Night Light Live - 1st Hour

John Bradshaw Testimony (Avon Park, Fl)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), John Bradshaw


Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA011502

00:22 Well, good evening and 3ABN Nightlight
00:25 is really pleased to be coming to you tonight
00:28 from the Avon Park Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:31 You saw some scenes of the church here
00:33 just as we came on the air and I want to tell you that
00:38 this is a beautiful part of the world.
00:40 Isn't that right, C. A.? It is very, very beautiful.
00:42 That lake that we see out back,
00:44 I'm told that there is at least one alligator in that lake.
00:48 Eye have not seen, hear have not heard--No.
00:50 Neither do I want to see or hear,
00:52 but I'm told that an alligator is there
00:54 and we just pray that he stays where he is
00:55 and we'll stay where we are. That's right.
00:57 And I understand there were some people out there
00:59 swimming the other day and someone came by
01:02 and told them to-- they maybe shouldn't be there
01:05 and they gave him a little guff and so he said,
01:09 "Well, look, I didn't come to tell you not to swim here,
01:11 I just came down to feed the alligator."
01:14 And, uh, so that got them out pretty quickly
01:18 and, I think it would get me out.
01:21 Sure it can really work for me. Yeah.
01:23 Well, listen, it's--it's just really thrilling to be here.
01:28 Now, I will have to be truthful with you.
01:30 Those things they took were earlier today or yesterday,
01:34 maybe, I'm not sure. It's raining outside right now.
01:37 If that makes you feel better,
01:38 if you're up north and-- then I hope it does.
01:41 But it is kind of wet out there at the moment.
01:46 Yeah, we've talked to some people from our crew
01:48 who had two feet of snow back home in Illinois,
01:52 we have, I think, several inches of snow today.
01:55 So this couple of inches of rain that we have
01:57 is not really that bad. That's right.
01:59 And yeah, we have some folks from Gravette, Arkansas
02:03 and it was 17 below there last night.
02:07 And so they are happy to be here
02:09 and we're happy that they are here as well. Very true.
02:12 Well, we've got a lot of things
02:14 that we want to talk about tonight,
02:17 want to get acquainted with John
02:19 and we'll tell you a little bit more about him in a moment.
02:22 You know, the real purpose for this ministry
02:25 is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
02:27 And tonight I was looking at 1 John,
02:32 one of my favorite texts.
02:35 It says in verse 11, "And this is the testimony,
02:38 that God has given us eternal life
02:41 and this life is in His son.
02:45 He who has the Son has life.
02:48 He who does not have the Son of God does not have life."
02:52 And so if you have Jesus, you have life.
02:56 And tonight you can make sure that you have Him.
02:59 You can accept Him, receive Him,
03:01 allow Him to come into your life,
03:03 allow Him to take full control of your life
03:06 and you can become "in Christ" and you can have life eternal.
03:13 And so that is a promise that comes from the word of God.
03:16 And we're so happy that we can talk
03:19 about that promise tonight,
03:21 that that's the very purpose of our ministry.
03:23 We can talk about prophesying,
03:25 talk about all the things that we want to talk about,
03:27 but it's all focused upon Jesus.
03:30 He's our Lord, He's our God, He's our savior,
03:33 He's the one that went to the cross to die for us.
03:37 And that it the theme that must always be the very center--
03:41 as our great Bible student, prophet Ellen White has said,
03:48 "The 3 Angels message is the righteousness
03:51 of Christ in verity." And it is.
03:55 And we want to keep preaching Jesus day after day after day.
03:59 Well, C.A., tonight before we have our interview,
04:02 I would like to ask you to lead us in a word of prayer.
04:06 Be glad to do so.
04:08 Gracious Father, again, we thank you
04:09 for the privilege of service.
04:13 We thank you for the call that brought us
04:16 out of darkness to light, and error to truth.
04:20 We thank you for an opportunity to join hands with Jesus
04:24 in calling men and women to the sweetness of salvation.
04:28 We thank you for this ministry, we thank you for this station,
04:32 we thank you for those ministries that work
04:35 to let men and women know that Christ is coming soon.
04:39 And so tonight, Father, as we talk about change
04:41 and how you always pick the right person
04:44 at the right time for the right task,
04:47 we ask that those who need to hear a word from the Lord,
04:52 will indeed hear that word this night
04:54 and receive encouragement as together we walk
04:56 the road that leads to glory.
04:57 We love you, we praise you and we thank you for Jesus
05:00 and for blessings, both great and small.
05:02 In His precious name, amen. Amen.
05:06 We have some music tonight, I think, as we begin.
05:10 We are privileged to present to you
05:14 someone who has become a favorite
05:16 and a friend here at 3ABN in just the last little bit.
05:18 Wonderful singer, one who has a great pedigree of singing,
05:23 used her talents for many, many years
05:25 to sing in the world and then when she came to Christ,
05:28 turned those same talents over to the hand of Jesus.
05:32 Yvonne Lewis is here and just a little bit ago,
05:35 we asked her to come and do some music for us
05:38 and she is going to be singing "With all my heart."
05:58 In this quiet place with you
06:02 I bow before your throne
06:06 I bare the deepest part of me
06:10 To you and you alone
06:14 I keep no secrets
06:16 For there is no thought
06:20 You haven't known
06:23 I bring my best and all the rest
06:26 To you and lay them down
06:32 Oh
06:37 With all my heart
06:42 I want to love you Lord
06:46 And live my life
06:50 Each day to know you more
06:54 All that is in me
06:58 It's yours completely
07:02 I'll serve you only
07:07 With all my heart
07:24 You faithfully supply my needs
07:28 According to your plan
07:32 So help me Lord to seek your face
07:36 Before I seek your hand
07:40 I trust you do what's best for me
07:44 When I don't understand
07:48 Lord, I just don't understand
07:53 But I'll follow in obedience
07:59 In every circumstance
08:07 Oh with all my heart
08:14 I want to love you Lord
08:18 And live my life
08:21 Each day to know you more
08:25 All that is in me
08:28 Said it's yours it's yours completely
08:33 I'll serve you Only
08:43 With all my heart
09:08 Amen, and well done.
09:09 That's right. Wasn't that great?
09:11 Well, done, very well done.
09:12 Well, listen, we're happy to have
09:15 John Bradshaw with us tonight.
09:17 I'm gonna tell you a little bit about John
09:19 and then we'll go back into his story,
09:21 but I want to tell you a little bit about my experience
09:25 with John and I met him first in Dyersburg, Tennessee.
09:30 You were holding an evangelistic meeting there.
09:33 I think we were down to the last weekend
09:35 when Camille and I came there. That's right.
09:37 And I was president at Arkansas, Louisiana
09:40 at the time and I know my father-in-law was anxious
09:45 for me to meet you because he really enjoyed that series.
09:50 Yeah, we did too. That was a great--that was a great time.
09:53 And in all sincerity, and you'll know
09:58 that I mean this in all sincerity,
09:59 working with your father-in-law continues
10:02 to be one of the highlights of my ministry
10:05 and the ministry my wife and I've
10:07 have had in the evangelism.
10:08 Getting to know your in-laws, what a blessing.
10:11 And Elder Thurman turned out
10:13 to be an important mentor in my experience.
10:16 I've been thankful many times for his wisdom and guidance.
10:20 And we just--and we had a great meeting there as, well.
10:22 Yeah. We had a good time.
10:24 Yeah, well, he really thinks a lot of you.
10:27 And then when we heard you preach,
10:29 we invited you to come to Shreveport
10:32 and you held an evangelistic meeting there
10:34 with Gary and Juanita Grimes. Yeah.
10:37 And they said that for me
10:39 to be sure to tell you hello tonight.
10:41 Well, you can't--you can't imagine how thankful I am.
10:45 Okay, we'll see how many people you mention
10:47 and then I mention as the greatest ever.
10:51 Gary was probably the greatest--
10:52 that one of the greatest guys you could know
10:55 and work with. That's right.
10:57 And people want to ask evangelists,
10:59 what's the best meeting you ever held and really,
11:02 what they mean is, what's the biggest
11:04 amount of baptisms you've ever got?
11:05 But the two aren't exactly the same thing.
11:08 But when people say me the greatest meeting
11:10 or the best meeting you ever held,
11:13 you know, that's tough but we didn't--
11:14 we never had a better experience
11:16 than we had in Shreveport working with Gary and Juanita
11:19 for a variety of reasons.
11:21 Probably, a number of great stories we can tell
11:23 but that was just a great time.
11:27 And I--no names here now, no names, that wouldn't be fair.
11:32 But I got there, I stopped by the conference office
11:35 and well I'll tell the C.A., the story.
11:37 I was, talking to one of the Conference Administrator's,
11:40 who said to me, "Now John we didn't really bring you
11:42 here to get a lot of baptisms."
11:45 And I--I was thinking I thought that was the reason,
11:49 you know, bapt--you know, and he said,
11:53 "We just haven't had a lot of evangelism here in this place."
11:55 You'll be interested in the story too Jim. Yes.
11:57 "We haven't had a lot of evangelism in this place
11:59 and we really feel like we need to turn the church around
12:01 and I believe the best way to turn a church around
12:04 is to get those people involved in soul winning,"
12:07 and I said to Melissa, what have God wrought
12:10 here we are in this place.
12:12 One of the--I mean I am not naming that man
12:15 but one of the Conference Administrator's its--
12:17 It was not this guy. Yeah.
12:18 I can tell you that.
12:20 And he said, you know, that we want to get souls
12:22 but really the primary.
12:24 Any how, we managed to kill
12:26 two birds with one stone by the grace of God.
12:28 There was a tremendous baptism but, the church came together
12:32 and before the meeting was over they said
12:34 when we can do this again.
12:35 And in the next five years,
12:37 I held about seven evangelistic meetings.
12:38 It was fantastic.
12:40 So, that was a real highlight for us. Praise the Lord.
12:43 It was and then so that's where we got acquainted with John.
12:48 True, evangelism as you both don't know is outreach
12:50 but it's also in reach. Surely.
12:52 It does bring a church together. Yeah.
12:53 We got to go back.
12:55 First of all I must admit to a certain amount of jealousy.
12:58 You've got my voice.
13:01 I used to pray for voice like that when I was a kid.
13:03 When I--you know as a teen I wanted
13:05 a low rumbling baritone voice. Oh, yeah.
13:07 And my voice was very high for a longtime.
13:09 And it began to drop and I used to pray
13:11 Lord down Lord, down Lord.
13:13 Stopped somewhere about second tenor. Ah, sure.
13:16 But you've got that deep booming baritone voice
13:17 that I used to pray for.
13:19 I used to stay up nights praying for a voice like that.
13:20 So I'm gonna be a little bit jealous of you
13:22 this night as we talk
13:23 because I want that voice-- Well, it came in handy.
13:24 It came in handy for awhile there.
13:26 I--I was fortunate enough too.
13:29 Fortunate, unfortunate I don't know.
13:31 I wasn't a Christian at the time
13:32 but I got my background is in radio broadcasting
13:36 and I'm-- I'm thankful.
13:38 You know, commercial, secular
13:41 radio broadcasting is a dead-end.
13:44 I mean, if you're doing what I was doing
13:46 the breakfast show, the talk show.
13:48 Essentially you're a paid fool, you know, call now win $10000.
13:54 Let me tell you another dumb joke.
13:55 Let me do something to get publicity.
13:58 It's really very empty.
14:00 There's a certain brand of secular radio
14:02 that could be somewhat meaningful
14:04 but this was very empty.
14:05 But God gave me something new to talk about.
14:08 And I was thrilled.
14:10 I got to know Jesus and I honestly had no idea,
14:13 what I'd do with my life?
14:14 Then radio was gone and the Lord just took
14:18 what He had been developing in me
14:20 turned it a few degrees to the right or the left
14:23 or someplace and we were able to use a voice for the Lord--
14:29 You were kind of being pre groomed
14:31 for what you're doing now.
14:32 Yeah, without even knowing it. Yeah, praise God.
14:34 We want to go back before that. Sure.
14:36 As we-- the note say
14:37 you're a native of New Zealand. Yes, sir.
14:39 I don't want to brag your anything but that's true. Yeah.
14:43 It is an exceedingly beautiful country.
14:45 Yes, it is. Yeah, it's great.
14:46 Yeah, give us a little flavor of growing up
14:48 in your household-- Christian household,
14:50 secular household because you're from
14:51 a very secular part of the world.
14:53 That's true. I don't think
14:55 it was quite as secular then as it is now.
14:58 And what I mean by that is when I was a kid
15:02 all my friends knew what they were.
15:05 Oh, I am a Presbyterian. I am a Baptist.
15:08 I am a Methodist. I was a Roman Catholic.
15:11 Whereas, now-a-days, the generation probably
15:14 wouldn't so much have a clue.
15:15 Well, we're not really anything.
15:16 But when I was a kid,
15:18 at least you were something in the generation
15:19 before you probably at least practiced it part way.
15:23 New Zealand was a great place
15:24 and I grew up in a wonderful family,
15:26 the youngest of seven children.
15:30 My dad-- my mother was--was not,
15:33 still not practicing anything.
15:34 My dad was a very, very, devout and devoted Roman Catholic
15:40 and so of to church I went as a baby bundled up in his arms.
15:45 Probably, only days old and I don't think missed
15:49 a Sunday ever until-- you know, later on
15:53 and I took a different turn in my spiritual experience.
15:58 But it was--it's a tremendous country to grow up
16:00 and now very, very secular.
16:03 But then not so much, very safe place,
16:06 very friendly place, a real sort of a small town place.
16:10 No matter where you were you're close to the beach
16:13 because you can't get more than 70 miles
16:15 from the ocean in New Zealand.
16:17 So really it was a-- it's a special place to grow up.
16:19 Brothers and sisters? Four brothers, two sisters.
16:22 Now where you in that line? Lucky last.
16:25 If you ask them they'll say, I was the spoiled one. Yeah.
16:28 But, you know, they don't know what they are talking about.
16:31 That's not true. Yeah.
16:33 So then you accepted Christ. Yeah.
16:35 How did you actually hear about this message?
16:41 One of my brothers, the second oldest,
16:44 he had done a pretty good job of ruining his life.
16:49 And what I mean is, he is a tremendously,
16:51 is a tremendously talented, very bright guy.
16:54 Who could have done anything he wanted.
16:57 He was great sportsman of tremendous academic--
17:01 but got went down some wrong roads.
17:04 Came to a crisis in his life,
17:07 realized the only way out was God.
17:10 And so he went pursuing the God he knew.
17:13 Of course, raised in our church
17:14 if you want to get things right, you go to confession.
17:17 So, he--he couldn't wait to confession.
17:20 He went to the priest house and knocked on his door
17:23 and said you've got to hear my confession.
17:26 I'm having some crisis or whatever he said.
17:30 Then the kind man said to him. Don't bother me with that now.
17:36 You come to confession at the appropriate time
17:38 this is no time to be bothering me with that. Wow.
17:41 So he went away thinking,
17:43 you know this is probably not the right place for me
17:46 to be looking and he started searching.
17:47 I'll tell you what happened.
17:49 He and his. what do we say in church?
17:55 He and his live-in girlfriend both had a desire
17:59 to find spiritual meaning in their life.
18:04 And he got a job, they figured they were gonna
18:07 have a future together and she said
18:09 you got to do something part way responsible.
18:11 Drug dealing will only get us so far
18:14 and so he got job working for the hospital,
18:19 going into peoples homes and bathing people.
18:23 People who were old frail,
18:26 people who were paralyzed and so forth.
18:28 He would go and bath these people.
18:31 He is in a home one day giving an elderly man a bath
18:34 and while he's doing that.
18:36 This elderly man's wife starts asking my brother some questions
18:40 about what he believed about God.
18:43 And she started to scratch a very real spiritual itch
18:47 and when he went home that night.
18:49 He said to his girlfriend, who now thank the Lord--
18:52 his wife of many years.
18:55 I think we've found what we are looking for. Wow.
18:58 And what happened-- interesting.
19:01 The older man who he was bathing was himself
19:03 going through something of a crisis in his faith
19:06 and my brother Wayne and his now wife Medea.
19:09 Their spiritual growth and acceptance of Jesus
19:12 lit a fire inside this man's heart.
19:15 He rededicated his life to Jesus before he died. Wow.
19:18 Yeah. Praise God.
19:19 So he came to know Christ in the Three Angels messages
19:22 and gave me one day a copy of the book called
19:25 The Great Controversy and I started to read
19:29 the introduction put it down and never went back.
19:32 And 4 years, later he gave me a second copy.
19:35 He had started to ask me some questions--
19:36 it's a long story. I'll just--
19:38 That's right. I'll truncate it.
19:40 He asked me some questions what do you believe about this?
19:44 And I would tell him what I believed about this
19:47 and he said that's fascinating.
19:49 That's what I believe which came to me
19:51 as a bit of a shock and a fright.
19:53 I mean, I believe the same as this--
19:56 I mean didn't know what to make of my brother
19:57 he had left out church. Yes.
19:59 He went to church on Saturday. What was wrong with them?
20:04 But I believe--he would say, what you believe about hell?
20:06 Do you believe people are burning forever?
20:08 I said no, that can't be right man.
20:09 God is love and justice I agree with but cruelty can't.
20:13 What about death? What happens to people when they die?
20:17 You know, as an altar boy, I've been to 10,000 funerals
20:22 and in the church the priest would say something like
20:27 we can comfort ourselves with the knowledge
20:29 that granddad is in heaven watching down us.
20:34 Something like that and then we'd go the cemetery
20:37 and there was always a burial, always.
20:40 And we'd go from the church to the cemetery
20:42 and then he'd say and as we lower Mr. Foots body,
20:48 I remember that funeral for some reason, into the grave.
20:52 We can be thankful that he'll rest here until Jesus returns
20:56 and the resurrection takes place.
20:59 And you got a10 year old altar boy saying hang on a minute.
21:02 How can a dead man be in two places at once?
21:05 You know, that's not possible.
21:06 So, John, really though you were a practicing catholic
21:08 you weren't buying everything that the church was selling.
21:10 I got to a place where I described myself
21:12 as a non-catholic, catholic.
21:14 Yeah, which what you do I mean where do you go
21:17 we are the true church man. What do you do?
21:19 I sampled other churches and shopped around actually looking.
21:25 That was part of my approach but, yeah, what do you do?
21:27 I--this dear old Irish battle-axe,
21:35 who said to me one day,
21:37 well, if you're not going to confession
21:39 then you're not going to heaven. All right.
21:41 And I said, well, I don't believe that.
21:44 I believe I go to confession when I talked to God
21:46 and tell him about my sins.
21:48 I just don't think its right that I should sit down
21:51 and tell a priest all these things that I've done.
21:54 How old where you when these thoughts
21:55 were kind of going through your mind?
21:57 Started as strange as it may seem,
21:58 started about the age of nine or ten. Wow.
22:00 By the time I'm 11-12-13,
22:03 there's--there's crisis going on.
22:05 So you're thinking you're way through stuff
22:06 even at a very early age. Sure. Yeah.
22:08 You don't ever underestimate children
22:10 and their ability to process.
22:11 They are processing and I was processing.
22:14 But, you know, in our church above the altar,
22:17 there was a big crucifix. Yes.
22:19 You know, I am not a fan of crucifixes
22:21 or is it crucify I don't know.
22:23 I'm not suggesting we should put one up in here.
22:26 But I'll tell you when I went into my church
22:28 and looked up and saw Jesus hanging on the cross
22:33 that got through to me.
22:34 I could not escape the fact that God was real.
22:39 Jesus was real and that Jesus died for me.
22:42 I knew that and I knew that he claimed my life for his own.
22:47 And I liked the fact that He had died for me
22:49 and that mattered to me.
22:51 So, I couldn't get away from that, they--again,
22:54 you know, I don't want anyone to misinterpret me
22:56 and think I'm saying.
22:58 I am a fan of hanging crucifixes in churches.
23:00 But in spite of the fact that not all was,
23:04 well, where I was going to church
23:06 I learned a lot of things there.
23:08 Came to realize a lot of things there.
23:10 God certainly used that experience
23:14 to cultivate in my life a love and a desire for him,
23:20 for Jesus, and for truth.
23:23 I'd like to say to our viewers 3ABN that tonight
23:26 you're getting acquainted with John Bradshaw.
23:29 And John Bradshaw is the new
23:32 speaker-director of It is Written.
23:36 Back in the 1950s, George Vandeman,
23:38 began It Is Written.
23:41 When he was retired
23:44 then Mark Finley became the speaker for It is Written.
23:48 At when Mark stepped aside Shawn Boonstra stepped in.
23:52 I think Shawn was there 12 years?
23:54 Seven, seven years. Seven that's right.
23:55 Seven great years. Yeah.
23:57 Yes, and then for health reasons
23:59 Shawn has retired so to speak.
24:03 And I was thrilled, John, when I heard that
24:07 they had called you to be the speaker-director
24:10 of It is Written and that you had accepted.
24:12 I'd watched you preaching from your church at Walla Walla.
24:17 And so this gives you little background.
24:19 So while you're getting acquainted with John,
24:22 starting right back there in New Zealand
24:25 and seeing his growth and the way the Lord has led him.
24:30 And so, John, with all these questions
24:32 then there had to come a time
24:34 when you finally made a decision.
24:37 Tell us about that.
24:38 I was sitting in a bathtub, reading a book.
24:43 Yeah, I was in London, England
24:46 in a place called Stoke, Newington.
24:48 It's known for little these days
24:51 other than many very,very, good Indian restaurants.
24:54 Very good and I was living in a crowded house,
24:59 now funny how God leads you.
25:01 I was living in a house full of vegetarians.
25:04 Funny there. Yeah.
25:07 So anyhow I'm in this house, my brother had given me
25:12 The Great Controversy a second time
25:14 instead of starting in the introduction
25:15 I started Page 1.
25:18 and I don't know for whatever reason
25:20 I didn't I just didn't get I don't think
25:22 I got past the middle of Page 2.
25:24 But now that I am in London, England.
25:26 Can I tell you what happened? Oh, please do.
25:29 I was-- it's a phenomen,
25:33 you know, a lot of young New Zealander's,
25:36 relocate to London live, work, eat, drink, be merry.
25:39 See the world get that out of your system
25:41 and go home and get on with your lives.
25:43 So I was in the throws of doing that.
25:45 But I was also searching spiritually,
25:48 whenever I would go somewhere else
25:49 I would say may be here I will find meaning in my faith.
25:54 May be here I will go to a church that really has it.
25:57 You know, as a teenager I got involved in a youth group
26:02 and so we got involved in a Protestant youth group
26:04 and I went to the Protestant, the Protestant church
26:07 and it was--I refer to it as the rock and roll church.
26:10 Because it kind of was. And great people. Yeah.
26:15 And my buddy and I were invited to go
26:17 and there was no way we weren't gonna go
26:19 because they had loads of pretty girls.
26:24 And I mean you don't have to convince a 16 year old.
26:28 So there we were and you know all I realized two things.
26:33 Somehow that wasn't where it was at.
26:34 And the girls didn't even know I was alive.
26:37 So, it was a waste of time.
26:39 And then as I got a little older
26:41 I got involved in my own churches
26:43 charismatic renewal, revival
26:48 and as part of that we became very ecumenically minded
26:52 and we would go to the praise time
26:55 down at the Anglican Church, which we'd call Episcopal here.
26:58 And we go to I don't know what those guys
27:02 but they really and so I tried a number of things
27:06 it wasn't there either.
27:07 And maybe the fault was with me but for whatever reason.
27:10 I wasn't finding truth I wasn't really meeting Jesus.
27:15 Now that I'm in England, I am searching, searching, searching
27:18 I went to Midnight Mass.
27:20 It was-- it was just awful.
27:22 It was just awful.
27:23 Again, you know, maybe I was awful
27:25 but I didn't find anything but my background,
27:30 my ancestral background is in Ireland.
27:34 And so I made a pilgrimage to Ireland
27:36 to trace the family tree.
27:39 And while I was in Limerick, Ireland
27:41 I said to the man who ran the establishment
27:47 where I was staying.
27:48 I said where I could go to the church tomorrow morning
27:50 and he sent to me to the St. Xavier's Church.
27:53 And I said this is it. I'm in Ireland.
27:57 I will find meaning in my faith here, I will.
28:01 And I, you know, stumbled off to church that Sunday morning,
28:05 confident that I was gonna meet God
28:09 and my faith would be central in my life again.
28:14 And didn't workout that way.
28:16 It was just the same old stuff.
28:18 And I walked home that morning like January
28:23 or something not terribly cold but a grey overcast Irish sky.
28:28 I was kicking stones,
28:30 watching them go on down the road.
28:31 I stopped in the street in the street
28:34 I looked up and I said out loud to God.
28:38 I'm never going back to church again
28:40 until you show me the truth. That was it.
28:44 And I felt like that I got the monkey out my back.
28:47 This was God's problem now I just go on with my life.
28:50 And it's up to him. I'm done.
28:52 Not done with God but I had searched.
28:56 I got back to Ireland, out to London
28:59 there was a letter from my brother
29:00 the one I told you about before.
29:02 And in that letter he had written and said,
29:05 did you ever read that book I gave you?
29:08 And I wrote back and I said no but I have been looking for it.
29:12 I want to read that book, two weeks later,
29:16 it was in my mailbox. Oh, bless his heart.
29:18 And I didn't start at the introduction
29:20 and I didn't start at Page one,
29:22 he had told me that it was history and prophecy
29:24 and the prophecy started about in the middle.
29:26 Then I tried The Late, Great Planet Earth
29:29 and decided it was just too neat.
29:31 You know, and a neat little explanation for anything
29:33 I wasn't swallowing that.
29:35 And I read this book in about the middle
29:38 and would read at night in the bath.
29:41 And I wasn't working at that time
29:43 and it was a mad scrum for the bathroom doing.
29:47 I want to say the bathroom I mean the room we have a bath.
29:51 And so I would sit up late at night and read my book.
29:56 And as I read the book I knew that
29:58 God was calling me to a decision.
30:00 The information contained in the book
30:02 was one thing, very important.
30:05 But more than that I knew that now God was showing me
30:09 what it meant be a Christian.
30:10 That it meant to take the Bible as it reads.
30:15 And to allow God's word to be the frame work for your life.
30:20 The surrender to Jesus part that wasn't new to me,
30:23 I-- I, prayer wasn't new to me my dad taught me to pray.
30:26 I had a very real prayer experience with God.
30:30 But being a Christian and knowing how this thing
30:33 worked and knowing what to do.
30:36 So I was, I'm in the bathtub and I'm--I remember thinking
30:40 I am either going to have to throw this book across the room,
30:44 or make a decision right now, that I'll do things God's way.
30:49 And I thought why would I throw the book across the room.
30:50 Will if you don't, John,
30:52 your radio career goes out of the window.
30:55 You know, what I remember what the nuns taught me.
30:59 In my little provincial school.
31:01 They drilled a verse in to us at one stage, a Bible verse,
31:04 "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world,
31:07 but loses his own soul."
31:09 And I realized, I was--I mean honestly
31:12 I was doing quite well on radio
31:13 and I was on an upward trajectory.
31:16 But if I had it all and was hugely successful
31:20 and didn't have God I knew I would not be saved.
31:24 And I, that was not what I wanted.
31:27 So I'm thinking my life is gonna change.
31:29 Your not gonna be able to play rugby anymore because
31:31 that's a game you play on Saturday.
31:32 Well, you know, I had some injuries
31:34 may be that wasn't so bad
31:36 and rugby was really my religion.
31:38 What would your family say?
31:41 My dad was a man who practiced his faith
31:44 and didn't care what people thought.
31:46 So, okay, that's the example I will follow.
31:49 What will your friends say?
31:51 Well, right now my friends are going to hell.
31:54 And I don't want to go there with them
31:57 so what they say, really is immaterial.
31:59 And if they are true friends they will remain my friends
32:03 and they are to this day, some of my
32:04 best friends in the world.
32:06 And I worked this through wondering, throw the book.
32:10 I bowed my head in that bath and I say Lord something
32:14 like this Lord I don't know all that this means.
32:17 But I want to go your way and be a real Christian
32:21 and I need your help please guide me.
32:23 And that was it the next morning I got--
32:25 shall I tell the story? I got on the phone
32:27 the next morning. Oh, yes.
32:28 And what do I now. Where do I go to church?
32:32 If I was going to be a Bible Christian,
32:35 I had to go to church once, I had to keep the Sabbath.
32:37 I had to. That was in you now?
32:39 Oh, yeah. That was part of your--your reality?
32:41 Yeah, I knew-- I knew that.
32:42 Well, I knew it was the truth.
32:44 Yeah, and if I was gonna be a real I--I if you're gonna be
32:47 a Christian be a real one. Yeah.
32:49 You know, and I knew the difference
32:51 between Sabbath and otherwise.
32:54 So--so I said, well,
32:56 I don't know who--I don't know who keeps the Sabbath
32:59 but I'll start with my brother's church
33:02 and so I picked up the telephone the next day
33:04 and called the operator.
33:06 And I said can you give me the phone number please
33:08 for the Seventh-day Adventist Cathedral.
33:11 That's what I want
33:14 because I wasn't going to start with some lowly parish priest.
33:17 I was going to the top, I wanted a cardinal. Yeah.
33:20 You know, or an Archbishop.
33:21 Absolutely. At the least a Bishop.
33:23 And this, I remember the lady on the phone and she said,
33:28 "Well, I can't find a cathedral listed."
33:31 I said, it'll be there and it will be
33:32 downtown, Central London.
33:34 St. Paul's cathedral down there, Westminster Abbey is down there.
33:38 I had an idea the Baptists had a big place down,
33:40 I said, it'll be downtown.
33:42 So just give me the downtown church, providential.
33:45 She said, I cannot find a cathedral.
33:48 I say give me the downtown cathedral.
33:50 Can't find a cathedral,
33:51 but there is a church in central London.
33:54 I said, that's it, that's the cathedral.
33:57 And she gave me the phone number of what was
34:00 the New Gallery Church in central London.
34:03 Was on Heddon Street just off Regent Street,
34:05 I said, that's it.
34:07 So I got this phone number and I called up
34:09 and I was excited I'm gonna-- I am gonna meet
34:13 with the hierarchy of this church and find out
34:16 what I need to find out.
34:18 Someone answers the phone and says Bueno like this
34:22 Bueno and there's a lot of people watching
34:26 who haven't got a clue, but, you know,
34:27 I mean in Florida everybody would probably understand.
34:29 When someone, well, it's very common
34:32 for someone who Mexican to answer the phone and Bueno,
34:35 well, I didn't know Bueno from anything else and.
34:39 And I start having this conversation with a man
34:41 speaking very bad English,
34:43 obviously much more comfortable speaking Spanish.
34:47 And I'd like to think, I am slightly more
34:49 tolerate now than I was then.
34:50 And I thought come on, God, here I am,
34:53 I am trying my best, I call this place,
34:55 I got some guy who doesn't even know to speak English.
34:58 I left my number confident,
34:59 I'd never hear from these people again.
35:02 And about two days later,
35:04 a man called me with the lovely English accent
35:06 Pastor David Cox just the right man
35:12 at the right time to help this wayward young New Zealander.
35:16 And he said to me, I'll come to you
35:18 and I couldn't imagine bringing a man all the way
35:20 across London to see me that no way.
35:22 I said no, pastor, I'll come to you.
35:25 No I probably called him, no David, I'll come to you.
35:28 So he said come Wednesday night. I said perfect.
35:32 And now I'm thinking, I'm coming
35:34 to downtown London this far from Piccadilly Circus.
35:37 They'll be thousands of people packing the cathedral out.
35:41 He said, they having a revelation seminar.
35:44 I didn't know what that was but I knew it would be good.
35:47 And I turned up at this revelation seminar.
35:49 But first I'm looking for a cathedral,
35:51 I--I come up Regent Street and he told me Heddon,
35:55 I think Heddon is the first or second street
35:57 on the left up Regent Street.
35:58 And it's a little dead end street.
36:01 And he said, you go along then there
36:02 is a health food restaurant and there's flight of stairs.
36:06 And so I find this, the staircase.
36:10 I thought it might be the stairway to heaven.
36:13 I find this staircase.
36:14 And I go upstairs and there is a room
36:17 with seven people in it, eight counting the pastor.
36:21 I think I'm in the wrong place. I'm in the wrong place.
36:25 Five old ladies and two men who were both eccentric.
36:31 And--and I said, no this can't be right.
36:38 I mean, I'm going to the people who keep the right day.
36:42 This where my brother goes.
36:45 I'm sure there will be christians
36:47 who want to know the truth,
36:48 packing this place to overflowing.
36:50 It can't just be seven people in the church.
36:52 What I didn't realize the great Adventist tradition
36:54 of prayer meeting two hundred people in church
36:56 and six people at prayer meeting.
37:02 Just, amen. Say ouch.
37:04 And so I sat there and I sat in the back
37:07 and I didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
37:10 I don't know what book of Revelation they were in.
37:11 I had no idea.
37:13 And I'm, in there with my long hair,
37:15 my beard and my various other things and my jeans.
37:20 I think they had holes in them and this is before having holes
37:22 in the jeans was fashionable. Yeah.
37:24 And I had. Earrings.
37:27 I had my--my kids are watching.
37:29 I had my-- I had my old tennis shoes on,
37:37 an overcoat, I bought at the second hand store.
37:40 I believe he looked at me and he thought aww.
37:43 And I watched and I listened
37:46 and I said to myself this can't be right.
37:48 And then, you know, what I said,
37:50 I said now hang on a minute. Hang on?
37:52 It doesn't matter to me if there are seven or seven thousand.
37:54 Right. That's right.
37:56 I told God, I wanted to know the truth. Amen.
37:58 And so Lord, I'll--
38:02 I'll stood on a rock under a tree with lunatics,
38:07 if that's what it takes to know the truth.
38:09 So I let's just see this out and then I met the pastor.
38:11 What a-- what a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful man.
38:14 And then we started to study the Bible together
38:17 and that's kind of how it went.
38:19 So you received the Lord, you were baptized. Yeah.
38:22 Baptized in the London and then I left the country the next day.
38:25 Where did you go when you left?
38:26 Went back to New Zealand to attend a wedding
38:29 for one of my brothers and from there
38:32 I was going back to England. Yeah.
38:35 But I went to Australia took a detour to Australia,
38:38 this Adventist brother of mine was living there,
38:41 working at the Sydney Adventist Hospital.
38:44 And I figured it'd be lovely to visit this brother
38:47 in the truth and my sister-in-law is a very bright,
38:54 very astute, Spirit filled Christian woman.
38:58 She was anxious to see how much
38:59 your brother-in-law actually knew.
39:03 And by the time we were half way back from the airport.
39:05 I had it figured out that I don't really not much at all.
39:08 And I imagined myself traveling the world
39:12 sharing my faith and saying, I don't really know much.
39:16 And I didn't want that.
39:18 So I decided I would pause in Australia for a while
39:21 and really learn what I believed.
39:24 And it was while I was in the process of doing that
39:26 with some tremendous people around me that
39:29 the Lord started knocking on the door of my heart and saying,
39:33 what about ministry? What about ministry?
39:35 And of course for me that was a bridge too far.
39:37 I mean that's for the priests, that's for the Holy ones and I,
39:41 man I wasn't Holy so I knew that couldn't be for me. Wow!
39:44 You know, in listening to your story,
39:46 first of all, the Lord rewards those who are seekers.
39:50 That's true. And from your earliest years
39:51 and listening to your-- your saga.
39:53 You were seeking very early.
39:55 And that's why the experience even
39:57 in the Catholic Church didn't hurt you because
39:59 it was a platform that you used for seeking for truth. Yeah.
40:03 And when you heard something that didn't hit your ear right,
40:06 you kind of filed it, this can't be right
40:08 there something else out there.
40:09 I don't know what it is? That's right.
40:11 But there's something else there and I will seek till
40:13 I find it and that-- that kind of lifestyle,
40:16 kind of almost twist arm-- God's arm behind his back.
40:19 You know, if you are a seeker and you really want truth,
40:23 God's on the line to get that truth to you.
40:26 Well, you know, it's his responsibility
40:28 to do that. Precisely.
40:29 And I prayed that prayer,
40:30 I'm never gonna go to church again
40:32 until you show me the truth.
40:33 You know, you don't want to pray that prayer
40:36 unless you're serious because God will.
40:38 I remember canvassing in Pennsylvania once
40:41 and I met a lady who said to me,
40:43 I-- she--she bought a copy of the great controversy for me.
40:46 She said, I want to know the truth even if it hurts.
40:52 She said I even want to know the parts of the truth
40:54 that I don't want to know. All right.
40:57 You know, I'm looking forward to seeing
41:00 that lady in heaven one day.
41:01 Amen. Amen. I just am.
41:03 John, I want to do something real quick because
41:04 you are talking about the truth and it occurred to me
41:07 I am re-reading great controversy actually
41:11 for the third time in the last three years.
41:12 Wonderful. That's like giving a steak to a baby.
41:15 That's a heavy piece of work. Yeah.
41:17 Oh, that's right. That's right. It is.
41:19 It's a strong book, it was the great controversy
41:23 and a book called Preparation for the final crisis that
41:24 actually scared my mother into the faith.
41:26 Is that, is that so?
41:27 Scared her to death, scared her into the church.
41:29 Praise the Lord for little Godly fear.
41:30 Praise the Lord. That's right.
41:32 We want to offer something a little bit softer. Yeah.
41:34 A little bit more inviting and maybe a little less
41:37 daunting as our free offer for the evening.
41:40 Our free offer this evening is the book "Steps to Christ."
41:43 We're offering with this book.
41:45 This is a wonderful 101 course in coming to Jesus.
41:49 It will walk you through the steps to Christ.
41:53 It will make it easy and inviting
41:55 and it is user friendly and this will,
41:58 if you are a Christian this will make your,
42:00 your relationship stronger.
42:02 If you don't know Christ, this will introduce Him to you.
42:05 If you have lost, hold of Christ.
42:07 This will re-introduce Him to you.
42:09 And we want to get this to you,
42:10 if you will email us
42:15 that's or call us 618-627-4651.
42:22 We will get this in the mail to you just contact us.
42:26 We would love for you to have this
42:27 and you can begin your walk,
42:29 or increase your walk, or increase your pace.
42:33 This will do all of those things for you,
42:35 take it read it, it will become
42:37 if not your favorite book certainly one of the most
42:39 loved books and cherished in your library.
42:42 Contact us this night and we will get this right to you.
42:45 Well, John, well, I am really,
42:47 I know that everybody at home is anxious to hear the story.
42:50 We all are and I know that somewhere down the line
42:55 you left Australia and you came to the United States
42:59 and eventually you ended up with amazing facts.
43:04 Can you tell us about that? Yeah
43:06 In Australia I--I, it was quite an education
43:13 my brotherhad tons of cassette types.
43:16 You might need to explain to your children
43:18 what cassette types are.
43:19 But tons of cassette types of--of guests speakers
43:23 that had come down and spoken at various places.
43:27 And I listen to these things.
43:28 I listen to number of speaker and I grabbed
43:32 hold of some sermons done by man named,
43:35 Bill May--Bill May You know him well.
43:38 Yeah. I didn't --I didn't have clue who he was?
43:41 When I was in the United--when I came to the United States,
43:44 see these sermons had impressed me profoundly
43:49 and I couldn't get them out of my mind.
43:52 He was preaching on righteousness by faith.
43:54 And, uh, I asked several people
43:57 have you ever heard of a preacher named Bill May.
44:01 And I expected, I could ask a man in the street
44:04 and he would have said yes.
44:05 But nobody I, they-- they all just said no.
44:08 And which is--which is odd really because Bill had been
44:10 the President of the Texas Conference
44:12 and the Chesapeake conference.
44:13 So he was a known fellow.
44:17 And one day I asked
44:19 a fellow who's become a good friend of mine.
44:20 A man named Ron Gauss.
44:22 I said, Ron do you know a fellow name Bill May.
44:26 I've been listening to these sermons,
44:28 they--they've powerfully impacted me.
44:31 And Ron said, yeah, sure I do as a matter
44:33 of fact he's the evangelism coordinator with amazing facts.
44:38 And they are looking for young fellows
44:40 like you to do evangelistic meetings.
44:41 He said, are you interested?
44:43 I said, no not at all.
44:46 That's not for me. No I couldn't do that.
44:48 Well, I think it was Ron,
44:50 who told me about a lay training program that they had.
44:56 And he said it won't hurt you to go.
44:58 I said, you know, you're right
44:59 sounds like that makes a lot of sense.
45:01 I'll go and see what I could learn.
45:03 Well, funny how it turned out
45:04 this was being run by Louie Torres.
45:07 And everyone in the-- two things were interesting
45:12 for once in my life, I made a decision
45:14 I would go and say nothing.
45:16 I need to learn, observe, soak it in,
45:21 do the work, don't make a scene, say nothing.
45:25 And--and so everybody had to preach a little sermon
45:28 five minutes or seven minutes or something.
45:30 And I was to go last and we were quitting
45:32 at 6 o'clock and the fellow before me ended it about 6:04.
45:36 And after the--the dissection of that sermon by the class,
45:42 Louie announced all right we are done.
45:44 And I'm thinking, well,
45:45 I haven't preached but it doesn't matter.
45:47 I've preached many times and I don't need
45:49 to preach here, that's okay.
45:51 So we were getting ready to quit and another fellow
45:53 who ended up becoming a pastor.
45:56 He said, now wait a minute that guy down the back
45:58 hasn't preach his sermon yet.
46:00 And Louie said, oh, really?
46:02 Have you not preached? And I said that's okay.
46:07 I don't need to, it's fine. It's late.
46:08 Let's do it some other time
46:10 and some of the few people said no--anyhow.
46:14 I got up to speak and after that,
46:18 they gave us a little evaluation form and at the bottom said,
46:22 if you were asked to preach a series
46:26 of meeting for us would you do it.
46:28 And my inclination was to say no.
46:30 I thought who am I?
46:32 That I would preach a series of meetings for these guys.
46:35 I'm not like that.
46:36 And then I thought that, well, that would seem rude.
46:39 Do I want to seem rude?
46:41 Or do I want to seem a little presumptuous.
46:43 Well, better to seem presumptuous
46:45 than rude so I thought. Rude.
46:46 If they want my help, it's not likely
46:48 but I'll put a tick there and check mark they sure.
46:51 And anyhow thankfully they had heard me preach
46:54 and Louie said later, you know,
46:56 I appreciated the fact that you just kept in the background.
46:59 They were times when you step up and showed
47:01 leadership ability but for the most part.
47:03 So...I decided to keep myself to myself.
47:07 And anyway they asked me to train
47:08 and become an evangelist. Praise God.
47:11 And first meeting, I held,
47:15 I did a training meeting with the effect
47:17 of evangelist Kim Karen in Owensboro, Kentucky
47:21 and then a fellow who had a profound influence
47:26 on my ministry a guy name Jim Thurman. Yeah.
47:30 He called me and said, we, you know,
47:32 we'd like to you come to Columbia,
47:34 Kentucky and that's been a place that's very dear to my heart.
47:39 And some of the greatest people
47:40 in the world living Columbia, Kentucky.
47:42 And by the grace of God, we just had fantastic meetings.
47:45 Praise God. John, put a pin
47:47 right there at Columbia, Kentucky.
47:49 Because I want to take you back when you before you
47:50 came to the States because did you fight the call
47:56 to ministry or was that something you settled into
47:59 because obviously the God said,
48:00 you can't be a pew warmer, you discovered the truth,
48:02 I want you as a frontline soldier.
48:04 Did you fight that call,
48:05 did you ease into it and do you remember your first sermon.
48:09 Yes, I do. I did fight it and I didn't fight it.
48:12 I'll take it back.
48:13 I was sitting in my radio studio during my breakfast show.
48:16 Across the table was my co-host Jenny.
48:19 And Jenny and I were talking about what
48:20 we might be doing years from now and I say, Jenny,
48:22 where do you think you'll be10 years from now?
48:26 You know, how high up the food chain will you have progressed.
48:29 And she said, what--what I'd like to be doing is this.
48:31 She said, where do you think, you'll be 10 years from now.
48:36 And I said, you know, what I think 10 years from now,
48:38 I'll be working for God.
48:41 I don't even know why I said it.
48:43 As a--as a little kid growing up in a Catholic Church, of course,
48:46 it's put to you will you be a priest
48:48 or a nun if your a female.
48:50 And I thought that would be worthy and noble,
48:52 but there were certain aspects of the priestly lifestyle,
48:55 I couldn't imagine myself embracing.
48:58 So--so that disappeared and honestly the priests
49:02 I knew didn't seem like they had a lot of fun.
49:04 They just didn't. They weren't bad guys.
49:06 We only ever had good priests,
49:07 I know some of the priest of gotten
49:09 in strife and so forth.
49:10 We only had a good priests, men of God, I believe.
49:12 But I--I didn't want that.
49:15 But I figured somehow I'd work for God, I did know how.
49:20 So when the, and then when I-- when I gave my life to Jesus,
49:24 I just figured that, that ministry
49:27 was for the Holiest of the Holy
49:29 and not for sinful wretches like me.
49:32 So on the one hand, I felt like what I wanted to do,
49:35 and needed to do was work for the Lord somehow
49:39 but in real you know professional ministry,
49:44 let me put it that way, the way I thought then.
49:46 I just thought that was way too much.
49:49 So I'm--I'm living in Australia now,
49:53 you know, and growing as a Christian,
49:56 I took a vacation back to New Zealand
50:00 and I don't know how it came to be
50:01 but someone arranged for me to preach
50:04 at a little church in the town called Thames.
50:07 And that the man Mr. Laurie.
50:10 I remember him still was the Head Elder
50:12 of the church and so, sort of ran it because
50:14 it was one of multi-church district
50:16 and he agreed to have me preach
50:20 and it was the first seminar I'd ever preached.
50:23 And I don't know exactly what it was about,
50:26 but it was about righteousness by faith on some level.
50:29 And what I remember was after which,
50:31 you know, what, I got some nice pants on
50:33 and a shirt and a tie, put on a tie.
50:35 But what you do then, I never owned a suit
50:38 and I got a tightish, sort of a jacket,
50:40 you know, to preach in.
50:42 And lovely Head Elder afterward he came to me and he said,
50:46 he must have wondered how he was gonna say it.
50:48 He said, I was a little surprised that you didn't
50:52 choose to preach in a suit jacket.
50:56 And I--you know, I didn't get it.
50:57 Like water of a duck's back,
50:58 Oh I didn't have one if I had one I would.
51:00 You know, about a year later, I figured out what he meant?
51:03 He meant, hey, you meant to wear a suit jacket when you preach.
51:07 But he was so nice, you know,
51:09 the way he mentioned it to me. Yes.
51:10 I think there was very nice of him really. Yeah.
51:12 So that was--that was the sermon
51:14 I remember my friend from Australia, Paul.
51:16 He is still a very close friend of mine.
51:18 Now he was there and a couple came down
51:20 from Oakland for the-- for the grand occasion.
51:22 We had a lovely time and it was gracious church family.
51:25 And I thought to myself,
51:27 I could do this again if I was asked.
51:29 I could probably do that again.
51:31 And so somewhere along the line I was asked
51:34 and people just kept asking so I kept preaching.
51:38 Now Melissa, came into your life.
51:40 Oh, yeah. After you'd gone to America.
51:42 Yeah, Yeah, yes thank God.
51:45 God brought me to the United States to get me
51:48 into ministry and to fix it so that I could marry up.
51:53 All right. Like you. Oh my God.
51:54 Like you, Jim, I married up.
51:57 I married a woman far too good for me.
51:59 Someone I--I Likewise.
52:01 Yeah. I know.
52:02 Someone I didn't deserve and don't deserve
52:04 but God was merciful to me,
52:08 you know, and she is just such a wonderful person
52:12 Yes, she is.
52:13 And a wonderful-- wonderful mother.
52:17 My children are perfect, you know,
52:18 but If I were to--if you ever isolated any faults
52:22 in them you could trace them directly back to me.
52:24 I'm not kidding, I'm not if affecting
52:27 some false humility, it's true.
52:29 But if you look at their good qualities
52:32 all comes from they mother.
52:33 She is just a wonderful mother and a great wife.
52:36 And my best friend in the world, she is wonderful.
52:39 And, you know, we got married and she knew,
52:43 we would get married and go straight on the road.
52:46 Then when we went on road in evangelism,
52:48 it was on a trial basis. Yeah.
52:50 And there was no guarantee that they'd keep me on.
52:53 We gonna have to see how we did.
52:54 So you were an evangelist before you got married.
52:56 She know, what she was. Just before and she did.
52:58 She knew what she was getting into. Yeah.
53:00 So we got married we went on the honeymoon.
53:01 We came back packed up and left.
53:04 Then we went on the road with the--
53:05 with a--did we have a car? Yeah.
53:09 We had a, we bought a vehicle
53:11 and so we went on the road with a debt,
53:13 a small debt and no guaranteed income this was
53:17 a venture in either faith or presumption or both.
53:20 And Melissa said, now God has joined us together
53:24 and if this is where the Lord is leading us good
53:27 and if it's not He'll lead us somewhere else.
53:29 She really has faith, you know,
53:31 a dear friend of mine, who was in our wedding,
53:33 in fact Bill May, did the wedding.
53:34 Oh, he's there? Yeah. I thank the Lord for that.
53:37 And a dear friend, who was in our wedding
53:39 when I asked him I went to him for advice, you know.
53:42 Here I am a I am grown man but I went to this other
53:45 grown man friend of mine and said, what you think Fred.
53:48 You think I should. Think this is the girl.
53:51 I tell you--I tell you what, I tell you what?
53:53 Found out Fred came to me, Fred came to me.
53:56 He said, I've got this brother
53:58 and I'm trying to fix him up with someone.
54:00 And he said, Melissa, would be good for him.
54:10 And he said, but I'm coming to you
54:12 because I think Melissa and you,
54:14 Melissa and you would go perfect together.
54:16 And--and I don't want to cut across you above,
54:19 if you've got any idea about Melissa,
54:23 then I'll keep my distance,
54:25 but if you don't then I'm going to see
54:26 if I can fix her up with my brother.
54:28 See that is the highest of recommendation.
54:29 That's right. And it's a great friend.
54:31 Yeah, thank the Lord.
54:33 And that's first time, I've ever the told
54:35 that story actually, And I said to him.
54:40 You know, even If I didn't, I probably would now.
54:43 But I do and I've been think that and I'd never
54:45 discussed this with anyone.
54:47 I said, I can't get this woman out of my mind
54:48 everywhere I turn up she is there.
54:50 And it's as though, you know,
54:51 my and so we talked together and he said,
54:56 I believe and this on our wedding day.
54:58 He said, I believe that the two of you getting married
55:03 is gonna result in more people in the kingdom of heaven.
55:06 Amen. Amen.
55:07 And that's the kind of woman Melissa
55:09 is and she is just wonderful.
55:10 Way too good for me. Well.
55:12 I tell you this is a beautiful story isn't it?
55:14 This really is. It really is and you getting
55:16 acquainted tonight with the new speaker-director
55:20 of It is Written and we're taking you
55:24 right back from the womb to the ministry.
55:28 Not to the tomb, but we are giving you
55:31 the full discussion here with John about his life.
55:35 How he came to know Jesus Christ about his family.
55:39 And how he Melissa were married went into ministry
55:42 together in evangelism later on pastoral ministry.
55:45 Yes, sir. But you've held about 80 evangelistic meetings.
55:49 Yep. Right about 80. Yeah.
55:50 In lots of little wee towns in the back
55:52 of nowhere and lots of big cities that you'd recognize well
55:56 and all places in between and honestly, you know,
56:01 I don't mind recounting the story
56:03 because here is-- here is why?
56:08 I believe that my experience could be
56:10 a real encouragement to others.
56:12 I was wandering and looking for God,
56:13 I said please whatever it takes.
56:16 And God introduced himself to me.
56:18 My life turned up side down. I have-- I had no future now.
56:22 No future except I said Lord I'll go
56:24 where you want me to go.
56:26 Ministry not me surely, but God can use even people like me.
56:31 You know, that's, that is so true.
56:33 And that's been the experience of so many of us.
56:36 You're going to hear more about John,
56:38 we're going to take a break here in just a moment
56:40 and you gonna hear more about not only his experience
56:44 in ministry but his call to It is Written and also about
56:49 some of the plans that It is written has for evangelism.
56:53 Yeah, they're excited. And we are, yeah,
56:55 they're very exciting we also have some music for you.
56:58 We're going to hear Dr. Louis sing again in a moment
57:01 and so whatever you do don't go too far
57:05 because and call some friends tell him,
57:08 hey, you wanna see the new speaker for It is Written
57:12 turn on 3ABN right now because we getting
57:15 acquainted with him and I believe that you gonna
57:20 like what-- what you see.
57:21 I've known him for few years,
57:23 have appreciated his ministry and you're
57:28 appreciating his ministry as, well.
57:29 I surely, your reputation preceded you, John.
57:32 Some of your members at Southern University about a year ago
57:36 and looking for people to bring to 3ABN for and they said,
57:39 you got to get this guy, you got to get him.
57:41 So it's good. All right.
57:43 So we'll be right back. And we'll you see then.


Revised 2014-12-17