Night Light Live - 1st Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley & C. A. Murray


Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA012705

00:01 Hi, how are you?
00:03 We are coming to you live from Israel, from Jerusalem
00:10 and as we've been told Pastor Jim,
00:13 the heart of the city,
00:15 almost the heart of the world.
00:16 And we welcome you to a very special edition of "Night Light"
00:22 coming to you from Israel.
00:23 This is very exciting time for us. It really is.
00:25 And we've been here for a week
00:26 and I have a few more days that--
00:29 to visit in Israel and we're seeing a lot
00:32 of very wonderful and interesting things.
00:36 Not your first trip here, it's your second trip.
00:38 Well, I tend to space mine out. My first one was 38 years ago.
00:43 And it's my 22nd trip here.
00:47 A lot of people wonder why in the world
00:48 I'm hung up on coming.
00:50 Maybe towards the end we'll let you--we'll talk about that.
00:53 But more importantly we want to talk about
00:56 God's work in this area
00:59 because it is going forward really in a very fine way
01:05 in comparison to what it has been in years past.
01:08 Because there has been a time
01:10 when converts came may be one a year in--
01:14 in a country like Israel or if hopefully two years.
01:18 I have talked with missionaries
01:19 and they have worked in fields like this
01:21 who worked their whole ministry 25, 30 years
01:25 and we're fortunate if they had
01:27 10, 15 converts during that particular time.
01:31 However, we're seeing a different day now.
01:35 We're seeing things start to happen.
01:37 We're seeing things open up and it's thrilling.
01:41 There are many people who come into the church here
01:45 who eventually move on somewhere else.
01:48 But this has been a place where they found
01:51 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
01:53 and became acquainted with the Three Angels' Messages.
01:56 And, you know, that is the great goal that we have at 3ABN,
02:01 and that is to spread the gospel around the world.
02:05 So tonight we first want to talk about,
02:07 and it is night time here.
02:09 I know it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon where you are,
02:11 it's 9 P.M. in the evening where we are.
02:15 And that's if you are in Central Time,
02:17 of course in California it's 11, and you know what time it is,
02:21 it's 2 o'clock in the Eastern Zone.
02:24 But we are now at night time here.
02:27 We are 8 hours ahead of Central Time
02:30 and so if I say night,
02:33 please forgive me from time to time.
02:35 But what we wanted to talk about is what is happening
02:39 with God's work in this area.
02:42 And we want to be sharing some ideas and some things
02:46 that the president of the field
02:47 will share with us in just a little bit.
02:49 But first of all, we want to meet a pastor.
02:52 Would you introduce him to us?
02:53 This is Pastor Oleg Elkine. I think I've got that right.
02:56 But before we talk with him Jim,
02:58 I think we need to take just a moment
02:59 to talk about where we're coming from?
03:01 Oh, all right. And what this is all about?
03:02 We're in a little studio high up in a building
03:04 but tell us what you know more about it than I do actually.
03:07 Well, those of you that get us on G19,
03:11 particularly you are watching us
03:13 on a satellite company called RRsat.
03:18 This is their Jerusalem studio.
03:22 They have a large area outside near Tel Aviv.
03:27 Actually, it's now in the valley there right very close
03:30 to where David and Goliath had their famous battle.
03:34 And you can actually see it from their place.
03:37 From that spot they have over 100 satellite dishes.
03:42 Some of them are 100 feet across
03:45 that are spreading all kinds of television signals,
03:50 but an awful lot of our signals
03:53 and others who are presenting the gospel around the world
03:57 and this is so very interesting.
04:00 You know when God chose a spot for His chosen people-- Mm-hmm.
04:05 He knew exactly what He was doing. Precisely.
04:07 Because He chose as,
04:09 as you said the center of the world
04:11 at that time actually the very center of the known world.
04:16 You've got Europe on one end and above
04:19 and you've got Africa below and so you--
04:25 we're in a situation here where satellites can operate
04:31 and reach all kinds of continents all over the world.
04:37 You know, I believe God knew, I know God knew it,
04:40 but He knew this was the crossroads of the world,
04:43 he put His people here. They were to be a witness.
04:46 They had failures, yes,
04:47 but they also had success my friend.
04:49 You got to remember that the very first Christians
04:52 were all Jews and they all didn't accept Him, no.
04:57 Officially did they accept Him? No.
04:59 But they accepted Him nonetheless.
05:03 Those 12 disciples, the 11 of them for sure
05:06 and then they added a successor to Judas,
05:10 but they accepted Him and they began to preach the gospel.
05:15 And the Bible says, they turned the world upside down.
05:18 And history says, they turned the world upside down.
05:22 The world was never the same again
05:25 and it came right out of this particular area.
05:30 And now, the message that's 3ABN proclaimed
05:34 the third angel's message is largely coming
05:38 from a satellite operation-- Yeah.
05:40 Right here in this country. That's what is exciting.
05:42 Now let me ask, where you are in. Yeah.
05:43 It is very exciting and I didn't know that
05:46 until I came into these studios just a couple days ago.
05:48 But this is still the center of the world-- Yes.
05:51 Because so much of satellite technology
05:54 comes through Jerusalem and comes through
05:56 this particular facility. It does.
05:58 And you know, you go up 23,500 miles,
06:00 come back down to Pennsylvania and it go up again
06:02 and you shoot over to Israel, then you shoot back up again
06:05 and we cover through this facility are really all of that.
06:09 The great east, you know, you go to Russia,
06:12 you go to Africa, you go to the Far East.
06:13 All of that comes through-- It does.
06:16 Through this particular facility. It really does.
06:18 So it's really amazing and we, you know,
06:22 our great engineer Moses Primo has worked
06:27 with these particular people for a long time
06:30 and he is the one that has made the choice to work with them
06:35 and it's been an exciting-- you know, I say he advised us,
06:40 we had to make the choice.
06:41 But he advised us and we listened
06:44 and we've been very happy with that arrangement.
06:47 Well, that's not supposed to be a commercial for our sat.
06:50 It's--we're just trying to let you know where we are.
06:53 Now this is a studio that we're in where there are sometimes
06:56 these people come from different organizations
06:59 and would do a quick report or they go up on the roof here.
07:03 If we were on the roof tonight,
07:04 it's just too cold and windy up there,
07:07 but if we were up there, you'd be able to see
07:09 a background scene that of Jerusalem
07:12 and they've got several different places
07:14 where people can stand up there and you might--
07:17 you can see the Old City
07:19 or you can see the Independence Park
07:22 or you can see the King David Hotel
07:25 or there are so many different things that you can see
07:28 in different positions there.
07:29 And so this is a very unique spot here
07:33 where we are telecasting from tonight.
07:37 Now this studio is not meant for a program like we're doing. No.
07:40 So we are--it's meant for like a one or two camera program
07:45 with one person sitting here giving a news release
07:48 or something of that nature.
07:50 So please understand that
07:53 and I hope that you will not be too disappointed
07:57 in the production that we're doing.
07:59 We're flying a little bit by--
08:01 Yeah, we are--
08:02 we are stretching our host to the max tonight. We are.
08:05 And putting a lot of things together basically,
08:06 on the fly-- Right.
08:08 But we're having a good time.
08:09 It's exciting to be here. These are exciting times.
08:11 We just had a little, I can't say little,
08:14 but there was some skirmish between two sides
08:18 and bombs were flying that has stopped
08:20 and we've got a chance to do some things.
08:23 And Pastor Oleg, you actually do get a chance to talk.
08:27 Okay, we actually are going to talk with you. Very nice.
08:32 One of the things that we found out
08:34 since being here sort of news to make,
08:36 I guess Jim, you've experienced this before.
08:38 Evangelism, working in this context--
08:42 Is not like working any place else in the world. No.
08:45 You've got a majority religion-- Yeah.
08:47 In a majority country and then you have a Christian faith,
08:52 which is seeking to lift up the name of Jesus Christ.
08:55 One of those persons who is doing is Pastor Oleg Elkine,
08:58 do I have it right? Yes.
08:59 Oleg Elkine. Yes.
09:01 Good to have you here, man. Okay, thank you.
09:02 We had little chance to talk yesterday.
09:04 Tell us first, where are you from?
09:05 I'm from Belarus.
09:07 I was born exactly in Belarus, this is former Soviet Union.
09:10 So I was born in the Jewish family and I was born in--
09:16 as I knew after this when I came to Israel
09:20 that my grandmother was so religious,
09:23 but I didn't know this from my childhood anyway,
09:27 so anything I didn't know about this,
09:29 because everything of this was so much hidden from me.
09:33 Because in former Soviet Union the anti-Semite sanity
09:36 is that they're so big, so high.
09:38 And my family didn't want any trouble for me
09:42 in connection with my background.
09:47 So because of this they didn't teach me English
09:50 because my family, my grandmother and my mother,
09:53 my father, my bother everyone of them,
09:56 they speak until now in English, but I don't know.
10:00 And even my name is non-Jewish,
10:02 because Oleg, it is a Greek name. Yeah.
10:05 And it is exactly because they didn't want trouble for me.
10:09 So you tried really to keep your Jewishness
10:11 kind of below the radar,
10:12 so that you wouldn't get into trouble.
10:14 Does not sounds that you wanted to be promote our talent.
10:15 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I didn't.
10:17 Exactly, I didn't have any trouble in my life.
10:19 I have seen many troubles for my friends,
10:22 but not exactly to myself.
10:23 I didn't have it. Yeah.
10:25 Name like Oleg, that threw him of quite a bit, right? Yeah.
10:30 So I was indicated exactly and as an atheist. Right.
10:35 I didn't know about God anything,
10:38 I heard something about Russian orthodox God--
10:41 Yeah. Jesus. Yes.
10:43 But I didn't want to be close to him of course
10:47 and even this was something wrong for me.
10:51 I--even I heard something about this I was,
10:54 you know, I want to be too far from this.
10:56 Yes, yes. Right.
10:57 So but then you did finally accept Jesus,
10:59 how did that happen?
11:00 Yeah. You know, it is very big paradox in my life.
11:05 Because exactly what I didn't want, I accepted. Yeah.
11:09 Because I didn't want to be close
11:11 to Russian Orthodox Church. Right.
11:12 But I started from, exactly from Russian Orthodox Church.
11:15 I had cross in my, in my chest here. Yeah.
11:19 Now I did everything what they do. Okay.
11:21 So everything I bust, you know. Yeah.
11:24 It was strange in my life and when I said this to my mother,
11:31 she was shocked, but because she loved me
11:34 and she still loves me-- Right.
11:36 So she accepted this.
11:38 So you went from being an atheist
11:40 to being an orthodox Christian. Yes.
11:44 And then how did you find the third angel's message?
11:47 Oh, I just met one man.
11:52 He was Seventh-day Adventist and-- Okay.
11:54 He was of course non-Jew.
11:56 I had many friends non-Jew. Right.
11:58 Yeah, but he was Seventh-day Adventist
12:01 and when we had conversations,
12:04 I just noticed that he is non-Jew,
12:10 but he keeps Sabbath. Yeah.
12:12 And he doesn't eat pork. You're Jew.
12:16 I am a Jew and I keep Sunday and I eat pork.
12:23 For me it was so strange in my life. Yeah, it is.
12:26 So because of this I started thinking if it is right way.
12:31 So we had many conversations
12:34 and I had the Bible study, the Bible says so,
12:40 it is our Pastor George Vandeman,
12:44 He started these lessons
12:46 and I had very good accompanies --
12:51 Yeah. With this man.
12:52 Now who was the evangelist again that you went
12:54 to an evangelist meeting though, didn't you? Yes, yes.
12:57 And exactly at that time, some preacher Elton Wallis
13:02 started his campaign in Kaliningrad.
13:04 Okay. Doing one month in health.
13:06 And during these meetings me and my wife
13:09 and of course my children-- Yeah. Yes.
13:10 I had two till this time
13:12 and we visited every meeting you know. Oh, yeah.
13:15 And what is interesting in this situation
13:18 that we were so much active in these meetings
13:21 because we had the flyers and we wanted to spread--
13:24 spread these flyers between the people
13:27 and this evangelist Elton Wallis-- Yeah.
13:31 He thought that we are Seventh-day Adventist. Oh, yes.
13:33 He was amazed that he has seen us
13:35 between the people who wants to be baptized.
13:38 Because he thought that we are Seventh-day Adventist, you know.
13:41 I see, I see. Yeah.
13:42 So that's in a part of the world where evangelism was able,
13:46 public evangelism. Yes.
13:47 They were suddenly able to hold the meetings--
13:50 Yes, exactly. And you went.
13:52 Now then you-- what happens next in your life?
13:58 Next in my live, my daughter was so much sick.
14:01 And she was going to die even.
14:04 And we received some diagnosis from the doctors
14:10 that we should go to somewhere
14:13 where it is good climate for my daughter. Yes, yes.
14:16 And they thought if you have chance to go to Israel,
14:19 it is the best for her.
14:21 Because you were Jewish. Yes, yeah.
14:22 You could come to Israel.
14:24 It is the best, but I didn't want.
14:25 Because I was-- I believed that at that time
14:29 that God has plans for me exactly at this place.
14:33 And I did--two years I refused to go to Israel.
14:38 And exactly when the situation came
14:41 that my daughter was going to die,
14:43 I told myself that if it will happen
14:47 I cannot forgive myself any-- Right.
14:49 At all. Right.
14:51 So I decided and I told God, please Lord,
14:54 you know, how I don't want to go to Israel.
14:58 But I cannot forgive myself
15:02 if something happen with my daughter, so I'm going.
15:05 If you don't want me there, please stop me.
15:09 But if you want I'm ready to go but...
15:12 So anyway during half a year
15:14 I prepared all the documents to go to Israel.
15:19 And if my prayer was in March,
15:21 in October I was here in Israel. Wow.
15:24 During half a year everything was--
15:27 and after my coming here I understood
15:29 that God has plans for me in this country.
15:33 Now, when did you become a minister?
15:34 That's my next question, yeah.
15:36 Yeah, but, but I became minister
15:37 after three years of after my coming here.
15:41 Yeah, because I was here as an Elder
15:43 because before I was an Elder in Kaliningrad.
15:46 So she just called me,
15:49 I wanted to study so much but of course I didn't have money.
15:54 And sometimes some-- of my friend from Kaliningrad
15:58 came to Israel to visit this country
16:00 and of course he came to my home.
16:02 And suddenly-- I didn't ask him anything.
16:04 But suddenly he asked me
16:06 Oleg, why did you-- why didn't you study?
16:09 And I told him just the truth. I don't have money.
16:12 And he says you know what, I think I could be your sponsor.
16:16 Wow. Really. Praise God.
16:18 But please give me exact information
16:21 how it cost, everything.
16:23 And, you know,
16:24 I understood that I have this part of my assistance
16:29 but I need second part. Why?
16:31 Because during my study
16:33 two months in the part time study in Zaoksky.
16:37 I didn't have any, any shekel to help my family
16:43 because two months I don't work. Right.
16:45 And I prayed and I asked God, God, you know,
16:48 I am going to our president of the Israel field.
16:51 I ask him, is it possible for the Israel field to give me
16:54 some assistance for two months for my family.
16:58 For while I'm on my study
17:01 and may be the Israel field could help my family to live.
17:06 Now this was Richard Elofer?
17:08 Yes, yes, it was Richard Elofer of course, yeah.
17:11 And you know, in the ExCom, Executive Committee
17:13 they decided, yes we're ready.
17:16 So they give me two of my salaries
17:19 what I had at this time and I have everything.
17:23 From one side I had a sponsor and from another side
17:26 I had the Israel Field too who helped my family.
17:29 And such--in such a way I started my study.
17:33 And in 1999 I started my study
17:35 but in 2000 I had been surprised.
17:39 Because Pastor Richard came to my home and asked me,
17:45 are you ready to be a pastor
17:46 because in the executive committee,
17:48 we decided to give you in advance this possibility
17:52 to be a pastor here in Israel because you're studying.
17:54 So after one year of my study
17:57 I started to be pastor since 2000.
17:58 Okay, praise God.
17:59 My question... CA, go ahead.
18:01 My question was that your--
18:03 the call to ministry when you came here,
18:05 did it ever occurred you that ministry
18:07 was going to be an ultimate goal for you.
18:09 I mean, you came as a local elder? Yes.
18:10 Was the Lord talking at your heart stream,
18:12 was there anything that was saying to you
18:14 that ministry was going to be,
18:16 I use a term in the cards for you.
18:18 That mission was going to be something
18:19 that God was calling you to do?
18:21 You know, it's a difficult question
18:24 because when I came here,
18:27 I understood that God called me to be here.
18:29 But I didn't have any vision because I didn't know how,
18:33 I didn't know what, I didn't know where,
18:35 I didn't know when, I didn't know anything, you know.
18:38 And unfortunately it is still challenge for me even today
18:43 because as Jim told in the beginning of it to preach
18:48 the gospel to Jewish people, you know, we should have--
18:52 we should do it in a special way. Yes.
18:54 And until now I cannot understand until the end
18:59 what is the way exactly. Yeah.
19:01 Because the regular methods we use in Russia,
19:05 in America, in Europe, they don't work here. Yes, yes, yes.
19:09 When I hear you can present
19:11 the message in your church. Of course.
19:14 But you can't go out publicly
19:16 and you have to be very careful about inviting even.
19:20 Isn't that true? Yeah, yeah, it is true.
19:22 And you don't want to be seen proselytising is found upon.
19:27 Yeah, but first of all we should understand
19:29 that there is no need for proselytising
19:32 on Jewish people. No, no.
19:33 Because Jewish people, they are God's people.
19:35 They are God's people.
19:37 Even if it's difficult to understand
19:38 for some church members. Yeah, right.
19:40 But it is--because, you know,
19:42 in the letter of Roman, Roman's letter of Paul,
19:48 he says in chapter 11 that
19:51 "The gospel started from the Jewish people
19:53 and the gospel will be finished with Jewish people." Yeah.
19:56 The Gentiles will be in the middle, you know. All right.
20:00 So it means God has plans
20:02 to Jewish people to Jewish nation
20:04 at the end of the-- of his work.
20:09 And you know, we read about that
20:10 in the Spirit of Prophecy that this is going to be
20:13 an unbelievably powerful thing at a given time. Yes.
20:17 I'm excited about you being a part. You have a family?
20:21 Yes. Five children.
20:22 Yes, I have five children. How many boys?
20:24 I have four boys and one daughter.
20:26 One beautiful daughter.
20:28 So that daughter is doing all right?
20:29 Yes, praise the Lord, she's all right.
20:31 Of course she has some problems with her health,
20:34 but this problem-- those problems it is nothing
20:37 in comparison to what she had before. All right.
20:42 Today she got married and she has one very pretty boy,
20:46 you know... Oh, really.
20:47 Yeah, and the second is going to be in December. Okay.
20:51 So praise the Lord, she's in the Lord,
20:53 she's been in the church by the Lord.
20:55 So all my children are in the church, my all sons.
20:58 We met two last night. Yeah. Yeah.
21:00 We're very impressed with them, fine young men.
21:03 Well, listen, tell us a little bit
21:05 about that you do pastor three churches is it?
21:08 No, here in Israel I have five churches. Five churches.
21:11 Five regular churches every Sabbath they come to, to the...
21:15 What cities are they? Tel Aviv. Yeah.
21:19 Bat Yam, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Beersheba. Wow.
21:22 Okay, Beersheba, Claire down there.
21:24 Yeah, exactly, today we head with our president there.
21:27 Is that right?
21:28 How many people meet down at Beersheba, small group?
21:31 At Beersheba, almost 30 people.
21:33 30 people in their chief meeting.
21:35 Yes, in the least.
21:36 Yeah, of course, a little bit... I know.
21:39 But-- But listen I'm excited,
21:41 how many members do we have here in Israel.
21:44 Because Israel is not a big country. Yeah.
21:46 But how many members do you have?
21:47 In Israel we have about 800.
21:49 About 800 members? Little bit more.
21:52 Folks, you don't know,
21:53 but when I first started coming over here
21:55 there were fewer than a 100 Seventh-day Adventist in Israel.
21:59 And so, we have seen wonderful growth.
22:05 Richard Elofer was in charge of the work here.
22:07 He's now in charge of the Jewish work all over the world.
22:10 He had that position
22:12 at the same time he was also a pastor here.
22:15 But they relieved him of that duty,
22:17 he's moved to France where he heads up this work.
22:20 And we have a work that of witnessing the Jews
22:25 that has covered the globe now.
22:28 In United States when I was at the North American division
22:31 it was a privilege to be the one that oversaw
22:36 that particular work and chair that committee.
22:38 And so I'm excited about what I see is happening here.
22:43 It is small but it's gonna I believe is going to explode.
22:49 And we're gonna be talking a little bit more here
22:51 with the president of the field
22:53 and discussing some of the things
22:56 that he is dreaming about and planning on.
22:59 And so we are going to bring him in now
23:03 and we gonna thank you Oleg for coming.
23:05 Okay, thank you very much. That's just been great.
23:07 Thank you so much I must appreciate it.
23:08 Yes all right and but this is an exciting time
23:14 and for our people in this part of the world
23:18 and we hope to be able to share some of that with you.
23:22 Yeah, you know, one thing I'm impressed by Jim.
23:24 You know, the churches
23:25 has this big push for the cities of--Yes.
23:28 And I think that is a fine thing.
23:29 I think we ought to spend sometime praying for...
23:34 countries like this. yes.
23:36 Because this is a particular challenge,
23:38 this a difficult place to work.
23:40 We talked about 10/40 Window
23:42 and this flies in there in that area.
23:46 Our Muslim countries, our Jewish countries,
23:49 my Hindu countries, it takes--
23:51 you can't just go out and pit a tent and expect folk to come,
23:54 in fact some countries don't like to do that. That's right.
23:56 So the methodologies have to be very, very sophisticated,
24:01 very caring, very loving, very personal massive evangelism
24:05 as we are used of seeing it just doesn't fly here.
24:07 You know, I've mentioned the Jewish work,
24:10 but remember that Israel is made up of Christians,
24:13 a large number of Christians, of Muslims and of Jewish.
24:19 So we got the three major religions here
24:22 and it's not just a Jewish work,
24:25 but we find that this is a great opportunity
24:30 to witness to all three of these groups.
24:31 Now, we're going to be doing a lot of things here,
24:34 but one of the things if you have a question
24:37 that you like for us to try it work out or something,
24:40 I'm gonna ask you to email it to my personal email account.
24:43 I'll be checking it here.
24:44 I may not be able to get to all of them,
24:46 but I know that some of you have some pretty good things
24:49 that you would like to comments, letters.
24:52 If I don't get to answer them all, please understand.
24:54 But just send me a note at Jim
24:57 and you know how to spell thats dot gilley.
25:03 Be sure you get that 'ey' in there at the number
25:11 Now remember it's the 'org' and not the other term.
25:15 So, send me a note, I'll be looking at them,
25:19 checking them in a few minutes.
25:21 And we maybe able to get back and answer some of you,
25:24 even put your name on there if you wanted to
25:27 tell me you don't want me to mention your name, we won't.
25:29 But if you do leave it on there and perhaps we will.
25:33 Well, Roger, we welcome you.
25:35 This is Pastor Roger Robertson, and he is the president
25:42 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Israel.
25:47 And that name doesn't sound Jewish.
25:49 Where are you from, Roger?
25:51 Now, it certainly doesn't sound Jewish or anything like that.
25:54 I'm from Norway.
25:56 You're from Norway? Yeah.
25:57 And now the world organization,
26:00 our church has called you to lead this work here.
26:05 Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
26:08 Why would they, why would they chose you for that?
26:09 Well, I wasn't on the committee so I can't tell. I understand.
26:15 But I guess they looked
26:17 at some of my administrative background,
26:20 also I've gone through the church norm
26:22 at all different levels. Okay.
26:25 Departmental director, evangelist, Bible teacher,
26:29 conference president, union president. Okay.
26:32 So I've been through various things.
26:34 Whose division was this in?
26:35 This was in the Trans-European division.
26:37 Trans-European division.
26:39 But then I guess what has counted something
26:42 must have been the fact that I've been doing archeology
26:45 in Israel for many, many years.
26:47 So I know the country fairly well.
26:49 Oh, okay. So you've been here many times?
26:51 Yeah, since 1976.
26:53 So it's a long time ago now. Well, okay.
26:55 So that was the first time you came here? Yeah.
26:58 And now you talk about the country,
27:02 where do our members live in the country?
27:05 Are they all of them in Jerusalem or--
27:07 we heard about Beersheba,
27:09 so we know that there are some down over there.
27:12 I preached in Beersheba this Sabbath. Yes.
27:15 So... You go from there to Beersheba?
27:17 Yeah, that's right.
27:19 Now they actually live scattered all over.
27:21 We have 13 churches and then some groups,
27:25 so it's 21 all together, churches and groups.
27:30 So they live scattered all over, most of them in Tel Aviv area.
27:36 My question is, we, we-- you mentioned conferences,
27:40 unions, we know divisions.
27:42 Tell us what a Field is?
27:44 What is the definition of a field?
27:47 You're president of the Israeli Field,
27:48 that's a special designation.
27:50 Our audience may not be familiar with the term Field?
27:54 It simply means that it's not completely self supporting.
27:58 A union and a conference they are self supporting. We're not.
28:05 A Field can be small or it can be big,
28:07 but what is common is that it's not self supporting
28:12 as far as finances are concerned.
28:15 Well, we're now directly linked to the General Conference,
28:18 that's the world organization.
28:21 Well, some of the things that we are running into
28:24 is the ethnic and religious and background here of the people,
28:29 have you found that that's a little different
28:31 than other parts of the world?
28:32 Well, it's a melting part here.
28:34 Of course it is,
28:35 it's like a mosaic with just about everybody
28:38 represented all countries in the world.
28:41 But what we see in Israel as far as Adventism is concerned
28:45 is that we've had a large influx of Russians,
28:49 we have quite a few Romanians.
28:52 There used to be more than
28:54 a 1,000 Romanian Adventists here in this country. Really.
28:57 Now it's down to about a 120 because of political reasons
29:01 and people who had to leave and so on. Oh, yeah.
29:04 We have a large group of Filipinos
29:09 and then of course there are Jews,
29:13 Indigenous Jews, Sephardi Jews living here.
29:17 But that's the--
29:19 where we haven't really had too much success so far.
29:23 How do you share your faith
29:25 with people of certain Jewish faith?
29:30 Well, we haven't really had too much success.
29:32 What I personally I'm doing it right now,
29:35 I go out every evening and I talk to people
29:37 I meet in the street just to get acquainted with them. Yeah.
29:40 Then I walk around in different churches
29:43 visiting Messianic Synagogues and so on.
29:45 So I want to see what's going on.
29:47 Sure. And how do others work here.
29:50 So I want to acquaint myself with that aspect.
29:53 Right. All right.
29:55 So you're getting a lot of background information.
29:58 Yeah and then we've laid some plans which are--
30:01 I think very interesting.
30:02 So I'm looking forward
30:04 to kind of push these through. All right.
30:06 Before we move into your plans we might be--
30:08 you touched on something that sort of intrigue me.
30:10 How is the Messianic Movement from your perspective
30:14 accepted across the board, because, you know,
30:17 the Jewish community is not a model of a community.
30:20 You've got to the far right. You've got to the far left.
30:23 You've got some in the middle. Then you've got Messianic Jews.
30:25 How is that-- does that play
30:28 and they will fit into the overall
30:30 Jewish community here in this country?
30:33 By many Jews, it's not accepted,
30:37 you know, it's not a popular thing at all.
30:41 So some of them have problems.
30:44 That's how it is. Yeah.
30:46 But-- yeah, they manage,
30:49 and you know, they're witnessing
30:51 and they're sharing their Yeshua,
30:54 Jesus, you know, they're lifting Him up,
30:56 so-- Yes.
30:57 I admire them for what they're doing for Emmanuel, yeah.
31:00 Absolutely. Well, we talked a little.
31:04 first of all before we get into the plans,
31:07 tell us a little bit about your background.
31:10 And I know, you've told us about leadership,
31:12 but did you grow up Seventh-day Adventist
31:14 or do you converted to the Three Angels' Message with--
31:19 how did you become what you are?
31:21 I grew up as a Lutheran
31:23 because in Norway that's the state church.
31:25 So about 90% are Lutherans. All right.
31:28 So I grew up in a Christian home. Yes.
31:30 With a good mother, very dedicated Christian. Yes.
31:35 She had a norm to Seventh-day Adventist.
31:38 And my mother really wanted to get her out of that
31:41 because they regarded the Adventist
31:43 something very special and somewhat Jewish.
31:46 They kept a Sabbath, you know,
31:49 so they didn't really believe in Jesus
31:51 because they didn't celebrate His resurrection on Sunday.
31:55 And somewhat Jewish also
31:57 because they didn't eat regular food. Yeah.
32:00 So my mother really wanted to help her out, you know.
32:03 And so the two of them started talking.
32:06 And my mother came home, you know,
32:08 after the first time that ever touched on it--
32:11 these topics together, you know.
32:13 And she was, you know, "Wow what's this?
32:16 I never knew you know.
32:17 They really believed in Jesus. They are Christians."
32:21 And so we had to start from the beginning,
32:23 you know, I was in my teens at that time.
32:25 Wow! And we started studying,
32:28 you know, the Sabbath. Yeah.
32:30 And then I listened to a program about Daniel Chapter 2.
32:34 Okay. And I was sitting there just watching.
32:37 This was a slide show-- Oh, yeah.
32:40 This was when I was young. All right.
32:42 Yeah, and so I said to myself,
32:46 "Wow, if there's a God behind all of these
32:50 and He has a plan for the world.
32:53 Then maybe there is a plan for me as well." Yeah.
32:56 I've got to stop in because it seems like as a teenager
33:00 you were perhaps a little more serious about your faith
33:02 than we would envision most 16-year-old.
33:05 But you are a thinking person
33:08 and a person may be who is even searching for truth
33:10 and very involved in serving the Lord and being part of that.
33:14 This is right. Yeah. For me.
33:15 And you had a great deal of confidence in your mother.
33:17 My mother was a godly woman and,
33:20 you know, she was truly dedicated.
33:22 Yeah. As a Sunday keeper.
33:24 Right, oh, yeah. When she-that's all the truth.
33:27 Yeah, she followed. She followed.
33:30 That's where the honesty comes forward.
33:32 People are--if they will absorb the truth they have.
33:36 She was living after all the truth she had before.
33:39 And when she found more, she lived up to that.
33:42 And she was an adult person at that time.
33:44 And she was willing to follow for me,
33:46 it took several years.
33:49 Wasn't that courageous?
33:50 Yeah. Pushed it off.
33:52 Wow, it is one thing to join the church
33:55 and accept all the doctrines--
33:56 there's another thing to be called to ministry.
33:59 When did you feel the Lord sort of moving you on
34:02 and not be just sort of a pew warmer
34:03 but to be a leader in His cause?
34:06 For couple of years in my early 20s,
34:09 I kind of calm down
34:11 as far as my religious experience was concerned.
34:16 I was out one evening.
34:17 I met a group of students from our junior college in Norway.
34:21 One of them said me, "Roger,
34:23 why aren't you really fully ablaze and fully on fire?
34:28 Why are you sort of backsliding somewhat?"
34:32 And so I went home that evening
34:34 and I spent several hours alone rethinking everything.
34:40 I knew that God existed, I knew He had a plan for me.
34:43 Why was I wasting my time?
34:46 So I made a new decision.
34:49 And shortly after just a couple of weeks afterwards,
34:52 a friend of mine, he told me that
34:54 he was going to Newbold College to study theology.
34:58 And that couldn't, you know, I couldn't let it go.
35:01 So it kept, you know,
35:02 I was studying in Oslo doing well,
35:05 but Lord, He had His way.
35:08 So I had to go
35:10 to Newbold College and I became a pastor.
35:13 Wow, praise God. That's great.
35:15 Well, then you've had the ministry, the pastoral work,
35:19 the denominational leadership role
35:21 and also you have now taken on a new role
35:28 here in this particular field.
35:32 And you and I share some dreams together
35:39 that you may not realize,
35:40 but when you began to talk to me
35:44 the other day about this center that you want to develop
35:49 and some other things you're looking at.
35:51 I really got excited because I--
35:55 every once a while I have people who give me a hard time
35:58 about coming over here.
36:00 And why do you do this and they think that--
36:03 people they think there's council not to come
36:06 and there are also councils not to have bicycles.
36:09 But there are certain areas and periods of time
36:12 in which council is accurate and other times when it is not.
36:17 I have seen in my own family
36:21 when my wife first started coming,
36:24 she began-- she always loved the word,
36:28 but she really got into the word.
36:29 And she has now read the Bible through
36:31 since our first trip 15 times.
36:35 And I don't mean just read it, I mean studying it.
36:39 It has changed her whole being, same with my children.
36:44 I have four children.
36:45 And they've all been here with me several times.
36:48 It has so much ingrained them spiritually.
36:52 So I'll talk a little bit more about this
36:54 in our second half of our program.
36:56 But you want to bring students
37:01 and have them be here for a study.
37:04 This meant a lot to you personally.
37:06 So tell us a little about this,
37:08 tell us about the facilities we have for this
37:10 and what your dream is?
37:12 In Jerusalem, we havetwo centers. Yes.
37:15 One of them is the Advent House
37:17 where many Adventists over the years have stayed, you know.
37:20 We have the single rooms, some double rooms.
37:23 So Adventists from around the world,
37:25 they've come here and they stayed there.
37:28 Then in the other side of the city,
37:30 we have the study center.
37:34 Many Adventists who've been here, you know,
37:36 in times past and they look at the study center
37:39 and they say, "Wow, that's a run down place."
37:41 Yeah. It's not. It's fully renewed.
37:46 It's a brand-- Really?
37:48 It's a brand new study center.
37:49 Now where is it, it is out of town is that on?
37:51 It's in the eastern part, not far from the Damascus Gate.
37:55 All right, but in Greek they have redone that, huh?
37:58 It's totally redone. Really? I want to see it.
38:00 Inside, beautiful new rooms, toilets,
38:04 rest rooms, bathrooms, you know,
38:06 the tiles and it's just beautifully done. Okay.
38:09 And now this summer we even put on a new roof,
38:14 not just a ceiling inside, but the whole roof, it's new.
38:17 So it's a brand new place.
38:19 And we're inviting colleges and universities to come over,
38:23 they will stay there. Okay.
38:25 You know, in Jerusalem, it's usually quite expensive.
38:28 Right. But with us, it's really cheap.
38:31 And if they come and stay there,
38:32 we can accommodate groups of between 20 and up to 40--
38:36 Okay. In that one place. All right.
38:38 And, you know, when they come, it's cheap for them,
38:42 but it gives money to the work in the Israel Field. Okay.
38:45 And that's a long term income for the well care in Israel.
38:50 Yeah. So that is really good thing we have going.
38:53 So some of the colleges
38:55 and may be even academies could bring students,
38:59 stay for a length of time, study,
39:04 you know, an intensive study
39:06 and the word and the geography
39:09 and so forth and the archeology.
39:12 What length of time will they have a--
39:14 that would be up to them or what?
39:16 That's up to them.
39:18 We have the La Sierra University.
39:19 They will be becoming now this in 2/13 in the summer.
39:23 Andrews University, they are considering sending a group.
39:27 But you know it's just finished now this place. Oh, really?
39:31 So we haven't really started, you know,
39:33 contacting colleges and universities.
39:36 So those who come first now,
39:38 they will have very good deals with us
39:40 because we want to fill it up as soon as possible.
39:43 Now what will they do for things like food?
39:45 They just prepare their own food
39:47 or do you have someone who does that for them?
39:51 That will be up to them.
39:52 It's cheaper if they do it themselves.
39:54 And we have a beautiful new kitchen,
39:56 so they can do it. They can do it.
39:58 We can provide a cook, you know, we can--
40:00 Or they can bring along one of the mothers
40:01 and she can cook, yeah.
40:03 That's right and this is what many have done in times past
40:06 when the place was being used. Yeah.
40:08 It has been used before. It has.
40:10 But because, you know, it was let down. Yeah.
40:13 Now it's up again and it's more beautiful than ever before.
40:16 Really? It's a nice place and 5 or 6 minutes,
40:19 you know, from Old City
40:22 and 3 or 4 minutes away from the Garden Tomb.
40:24 Wow! that close.
40:26 Yeah, it's just-- Just a walking. That's right.
40:29 3 or 4 minutes to the Garden Tomb.
40:31 And if, you know, if the group is larger,
40:35 then they come walkover to the Advent House.
40:37 It's about 25 minutes, you know, by foot.
40:40 And so people can stay there in single rooms or double rooms.
40:44 So we can combine things.
40:45 How many rooms do you have at the Advent House?
40:47 Advent House is not large, it's eight rooms.
40:50 Eight rooms. Yeah.
40:51 So you can accompany about 15-16 people-- Yeah, that's right.
40:55 Now I just wanna backup because between both facilities,
40:59 what's the total number of students you can have,
41:01 or in average you can house, both of them?
41:04 If they contact us and there's plenty of time to organize it,
41:08 we can take at least 40 people. Okay.
41:11 May be up to 50, but at least 40.
41:14 Okay, I wanna try to save your project
41:17 because I think it's a great thing.
41:19 What--let's go back and sort of assess, what they can do here?
41:23 We've got a group of college age kids.
41:26 Why would we come in and what can we do?
41:28 What can we actually get our hands into
41:31 and learn while we're here?
41:33 First of all, college students they travel all over the world.
41:37 Why not to take them to where Adventism began.
41:40 Adventism, as you know, did not start in Battle Creek
41:43 or Washington DC or Andrews University
41:46 or Loma Linda University and none of these places.
41:49 It started here in Jerusalem.
41:51 And this is actually where it's all gonna finish
41:54 because after the millennium
41:56 where is the Lord going to come down.
41:58 Where is the New Jerusalem gonna be located.
42:01 So we are at that spot
42:03 and this is where all the prophets walked.
42:05 This is where the apostles lived
42:07 and many of them gave their lives.
42:10 This is where Jesus lived.
42:12 And now He's called us you know to share this.
42:15 And so by coming here,
42:17 you look at the different sights and you'll remember.
42:20 You have something to--
42:22 that's gonna stay with you for the rest of your life. Yeah.
42:25 You've seen the different places.
42:27 And some of these, you know, people don't believe it,
42:30 you can actually just south of the temple compound,
42:34 you can walk on the same steps as Jesus Himself has walked on.
42:38 And many of those who have been to Israel,
42:41 they have been walking through, you know, the Hezekiah's Tunnel.
42:44 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
42:45 Can you imagine Peter when he was young kid?
42:48 He must have rushed through it. Sure.
42:50 And so we can do it today.
42:52 Now let me tell you,
42:53 we are getting email questions like you wouldn't believe,
42:56 but I-- Michael Alford has asked a question.
43:01 He says, "During Jesus' time,
43:03 He and the disciples would preach in the synagogues.
43:06 Are Christians today permitted to preach in the synagogues?
43:12 Probably you and I did.
43:14 Probably we did not, but like I said
43:16 we have the Messianic synagogues
43:18 and we have synagogue of our own.
43:22 Friday nights when you comes to Jerusalem,
43:25 invited into a synagogue. Yeah, yeah.
43:28 Abraham Lincoln Street. All right and--
43:31 And it's gonna be, you know,
43:33 everything is in Hebrew, you know it.
43:35 And there is one person here that was very concerned C.A.
43:37 at back you were talking about bombs.
43:39 You know, you can't even mention things like that.
43:42 There is a peace agreement that's going on. Right, right.
43:45 By the way we've been here... a week.
43:48 We have not seen anything,
43:51 I mean once I get out of New York, I felt safe.
43:54 And I want to know that--
43:59 Now, we have not so much have seen a soldier. No.
44:04 You know, in the airport or any place.
44:06 There are some checkpoints you go through.
44:07 Oh, yeah. That's what it's there.
44:09 But the disturbance has not affected
44:11 the areas where we have been.
44:13 We are very, very safe and we feel quite fine.
44:16 Absolutely and-- but we would not have come.
44:20 We have great confidence in the people we work with here.
44:24 They would not mislead us. We were in touch with them.
44:27 And they told us that where it not safe,
44:31 they would have told us.
44:32 So we came and we have been very, very happy that we did.
44:38 And there is probably 100,000 tourists here
44:41 at least right now traveling.
44:44 We just run into them everywhere
44:46 from all over the world.
44:48 And there is no fear and frightening among them.
44:51 Believe me, we've had a wonderful time.
44:53 Then we're, you know, anytime things can happen.
44:56 And so we're not being frightful,
44:58 we're thankful for that.
45:00 And we don't have some special courage or anything like that.
45:04 We just believe that there is some practical things
45:07 that people know when you can come and when you can't.
45:10 And we were following that.
45:12 We followed those who have been doing this for many, many years.
45:16 And we're thankful that we did.
45:19 I don't have 1% who is not thankful that they came.
45:24 But got a question here for the guest.
45:27 Thank God for your broadcast today.
45:29 Would you kindly ask the guest
45:30 to share the most challenging experience
45:33 and also the most exciting experience
45:35 that they're experiencing for working for the Lord?
45:39 And this comes from the lady with the name of Grace Mallet.
45:42 I didn't quite get it-- A challenging experience.
45:44 Challenging experiences. I could tell you about the problems
45:48 we just had now with the Gaza State.
45:51 Because it was kind of a difficult situation.
45:54 Yeah, because you-- we have members down in Gaza.
45:58 By the way folks, we are a long way from Gaza.
46:00 And believe me we are a long way from there.
46:04 Our members living in that surrounding-- Very tough time.
46:07 With rockets coming down,
46:09 you know, that was the problematic situation.
46:12 None of them wanted to move out.
46:14 They felt secure and they wanted to,
46:17 you know, stay with their neighbors. Wow.
46:19 And I was down there today preaching in Beersheba.
46:24 Fantastic group of people we have there.
46:27 Those members are so faithful. Isn't that great?
46:29 And the Lord is blessing.
46:30 And I drove by Gaza. It's peaceful now.
46:33 Oh, sure. Yeah, right.
46:34 So it's okay. Right, right.
46:36 And I just--I hesitate even to talk about that type of thing,
46:43 but that is challenging. It certainly is.
46:45 Question here on the presentation
46:47 about the Jewish work.
46:49 Do you know any of the Spirit of Prophecy quotation?
46:53 I've had them read to me and I've had them.
46:55 I don't have any right here with me.
46:57 If you go into the E.G. White writings
47:00 put in Jewish work and look at up,
47:02 I'm sure that you will find the quotation that I alluded to you,
47:07 but I don't have right on the top of my head.
47:12 And... so we've got
47:18 another question about the trip
47:23 and we will talk about that in second half.
47:26 But Roger, what else can we do to encourage people
47:31 to get to be involved in this project here of study in here?
47:36 What--how can they help you with this project?
47:40 Student come, they talk to their professors about it,
47:43 remind them of the fact that we have such a place in Israel.
47:48 Right. And tell them we want to go there.
47:50 And they can contact you. Sure.
47:53 And they can email you. Yeah.
47:56 What is your email address?
47:58 roger.robertsen,
48:02 robertsen is with s-e-n. S-e-n.
48:06 At-- So it's roger.robertsen, s-e-n.
48:11 That's robertsen@?
48:16 Netvision--
48:21 No, not
48:24 Okay,
48:27 .il. .il after that.
48:30 Yeah, that's for Israel. That's for Israel.
48:34 We'll come to that one more time because--
48:37 all right, are you ready?
48:38 Yeah. Give it to them.
48:40 Roger.robertsen
48:47 Uh-huh, very good.
48:49 That's complicated. Yeah, it is.
48:50 But I think that you're--
48:52 We're coming down to the close of--the close of our first hour,
48:54 but is there any other project,
48:57 any other thing that you have may be on a drawing board
48:59 or in your mind, in your heart
49:01 to reach this community which we said at the top of the show,
49:05 it's little difficult to reach.
49:07 You can't use some of the classical historic methods,
49:10 you got to think a little more, got to pray a little more.
49:12 Has the Lord given you anything else
49:14 that may be on a drawing board?
49:16 Oh, He sure has.
49:17 We have several projects going now.
49:19 We are planning for them.
49:21 It's so called Life Hope Centers, Centers of Interest.
49:24 And we already have the place in Nazareth.
49:28 It's a nice building. It's gonna be, you know, redone somewhat.
49:32 But we already have that place.
49:34 We have small group of people meeting there.
49:37 So that's actually sort of going already.
49:41 And then in hyper region,
49:42 we are planning to start another such center.
49:46 We have--this sentry in the Advent House.
49:48 We already started at synagogue.
49:51 So that's also reaching out to the Jewish friends
49:54 that we have in the surrounding area.
49:57 Planning another one in Tel Aviv area.
50:00 And those projects I have full confidence
50:04 in the fact that we will make friends.
50:08 We will have an impact in different communities.
50:11 All right, okay.
50:13 We have several plans, you know, what to do--
50:15 So you're really putting the old wine in new wineskins.
50:19 Yeah, that's right.
50:20 And, you know, the pastors here,
50:22 they are very eager to get started. Yeah.
50:26 And many of the church members down in Beersheba was today,
50:30 they all started asking questions. What can we do?
50:33 How do we--how can we do it and so on?
50:35 They are burning. They want to share the message.
50:38 You know, I'm glad to hear that.
50:39 So there is excitement to sort of
50:41 meet some of these challenges. That's right.
50:42 And to implement some of these new ideas.
50:44 Uh-huh. That is great.
50:45 That's right. That is great.
50:47 All right. Okay.
50:48 Well, listen, we appreciate your coming.
50:51 I have one more question.
50:52 How many pastors do we have now in Israel?
50:56 We have far too few pastors.
50:58 There are six of us all together.
51:00 Are they full time pretty much?
51:02 Yeah, those are full time.
51:04 Then we have couple of volunteers
51:07 and, you know, some other.
51:08 Departmental directors are mainly people working,
51:12 you know, in different areas and doing this part time.
51:16 Okay. Yeah.
51:17 And if somebody wanted to come over here,
51:21 you had some expertise in this area, they can contact you.
51:27 You know, some of our most valuable workers
51:31 at 3ABN are volunteers.
51:34 Some of them are young volunteers,
51:36 I mean, you know, they are not, some are retired.
51:38 But they are extremely valuable.
51:40 And some of them are experienced.
51:43 If they did, they can contact you at that email address.
51:46 That would be great.
51:47 And perhaps they would come and help. Yeah.
51:51 Thank you, sir. Thank you.
51:52 We appreciate your coming. All righty.
51:54 Thank you, God bless you. God bless you too.
51:56 We're gonna be following through.
51:57 We want you to come to 3ABN do another program at today show
52:02 and we'll bring some pictures
52:03 and show some things at that time about--
52:05 You just get in touch and I'll be there.
52:08 All right, all the best. Thank you.
52:10 God bless you. Thank you.
52:11 Well, listen that's exciting here.
52:13 Do we have enough time to bring another guest here?
52:15 Well, let's bring, Joanne in
52:17 and we'll just cross the hour with her and do it that way.
52:20 Okay, all right. That was exciting visit for me.
52:24 I know that we're getting
52:25 tremendous mail here from people.
52:29 They're talking about how much it's meaning to them.
52:33 Only have one complaint
52:34 and he said, "Thank you for your reply."
52:40 No, that was somebody else.
52:42 But he also said that he was upset
52:47 because we're preempted Dwight.
52:49 But Dwight is recorded
52:52 and we'll try to show that program again.
52:54 This is live and we--
52:57 this is the only opportunity we had to do it. We apologize.
53:01 We had to preempt somebody, but we--anyway.
53:06 Yeah. All right.
53:08 Yeah, we're down to our last minute, but we want to just--
53:10 you actually do get a chance to talk.
53:13 Well, this is Joanne Davis
53:15 and she comes all the way from New Zealand. Yes, she does.
53:17 So that's quite a little trip doing some ministry.
53:20 And I think we're gonna hold her. All right.
53:22 Till after the break because we have a lot to talk about.
53:25 We want to give her chance to talk with.
53:27 First of all, good to have you here.
53:28 Thank you very much. It's great to see you both again.
53:31 And I just had a fantastic day off,
53:33 sung in St. Ann's Church with a wonderful choir Milestone.
53:38 Jim, you were just wonderful.
53:40 How many echoes in that church?
53:42 Twenty seven I think.
53:43 That's what they say, but it is so amazing.
53:47 We sounded like as good a choir there could be.
53:51 Do you know the other tourists stopped? They did.
53:53 And as people came out,
53:54 they said, "Oh, did you hear that choir."
53:58 Well, that was-- it's enjoyable.
54:00 And those of you that have been with us before
54:01 you know that we do this.
54:03 And we sing "How Great Thou Art"
54:05 and we sang "The Lord's prayer."
54:07 And well, I tell you it was exciting. It was wonderful.
54:11 It was, wasn't it? It was.
54:14 I have a very conservative friend who would--
54:20 he just does not respond to anything emotionally.
54:24 And we had him on a trip one time.
54:27 And we were singing, I looked back, he had both hands up.
54:30 And I thought oh, my, but it was just so inspiring.
54:34 It was and the father there, the priest. Yes.
54:38 As we lift, he was inspired by the music
54:41 and what a job he said.
54:43 He gets to do that all day, every day.
54:46 Praise the Lord. Listening to it.
54:47 Pilgrims coming and just praising God in his church.
54:51 Yeah. Oh, praise the Lord. All right.
54:53 Yeah, we are coming down to the end of our--
54:55 I'm not sure precisely how much time we have
54:58 because our clock isn't functioning.
54:59 But I want to talk about your ministry
55:01 and then get a little bit more
55:03 of your impressions of this country.
55:05 As a person with newspaper background and--
55:09 well, they tell me I'm hearing in mic, we have two minutes.
55:11 So you can talk a little bit which I'm happy for.
55:16 You had a good day up there.
55:17 But give us your impressions of this country
55:19 and what's going on as you see it
55:22 from a sort of insight kind of the background?
55:25 Well, it's really interesting.
55:27 I really didn't commit to coming here
55:30 until 3 o'clock on the day I was supposed to leave
55:32 because the news reports were so dire.
55:35 And my folks were particularly worried.
55:39 The last time you saw us,
55:41 David and I were together and David passed away last year,
55:44 that was a really big loss for our family.
55:48 And the thought of me coming to Israel
55:51 on the anniversary of David's death.
55:54 And coming into such civil strife
55:57 was a bit much for the family to bear.
56:00 But coming here the reality of it is just so much different
56:03 to what we are seeing on the news reports.
56:06 And my impression is that this is an incredibly spiritual place
56:11 and a place where you can reconnect with God
56:14 and enhance your spiritual experience with such joy.
56:20 And it's so much better than what I imagined it could be.
56:24 Yes. Praise God.
56:25 Praise God, yeah.
56:29 Yeah, we're down to our last few seconds.
56:32 We wanna talk about little bit of ministry that you're involved
56:34 because you're doing some things
56:36 that we are really excited about.
56:37 And get little more of your impression of this place,
56:40 is this your first time here?
56:41 This is my first time in this part of the world.
56:43 In this part, aha.
56:45 And it's really exciting to me
56:46 because there is such an opportunity
56:48 and a need for us to evangelize the Arab world. Indeed.
56:52 And to actually meet with these people face to face
56:56 and I want to tell you a story
56:57 that there's something that happened today.
56:58 All right, we're gonna hold that story to the second half
57:00 because we're down to our last five seconds.
57:02 We're gonna be back in five minutes.
57:04 Stay with us. We'll hear this story,
57:05 got lot more to talk about.
57:06 We'll see you shortly. Five minutes, call your friends.


Revised 2014-12-17