist
56:07 or was it sort of a natural thing?
56:23 It was a rather easy process.
56:25 We didn't really have to change a whole lot in our lives.
56:28 Praise the Lord. Wow.
56:29 Well, that's some story. It is.
56:31 And an exciting story and, you know,
56:35 we can just see the love of Jesus on your faces.
56:38 And we know you love the Lord
56:39 and that you're standing by the word of God.
56:43 Well, listen, this has been
56:45 an exciting night for me. It has.
56:47 And, you know, C.A.,
56:49 I repeat what I said at the very beginning,
56:52 I am so impressed with the enthusiasm
56:55 that the people of Puerto Rico have
56:57 for presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
57:01 It occurred to me real quick before our time goes out,
57:02 I'm watching the clock here. Yeah.
57:04 Fernando is working himself out of a job
57:05 because in heaven we aren't gonna need
57:07 any home security guys. No. That's right.
57:08 'Cause there won't be any lock on the doors.
57:11 That's right. We look forward to that--
57:13 Yes, we do.
57:15 You know, we've had a wonderful time tonight.
57:18 We hope that you have been inspired
57:20 by how God's work is moving forward.
57:23 We need you to stand with us as you have
57:26 all these years and keep on
57:29 keeping on with Jesus Christ our Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17