Night Light Live - 1st Hour

North American Division Of Sdas

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), Dan Jackson


Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA011503

00:21 Hello, and welcome to a very special 3ABN Nightlight.
00:26 I'm C.A. Murray, here at the Night Light anchor desk
00:29 and as I said, this is indeed
00:31 a very special program and presentation.
00:34 It is not often that we are privileged
00:37 to have the North American division President
00:39 to be with us at 3ABN to travel as it were out to the cornfields
00:43 of Southern Illinois, but he has done precisely
00:46 that and so this night we get to talk with Dan Jackson,
00:50 our North American division President.
00:53 And also to hear him speak,
00:54 so we are doubly blessed to have him with us.
00:59 And we'll talk to you a little bit more
01:00 about that as we move through the evening's activities.
01:03 There may be questions that you would like to pose
01:06 to the North American division president.
01:07 We'll give you a number in just a little bit to call or email
01:12 your questions and we'll try to get to them.
01:14 There is a lot to discuss as we spend our night together.
01:17 Issues of the church.
01:19 It was in July of 2010 that Elder Jackson
01:23 was made North American division president
01:24 voted to that office.
01:26 He has been quite busy ever since,
01:29 so we're gonna talk about some of those things,
01:30 some of the challenges that are facing the church
01:33 in these days in which we find ourselves.
01:35 And then also, as Jim Gilley our president
01:38 joins me and Elder Jackson in our second half,
01:41 we want to pray about a number of things.
01:42 Just 400 miles east of here, the next state over
01:46 in Missouri of course, we have all heard about
01:48 what happened at Joplin.
01:50 I wanna talk about that just a little bit.
01:51 Pray about that.
01:53 From Elder Jackson's perspective find out a little bit about
01:56 what the church is doing in Joplin.
01:59 See how our members were affected.
02:00 So there's a lot to talk about,
02:02 a lot we want to do this very night, but first,
02:05 we want to travel just about a quarter mile down the road
02:08 to the 3ABN worship center where Elder Gilley,
02:12 Jim Gilley our president is waiting.
02:14 John Lomacang is waiting and of course,
02:17 Elder Dan Jackson to give us the message for the evening.
02:20 Then we'll return here for the second hour.
02:22 We'll talk just a little bit
02:23 and kick around some of these ideas
02:24 that I spoke to you of just a moment ago.
02:26 So just now we're gonna travel down the road
02:28 just about a quarter mile to the 3ABN worship center
02:32 elder Jim Gilley is waiting there.
02:38 Thank you, C.A., and I'd like to welcome
02:41 all of you that are seeing this program by television
02:45 or listening by radio, but also those that are here
02:49 in the auditorium tonight.
02:50 We're so happy that each one of you
02:52 could come and tonight
02:54 we're gonna be very blessed as we listen
02:57 to our North American division president Elder Dan Jackson
03:02 as he brings us the word of life through the word of God
03:06 and through the spoken word.
03:10 We believe that that's exactly what the Lord
03:13 would have had us to do and Pentecost.
03:15 You remember the first thing that happened was the sermon
03:18 that took place right after the Holy Spirit fell.
03:22 Then Peter spoke and he spoke one of the most beautiful
03:26 sermons in the history of the Christian church.
03:29 It was a launching time and ever since that time,
03:33 we have felt that when man was given a message from God
03:37 and he spoke that message, that the Holy Spirit
03:40 spoke through him and that he was reaching out
03:44 to the hearts of the people.
03:46 And so we welcome Elder Jackson,
03:49 he's president of North America as we've mentioned before.
03:52 Prior to that, he had been president
03:53 of the church in Canada, had been conference president,
03:57 a missionary serving overseas.
04:00 He and his wonderful wife together
04:02 and so they have given their life completely to the Lord
04:07 in service and we praise the Lord for that.
04:11 Before he comes, I'm going to ask John Lomacang,
04:14 our Pastor here and our ambassador of the world
04:18 from 3ABN to come and to sing
04:22 one of my favorite hymns "He Hideth My Soul."
04:45 A wonderful Savior
04:49 is Jesus my Lord
04:54 A wonderful Savior
04:57 To me He hideth
05:04 my soul in the cleft of the rock
05:11 Where rivers of pleasure
05:15 I see He hideth
05:21 my soul in the cleft of the rock
05:28 That shadows a dry, thirsty land
05:36 He hideth my life in the depths of His love
05:45 Then covers me there with His hand
05:53 And covers me there with His hand
06:06 A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord
06:16 He taketh my burdens away
06:23 Then He holdeth me up,
06:28 and I shall not be moved
06:32 He giveth me strength as the day
06:40 With numberless blessings
06:45 each moment He crowns
06:49 Then he fills with His fullness divine
06:56 Now I sing in my rapture,
07:01 oh, glory to God
07:06 For such a redeemer as mine
07:14 He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
07:22 That shadows the dry, thirsty land
07:30 Then He hideth my life
07:35 in the depths of His love
07:39 And covers me there with His hand
07:47 And covers me there with His hand
07:56 And covers me
08:02 there with His hand
08:26 Good evening. Good evening.
08:28 To everyone who is watching us this evening
08:31 and for those who are here,
08:33 it's wonderful to be here this evening.
08:36 I so much appreciate what was just sung to us.
08:42 What a wonderful Savior that we serve.
08:45 What a great God who has great interest in us
08:49 every day that we live.
08:51 And you know the thing that excites me
08:53 is that so many times we might find it easy to give up on
08:57 who we are or what we do,
09:00 but God says to each of us personally,
09:03 "I know the thoughts I have for you.
09:06 I know the thoughts."
09:07 And Paul tells us that he who has begun
09:10 a good work in you will also complete it
09:13 until the coming of the Son of man.
09:15 And we want to praise God for that this evening.
09:18 I want to talk to you about a subject
09:20 this evening that stirs my soul.
09:24 As a matter of fact, as I was going through
09:26 my notes this evening, I said to my wife,
09:29 you know, I could preach this message
09:31 every single day and never get tired of it.
09:37 I believe like you do
09:40 as Seventh Day Adventist Christians
09:44 that Jesus is coming soon. Amen.
09:47 And before He comes,
09:49 we know that some amazing things will take place.
09:53 We hold on to certain passages of scripture
09:57 that are greatly significant to us.
10:00 Revelation 14:6 and 7,
10:04 "Behold, I saw another angel"
10:06 or "I saw an angel" rather, "flying in the midst of heaven,
10:10 having the everlasting gospel to give to them
10:13 who dwell on the earth, to every nation,
10:15 kindred, tongue, and people.
10:18 Saying with a loud voice,
10:20 'Fear God, and give glory to Him,
10:22 for the hour of his judgment has come,
10:24 and worship him who made heaven,
10:26 and earth, the sea,'" and all of the rest.
10:29 Now we praise God for that passage.
10:32 It brings us into a context.
10:34 And I believe that prior to the return of Jesus Christ,
10:38 there will be a greater emphasis.
10:42 We will see an intensification of the emphasis
10:45 on the great news of our Savior Jesus Christ.
10:49 We live in a world that is in need of hope,
10:53 that is in need of courage,
10:55 and when I think about Revelation 14:6 and 7,
10:59 I think of God expending all of his effort
11:03 presenting the gospel to a world in need.
11:06 One other passage that attracts me this evening
11:09 and that is important is that statement
11:11 found in John 12:32, Jesus' words,
11:15 "But I, when I am lifted up will draw all men to me."
11:21 Now we know that in the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ
11:26 that the center, the substance,
11:29 the core of our message is what God has accomplished
11:33 on our behalf through his son Jesus Christ.
11:38 I want to tell you that I believe
11:40 that every single person who calls himself a Christian,
11:45 before the time when Jesus will come will be drawn in closer
11:50 to this message of Jesus and His grace and His mercy.
11:54 I want to use as the core
11:57 of what we will talk about tonight,
12:00 my favorite passage in the scripture.
12:03 When I first discovered this, I read it and I reread it,
12:07 I looked at it, and I said,
12:10 "This is the most amazing thing I've ever read."
12:12 It's that text found in 2 Corinthians 5:21.
12:17 And it reads simply like this,
12:20 "God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us
12:25 that we might be made
12:27 the righteousness of God in him."
12:30 It's a great text.
12:32 "God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us
12:38 that we might be made
12:39 the righteousness of God in him."
12:43 You know, when you look at the experience of human beings,
12:45 you discover that most of us live a good share of our lives
12:50 with a certain level of discontent.
12:53 We would prefer to live with other circumstances
12:56 in other places with other jobs.
12:59 We wish we had, we wish we were,
13:01 we wish we could,
13:03 and of course we know that's a waste of time, right?
13:06 You know, the other man's grass is always greener.
13:08 The sun shines brighter on the other shore.
13:12 Those are the kinds of things,
13:14 but we sometimes as human beings waste a lot of time
13:17 and yet in reality, in practice, they often take place.
13:21 When I was a little kid going to school
13:24 with my little brown paper bag and my peanut butter
13:27 and jam sandwich, when I would get to school
13:30 and I would look at the other kids' sandwiches,
13:32 I was sure that their mother had better
13:35 peanut butter than my mother.
13:37 And so we would often exchange sandwiches and, of course,
13:40 the reality, some truth that really mother's sandwiches
13:44 were better in the first place.
13:46 But we wonder what it would be like to change places
13:49 with someone who we meet or someone that we know.
13:53 But I want to tell you this story.
13:55 Recently, a young woman in a country
13:59 that I won't name this evening
14:01 was speaking with a former friend.
14:04 As she was sitting inside of her vehicle
14:06 and the young man was sitting outside of the vehicle
14:10 or standing outside of the vehicle
14:12 and all of a sudden, from apparently nowhere,
14:15 six other men came and chased him away
14:18 and gang raped that girl.
14:21 What a horrible thing to take place.
14:23 But what was even more horrible
14:26 was what happened after, because this woman
14:28 was taken before a judge.
14:32 She was found guilty of being alone with a young man,
14:35 sentenced to 6 months in prison with 60 lashes.
14:41 After the horrific incident that took place,
14:44 she was judged in that way.
14:48 She appealed.
14:49 She went back and said,
14:51 "A travesty has occurred against me and my life.
14:53 I have been ruined."
14:55 And the judge considered it and kept the 6 months,
14:58 but he changed the lashes from 60 to 200 lashes.
15:02 Now I want to ask you this evening,
15:05 when you contemplate that story,
15:07 would you want to take
15:09 or would you want to take that girl's place?
15:11 Would you want to exchange places with that situation?
15:16 You know, really, friends, the things that we wish,
15:20 the things that we dream always bring better things to us.
15:26 But here in this one passage of scripture,
15:30 we see an exchange of such an amazing
15:34 magnitude that it boggles the imagination,
15:37 it is higher than the highest human thought can reach,
15:41 because what we find in 2 Corinthians 5:21
15:45 is a picture of God stooping low,
15:48 entering into the human circumstance,
15:50 that is your circumstance and mine,
15:52 and exchanging all that he is for all that we are not.
15:57 "God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us,
16:02 that we might be made
16:03 the righteousness of God in him."
16:07 This passage begins with that fascinating statement.
16:10 For God made him who knew no sin.
16:14 I want to look at that for a few moments
16:16 with you this evening. I want to ask you a question.
16:20 Have you ever thought of what it would be
16:21 like to be absolutely, spotlessly sinless?
16:27 Without one sin ever from birth to death?
16:31 Absolutely, spotlessly clean.
16:34 You know, it's a difficult question, isn't it?
16:36 Because in reality, on this planet,
16:38 we don't have any good examples of that.
16:42 I know that there are some people
16:44 who will tell you in their actions and in their words
16:46 that they're perfect, but the minute
16:48 they begin to make that assertion,
16:50 you know that they're not perfect, right?
16:54 A newborn child is probably the closest thing
16:57 that we can ever come to in terms of perfection.
17:01 I've, you know, I held all of my children
17:05 in my arms at that time that they were born.
17:08 And the first one, it was so interesting and special,
17:13 you know, the nurse came, it was after the birth,
17:15 you know, they wouldn't let the father
17:17 be in the birthing room at the time of the delivery,
17:20 but after the delivery, they invited me
17:22 in and there was a very British nurse there.
17:25 And, you know, I looked at that baby and it's always,
17:30 you know, it's not very nice to look at the newborn babies
17:33 just after they've been delivered.
17:36 I kind of thought she looked like a salamander.
17:39 And the nurse brought her to me and she said,
17:43 "Well, touch her, she's yours."
17:47 And I took this finger, the index finger,
17:49 put it at the bottom of her heel and said,
17:50 "I think that's enough for now."
17:53 But, you know, a few moments later,
17:54 a few hours later as after they had cleaned her up
17:58 and they brought her into the room
18:00 and I held my first born child in my arm, in my arms.
18:04 I was so grateful to God
18:06 and grateful to my wife Donna for the delivery.
18:10 I was enamored and, you know, the older I get,
18:12 the more I am enamored with little babies.
18:14 I just get soft in the head, I held my little granddaughter
18:17 a little while ago in my arms and you look at them,
18:22 and they are like the essence of perfection.
18:26 But it doesn't take very long, does it?
18:30 And you begin to see the changes that take place.
18:33 You begin to see the emergence of human nature,
18:38 because even as little babies
18:41 wrapped in blankets in cribs looking innocent,
18:45 they know how to get their own way.
18:48 At 2 o'clock in the morning,
18:49 they will get you up just about as fast as whoopee, right?
18:53 I mean, they just get you up.
18:55 And they know as they grow how to manipulate.
18:58 We see the emergence of human nature.
19:01 You know, my wife and I discovered this one day
19:05 as we now had two children
19:08 and, you know, you look at your children.
19:10 They're very different from one another and our oldest girl,
19:15 precious child, wonderful appetite.
19:19 She could eats when she would eat,
19:22 she did it with gusto.
19:24 And she would eat everything that was put before her,
19:27 but the second child was a nibbler.
19:31 And one day we had gone shopping
19:33 and after the shopping episode, you know, for a man,
19:36 it's always kind of a chore.
19:38 I mean, maybe some men like,
19:39 but for me, shopping is always kind of a chore.
19:42 And it was worse when the kids were young,
19:44 because if they misbehave, you were trying to find
19:47 the Welch's grape juice and, you know, keep them
19:49 calmed down at the same time,
19:51 but they were great that day, the two children.
19:54 They were great and so as we left the store,
19:56 we bought them each a big cookie
20:00 and then we watched and listened as the following happened.
20:04 The eldest girl took her cookie and she munched it.
20:07 Like a vacuum cleaner, it was gone.
20:10 The younger daughter sat and nibbled on hers
20:13 and then we heard the emergence of human nature.
20:16 For the oldest one said to her younger sister,
20:19 "Lara, do you know what love is?
20:25 Love is sharing your cookie
20:29 and you would not even give me one bite."
20:33 The emergence of human nature,
20:37 but this was not the case with Jesus.
20:40 When you read the statements in the gospel
20:43 and we're familiar with the statement of Luke 2:52
20:46 and Jesus grew in wisdom, and in stature,
20:49 and in favor with God and man,
20:52 when you consider His miracles,
20:54 when you consider the compassion
20:55 with which Jesus reached out to touch,
20:59 bruised and broken human beings,
21:01 you begin to see the magnitude of Dr. Luke's statement.
21:05 Everything that Jesus did as He walked on earth
21:09 was designed to bless other people.
21:12 And then in His final hour, as Jesus could see
21:18 the tremendously ominous clouds of evil pressure
21:22 coming against him as he looked at the destiny of human beings
21:26 that is your destiny and mine.
21:29 Jesus looked out at those ominous clouds
21:32 and at those forces and He said to His disciples,
21:35 "The Prince of this world comes and He finds nothing in me."
21:41 Well, the temptations were very real.
21:45 The things that were thrown at Jesus
21:47 didn't come in little bits and pieces.
21:49 The devil threw one thing after the next at Jesus Christ.
21:53 He could have caved in, He could have sinned.
21:56 The fact is He did not. He was pure and noble.
22:00 There was no springboard in Him,
22:03 which would give rise to rebellion.
22:08 And following His death, the recollection
22:11 of His followers as they contemplated who Jesus had been.
22:16 I always love the way John puts it.
22:20 He who we have seen with our own eyes,
22:22 who we have touched with our own hands,
22:24 this is the one we testify to.
22:27 And Jesus, as He was thought about by His friends,
22:34 you know, they always said wonderful things about Him.
22:36 I think of Peter and his statement
22:38 recorded in 1 Peter 2:22 and 23. We read these words.
22:44 "He committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth.
22:48 When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate.
22:52 When He suffered, He made no threats.
22:54 Instead He entrusted Himself to him who judges justly."
23:00 And it was this Jesus, this holy,
23:05 harmless Son of God and Son of Man
23:08 who becomes the center of the great exchange,
23:12 for God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us.
23:18 It boggles our imagination.
23:21 You know, it's a very powerful statement when you say,
23:24 when you read these words,
23:25 for God made him to be sin for us.
23:28 It's a powerful statement in light of the fact
23:31 that men and women like us have no power within ourselves
23:36 to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps
23:39 and change ourselves into righteous people.
23:43 The Bible clearly states that the sinful mind,
23:47 the natural person is hostile to God,
23:51 does not submit to God's law nor indeed can, that's Romans 8:7.
23:57 And then Ellen White, as she comments
23:59 on this whole transaction of faith
24:01 makes this statement in Steps to Christ page 18,
24:05 "It is impossible for us, of ourselves,
24:08 to escape from the pit of sin into which we are sunken.
24:12 Our hearts are evil and we cannot change them.
24:17 And there are no exclusions in that.
24:20 There's no one who was born who can change their heart,
24:23 who can change their status before God.
24:26 Our hearts are evil and we cannot change them,
24:29 education, culture, the exercise of the will,
24:33 human effort, all have their proper sphere,
24:35 but here they are powerless."
24:39 So without the action of God to step in
24:42 and resolve the human problem that is your problem and mine,
24:46 we would be without hope.
24:49 However, when we begin to take a closer look
24:52 at God's actions on your behalf and mine,
24:56 they don't fit into common human logic.
25:01 Now that is into the way that we commonly think
25:05 and I want to illustrate this
25:07 with two stories, two scenarios tonight.
25:09 One that seems logical and measured in proportion
25:13 to the situation and the other
25:15 that is off the scale of human reason.
25:19 Let me begin with this story.
25:21 It is August 31, 1985.
25:26 The city is Los Angeles, and something that I don't think
25:31 was seen before or has been seen since was seen in those streets.
25:37 A young man had been out of the city,
25:40 but he arrived back into the city
25:42 to see pictures of himself everywhere he went.
25:46 He had been identified
25:48 by the Los Angeles police as the night stalker.
25:52 Richard Ramirez, a Satan-worshipping murderer.
25:58 He had raped, mutilated, and murdered 13 women
26:05 and had done damage to 43 others.
26:08 And the police were urgent in their search for him
26:12 and they had finally identified that Richard Ramirez was the man
26:15 and so they had put up these posters.
26:18 He had been in Arizona,
26:19 but he came back into Los Angeles
26:21 to see this and he became very frightened.
26:26 He saw a car that he thought he would get in and steal
26:30 and drive out of Los Angeles.
26:33 But when he went to get into the car he discovered
26:35 that as he tried to turn the ignition it wouldn't start.
26:38 You know, it was a muscle car.
26:40 You know what a muscle car is?
26:41 I mean, it was souped up,
26:42 this had a huge engine in it and was ready to roll.
26:46 The one thing he didn't bargain on was the fact
26:49 that the man who owned the car was underneath the car
26:52 at that very moment working on the car.
26:56 There's never a very smart thing to try to steal a muscle car,
27:00 especially when the muscle man is under the muscle car.
27:04 But Richard Ramirez got in and he turned that ignition
27:07 and it wouldn't start and he kept trying.
27:09 By that time, the man, the owner,
27:11 got out from under the car and grabbed him and said,
27:13 "What are you doing with my car?"
27:15 Ramirez tried to break--or did break away for a moment,
27:19 but the man saw that face and connected it
27:23 with the posters that he had been seeing all day
27:25 and he screamed at the top of his lungs,
27:29 "The night stalker, the night stalker!"
27:32 And people started to come out of their homes
27:34 as they heard on that summer evening that the cry
27:38 "The night stalker" and a crowd began to form
27:42 and before long, 500 people were chasing Richard Ramirez
27:47 through the streets of Los Angeles
27:50 and they found--they caught him and they had him on the ground
27:53 and they would have beat him to death
27:56 were it not for the intervention
27:57 of the Los Angeles police department who apprehended him.
28:02 Now, you know, as we think about that story,
28:04 it's not difficult for us to have our sense
28:07 of decency outraged and infuriated by the events
28:11 that occur in our world from day to day.
28:14 And when we think of this story,
28:15 when we think of the horrific nature
28:18 of what this man had done,
28:20 we might even add from our carnal perspective,
28:24 it's too bad that the police came.
28:28 He was getting what he deserved,
28:32 because we look at things
28:34 as human beings in a very measured way.
28:38 If you do this to me, I will do that to you.
28:41 If you love me, I will love you.
28:43 If you insult me, I will insult you.
28:46 So when we think of stories like Richard Ramirez,
28:48 we think, well, he got everything he deserved
28:51 and he should've had more.
28:55 But here is another scene,
28:58 a story where things get twisted and bizarre.
29:03 You know, last evening I was in Joplin, Missouri,
29:08 and my heart just ached for the people of that city
29:11 as I drove through the streets
29:13 and I went to have a little time of prayer
29:17 with Seventh-day Adventists living in that city.
29:19 My heart was aching for them.
29:21 You know, I had the privilege of being able to go overseas
29:25 to Sri Lanka and right after the tsunami
29:30 and I'm not sure that you should call that a privilege,
29:32 but I went overseas and saw the damage
29:35 a 25 foot wall of water coming onto land.
29:40 No continental shelf in Sri Lanka
29:43 and just washing everything out.
29:47 People, buildings, 27,000 people
29:50 lost their life in the area that we went.
29:53 I went to New Orleans at the time of Katrina
29:57 and saw the mounds of garbage through the streets.
30:02 But I wanna tell you I don't think I've ever seen
30:03 anything like I saw last night in Joplin, Missouri.
30:07 I think it's a miracle that only 121 died there.
30:13 They're still looking for 700 people.
30:17 But I want to tell you that what I saw there,
30:20 large apartment buildings where the tornado had come in
30:25 and just demolished the brick and the mortar and the sticks.
30:30 And above it all was hanging these girders.
30:34 Looked like somebody had twisted them like a paperclip.
30:39 Here is a scene where things get twisted and bizarre,
30:45 where a crowd fails to recognize the obvious.
30:48 It is the enraged mob that surrounds
30:51 the courtroom of pilot, the procurator of Judea.
30:56 And when we contemplate this story,
30:58 we begin to see something so big
31:00 in terms of its eternal impact. It's huge.
31:05 Here is a crowd inflamed by demons in human form
31:10 crying out for blood in their rage.
31:13 And here's the picture that they saw,
31:15 the compromising pilot always standing out
31:20 in contradistinction to that which is good.
31:22 Pilot always calculating, always contemplating his advancement
31:27 and upward mobility, his ascension into greatness.
31:31 And he stands there and next to him is Jesus,
31:35 who said, "Except the corn of wheat
31:37 falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone.
31:40 But if it dies, it brings forth much fruit."
31:44 You know, in the gospel of Jesus Christ,
31:47 in true Christianity, there is no such thing
31:51 as ascending into greatness.
31:54 We do not ascend into greatness in Christianity.
31:57 But rather, we descend into greatness
32:00 as we are planted in the soil of human need.
32:03 And that's what Jesus' life was all about to demonstrate
32:07 what self-sacrificing love is all about.
32:10 The principle of self-sacrificing love,
32:12 we know is the foundation
32:14 of all of God's activities in the universe.
32:19 And there they are standing together,
32:22 the grasping pilot, the Jesus
32:26 who was willing to give it all for God.
32:30 And then pilot found what he believed to be a way out.
32:34 He will release a prisoner to the crowd
32:37 in a mock honoring of Jewish custom.
32:40 And the contrasting of the moment becomes
32:42 more intense as Barabbas is brought onto the scene.
32:46 Barabbas, two words in one name.
32:48 Bar, a son. Abba, of his father.
32:53 A son of his father, the devil.
32:55 He stands there with-- hurling seditious insults
32:59 at the crowd, cursing and swearing.
33:02 And Jesus stands next to him as a lamb
33:06 before the slaughter without anything to say.
33:11 I want you to think it through carefully now.
33:14 And you contemplate what is transpiring
33:16 in the courtroom of pilot.
33:18 You see, the call on this day or the crowd
33:22 rather on this day call for the binding of the innocent
33:26 and the release of the guilty.
33:29 They released Bin Laden and they crucified Jesus.
33:34 And what is so shocking, so perversely shocking
33:38 when you carefully analyze this process
33:41 and fully grasp the eternal results of the trial of Jesus
33:46 is that here at the point of Jesus
33:49 being condemned to death on a cross,
33:52 you are directly exposed to the mind of God.
33:56 To the way that God thinks.
33:59 It's painful to think these thoughts,
34:01 because it damages our ego.
34:02 It flies in the face of human logic,
34:06 somehow in our own minds,
34:07 we think we must be able to deserve this
34:10 that this is so much beyond what a human being could do.
34:15 It boils down to this in a courtroom
34:17 in ancient Jerusalem, either Jesus is bound
34:21 and Barabbas is released, either Jesus is bound
34:25 and you are released or we are without hope, eternally.
34:33 I want to you to listen again to the scripture,
34:34 Galatians 3:13, "Christ redeemed us
34:39 from the curse of the law
34:41 by becoming a curse for us, for it is written,
34:44 cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."
34:48 And 1 Peter 2:21, "He himself bore our sins
34:54 in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sin
34:57 and live for righteousness, by his wounds
35:01 you and I have been healed."
35:03 In 2 Corinthians 5:11, a beautiful passage,
35:07 "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced
35:11 that one died for all, and therefore all died."
35:17 I want you to listen to some statements
35:18 from the greatest biography of Jesus written
35:23 that we find outside of the scripture
35:24 from a book called "Desire of Ages",
35:26 "God suffered His wrath against transgression
35:30 to fall on His beloved son.
35:32 Jesus was to be crucified for the sins of men."
35:38 And then from that same book, a most powerful statement,
35:43 "He who stilled the angry waves
35:45 and walked the foam-capped billows,
35:47 who made devils tremble and disease flee,
35:50 who opened blind eyes and called forth
35:52 the dead to life offers Himself on the cross as a sacrifice,
35:57 and this from love to you."
36:00 And it concludes, it climaxes with this huge statement.
36:05 He, the sin bearer, endures the wrath of divine justice
36:11 and for your sake and my sake becomes sin itself.
36:18 I want to tell you, folks,
36:20 that is higher than the highest human thought can reach.
36:23 Just exactly what does God see as He views the cross?
36:29 Does He now see the pure and the sinless Jesus?
36:32 Does He see the one who spoke worlds into existence
36:35 through His mighty power?
36:37 And the painful answer that you and I must give
36:40 as we observe the trial and the condemnation
36:42 and the crucifixio of Jesus is,
36:44 "No, that's not what He sees. A thousand times no."
36:49 The scripture informs us that God does see Jesus
36:52 at the time of the crucifixion.
36:54 And the Bible does say that God was in Christ
36:57 reconciling the world to Himself. It is true.
37:03 But in this horrific sight, on this horrible day,
37:08 God sees Jesus now as the embodiment
37:11 of your sins and mine.
37:13 He Himself, Peter says,
37:16 "Bore my sin in His body on the tree."
37:22 Isaiah as he contemplated the work of the Messiah
37:24 in Isaiah 53:6 says, "We all, like sheep,
37:28 have gone astray, each of us
37:30 has turned to his own way,
37:32 and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."
37:38 God sees yours, your sins and He sees mine.
37:41 And it was this that caused Him to turn away from His son,
37:45 this that caused Jesus to call out,
37:48 to cry out in His anguish,
37:49 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"
37:54 and contemplate this text.
38:00 It's an amazing text.
38:02 It says, "Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him
38:05 and to cause him to suffer,
38:08 and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering,
38:10 he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
38:13 and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand."
38:18 God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us.
38:25 You know, I will tell you frankly, friends,
38:28 that we all get agitated and stirred up
38:30 when things are great around us.
38:34 You know, men--not all men enjoy sports.
38:39 But I think most men enjoy some kind of sports.
38:43 And when things happen that we like
38:46 to high five each other,
38:47 to shout for joy is a pretty natural expression.
38:53 And I want to tell you what we're talking about
38:55 here this evening is to be the core of the message
38:59 that is taken to the world in the days final
39:02 or in the days immediately preceding
39:04 the coming of Jesus Christ.
39:06 We do not have our characters to offer to the world.
39:11 There is nothing that we can do that will impress the world
39:14 about the greatness of God to the extent
39:18 of what we're talking about right now.
39:21 And this is to be our call to the world
39:24 that there is a God who loves you so much
39:27 that He was not content to remain aloof
39:30 in the sanctity of heaven.
39:33 But He sent His own son and He brought Him
39:35 into the position of being the core of the great exchange
39:39 for God made Him who knew no sin
39:41 to be sin for you and for me.
39:44 I can tell that to my neighbors.
39:46 You do not have to carry the burden,
39:48 the guilt of the things that are destroying you.
39:53 But I want to tell you tonight
39:54 that I praise God that Paul didn't stop there,
39:58 because he concludes this statement
40:00 by saying for God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us
40:04 that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
40:08 And we want to praise His name for that.
40:10 Praise God that in the process
40:13 or that the process of the exchange
40:15 did not stop in a tomb. Jesus lives.
40:20 The victory of God over evil
40:22 doesn't stop in the death of Jesus Christ.
40:24 And there's a reason for this.
40:26 When God starts something, He always finishes it.
40:31 He doesn't stop.
40:32 And that extends hope to you and me.
40:34 You know, we may get pretty discouraged at times,
40:37 but God does not get discouraged.
40:40 You know, the reality is this,
40:43 that in the resurrection of His son,
40:45 Jesus forever obliterated the hold
40:48 that the devil has over humankind,
40:51 both in the physical and in the spiritual realms.
40:54 Yes, the devil is winning victories today,
40:58 but he will not win the war.
41:00 That has already been decided at Calvary, amen.
41:04 If time lasts long enough
41:06 and this is a rather morbid thought,
41:08 but if time lasts long enough,
41:09 all of us, everyone who is watching,
41:11 everyone is here in the auditorium,
41:13 all of us are gonna die.
41:17 But the great news of the Christian gospel
41:20 is that we will not stay that way
41:23 because Jesus has conquered death, amen.
41:28 You know, interestingly enough,
41:31 you can never get a group of people together,
41:33 I believe, in a room of this size
41:37 where somebody hasn't got a problem
41:39 that is weighing them down.
41:42 You know, there are many people
41:44 who live their lives in silence, who live their lives in pain,
41:47 believing that that one thing,
41:49 that one practice, that one habit,
41:51 that one sin that they cannot seem to get away
41:55 from will ultimately destroy their faith in God
41:58 and eliminate them from the privilege of being
42:00 saved eternally in the kingdom of God.
42:03 I want to tell you something tonight.
42:06 You do not have to give up in despair.
42:09 You do not have to lose hope
42:12 because Jesus has conquered sin.
42:14 Jesus has conquered that very sin that you struggle with,
42:18 that very sin that is dragging you down.
42:21 Jesus conquered that sin.
42:23 And your role and my role is to connect with Jesus
42:27 so that He can give us that which He wants to give us.
42:31 Jesus has conquered sin.
42:33 You know, back to that passage in "Steps to Christ" page 18,
42:37 "There must be a power working from within,
42:40 a new life from above,
42:43 before men can be changed from sin to holiness."
42:48 There's only four words that follow in the next sentence
42:51 and they are like this, "That power is Christ."
42:56 Amen. That power is Christ.
43:00 Righteousness is not achieved by behaviorism.
43:05 Righteousness is achieved by submission
43:09 to our Lord Jesus Christ
43:11 and by giving permission to the Holy Spirit to work
43:14 His way in our lives
43:16 so that we can grow up into Jesus Christ.
43:19 There must be a power from above.
43:23 That power is Christ. His grace alone
43:26 can quicken the lifeless faculties of the soul
43:29 and attract it to God and to holiness.
43:34 You know, we observe the great exchange
43:36 and we hold our breath
43:38 as we watch Jesus enter into the showdown.
43:41 A showdown, an eternal showdown with sin
43:44 and eternal death, your death and mine.
43:46 We see and we cannot help but celebrate because He wins.
43:52 And just as we follow Him
43:53 through the valley of the shadow of death.
43:56 And we watch Him die for us.
43:58 So He invites us to observe Him in His resurrection
44:02 and what happened as a result of His resurrection.
44:05 He invites us to not only follow Him in death,
44:09 but also to follow Him in life to see how powerful He is.
44:16 You know, I don't know about you,
44:17 but from time to time,
44:19 I watch the strong man competition on television.
44:25 And I think that's one of those things
44:27 I was talking about in the beginning.
44:28 You know, you wish you could be that way.
44:31 I actually convinced my wife to watch 20 minutes
44:33 of it not so long ago.
44:35 I don't watch it on a regular basis.
44:37 I don't have much time to watch television.
44:39 But there was a man,
44:42 we were watching 375 pounds in each arm,
44:45 picked it up and they're racing and they're running along.
44:49 And I'm thinking, "Wow, that's pretty good."
44:51 But then I saw them attach a man with a harness to a 737 Jet
44:59 and he pulled that jet.
45:02 And I'm thinking, you know, pass the cheese, please.
45:06 I'm feeling pretty tiny at that point.
45:09 I want you to listen to the Apostle Paul.
45:13 He proclaims the exceeding
45:15 greatness of His power toward us who believe.
45:19 According to the working of His mighty power
45:22 which He worked in Christ
45:23 when He raised Him from the dead
45:25 and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places.
45:30 This is a glorious thought,
45:32 because what Paul is saying here is that the power
45:35 that God used to raise Jesus from the dead is the same power
45:41 that is available to you and to me today
45:44 that God is willing to pour out.
45:47 You know, it's that which called John to utter the words,
45:50 "Behold, what manner of love
45:52 the Father has be stored upon us
45:54 that we might be called the sons and the daughters of God."
45:58 The exceeding power,
46:01 the greatness of His power toward us.
46:04 You wanna talk about strong men and strong women
46:07 or strong whatever,
46:09 there is nothing that can beat the power of God, amen.
46:14 You know, the apostle John, as he looked at things
46:17 right at the very end in Revelation 7:13 and 14
46:23 wrote these words,
46:24 "Then one of the elders asked me,
46:26 'These in white robes, who are they,
46:28 and where did they come from?'"
46:31 And John responded by saying, "Sir, you know."
46:34 And he said,
46:35 "These are they who have come out of great tribulation,
46:38 they have washed their robes
46:40 and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
46:45 The songwriter William Cowper
46:46 used these words to describe this.
46:49 There is a fountain filled with blood
46:52 Drawn from Emmanuel's veins.
46:54 And sinners plunged beneath that flood
46:56 Lose all their guilty stains.
46:58 The dying thief rejoiced to see
47:01 That fountain in his day,
47:03 And there may I, though vile as he,
47:05 Washed all my sins away.
47:07 Thou dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
47:11 Shall never lose its power
47:13 Till all the ransomedchurch of God
47:17 Are saved, to sin no more.
47:19 I want to ask you some questions tonight
47:22 as we move toward the conclusion and they're simple.
47:26 Where do we find the way into the mind and the heart of God?
47:32 In Jesus.
47:35 Where do we find happiness in 2011?
47:39 In Jesus.
47:41 Where do we find the way to move beyond our guilt,
47:45 our suffering, and our pains spiritually?
47:48 In Jesus.
47:49 "For God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us
47:55 that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him."
48:02 People ask me all the time.
48:04 They say, "Aren't you overwhelmed by your job?"
48:06 And I tell them every time, "Yes, I am.
48:09 But I want to tell you something.
48:11 I'm with Him." Amen. I'm with Him.
48:15 Sounds glib, but it is the truth.
48:18 I heard this story many years ago
48:20 and I've repeated it many times in many places
48:22 because it struck me
48:24 so hard when I heard it the first time.
48:26 A man is driving along a freeway one day
48:28 and as he drives along,
48:30 he sees that car right behind him with a,
48:32 you know, with the cherry on the top.
48:34 Of course, now they're big long tubes
48:35 and I noticed by the way as I pulled up
48:38 to 3ABN headquarters that Jim Gilley
48:41 is now driving a police car.
48:47 But he saw that light and he pulled over.
48:53 And the policeman came and gave wrote him a citation.
48:56 And he thought, "Fine, I will just pay it."
48:59 When he got home and 2 or 3 days later,
49:02 he received a notice from the court saying,
49:04 "You are called to the court on such and such a day
49:08 in order to defend your right to drive in the state."
49:13 And he was shocked.
49:14 But then he realized that that occasion
49:16 hadn't been the first occasion,
49:18 for there had been many occasions.
49:21 When he had had that experience with that little flashing light.
49:26 And so he went before the judge.
49:27 And after the judge made some prefatory remarks,
49:31 he said, "I am-- because of your driving record,
49:34 I am going to suspend
49:36 your driver's license for one month."
49:38 You know, that has all kinds of repercussions,
49:42 but the biggest one for him
49:43 was that he wouldn't be able to drive to work.
49:45 And so he appealed to the judge and said,
49:48 "Your honor, with all due respect,
49:50 I am asking the judge reconsider this sentence
49:52 because I rely upon my vehicle for my income.
49:58 My wife works in another place and needs her car.
50:01 And would the judge kindly consider another way,
50:06 another way to exact punishment on me?"
50:10 The judge recessed the court for a few moments
50:12 and then he came back.
50:13 And when he came back, he said, "I do.
50:14 I have another-- I have another way for you
50:17 to remind yourself of what you've been doing
50:19 in the practice that you've been practicing
50:22 and you better stop.
50:24 I'm going to ask you to clean up the highway,
50:27 the ditches, and the median of the highway
50:30 for one mile stretch."
50:32 That one mile stretch led right up
50:34 to where that person went to work.
50:37 A freeway.
50:39 The man accepted that punishment.
50:42 He went home with every determination
50:44 that he would clean up that one mile section of highway
50:47 that he would go and pick up the cigarette boxes
50:49 and the McDonald cartons
50:51 and the whatever else that people through out
50:53 their window as they drive by.
50:56 But, you know, the more he thought about it,
50:57 the more he was pained by that, because he thought,
51:00 I'll do this and my friends,
51:01 my colleagues will drive by
51:03 and they'll see me picking up this stuff.
51:05 And then everybody will know what I've been doing.
51:10 So he procrastinated until there were about 2 weeks left.
51:14 And then soon there was one week left.
51:16 And he went back to the judge.
51:19 He said, "Judge, I've been having
51:21 a little problem actually doing this job.
51:23 Could you give me an extension of 2 weeks?
51:25 I promise you, I'll have it done by then."
51:27 The judge was kind.
51:29 He gave him an additional two weeks
51:31 and the man then began to procrastinate
51:33 again until there was finally
51:35 only one day left in the sentence.
51:37 One day left for him to clean up.
51:39 He got in his car and he went out
51:41 and bought himself some big green
51:43 industrial garbage bags and headed out to the freeway.
51:47 But when he got there, he was shocked to see
51:49 that the freeway had already been cleaned.
51:52 He said to himself as he drove home
51:54 with a very heavy heart,
51:56 "I'm gonna lose my driver's license.
51:57 I'm gonna look like an idiot and a fool.
52:00 And I don't know how I'm going to get to work."
52:04 Drove home.
52:06 He tells the story
52:07 of how he drove up into the driveway
52:11 and he pushed the remove control
52:13 on the garage door.
52:14 And he watched as it edged its way up.
52:18 And he sat there behind the wheel,
52:20 he looked directly into the back of his wife's station wagon
52:25 and it was filled with big, green, Glad garbage bags.
52:31 His wife had gone to the freeway and cleaned it for him.
52:37 He said, "I sat there and I wept.
52:42 I cried." He said,
52:44 "It was a watershed moment in my life
52:46 because as I sat there looking at my wife's car,
52:49 I said that is precisely what God has done for me."
52:54 Jesus took the garbage from your life and from mine.
52:58 So that you and I could not only be free
53:01 and happy on this in this world as we live our lives,
53:05 but so that we could be free to enjoy eternal life,
53:10 for God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us
53:16 that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
53:20 Friends, we have a message to tell the world.
53:26 To every neighbor and every family member
53:29 and every friend. We serve a God who loves us.
53:34 And, you know, before Jesus comes again,
53:37 this message of a great God will go like a loud cry
53:44 that encircles the globe with the righteousness
53:47 and the greatness of God.
53:49 I wanna be a part of proclaiming that message always.
53:53 I am so grateful for what He has done for me
53:57 and for what He has done for you.
53:58 I want to praise Him not only tonight,
54:01 but throughout all the ceaseless ages of eternity.
54:05 Would you bow your head with me and pray?
54:09 Our God and our Heavenly Father,
54:12 we want to praise and honor You tonight
54:14 for the amazing gift of Your son and our Savior Jesus Christ.
54:22 We thank you so much that tonight
54:24 as we turn our hearts to You and our minds to You
54:27 that we can say with assurance, "Lord, take me.
54:32 I'm Yours. Move into my life.
54:35 Change me. Redirect me.
54:37 Do those things that You need to do."
54:40 But Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you
54:42 so much for the gift of grace through Jesus Christ.
54:48 And Lord, tonight for every person
54:49 who is listening no matter where they are,
54:53 no matter how small or how big the problems
54:55 are that are ravaging them right now.
54:58 Oh, Heavenly Father, be with each one.
55:01 Give right now a touch of Your Holy Spirit
55:05 so that people know that You stand at their side.
55:08 And again we think of the citizens of Joplin,
55:11 Missouri, of Benning, of Oklahoma City,
55:15 those places in Alabama that have been touched.
55:19 The people who have been hurt and wounded,
55:21 who have--those family members have lost their lives,
55:24 oh, Lord, we hurt for them tonight.
55:27 We want to ask that Your spirit will be draw
55:30 beside each one,
55:32 so that the healing balm of Jesus will be a blessing.
55:38 And, Lord, we will give You the praise and glory
55:40 for all that You have done and will do.
55:43 And I pray in Your precious name. Amen.
55:53 And amen. Amen.
55:55 That was a very moving message, wasn't it?
55:58 It really was. Very powerfully delivered.
56:00 We've-- I've heard him two times.
56:02 Yeah. Both times here at 3ABN,
56:04 oddly enough, interestingly enough.
56:06 And he is a powerful, insightful preacher.
56:09 He is. And that was a good message.
56:10 And this is his second time to come to 3ABN
56:13 since he was elected
56:15 North American Division President.
56:17 And also we've had a couple of interviews with him.
56:21 We did one at ASI. Oh, yes.
56:23 And we did one at general conference.
56:25 And Los Angeles.
56:26 That is correct. So I'm just looking forward
56:30 to our having a visit with him tonight.
56:33 And if you have any questions that you would like to ask
56:38 the President of the North American Division,
56:41 if you would simply email those to our--
56:44, or you can call us
56:52 (618) 627-4651.
56:55 And it is not often, Jim, that you get to ask
56:58 the division president a question.
57:00 That's right. And you can do so this very night.
57:01 We will try to get to as many as we can.
57:03 There is a lot to discuss
57:05 as he has mentioned just 400 miles--
57:07 I think I said east before,
57:09 but it's 400 miles west of here in Joplin, Missouri.
57:13 Really a terrible-- and you've been
57:15 listening on your radios or watching on television,
57:17 terrible earthquake.
57:18 Get a little update that president has been there
57:21 and has some first hand knowledge
57:22 of what's going on there.
57:24 Then some things happening in the church,
57:25 things that we are facing and then wanna give you
57:28 just a little peek of a very big media summit
57:31 that took place some days ago
57:34 that he may want to give us a little information on.
57:36 Yeah, so we're looking forward to that.
57:37 You were at the media summit.
57:39 And I think there's some real good information from there.
57:43 So we'll be right here and we'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17