Night Light Live - 1st Hour

On Location In Cincinnati From A.S.I. - Spiritual Formation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley & Danny Shelton (Host), C. A. Murray, Dan Houghton, Dan Jackson, Derek Morris, Frank Fournier, Harold Lance, Mark Finley


Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA012702

00:26 Hi, this is coming to you live from Cincinnati, Ohio.
00:29 And, Danny, it has really been a tremendous ASI so far.
00:33 It has. And how about the last song?
00:36 Wow. Do you know that guy, who was he?
00:38 That's John Bradshaw-- Is that John Bradshaw?
00:39 I thought he was a preacher.
00:41 You know, I saw the name on the schedule.
00:43 It said, John Bradshaw was singing.
00:45 Sing-- And I thought no he must be preaching and then--
00:49 Me too. That said, four minutes.
00:51 And I said, "Wow, he can't preach
00:52 much in four minutes."
00:54 So I said, he must be then it must be really be singing.
00:57 You know what? He has a really pure.
00:59 He sing from the heart.
01:00 I was blessed by it, and I have to admit
01:02 I kind of raise my hand to--to the Lord.
01:04 John, I love that. That's great.
01:06 I love that song.
01:07 And we've had him in our Camp Meetings
01:08 and never had him sing so--
01:09 No. Now, the cat is out the bag.
01:11 That's it. Everybody in the world church knows
01:14 that he is not only a preacher, but he is a singer.
01:16 I'll tell you someone else who is a singer.
01:18 No. And he will deny it, but it's true.
01:20 He has a beautiful voice used to be a singing evangelist.
01:23 He is sitting right next to me.
01:25 And his name is Gilley.
01:26 He is a cousin to Mickey Gilley,
01:28 but I think he sounds better now.
01:31 Now, Mickey, you're a great singer too,
01:32 but--but Jim Gilley does sing well,
01:35 I promise you that's the true.
01:37 You know one thing I've learned about
01:38 Danny is he loves to have fun.
01:40 And he is always pulling my leg.
01:42 And he is pulling yours, when he tells you I am a singer.
01:44 But you did. You did.
01:45 Well, you were singing evangelist, right?
01:47 Yeah, that's true.
01:48 It was a kind of-- kind of droughts, you know--
01:50 No it wasn't, no it wasn't.
01:52 But you know last-- last night I really thought
01:55 and we've had a lot of the people
01:57 that have contacted us.
01:59 You know, more of the things I found out.
02:01 If you can make people on both sides,
02:04 mad at Jim, you probably have been fair.
02:07 And so last night Elder Wilson--
02:11 We--our job was simply to present
02:13 the General Conference President,
02:15 ask him some questions, and then he was to be
02:18 the one to take the positions and he did.
02:21 Yeah, he did. Mark Finley with him and-- Mark Finley.
02:23 You know that Brad Thorp and Jim and--and myself.
02:26 And I mean, honestly 3ABN is facilitating this.
02:29 And we want to do more of this
02:31 because there are certain things
02:32 coming down the pike within the church
02:35 that we want to talk about.
02:36 No, we're not talking about airing dirty laundry,
02:38 but we're talking doing just like last night.
02:40 Absolutely. Nobody is doing any--
02:42 trying to be positive, as positive as we can,
02:45 but preaching and encouraging people
02:48 and unity together one faith,
02:51 one God, go on doctrine,
02:52 go on forward to get this gospels,
02:54 the king--kingdom in through all the world.
02:56 And the devil wants to divide that,
02:58 a house divided against itself cannot stand.
03:02 And so that's why 3ABN
03:04 has joining hands with Elder Wilson,
03:06 the church and giving the airways to the church.
03:09 As you said last night, Jim, that you offered right
03:12 after literally in Atlanta,
03:14 Elder Wilson came over cross the hill
03:16 where we there and you said anytime you want the--
03:20 the 3ABN's audience which is a worldwide audience,
03:24 3ABN wants to give it to you.
03:25 We offered right on the air.
03:27 And many of you saw that program that night
03:30 and you heard that offered that we made.
03:32 And we have always responding
03:34 when he's contacting us
03:36 and wanted to-- to make a statement.
03:39 And you know, we believe in this church.
03:41 We believe in its message.
03:43 And we support the worldwide outreach of this--
03:48 of this denomination.
03:50 And so we-- we do support.
03:52 Our job, you know, lot of times people
03:53 will send me new theology. Yeah.
03:56 They'll say, what do you think about this?
03:58 And you know, Danny, that's not our calling.
04:02 Our calling is to present the message that that the--
04:05 that the Biblical Research Institute
04:08 and others have carefully studied,
04:11 and it become part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:14 That's--that's our position, not to make new theology.
04:17 Well, exactly.
04:18 And I want to go back to something my uncle,
04:20 all--and all we said, when I was young
04:22 'cause people would get up and--
04:24 and we have the blase,
04:25 we believe they're from the Bible.
04:26 And somebody is always wanted to push those limits or say,
04:29 "Well, you should be able to do things
04:31 totally outside what is Biblical." Right.
04:33 Right now you see it in Protestant churches,
04:35 Catholic churches, the gay movements for instance.
04:38 If you say anything about it or take a stands
04:40 of what the Bible says then all of a sudden
04:43 they're not only, they're upset and they want to,
04:45 you know, like they did Chick-fil-A--
04:47 That's right, that's right. And some of these folks
04:48 they want to do all those things,
04:49 but my Uncle Owen said,
04:50 "Look, folks, if you don't love it, leave it."
04:52 Otherwise start your own church.
04:54 And so we don't-- I don't say that
04:55 that's why I didn't say much last night.
04:57 Somebody said, "Danny, you didn't say much."
04:59 I said, "I weren't supposed to.
05:00 We were just helping.
05:01 Asking some questions to-- to Elder Wilson."
05:04 Yeah. But my thing is, there are some things
05:07 that are Biblical and-- and many things.
05:10 And we need to stick to that,
05:11 why do we try to pushing people do that.
05:14 Not, I'm talking about all the churches. Yeah.
05:16 And that's where that is going around the world.
05:19 And--and we know, Jim, right?
05:20 That's right. You know, Danny talk Chick-fil-A.
05:23 Comeal said to me, "Let's go eat a Chick-fil-A."
05:26 And I said, "Comeal, what in the world what we're eating."
05:29 What we're eating? And she said,
05:30 "Well, we got a fans, something
05:31 we could eat there." We'll find something.
05:32 Sure, there's something you can need or drink there.
05:34 May be some potatoes or something.
05:35 Absolutely. And but I--
05:37 I tell you people should have the right
05:39 to make a statement about their beliefs.
05:42 Of course. And I don't know whatever their belief is.
05:45 Absolutely. And that that right is protected in this country,
05:49 freedom of speech is at least now.
05:52 It supposed to be. But that's what we're seeing,
05:54 and that's what's happening?
05:55 So what we're doing within the church
05:57 in our leadership is looking at different situations
06:00 within the church that are creeping in
06:03 and we want to deal with it.
06:04 And our Elder Wilson, God has put him here
06:06 for such an ours this. We're very supportive.
06:09 Tonight, Jim, let's spend a few minutes
06:11 talking about another very important topic
06:14 that's happening tonight in just a few moment.
06:16 You know, this is a spiritual formation
06:18 thing has been something that's crept into church.
06:22 I did not realize in all honesty
06:24 that it was around until just months ago.
06:27 But the truth of the matter is it has slowly crept in.
06:31 And the revival and reformation movement
06:34 that we have been such a part of at the General Conference
06:38 actually opened up the door
06:40 for very sincere people to be misled.
06:44 You know, the devil says,
06:45 "Okay, the people want to pray,
06:48 I'll teach them to pray."
06:49 And then he leads sincere people
06:53 into a method of prayer that is actually a demonic.
06:57 It is not a spiritual prayer.
07:01 Even though it's called a contemplative prayer
07:03 or spiritual formation.
07:05 When you actually begin to study,
07:07 you see that the roots of this go back into Hinduism
07:10 and other of the pagan religions.
07:13 And so this has become a method of prayer
07:18 for many of our believers.
07:20 And so tonight we're gonna have
07:22 some people that are there.
07:23 Now, if you've read a lot of books,
07:25 you've seen the name of Derrick Morris.
07:28 Derrick Morris is an individual who has been
07:31 a leader in bringing this
07:34 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
07:35 However tonight, we're gonna let Derrick
07:38 tell his own story, but I believe that you will see
07:41 if you listen to him
07:43 that he no longer holds those believes.
07:47 And there have been so many sincere people.
07:49 And I've known so many of them.
07:51 These are the people that spend
07:52 hours a day in prayer, folks.
07:54 And but they have followed
07:56 something without fully checking out its history
08:01 and where it came from?
08:02 And they fell into a pattern of prayer
08:05 that is not from the Lord and is not from the Bible.
08:10 And so tonight, we've gather together a group of people.
08:14 Dan Houghton called me a few weeks ago,
08:16 they have published a book
08:18 that there will be talking to you about.
08:20 And this book covers the history of spiritual formation
08:25 and contemplative prayer.
08:27 And it's a very direct book.
08:29 It talks about those that have been involved.
08:33 There have been a number of books
08:34 that have been written on the subjects.
08:36 Some of them have been fair
08:39 and some of them quite honestly haven't been quite as fair.
08:42 They have indited those who may be
08:44 should not have been indited in this particular subject.
08:48 But I believe this is the type of thing
08:51 that we want to bring to you often.
08:53 This is what Night Light is all about.
08:55 Night Light is a special program
08:57 we don't put it on every week,
08:59 but we try to bring special issues
09:01 to you with this program that may be facing the church.
09:06 And so we try to have those that understand
09:09 some of these issues, understand some of the problems
09:12 that we're facing to come and to address
09:15 those particular situation.
09:16 And I think God has raised 3ABN
09:18 for such an ours as from the very beginning.
09:21 We've always felt that we ought to be
09:22 able to stand up and tell the truth, yes.
09:25 Really that's what it's all about.
09:26 The truth will set us free.
09:28 And the truth and what are we have to go by.
09:30 How do we know what is truth? By the Bible.
09:32 When we stick to the principles of the Bible,
09:34 we let the Bible tell us what truth.
09:36 Jesus, of course is the he truth,
09:38 but how is the way to him.
09:39 And there are certain things that we know lot of things
09:42 it says we see through the glass darkly,
09:45 but soon or when Jesus come,
09:46 we'll see face-to-face.
09:48 But there are many things that's not negotiable,
09:50 that's giving and submitting our lives to Jesus.
09:54 The only way under heaven
09:56 that we can be saved the Bible says.
09:57 I hear ministers now. Another denominations,
10:00 I've seen them before saying,
10:02 "Well, you know, may be there is others ways."
10:03 They are afraid to offend people,
10:05 but while we have the freedom to--
10:07 These folk can say what they want.
10:09 They can go out and have all of their gay right parties
10:11 and--and celebrations and whatever.
10:13 And again God loves and I do too.
10:16 I--I don't hate anybody love,
10:18 but God hates-- hates sin.
10:20 He loves to sinner.
10:21 So I think is these people have a right to say
10:24 what they want as you said freedom of speech.
10:26 That's right. And I believe as Christians
10:28 not to condemn somebody,
10:30 but to just simply put the truth out there
10:32 so people will know to make their decisions
10:35 is this right or this wrong.
10:37 So when we lead people to the Word of God,
10:39 somebody's always upset. Yeah.
10:41 But you know what? I think that's okay, right?
10:42 I do too. You know the Bible--
10:44 Let people-- let people be upset
10:46 as you say one way to the other,
10:48 but let's do the best.
10:49 And we know how to do to get the truth out
10:51 'cause we're countable to God. Yes, we are.
10:53 With--with an organization like 3ABN
10:55 that can reach the world.
10:56 Sometimes silence is just not the right thing.
10:58 That's right. Well, you know,
10:59 the Bible says that "Satan as a roaring lion
11:03 goeth about seeking whom he may devour."
11:05 And so we no that we've got to watch
11:09 and be very careful for there will be great deceptions
11:13 in these last days. Well, right now,
11:15 I think they're ready on the stage at this time, Danny.
11:17 And so Pastor C.A. Murray is going to be
11:20 the moderator for this discussion.
11:22 And we will join Pastor Murray at this time with "Night Light."
11:29 Hello, and welcome to "Night Light."
11:32 We are gathered here tonight to dare I say,
11:35 demystify, demythologize, pull the cover off of something
11:40 that many of us see as a clear
11:42 and present danger to Christianity
11:45 in General and the Seventh-day Adventist Church in particular.
11:48 The very fact that we have this constellation
11:51 of gentleman here before me.
11:54 Some are clergy others are concern laypersons
11:57 gives voice to the fact that we care much about the church
12:01 that we love. We care much about the God of the church.
12:05 We have a passion and a love for our church,
12:08 and a corresponding distain for any ideology
12:11 that would seek to tear down or destroy
12:14 what God has built up through His church.
12:16 And so tonight we seek to talk to you
12:18 about the things of God,
12:20 to talk to you about those things
12:23 which are dare to our heart,
12:24 and dare to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
12:26 You have heard the terms, centering prayer.
12:31 Other kinds of terms emerging church,
12:36 contemplative prayer. We've heard these terms.
12:39 Some may have heard them for the first times,
12:42 others you've heard them many, many times.
12:44 You may be wondering, what do they mean?
12:45 How do they impact the church?
12:47 What do they mean to us?
12:49 How should we deal with these terms
12:52 and with these ideologies?
12:53 Well, we seek this night to talk about those things
12:55 and try to set some light on these terms.
12:59 And to familiarize you with the dangers
13:02 that lies in some of these terms.
13:04 To my right, Dan Jackson
13:07 is a president of the North American Division.
13:09 Next to him is Frank Fournier, who is the president of ASI.
13:14 Next to Frank is Mark Finley,
13:16 Special Assistant to the General Conference President.
13:19 To my left, Derrick Morris, who is the--
13:21 let's say Associate Ministry of Director
13:23 for the General Conference and Editor of Ministry Magazine.
13:27 Next to him, Harold Lance,
13:28 who is president of ASI Mission Inc.,
13:31 and my friend, Dan Houghton
13:32 who is the president of Hart research Center.
13:34 So we are here to talk about the things of God.
13:36 And to inform you, to inspire, to encourage you as together
13:41 we seek to walk this road that leads to glory.
13:43 Before we launch out, would you now bow your heads
13:46 with me in a word of prayer?
13:49 Father God, we commit ourselves to You just now.
13:54 For You have said that you would never leave us,
13:56 nor for sake us. You've given us that promise.
14:01 You've also said that when we bow our knee
14:04 and lift up our hearts that there
14:06 is a God in heaven who answer.
14:09 And so, Lord, now we submit ourselves to You.
14:12 Be now the center
14:14 and circumference of this discussion.
14:16 May Christ be glorified? May truth be highlighted?
14:21 May error be exposed, and may we together
14:25 take one more step along that road that leads to glory.
14:30 We love You, Lord, we praise You,
14:32 and we thank You for Your promise to hear
14:35 and answer the prayer of faith in Jesus'
14:38 name, amen and amen.
14:41 There is a text that I should like to turn
14:43 you just before we start.
14:44 It's found in the Book of Ezekiel.
14:46 You know it well. It sort of gives justification
14:49 for our sitting here this night.
14:51 I mean, Ezekiel Chapter 33, just two verses 6 and 7.
14:57 "I'm sure you know it well. Ezekiel 33 verses 6 and 7.
15:03 The Lord of God says--
15:04 I'm reading from the New King James,
15:05 " But if the watchman sees the sword
15:08 coming and does not blow the trumpet
15:11 and the people are not warned, and the sword comes
15:15 and takes any person from among them,
15:18 he is taken away in his iniquity,
15:20 but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.
15:25 "So you, Son of man," I'm in verse 7.
15:28 "I have made you a watchman for the House of Israel.
15:32 Therefore you shall heal a-- hear a word from My mouth,
15:36 and warned them for me."
15:39 That ladies and gentlemen is why we are here.
15:41 When we see a danger to the House of God,
15:43 to the people of God, to the church of God,
15:46 men of good will, praying men,
15:49 Bible reading, and Bible studying
15:51 men and women have to lift up
15:53 their voice and speak for the Lord.
15:57 That again is why we're here.
15:58 I want to go to you-- Dan, I think first.
16:04 And let me say this because we've got a--
16:07 we've got a bunch of preachers and former preachers
16:09 and preachers who just preached.
16:12 If you hear something sudden you want to way in on it.
16:15 And that may happen several times during the night.
16:17 I ask you just to go through the chairs
16:19 so that we can kind of just triarch who is speaking,
16:21 so one person doesn't step on another,
16:23 if we will do that. I think and those are really
16:24 the only rules we have, the more you talk the less
16:27 I have to and--and you have much more to say than I.
16:29 But, Dan, I want you to talk a little bit about
16:32 'cause we want to dealing, we want to deal with the--
16:34 the energy that is driving some of this
16:36 and our desire as a church to get the truth out.
16:40 I want you to talk a little bit about what ASI and Hart
16:43 have done together as far as sending out
16:45 material and information that has gone across the field.
16:48 And then, Derrick, I want to come to you
16:50 and talk a little bit about ministry
16:51 and what ministry is doing?
16:52 Thank you, C. A. As far as Hart Research Center
16:56 in my personal involvement,
16:59 this came upon a radar screen with me
17:01 about seven years ago. Tom Mostert,
17:04 who is a retired president of the Pacific Union Conference,
17:07 wrote a book. Actually started out as a paper that was called,
17:10 "Is spiritualism entering the Seventh-day Adventist Church?"
17:13 That was ultimately published
17:15 by Pacific Press as a book called, "Hidden Heresy."
17:19 After I looked at that, you know, few years
17:21 went by a kind of fell off the radar screen,
17:23 about a year-and-a-half it came back up on my radar screen.
17:26 And I didn't have any idea
17:27 we were gonna go down this road.
17:30 But all of sudden is like the artic--the text you
17:33 read out of Ezekiel, C.A.,
17:34 it's like you're a watchman on the walls
17:36 and you sense that there is something.
17:38 And I began to say,
17:40 "Well, I've got to respond to this."
17:42 And as I began to do that,
17:44 it was like the Lord opened doors
17:46 and there was first 50 watt light bulb
17:48 and then there was 500 watt light bulb,
17:49 and then there was 5,000 watt light bulb,
17:52 and 50,000 watt light bulb,
17:54 tonight there is a 500,000 watt light bulb
17:56 and may be the stadium lights are on across the nation
17:59 but the Lord has opened those doors.
18:01 And it wasn't something we intended to do,
18:03 but He has opened those.
18:05 And I'll let Harold speak to how ASI has been
18:08 getting into that because it's really important for Harold
18:11 to be able to speak to that.
18:12 He is the one that actually got ASI involved
18:15 than an ASI Mission's Inc.
18:17 We just happened to have the material closed by.
18:19 And of course, you know the book is published
18:21 by Pacific Press and Hart Research Center.
18:25 ASI has historically had a keen sense of the mission
18:31 and purpose of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
18:33 in its prophetic position.
18:35 And had a sense of-- of a deep felt belief
18:42 and support for the ministry
18:45 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
18:46 and the messages of Ellen White
18:49 and the prophetic specialness that the church has.
18:54 And some years ago, four or five perhaps
18:58 may be six or seven, we became aware of the issues
19:01 of the emerging church in a contemplative prayer
19:04 and all of those issues.
19:05 And we have been looking for some vehicle
19:10 to bring this issue to the attention of the--
19:14 of the church body and Christianity generally.
19:17 And it was not until probably six months or so ago.
19:22 We had a missionary friend from the far East,
19:27 Seventh-day Adventist Missionary
19:29 who wrote paper perhaps 10 or 15 pages on this topic
19:34 that express his own personal
19:36 lock of having been out in the world
19:40 and coming back and seen some things
19:42 from his former friends
19:44 at one of our Seventh-day Adventist Colleges
19:46 that were really disturbing to him.
19:48 He wrote a very challenging paper
19:50 that that some of us got and circulated
19:54 among the ASI leadership.
19:56 And it hid a-- it hid a real importance
20:01 spark with them too and it was out of that paper.
20:05 That let us to have a dialogue with Dan Houghton
20:09 about the upcoming release of the Peth book.
20:12 It was not yet out, the dangers of contemplative prayer.
20:16 And so from--
20:18 from that impetus in December of last year,
20:24 the book came out and we said--
20:27 I read it personally and advance copy
20:30 and I send it to the past presidents of ASI.
20:33 And said, "Would you read this book?
20:36 And tell us what you think about it?"
20:38 Whether or not would be appropriate
20:39 for ASI to become involved in it
20:41 and all of the past presidents of ASI
20:44 read the book were challenged by it,
20:46 I thought that was a powerful,
20:49 fair description of the problem
20:51 and the-- it was a good warning.
20:54 And so we brought the matter
20:56 to the ASI and ASI Mission's Inc.
20:59 boards and our meetings in February,
21:01 and got authorization to distribute the book
21:06 on a rather wide scale.
21:08 And so that's really how it got started.
21:12 And, C.A., I would just add to that that over,
21:14 you know, any good idea picks up steam,
21:17 you know, as it goes along.
21:19 I learned that Derrick and the ministerial team was going
21:22 to be dealing with this issue
21:23 in an upcoming Ministry Magazine.
21:25 And that's when we began connect and say,
21:28 "Would there be any possibility
21:29 that this could be a joint church lay initiative
21:32 instead of just ASI sending out a book."
21:35 What if we-- we're able to access
21:37 copies of that ministry magazine.
21:38 And so that's how this mailing came out which I hold that up.
21:43 This is the actually mailing that went out
21:45 just in the last week -and-a-half.
21:47 Many our leaders and ASI members like,
21:50 you know, about 19,000 copies have gone out
21:52 across North America in the last two weeks.
21:55 The idea being to shine a light on it
21:57 and let people be able to look at it and say,
22:00 "Hey,I need to see
22:01 if there's something new I need to check out."
22:04 So you have really put your money where your mouth is.
22:06 You--you felt that this was important
22:07 enough to send out 19,000 copies around the fields
22:10 so that men of learning and teaching would--
22:13 would have this information? Absolutely.
22:15 Yeah. Derrick, you are Editor of Ministry Magazine,
22:18 you devoted almost an entire magazine
22:21 to this core subject and satellite subjects.
22:24 What drove you? What was the process
22:26 by which you came involved in this--in this venture?
22:28 Thank you, C.A., I'm so happy to be here tonight.
22:32 I think that this meeting
22:33 and this whole initiative is directed by God.
22:37 And perhaps, I have a unique perspective
22:41 in that 27 years ago,
22:45 I went down a path that later I found out was not Biblically
22:50 base in terms of spirituality.
22:52 May be we'll get a chance to talk about that.
22:54 And in fact to me the text that God has been leading me
22:59 back to over and over again is in First Thessalonians
23:02 5:21, it says, "Examine everything carefully,
23:09 hold fast what is good." Amen.
23:11 So we certainly are not oppose to prayer here,
23:14 we're not oppose to meditation if it's based in scripture.
23:19 We certainly not oppose to spirituality,
23:23 but unfortunately what's happening, C.A.,
23:25 is that the term spirituality in the 21st Century
23:30 doesn't mean what it used to mean.
23:32 It's been detached from the scriptures by many.
23:36 It's even been detached from God.
23:39 And become very self-centered,
23:42 very self-serving, very subjective.
23:45 So the special issue of ministry
23:48 which I hold in my hand.
23:50 And by the way this is available for those
23:53 who are at the ASI Meeting
23:54 at the Ministerial Association Booth.
23:56 But I am happy to say it's also online, ministry--
24:02 at the ministry
24:03 website, ministry
24:06 That's available in 52 languages.
24:09 So we are serious about this message getting out.
24:13 Pastor Mark Finley wrote the lead article.
24:16 I wrote the editorial, which heard some of my story
24:19 of saying there may be some people who has seeking revival
24:23 and reformation, but might go down the wrong path.
24:28 That's what happened to me 27 years ago.
24:31 And I know the dangers.
24:33 And I'm thankful that we can talk candidly,
24:36 but also in a-- in a constructive positive way.
24:41 That can encourage man and woman
24:42 who are seeking a closer walk with God
24:45 to realize that the Bible must be
24:48 the foundation of our spiritual life. People say,
24:51 "Well, I don't need the Bible, I just need Jesus."
24:54 C.A., we don't even know about Jesus without the Bible.
24:57 So whatever Jesus you're seeking,
24:59 if that Jesus is not based in scripture.
25:03 May be new age psychic has a spirit guide, they call Jesus.
25:07 But unless we tested by the Word of God,
25:10 we'll be let astray. So I come back again
25:13 as the New King James says, "Test all things
25:16 and hold fast what is good."
25:19 Thank you, Derrick, very much.
25:20 Mark, I wanna swing to you
25:22 because you wrote one of the lead articles
25:24 in that magazine long, lengthy,
25:26 well-written article read it a number of times.
25:29 Tell me, what drove you to write that article
25:31 and what you are trying to say?
25:33 Oh, in the article in ministry,
25:35 my concern was not only to point out
25:39 the dangers of the false, but to reveal what the genuine is.
25:44 When you actually look at it, many churches,
25:49 both Seventh-day Adventist and Christian Churches
25:51 are locked in formalism.
25:54 They're locked in IC code rigid traditionalism.
26:02 Where there the warmth that the spirit is gone.
26:04 So on the one hand you have this IC code formalism,
26:07 ritualism. On the other hand,
26:10 there may be a reaction to that a seeking
26:14 for experience and experiential form of religion
26:18 which leads people to trust their experience
26:21 rather than the word.
26:23 The Bible says that in the last days
26:25 of earth's history, every wind of dark turn will be blowing.
26:30 So whether it's the IC wind of formalism
26:33 or whether it's the fiery breeze of fanaticism,
26:36 the devil doesn't care whether he get you
26:38 to go on the left or the right. So the article was an attempt
26:42 to reveal what is genuine spirituality.
26:45 What does it mean to have a genuine experience with God,
26:50 and how do you develop that experience,
26:54 through prayer, through Bible study?
26:56 And then on the other side of that question,
26:59 what are some of the dangerous
27:01 and signs of counterfeit spirituality?
27:03 And you know in John the 17 Chapter,
27:06 Jesus was about ready to go back to the Father.
27:10 And here in John 17 verse 1 through 3 Jesus spoke
27:16 these words and He lifted up His eyes to heaven and said,
27:19 "Father the hour has come." The hour is death.
27:23 The hour of His leaving this planet.
27:27 The hour of the cross. And He says,
27:29 "Glorify your Son, that your Son may also glorify you."
27:33 Verse 2, "As you have given Him authority over all flesh,
27:37 that He should give eternal life
27:39 to as many as you have given Him."
27:41 Verse 3, "This is life eternal,
27:44 that they may know You, the only true God,
27:46 and Jesus Christ whom You've sent."
27:48 Jesus says that life eternal is knowing God,
27:52 having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
27:56 And so the question that the article
27:58 wanted to address was, how do you have
28:01 an intimate relationship with Jesus?
28:03 How can Jesus live in your life?
28:06 What is a genuine Christian experience,
28:08 and what are the dangers of a counterfeit
28:11 Christian experience? And how can you
28:13 tell the difference between the two?
28:15 Well done. Gentlemen,
28:16 let's--let's mind that just a little bit.
28:18 In a few moments I want to begin
28:20 the define some terms so that we're all talking
28:22 the same language, but I want to just open
28:25 it up for your thought on this.
28:28 There was more council in-- in Ellen White's
28:30 writings on formalism and coldness,
28:32 and is on the access of--
28:34 of moving to the left, dare I say.
28:36 You've got more council against formal,
28:38 rigid, dogmatic, lifeless, Christless Church.
28:44 But suppose someone is in a spiritual rap.
28:47 They are victim of their own spiritual inertia.
28:50 And they want to get back to a close working,
28:55 vibrant, passionate relationship with God.
28:58 They just don't know have it.
28:59 How does one get out of that malaise?
29:04 How does one trump that that,
29:07 that jogging along when they want be a spiritual runner.
29:10 How do you do that? And is it--is it wrong
29:12 to find some little aids to help you
29:14 in that question. Derrick?
29:17 Well, I--I want to come back to something
29:19 that Mark said and something I said earlier.
29:22 One of the-- one of the initiatives
29:23 that we're working right now is called
29:25 revived by his word which is encouraging.
29:28 In fact, Pastor Mark Finley was instrumental
29:30 and putting to that initiative, visioning that initiative.
29:34 Reading the Bible each day, listening to the word of God,
29:38 I just interviewed a former pagan
29:41 idol worshipper from Madagascar.
29:44 You say, "Is he still a pagan idol worshipper."
29:47 No, he is a devoted follower of Jesus.
29:50 He is willing to lay down his life for Jesus.
29:53 How did he come to know Jesus? It was to reading the Bible,
29:58 not through just imagining Jesus
30:00 in a field of flower or somewhere.
30:02 And I say that, not flippantly because
30:04 when I was going down the wrong path 27 years ago,
30:08 one of the things we were encourage to do was,
30:12 well just imagine Jesus coming to you in a field of flowers
30:15 and listen to what He says?
30:17 C.A., how do you know that's Jesus?
30:20 Unless it's tested by the word.
30:23 This formal idol worshipper
30:24 was reading the Gospel of Matthew.
30:26 When he got to Matthew 26, 27, 28 we're talking
30:30 about reading the Bible everyday.
30:33 As he was reading the Bible,
30:35 the spirit of God touched his heart.
30:38 He said, "I love this man." Speaking about Jesus.
30:43 I am drawn to this man and the love that he showing me.
30:47 Now, the way that he received the truth
30:50 about Jesus was through the Bible. Uh-huh.
30:54 So I--I want to say one thing very clearly tonight to--
30:57 to each person this joining us. If you're seeking that life
31:01 changing relationship with God,
31:03 it will not happen apart from the Bible.
31:07 Yes, we can experience peace
31:10 and joy and intimacy to know him,
31:13 but to try to find that path without the Bible
31:17 will lead us down a dangerous road.
31:22 You know, C.A., in Second Peter Chapter 1,
31:26 really to confirm what Derrick has said.
31:29 It's says--it's talking about the promises of God.
31:32 And it says, "By which have been given to us exceeding,
31:34 great, and precious promises." I got that.
31:37 The promises of God
31:38 are exceeding great and the precious."
31:41 That through these you may be partakers of the divine nature
31:44 having escape the corruption
31:46 that's in the world through lust."
31:48 As we read God's word prayerfully,
31:50 the same Holy Spirit that inspired
31:52 the Bible transforms our lives.
31:54 Just today I was talking to a ministerial colleague
31:57 who told me the story.
31:59 We were talking about revived by His word.
32:02 Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist on a journey together
32:07 all around the world in reading the Word of God.
32:10 There is a young man in an Adventist Christian
32:11 College who went to college totally overwhelmed
32:15 by the academics of college
32:17 and really was kind of on the margins
32:20 of the Adventist Church had a very a lukewarm,
32:23 very complacent spiritual experience.
32:25 He began daily joining with those of us
32:29 who are reading the Bible everyday prayerfully,
32:32 praying over its passages,
32:35 and the Holy Spirit just transformed his life.
32:38 And now he testifies of the intimate experience
32:42 he has with Jesus. I love personally
32:46 to combine prayer and Bible study.
32:48 So I read a few passages of scripture.
32:51 Pray over what I've just read.
32:53 Read a few more passages, pray over it.
32:55 Because as you read the Bible
32:57 God is speaking to you through His word,
33:00 so one cannot divorce a vital Christian
33:05 experience from the Word of God
33:08 and as you read the Bible and pray over what you've read.
33:11 In prayer we talk back to God through His word.
33:14 He talks back to us.
33:16 And the Holy Spirit takes the word transforms our lives.
33:21 Amen. Dan?
33:23 You know, I-- I believe that in--
33:27 in what I'm hearing, Mark and Derrick say,
33:32 that we--we need to root our-- our spiritual experience
33:36 in the Word of God. But there is another dimension.
33:41 And I believe that dimension Ellen White
33:42 some said at very nicely when she says,
33:45 "We must live for Christ moment by moment,
33:49 hour by hour, day by day." And then she says,
33:53 "Our spiritual life will take off."
33:55 So we take the authority of God's word
33:59 and we apply it to our life and turn up practical living
34:02 and we begin to grow up into Jesus.
34:06 So it is. God does speak to us.
34:09 I'm looking at this passage in First Corinthians
34:12 Chapter 2 verse 9, where Paul says to the Corinthians
34:16 however as it is written, "What no eye has seen,
34:19 what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived,
34:24 the things God has prepared for those who love him."
34:27 And Paul, even though we apply this text to heaven.
34:31 That no eye has seen. And heaven will be spectacular.
34:34 The context of that passage is that
34:36 when we get in contact with the Word of God,
34:39 God reveals to us the things
34:42 about Himself through the spirit.
34:44 So this is a very exciting thing.
34:46 And the Word of God then becomes the living Word of God.
34:52 Amen. Amen.
34:53 C.A.? Yes.
34:54 What's being shared here obviously, is this thing on?
34:58 Oh yeah.Yeah, what's being shared here is--
35:00 is obviously how we can have a true experience,
35:03 but this isn't what is being offered
35:06 to Seventh-day Adventist
35:08 and to other Christians in the world.
35:09 They're being offered
35:11 and experience of direct connection with God.
35:14 And you have to put yourself into the--
35:16 in the minds of these other-- of these people.
35:19 Who can think in terms of being directly connected with God?
35:22 How would you like to have a an experience
35:25 like that with God where through a means of self-hypnosis,
35:27 you can find the reach the spot
35:31 where God speaks to you directly,
35:35 wouldn't you like to have an experience like that?
35:38 I mean, it would seem to be amazing.
35:40 But the problem with that, and I really don't know
35:43 if I can explain it,
35:44 but it really becomes righteousness
35:47 by experience rather than righteousness by faith.
35:50 You don't need faith anymore.
35:52 If God can communicate with you everyday
35:55 personally it's not righteousness by faith,
35:59 it's righteousness by experience.
36:00 And what we have been saying here
36:02 is when we're dealing with the Word of God
36:04 and we read, and we pray, and we communicate with God
36:08 it's not direct, we still need an element of faith.
36:12 And right there you can see that
36:13 there is something wrong with that experience.
36:17 Dan? C.A., you know, I have my iPhone
36:20 with my Bible on it here,
36:21 and I enjoy caring that, so I always have it with me.
36:24 My Bible's always with me.
36:25 But I tell you one of the things
36:26 that is the most valuable in my spiritual life
36:29 that keeps me from the very thing
36:31 that Frank was just talking about.
36:33 I love to read my Bible.
36:36 I enjoyed early in the morning,
36:39 late at night, in the middle of the day,
36:40 and I am just finishing marking my fourth Bible.
36:45 Red pencil, ruler, go through,
36:48 and mark it as I hear the voice speaking to me,
36:51 I will finish in about two weeks another round of that.
36:54 Then I'll be looking to start over again.
36:55 I got to find another Bible to do that.
36:57 And you know what? There is something
36:58 about that for me that just means everything.
37:04 Derrick? I appreciate what Dan said about the spirit revealing.
37:09 It's says, "God is reveal them to us through His spirit."
37:11 The text that you quoted.
37:13 And I think, I remember a young lady said to me,
37:16 I don't need the Bible anymore because I have the spirit.
37:21 But--but Jesus said, John 14,
37:25 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
37:28 whom the Father will send in my name,
37:31 he will teach you all things."
37:32 But then it says, "And bring to your remembrance." Yes.
37:37 "The things I've said to you."
37:38 So what Dan's talking about,
37:40 what the revived by his word initiative is encouraging?
37:43 Is through a daily reading of scripture,
37:47 we are safe guarded.
37:48 And now we're gonna talk about definitions in a minute.
37:51 But for example, a person says,
37:52 "Well, this is prayer.
37:54 You just take this mantra and like Jesus or
37:58 and you say it over and over again."
38:00 If I have been saturating my mind with Word of God,
38:03 the Holy Spirit will help me to avoid that deception.
38:08 And because Jesus said,
38:09 why do not pray with vain repetitions
38:12 as the heathen do right there in Matthew Chapter 6.
38:17 So again the spirit I believe in that
38:21 dynamic dimension of the Christian life,
38:24 but the spirit always points us back to the word.
38:28 He is the spirit of truth.
38:30 And so the foundation has to be the scripture.
38:35 Yeah. C.A., let me jump in here just for a second.
38:37 And come in what Derrick has been saying,
38:39 you know, kind of follow upon that.
38:41 When you actually think about it,
38:42 how does the Holy Spirit change your life?
38:45 How does the Holy Spirit communicate to you?
38:48 Doesn't communicate with your thumb or your big toe?
38:51 What does it mean that we are created
38:52 in the Image of God?
38:54 The Bible says in Romans 12 verse 1.
38:57 It says, "Be not conformed to this world,
38:59 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
39:03 So that which enables us to be created
39:05 in the image of God
39:07 is the ability to think to reason,
39:09 the fact that we have cognitive reasoning abilities,
39:11 the fact that we can know God through our mind.
39:15 So how then are we transformed into His image?
39:18 As we read God's word,
39:20 the Holy Spirit takes the principles of the word
39:23 and transforms our thinking process,
39:27 so that we're more or like Christ.
39:29 So the Holy Spirit is constantly working
39:32 in our lives through the word,
39:36 He is constantly working in our minds
39:38 to bring conviction, to bring understanding,
39:41 to bring the depths,
39:42 so we can reveal the lovely character
39:44 of Jesus in our lives.
39:47 What is that then say about true
39:49 and false Christian experience?
39:52 And true Christian experience,
39:54 the spirit works on the mind
39:57 to transforms the thinking process.
40:00 "Let this mind be in you
40:01 that was in Christ Jesus our Lord."
40:03 In false experience, we are let to so called
40:08 that discover the God within ourselves
40:12 and try to come to a experience of peace
40:16 and oneness with God
40:19 in a mystical experience within ourselves.
40:23 And so the difference is between the Holy Spirit
40:26 transforming our mind through the word
40:29 and an emotional experience of so called peace.
40:34 There is a major difference between the two.
40:36 Well said. You know, I think we're saying.
40:39 I'm hearing you say that there is a subjective reality
40:42 to all our Christian experiences
40:44 because we're all individuals,
40:46 but that subjective reality must be held in check
40:49 to the objective reality of the Word of God.
40:52 So whatever you're going through
40:53 has to be subject and agree with,
40:56 and lined up with the Word of God. Is that not so?
40:59 Amen. All right. Dan?
41:00 You know, I go back to the scriptures again
41:02 to reaffirm what Mark is saying,
41:05 and to say that there is that personal dimension.
41:07 However when the spirit of God is
41:10 in our live when the spirit is truly there,
41:13 it will always lead us back to Christ
41:16 because Christ is the center and the substance of our faith.
41:20 When Paul talk to the Ephesians,
41:21 He said that, "I pray that out of his glorious riches
41:25 he may strengthen you with his power
41:28 through his Spirit in your inner being."
41:31 So he talks about that, but then he says,
41:33 "So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
41:37 and I pray that you, being rooted
41:39 and established in love
41:40 may have power together with the Lord's people,
41:43 all the Lord's people to grasp, wide,
41:45 and long and deep is the love of Christ,
41:48 and to know all about God."
41:50 That's what he goes on to say.
41:51 And the fact is,
41:52 and I think what Mark is saying is absolutely correct.
41:55 That the true guidance of the Holy Spirit
41:57 always directs us upward
42:00 to Christ to the Heavenly Father,
42:02 so that we're not looking within for answers,
42:05 we're looking to Him for answers.
42:07 And that gets exciting because God said--Paul says,
42:10 "You will find out how broad and how wide,
42:14 and how deep the love of Christ is
42:16 when you do that kind of research."
42:18 You don't find it in our self, you find it in Christ.
42:21 Praise the God. Dan?
42:24 I just wanted to follow up
42:25 on something Frank said a moment ago.
42:28 Have you ever been in a situation
42:29 where you wanted to have divine guidance
42:32 and making a decision?
42:33 And you are just seeking and saying,
42:35 "Lord, I just wish that I had a Urim and Thummim."
42:39 You know, isn't that a common thing to all humanity?
42:42 We would like to know. Well, God please,
42:44 if You just tell me, I'll do what You want me to do.
42:47 And I think that there is a-- for whatever reason
42:50 God has chosen to reveal Himself to His word
42:52 to us in this generation, in this time.
42:55 But there is an-- there is an appeal to that.
42:57 And whenever there is an offer in spirituality
43:02 that can lead you that direction,
43:04 I can understand the appeal of that to the human mind.
43:10 All right. The truth of the matter is
43:14 as we begin to divine some terms
43:16 that the--the lexicon of our lives changes.
43:19 Words atrophy, sometimes meanings are hijacked,
43:23 things changes over the course of time.
43:26 What was the good word?
43:27 In one error can become a bad word
43:29 and another error what was the sanctified word,
43:32 in one error can become a curse word in another error.
43:34 So we need to define some terms.
43:37 And let's start at the shallow into the pool
43:39 and let's look at just spirituality.
43:41 Who wants to take a shadow of that?
43:42 What does spirituality mean? Derrick?
43:47 We used to assume that spirituality meant
43:51 a relationship with God.
43:54 Most of us the generation
43:56 we grew up in that's what it meant?
43:59 And that's why when we speak even
44:01 about a word like spiritual and formation,
44:04 formation is good, transformation, sanctification,
44:09 but what happens is like the term used,
44:12 C.A., hijacked, sometimes the term can be hijacked.
44:16 And what--what we used to think was spiritual
44:19 as in based on relationship with God through His word,
44:24 through His Son Jesus.
44:26 Now, becomes an umbrella under
44:28 which all kinds of non-biblical,
44:31 non--Christian ideas can be pushed.
44:35 And what happens is people then come and they say,
44:38 "Well, we're talking about spirituality."
44:42 But it may have nothing to do with God
44:44 and nothing to do with scripture.
44:46 I think that one of the reasons.
44:48 For example, in the special issue,
44:50 we called it Biblical Spirituality.
44:53 We didn't use to have to say that.
44:56 We just assumed when we talked about spirituality
44:59 that the Bible was the foundation.
45:01 But I don't think we can assume that anymore.
45:05 And so we need to use that terms wisely,
45:08 I think we need to talk about Biblical Spirituality.
45:11 When we talk-- another example, for example,
45:14 we talked about meditation.
45:16 Our heritages, a movement,
45:18 Ellen White encourages spent a thoughtful hour
45:21 each day in contemplation of the life of Christ.
45:25 Take it scene by scene.
45:27 But if you read what she said
45:28 and in "Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing"
45:30 page 1 about going with the disciples
45:32 on the- on the mountain.
45:34 It always takes us back to the Bible.
45:38 So in past generations when we spoke of spirituality,
45:42 the Bible was right with it.
45:43 Today there's been this dislocation.
45:48 And so I think what we need to ask is,
45:50 is this Biblical Spirituality?
45:53 Well done. Anyone else?
45:56 You've asked for the definition of spirituality.
46:00 Let me suggest the definition
46:02 that would go something like this.
46:05 If you look at Paul's writings,
46:08 particularly Romans 7 and Romans 8,
46:10 Paul talks about the cornel mind
46:12 and the spiritual mind.
46:15 Cornel has to be earthly,
46:18 spiritual would be in the realm of eternal things.
46:22 So Biblical Spirituality is the focus of the heart
46:27 and mind on the eternal things of the Kingdom of God.
46:32 So that my life is transformed
46:34 and my desire is to glorify God
46:37 and witness for Him.
46:39 Biblical Spirituality is rooted on the things of eternity.
46:44 It is not men focused, but it's God focused.
46:48 It's not experience focused, it's biblically focused.
46:52 It's not self focused, it's service focused.
46:57 Well said. Harold?
46:59 You know, it seems to me that kind of putting together
47:04 what the various once of us have said that
47:10 we need to be very sensitive to the good faith,
47:14 if you will of the seeker.
47:18 The seeker that we're talking about
47:21 and hopeful of helping is someone
47:24 who truly wants to know God better.
47:27 That's the goal. That's the hope of their heart.
47:32 And I suppose that may be if there is one thing
47:36 that we might do is to be able to put up a stop sign
47:42 that says to that person,
47:44 "If the path that you're taking
47:46 to find God bypasses reason,
47:51 bypasses scripture,
47:53 bypasses a true knowledge of God,
47:57 and jumps directly into some relationship
48:02 that's a--that's a real warning sign to stay away.
48:07 And to realize that that path leads us no place,
48:11 but to the devil hands.
48:15 When you define what something is you-
48:17 you Ipso facto defined what it is not?
48:20 You--you alluded to Derrick meditation.
48:23 Let's--let's try to take a look at,
48:25 what is good meditation? What is bad meditation?
48:27 We have that quote.
48:28 Well, Ellen White says, "We do well."
48:30 To spend a few thoughtful moments each day,
48:33 meditating on the life of Christ,
48:35 and the acts of Christ. So what's good mediation?
48:38 What's bad meditation?
48:39 What should we encourage? What should we discourage?
48:42 I wanna thank Harold
48:43 for what he said earlier about genuine secrets
48:47 because I can give my testimony that 27 years ago
48:51 when I really felt this longing in my heart
48:54 for a closer relationship with God,
48:56 I was not trying to go down the wrong path.
48:59 And so I was seeking.
49:02 And read the book,
49:05 Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.
49:09 Listen to some thoughts about meditation,
49:13 heard people talk about imagining Jesus,
49:17 but it wasn't rooted in the Bible.
49:20 I wish I could tell you that I immediately saw that,
49:24 but I think Harold was right
49:25 and saying that sometimes when people are really seeking,
49:30 they may take a turn down the wrong path
49:32 and someone needs to hold up that,
49:34 some watchman needs to blow a trumpet
49:36 to use the text you read, C.A., the beginning.
49:40 The danger, and I think Mark alluded to at the very,
49:43 very beginning is that we say,
49:45 "Oh, that's bad, I'm not gonna do any kind of meditation."
49:49 When the Bible is filled with an admonition
49:52 to meditate upon the Word of God?
49:54 The writings of Ellen White are filled with encouragement,
49:58 you sited from Desire of Ages, page 83.
50:02 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing,
50:03 page 1 about the Sermon on the Mount.
50:06 So if I'm going to follow a Biblical Spirituality
50:11 in terms of meditation,
50:13 I'm going to read a passage of scripture,
50:16 I am going to think about it.
50:18 Mark talked about thoughtful prayer contemplation.
50:23 I'm going to ask as-- as Dan said,
50:25 "How may I going to live this?
50:28 What's they can look like in life?
50:30 And then, C.A.,
50:31 and I think this is crucially important
50:34 because I'm following a Biblical Spirituality.
50:37 Whatever conclusion I come to,
50:40 I then test that by the scripture
50:44 because the conclusion will never be from my meditation
50:48 that I should leave my spouse
50:50 and--and move in with the person next door.
50:54 A spirit guide or a Jesus impersonator could say that,
51:00 but the Bible will never say that.
51:03 And so as I meditate upon the word,
51:05 I'm basing my-- you talk about meditation as-
51:09 as an example, I'm basing my reflection
51:11 on a passage of scripture.
51:13 Story of Jesus, sitting on the mountain
51:16 and saying to the people,
51:18 "You are the light of the world."
51:20 And I meditate, what is that mean?
51:22 I thought Jesus was the light of the world.
51:23 John 8 verse 12. But then He says,
51:27 "He who follows me will no walk in darkness,
51:29 but have the light of life." So what does that mean?
51:32 That Jesus Christ in me the hope of glory.
51:34 So I reflect on that based on scripture.
51:37 Then whatever conclusion I come to
51:40 I'm willing to test that by the Bible.
51:42 I will not be let astray if I--
51:46 if I base my reflection on scripture
51:49 and test my conclusion by scripture
51:52 because the word testifies, your word is a lamp--Yes.
51:55 To my feet and a light to my path.
51:58 So we're not excluding
52:00 that experiential knowledge of God,
52:03 but if I'm not gonna be let astray,
52:05 I have to base it on the word and tested by the word.
52:09 C.A., let me jump in here.
52:12 There is a vast difference
52:14 between eastern meditation and Christian meditation.
52:19 They start in two fundamentally different places.
52:24 And it has to do with the definition
52:27 of the nature of man
52:29 and the immortality of the soul.
52:31 In eastern mysticism the concept is that
52:36 every human being has within them this immortal soul.
52:40 And that immortal soul in eastern mysticism
52:44 is the spark of God within.
52:46 So when eastern mysticism,
52:48 you attempt enter into the deepest part of your being
52:54 and you attempt to get in touch
52:57 with this immortality within you.
53:00 And in that way, you silence your thoughts.
53:04 In that way, you're at peace with yourself
53:07 and with God within you, and you become one with God.
53:11 Now, in many of the eastern philosophies,
53:15 Buddhism for example,
53:17 after death there is no real heaven
53:20 but there is this oneness
53:22 with the divine almost a Nirvana experience.
53:25 So eastern mysticism starts with the concept
53:29 of the immortality of the soul,
53:31 it's starts with the concept of getting in touch with God
53:35 within yourself which is that divine portion.
53:38 Biblical Christianity is dramatically different.
53:42 Jeremiah 17 verse 9,
53:44 "The heart is deceitful above all things,
53:46 and desperately wicked.
53:48 Jeremiah 13:33.
53:50 "Can the leopard change his spots
53:52 or the Ethiopian skin?" You go in the Jeremiah talks about,
53:58 no neither can you change your lives
54:01 without Christ is the whole implication of Jeremiah 13.
54:04 Isaiah 53, "All we like sheep have gone astray."
54:08 So in Biblical Christianity,
54:09 the nature of human being is fallen
54:12 so we don't look within ourselves,
54:15 in our meditation. Isaiah 45:22,
54:19 "Look unto me, and be ye saved,
54:21 all the ends of the earth, for I am God,
54:22 and there is none else." That Jesus says.
54:23 So we're looking out of ourselves.
54:25 We don't find answers within ourselves
54:27 we find answers out of ourselves.
54:29 We're looking to Christ.
54:31 We're looking at His word.
54:32 In genuine Christian meditation,
54:35 we meditate on the Word of God,
54:38 the works of God,
54:39 in nature His might of creation.
54:43 We meditate on the cross of Calvary
54:45 and the greatness of Christ.
54:47 And by looking out of ourselves to the goodness of God,
54:50 His grace, His mercy by pausing
54:52 and meditating on the acts of Jesus Christ on the cross,
54:57 on meditating on His life.
54:59 We are transformed into His likeness.
55:02 Looking into our self,
55:04 we only find sin and guilt, and shame.
55:08 Looking to Him, we find hope and salvation.
55:11 And that's essentially the different.
55:13 Eastern meditation,
55:14 Christian meditation start in two different places.
55:17 Frank? I was just sitting here thinking
55:20 one of these questions pretty soon is going to be,
55:23 do you meditate? How do you meditate?
55:26 And I've had to think in my head, do I meditate?
55:30 I have been a Seventh-day Adventist for 37 years,
55:34 and I don't remember saying to myself at anytime.
55:38 I am going to go in my bedroom
55:40 and I am going to meditate.
55:42 We don't seem to equate the same thing
55:45 as do the eastern religions.
55:47 In the same term, I'll spend an hour
55:49 with the Lord communing with God,
55:51 conversing with God with what I read,
55:53 and I respond, I pray aloud,
55:56 I think that's most profitable way to pray.
56:01 In the evening, I go up the mountain
56:02 I'll talk with God about everything
56:04 I need to talk to Him about.
56:06 The only time I come really close
56:08 to what I suppose someone would call meditation is
56:11 when I'm preparing a sermon
56:13 because I've got to draw out of the text, what it is?
56:16 I want to speak on.
56:18 And so then when I prepare sermons then I stop
56:23 and I think and I pray and I plead,
56:27 and I just ask God to reveal to me
56:29 what it is I must see in adverse
56:31 so that I can feed the sheep.
56:33 You understand? Is that meditation?
56:37 That's a kind of recall question.
56:39 May be Dan has an answer for that.
56:41 You know, I just wanted to respond
56:43 what I heard Mark saying.
56:46 You know, Biblical Christianity commands us
56:50 with the God who is above me,
56:52 the God who is the most high,
56:55 the one who I honor.
56:57 Whereas eastern mysticism makes me God ultimately.
57:01 The God within. You know,
57:04 and it's a very foreign concept to Christianity.
57:06 It is even blasphemies in terms of what the scripture says,
57:10 because I become God, and God isn't God anymore.
57:13 So that--so that the real idea here is
57:17 that it always true,
57:19 genuine Biblical Christianity will always have me
57:23 raise my eyes to the most high God.
57:26 It will never ever point me within
57:30 Well done and well said.
57:31 Derrick, we have to yield to the Tierney of television
57:35 and take a two minute break, if you can hold that thought
57:37 we'll pick it up on when we return,
57:40 then I really want to look at what centering prayer,
57:43 contemplative prayer is.
57:44 We'll do that when we come back.


Revised 2014-12-17