Night Light Live - 1st Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA012701

00:25 Well, Night Light is coming to you
00:27 live from Puerto Rico
00:29 and it's been a beautiful time here, hasn't it?
00:31 We have had a great time.
00:33 The church is lovely, the people are lovely,
00:35 the island is lovely, the weather is lovely,
00:38 it's been lovely all around, as I say, "todo bien."
00:40 Yeah, I don't know what that means
00:41 but I will tell you that we have really enjoyed
00:46 ministering here because that's what we've been doing.
00:49 Night by night we've been having our
00:51 "Anchors of Truth" series.
00:53 I preached on the opening night,
00:55 John Dinzey last night, and then John Lomacang tonight.
00:58 You're on tomorrow night. Tomorrow night.
01:00 And so be sure to tune in for those.
01:02 They're at 6 P.M. central time during this particular series.
01:07 We've moved things around a little bit
01:09 because we are two hours ahead.
01:10 Of the rest of our family there in Illinois,
01:12 so we've had to make some adjustments.
01:14 In fact, it's 10 P.M. here.
01:16 And this is beyond my bedtime, I guarantee you,
01:20 because-- I'm ready to take a little rest.
01:24 So if we seem a little sluggish,
01:26 please understand we've a long day today
01:29 and it's still going into tonight
01:32 and we're not exactly people
01:35 that are accustomed to working after 10 o'clock.
01:38 No, not in southern Illinois,
01:39 we tend to go to bed kind of early.
01:41 That is true and also correct.
01:44 We need to introduce-- we've got our buddy
01:46 at the other end of the table who's gonna
01:48 help us out a little bit, Jorge Jaque
01:50 who is the production manager for 3ABN Latino.
01:54 He wears another hat tonight,
01:56 he's going to be our translator, our traductor,
02:01 for those who have a little trouble with English,
02:03 as we have a lot of trouble with Spanish. Yes.
02:06 He may help us even as he helps them.
02:08 Yes, and he is our friend and our buddy
02:11 and we appreciate Jorge very much.
02:14 And, you know, 3ABN Latino has had a very important
02:18 ministry here in Puerto Rico for a long time.
02:22 Pastor John Dinzey has been coming here
02:24 and I think that he is certainly well known here in Puerto Rico.
02:31 Yeah. One of the things we want to do tonight
02:33 is give you a taste of the flavor
02:35 of the work of God on this island.
02:37 As we've come here, we've done some production,
02:39 Jorge has been here, as we said,
02:42 John he has been here, the work is going great guns.
02:45 We want to give a little flavor
02:46 of some of the things that are happening.
02:48 We'll meet some of the conference and union officials,
02:50 we'll talk about the school, the hospital,
02:53 this beautiful church and the media center.
02:55 So we're gonna be running people in and out,
02:57 back and forth, sitting in that empty chair
02:59 just between Jim and Jorge there
03:00 because we got a lot to show you.
03:02 Maybe you will be inspired as you listen to their stories.
03:04 We've got some testimonies, some miracles,
03:06 a number of really wonderful things
03:08 that are happening here on the island of Puerto Rico.
03:10 And the Adventist church is doing
03:12 a powerful missionary work here.
03:14 We're gonna talk to the leaders of the church
03:15 and some of the members and hear their stories
03:17 and testimonies, and I think you'll be inspired
03:20 when you hear and know and see and understand the work
03:23 that is being done here because God is doing a great work here
03:26 and certainly a great work around the world.
03:28 You know, the amazing thing is what we have seen,
03:32 it is tremendously successful, the work of God is, here.
03:36 But it's right on the verge of explosion,
03:40 of really taking off, and that's exciting to us.
03:45 We think with the --with media
03:47 and with the evangelism that they do,
03:49 with the whole situation they have set up here,
03:53 the organization and how it has functioned all these years.
03:59 We're going to see, in Puerto Rico,
04:01 a great explosion and see the work finished here,
04:04 I believe in a very short time.
04:06 You know, you talk about explosion.
04:08 The first night we came, I drove up with Jorge
04:11 in the car and I let him drive my rental car
04:14 and you know we'll takeoff--
04:15 the way he was flying up this hill,
04:17 I thought we are gonna take off there for a while.
04:18 But he knows this hill very, very well.
04:20 Want to give you just a little vista,
04:23 a little look at where we are.
04:25 We're in the Bella Vista church.
04:26 I guess it's about two thirds of the way
04:27 up this mountain, I can dare say.
04:30 Yeah. Beautiful views.
04:33 Joel, if you run that-- beautiful views,
04:34 this is heading up the hill.
04:36 This is where Jorge and I flew up couple of nights ago.
04:39 And the church is sort of perched
04:41 on the hill next to the school, next to the hospital.
04:46 They're all sort of tucked together.
04:48 Really, really beautiful views as you can see,
04:51 just kind of a nice place to be
04:52 and you got a little rai shower every afternoon.
04:54 Yeah. In Mayaguez which is kind of nice.
04:57 It cools it off. It does cool it off.
04:59 This is the church, just a nice looking building.
05:02 Yes. And we've had a great time.
05:04 And we're gonna talk about the media center
05:06 that is housed here, that's a satellite truck
05:08 that we are broadcasting from,
05:09 now even as you speak, just below the church.
05:12 This is sort of looking out from the balcony
05:13 of the church itself, and beautiful views
05:16 out to the ocean out there.
05:18 So this is a nice place to be,
05:19 kind of a nice place to spend the Sabbath, Jim.
05:21 Yes, it really is. Yeah.
05:22 And I've been here before,
05:23 I came about 10 years ago and visited--
05:27 we were very impressed with this whole city.
05:31 You know, sometimes we tease
05:32 a little about Adventist ghettos.
05:35 Well, this is quite a ghetto. Yeah.
05:37 And it's-- it's very, very nice.
05:41 Beautiful place, tropical, and the climate great
05:47 and it's just a beautiful place, as you see this church.
05:50 We're right now on the platform here of the church.
05:56 It is a beautiful edifice. Yes.
05:58 We've sort of stolen our anchors set,
06:02 which is sort of up behind us still,
06:04 but we're on the platform and a beautiful--
06:06 Jorge, we haven't let you talk too much.
06:07 Give us your impressions,
06:09 you've been here a lot more and lot longer.
06:10 I preached in this church about 12 years ago,
06:12 but you've done some production here,
06:14 the flavor of the people, the times, as you see it.
06:18 Well, I would like to, first,
06:20 to list something that you missed
06:22 and your list of lovely things in Mayaguez
06:26 and Puerto Rico is the lovely food.
06:28 Amen. I agree. We had plenty of that.
06:32 And yeah, we have been working since probably
06:36 2 years ago with the Bella Vista media center,
06:41 here, located at the Bella Vista church.
06:44 And, well, we have accomplished, really--
06:47 as we are really impressed because there's
06:53 a lot of good talent, good people,
06:56 willing to go the extra mile and do some program with that.
07:01 They support us, they bring music,
07:05 preaching, teaching, several things
07:09 that we have been able to do
07:11 and it's a joy working with this media center
07:14 with all the leadership of this church.
07:18 Pastor German Parra has opened the church
07:20 and we are going to have him here
07:22 in this table and we'll enjoy--
07:26 I am sure that we're gonna continue enjoying
07:28 more productions made from this church.
07:33 Jim, this, as you know, is an unusual situation
07:36 because you have a church that is undertaking to do
07:39 a media center, out of a church.
07:41 It's unusual to have that kind of vision
07:44 and the kind of funding to do that,
07:46 as you well know, it's not a cheap enterprise.
07:49 But they have undertaken to do that
07:51 and have begun to produce things already out of this church.
07:53 And there's a radio station
07:55 that we're gonna talk about in a little bit,
07:56 so this is quite an enterprise here.
07:58 Yes, it really is, and we were on radio yesterday.
08:01 Well, we talk about that little later
08:03 because they do have
08:05 a great radio ministry here on the island.
08:08 So we've got some exciting things to talk about.
08:12 Yeah, and I think we got to launch into--
08:14 let's call, first, the Union President.
08:16 He's kind of the head guy here, the El Jefe.
08:20 This is Jose Alberto Rodriguez, I like that.
08:23 Jose Alberto Rodriguez, President of the Union,
08:27 the Puerto Rican Union and we're gonna ask him
08:29 come up and we'll talk to him just a little bit.
08:31 All right. Welcome.
08:34 Pastor, good to have you.
08:42 First of all, we want to ask,
08:44 what is the membership of your union?
08:58 The membership in Puerto Rico is 37,000 members.
09:03 Praise the Lord. And how many churches?
09:10 And we have 325 churches and congregations.
09:14 Praise the Lord.
09:15 See, Jim, the figures we had are already old stuff.
09:17 Yeah. Stuff I got off the website.
09:19 Right. He's grown since then.
09:22 Yeah, we can praise the Lord for that. That's right.
09:29 Well, you can talk into the mike
09:31 because they'll hear it both ways.
09:33 I want to know how long he's been
09:34 the president of the union.
09:41 Five and half years, already.
09:44 Praise the Lord. All right.
09:45 How old is the Puerto Rican union?
09:47 When did the work start here?
10:07 We have around 12 years since we were organized as a union.
10:11 Before, we were part of the Antillean Union.
10:23 In Puerto Rico we're divided in four conferences.
10:28 The Bella Vista Hospital
10:35 and also the Adventist--
10:37 the Antillean University that belongs to the union.
10:44 And also a clinic
10:51 and we also-- we're gonna have tonight
10:53 the executive director of the hospital.
11:03 And he will give us more information
11:05 regarding the hospital and work in the community.
11:14 Our island is a very missionary-minded church.
11:23 And every Puerto Rican
11:24 has a loving soul, by the grace of God.
11:33 And that makes us a little bit different
11:35 from other countries in the world.
11:42 And you may be asking yourselves
11:45 about the membership here.
11:49 And our first act of--
11:54 loving act is church the American people.
12:00 Because we baptized our members.
12:05 And then they immigrate to the United States.
12:11 We have around 25,000 Adventist members
12:16 in United States from Puerto Rico.
12:19 So he's sending missionaries to the United States.
12:22 We're not sending missionaries, they are.
12:30 Many of them will come back,
12:31 but some others will stay there forever.
12:38 So our membership is kind of flowing membership.
12:49 But even so this is somewhat problematic.
12:53 Our church is still very missionary oriented.
13:01 In the concept of big cities.
13:13 In this context, world church has launched
13:17 this project of reaching big cities
13:21 over 5 million population.
13:29 In our island we have 3.9 million population.
13:37 And we have converted this 3.9 million in one big city.
13:47 We want to reach them and evangelize those 3.9 millions.
13:56 So that big city will be reached by the gospel of Christ.
14:04 That's why we have a systematic program,
14:07 evangelistic program, that we have in place.
14:15 Ninety percent of our churches have satellite antennas.
14:24 We launched-- we inaugurated
14:25 that part of our evangelism last Sabbath
14:30 with the coming of Elder Ted Wilson.
14:38 And on March 21, well, we started
14:40 an evangelistic campaign with Elder Alejandro Bullon.
14:47 That will be broadcasted to all the churches in Puerto Rico.
14:54 And so instead of having an audience
14:56 of 20,000 people in a coliseum.
15:00 We'll be in the local churches.
15:06 So the brethren can benefit of this in their local churches.
15:15 And that cycle would continue in 2013 with Pastor Rojas.
15:21 And Pastor Robert Costa.
15:28 And then we'll end on 2014 with Pastor Mark Finley
15:32 here in the west sides of Puerto Rico.
15:33 I wanted to stop for a second because he's got--
15:35 I like that idea of using-- looking at the whole
15:40 island as one big city and attacking it as one big city
15:45 and you've got some heavy hitters coming in.
15:48 If I can use that terminology, I mean,
15:50 you've got Bullon, you got Costa,
15:52 you got Mark Finley, you got our buddy Jose Rojas.
15:55 So truly your union is missionary-minded
16:01 to reach all of Puerto Rico.
16:11 We've an idiosyncrasy problem in this country.
16:17 With the groups that come in on a yearly basis.
16:25 And although Puerto Rico is a very small island.
16:31 We have many countries of the world represented here.
16:41 It is a little bit difficult to reach
16:43 all those people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
16:54 So we are preparing different ministries
16:56 of the union to reach all these people.
17:07 So the evangelistic campaign with Pastor Rojas,
17:11 Pastor Bullon, Pastor Costa, and Pastor Mark Finley
17:13 will be to evangelize those local churches.
17:27 And the interesting and nice part
17:32 about this whole idea is that you, 3ABN,
17:36 will be part of this project, reaching out to many people
17:41 and by broadcasting this event to the world.
17:47 You know, Camille and I have driven around quite a bit
17:51 and we drove by the new union office.
18:06 And it's a very beautiful office.
18:11 Last Sunday we had the opportunity
18:13 to dedicate this new building.
18:25 We are preparing mentally and emotionally
18:28 for that harvest of the 10%.
18:34 One day, we want to be 300,000 Seventh-day Adventists.
18:37 Praise the Lord. By the grace of God.
18:39 And I'll tell you, that is good stewardship
18:43 because it's in a good location, on a major thoroughfare.
18:48 It is advertising to everybody that drives by,
18:53 plus it has great value, when you ever wanted to sell it,
18:59 it'll be worth a lot more even than the investment.
19:02 So having looked at it I say, "Wow, that's good thinking."
19:06 Amen. I like that.
19:13 We never thought about selling that,
19:15 but we're gonna buy everything around it.
19:18 We've got some video of that office.
19:20 We want to run that now so you can see,
19:21 it's a really beautiful office and that's the new building
19:25 and it's on a main thoroughfare, you cannot miss it.
19:28 Really beautiful building. Right. Yeah.
19:30 When did you start to build this, when was it begun?
19:35 A year and half ago. So it went up fast.
19:40 In 18 months--
19:45 We have in 18 months took us
19:47 to have the building completely finished.
19:55 We have an amphitheater inside to--
19:57 we're gonna use it for seminars.
20:02 And we have a space dedicated for ADRA.
20:12 And also we have a space allocated for
20:15 the virtual university of the inner American division.
20:23 And also we have a space to do cooking shows in the future.
20:32 We want this building to speak to the people.
20:42 There's a space that we've always
20:44 want to keep is the room that we named "Alberto Fischer."
20:53 He was the first missionary who step in this land.
20:59 And he rests here in Mayaguez.
21:05 We'll never forget because he never went back home.
21:14 When Jesus come he will be resuscitated
21:19 and will go heaven with us.
21:26 And also the building will have a big screen in the outside.
21:35 There will be continually put in programs
21:39 that will show what we-- our beliefs.
21:48 Announce the second coming,
21:49 the Ten Commandments, salvation plan--
21:54 The opportunities for evangelism are just limitless.
21:58 They really are. It's unbelievable and I saw it.
22:01 The minute I saw that building,
22:03 I knew God's gonna use that to help in the explosion
22:07 here of our membership in Puerto Rico. I believe that.
22:16 Some day we are hoping to be able to inaugurate a TV studio.
22:23 We're giving the first steps.
22:31 So we hope 3ABN will be part of the project.
22:35 All right. Amen.
22:38 Thank you so much.
22:39 Pastor, thank you for spending a little bit of time with us.
22:43 We see that your building is missionary minded,
22:46 Jim, I think you can see that,
22:48 it's not just an office building.
22:49 Oh, no. It's a missionary set.
22:51 See, this is what I love about it, C.A.
22:53 It's not stuck off somewhere where people can't see it.
22:57 Amen. Yeah.
22:59 Sometimes we build offices out in the country
23:01 or if they'd even built it here, by the school,
23:04 I think it would have been bad.
23:06 But they built it right on the thoroughfare
23:09 where everybody can see it.
23:11 And so it is a witness all day long,
23:16 every day and they're even continuing
23:19 to make that a greater witness.
23:21 So I just believe God's really been leading us.
23:24 Pastor Rodriguez, thank you so very much.
23:27 We are gonna call the treasurer
23:29 who had to pay for that building. Yeah.
23:32 Luis Rivera Maldonado to come up and talk with us.
23:35 Somebody had to find the money for that building
23:37 and try to exercise that vision.
23:38 And I also found out that Pastor Luis
23:41 is also the communication director,
23:43 that's my old job in the conference, for the union.
23:48 So this is not a tall man, but mighty in stature I think.
23:51 All right. Yes.
23:54 Pastor, it's good to have you here.
23:56 Yes, and you are the treasurer
23:57 and also communications director.
23:59 Yeah, it's my pleasure. All right.
24:02 Well, listen, give us a little bit of the overview.
24:07 I understand that when they were
24:11 having the president of the general conference
24:13 here and you had sort of the opening
24:15 that the banker was there as well
24:17 and they said this building is paid for.
24:21 Is that right?
24:34 That is correct. God has blessed us.
24:37 In this building we have zero debt.
24:40 You were mentioning about stewardship a minute ago. Yes.
25:01 The location of our building
25:03 is a very privileged one and that is important.
25:16 The bankers were very interested
25:19 and even loan us the money to build the building.
25:27 But we made an analysis and we decided no,
25:30 we have to pay it off.
25:41 All the money that goes to pay for interest,
25:44 we can use it in a different project like--
25:47 Like communications projects.
25:49 Amen. Yes, it is.
25:51 I noticed that your building is fairly near a large mall.
25:56 Was that intentional?
25:57 Because you get a lot of traffic going by your building.
25:59 You got a great big mall
26:01 right across from your building.
26:09 Thousands of cars go by and because that is
26:14 a very important avenue corridor in the country.
26:24 Everyone has to go through--
26:27 by the building when we take our kids to school.
26:42 Many people ask us, "What were you had in mind
26:45 when you build this building?"
26:46 This is a representation of what we believe.
26:51 You know, we've been here just since Monday
26:55 and we have driven by the building
26:57 maybe as many as 10 times just in that length of time
27:02 and we weren't trying to drive by the building.
27:04 It's just that if you go somewhere,
27:07 you're gonna use that highway.
27:08 You know, use that road.
27:20 This is one of the main corridors of this island.
27:23 People who go from the west toward the east or vice versa,
27:26 they have to use that corridor.
27:45 When people who are vacationing,
27:47 they have to use that corridor
27:49 to go to the most nicest places
27:52 like Cabo Rojo, nice beach area.
27:56 Now your other hat that you wear, communications--
28:00 as treasurer and also as the communications,
28:03 can you share some of the things
28:05 that you're planning or have been doing
28:08 in the matter of communications?
28:15 Being a young person, God gave me the opportunity
28:20 to be involved in communication and in media.
28:29 I had some experience in radio and television.
28:39 And I made an agreement with the Lord,
28:41 if I had a challenge like this, I was going to accept.
28:55 As soon as the church invited me
28:57 to be in charge of the treasury department,
28:59 I immediately also talked
29:02 to the communication director at that time, to make plans.
29:15 But unfortunate Pastor Fred D'Souza
29:17 who had a very important part in our community--
29:20 the development of the communications
29:22 in our island, he retired.
29:30 And that point, the board decided that I could serve.
29:39 We've been dreaming since there--ever since.
29:43 Dreaming about what God can do to us.
29:47 You know, C.A. you've been a communications director,
29:50 I've been involved with communications in a conference.
29:54 Could you imagine that if you were also the treasurer,
29:58 what are the advantages that would have been, huh?
30:02 Because it seems like every time
30:04 a communications director comes up with a plan,
30:07 the treasurer says we don't have the money.
30:09 But if you are the treasurer, then you find the money.
30:11 Yeah, if you are the treasurer and a communications director--
30:12 Right, That's a pretty good combination.
30:15 It really is. It really is.
30:16 Yeah, I really do.
30:18 So we-- this is exciting.
30:21 And we really are-- we just cannot get over the work
30:27 here in Puerto Rico
30:28 and how excited we are to see what's happening
30:31 and how we feel that you have built a beautiful base
30:37 and now you're ready to really move forward in a dramatic way.
30:42 I believe you're gonna see
30:43 the membership of this whole island
30:45 doubled in a very short time.
30:47 I really believe that with all my heart.
31:06 That's-- it's actually our goal.
31:08 We would like this church should be duplicated, tripled. Amen.
31:12 And through the work of the communications
31:15 and publications, we want to reach everybody
31:18 in this island. Okay.
31:19 Pastor Luis, I want to ask you one question
31:20 before we let you go.
31:22 As a communications director-- In my wife's country in Panama,
31:26 the Adventists have a very good reputation among the people.
31:30 They are trusted, they are respected.
31:31 Is it the same way here in Puerto Rico
31:33 when you say the name Seventh-day Adventist?
31:34 Is there a level of trust and respect?
31:36 What is the reputation of the Adventist community
31:38 on the island of Puerto Rico?
31:47 Of course, every time that we have knock at the--any door,
31:51 we have the joy to have a good reception
31:54 because we have the good reputation
31:56 among the people here.
32:08 After the missionaries came,
32:10 the first time, here in Puerto Rico,
32:13 God has given us many other options and opportunities.
32:20 And the education and health--
32:30 And those institutions--
32:32 education and health institutions
32:34 have opened doors for us in the community.
32:44 And another advantage is that our church has dedicated
32:48 its effort to the service of the--
32:51 And they opened doors by the grace of God.
32:53 Praise God. Pastor, thank you so very much.
32:57 Thank you. That's right. That's right.
33:03 I've always tried to make the treasurer
33:04 my best friend in the office
33:06 and it doesn't always help that much.
33:11 In case Max Trevino is watching,
33:14 he will probably remember the requests
33:16 that I would make often to him as a treasurer.
33:19 But he didn't say yes as often as I wanted him to.
33:24 Well, we'd like to see Moses Primo coming in,
33:26 have Brian scratching his head every now and again.
33:28 Moses coming down the hall--
33:29 Listen, we all scratch our heads if Moses comes.
33:32 Moses is one of the most valuable men
33:34 anywhere in any ministry.
33:36 And--but we have really-- he has the great ability
33:43 to know exactly where to spend God's money, and he does.
33:48 He cares more for the money that anybody I know of.
33:50 He spends wisely.
33:52 But this is--salvation is very expensive ministry.
33:55 Yeah. It really is.
33:57 Well, tell me about our next guest.
33:59 Well, we talked about--
34:01 Pastor Luis talks about the many opportunities
34:03 that the church has here on the island Puerto Rico.
34:06 And, of course, one is in the area of health.
34:08 We have been, in fact, have eaten at the hospital,
34:11 the Bella Vista Hospital.
34:13 And our next guest is Jesus Nieves
34:15 who is the director, executive director of the hospital.
34:19 And, you know, you've got this three-pronged ministry, Jim.
34:22 You've got the church next to the school,
34:24 next to the hospital. Right.
34:26 All three of them are doing
34:27 a great missionary work for the Lord.
34:28 And the medical work is--the spirit of prophecy
34:31 speaks to the right hand
34:32 of the ministry of God's people. Surely does.
34:35 And reaching out, helping people,
34:38 this is the work of Jesus Christ on this earth.
34:41 Preaching the gospel, but also healing and helping those.
34:46 So we welcome you.
34:47 We're happy to have you with us.
34:49 Thank you. Thank you.
34:51 Now the first question, the obvious question is
34:52 how big is the hospital, how many beds?
35:01 Hospital had 182 beds. Wow, okay.
35:04 So it's a fairly--not a clinic. This is a hospital.
35:06 It's a hospital. Yes, yeah.
35:09 Yeah. And I saw what-- it looks like you're expanding.
35:11 Are you building on?
35:12 I saw some additional work going on.
35:21 Currently, we are in a process of expanding the hospital.
35:34 Because the hospital is now short in its capacity
35:38 to help everybody and especially in this current times,
35:44 the people who come to the hospital
35:46 are increasing in number.
35:58 And that's the reason why we have short
36:01 and then long term program
36:03 to increase the capacity of this hospital.
36:14 We are hoping this year we can add 20 new--28 new beds.
36:19 All right. Well, that's a beautiful place.
36:22 And we have noticed every night as we come,
36:26 I've come here to the church,
36:28 that your parking lot is full, overflowing.
36:33 And there are people who are driving,
36:35 parking along the road even
36:37 because there's not adequate room.
36:39 There's so many people coming to the hospital
36:42 as patients and as visitors.
36:44 Yes, correct. Yes.
36:53 This is a very well known, has its prestige in this area,
36:59 especially in the west side of the island.
37:09 The community sees the hospital
37:11 as an institution of high reputation
37:14 and a service to the community.
37:22 And the tradition is, obviously,
37:24 this hospital was founded by missionaries.
37:32 And that still stays with the new generation,
37:36 those who are following the steps of the founders.
37:42 So it seems, you know, the hospital
37:44 has a very strong reputation
37:45 in the community and that you treat
37:47 a number of community residents.
37:48 It's not just an Adventist hospital,
37:50 but you're reaching out into the community.
37:59 So the hospital, it is always an Adventist Institution--
38:10 We're visited by all different creeds
38:13 and all kind of people come to our hospital. Yeah.
38:18 While we're rolling that video,
38:19 I want to ask you, while we take a look at this video,
38:23 does the hospital have any special programs
38:26 to meet community needs
38:28 or to reach out to the community in any particular way?
38:37 The hospital has a program to reach the community.
38:42 In different avenues.
38:48 So health clinics in the community.
38:55 And another avenue is the chaplain department.
39:05 Because the chaplain doesn't only offer a spiritual
39:10 but also emotional support.
39:22 And also the chaplain is a department
39:26 that help the community
39:28 in identifying their needs as a service.
39:48 This is the way that we can--
39:50 we are able to reach different part of the community,
39:54 different religions, and creeds
39:56 and all different kind of people.
39:59 Excellent, excellent.
40:00 We saw in the video that was just playing,
40:03 cancer, wound care, a number of things that are specialized,
40:09 that the hospital takes care of.
40:19 One of the goals, short term goals for our hospital,
40:27 is to orient or direct the hospital to the specialization.
40:35 And the--with services that no other institution offers.
40:41 And the community need it and it's requiring.
40:55 That is the reason why we have developed this cancer institute
40:59 and rehabilitation institute and others.
41:03 You know we--of course, your purpose
41:07 is to have good medical care.
41:10 However, as an Adventist hospital,
41:14 is it-- is it very obvious
41:17 that you have a spiritual approach in the hospital?
41:32 We have expanded not only the care of health care.
41:43 but also, we are involved in the growing of the church.
41:48 And what is-- which why we're doing this?
41:53 We have established a program through the chaplain department.
42:01 We have contracted Bible worker,
42:04 full time Bible worker.
42:08 And his job is
42:18 to follow up all this--
42:21 anybody who has been in contact with the chaplain,
42:24 he will follow up with that.
42:28 We give them Bible studies in their homes.
42:34 In one year we have baptized 40 people.
42:37 Praise the Lord. Wow, very good.
42:43 This is the way that the hospital is involved
42:46 in the spiritual care of--
42:47 Amen. Amen.
42:49 So the hospital is actually again
42:52 an outreach missionary center. Yes.
42:53 That doesn't just heal the body but heals the soul dare we say.
42:58 And directly involved in 40 baptisms in a year.
43:02 And we have no idea indirectly. Correct.
43:05 How many they're involved with.
43:07 Very good, excellent. Yeah, thank you so very much.
43:14 You're doing a great work.
43:15 You know, I want to ask one more question
43:16 before that mike down,
43:18 because we pass between your hotel,
43:20 another hospital that people actually pass hospitals
43:24 sort of down on the floor, on the table of land
43:27 to come up on the hill to the Adventist hospital
43:30 is that--is the reputation that strong
43:33 that people would pass by other hospitals to drive up the hill--
43:36 Yeah, they drive by at least
43:37 one or two other hospitals. Yeah, to get up here.
43:39 And there's no bus line coming up here, Jim. No, no.
43:41 And no train. No.
43:44 If you want to get here-- You got to be coming.
43:46 You got to be coming, right.
43:52 We're Adventist--
43:59 And the reason why people comes all the way up here
44:04 and doesn't stop in other places
44:08 because our reputation,
44:10 our quality service.
44:16 And the only way that we can compete with the competition
44:22 is to offer quality service that are better than what they offer.
44:29 And offer services that they don't offer.
44:32 Right. Praise God.
44:33 Amen. Praise God.
44:35 Doing a great, great work. You are.
44:37 Thank you so very, very much.
44:39 God bless you. And God bless.
44:43 You know, I want to-- I want to move into education.
44:48 And I want to get this number.
44:49 I got to put my glasses on and yield to age here.
44:52 Ileana Montalvo Garcia,
44:57 she is director or the principal of the Bella Vista School,
45:00 but while she is coming,
45:02 Joe, I want you to get that video of the university
45:07 because we didn't get a representative
45:08 from the university.
45:09 But I want to just talk a second about the university also.
45:12 Then we'll talk about the school.
45:14 And as we look at this--
45:15 because I performed a wedding of some students
45:19 from that university few years ago
45:21 and had spent many hours up on that campus.
45:24 When I was sort of hanging around there,
45:27 it was still a college. It is now university, Jim.
45:30 And really great students, great kids
45:34 and just a wonderful, wonderful school.
45:40 And we, you know, very pleased to see the work
45:45 that the school is doing.
45:46 And, of course, one of the feeder institutions
45:48 to this university is the grade school
45:52 and high school that is right here
45:56 on this sort of tri campus of the church, the school,
46:00 and the hospital on this beautiful mountain. Yes.
46:04 And so we welcome the principal that's joining us.
46:08 And this is a beautiful educational complex.
46:13 When you consider grade school
46:16 and academy and university,
46:19 it's really, it's quite impressive.
46:21 It really is. Thank you so much.
46:24 Yes, we do try to make it very significant
46:28 and for the student, for the community also.
46:32 We have 325 students in our Bella Vista Adventist Academy.
46:38 And we have pre-k through 12th grade.
46:43 Okay. Yes.
46:44 All right, 325 students. Yes, sir.
46:47 All right, that's impressive. Yeah, it is.
46:50 At the end of the day, you see all the cars lining up
46:52 and people taking their children to go back down.
46:53 It's really-- Exactly, yes, yes.
46:55 That's quite impressive.
46:57 They line up like an hour before.
46:59 To come and get their young people.
47:01 Now what is your background?
47:03 Are you native of Puerto Rico?
47:05 Yes, I am. Yes, I am from San German.
47:08 I don't know if you have been there.
47:10 So you stay at home to teach? Yes.
47:13 I was a teacher for 20 something years.
47:17 It's my best years.
47:18 I have always thought and I know, Jim,
47:20 you share this that teaching in the classroom is ministry.
47:25 Oh, yes. You know, it's true ministry.
47:27 Of the highest order. Of the highest order.
47:30 What kinds of things are you doing in the school
47:32 to not only giving them reading, writing, arithmetic,
47:35 but to make sure that they come up with a hold on Jesus also?
47:40 Well, we concentrate in mind, body, and character.
47:45 That is the main thing that we try to emphasize.
47:50 The mind, the body,
47:52 and the spiritual part of the student.
47:55 Nonetheless we also concentrate in service learning.
47:59 We do have to prepare our students
48:03 for the service in this life and also for the future.
48:08 So we do have a strong Bible spiritual emphasis
48:13 in all our classes.
48:15 And we believe that we are preparing our students
48:18 for eternity through the vehicle of the academics.
48:22 So that's basically it.
48:24 We are preparing them for eternity.
48:27 The vehicle math, science, English, that's our vehicle.
48:33 But the goal really is eternity. I'm curious.
48:37 When I was chairman of our school academy in New York,
48:41 we had a large number of non-Adventist young people
48:46 attending our school.
48:47 There were some who didn't like that idea.
48:49 But there were others who said
48:51 the community sees the value of this education.
48:54 So we shouldn't prohibit them from coming.
48:56 What's your ratio of--
48:57 do you get a large number of non-Adventist children coming?
48:59 We have 73% of SDAs and the rest are non SDAs,
49:04 which is a blessing. Yes.
49:06 We've had baptisms, we've had students that have left,
49:12 you know, for their senior year.
49:14 And afterwards they remember us
49:17 and they bring their children back to us
49:20 and still they are not members of the church,
49:22 but they value the Seventh-day Adventist education.
49:26 So it's amazing how even that 30% we make a difference
49:33 for the lives of those. Right.
49:34 Praise God, praise God. I got to ask you a question.
49:36 Kind of tricky one. Okay.
49:38 Is there any student that stands out in your mind
49:42 as an example of one who may have come in a little tough,
49:45 little resistant, but through the grace of God
49:48 and the teachers and the work, you saw them come around
49:50 and really come closer to the Lord?
49:53 Well, sir, there--many come to my mind, but there was one.
49:58 There was one that in one of our classes,
50:03 he says, "I've learned to pray
50:07 while I was a student here in the academy."
50:11 And the interesting thing is that you wouldn't think
50:15 that he was a praying young man, you know?
50:20 But definitely he learned how to communicate with God.
50:23 He was-- he had his moments with God
50:27 even though it didn't show most of the time, but he did.
50:32 And he stands in my mind, yes.
50:34 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
50:36 Well, that's really-- pays great dividends
50:40 to see young people change like that.
50:43 Because that--even though he may have appeared rough and tough
50:47 and maybe a little worldly, he began to find the Lord
50:53 and somewhere, sometime, somehow that will pay off.
50:58 It will, it will. It really will.
50:59 We also have a strong music ministry.
51:02 Well, like for example we have three different bands,
51:05 Elementary, Intermediate, and Advance.
51:07 And almost 80 students from our 300 and something
51:12 belong to the band.
51:13 We have choirs, elementary and secondary choir
51:17 and about 90 students.
51:19 So you can see that most or more than half of our students
51:23 are involved in the music ministry of the school.
51:27 So we are very happy for that. Praise the Lord. Amen--
51:30 You know, as a teacher,
51:33 as a pastor when I'm finished preaching,
51:35 I think the highest compliment someone could say
51:38 is not that I enjoyed the sermon or something like that,
51:41 but that I saw Jesus today
51:43 or you made me see myself in a new light
51:46 or you made me see the love of Christ in a new light.
51:48 What would be the highest compliment
51:51 that a student could pay
51:52 to a principal of a school, like yourself?
51:57 I think that he saw mercy.
52:02 You know, there was-- there have been times
52:05 that mercy is not deserved, if you know what I mean,
52:10 but still we would try to give a chance.
52:15 We believe that the Lord is working in mysterious ways.
52:19 And those chances and that mercy
52:22 that is coming from above. Yes.
52:27 Yes, it pays.
52:29 Sometimes, we want to put out justice rather than mercy and--
52:34 That is true. And--but mercy is so beautiful
52:39 when it makes a change in a life.
52:42 And so many of us have either received it
52:45 or we have seen others receive it.
52:48 We've been in the position to be able to extend it.
52:52 And when you see that it does pay off at times,
52:56 very graciously and wonderfully, it is very rewarding, isn't it?
53:01 It is very rewarding.
53:02 And God help us to find that very fine balance
53:07 between justice and mercy
53:09 because justice is also a way
53:12 to learn of God's character. Yes, right.
53:14 But we thank the Lord
53:17 that the times that we have applied mercy,
53:20 it has been valued. It has been cherished.
53:24 You know, we-- when I was chairman
53:27 of the board of Ozark Adventist Academy,
53:30 we had a principal Charles Dart.
53:32 He had been principal of a number of academies,
53:34 well known in educational circles.
53:38 Charles exemplified a merciful principal
53:42 who loved his people so much.
53:45 I tried to see him this weekend
53:47 when we were for a very short time in Loma Linda
53:51 and went by the place where he resides
53:56 but he was in the hospital.
53:57 And it was some distance away.
53:59 We were not able to go see him,
54:00 but Charles, if you're watching we love you
54:04 and we're praying for you. And we do try to see you.
54:07 But he was a man and his students will tell you
54:12 that even when he had to apply justice,
54:15 it was with tears in his eyes. Yes.
54:18 That sometimes he had to discipline in a way
54:22 that would maybe separate
54:25 a young man or young woman from the school,
54:27 but I believe that God's educational system,
54:32 even though it's flawed, we are all flawed.
54:36 The pastoral ministry is flawed as well.
54:39 I still believe it's the best.
54:41 God's system of education in the Adventist church.
54:46 I've had both public school
54:49 and church school education in my life.
54:53 And I will tell you, it was the church school
54:56 that may the impact on me, spiritually. Amen.
54:59 Amen for that.
55:00 And whenever we go to the churches,
55:02 we say exactly the same thing.
55:04 Our teachers are not perfect. No.
55:06 This school system is not perfect.
55:08 But it's the best place for your children. Yes.
55:11 And we welcome them. Yes. That's right.
55:13 And I think that's an important statement she made.
55:15 It's not perfect. We're not in heaven yet.
55:17 We're still on earth. Exactly.
55:19 But I believe, I know you agree
55:21 and, Ileana, I'm sure you agree that church school,
55:24 religious education, Seventh-day Adventist education
55:27 is better than public school education
55:30 because you've got a religious context
55:32 and component that you just don't have in public school.
55:35 And by the way, I believe in our system.
55:38 I also believe in home schooling.
55:40 However, remember this, home schooling's not perfect either
55:45 because the home isn't perfect.
55:47 And so what we have to do is keep striving
55:52 to know about Jesus and to lift Him up. Amen.
55:55 And our educational system, it is the best.
56:01 And also the friends that they will make in an academy,
56:05 for instance, will be friends for a lifetime.
56:08 For a lifetime. Oh, yeah. That's true.
56:10 I look back at friends that we even have to this day,
56:13 C.A., people like Harry Grimes and Dan Buckingham and so forth.
56:17 These are guys that I met in school,
56:21 in an Adventist school,
56:22 and they are still my friends after all these many years.
56:26 Last year we celebrated
56:29 the 50 years of the academy. Oh, that's good.
56:31 And we had several of our alumni coming in.
56:36 And they have stayed in communication
56:40 after several years like you're saying. That's right--
56:42 And they love the academy and they love the--
56:45 And I also met my wife Camille in one of our schools
56:49 and we've stayed in communication for a long time--
56:53 Yes. I'm sure you did.
56:55 Happy for that. Yeah.
56:57 We are coming down to the close of our first hour.
57:00 In the second hour we want to spend a little time
57:02 or a good amount of it.
57:03 I'm talking about the media center
57:05 here at Bella Vista Church.
57:06 They are doing some wonderful things.
57:08 And this may give you information
57:10 and surely information on what you can do in your church
57:13 to reach out to the community.
57:15 Ileana, I want to thank you so very, very much
57:18 for telling us about this wonderful school.
57:21 320 plus children, it's a big school as Adventist schools go.
57:26 But--I'm told you're doing a fine job,
57:28 and the community is really being benefited.
57:30 Thank you so much for the opportunity.
57:31 It's been a pleasure. Thank you.
57:33 Well, listen, we're going to be back in just a little bit.
57:36 We'll go away from you
57:38 and so you go get a drink of water
57:41 and come right back join us.


Revised 2014-12-17