Night Light Live - 2nd Hour

North American Division Of Sdas

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), Dan Jackson


Series Code: NLLB

Program Code: NLLB011503

00:13 Well, we do welcome you back and we--
00:17 you wanted to say something.
00:18 Yeah, I wanted to credit myself.
00:20 I think I said there was an earthquake
00:21 and I did mean tornado.
00:23 I bet the earth did quake though.
00:25 I'm sure the earth did move. Yeah.
00:27 It was really quite, quite something.
00:29 Given the ferocity of that event
00:32 it is a blessing of the Lord that that-- Oh, yes.
00:35 I'd say relatively few people died.
00:37 We're talking 100, less than 200 thus far but
00:40 just a massive, massive storm
00:42 that went through Joplin, Missouri.
00:44 Yes. Yeah.
00:46 Well, listen, our guest has arrived in the studio.
00:48 And we're going to invite him to come right on into the table.
00:52 And he was at Joplin last few days.
00:59 Thank you, Elder Jackson, good to see you.
01:01 And thanks for coming to Thompsonville
01:05 and join us and speaking out
01:08 to our television audience around the world tonight
01:11 and we appreciate your message very much.
01:13 Thank you. And--
01:15 We've got to make a quick start.
01:16 We've got to get a mic on you
01:18 and he came in without a microphone.
01:20 And I know you didn't bring yours from across the way.
01:23 So let's--let's get a mic on you so we can hear you
01:26 'cause I know you've got a lot to say.
01:28 And so we need to hustle and do that.
01:30 This is live television.
01:31 Every now and again it doesn't go quite as it should have gone.
01:35 But we need to get a mic on you. We need to get a mic.
01:39 I was too quick on bringing him in.
01:41 but I thought sure that he would still have that mic on
01:45 but that's all right.
01:47 No, we got to get-- we got to get a mic on.
01:48 And they'll bring it on in.
01:49 But we're just so happy that Pastor Jackson can be with us.
01:55 He was elected at the last General Conference
02:00 and by the way it was at that time
02:02 that we came up with the Nightlight format. Yeah.
02:05 Where you and I would talk to individuals
02:10 who were sitting at table like this.
02:13 At General Conference we were up on a hill. Oh, yeah.
02:16 Overlooking the beautiful dome there,
02:21 Georgia Dome and also overlooking the city of Atlanta.
02:24 Yeah. You could see C.A. there in the background.
02:27 Yeah, that's where Nightlight was born.
02:28 That's where it was born.
02:30 And it was a warm summer night, every night nearly.
02:35 Warm summer afternoon, every afternoon.
02:38 But you know something?
02:40 We look back on those days as very precious days.
02:42 Yeah, we were talking about that just the other day. Yeah.
02:44 It was lot of fun. Yeah, it really was.
02:46 We got to--this is where we first interviewed Elder Jackson.
02:50 We talked to you there
02:51 and then we've talked to you at ASI.
02:57 And there may be another place or two
03:00 that where we've had opportunity to chat
03:03 but we've just have really appreciated
03:05 your availability and your openness,
03:08 and your willingness to come and to be with us.
03:11 It's good to be with you.
03:12 And I know there are a lot of questions.
03:15 We've just opened it up to our people to send us
03:18 email questions if they have any
03:20 for the North American division president.
03:23 And we also want to talk
03:26 very much about the media imperative.
03:30 Before we go to the media,
03:32 I think, we need to just get a little flavor
03:34 'cause you did just get back in from Joplin.
03:38 What did you see? What's the church doing?
03:40 What's going on, on the ground?
03:41 Give us a little flavor of what you experienced there in Joplin.
03:46 Well, you know, I experienced a lot of shock,
03:48 I will tell you that.
03:51 You know, the most amazing part of it is that
03:53 you enter into the city of Joplin
03:55 and everything seems good.
03:58 There are banks and drugstores and fast food outlets
04:02 and people driving around like it was normal.
04:05 And then you just move a little beyond
04:09 the entrance into the city and all of a sudden
04:13 you come to a line of demarcation.
04:16 That tornado cut a swath a half-a-mile wide
04:19 and six-miles long through that city.
04:22 And the devastation was absolutely--
04:25 I've never seen anything like--
04:26 and I've seen the devastation of the tsunami in Asia.
04:31 I've seen the devastation of Hurricane Katrina
04:35 in New Orleans but when I drove through the streets,
04:39 last night, of Joplin I was just horrified to be honest with you
04:43 that a force of nature could take solid buildings
04:48 and just reduce them to matchsticks.
04:51 We had the opportunity last night to spend some time
04:55 with a few of our members from Joplin.
04:57 One family there lost their home.
05:01 It was completely destroyed.
05:02 But you know a deaf niece
05:08 felt something was happening and took her little cousin
05:12 and took her into the bathtub of that home.
05:15 And those two little children
05:17 rode out that tornado in a bathtub and survived.
05:21 Praise God. Where they the only two at home or...
05:23 They were the only two at home.
05:25 The parents were out at the time. Yeah.
05:27 And they managed to survive. There's one toddler--
05:31 But she sensed something was going on.
05:33 She sensed something was going to happen
05:34 and so she took her cousin and then went
05:36 and sat in the bathtub.
05:38 And, you know, the interesting thing is
05:40 that house was just demolished
05:42 but the walls in the ceiling over the bathroom stayed intact.
05:46 Praise God. So, you know--
05:49 I mean, you wish you can tell that story
05:51 for the other 121 and the 700 who're still missing. Right.
05:55 But we went to Joplin last night and not for a photo-op,
06:00 not to do anything other than to pray with our members there,
06:05 to tell them that their church stands behind them
06:07 and that we're with them.
06:09 Also, there last evening was Sun Kwon,
06:13 the head of Adventist Community Services for North America. Yes.
06:17 And a team of six who are there on the ground prepared to work.
06:22 FEMA has appointed ACS as the coordinating agency
06:28 for all of the warehousing. Yes.
06:29 For everything that comes in, every donation. Right.
06:32 They will sort it out and they will distribute it.
06:34 So I'm glad that we can be there.
06:37 I'm glad that we have people who are willing to come
06:41 and assist in that project. Praise God. Wow.
06:43 Now as far as the church is concerned
06:45 have you lost any buildings?
06:46 Any particular reports of Adventist being involved?
06:50 Do we know anything about that?
06:51 We know that some--
06:53 this family lost their home, completely gone.
06:57 Some others had minor damage.
06:59 The church itself had a few shingles blown off
07:02 and a little bit of glass broken
07:04 but really nothing structural, nothing substantive at all.
07:08 Well, that's a miracle. Yeah.
07:10 It really is. Yeah.
07:11 Yeah, well, so you've been there
07:14 and then you went some other places in Oklahoma
07:18 or you haven't been to those?
07:20 Not yet. Okay.
07:21 Not yet. All right.
07:23 Well, it's been a year almost. Yes.
07:27 Since you've been elected president. Right.
07:29 And what is, sort of, your plan
07:33 or where you're headed with the outreach of this division?
07:38 You know, I believed
07:40 that the North American Division has amazing potential.
07:44 God has gifted the church throughout Canada,
07:48 the United States and Bermuda with huge resources
07:53 that if they were properly utilized--
07:56 and that is not to say that there haven't been great efforts
07:59 and that people haven't been doing great things.
08:01 Don't misunderstand me but, you know,
08:04 I believe Jesus is coming soon.
08:06 And I believe the time has come for us to begin
08:10 to remember the fact that we are stewards of God's goods.
08:14 Praise God. And stewards of God's assets,
08:17 his resources, both human and financial.
08:20 So what we have been doing through the last year
08:22 and what we continue to do
08:24 is we are developing a strategic plan called REACH.
08:28 Okay. Now the General Conference, of course,
08:31 has called for revival and reformation
08:33 and the North American Division is supportive of that,
08:36 fully supportive.
08:37 So we are looking at the word 'REACH,' however.
08:40 The 'R' in that--and we use the word REACH as an acronym.
08:45 And the 'R' in that word
08:47 for us stands for revival and transformation. Okay.
08:52 And we are talking about transformation
08:54 as we look at the other four letters, E-A-C-H.
08:57 We're talking about the transformation
09:00 of the North American Division.
09:01 The 'E' in that word stands for education for discipleship.
09:07 We are committed to doing all that we can for our primary,
09:12 secondary schools and our higher ed.
09:15 to ensure that we come back again to the idea or that
09:20 we intensify 'cause this is happening in many, many places.
09:23 We intensify the idea that Adventist Christian education
09:27 isn't just to give somebody a diploma
09:29 or that the education program that we have in our homes,
09:33 in our Sabbath schools is designed to help young people
09:36 become disciples of Jesus.
09:39 So that is the focus of education.
09:41 So that's the 'E.' R-E. 'A' is for alignment.
09:45 Alignment in the way we focus as--
09:49 or as we look at our world evangelistically.
09:52 Alignment in our churches.
09:55 You know we have many different messages being preached today.
09:59 That's true.
10:01 And we're committed as a division
10:03 to encourage our congregations and our pastors
10:07 to intensify again their discovery in the word of God.
10:13 To see that those 28 fundamental beliefs that we uphold
10:17 and that we cherish as Adventist aren't something that--
10:21 well, there is no option on them as I see it.
10:23 They're not up for negotiation. Right. Right.
10:26 And we want everybody to dust off their Bible,
10:29 to get back into the word of God and become aligned--
10:34 With the purposes of God through the basis
10:37 that we follow--the basis that we find in God's word
10:40 and in the Spirit of Prophecy.
10:41 You know, we've felt that same call and we began
10:46 with our pillars of the Christian faith last year.
10:50 Did the first half,
10:52 about 14 or 13 or 14 of those last year.
10:56 And now this year we're doing
10:58 the rest of the 28 fundamental beliefs. Praise God.
11:01 Because we feel like, as you do,
11:03 that we must not get away from these.
11:08 These are truths that God has given us to give to the world.
11:12 Absolutely. Absolutely--
11:14 And we want to continue to sound them
11:16 with the trumpet that it's sure. And--
11:19 I couldn't agree more with you.
11:21 Now let me finish. All right.
11:22 The 'C,' you know, the R-E-A. Now we come to 'C'.
11:26 Community involvement,
11:28 Community Outreach and Evangelism. Yes.
11:30 You know, evangelism is the lifeblood of the church. Yeah.
11:34 And we've done some interesting things in the last year
11:37 and intend to do many, many more interesting things.
11:41 You know, this February
11:43 I had the privilege of being in Houston. Yes.
11:46 And that's some of your old stomping grounds.
11:47 Well, Texas, that's right. Texas. Mm-hmm.
11:50 You got to be a special person to be a Texan, C.A.
11:53 We don't have to be but it sure helps.
11:56 We--well, my wife and I arrived in Houston
11:59 on an evening when there was an ice storm in Houston.
12:03 Oh, yeah. Oh, yes.
12:04 And, you know, we-- I woke up in the morning
12:06 and I looked out at the road, at the freeway
12:08 which was right outside the window of our hotel
12:09 and I said, "It's very silent out there."
12:13 They had closed down all the roads. Quite sure.
12:15 We were supposed to start an evangelistic meeting
12:17 that Friday evening. Yes.
12:19 And, you know, that was a big thing to overcome
12:21 but then they phoned us at our hotel room and said,
12:24 "Well, you know,
12:26 we won't be able to start the meetings tonight."
12:28 Hmm. Wow.
12:29 Someone had gone behind the church
12:30 and cut six of the leading lines,
12:34 the electrical lines into the church,
12:36 and tried to steal the copper out of them. Oh, wow.
12:39 So we had to wait until Saturday night
12:41 till we started but-- Yeah.
12:43 You know, there were 130 evangelistic meetings
12:47 going on concurrently in the city of Houston.
12:51 You know what they're telling me now?
12:53 Is that so far 800 people have been baptized--
12:56 Yeah, praise God-- In some of those meetings.
12:58 So we praise God. Amen.
12:59 So one of the things that we're dreaming about is that
13:02 we will find models like the Houston model
13:05 and transplant that into other cities--
13:08 Throughout North America. Right.
13:10 You know, Jesus is coming and we have to have an urgency
13:13 for community outreach and evangelism. Amen. Yes.
13:16 And that community outreach can also include
13:19 many other facets of our work.
13:20 We have a great plan called "Step it Up."
13:25 I think I'm getting it wrong and probably our health director
13:28 will get after me but it's patterned after
13:31 the Let's Move Initiative that Michelle Obama
13:34 initiated in the United States. All right.
13:36 But our health director has taken that
13:38 and she has raised significant money.
13:39 And she is going to challenge
13:42 Adventist throughout North America
13:44 to get involved in health. All right.
13:46 And to walk and so we're going to step it up. Amen.
13:50 So community outreach, there are many facets to it.
13:53 But that is the 'C'. Yes.
13:56 The 'H' is another significant one.
13:59 And, you know, Jim, one of the things
14:03 that we're called upon in the last days of history
14:06 prior of Jesus return is that we be transparent as a church.
14:11 The 'H' stands for healthy administration and management.
14:17 We are committed to encouraging every one of our conferences,
14:23 our unions, even our local churches
14:26 to look at the way they are running the organization
14:30 they're responsible for.
14:32 It's important that we do that. Yes, it is.
14:35 You know, I'll be honest with you.
14:37 On June 28 I was elected
14:38 president of the North American Division. Okay.
14:41 And from that day till this,
14:43 I believe that God has asked me to be a steward of that office.
14:48 He didn't give it to me. I don't own the presidency.
14:51 And I need to be faithful to God's call to ensure
14:56 that we are being honest with our people
14:58 and open with our people, that we are doing everything
15:01 we can to utilize the resources, the finances that God gives us.
15:06 Absolutely. For His cause
15:08 so that we can see God finish His work.
15:11 So that's the R-E-A-C-H.
15:13 'R' is for revival and transformation.
15:16 The E-A-C-H is for the transformation
15:20 of our members throughout North America and for me.
15:23 So that's one of the things that we have been up to
15:26 as we have planned and dreamed
15:28 not only about the present but about the future.
15:31 Elder, I wanted to just mind the 'H' just a little bit.
15:34 Because, of course, when we talk about transparency
15:36 folk always like to know where the money is going. Right.
15:38 But are you envisioning more than that as far as
15:42 how elections are done, what we do,
15:43 the kinds of decisions that we make,
15:45 the kinds of things we say?
15:46 Is it targeting finances per se or is it finances plus
15:50 a whole constellation of things?
15:52 It is targeting everything so that we develop
15:55 a culture of transparency within the church.
15:58 You know, this is a very heavy year
16:00 for the North American Division and for every division
16:02 around the world because following General Conference,
16:06 you know, we have General Conference last year
16:08 but this year all of our union conferences
16:10 have constituency meetings.
16:13 I want to tell you what I am telling
16:14 nominating committees as we sit together.
16:18 I tell them, "If you have come into this room
16:22 looking for a man
16:24 then you don't belong here. Get out." Aha.
16:27 "If you have come here to seek God's will
16:32 then you're in the right place because God knows
16:35 who needs to be an officer in this union.
16:39 God knows that already.
16:40 Your job and mine is to connect with the will of God
16:44 so that we can put the very most spiritual,
16:48 highly spiritual emphasis on the way we elect people."
16:51 Now you're positioned as North American Division president.
16:55 You would be the chairman
16:57 of each of those nominating committees.
16:59 That's correct. That's correct.
17:00 So that's a very important position.
17:02 You know, I tell people
17:04 I didn't come here to tell you who you need to elect.
17:07 The North American Division does not have an agenda.
17:09 We will not have agendas on who ought to be elected
17:13 and the membership of our church
17:16 as they commit their lives to God,
17:18 as we all commit our lives to God
17:20 have the opportunity to connect with God to--
17:23 you know I-- this has been my message.
17:25 We are preparing for the final thrust
17:29 of God's work on planet earth before Jesus comes.
17:32 Praise God. We're preparing for that.
17:34 And so when we meet together in constituency meetings
17:37 we're attempting to position the church
17:38 for that final thrust.
17:40 So we don't want to mess around
17:42 and bring politics and nonsense into that.
17:46 Actually, currently there's a large number
17:50 of new union presidents. Yes.
17:53 Throughout the division. Is that correct?
17:55 Yes, yes, there are.
17:56 You know, I got to the place not so long ago, Brother Jim,
17:59 where I looked at all the union presidents
18:01 that were there and I said to myself,
18:04 "I've been here longer than any of them." Yes.
18:07 And it just felt like I was a kid--Yeah.
18:10 A few years ago. That I was the new guy.
18:12 Right. But there has been a transition.
18:14 There has. Yes, there has.
18:15 Now how many unions do we have in there?
18:17 We have 9 unions in the North American Divisions.
18:18 How many constituencies have you been at so far?
18:20 Four so far. We have five to go.
18:22 Five to go. Yeah.
18:23 If we can live through that
18:25 it will be quite an accomplishment.
18:26 Yes, it will.
18:28 And you have new presidents in the South Western Union.
18:30 South Western Union. Central--in Mid-America.
18:32 Mid-America, Tom Lemon. Uh-huh.
18:35 And relatively new at Pacific Union. Yes.
18:41 Relatively new. And North Pacific Union.
18:45 Max Torkelsen. And that's fairly new--
18:47 That's fairly new. Yeah.
18:49 And the Lake Union. And Don Livesay. Yes, yes.
18:53 And so there are a number of relatively new presidents.
18:59 Yes. Yes. And--
19:00 I never thought I'd look at myself as the old guy, Jim.
19:03 You know it's almost come to that. Yeah.
19:06 Sooner or later it does. Yes, it does.
19:09 And we've been talking about changes and challenges.
19:11 We want to talk about some things that have been
19:13 happening just recently but I want to ask you
19:14 one of those kind of introspective questions.
19:15 We toss that every now and again.
19:17 You've been at this job just about a year.
19:22 How has Don Jackson's-- Dan.
19:26 Dan Jackson's opinion, view of the church changed,
19:32 grown, expanded from being
19:36 president of the church in Canada
19:38 to being president of the North American Division?
19:41 Seeing what you've seen, experiencing what you have
19:44 experienced over these last 12 months
19:47 how has your vision of the church changed,
19:49 if indeed it has? How so?
19:53 Well, you know, I will tell you
19:54 that it was wonderful working in my homeland.
20:00 And I was very grateful to be there.
20:02 It was a great privilege.
20:04 And I tell people all the time,
20:06 you know, "I am a guest in the United States.
20:09 And I am grateful to the government of the United States
20:12 for letting me be here."
20:14 But, you know, one of the things I am finding out is that
20:18 everywhere we go we have wonderful people.
20:22 Praise God. You know, we have wonderful systems.
20:24 And it is true that we have some challenges.
20:28 And the challenges in the North American Division
20:31 never seem to be of the tiny variety
20:33 that you can just deal with.
20:34 Well, let's take care of this in the next two minutes.
20:37 You know? Yeah.
20:39 And on top of that we are frail human beings, right?
20:42 Yes. We recognize that.
20:43 Though God has asked us to lead,
20:45 again we are stewards of those offices
20:48 and yet many of the issues that we face--
20:51 I want to tell you, brethren, we get on our knees.
20:55 And we acknowledge God to be sovereign Lord of all
20:58 and the only one capable of giving
21:02 or of imparting the wisdom that we need to carry out
21:06 the activities of the North American Division.
21:08 This job is too big for any of us, C.A.
21:12 I am not a big enough man
21:14 to take care of the spiritual needs
21:17 of the North American Division unless I find my ability
21:22 to lead in connection with God.
21:25 So, you know, it's true.
21:27 We have some challenges and they are great challenges.
21:30 But I want to tell you,
21:31 we have way more good things than bad.
21:34 We have some wonderful, wonderful people.
21:36 And I--and so how has my view changed?
21:39 While it certainly has expanded but as it's expanded
21:43 I've looked at this wonderful field
21:45 and I've said to myself,
21:47 "Man, if we could pull this all together by God's grace
21:50 through the Holy Spirit"-- Yes.
21:51 And empower these people
21:53 to get involved in a more intense way
21:56 with the work of the gospel,
21:58 you know, God is going to do
22:00 something great in this division.
22:01 Yeah. Right. You know, you ought to do this.
22:03 Crow just a little bit.
22:04 You know, over the past year I'm sure the Lord has put
22:06 something in your path, in your mind.
22:08 Something you've dealt with that really
22:10 sometimes you want to sit back and pop your suspenders and say,
22:12 "This is why I'm a Seventh-day Adventist," you know?
22:14 Give us one of those kind of experience.
22:16 Oh, man. You know, let me tell you one story.
22:21 And, you know, I have often said that it is our lay people,
22:26 working outside of the cameras and beyond the pulpits
22:31 and so on, who really are the heart and soul of the church.
22:35 Amen. Now we've got a brother in the city area
22:39 who lives outside the city of Chicago,
22:41 a gentleman by the name of Frank Torbert.
22:44 He's 88 years old.
22:46 Eight years ago he was driving his wife
22:51 to take her to a nursing home.
22:53 She was very, very ill, has some serious problems.
22:57 And the Lord said, "Now, Frank,
22:58 you take her home and take care of her yourself."
23:01 Now this brother has continued to do that all through the years
23:04 but let me tell you what else he's been doing.
23:07 Not only is he a loving and faithful husband.
23:11 But this man 20 years ago made a decision
23:14 that every week he would buy
23:18 10 boxes of Bible answers.
23:22 That man only leaves his house today for two reasons.
23:29 He phones the ABC and places his order for those books.
23:32 And then he goes, one time a month,
23:34 he goes and gets 10 boxes of Bible answers.
23:38 Now he's 88 years of age and he's on a pension.
23:42 But he spends $500 a month on Bible answers. Wow.
23:48 Now on Sabbath there's extra help
23:50 that comes in to help his wife.
23:54 And so on Sabbath he leaves the home
23:56 and goes right into the core of Chicago,
23:59 into the inner-city where there is trouble
24:03 and he hands out Bible answers. Bless his--
24:06 In his little church about half of the people
24:09 who go there trace their introduction to Adventist
24:13 to some guy in the streets of Chicago
24:15 handing them a Bible answers. Praise God.
24:17 I want to tell you I praise God for those kind of stories.
24:20 Yes, indeed. Those are the real heroes of the faith.
24:22 Amen. Yes, they are. They are the real heroes.
24:24 And we can duplicate that picture over and over again.
24:27 There are people all across this division
24:30 who are doing exploits for God.
24:32 But they don't often get into the camera.
24:34 Yes. No. Into the light of the camera.
24:36 So that's one thing that makes me
24:40 delighted and happy to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
24:42 To know that I am a brother-- Yes.
24:44 To Frank Tolbert in Chicago-- A fellow like that. Amen.
24:46 Amen, Praise God. Great story, great story.
24:49 We will keep him in prayer.
24:50 What are some of the opportunities that you see
24:55 and would like to be able to--you know,
24:58 always money usually prevents us from some things
25:02 or a number of things but what are some of the opportunities
25:04 that you see for the church in North America?
25:08 You know, I will tell you what I think
25:09 are the greatest opportunities.
25:13 Our people are beginning to stir.
25:16 Our people are beginning to say,
25:20 "We want to be united in the gospel." Amen.
25:24 "And begin to finish the work."
25:26 You know, I had a very, very interesting conversation
25:30 not so long ago.
25:32 I was invited by the vice presidents for mission
25:36 of the Adventist Health Systems of all the hospitals.
25:40 And they asked me to come and talk with them.
25:44 First they said, "We just have 20 minutes to talk with you."
25:48 But when I sat in front of them I said, "You know,
25:51 I didn't come here with a speech and I don't have an agenda
25:54 but I think you do so let's talk."
25:56 You know, we spent two hours talking.
25:59 And the leaders of mission in our hospital systems
26:02 said to me,
26:03 "We want to be involved in the work of the church.
26:06 We want guidance and assistance from the church."
26:09 And we're finding that not only in our hospitals
26:13 but in our schools, in our churches.
26:15 So that's a huge opportunity.
26:18 You know, another opportunity that we have--
26:20 we just spent a couple of days in Ontario, California--
26:24 Oh, yes. Talking about media.
26:26 And, you know, we want to praise God.
26:29 And, C.A., you were there. You saw that scene of the--Yes.
26:33 We called all of the retired folks and the current folks
26:37 and the active folks involved in media
26:40 and anyway up on the platform.
26:41 And we've got a picture. Brother, if you can put it up.
26:44 It was so impressive for me
26:46 to stand with that group of leaders
26:49 who have served the Lord so well and so long
26:52 and so faithfully in media.
26:55 Just--you name the name going all the way back of those
26:58 that were there, C.D. Brooks was not there
27:00 but great men and women of God
27:03 who have been used by theLord over the years.
27:04 It was really quite humbling to stand on that dais.
27:06 Now we just really praised God for that. Yeah.
27:10 And we owe a huge debt of gratitude
27:12 to the leaders of our Media Ministries
27:16 whether that be the production of one program
27:18 or a studio or whatever it has been.
27:23 We really praise God for that.
27:24 And, you know, it really goes back
27:26 to Elder. H.M.S. Richards. Yes.
27:28 First one that was actually involved in Media Ministry.
27:32 And then Figuhr came along and then one by one--
27:36 Yes. Those programs were headed.
27:38 George Vandeman moved in.
27:40 And then there successors have come along--Yeah.
27:43 And continued those ministries.
27:45 And then Danny Shelton in 1984 began this ministry. Right.
27:49 Which has over 25 years
27:52 and the impact that we just are amazed
27:56 by the impact around the world
27:57 that we get the feedback from 3ABN.
28:02 And, of course, we carry those programs.
28:05 "It is Written," "The Voice of Prophecy" and so forth.
28:08 So it is an amazing thing
28:11 that God has done in reaching out with media.
28:14 And I think we've only begun. I do too.
28:17 You know, I tell people all the time
28:21 the church is a miracle. Yes.
28:24 People tend to think that the way we're structured
28:26 organizationally that the guys in one level can--
28:29 or what we call level.
28:32 I'd really like to call it ripple, you know,
28:33 because you throw the stone into the water and the ripples,
28:37 the waves go out but people tend to think well,
28:40 you know, at one level they can just crack the whip
28:42 and the next part of the ripple they just have to answer.
28:46 That's not true right down to the local church.
28:48 This church functions on the basis of cooperation.
28:53 And the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
28:54 So the church itself is a miracle.
28:56 I will say when you get to 100 people in the same room
28:59 and they don't rip each others face off, that's a miracle.
29:02 But you know the-- but the fact is
29:05 that the Media Ministries--
29:09 and you've just mentioned it for 3ABN.
29:12 But you go back and look at the way
29:14 that God has blessed our Media Ministries.
29:17 These things didn't just happen out of happenstance.
29:20 They didn't occur because somebody had a bright idea.
29:23 God inspired men and women-- Yes.
29:25 To reach out to their world in unique ways
29:28 and then he inspired our people to help them. Yes.
29:31 And, you know, of course, in these days
29:34 we're not always getting traction with our people
29:36 the way we might. Right.
29:37 And by God's grace we need to re-initiate that spirit of
29:43 we're living in the final days.
29:44 We have media and as you said
29:47 we're just beginning to see what God can do.
29:49 I believe that as we work
29:52 with every media ministry in North America
29:57 in a convergence of resources
30:00 where we work together to proclaim the gospel
30:02 great things will happen. Yeah.
30:04 Now at the media-- at the media summit
30:06 that we recently had, we really got
30:11 an introduction to social media. Yes, we did.
30:15 And in talking about social media,
30:18 please understand I'm not putting down
30:20 the traditional media that we have,
30:22 radio, television. Not at all.
30:24 But the fact of the matter is, that, you know,
30:28 the world that we're living in today is a changing world.
30:32 You know, that about 98% of young people today
30:37 are connected to social media.
30:39 That's the future. It is, without any question.
30:43 Now most of these-- and that doesn't mean
30:46 that while we move into that horizon
30:48 that we downplay the rest.
30:50 But that doesn't mean because we have the rest
30:52 that we don't move into the new horizon.
30:54 But you know, that there are somewhere
30:57 between 80% and 90% of these young people today
31:02 who are involved in social media
31:04 are never away from those appendages. Right.
31:08 You know, that cell phone that you have right there,
31:10 they're never away from their media instruments
31:15 for longer than a half hour a day. That's right.
31:17 You know, one father told me an interesting story
31:19 and it's a great story.
31:21 One father that told me this story,
31:22 he said, he was walking by-- he got in late from a trip.
31:25 He was walking by his daughter's bedroom 3 AM in the morning.
31:30 He heard the bling, bling,
31:32 and he saw his daughter reach over,
31:35 pickup her cell phone, look at it and go, "Hmm,"
31:39 text a few words, put it down and go back to sleep.
31:42 She was talking to her friend from Ethiopia.
31:45 Wow! 3 o' clock in the morning.
31:47 She just reach over by and wrote...
31:50 Right. And away we go.
31:51 Yeah. Yeah.
31:52 It was--I felt that churches becoming
31:56 well aware of new media, as it is called,
32:00 and determining we are not going to--
32:03 not only going to use it, but exploit it,
32:05 I use that in its most positive term,
32:07 exploit this media for the gospel.
32:09 You've got millions of young people
32:12 whose only media access is Twitter or Facebook
32:17 and we need to be there.
32:18 If they are there then we need to be there
32:20 with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
32:21 And it was a wonderful coming out,
32:23 dare I say, of the church.
32:25 All of the media people there, workshops, working together,
32:28 trying to see how can we use these things
32:31 for the propagation of the gospel.
32:32 I wanted to ask you, what was it that
32:34 drove the calling of this meeting,
32:37 because I know there's been a committee,
32:39 a steering committee, that's been meeting
32:40 and then you have some plans post meeting,
32:42 but what was going on that drove you to say,
32:45 hey, we need to sort of grab a hold of this thing
32:47 and really use it for the gospel?
32:48 Well, I think the word that I used earlier is the reason.
32:52 You know, we have all these resources.
32:54 It seems to me like we've got media centers everywhere,
32:57 all over North America we've got media centers.
33:00 We've got a couple in Canada.
33:01 We've got five or six down here.
33:03 And I said to myself, and we said administratively,
33:08 how can we capture the imagination
33:10 of all of our media, pull them together
33:14 and talk about how do we position our media
33:20 in the most effective way,
33:22 head over the Gospel of Jesus
33:23 in the final days of human history.
33:25 And that was the reason.
33:27 How can we get people together--
33:29 you know, one of the things--
33:30 you know, we talked about the "H" Healthy administration."
33:33 One of things that we are trying to do is to be transparent.
33:37 And in doing that, we are trying to broaden
33:40 the circle of counselors in every area.
33:43 So when we thought about media we said,
33:45 you know, we could sit over here
33:47 and Silver Spring behind our desks
33:48 and dream some dreams that would be
33:50 so irrelevant and foolish that nobody would listen.
33:53 So why don't we get the people who are involved in media
33:57 to talk to us about social media,
34:00 about radio and television, how we can best utilize it.
34:04 So those are the reasons why it started.
34:07 Jim, one of things that surprised me,
34:09 and it may have you too Elder, the power and the--
34:14 I use this term, stay ability of radio.
34:18 We were given a presentation
34:20 that is saying basically of all of the major media
34:24 the one that has been most immune
34:26 to new media has been radio.
34:29 It has affected television some,
34:31 but according to the statistics we heard,
34:33 radio is just as present and as strong and as powerful
34:37 as ever and though we need to move into these new media,
34:41 we ought not leave radio
34:42 because radio is still a good way to spend your money
34:45 and it has very good impact in large cities and small.
34:48 Well, you look at each of us.
34:49 When we are in automobiles, we're listening to radio. Right.
34:52 And even between just the short drive that I have here,
34:56 I have 3ABN radio on or a news station
35:00 just in that short length of time.
35:03 So we've got then-- and 3ABN radio's been growing.
35:06 We have over 200 stations
35:08 and it is just growing leaps and bounds
35:12 and Jay Christian's doing such a fantastic job with radio.
35:16 And we have not forgotten radio here,
35:19 I want you to know that. Yeah.
35:21 Elder, you made a very powerful opening--
35:24 really key note address and one of things
35:26 that you tapped again and again,
35:28 the button you--the button that you pushed again and again
35:32 was the idea and-- and I'll put it in my terms,
35:35 that we all need to sort of pull in the same direction.
35:37 That if we're going to do what Christ has called us to do
35:41 we need to all hitch our horses, as it were,
35:45 to the same wagon and pull together.
35:48 Church entities, supporting entities,
35:51 if we're gonna do this, everybody needs to--
35:54 and that seems to be a hallmark of your presidency now,
35:58 that those things that we're going to do
36:00 we have to drop the territorial garb
36:04 and all pull in the same direction.
36:06 Talk to us just a little bit about that if you will.
36:09 Well, you know, I believe in the Bible.
36:14 When the Apostle Peter describe the church he said,
36:20 you know, you're a royal priesthood,
36:23 you're a holy nation, a people called by God
36:27 and we love that passage and we use that passage,
36:30 but you know right before that second Peter 2:9 statement
36:34 there is a whole other statement
36:37 that talks about the household of faith,
36:39 about the fact that God is building his household
36:43 and Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. Praise God.
36:47 You know, if you were to build a brick house
36:52 and you put one brick over here and one brick over there
36:54 and one brick over there
36:56 you're not going to get much of a house,
36:57 you might a get a bunch of pillars
36:59 but you're not gonna get a house.
37:01 And how do you build a community of faith
37:05 unless people are joining together
37:07 and sensing that the greatest potential that we have.
37:12 And I'm not talking about unity based on
37:15 compromise and so on. Surely.
37:17 But listen, there are divergences of opinion.
37:21 There are some folks who start supporting ministries like 3ABN.
37:25 Then you have the strength of the Hope channel,
37:29 you've the legacy media ministries of the church.
37:34 They're all wonderful.
37:35 God is blessing them and everyone can say
37:39 "My, we've seen miracles" and that's great.
37:41 But I'll tell you what I believe.
37:43 We haven't seen the greatest miracles yet
37:46 because God is building a house
37:48 and every block and every brick--
37:50 you know, I like to look at like a stone mason.
37:53 You know, a stone mason builds the stone wall.
37:55 I watched a man do that one time
37:58 and it was an absolute amazing thing me,
38:01 the straightness and level of the wall.
38:04 You know, he took some bricks and he chopped them this way
38:06 or rather stones and he cracked them
38:09 and broke them and shaped them and put them in the wall.
38:12 And, you know, God does that with individuals
38:14 and he does that with ministry. Yeah.
38:16 But, you know, none of us, none of us
38:18 is as strong as we might be
38:21 if we would unite in common cause
38:25 to finish God's work. Praise God.
38:27 And I have a belief
38:29 that there will be no reaffirmation than the church.
38:34 When people have silence, as people say
38:39 well I can't cooperate with him
38:40 because he does that or him because he does that.
38:43 I believe God calls and I believe
38:45 Ellen White talks about this.
38:47 We need to link arms together, layman and pastors, etcetera
38:53 and to link arms and walk to the kingdom together.
38:57 God wants to pour out his spirit on His church. Praise God.
39:00 He does. Praise God. Praise God.
39:01 And so that's what I believe and,
39:04 you know, when you asked the question
39:06 I just said I believe the Bible.
39:08 'Cause I believe that's Biblical.
39:09 Well, you can't argue with
39:11 an answer like--once you say I believe the Bible
39:13 you're going down the right street. Yeah.
39:15 Having spent two full days,
39:16 and these were long and intense days, as you will know.
39:20 We ate in the room and we worked through lunch,
39:22 they were working lunches,
39:24 how did you feel the message was received,
39:27 that vast group of media professionals
39:30 some of those guys because I've known for you,
39:31 we know them all,
39:33 did they buy in to what was being so do you think?
39:37 Well, you know, that was the beginning of the process.
39:39 Yes. We're not stopping the discussion on media.
39:43 It's going to go on.
39:46 I've said to the folks in my opening remarks,
39:48 you know, there is some folks who are saying,
39:52 we're hoping that you'll succeed
39:54 and there's other people who are watching us saying,
39:56 boy, we're waiting till you fail.
39:58 What I made the comment at that time,
40:01 you know, "we may fall down a few times
40:03 or may be a many times,
40:04 but by God's grace we're gonna get up
40:06 and continue to proceed until by His grace we succeed."
40:11 I thought most people were energized by it.
40:14 I think most people started to dreams some dreams. Oh, yes.
40:19 And, you know, where I would like to take this next?
40:22 To our college compasses. Amen.
40:24 To talk to our young people.
40:26 Because you know what I dream about?
40:27 You know, If I was a pastor,
40:29 I would wanna get our people that come together in the church
40:33 and sit down behind their laptops
40:36 and learn how to witness in cyberspace
40:39 for Jesus Christ. Amen.
40:40 I told one of the folks who was sitting behind me,
40:42 I said, if you went to your conference
40:45 and you got 50 people, just 50 people
40:48 who would give a half an hour every week to come to church
40:52 and you would trained them how do engage
40:54 in a conversation for Christ in cyberspace. Yes.
40:59 Can you imagine that would be 100 hours every month
41:04 that people that we don't know would be a contractor for Jesus.
41:08 We could have such a ground swell throughout this division,
41:11 everybody using their computer, going on facebook or twitter,
41:15 talking to people for Christ.
41:18 You know, you don't have to be a rocket scientist
41:20 to do that or theologian with Ph.D. in theology. Yeah.
41:24 So, I think some people started to catch that vision
41:28 and so it was an exciting time.
41:30 Yeah. Jim, let me begin to throw out statistics.
41:33 One person said-- an expert said,
41:35 every minute, every 60 seconds,
41:38 24 hours worth of content is uploaded to Youtube.
41:42 That's every minute, 24 hours worth a viewing
41:46 is uploaded of every minute of everyday,
41:48 every month, every year.
41:50 So you're talking about an arenathat is so vast,
41:54 that is so-- it cannot be ignore
41:57 by those of us who love Jesus. We have to be there.
41:58 You know, we do have individuals who have got this vision.
42:03 Are doing so-- Michael Shuler
42:05 down in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
42:08 Michael is working very hard
42:10 to come up with different ways of--
42:13 through Youtube but they're different catch phrases
42:17 that he uses to Google.
42:19 In another words when they're Googling
42:21 it's different words and he's studying which words
42:24 are the ones that will get responses like that.
42:27 And he's getting a tremendous response.
42:30 I spent more than an hour on the phone with him recently
42:33 as he was sharing with me so many of the success
42:37 that there having with YouTube.
42:39 We have another young man if you remember
42:40 on the program here that we did an interview with
42:44 and he is getting thousands and thousands of hits on YouTube
42:49 and even 3ABN if you go on YouTube
42:52 there are dozens and dozens of 3ABN sites.
42:57 Many of them upload it by our viewers
43:01 and some by Michael Prewitt,
43:04 that's who's done so here.
43:06 So you see, Jim, there's still gonna be an opportunity
43:08 for your musical career on YouTube.
43:10 You could... I don't think so.
43:14 You know what my question is C.A.,
43:16 what my challenge is as I think about this?
43:19 You know, as you mention, Jim.
43:22 H.M.S. Richards came along and saw the genius of radio
43:25 and how he could witness for Christ
43:28 and move the gospel ahead on radio.
43:32 William Fagal, George Vandeman
43:34 and all of those who have comes since. On and on.
43:36 Saw the potential. Right.
43:39 Here's my question. Where is she?
43:42 Where is he, the H.M.S. Richards of social media? Yeah.
43:48 Where are those people? Where are those people?
43:51 They're all over. They are. Yeah. Yeah.
43:53 And what we need to do as a church
43:55 is that we need to find them.
43:57 Yes. Yeah.
43:58 And then get them to cross-pollinate their ideas
44:01 like your friend was doing with you. Yeah.
44:02 Because, you know, Ellen White saw.
44:05 I mean, this is exciting right? Yeah.
44:07 Streams of light encircling the globe.
44:09 Yes. Yes. Right, right.
44:11 You know, you think-- that story I told you.
44:14 Here's a young woman in her bed at 3 o' clock in the morning
44:16 talking to somebody in Ethiopia. Yes.
44:20 You know, think about that.
44:21 All over the world, Seventh-day Adventist Christians
44:25 using their computers to talk to people they've never seen
44:29 and they may never see them until to get to the kingdom
44:32 and the person say it was you that emailed me. Right.
44:35 That was you that Twittered me or Facebooked me, right?
44:37 Yeah. Yeah It was you.
44:39 And, you know, that just is energizing, isn't it? It is.
44:43 This past year, when they did study,
44:45 they found for the first time
44:47 that the number of television sets in homes declined,
44:51 by quite a large number actually if you get the actual stats.
44:57 Meaning that more and more people
44:59 even are watching television on their computers. Oh, yes.
45:03 And they get-- they're able to reach out,
45:07 you can watch 3ABN, you can watch 3ABN Latino,
45:10 you can watch our proclaim, you can watch our Dare to Dream,
45:15 our sunbeam channel, and Russian.
45:18 You can watch all of these on the internet
45:20 as well as watching on by television.
45:25 And yet this is something that I believe
45:32 will enable us to really, actually finish the work.
45:37 You know, we talk about finishing the work. Right.
45:40 And for individuals to go into homes,
45:43 it's wonderful, it's fantastic,
45:46 but from media you can get in there 24/7.
45:49 You can get in there in the middle of the night.
45:51 If that's when somebody wants to look and watch
45:54 and you can get behind those locked gates through media.
45:59 And it's the way I believe that the Lord is going to proclaim
46:03 this gospel all around the world. Amen.
46:04 My sister's case and point,
46:06 she lives in an apartment complex,
46:07 will not allow a satellite dish.
46:09 You know, is one of the-- won't allow that.
46:11 Cannot get a sun cable.
46:12 She's strictly computer and she watches 3ABN
46:14 on computer all the time.
46:16 So it is an arena that we need to be in.
46:18 Elder, before our time gets away from us,
46:19 I know there's a number of things
46:22 that you are wrestling with from your position.
46:25 I said wrestling with, challenges,
46:27 you know, the Lord give this opportunity and challenges,
46:29 what are some of the things, some of the directions
46:31 that the NAD is gonna to be moving in
46:33 in the next little bit that you have
46:35 the privilege of watching us go in that direction?
46:40 I need to understand that question a little more, C.A.
46:43 You need to get more specific.
46:44 Some of the initiatives that you're gonna to be fostering
46:47 from a division standpoint, some of the directions
46:49 that you'd like to see the division go into.
46:51 Well, you know, we are going to cooperate
46:54 with the general conference in a number of projects
46:57 that they initiate the great controversy project. Oh, yes.
47:02 You know, I heard our general conference
47:03 president say just couple a weeks ago,
47:05 that their target, the target of the general conference
47:08 is for 50 million, great controversy
47:10 is to be distributed around the world.
47:13 And yet one division, the South American division
47:15 has made a gold of 38 million.
47:19 Wow. That's amazing.
47:21 You know, and you know, we need to--
47:24 we need to praise God and be thankful for 3ABN
47:28 because I know you folks have been very much involved
47:31 in the distribution of the great controversy.
47:32 Well, Jack Henderson, a retired literature minister
47:38 from Florida, called me one day
47:40 and he had this dream.
47:41 And I said, well come on,
47:43 we'll do a program and talk about it
47:45 and so many people responded to Jacks appeal.
47:49 And it has just taken off.
47:51 And it's been a beautiful thing and very inspiring thing.
47:57 Jack and also one of the other gentleman
48:01 came down from the review, not long ago,
48:04 and visited with this about the success of it
48:08 and how many thousand and thousand
48:10 of these have gone out already.
48:12 Do you know how many have gone out already?
48:14 I do not know the total.
48:16 They've already done 1.6 million. Wow.
48:19 And while we were at the review in Harold Constituency
48:22 about a week ago. Yes.
48:24 They had just brought in another 35 tons of paper
48:28 to do another 400,000 copies.
48:30 Wow. Praise the Lord.
48:32 So that by the within the next few months
48:34 they will have already been two million copies
48:37 of great controversy distributed in the United State of America.
48:40 Well, Howard Scoggins was with the with Jack
48:43 the last time they came down and he was telling us,
48:46 we said, we think you ought to get ready to print
48:48 2 million because more because--
48:50 Well, and they've done that. That's what they have.
48:52 They've done 2 million. Praise the Lord.
48:54 And you know, we were talking about
48:57 another kind of distribution of the book
48:59 and this is one of them--
49:00 we are taking the general conference initiative
49:04 and were saying, hey, we're gonna make this
49:06 a North America the vision initiative.
49:07 We're gonna do some of what South America's
49:10 doing where also taking--
49:12 gonna look at the young people's addition and present that. Yeah.
49:19 Another thing we've been thinking about
49:20 and we have just got to put our toe into the water of it,
49:25 but we want an app. Yes.
49:28 A telephone app. Absolutely.
49:31 And we'd like to see 10 million people. Yeah.
49:34 Taking that app. Take it down on their I thing.
49:36 Take it on their I pad or I phone.
49:38 Take it down their reader.
49:39 Great. Right.
49:41 And we're also talking about wouldn't it be great
49:43 if we could get a group of well known Adventists
49:49 to read about 13 chapters of great controversy
49:51 and have a talking book.
49:53 That would be available on a website and on the app.
49:56 So that's one of the things that were doing.
49:58 Great, now how are the great controversy being distributed?
50:01 Those at are going out, how are they being distributed?
50:04 Yeah, I think that they are just going out
50:06 as people are inspired to get them.
50:08 We have not given real organization to that.
50:10 Well, Jack has a program for mailing them? Right.
50:14 And they are being mail. Yeah. Well, most are being mail.
50:15 For so much they are doing like a zip code
50:18 at a time and so forth. Right.
50:19 People are taking and mailing them out. Right.
50:22 And that's worked. It really has.
50:24 Yes, yes, it has.
50:26 Well, listen, there are so many different opportunities today.
50:31 You talked about that Houston model. Right.
50:34 Which I think Dwain Mickey had.
50:36 Glenn Mckey, was the, you know,
50:39 he was the kind of the sort buster
50:42 or the he was the one that was getting
50:45 as all in the corral and pushing us down the road,
50:47 but the neat thing about that was that
50:50 he was training people. Yes.
50:53 And, you know, we have some amazing stories
50:56 that have emerged out of that.
50:57 Out of that series of meeting,
50:59 it was wonderful because here you had
51:01 a group of lay people and pastors,
51:03 congregations buying in, working together.
51:07 One of things we dreaming about
51:09 in the North American division, is that we can find
51:11 a model of ministry that we can--
51:14 as I said cross-pollinate so that we can enter
51:19 into cities like New York-- by the way
51:22 we have a major series coming in New York,
51:24 just a four days series with Frank Gonzalez and LaVoz.
51:29 That is our major project, Voice of Prophecy and LaVoz
51:32 are actually joining together to do that one.
51:36 They have already well over 200 small groups
51:38 working to bring people to that event.
51:42 But we would like to see that carried out
51:44 what we didn't Houston carried out
51:47 on an even more dramatic basis
51:49 in the city of Las Vegas right now.
51:51 We know, we have got Babylon Rising. Oh, yes.
51:54 Speaker-director, John Bradshaw's emailed me
51:58 last night and said, we don't--
52:00 we're just amazed at wonderful stories
52:02 that we have 2000 people attending. Yes. Yes.
52:05 I was watching a little of that a little bit earlier,
52:07 they are actually breaking out into applause
52:10 in the middle of his message.
52:11 There seems to be a hunger and thirst in that city.
52:14 And he has touching a chord there.
52:16 In a very, very powerful way.
52:17 Well, I was just glad that he was finishing
52:19 when I was starting because I didn't want the competition.
52:22 There would only be the three people watching me
52:24 and ten thousand watching him.
52:26 Well, I tell you that one of things that John found
52:30 when he went there is that we have
52:32 a large viewing audience in Las Vegas.
52:35 Our low power station there is very strong.
52:40 So many people in that area don't have cable,
52:43 don't have direct TV or dish
52:46 or any of the other satellite television.,
52:49 they simply have rabbit ears
52:50 and we have a low power station there.
52:53 And they're baptizing people as resulted
52:54 that every year in Las Vegas.
52:56 Every year around a 100 people
52:57 throughout those churches that are there.
53:00 I think mountain view said they do 30 or 40,
53:03 paradise may be about the same
53:06 and Pastor Rock's church about very close
53:09 to the same number of people. Amen.
53:11 People every single year that they're baptizing there.
53:14 And we want to see that multiple.
53:16 We're gonna do a conversion to that channel,
53:20 and so it will have four channels.
53:22 We'll be able to go out in Latino, in English,
53:25 and our Dare to Dream and also Proclaim. Amen.
53:30 So we'll be constantly preaching the message
53:32 there in the Las Vegas area.
53:35 You know, one of the great things
53:37 about the Las Vegas event is that
53:40 we have the convergence of many ministries in that city.
53:44 ASI ministries, we've got It Is Written,
53:48 Faith For Today. Right.
53:49 All involved, and there are others,
53:51 forgive me if I'm leaving something out,
53:53 but again, there's another model. Right.
53:56 And we want to look at those models
53:58 and transplant them to different area is in North America.
54:01 Yeah, Elder, I want to give you just a word of encouragement,
54:04 we've got a caller, e-mailer.
54:07 "I really like what's your talking about
54:09 doing the internet and cyberspace and witnessing.
54:11 We're living in an age where it's not going to do
54:15 a lot of good going door-to-door and also dangerous.
54:19 I think this is really exciting."
54:20 Well, they have sort of touched a chord, it is dangerous.
54:22 There was a time when you could go out,
54:24 when we were children, late at night in gather
54:26 you could knock on doors,
54:28 in some places it's really dangerous to do that.
54:30 In other places you simply can't get to the door. Yes.
54:32 Because there's some big doorman
54:35 who's not gonna let you in. Right.
54:36 But the cyberspace gets behind all doors and into--
54:40 or and when we heard that there are young people
54:43 today who are never more than 30 minutes from this thing.
54:47 That says that's an arena that we have to get in on.
54:49 You know, I mean you raise another very good issue,
54:53 I mean, in your comment, it's true.
54:55 It's very difficult to go door to door
54:58 and yet we don't want to ever overlook
55:00 what we've talked about.
55:01 What we've talked about the great controversy project.
55:04 And the media of print, or the print media,
55:08 by God's grace that is one of the things
55:10 that we have been talking very actively about
55:12 in the North American division.
55:14 How can we once again encourage our people
55:18 to become involved in a ministry,
55:21 a literature ministry, were they are giving out
55:24 tracks and pamphlets and so on.
55:26 We've not move beyond that print stage,
55:28 we've not. Right true.
55:29 And you know, if you read the book "Great Controversy"
55:31 and we've been talking about it,
55:32 Ellen White in one of the final chapters makes the comment,
55:35 "I saw the people of God with their faces
55:37 lighted up and shining,
55:38 going from door-to-door." In that idea.
55:42 So well, I think it is impossible in some areas
55:45 and we need to pull them all together.
55:49 That's right. Yes.
55:50 Even public meetings and we should never
55:53 diminish them because these are places
55:55 where people can make decisions. Right.
55:58 They watch on television and they are educated
56:02 or they watch through the internet
56:04 but they need to go and be with our people
56:07 and hear the message and accept the message and receive it
56:12 and the inspiration of the moment. Right.
56:15 It's just amazing what a difference that can make.
56:18 Well, our time is just really getting away.
56:21 It does slip away very, very fast.
56:24 We do not often have
56:25 the division president with us. No, we don't.
56:28 Two times in a 12 month periods
56:29 that we are very humbled and grateful
56:32 that you started by the cornfield,
56:34 as they say, of Southern Illinois.
56:35 Well, you know, there may be another motive to it.
56:37 If I lose my job maybe you'll hire me here.
56:39 Yeah. We promise you that that's true.
56:45 But I just want each one of you
56:48 there have been watching tonight
56:49 to know that we want to continue
56:52 uniting together with God's church
56:57 and moving forward with this message
56:59 because we believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.
57:02 He's coming soon. Amen.
57:03 And we wanna proclaim that message
57:06 with clarity all around the world.
57:09 Thank you, for supporting, for standing by
57:12 because it is with your gifts only
57:14 that we are able to continue this ministry
57:17 and may God continue to bless you
57:19 and may you keep on, keeping on with Jesus Christ
57:23 our Lord, our God, our savior, our creator. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17