Night Light Live - 1st Hour

Creation Health (Zephyrhills, Fl)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), Des Cummings, Dr. Afsoon Elmore D.D.S., Dr. Julie vanPutten, Kathy Moorman, Lilly Elmore, Lynell LaMountain, Mike McCauley, Peter Bath


Series Code: NLLA

Program Code: NLLA011501

00:22 Welcome to Zephyrhills, Florida.
00:24 And it is great to be in beautiful
00:26 Florida tonight, isn't that right, Danny?
00:28 It's wonderful here and it's about 72 degrees this evening.
00:30 Yeah. I was standing outside
00:33 without a coat on just with my short sleeve
00:36 and just absolutely drinking it in.
00:39 And I just want to rub it in to all of those of you
00:41 back in Illinois and we're so happy.
00:46 You know, Danny,
00:47 one thing I've realized is you have to do planning.
00:52 When you're planning a schedule you don't plan to be in Chicago,
00:57 New York or Washington this time of the year.
01:01 And summer time you don't plan to be
01:03 down here necessarily either.
01:05 But we're just having a wonderful time.
01:08 The people here in Florida are so hospitable.
01:11 And they're so nice to us.
01:13 And the folks at Florida hospital
01:15 are doing a fabulous job.
01:17 We're gonna be talking about that tonight
01:19 and about the health message
01:21 that God has given to His people.
01:24 And I'm really looking forward to this program
01:27 because there's some tremendous stories
01:31 that are going to be told.
01:32 And you know, Danny,
01:34 in television 3ABN has a very balanced schedule,
01:40 very balanced program.
01:42 We've got preaching and good preaching
01:44 and straight preaching.
01:46 We have exercise programs
01:48 that help people be physically fit.
01:51 And we have cooking schools. We have nutrition programs.
01:56 And we have programs that try to help people to be healthier.
01:59 And tonight, we're gonna bring you
02:02 a special program called "A Healthy Hundred."
02:06 We need to say a very special hello to a friend of ours.
02:10 You talked about Chicago a moment ago.
02:12 Our buddy John Lomacang is stuck
02:14 under 2 feet of snow-- Yes.
02:15 In Chicago and we wanna say hi to you, John,
02:18 but this is a very, very special "Nightlight."
02:20 It is. You know and I wanted to say this.
02:22 You know, when you look at the Adventist
02:24 system of beliefs-- Yeah.
02:25 They were those who said that well,
02:27 the Lord just gave us these beliefs.
02:29 But the truth is men and women went to the scriptures
02:32 and searched and found the beliefs.
02:34 But there are two things that came directly
02:37 from the hand of God, through vision to Ellen White.
02:39 One was the publishing work. That's right.
02:41 Growing and moved around the world.
02:43 The other was the health ministry.
02:48 We operate one of the largest
02:50 health hospital systems in the world.
02:53 And it has been a blessing
02:55 not only to Seventh-day Adventist as we'll see tonight
02:57 but to the community at large.
02:58 This ministry has helped untold millions inside the church
03:03 and outside of the church.
03:04 Everybody we have touched has been helped
03:06 with this health message
03:08 which is really a health ministry.
03:09 It really is. It gives a great advantage
03:13 and I think Ellen White made a statement similar to this.
03:15 The health message is as a right arm is to the body.
03:18 And I understand that because a few years ago--of course,
03:22 we're always trying to get on new cable systems--
03:23 we went to one of the largest cable companies
03:26 in America in New York city.
03:28 And the people there-- vice president of marketing said
03:32 we wanna watch the programming.
03:34 So for several weeks before we came,
03:35 Moses and I went to this large cable company.
03:39 They began to watch. Some of their employees began to watch.
03:42 And she said, "3ABN is the best kept secret in television."
03:46 And I said, "Why is that?"
03:48 She said, "You need to be on every cable station in America.
03:50 And I said, "Why?"
03:52 She said, "Because of your health message."
03:54 She said, "Because people will watch you."
03:56 We--all of these other-- many of these other networks,
03:59 the Christian networks, she says,
04:01 are all about what you're doing and how happy they are now.
04:05 And you're gonna go to heaven but 3ABN--
04:07 she said atheist wanna watch it
04:09 because they care about their health.
04:11 She says, "Muslims will watch it,
04:12 the Jews will watch it,
04:14 Catholics will watch it because every one is interested
04:17 and you guys are so balanced."
04:18 And I remember that and I praise the Lord.
04:21 And I thought then this is opening doors
04:24 to get 3ABN on cable systems.
04:26 And you know, tonight we are going to meet people
04:28 from all faiths and all walks of life
04:32 who have been touched by this health message.
04:36 And to me that's a wonderful thing because we, you know,
04:40 people are at different stages in different places in life.
04:45 And--but we all need to have a greater measure of health.
04:51 I--this healthy hundred is such a tremendous thing.
04:55 My wife's parents are 96 and 95 respectively.
04:59 They've had tremendous health all of these years
05:02 and I really believe that if you can be healthier longer,
05:07 you know, you might live to be a hundred but you might spend
05:10 the last ten years in a nursing home on a bed.
05:13 You don't want that.
05:15 I was in a place one Sunday morning buying gasoline
05:19 and somebody who was running by and jogging.
05:24 And I said to the person as I was paying for my gas,
05:26 I said, "That's what I ought to be doing."
05:28 And they said, "Why?" And I said, "You'd live longer."
05:30 And they said, "No, you just die healthier."
05:33 And-- but you know something?
05:34 There's something good about dying healthier.
05:37 So you don't have those years of lying there like a vegetable
05:41 but you have active, good, healthy years right up until
05:46 it's time to go to sleep and wait for the resurrection.
05:50 Praise the Lord. Well, tonight, Jim,
05:51 as we all know we get to shine the spotlight
05:53 in our "Nightlight" series on one of the, dare we say,
05:57 flagship institutions of the Adventist health systems
06:00 that is Florida hospital.
06:01 We get to learn about the scope of the hospital,
06:03 the extent of the hospital,
06:05 the work and reach of the hospital
06:07 and the thousands, thousands
06:09 and thousands of lives that it is touching.
06:12 And I am excited because I know it's gonna be a good program.
06:14 We're gonna hear a lot of good stories this night.
06:16 Yes, we really are.
06:17 And I believe that I am correct this
06:19 that the Florida hospital system
06:21 is the largest of the Adventist health systems.
06:24 And it has gotten even larger lately
06:28 with the inclusion of a few more hospitals
06:32 here in this very community in the Tampa Florida area.
06:36 And so we're gonna hear about those a little later on.
06:40 But right now, I want to introduce
06:43 to you Dr. Desmond Cummings.
06:46 And Dr. Cummings is head of Creation Health
06:50 and he is the president of the Florida hospital foundation
06:55 and he is the vice president of Adventist health systems.
06:58 And, Des, we're just happy to have you with us tonight.
07:02 And I know you've brought some guests
07:04 because we have met some of them already.
07:07 Welcome, Jim, to Florida.
07:09 On behalf of the Adventist health systems
07:10 welcome to "A Healthy Hundred."
07:12 We want you to imagine that for your life
07:14 and it sounds like your in-laws are already ahead of you.
07:17 They really are and they always stay ahead of me.
07:21 At 96--one of the things we looked at, Jim,
07:24 was the fact that America is in a health crisis.
07:27 And we need the healthcare reform throughout the nation
07:30 and lot of that is going to be around legislation.
07:32 But the most important thing
07:33 we can do is help people live healthier.
07:35 And the way that we think
07:37 that will help them live healthier is to realize
07:39 there's an opportunity to add at least 11 more years to your life
07:43 if you follow what we're gonna share tonight.
07:45 So we invite them to imagine a healthy hundred.
07:47 The reason for that is because in 2005,
07:52 there was an alert sounded by
07:54 the National Institutes of Health.
07:55 They said that a child born in 2005 would live five years less
08:00 than the life expectancy at that time.
08:02 Life expectancy 2005, life expectancy
08:05 for all of us is 78 years, for the average American.
08:09 Life expectancy for those children
08:10 was projected by the N.I.H. to be 73 years.
08:14 I cannot imagine any parent in America sitting down
08:17 with their children and saying,
08:18 "You're gonna live shorter than I did.
08:20 You're gonna have more disease than I did."
08:22 We have taken great satisfaction in sitting down
08:24 with our children and saying, "You're gonna live longer.
08:27 You're gonna live better
08:28 because we've done our best to leave you a better future."
08:30 And I think that's what Americans want to say.
08:32 So instead of accepting a 73 as the destination,
08:37 we believe it's time to imagine a healthy hundred.
08:39 If you're running for any office I'll vote for you.
08:42 I like what I'm hearing.
08:44 Well, as matter of fact, I'm not running for office
08:46 but I'm running for this
08:48 and that is the hope of a different kind of health reform.
08:51 Because you see the Adventist Health System was born in 1866
08:55 in the midst of this nation's need for health reform.
08:58 In fact, our very first institution was called
09:01 the Western Health Reform Institute
09:03 because we needed a health reform.
09:05 We led America in health reform in two significant areas.
09:08 One was smoking cessation because we never
09:12 believed in any kind of use of smoking.
09:14 Now that was just against the tradition of the day.
09:17 If you went to the doctors of the day
09:19 and you had a cough the most common prescription was--
09:22 when you begin coughing, smoke two cigarettes immediately.
09:25 So you can imagine how ridiculous that was.
09:28 We said no because we took a different approach.
09:30 We looked and took our message from creation health.
09:34 The whole story of creation--
09:35 I believed that the visions of Ellen White
09:38 and the ideas of her husband James
09:40 could be traced to the roots of the biblical story of creation.
09:44 And so what we're saying to people in America
09:46 today is you know what?
09:48 We can either create health reform
09:51 by refusing to get people care.
09:53 That's called rationing.
09:54 Or we can create health reform
09:56 by improving the health of people
09:57 and not needing as much care.
09:59 And we think the future is improving.
10:02 And reason we're excited about that is because you see
10:05 Adventists have been recognized
10:07 as being able to live 11 years longer.
10:10 In fact, U.S. news in world report said,
10:12 "If you want to live to 100,
10:14 live like a Seventh-day Adventist.
10:16 That's right. This has been recognized
10:18 not only with U.S. news and world report.
10:20 National Geographic, ABC news, Oprah, Doctor Oz,
10:25 they are all recognizing
10:26 the advantage of the Adventist health message.
10:29 Well, right now we want you to look at a one minute video.
11:17 Imagine living a healthy 100 years
11:21 by creating a new era of wellness
11:24 and medical innovation.
11:25 Florida hospital can help make it happen.
11:28 What do you want to do when you're 100?
11:32 Visit
11:37 Well, Des, we've come a long way
11:39 since the days when Adventists pioneer
11:41 Jay and Love Brooke got paid for a summer's work
11:44 with a bottle of liquor and a ham.
11:48 The Lord has taught us some things about health.
11:51 We've got some laws of health.
11:52 Some principles of health and they start with a 'c'.
11:55 Why don't you walk us through that and introduce your guests?
11:57 Absolutely. Thank you, C.A.
11:59 As a matter of fact, the laws of health
12:01 that we've taken our eight principles of health
12:03 from the Seven Days of Creation.
12:05 As we studied the creation story we found these eight principles
12:09 really comprised the Adventist health message.
12:12 We've been practicing these principles and teaching them.
12:15 They actually spelled the word creation.
12:18 The 'c'--each one of the letters of this series of principles
12:22 stands for some significant portion of the creation story.
12:25 The first one is choice and choice is a powerful story.
12:29 Right here before me are folks that are living it today
12:33 because you see I am introducing
12:35 you to Kathy Moorman and Peter Bath.
12:38 Kathy now lives and works in Tampa
12:42 in the university community hospital.
12:44 And the Adventist Health System has been invited to be a partner
12:47 with the university community hospital.
12:49 And we've just joined with you to operate that hospital.
12:53 Peter is coming there
12:54 as the vice president for Mission and Ministry.
12:57 Now, Peter, you're introducing people
12:59 to the Adventist perspective and they're making choices.
13:02 But the first choice this community made
13:04 was they wanted Adventist to be there
13:06 because they like the whole idea of our
13:08 whole personal care and our wellness ideas.
13:12 Am I right about that, Kathy? Yes, you are.
13:15 In fact, Peter started his weekly Lunch and Learns
13:20 right after--I think it was in October
13:22 and he did a couple of in services
13:24 on the history of the Adventist
13:26 and then he started talking about Creation Health.
13:28 And the first chapter was choice.
13:30 The second one was rest.
13:32 And we came and we listened, then we went and we read.
13:36 And I've adopted it.
13:39 So, Peter, you've been doing these Lunch and Learns.
13:42 Kathy came to him. She got the book.
13:44 She started reading it. And, as she just said, she adopted it.
13:46 Tell me about the Lunch and Learns
13:48 and the reaction you've had among folks
13:50 who have attended them.
13:51 Well, on September 1 of last year
13:53 we walked in as new partners
13:55 with the five hospitals of University Community Health.
13:58 And so often is the case--just like 3ABN is the one of the best
14:02 kept secrets and so is the Adventist health message
14:04 and who are Adventists and so these Lunch and Learns--
14:07 Did you know who Adventists were before this?
14:09 I googled. You googled.
14:12 So you found out on Google.
14:14 So, Peter, you had an education process
14:16 to just introduce people-- To the whole idea.
14:18 Absolutely, Des.
14:19 To look at our history, to look at our belief,
14:21 to look at our theology,
14:22 to look at our Christ centered focus
14:24 and the intentional application
14:25 of biblical principles to how we live.
14:28 And it's met with a wonderful context of faith.
14:31 Now you chose Creation Health
14:32 as one of the means to make peopleaware of that. Why?
14:35 Well, because Creation Health is such a practical process I mean,
14:38 it gets down to the fundamental points of taking
14:41 biblical teaching, just like we change our oil in the car
14:44 because the manufacturer tells us to do it every 3000 miles.
14:47 God's given us the same instruction
14:49 and following that has been a great--
14:51 Creation Health is a wonderful way.
14:53 Now Kathy took the book I distributed in November
14:56 and we talked about it.
14:57 And Kathy then took this book and started reading it.
15:00 And what happened to you over the holidays?
15:03 Well, I read the book and I adopted--
15:06 well, I focused on three things.
15:08 Nutrition, rest, and interpersonal relationships.
15:11 And so first I started on eating out there.
15:14 And then getting a good night sleep
15:16 which was very hard for me
15:17 because I had not been doing that.
15:19 And then over the holidays I said,
15:21 "I'm gonna focus on my family and my relationships.
15:23 I got rid of all of the extraneous stuff
15:26 and it was a wonderful, peaceful, loving experience.
15:29 So you really had a Creation Health Christmas? I did.
15:32 Kathy is the director of Pharmacy Services
15:34 which is an incredibly complex job.
15:36 And she is handing out medicine to sick people.
15:39 And she's saying, "Hey, here's a way we can stay well."
15:42 Now not only that, you're a scientist.
15:44 So you take a look inside the book
15:46 and try to tear it apart from the science standpoint.
15:48 What did you find?
15:49 I found that it was a very soundly
15:52 based especially the rest and nutrition.
15:55 And really studied the nutrition part
15:57 because that's what I needed the most help with.
15:59 And when I read it and I studied and I looked at the whole
16:04 balance of groceries--your groceries, your drugstore,
16:08 eating organic, eating fruits and vegetables,
16:11 it's made a tremendous difference.
16:12 I have a lot more energy and I rest better at night.
16:16 You are telling me that you also have some folks
16:17 that you've helped regain their health
16:19 because you're actually counseling them.
16:21 They're asking you what to do.
16:22 Yeah, well, I have a friend at work who's chronically got cold.
16:27 Cold--and I talked to her about the nutrition
16:29 and I gave her some references.
16:32 And she took it and she actually went to the drugstore--
16:34 the health food store to get
16:35 some of the stuff that I recommended.
16:37 So you started out with us as a business partner,
16:41 moved to a mission partner.
16:42 And now you see this as a lifestyle partner.
16:46 I really think this is the best thing
16:47 we could do for the healthcare
16:48 'cause we're not just treating sick people.
16:50 We're treating the whole person.
16:52 And that is the unique difference
16:54 of the Adventist health system.
16:55 And that's why Kathy made that choice.
16:57 Kathy, the question I wanted to ask you.
16:59 Were these changes dramatic or traumatic
17:02 for you to institute these changes?
17:04 And were the results immediate?
17:06 Was it something that came over a long period of time
17:08 or could you see the results right away?
17:10 Uh, some of the results I saw right away.
17:12 The sleeping-- getting--making--
17:14 forcing myself to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
17:18 The nutrition took a little bit longer.
17:20 It was little bit harder to adopt.
17:22 The quiet environment has been tremendous
17:25 as far as reducing the stress and the anxiety of my life.
17:28 And when you said quiet environment
17:29 you're saying you adopted a personal quiet time,
17:32 a personal devotional life?
17:33 Yes. Yes.
17:35 What a blessing to be able to not only deal with the mind,
17:37 the body, and the spirit and you told me you thought
17:39 that was big difference in the Adventist healthcare philosophy.
17:44 So, Kathy, it's great to have you with us.
17:45 Thank you for choosing to be a lifestyle partner,
17:48 a mission partner and a business partner.
17:50 May God bless you as you continue to advance your life.
17:53 Peter, may God bless you as you share this message.
17:55 Absolutely, it's a blessing. Thank you.
17:57 And now-- I guess we're gonna take a little walk.
17:59 Absolutely. One of the things, C.A.,
18:02 that I think is so vital for people is to really
18:04 understand the depth, a purpose and meaning.
18:08 And I have a friend Dr. Julie vanPutten.
18:12 I'd like to introduce you to her.
18:14 I gonna put you on-- in the middle there.
18:15 Julie, welcome. Hello.
18:17 Dr. vanPutten, would you meet C.A.?
18:20 And as a matter of fact, Dr. vanPutten is
18:22 the chief wellness officer or the Florida Hospital
18:25 Institute of Lifestyle Medicine.
18:28 And she has one question she asks folks
18:30 when they come to their-- as a matter of fact,
18:33 when we start our physical it's a very unusual question.
18:35 I didn't anticipate this question
18:37 but you ask them a question about their biggest choice.
18:40 And one of those questions is,
18:43 do you really want to live a long and healthy life?
18:49 Yeah, I can answer that one. That's easy.
18:52 Okay, what's the next one?
18:53 And so the question that follows that is based on your choices
18:59 do you expect to live a long, healthy life?
19:02 Good question. Well, not again.
19:05 Can you pass on any of these?
19:06 No, this is not a pass but then the most
19:09 compelling question is what is the reason?
19:12 What is the compelling reason that you would want
19:15 to live a long and healthy life?
19:17 What is the reason to want to live?
19:21 I think that, you know,
19:22 that's really the core of the way life is driven.
19:24 Because many more of these
19:28 scientific journals are showing that the purpose in life
19:31 and the willingness to pursue life is
19:33 what causes people to be able to fight through disease,
19:36 to be able to choose to live longer and more effectively.
19:40 Absolutely, we know that the reason,
19:43 the reason that someone has within themselves
19:46 really gives us the indication of what is your plan to be here.
19:50 We often have plans for our bank accounts
19:52 and for buying that house
19:54 and for looking at our children graduate
19:57 but when you look at your plan,
19:58 your daily plan for your life does it reflect truly
20:01 at its heart that you have a plan to say
20:04 that at my next ten, at the next tenth birthday--
20:08 for many of us that's thirty, right?
20:10 Or 40 or whatever that is.
20:13 Do you see that in your body you can be stronger,
20:16 you can be more alive, you can feel like
20:20 you're living according to the purpose that God put you here?
20:23 That's a wonderful question for a doctor to be asking,
20:25 don't you think? Very much so.
20:27 As a matter of fact, when you talk about a plan--
20:30 when you have actually have the exit interview--
20:32 Yes. Because you had it with me. Yes.
20:35 You actually ask folks to do something about a plan.
20:38 Explain that. When we look at the plan
20:40 we know that if you were to look backward at your life
20:44 and we would ask you what would be three life lessons.
20:47 That if someone where writing your story
20:49 and actually does with the choices that
20:52 we make everyday, we write our story.
20:55 Powerful, yes. Everyday we're telling a story about
20:57 what we believe is possible.
20:59 And we say if you're gonna write a story write an epic story.
21:03 Make it a wonderful story because the way
21:06 we live our lives is as a result of the stories
21:09 we believe about our lives.
21:11 And so in our exit interview with our clients,
21:14 with many of these corporate executives
21:16 who have very high pressured lives,
21:19 we say, "what are the life lessons
21:21 that you would want your life to tell a story about?"
21:24 And when you know what those life lessons are,
21:26 if you're very clear about that then
21:29 what do you see a year from now?
21:32 And if you can have a vision of your life a year from now,
21:36 a year from now in which you're stronger and healthier
21:38 and more vital, when you look at
21:41 the risk factors that you are doing to yourself.
21:43 Nobody else is doing these to you.
21:45 By what you're choosing to do
21:46 or by what you're not choosing to do.
21:49 In the next 21 days if I were to ask you to do
21:52 something different, something that you've never done before,
21:56 in the next 21 days can you put together a plan for your life
22:01 that says you have a story that's says I wanna live?
22:05 So you see what a powerful thing happens.
22:07 The privilege that we have and Dr. vanPutten has.
22:11 We see over 500 top corporate executives of the Fortune 500.
22:17 Fortune 500 executives, 500 that have come to our place
22:21 and the Lord has given us an opportunity
22:23 to ask these kinds of questions.
22:24 Aren't you thankful that a Christian doctor is sitting
22:27 with these leaders asking these kinds of questions
22:29 about how choice is being made in their life?
22:33 And my question for you is how would you answer Dr. vanPutten?
22:38 Well, there is a big, big song
22:40 about a great big God and how great he is.
22:44 C.A., that's one of the first choices we make.
22:47 Amen. It truly is.
22:48 Jennifer LaMountain comes now to sing for us.
22:51 One of the best choices we can make is to choose God
22:54 and put him front and center in our lives.
22:57 Thank you, Jennifer.
23:28 Though man may try to go
23:33 Beyond the reach of space
23:39 To crawl beyond the distant
23:45 Glimmering stars
23:50 This world's a room so small
23:56 Within my Master's house
24:01 The open sky
24:05 It's but a portion of His yard
24:13 The winter's chill
24:17 May cause the tiny seed to fall
24:24 To lie asleep till
24:29 Waked by summer's rain
24:36 The heart grown cold will warm
24:41 And throb with life anew
24:46 The Master's touch
24:51 will bring the glow again
24:57 How big is God
25:02 How big and wide His vast domain
25:09 To try to tell
25:14 these lips can only start
25:21 He's big enough to rule
25:26 His mighty universe
25:32 Yet small enough
25:36 to live within my heart
25:43 How big is God
25:49 How big is God
25:54 How big is God
26:11 How great thou art
26:17 How great thou art
26:23 Then sings my soul
26:28 My Savior God to thee
26:34 How great thou art
26:41 How great thou art
26:51 Great is thy faithfulness
26:57 How great thou art
27:03 How great thou art
27:27 Thank you so much, Jennifer. What a blessing.
27:29 And now this is not only Jennifer's talent
27:33 but her husband Lynell is our
27:35 senior manager of our outreach to churches
27:38 and in particular specializing
27:40 in Seventh-day Adventist churches.
27:41 You are a dynamic power couple teamed up to make
27:45 this Creation Health message come to life in churches
27:48 but the second letter of the acronym,
27:50 if you look at the creation story it begins with choice.
27:54 Two trees in the middle of the garden,
27:57 we have to make our choice.
27:58 God gave us the freedom of choices.
28:00 It's a wonderful power that he imputes us with.
28:03 Making that choice day by day is critical.
28:05 As a matter of fact, some people say,
28:08 "Choice doesn't matter. Your genes are what matters."
28:11 Recent researches showing that up to 75% and some say 90%--
28:15 in fact, Dan Buettner, the author of the "Blue Zone"
28:18 says 90% of your health is depended upon your daily choice.
28:22 So, my friends, God gave us choice
28:25 because he wants us to exercise it.
28:26 And by exercising it you can achieve great things.
28:30 And one of those choices is rest.
28:33 And, Lynell, you have a story about how people can get,
28:36 kind of, completely used up just doing good, even pastors.
28:41 And it's changed somebody's life.
28:43 One of my friends is a conference administrator
28:45 as well as an associated pastor of his local church.
28:47 A very large church, in fact but it's hard to believe
28:49 you can be Conference Administrator
28:51 and an Associate Pastor.
28:52 And the story I'm finding is, kind of, typical as I work
28:54 with many administrators and pastors.
28:57 He was at a meeting where I recently shared
28:59 Creation Health's presentation on rest.
29:02 And, in particular, during that presentation
29:04 I shared some research most people don't know.
29:06 It's from Wingard and Berkman
29:08 and their mortality risk associated
29:10 with sleeping patterns among adults.
29:12 And what I shared was if you sleep fewer than
29:15 six hours a night or more than nine hours a night
29:18 you cut your lifespan by nine years.
29:20 Well, when the presentation was finished this administrator
29:23 wanted to go for a walk with me.
29:25 And he was very quiet and very reflective.
29:28 And he said, "You know,"
29:29 he said, "I get to bed at 2 in the morning and I'm up at 6
29:32 because of all my church related responsibilities."
29:35 And he said, "My kids deserve better from their dad."
29:37 And he said, "I don't want to miss out
29:39 on nine years of life with them."
29:41 So on that day he committed to me
29:43 that he was going to build into his life a lifestyle of balance.
29:46 So he'd get the rest that he needed and deserved
29:48 so he can live life to the fullest with this family.
29:51 God bless you as you work with these ministers
29:53 and these churches and thank you for that insight and that story.
29:55 Thank you, Des. So thanks so much, Lynell.
29:57 And now I want to introduce you to a doctor and her daughter.
30:02 Dr. Elmore and her daughter Lilly
30:04 have actually experienced some of this, C.A.
30:07 Their story is all about the issue of rest.
30:11 I--I'm listening with bated breath.
30:13 When I was pastoring, I pastored a church of 2000 members
30:16 and communication at Sabbath school,
30:18 director for the conference.
30:20 So I'm spleey and I don't think I'll ever catch up again.
30:22 Hope I--the Lord is kind to me and gives me some extra years.
30:25 As a matter of fact, Dr. Elmore is really--
30:28 you were at a point of exhaustion in your life
30:31 when Creation health came in.
30:32 But I don't want to start there.
30:34 I want to start back, roll the picture back to 2002.
30:37 You're living in Nashville, Tennessee.
30:39 What is your work there and what is your practice?
30:41 I'm practicing cosmetic dentistry.
30:44 You're practicing cosmetic dentistry. That's true.
30:46 That's for the more affluent people? Yes, sir.
30:48 And they are paying cash? Yes.
30:50 And so this is a very good business
30:52 to be in, right? Yes, sir.
30:53 And then suddenly it happens-- something happens in your life.
30:56 And you give birth to what?
30:59 I have a son that has been diagnosed with autism.
31:02 So baby boy-- Baby boy.
31:04 Diagnosed with autism. Yes, sir.
31:06 And this starts to completely change you.
31:09 So you begin to do what?
31:13 Just really looking for places where he can grow and develop.
31:16 And his needs were just not being met in Nashville
31:20 so I was looking all around the country
31:22 trying to find a place where he could have a good education.
31:25 And you found a place. And where was it?
31:27 In Jacksonville, Florida at the Jericho school.
31:29 Jericho school in Jacksonville, Florida.
31:32 But it would require you to move.
31:33 So what did you decide to do?
31:35 I thought none of this is going to matter
31:37 if my child can't be with me and can't be here to enjoy with me.
31:40 So we left everything and we moved to Florida.
31:42 Now, Lilly, you moved to Florida
31:44 for the sake of your little brother.
31:46 But that took a lot of things out of your life, too.
31:49 How did you make the move?
31:50 Well, I realized it was the best for him
31:52 and I love my brother so much and I would anything for him.
31:55 I'd, of course, pick up and leave which is what we did.
31:58 And I would do it anytime, you know.
32:00 So that was a great step of faith on both of your parts.
32:03 Now you're a single mom
32:04 and so you had to go there and you need to work.
32:07 But you cannot work
32:09 because your license won't transfer from Tennessee
32:11 and Florida is not an easy place
32:13 to get a dental license in oral surgery.
32:15 So you have a different work engagement now.
32:20 Describe what that is.
32:21 I started working for the Florida health departments.
32:23 And when I got there I realized,
32:25 oh, my goodness, all these children have such great needs
32:28 and especially the children with the disabilities
32:30 have no access to care.
32:32 So they have no access to care to speak up?
32:34 In Florida today at Shands hospital,
32:36 you were telling me what the waiting list
32:38 is for children with dental needs
32:41 that are on Medicaid that can't pay.
32:42 What is it? And have disabilities.
32:44 One of the moms I treated last week
32:46 at Florida hospital told me, there are over
32:48 a thousand children on the waiting list.
32:50 And they are told it would be over a year before
32:52 they are given an appointment
32:53 just for a consultation not for treatment,
32:55 just for a consultation.
32:57 A thousand children, that's huge need.
32:58 So you decided to change your practice? Yes, sir.
33:01 That decision took you to Florida hospital.
33:04 For we're --because you went to hospitals.
33:07 Nobody wanted to do it.
33:08 Nobody wanted to do it because,
33:10 C.A., this is not a money making business.
33:13 No, I think not.
33:14 It's not. People can't pay.
33:16 The government pays very poorly for these children.
33:20 And so you come to Florida hospital.
33:22 But now your background is not of a Christian faith.
33:25 So you come without a Christian faith background.
33:28 But you suddenly realize there's something happening there
33:31 because as you approached the director of surgery,
33:34 he tells you something because you describe the problem.
33:38 You know it's not making money.
33:39 You know that the surgery should actually,
33:41 probably, be stopped at the hospital.
33:43 But he says to you something different. What does he say?
33:45 He said, "Let the little children come unto me.
33:48 And do not turn them away."
33:50 So he said "I can't forget them. , suffer little children."
33:54 He actually quoted Jesus' statement.
33:57 Now that impressed you because you were walking by the chapel
33:59 on your way to surgery one day.
34:01 And as you're walking by that chapel on your way to surgery
34:04 you heard them singing, they invited you in.
34:06 And the pastor said something that really struck you.
34:09 Yes, his message that day and it's a group of engineers
34:13 that have a Friday morning prayer service.
34:15 And it was before my surgery time and I was just walking by.
34:18 I heard this beautiful singing in there.
34:20 And I stopped in and they said,
34:22 "Will you come and worship with us?"
34:23 And I said, "Sure." And the message that day was--
34:29 I can't quote this as well as you did but--
34:31 It's basically here Jesus is talking to the people
34:34 who went and saw the-- saw the--those imprisoned.
34:37 He said, "Because you went to see the least of these."
34:41 "When you do unto the least of these, you have done unto me."
34:46 And I thought this is such an amazing place.
34:49 People from the engineering department,
34:51 people from the director of surgery,
34:53 all have the same mission.
34:54 They're all on board with the same mission of helping.
34:57 Now, Lilly, your mother has made this a huge mission.
35:00 How many of these children has she done surgery on this year?
35:04 I think 380.
35:05 That's 380 but that's just a part of this year.
35:08 Last year, you did over what? 863.
35:11 863, so you are on a record pace
35:14 with you and your partner to try to care for these children.
35:18 But now you can get weary doing good.
35:21 And you're almost exhausted and it was 5:30 one morning.
35:24 You're driving into the physician's parking lot.
35:27 You are in a line and you are so tired.
35:29 You had leaned your head back on your head rest.
35:32 And what happens?
35:33 And I said, "God, I'm so tired."
35:35 And I opened my eyes and as I opened my eyes
35:37 I see the word "choice and rest."
35:39 I looked down and it says Des Cummings in it.
35:42 Went upstairs to the surgery department.
35:44 I called the Florida hospital foundation.
35:46 I said did Des Cummings write a book?
35:48 They said, "Yes." I said, "Well, can you send me a copy?"
35:53 So I had six copies sent to my house.
35:56 And the particular part of the book
35:59 that you really focused on was this rest part.
36:02 Now, Lilly, it started to affect you as well
36:04 because you all
36:05 decided not only were you going to chapel on Friday
36:08 but you followed that pastor on over to church on Sabbath.
36:12 Tell me about that, going to church on Sabbath.
36:14 Well, I loved the church because we got a hospital church
36:17 which is affiliated with Florida hospital
36:19 and the church is amazing.
36:21 Like, I've got involved. I taught a class.
36:24 It was really -- it's a really great church.
36:26 So here you go over to the church.
36:28 You begin to study
36:30 and even though you weren't
36:31 raised in a Christian background,
36:33 he suddenly just connected with you.
36:35 And one year ago, what happened in your life?
36:37 We joined the Florida hospital church.
36:39 You joined the Florida--
36:41 so both of you are now members of the Florida hospital church.
36:43 And that whole experience has been
36:46 encapsulating the creation health into your life.
36:49 You're telling me that creation health
36:51 is not just the principle of rest.
36:53 It's the whole idea of being at peace with God.
36:57 And now your life is completely embedded in His life
37:01 and creation health has become your story.
37:04 Now, Lilly, you had an incident that's changed your life, too.
37:09 And you not only have joined the church
37:11 but you had a point in which your brother had an accident.
37:14 You were home taking care of him alone.
37:16 He had an accident. Tell us about that.
37:17 Well, my brother got in a shoulder accident
37:19 and he fractured his shoulder.
37:21 And it was the scariest thing ever.
37:23 And so my mom calls me and she's like what do we do?
37:25 Where do we take him? I'm like, this is pretty bad.
37:27 We need to go to the E.R.
37:29 So we go to the emergency room, I'm all by myself.
37:31 I'm taking care of my autistic brother.
37:34 And so it comes to the point we have to go in
37:36 and I told them--I said,
37:37 "I have my autistic brother. He just broke his shoulder."
37:40 So immediately they brought some people.
37:43 He wouldn't go in the back
37:44 'cause he's really scared, it is a scary thing.
37:47 And so they bring people from child life
37:49 which is like nurses that are trained to work
37:51 with these types of kids
37:52 and help them get acquainted with the hospital.
37:55 And he's fine. He gets back there and they care of him.
37:59 And it's amazing
38:01 how caring they are with all their patients.
38:03 And at this moment, at this moment,
38:05 you have not made a career choice yet.
38:08 So what happens to you about it at that moment?
38:10 Well, I knew I wanted to be in the medical field.
38:12 And I have decided I want to be a dentist
38:15 or a hospital administrator.
38:17 Hospital administrator. I can recommend to you,
38:19 dentist, your mother will have to talk to you about that one.
38:21 But hospital administrator, yes.
38:23 Now you have a plan and you've decided
38:27 that you are going to go to a certain university.
38:29 Tell me what university?
38:30 I would like to go Southern Adventist University.
38:33 So God bless you as you as a family progress in your journey
38:38 towards the wonderful things that God can bring
38:40 through His Sabbath rest.
38:42 Just before they leave
38:44 and I would run a bit longer than the segment
38:45 but I wanted to congratulate you.
38:46 First on joining the remnant family of God.
38:50 But God gave you a gift several years ago of an autistic child.
38:53 Some people may see that as a burden
38:55 but to you it was a gift.
38:56 And then He moved you along
38:58 from faith to faith and grace to grace.
39:01 And now you may not be making the money you made before
39:03 but you're making friends on earth and in heaven.
39:06 And you can't count that in gold and silver.
39:07 And I've got to tell you that she donated to the establishment
39:12 of our surgery center for children, our new one.
39:14 Made a major donation and naming--
39:17 and named it in honor of the-- of the director of surgery.
39:21 And tell them what you put on the plaque.
39:23 "Let the little children come unto me."
39:25 "Let the little children come unto me"
39:27 and you've passed this on to your daughter.
39:28 So tell me about your daughter.
39:30 Well, she can tell you the story.
39:32 After her brother got hurt she was so impressed
39:34 with the care that he received at the hospital.
39:36 Go ahead, Lilly.
39:37 I had a seventeenth birthday, a year ago.
39:41 And I instead of asking for gifts,
39:44 I asked my friends to bring money
39:45 for the children's hospital.
39:47 And so over $600 was donated on your behalf.
39:50 This is gonna be a practice every year for her.
39:52 She is doing it again this year.
39:54 God bless you for investing your life, your treasure,
39:58 your talent and God's greatest gifts
40:00 that He has given you back into His kingdom.
40:03 Because I believe it will have eternal impact.
40:05 Because I believe Sabbath was a day God made for love.
40:09 In six days God created life.
40:11 On the seventh day God created love.
40:13 We are so thankful that that love
40:15 is expressed in your heart day by day.
40:17 And now we go to Jim
40:19 because he has one of the--
40:21 the officers of Florida conference.
40:24 The president who has a vision for healthy 100 churches
40:27 because this story that you just heard
40:30 came from one of the healthy 100 churches in Florida.
40:33 Jim, take it. Yes.
40:34 Mike, and the environment is so important.
40:38 And in our churches here in Florida,
40:41 what is the goal of setting that type of environment?
40:45 Well, we began--as we began to interact with Florida hospital
40:49 over the last few years, Jim.
40:51 We have noticed that Florida hospital
40:54 is able to minister to the community,
40:57 remain authentic in their Christianity
41:00 and meet the needs of people in wonderful and compelling ways.
41:04 So we began to ask ourselves,
41:05 how can we transfer this same focus into our churches?
41:11 And we began to talk and pray and think about
41:14 inviting churches to become healthy 100 churches.
41:17 So today churches are conducting creation health seminars
41:22 in order to help their communities
41:24 come to know the abundant life,
41:26 a life that's full and whole that Jesus wants to bring to us.
41:30 Are you encouraging churches throughout the state to do this
41:33 or only just in the--in the greater Orlando and Tampa area?
41:37 We have churches mainly where we have Adventist hospitals
41:41 from just north of Daytona down to Tampa along the I-4 corridor
41:46 but there are churches all across the state now
41:48 who are beginning to say
41:50 we want to be a part of the creation health emphasis.
41:52 We want to do something that will make a difference
41:55 in the lives of the people in our community.
41:57 And your churches are interested
41:59 not only in the spiritual life of the individual
42:02 but the physical life as well
42:04 so they can have a happier, healthier life.
42:06 You can be much more spiritual
42:08 when you're having good health.
42:10 We have so many stories of how God is blessing.
42:13 A pastor down in Hollywood,
42:15 Nelson de Oliveira has been diagnosed with M.S.
42:19 He joined an M.S. support group.
42:21 He began to teach healthy 100 recreation health concepts
42:25 to the people in his community
42:27 and in his church and of all the people in his support group
42:31 he is the only one who is not in a wheelchair today.
42:34 He attributes that to teaching creation health principles.
42:38 Wow, that's tremendous.
42:39 And, Des, I know that we have been seeing
42:42 some tremendous things happen in Florida hospital.
42:45 Especially, as you work together with the churches,
42:48 tell us about the new tower at Florida hospital, would you?
42:51 I'd love to tell you about the new tower
42:53 because what we believe our hospital facilities
42:55 are to be is an environment
42:57 where we have a sanctuary of healing.
43:00 And that brings us to the next principle in creation health,
43:04 a sanctuary of healing.
43:05 And if you look at this building you see a spire on it
43:08 because you believe that every community
43:11 that has a hospital should treat it as a cathedral of care.
43:16 And in that is a spire that faces up to God.
43:19 And you'll notice that spire is open with the face towards God
43:22 because it's a--in within that spire we have conference room.
43:25 It's where all of the care planning goes on
43:28 but, first of all, we teach people
43:30 that we face God
43:31 for all good things come down from the Father of lights.
43:34 And we light that spire with His presence
43:37 and it ignites those rooms with the ideas of healing
43:40 the whole person that will cause people to experience
43:43 the eternal healing of mind, body and spirit.
43:46 And, Jim, we couldn't be more excited than to know
43:49 that the environment that we create
43:52 is to bring us back to God in the garden.
43:54 You see, He created an environment where--
43:57 in which humans were to thrive.
43:58 It was a garden but the fact is we now live in a jungle
44:03 but the truth is every week on Sabbath the gardens open again.
44:07 We have the opportunity to come back.
44:09 And every day we can reshape our lives
44:12 and change the environment around that garden.
44:16 You know, when I was at the Florida hospital
44:18 not long ago you showed me a mural.
44:21 And would you tell us a little bit about that mural?
44:23 Absolutely, as you enter the building
44:26 the first thing we want to have is shape,
44:28 is the building speaks to you
44:30 from the exterior with the tower and with the spire.
44:33 And then as you enter the building
44:34 we have a three floor mural
44:36 that you see as you come down the escalators.
44:39 That's three stories high.
44:41 It is a picture that depicts all of the blessings of creation
44:44 and all the hopes of heaven.
44:46 So you find all those mixed in this one picture.
44:48 It's called creation and recreation.
44:51 And we believe that this inspires people
44:53 to tell them what we're about.
44:54 And it creates an environment
44:56 that is not completely toxic with all the things
45:00 that you would expect in just a sterile environment.
45:03 But it is a place that inspires the soul.
45:07 Well, you know there are lots of things that inspire us
45:09 but I think nature is one of those great things.
45:12 And working together with some of the natural health laws
45:15 that you are working with--
45:17 recently I heard about a video that you have.
45:21 Absolutely. In this video you're going to hear a story.
45:25 A people who never knew as to what it was
45:27 to have a Christian hospital.
45:29 A people who came and were so influenced
45:32 by the power of the environment
45:34 that it changed their lives and changed their future.
45:37 It's a story about a young girl. Watch.
45:50 Most children have dreams.
45:52 Laura's was to swim with the dolphins and she did.
45:56 This is a story about a brave little girl,
45:59 her beautiful big heart.
46:01 And the impact her short life made on others.
46:05 It's a story of joy and hope and love.
46:11 My daughter Laura was diagnosed
46:13 on the day before her tenth birthday with a brain tumor.
46:17 And we were then told that we-- we couldn't do anything.
46:21 Laura was a full of life girl. She'd long, blonde hair.
46:27 She was tenacious beautiful, had a beautiful personality.
46:32 She was a really kind hearted girl.
46:36 And then she-- I was so proud of her.
46:40 When Laura was first diagnosed
46:42 we asked her what she wanted to do.
46:43 And her dream was to swim with the dolphins
46:46 and go to the Disney parks in America.
46:48 So we booked up and we came,
46:50 and we went to Discovery Coach, and swim with the dolphins.
46:53 That smile on her face
46:55 when she kissed that dolphin for the first time.
46:59 It was worth every penny.
47:01 And, you know, seeing her around the parks was--she was happy.
47:06 She was so happy.
47:08 We did all the rides. We went to all the parks.
47:11 And we just had an absolutely fantastic nearly two weeks.
47:14 And we just felt that God had given her the holiday.
47:18 He'd given her the strength. He'd given her everything.
47:22 And then towards the end of the holiday
47:23 that's when she started to go downhill.
47:25 She'd come in with some numbness in her legs
47:27 which she had had previously before she came in
47:32 and then I think the plane ride just made it a little worse.
47:36 And--so she came in and was just,
47:39 kind of, complaining of a headache,
47:40 just general weakness, not feeling great.
47:43 We were very worried
47:45 about coming to hospital in a strange country.
47:48 But when we actually walked through the doors
47:50 everybody was really helpful and friendly.
47:53 We just noticed the love, you know.
47:54 You just--we didn't realize Christian hospitals existed.
47:57 But she was still a normal teenage girl
48:01 and happy and watching T.V., hanging out with her brother,
48:06 hanging out--you know, very interactive with the nurses.
48:09 She really thought that she was getting better--
48:13 you know, and that we'd be ought to go back to the parks
48:15 for the next couple of days and fly home on a Monday.
48:18 And all of a sudden she's got a dreadful pain in her head.
48:21 And the doctors came around.
48:24 They took her down for scan.
48:26 And when she was down having scan I went in with her.
48:29 And her lungs collapsed and all of a sudden
48:34 there was a crowd of nurses and doctors all around.
48:36 And, um, the next minute she is on life support.
48:42 And it went on from there.
48:43 I don't know whether it was a doctor or nurse
48:45 but he got down on his knees and he started praying.
48:48 And we were praying for her.
48:51 Just going, "Oh, Lord, just heal her" you know, "just heal her."
48:54 Over that period of time,
48:56 we'd had, I think, three pastors-- three or four pastors
49:00 coming to pray with us for Laura's--for Laura.
49:05 We had respiratory staff,
49:06 respiratory nurses praying on their knees
49:09 while they are treating her.
49:11 We have transportation staff praying over Laura
49:14 and talking to my family in the cafeteria.
49:19 And giving some encouragement.
49:20 My husband prayed, "don't make her suffer," you know?
49:23 "If you want to take her, just take her quickly."
49:25 My husband had actually asked for a sign
49:27 about what was going to happen.
49:29 And just as he asked that over the tunnel we came,
49:32 Poem lullaby, go to sleep, go to sleep, and we know,
49:36 we had to let her go.
49:40 The--the feeling of love that we got here with children,
49:43 the Florida children's hospital, their unconditional love.
49:45 It was love shown to us
49:47 that we didn't expect from people we didn't know.
49:52 And for us, we'd never expected anything like that.
49:55 We feel being thousands of miles away from home
49:58 that we would feel totally isolated being here,
50:01 with what was happening. But we didn't.
50:03 When we got home and we shut the door
50:06 that's when we felt isolated.
50:18 The Aslett family was invited
50:22 to participate in our 2004 memorial service
50:26 for those children who had died at Florida hospital.
50:30 Our expectation was that their participation would be
50:35 to send a picture of their daughter.
50:37 The invitation arrived.
50:38 It was such a lovely invitation with the yellow ribbon.
50:41 And I just knew I had to--
50:45 we had to come back because they are family.
50:47 Because we had such a positive experience
50:50 when we were at the hospital
50:52 even though our daughter died which was very tragic and sad.
50:55 We thought the care that we received
50:57 was just absolutely wonderful.
51:00 The purpose of the memorial service is to bring together
51:05 the families of the children who have died,
51:09 to bring them together not only with each other
51:12 for whatever healing environment that may provide.
51:16 We're just so glad we came to the memorial service
51:21 because we wanted to try to see some of the people
51:23 that helped us and to thank them.
51:26 The service was lovely, the harp playing. The solo singers.
51:32 We just felt, as we walked into the church,
51:35 we just felt God's presence in that church.
51:38 It was a really lovely feeling.
51:40 You know God was in it.
51:48 From the moment Laura was diagnosed until the day she died
51:51 the hand of God was protecting us.
51:55 Nobody ever wants to lose their child.
51:57 You always want the healing to be, a medical healing.
52:01 But sometime it just can't be.
52:03 But the way it happened here, she didn't suffer.
52:07 She did what she wanted to do and she died happy.
52:12 We know we're gonna see her again but we're parents.
52:14 We had less than 12 years with our daughter.
52:17 And at times it's hard
52:19 but we have only lost her for this life.
52:20 And this is a short part of our life.
52:23 The time on earth is the shortest part.
52:25 We have eternal life again
52:27 and we'll have that with our daughter.
53:00 The timeless theme
53:03 Earth and heaven will pass away
53:10 It's not a dream
53:13 God will make all things new that day
53:21 Gone is the curse
53:25 From which I stumbled and fell
53:31 Evil is banished
53:35 To eternal hell
53:40 No more night
53:45 No more pain
53:50 No more tears
53:55 Never crying again
54:00 Praises to the great I Am
54:09 We will walk in the light
54:14 Of the risen Lamb.
54:20 Look over there
54:24 It's a mansion prepared for me
54:31 Where I can live with my Savior
54:36 Eternally
54:43 No more night
54:48 No more pain
54:54 No more tears
54:58 Never crying again
55:03 Praises to the great I Am
55:12 We will live in the light
55:17 Of the risen Lamb
55:22 We will live in the light
55:27 Of the risen Lamb
55:51 Amen. Well done, Jennifer.
55:52 Thank you so very much.
55:54 We wouldn't feel right
55:56 if we went through this program without giving something away.
55:59 We like to do that at 3ABN. We like to give things away.
56:03 And our friends at Florida hospital
56:04 have provided for us tonight's free offer.
56:08 It is book entitled "Creation Health Discovery,"
56:13 "Creation Health Discovery."
56:16 This is a book written by Des Cummings and Monica Reed.
56:19 And it is our pleasure to get this in the mail to you
56:24 if you will call us 618-627-4651, 618-627-4651
56:32 or email us at
56:37 That's
56:41 It would be our privilege
56:43 and pleasure to get this right out to you.
56:45 This is something you need to have in your library.
56:47 You can read it and then share it.
56:50 You don't want to put this down.
56:51 This is gonna make you healthy, happier,
56:54 dare I say, it will make you even look better
56:56 if you follow the things and practices
56:58 that we know work that give you a great life
57:02 here on this earth as we prepare
57:03 for the higher citizenship in the world to come.
57:06 It was my privilege some years ago to co-produce
57:08 the Loma Linda health study video two,
57:11 the promotional video that was used
57:13 for the Loma Linda health study.
57:15 And one of the things we found is that
57:17 when you follow these health principles
57:19 there are benefits that accrue
57:22 from living a good wholesome life, from getting the rest,
57:26 from making the right choices,
57:27 from giving your life to the Lord,
57:29 from surrounding yourself with people who encourage you.
57:32 You will live healthier, happier, holier--
57:35 you'll have a better life here now
57:37 as you prepare for the higher citizenship
57:39 in the world which is to come.
57:40 Stay back. We're gonna take a two minute break.
57:42 We'll be back in just two minutes
57:44 for more of this wonderful program, God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17