
Oshkosh Interviews

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg and Jill Morikone (Host), Brenda Walsh, Ken Micheff, Roy Hunt, Elizabeth Hansen, Pr. Ron Whitehead, Christelle Mwiza


Series Code: NL

Program Code: NL014008

00:22 Welcome friends, to our last Night Light
00:24 live from Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
00:26 And it's hard to believe that its Friday evening already here
00:29 at Oshkosh, and what a wonderful week we've had here at this
00:33 beautiful Pathfinder Camporee.
00:34 I'm sitting here next to my precious wife Jill.
00:37 We're had a wonderful time here haven't we, Sweetie?
00:39 We have indeed. It's been incredible to meet the
00:41 Pathfinders from all over the world;
00:43 to see that our church is really a global church.
00:46 You can hear that in theory, but when you get to meet the people
00:49 from all over the world, to meet the dedicated club directors,
00:53 and the staff, and each Night Light you and Pastor Jim have
00:57 been featuring some wonderful people, and we get to meet them.
01:00 You at home get to meet them.
01:01 And it's just been an incredible experience to be here.
01:04 And I think that this hour will also go by quickly as well.
01:07 We have a lot of exciting rolls, some more footage from what's
01:09 been happening here at Oshkosh, along with some wonderful guests
01:13 here with us along this evening.
01:15 So tell us who we have here this evening.
01:17 We do. Just a sneak peek.
01:18 We're going to have Brenda Walsh and her brother.
01:21 And that is a special treat to get her brother on,
01:24 Pastor Ken Mitcheff.
01:25 We have many rolls that we can't wait to share with you.
01:28 You get to meet the kids, and all kinds of incredible things
01:31 that are going on here at Oshkosh.
01:33 We also have Pastor Ron Whitehead, and a girl who was
01:36 baptized is going to share her story with us.
01:39 So I'm excited about that.
01:40 And we have Roy Hunt and his granddaughter, who's going to be
01:43 invested as a Master Guide.
01:45 So we have a full evening.
01:46 That's right. We don't have all of them on with us right now,
01:48 obviously, because that would be a lot of people.
01:50 But first off we have Brenda Walsh, who's a dear friend
01:52 of Jill and myself.
01:54 And I know you knew Jill back when she was a Pathfinder.
01:55 I did. In fact I was her Sabbath School teacher years ago.
01:59 Incredible! So we've known each other a long time.
02:02 And I love you, Jill.
02:04 I love your whole family.
02:05 She really has a precious family.
02:07 We love you, too, and your family.
02:08 And I know you have a family member right next to you.
02:10 I would like to introduce my brother, Ken Mitcheff.
02:13 And it really is a big deal to get my brother to come on
02:15 the program with me.
02:17 And I'm so excited!
02:18 He's the youth director for Michigan Conference.
02:20 And its been a really busy week, hasn't it Ken?
02:24 Its been an incredible week.
02:25 A lot of fun, up early, late at night.
02:27 You've got to use your microphone.
02:29 Up... you said, I'm not used to this.
02:31 Did you say early mornings and late nights? Yes.
02:33 What about no sleep, maybe?
02:35 Um, a little of that, too. A lot of that.
02:37 Right there. Okay, alright.
02:39 You're doing a good job.
02:40 Yeah, he's been working night and day, I can tell you that.
02:44 We have a really good crew here at Oshkosh.
02:47 We have... I get to be involved with the summer camp ministry,
02:52 and the camps within the Lake Union.
02:55 We bring a portion of our summer camp staff, and they actually
02:59 work for two weeks.
03:01 We've been here since August 4, and we will close on
03:05 August 19, and we'll head home.
03:08 Yeah, that's a huge set up.
03:09 When you have about 50,000 young people here,
03:12 that's not something simple.
03:13 That's quite a complex project.
03:15 We appreciate all the hard work you put into all this.
03:17 Praise the Lord! And we have some roll, but before we do
03:21 that we want to talk about Miss Brenda.
03:22 This is the last day of Learning Time taping. Yes.
03:24 And tell me how it went today.
03:26 Oh, it was wonderful!
03:27 God truly blessed.
03:29 In fact there was a time when we didn't think that we were
03:30 going to have any kids, as we're kind of off the beaten path,
03:33 and some kids just couldn't find us.
03:35 And we just got in a prayer huddle, and we prayed.
03:38 And it wasn't even thirty minutes and all of a sudden
03:40 we just had a crowd of kids. Amen!
03:41 We all said, Thank You, Jesus! Amen!
03:43 And a little girl comes beside me and she pulls on my skirt,
03:47 cause she was the first one here today.
03:49 And she said, Are we taping?
03:51 I said, We have to wait for more kids to come.
03:53 She was so excited!
03:54 And she pulled on me and she goes, Jesus answered our prayer!
03:58 I said, Yes, He did!
03:59 Aw, how precious is that!
04:01 So we really had an amazing day.
04:03 An amazing week! Amazing week!
04:05 And we've got all of our Learning Time segments
04:08 taped for the week.
04:10 And I'm praising Jesus!
04:11 So this, our Learning Time season for Kids Time 2014,
04:15 we have them all done.
04:17 So it was a really just a, what a Praise the Lord moment
04:21 when we finished. and I'd just like to give you a look at some
04:25 And I'd just like to give you a look at some of
04:26 our taping that we did today.
04:27 Let's go to that B roll.
04:29 Yeah, Amen. Yeah, let's take a look at that and see
04:30 what happened here today.
04:32 Here I am, I'm just getting ready to get the kids...
04:33 Oh well, they're all, while we're waiting
04:36 they all come there.
04:37 We have Kids Network note pads.
04:40 And they're all coming because they want them signed,
04:41 and then I get a chance to visit with them, and sign their
04:45 note pads, and give them hugs.
04:46 And the kids know you love them.
04:48 You know, kids know when you love them.
04:50 And I just really truly love these kids.
04:52 I heard little testimonies from them.
04:54 Each of them tell me what Kids Time meant to them.
04:56 And, you know, a little six year old came up to me and says,
05:00 Miss Brenda, Kids Time's my favorite program.
05:03 Please don't stop doing it.
05:04 And so here we are, we have the crew.
05:06 There's a lot of down time when you do television.
05:09 So while we're waiting for the kids to come, we try to make it
05:12 fun for the kids as they are arriving.
05:13 We get our crew out there and they're throwing Frisbee's.
05:16 I got into the act passing out Frisbee's when we're going
05:19 from one place to the other.
05:21 So here I am on the golf court.
05:22 And I'm throwing out Frisbee's.
05:24 The kids are all excited, and I'm just yelling out,
05:26 Kids Network, and we're just having a fun time.
05:28 Because on these Frisbee's it says, Kids Network.
05:31 That's right! And here we are at the talent booth.
05:34 I have our Praise Time recruiter.
05:36 There she is, Sonia Gott.
05:37 And I had her at the talent booth, and she stayed there
05:40 all week at the talent booth just listening.
05:43 There's the judges for the talent booth.
05:45 And she just sat there listening to one guest after another.
05:48 The kids coming up and they performed their musical talent,
05:52 and then the judges choose who's going to perform that talent
05:55 at the evening meeting. Okay.
05:57 So it's kind of a big deal that they get to choose the talent
06:00 for the evening meeting.
06:02 And so she sat there.
06:03 I really appreciated Sonia.
06:05 These are some really talented violin players
06:08 I'm excited to hear.
06:09 And she also video taped everybody.
06:10 So I get to see and hear everything.
06:12 I obviously can't be everywhere, so I couldn't
06:15 be there this week.
06:16 But she's out there.
06:18 This was the drama team that came and tried out.
06:19 They wanted to be on the program in the evening.
06:21 And she sat there with her notes taking great notes for me.
06:26 And there's all the audience listening to all the talent.
06:28 It's got to be a little stressful,
06:30 don't you think, for the kids?
06:32 Very stressful, absolutely.
06:33 Did you get a chance, Ken, to see any of that talent?
06:35 Unfortunately, I did not. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
06:38 I'm doing the logistics, and I'm behind the scenes.
06:43 You're behind the scenes.
06:44 And here you are at the booth.
06:45 And here we get to the booth.
06:47 And I just want to say a special thank you.
06:48 There's Alyssa Anderson next to me on my left there.
06:50 We have Sonya Gott.
06:52 Whenever she wasn't in the talent booth then she came
06:54 and helped us out at our booth.
06:55 And Roy and Earlene Hunt; they were an
06:59 amazing team to work with.
07:00 They took care of the money end of it so that the rest of the
07:05 team could be talking to the people. Absolutely.
07:08 And I just tell you, I really appreciate...
07:10 We had an incredible team.
07:11 Alyssa is my new production manager for
07:14 our new Kids Network.
07:15 Now there's Pam Nectal.
07:17 She's my assistant.
07:18 Melissa Hoffman; that's her mom.
07:20 And she came up to help us out.
07:21 Pam is a Bible worker at Standifer Gap church near
07:27 Collegedale, Tennessee. Amen!
07:29 So there they are just greeting and meeting the people.
07:31 And what a team. They worked very well together.
07:34 Yes, they do, and everybody told me they just really
07:37 bonded as a team, too.
07:38 And there's Cheryl, and she's just... Cheryl Rogers.
07:42 And there's Melissa, and Sonya, and I at the end.
07:47 Really had an amazing week!
07:49 And I really want to say a special thank you to all my
07:51 helpers in the booth.
07:52 I couldn't have done it without them,
07:54 and they were just truly amazing.
07:55 Yeah, absolutely. And I want to say a special thank you also
07:57 to our crew that did Learning Time as well.
07:59 I was just going there.
08:01 Thank you for saying that.
08:02 Because we couldn't do it without them.
08:04 Amen, that's right.
08:05 And they did an amazing job in the rain,
08:07 in the heat, in the cold.
08:08 We've had it all this week.
08:10 In the sunshine, and a little sunburn, too.
08:11 That's right. But a lot of fun.
08:13 We're kind of feeling that today.
08:14 There's a little sunburn after all week.
08:16 But they did an amazing job. Exactly.
08:18 The crew was incredible.
08:19 It is. And then I have for our last wrapping, when we're on our
08:23 last time that we were, for our last program we were so excited,
08:26 so we taped a little goodbye.
08:29 And let's take a look at that right now.
08:32 Hello, and welcome to our 2014 Learning Time taping right here
08:38 in where boys and girls? Oshkosh!
08:43 That right! We're here in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
08:46 and we've been taping Learning Time right here at our
08:49 international Pathfinder Camporee.
08:52 There's over 45,000 campers here.
08:55 Isn't that awesome kids?
09:00 And have you been having a good time? Yes!
09:04 Hey Ben, have we been having a good time?
09:06 We have been having a good time!
09:08 Yes, we have been having a good time!
09:12 Of course, Ben Roy is our Learning Time host,
09:15 and he's been with me for about fifteen years.
09:17 And we've really been enjoying a wonderful time here.
09:20 But guess what? All good things come to an end.
09:24 We have just completed the 2014 season of Learning Time.
09:29 Yay! So boys and girls, Do you love Jesus? Yes!
09:38 We're so excited, and we want to tell you to keep watching.
09:41 You're going to want to watch those new Kids Time programs,
09:44 and see us here. Where? Oshkosh! Bye by everyone!
09:56 That was a lot of fun.
09:57 It sure was an enthusiastic group. Amen.
10:00 When you watch that you just get a picture of the energy
10:02 that takes place on Kids Time. That's right.
10:05 The energy that you see at Learning Time.
10:06 The excitement, the enthusiasm of the Pathfinders.
10:09 That's right. They come from all over the world and they say,
10:11 I get to be on Kids Time!
10:12 And that's an exciting thing.
10:14 So thank you for coming, Miss Brenda.
10:16 Thank you for sharing.
10:17 And thank you for producing, and for all that
10:19 took place this week.
10:20 That is such a blessing.
10:22 I really received the biggest blessing.
10:23 It's really a privilege to serve Jesus,
10:25 and I'm excited to do that.
10:27 Amen. And we have Pastor Ken, and I know we
10:29 introduced you before.
10:30 You're the youth director for the Michigan Conference.
10:32 But here at Oshkosh you wear a different hat.
10:35 Tell us about what you do there.
10:36 I know we have a roll, but first of all just tell us
10:38 what you do at Oshkosh.
10:39 Well, I coordinate the summer camp within the
10:43 Lake Union as the staff.
10:44 And we give them job assignments.
10:46 What an amazing group of young people we have in our church.
10:51 In fact if you're looking for a worker, look on their resume
10:54 and find out if they've ever worked at a summer camp.
10:57 That's a good thing to look for?
10:58 It really is. They work a lot of hours,
11:01 and they have a great attitude.
11:04 And you have to be a team player as well.
11:05 Very much so. Yes.
11:07 Well, I know we have some footage here that we took
11:10 of some of the activities that are going on here.
11:12 And I know you were heavily involved in that.
11:14 So let's roll that.
11:15 Explain a little bit about what we're seeing here, Pastor Ken.
11:16 Okay. Hey, we're at the obstacle course.
11:19 We have somewhere around 8,000 kids that go through this
11:24 obstacle course. Incredible! Yep.
11:26 And it's a lot of neat things that kids, they wouldn't get
11:31 to do anywhere else.
11:33 That's a rock climbing wall there.
11:34 They come to Oshkosh and they get to venture,
11:38 conquer their fears.
11:40 They build confidence.
11:43 People are coaching them, and encouraging them.
11:46 They're having fun, they're making friends,
11:49 Christian friends, too.
11:50 Good, around the world. Amen! Yes, that's right.
11:54 What is this here we're looking at?
11:56 You know, these are inflatable's.
11:57 And they just have a good time in there.
12:00 We're going back to the obstacle course.
12:02 They're climbing, and just really doing some cool things.
12:07 A lot of good exercise.
12:08 Kids love to do it. Yeah
12:09 Absolutely! Now that looks like fun.
12:11 Here's the Zip line, yep.
12:12 That looks a little scary.
12:13 Uh, not for me! Did you do it?
12:15 Well, it was really fun listening to the girls scream.
12:19 Now what is this? Here's a German carousel.
12:21 This is a homemade contraption that is amazing.
12:25 A guy from Germany came and designed that,
12:28 and it's a lot of fun.
12:30 Bungee cords, they're bouncing on trampolines, doing flips.
12:35 Long lines, but these kids just have so much enthusiasm,
12:40 have so much fun, and leave with a smile.
12:43 Yeah, Amen. This is back at the obstacle course?
12:45 That's correct. It looks quite challenging.
12:47 Yeah. Now here's some bike racing that they get to do.
12:51 They get to practice their skills, all kinds of exercises
12:56 that they go through, the obstacle course again,
12:58 some really neat things.
13:01 Yeah, absolutely. A lot of fun activities to do.
13:04 And that's the neat thing, too.
13:06 Not only are they learning spiritual things,
13:07 but also physical as well, which is very important. Exactly!
13:10 It looks like Frisbee.
13:11 Yep, they take time to just be able to interact.
13:13 Sometimes you're just tired of walking.
13:15 There's 500 acres here.
13:17 And, you know, this is pretty cool.
13:19 This is, again, one of the inflatable's.
13:22 Hey, here... What is that?
13:23 Now this is what we don't want to go in.
13:25 You just don't get to go anywhere
13:26 and use these porta potties.
13:28 I mean what are these white trailers?
13:29 These are shower houses.
13:31 That's where they take showers.
13:33 And they have a really good time throughout the day.
13:37 And they're pretty sweaty at night, and they need a shower.
13:39 But guess what? There's so many people here there's showers
13:43 are being taken around the clock. Wow! Incredible!
13:48 Yep, people getting up at three o'clock in the
13:50 morning to get a shower.
13:51 So you would oversee the activities,
13:53 you oversee the security, you oversee the shower houses,
13:58 and those out houses.
14:00 Do you oversee them as well?
14:01 Actually, we staff those.
14:03 You staff them, okay.
14:04 Exactly, we staff those.
14:05 And the staff run those things.
14:07 We do have a company that comes in and
14:10 cleans the porta potties.
14:12 Thank goodness! Praise the Lord!
14:13 Yes, yes, Praise the Lord for that!
14:15 But we clean the shower houses.
14:17 And all of that the staff help out in.
14:19 Amen. I can tell you've done a great job, because the camp
14:21 ground is just beautiful.
14:23 Because that's a lot of people.
14:24 Basically you have a city, is what you have here.
14:26 And so a great job on getting all the course of sanitation,
14:29 and all the activities.
14:31 And it seems like everyone has had a wonderful time
14:32 here at Oshkosh Camporee.
14:34 Praise the Lord! And, you know, it's all about lifting Jesus up.
14:37 Amen! Kids come here and they learn about Jesus.
14:41 They know they're loved.
14:42 And, you know, they're a part of a world church.
14:46 They go to their home; they may have three or four
14:48 Pathfinders in their club.
14:50 They come here and they're like, Wow!
14:52 This is a world church. Amen! Amen!
14:55 Well, thank you both for coming, and for sharing
14:57 with our 3ABN family at home.
14:58 Thank you for all that you've done here at Oshkosh.
15:01 Praise the Lord! Love you, Jill.
15:03 Praise God! Love you Greg. Thanks.
15:04 Thank you so much for being here.
15:06 At this time we're going to a roll.
15:08 We went out, actually I got to go out and talk to some of the
15:12 kids who were here and just say, Hey, where are you from,
15:14 and are you enjoying Oshkosh?
15:16 So let's take a look at that roll now.
15:20 I'm standing here right outside our 3ABN booth at hangar A,
15:24 with a brand new friend I just met. What's your name?
15:26 My name is Andre Benjamin.
15:28 And where are you from Andre?
15:30 I'm from the US Virgin Islands.
15:32 My name is Alex Burgose.
15:34 I'm from Puerto Rico, but I live in Orlando.
15:37 Orlando? You came all the way from Orlando to Oshkosh.
15:40 What about you? The same thing, Orlando.
15:42 That's awesome. Glad you're here.
15:45 Hi Guys! We're from Wisconsin Rapids.
15:47 Wisconsin Rapids, that's awesome!
15:48 Is this your first Oshkosh?
15:50 No, not at all. This is my second time going, or no,
15:53 my third. Wow, okay. I'm getting old.
15:56 Time flies! What about you?
15:57 I'm from Phoenix, Arizona.
15:59 I'm from Michigan, Berrien Springs,
16:00 around Andrews University.
16:02 That's wonderful. Are you having fun? Yep!
16:04 Beverly in Washington State.
16:06 I'm Lillian. I'm from Washington State.
16:08 I'm Matthew. And where are you from Matthew? Tennessee.
16:12 You've got a lot of pins.
16:13 Did you trade all these pins?
16:14 I traded most of them, but some of them I got from my cousin.
16:18 We're here in the food court, I guess you could call it,
16:20 at Oshkosh with a club.
16:22 And where are you all from?
16:23 Louisville, Lions Exist.
16:29 This is our first time here in an international camporee.
16:33 And how many Pathfinders are here at Oshkosh from Paraguay?
16:36 Two: she and me! You're looking at them.
16:40 My name is Malachi, and I'm from Riverside.
16:42 Riverside, California? Awesome.
16:45 My name is Francia and I'm from Shiloh.
16:47 Oh, Georgia! Awesome!
16:50 My name is Monique, and I'm from Shiloh in Georgia.
16:53 My name is Byonce, and I'm from Georgia. Byonce?
16:56 Hi, I'm Jayden, Compass, California.
16:58 Ha, ha, ha, ha. They're excited here.
17:01 We're having an exciting day.
17:03 What about you? My name is Joash,
17:05 and I'm from Compu, California.
17:10 Can you say Hi to everybody at 3ABN? Hi!
17:13 My name is Hamilio and I'm from Puerto Rico.
17:16 I'm Ethan from Portland, Tennessee.
17:19 Okay, we're here at the food area at Oshkosh.
17:22 And tell me where you all are from. What club?
17:24 Emaol Cats. And where is Emanuel Wildcats?
17:28 Latonia, Georgia. Georgia, that's wonderful.
17:32 Glad you're here.
17:34 Amen! what a lot of fun.
17:35 You had a lot of fun, didn't you, out there talking
17:37 to those young people?
17:38 I did! It was incredible.
17:39 We met them on, of course it was different places,
17:42 but one of the places was in the food court.
17:43 They were just coming off of onsite activities,
17:46 and it was just incredible.
17:47 As they were walking by they were so excited to share with
17:50 the 3ABN family, and just say where they came from,
17:52 and what they were doing at Oshkosh.
17:53 So it was a lot of fun.
17:54 And this was just a snippet of all the young people.
17:56 You think about 47,000 young people, and this is just a,
17:58 just a taste of some of them.
18:01 You know, one thing that struck me was, was it Paraguay?
18:04 There were only two out of all the young people that are here,
18:07 only two from the country of Paraguay.
18:09 And they were excited to be here, weren't they?
18:10 They were, and some of them planned for five years
18:13 to come to Oshkosh.
18:14 They began saving and they worked for five years to come.
18:17 And you just think of the dedication, and sacrifice,
18:19 and what it means to these young people to be here
18:21 with like-minded believers, and to just share Jesus Christ.
18:25 You know, we actually have one more small clip of what we're
18:27 calling Man On the Street; basically the
18:29 Pathfinders on the street.
18:30 We want to go to that right now.
18:32 I'm here on the set of Learning Time, and they've been taping
18:36 Learning Time with Ben Roy today.
18:37 And I have a special person with me.
18:39 What's your name? Megan.
18:41 Megan! Have you come, and have you done any programs
18:45 here with Ben Roy? Yes.
18:48 Tell me about it. What was the program that you did?
18:50 What did you do? I made bubbles, and I used strings to make them.
18:59 You made bubbles? And you used strings to make them?
19:02 That sounds fun!
19:04 I'm Shannon, and we are from Leduc, Alberta, Canada.
19:07 You're all from Canada? Yes, we are.
19:09 That's wonderful! How long did it take to get here?
19:12 Ah, three days. Did you drive or fly?
19:15 On a bus. That's a long way!
19:18 It was fun. We had a lot of fun.
19:19 We got to meet other clubs, so it was a lot of fun.
19:22 We made new friends.
19:23 Tell me where your club is located.
19:25 Ah, I think it's like 4th Street.
19:28 4th Street where? What state are we talking about?
19:30 Oh, I mean Texas, Texas. Texas!
19:32 She's eating pizza, so she's just thinking pizza right now.
19:35 This whole club is from Maybee, Michigan.
19:37 And on this side their t-shirts say, Pathfinder strong.
19:42 Where are you from?
19:43 We're from Richmond, Virginia.
19:45 I am from Uganda. I'm with the African Pathfinder Club.
19:48 And you came all the way to Oshkosh from Uganda? Yes.
19:51 Tell me, how long was the trip?
19:53 Oh, too many hours to count.
19:55 I don't even want to know.
19:57 What's your sign all about?
19:58 Free high five's. Do you do free high five's?
20:01 Yeah! And free hugs.
20:04 Ah! You, too? And tell me your name and where you're from.
20:08 Lance and Caleb. Caleb and we're from South Carolina.
20:13 We're here with a club, and they are at the local
20:16 cell phone charger.
20:18 If your cell phone starts to run out of juice at Oshkosh,
20:20 you've got to plug in.
20:22 Where are you all from?
20:23 Greenville, South Carolina. South Carolina!
20:26 I'm standing here at the Learning Time taping with a
20:29 whole club who came a very long ways to go to Oshkosh.
20:32 What's your name, and where are you from?
20:34 My name is Dawn Leonard, and we are here from the
20:36 British Virgin Islands.
20:37 You guys came all the way from from the British Virgin Islands
20:39 to come to Oshkosh? Yeah! That's awesome!
20:43 Evolution through Christ.
20:44 And what state is that in?
20:46 Las Vegas, Nevada.
20:47 You guys came from Las Vegas, Nevada.
20:49 So tell me, what competition did you just win?
20:52 Uh, fancy drill for marching.
20:56 Free hugs, free hugs!
20:57 Do you want a free hug?
20:58 Yeah! Thank you! Free hug! Free hugs!
21:10 Amen! Free hugs is one of the wonderful things about Oshkosh.
21:13 That's just incredible.
21:14 The young people are so excited, and on fire for God,
21:16 and having a good time.
21:18 I also want to give a big thank you to our crew.
21:21 They're just incredible, Sweetheart. They are.
21:23 I know that as production manager, you get to work with
21:25 them more than I do.
21:27 But we went out on the golf cart and got to get
21:29 all of this footage.
21:30 Brad, and Joel, and Rodney, and Michael, and Len, and Netto
21:36 all did an incredible job with the B roll.
21:38 And it was just a lot of fun.
21:40 And Camille, she went with us to all the interviews,
21:43 and we had just a great time.
21:44 Yeah, we sure did, and you know, it's a blessing to actually be
21:47 with the young people.
21:48 That always makes me feel, you know, it's at times, you know.
21:51 life, you get a little tired.
21:52 But when you're here you get quite enthused
21:54 because the energy here is really high,
21:56 and it's very exciting. Amen.
21:57 And we also... I wanted to go to a little interview.
22:01 We came across Kevin Hart.
22:03 Now many of you who've watched 3ABN for a number of years know
22:06 Kevin Hart because he used to work in the
22:10 Pastoral Department at 3ABN.
22:12 And he's the son of Irma Murray.
22:14 Yes, and Pastor C. A. Murray. Absolutely. That's right.
22:17 I was going to say because of Night Light you always see,
22:20 usually Pastor Murray here.
22:21 Pastor C. A., as we call him, on the Night
22:24 Light with Pastor Jim.
22:25 But, again, they're not able to be here this evening.
22:28 But, again, Kevin Hart and his family,
22:30 along with his Pathfinder Club.
22:32 And so we wanted to go to that roll right now.
22:34 I'm standing here with a club that came all the way from
22:37 California to be here at Oshkosh.
22:39 And what is your club name?
22:40 Bakersfield Central Believers.
22:43 That's wonderful! From Bakersfield, California.
22:46 Tell me what is your favorite thing about Oshkosh?
22:49 Mini-golfing. Mini-golfing, I didn't even know we did that.
22:53 Give me free hugs. Oh, that's fun.
22:55 Hi fiving! High fiving? Activities, food, ice cream.
23:03 Ice-cream, now that's wonderful!
23:05 Okay, what about you?
23:07 Meeting people. Meeting people.
23:08 Re-meeting people. Re-meeting people.
23:11 Meeting old friends, that's a great thing.
23:13 And on this side, tell me what your name is sweetie.
23:15 Ian. This is Ian, and how old are you Ian? Um, five.
23:21 He's five. He had to remember.
23:23 He's five. What about you, sweetie?
23:25 My name is Azure, and I'm eight.
23:28 Azure, and Azure is eight years old.
23:31 Now on this side we have Kevin and Tara Hart.
23:35 And if you're familiar at all with 3ABN, you would be familiar
23:38 with Kevin and Tara, because they worked at 3ABN for years.
23:41 Kevin in our Pastoral Ministries department,
23:43 and Azure, and Ian, and Lucy, and Garret.
23:46 Wave Garrett. All the way over there are their four kids.
23:51 Now tell me, you took a call, Kevin.
23:53 You worked in Pastoral Ministries.
23:55 How long ago was that? and what's it like being a pastor?
23:57 Yeah, I worked at 3ABN till October of 2013, and was there
24:02 for about seven years.
24:03 Our whole family was there.
24:05 Pastoral department was where I worked.
24:06 Then we took a call to the Central California Conference,
24:08 and we're loving every minute of it.
24:10 We're in Bakersfield.
24:11 I pastor the Bakersfield Central Church.
24:13 That's wonderful. And Tara what's it like?
24:15 Tara is a nurse, and you worked as a nurse.
24:17 So what's it like being a pastor's wife?
24:19 Well, all I can say is I love our church.
24:22 That is the best thing about being a pastor's wife is all
24:26 the church members that love us so much.
24:29 And they've really taken us under their wing.
24:32 And they pray for us, and really they're just a blessing
24:36 to us, and it's nice to be able to serve in the
24:39 ministry for the Lord.
24:41 Amen! And they brought their club here, and that's exciting.
24:43 Tell me, Kevin, what do you see as the flavor of Oshkosh?
24:46 What do you think your Pathfinders can bring back
24:49 home as far as how can they grow
24:50 spiritually, or in other ways?
24:52 Yeah, you know, my wife and I were talking about
24:54 this for some time.
24:55 And it's one thing to look at these pictures in magazines,
24:57 you know, world Advent magazines: Adventist Review,
24:59 and all these other pictures of all these young people coming
25:02 together, and it's one thing to look at those pictures and get
25:04 excited about it, and sometimes you'll hear a church present it.
25:07 But when you actually bring the kids here it's just a whole
25:10 different experience.
25:11 And as we go around the most exciting thing is to see the
25:13 smiles on the kids' faces.
25:15 I think the most important thing about Oshkosh; this five year
25:18 meeting that happens, is that kids get a sense that they're
25:22 not just the part of a local church, they're not just a part
25:25 of a conference ministry of Pathfinders, but they really are
25:28 the part of a global movement of Pathfinders.
25:31 And that's probably the most important
25:32 thing for young people.
25:33 You know, I did Cub Scouts when I was younger,
25:35 and then Boy Scouts.
25:36 But this is just something entirely different.
25:38 That was, you know, the focus wasn't spiritual.
25:41 But this is not just a time to spend, you know, learn crafts
25:45 and get honors, and things like that, but really we're trying to
25:47 train our young people to learn what the mission of the church
25:50 is and to sense that unification, and a belonging
25:54 to our church globally.
25:55 Amen! That's the beautiful thing about Pathfinders.
25:58 That's wonderful. Well, we love the Hart family.
26:00 And I just noticed I missed the gentleman on this side.
26:03 So I'm going to walk across the front here.
26:04 And I just want to know your name before we say bye
26:06 to the folks at home.
26:08 Tell me your name and what your role is with the club.
26:09 My name is Joel. I'm with the club for many years now,
26:13 and I enjoy it; love all the kids, and they love me back.
26:16 That's wonderful! Well let's say Hi to the folks at 3ABN. Hi!
26:24 Amen! Thank you Kevin and Tera.
26:26 And Kevin is the Pastor of the Bakersfield Central Seventh-day
26:30 Adventist Church there in California,
26:31 and doing a great job. Amen.
26:33 And it was nice to catch up with him and his family,
26:35 and his Pathfinder Club.
26:36 And again, the neat thing is the spirituality that he talked
26:38 about also here at Oshkosh.
26:40 That's a wonderful thing as well.
26:41 Not only are they doing the fun activities, but also they're
26:44 being spiritually enriched as well.
26:46 Now we have some special guests that have joined us right now.
26:49 We have Roy Hunt, who is director of 3ABN's Planned
26:53 Giving at 3ABN, along with your wife.
26:55 She's your associate. Office Manager.
26:58 Office Manager for Planned Giving as well.
27:00 And Trust Officer. Amen, and Trust.
27:01 Thank you for adding that.
27:03 We love the Hunt's, and are just so blessed
27:05 to have you all at 3ABN.
27:06 That's right. Now you have a special guest setting next to
27:08 you, Roy. And tell us who you have next to you.
27:10 Well, I love this introduction.
27:12 This is our third Pathfinder Camporee,
27:16 International Camporee.
27:18 Which it happens every five years, so that's quite a few.
27:20 Every five years, and five yeas ago Elizabeth was a Pathfinder.
27:25 She is with the Pathfinder Club from Colorado. Wow!
27:30 And this year... Her name is Elizabeth Hanson.
27:34 And this year she's going to be invested as a Master Guide.
27:38 Wow! Amen! That's a huge honor.
27:41 That's a huge Amen! Praise the Lord!
27:43 Elizabeth's your granddaughter.
27:45 Is she your oldest granddaughter?
27:46 She's not our oldest, but close.
27:48 Oldest? Oh! That's very special to have family here, too.
27:51 And especially to be here for such a special ceremony as well.
27:54 And that's Sabbath is when this takes place, which is tomorrow.
27:57 It's scheduled to be 9:00 o'clock in the morning.
28:00 So 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning.
28:01 So tell me, Elizabeth, You've been in
28:03 Pathfinders how many years?
28:04 I started when I was ten, so almost seven years.
28:10 Almost seven years. Yeah.
28:12 And what would be one thing that you really
28:14 enjoy about Pathfinders?
28:15 Because being in Pathfinders seven years is a long time.
28:18 You could say, I'm tired of this.
28:19 I want to quit. So why have you stayed in Pathfinders?
28:22 What's something you really like about it?
28:23 I like the, I like my group.
28:26 We, honestly, we're really a chill group.
28:30 We... She admits it!
28:34 Yeah! We... Do you do a lot of fun things together?
28:40 Yeah. We'll have class work and our honors.
28:44 I'm a teacher now. Yes.
28:46 I'm helping with the classes. Amen!
28:48 I taught the Friend class this year.
28:50 Oh, that's exciting!
28:51 And being a Master Guide, or being Invested tomorrow
28:55 morning as a Master Guide is a really big accomplishment.
28:57 Being a Master Guide is really big.
28:59 I was in Pathfinders and I never got my Master Guide.
29:01 I ended after Guide.
29:02 So tell me, what would be some of the things that you have to
29:05 do in order to be a Master Guide?
29:07 There's actually quite a bit of reading.
29:10 There's the Ellen White readings.
29:13 I had to read the Pathfinder Story by John Hancock.
29:17 I actually, when my director came over to my house he was
29:23 just doing the check off of everything I've done,
29:26 and I'd actually completed a lot of it just by
29:28 being in Pathfinders. Oh, that's great!
29:30 It's like I had to earn two extra honors.
29:33 I had simply earned that by doing honors within the club.
29:37 So just Pathfinders helped to actually earn a lot of the
29:41 requirements for it.
29:43 Amen! That's an incredible accomplishment.
29:45 I know to have Grandma and Grandpa here for the Investiture
29:48 tomorrow morning; that's very special.
29:50 She invited us special to actually pin the pin on her,
29:55 and put the scarf on her. Oh, wow!
29:57 So we wouldn't have missed this for anything.
29:59 You know, this is exciting.
30:00 How special is that? This is special.
30:02 We're asking the Lord to keep the rain away, and have sunshine
30:07 on such a beautiful day.
30:09 Amen. Yeah, absolutely.
30:11 You know, what we should do?
30:12 You know, we should actually have a prayer for you Elizabeth.
30:14 Amen! Because this is a big accomplishment.,
30:16 It is. It's a special day.
30:17 And Mr. Roy is your Grandpa.
30:18 I don't know if you'd like to pray for her, but you know,
30:20 we want to pray for your life as well, because you've made
30:22 some wonderful decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ.
30:24 And that's one of the most powerful things we can do,
30:25 you know, is choose Jesus as the number one
30:27 person in our life.
30:29 And so let's have a quick prayer for her. Sure.
30:30 Roy, would you mind to pray for your granddaughter?
30:31 Our dear heavenly Father, we pause just for a moment to say
30:36 thank You for leading Elizabeth on the right path.
30:41 We're so privileged to have her as a Pathfinder, and wanting to
30:45 continue as a teacher.
30:47 And we just ask that she will always be the best example
30:50 possible for the young people.
30:52 It's so important. Amen.
30:54 She had many good examples for her as she was going through
30:58 Pathfinders, and we just ask that that will continue.
31:01 Thank You for all that You've done for us. Amen.
31:04 Amen! Amen! Well, congratulations Elizabeth.
31:07 We're... Thank you... very proud of you, and I know Gram and
31:10 Grandpa, Roy and Earlene, are very proud as well.
31:12 We're smiling all the way. That's right.
31:14 Now we also have you on, Roy.
31:15 I know you're 3ABN's director of Planned Giving and Trust
31:18 Services, but here at Oshkosh you are functioning in an
31:21 entirely different capacity.
31:23 I'm out of character.
31:25 I don't know how to handle this.
31:27 Kids Network and you have a badge which you can't see.
31:29 It says, Vendor Pass, so tell us about this.
31:32 Have you ever followed Miss Brenda around? Yes, we have.
31:36 You have? Well, I tell you what, we've been
31:39 in the booth with her.
31:40 We've tried to keep up with her.
31:42 She never quits. And by the end of the day we are just tired
31:47 and ready to go back to the hotel. Yes.
31:50 And Miss Brenda's still going. Yes.
31:52 But you know, we're here for a good cause. Amen!
31:54 We're actually here to support the Kids Network,
31:58 the new Kids Network that 3ABN is launching,
32:02 and there's a lot of good things that are happening.
32:04 It was exciting that people came by the booth and they wanted
32:08 to know more. That's right.
32:10 They had seen the announcement that we were going to do this.
32:15 And moving to Chattanooga, and all this.
32:18 And they wanted to know what's happening.
32:20 And so we have the opportunity to sell product, to tell people
32:25 about the Kids Network and where it's going.
32:30 Amen! What a wonderful opportunity to meet young
32:32 people, isn't it? from around the world.
32:34 Absolutely! And to see the young people react to Miss Brenda,
32:37 to me is exciting. It is.
32:39 To see the love they have for her.
32:41 Absolutely! And what's even more exciting is to see the
32:46 adults come up and they say, Miss Brenda, is she around?
32:51 And I say, Well, she's standing right here.
32:53 And they'll go, Oh!
32:55 And they're as excited as the kids are, and even more. Amen!
33:00 And so that's a real testimony to that ministry that
33:04 Miss Brenda has provided.
33:07 Over the years we have young people coming that used to be
33:11 part of the program that were this tall.
33:15 They're this tall now. They're now grown.
33:16 They've come back to see what's happening. Wow!
33:19 That's right. That's exciting.
33:20 We have a roll that we want to go to right now.
33:22 We had a chance to stop by the booth and meet some of the
33:24 people there, so let's take a look at that.
33:28 I'm standing here in hangar A at the 3ABN booth.
33:31 And there's a lot of commotion.
33:33 There's a lot of kids.
33:34 There's a lot of Pathfinder Club Directors,
33:35 and a lot of stuff going on here.
33:38 There's pin trading.
33:39 We have Maxwell dogs, and Eleanor dogs.
33:41 We've got all kinds of stuff here.
33:43 And we have Pam here just down the way.
33:46 And this is Pam, and she's at the 3ABN booth.
33:49 And she has been working here the whole time.
33:51 What has it been like at the booth?
33:53 It's crazy! It's wonderful!
33:55 We're talking to people from all over the world,
33:57 and we're getting hugs.
33:59 And the love that's spread from this booth.
34:02 Yesterday we talked to some teenagers that came in,
34:05 and they wanted to know if Miss Brenda was here.
34:09 We said, Well, she won't be at the booth until Sabbath.
34:12 And they got tears in their eyes when they
34:14 thought that she was here.
34:15 And they found her here yesterday afternoon
34:17 and it was crazy, wild.
34:19 People just love Miss Brenda, and they love
34:21 this program worldwide.
34:22 This is great! I'm so happy to be here.
34:25 Amen! We're so glad to have you here, too.
34:27 It's just an incredible thing.
34:28 We have Alyssa as well, and she's working hard.
34:31 But we're going to try to see if we can talk to her.
34:33 Alyssa, do you have just a minute?
34:35 Hello. How are you?
34:36 Tell us what it's been like for you working
34:38 here at the 3ABN booth.
34:39 It has been exciting.
34:41 It has been very, very busy.
34:43 So many people are interested.
34:44 So many people who don't watch 3ABN who are all of a sudden
34:48 excited because they have something
34:50 for their kids to watch.
34:51 They have something to give to them that's different than
34:53 what's in the world.
34:55 And so we're very, very, very, excited.
34:57 And it's been hectic, but it's a good kind of hectic.
34:59 And we're really happy.
35:01 Are you getting a little tired?
35:02 A little bit! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
35:05 I see you got some Maxwell dogs here. Yeah.
35:08 Are you selling a lot?
35:09 We are selling a lot of Maxwell's.
35:11 People touch them and they feel how warm and cuddly he is,
35:14 and they fall in love.
35:15 And he's a very, very special dog.
35:17 And we're happy that we have so many to give to people,
35:19 to sell to people.
35:20 And we've got 3ABN tee shirts.
35:22 I see you're wearing one.
35:23 3ABN tee shirts, yes.
35:24 They are selling really well as well.
35:26 And we're encouraging people to buy them, and to wear them
35:28 so that they can promote the network.
35:30 And are you trading any pins at the booth?
35:32 We are trading pins at the booth.
35:34 I have one here on my lanyard.
35:35 It's our new network pin.
35:37 And Miss Brenda is encouraging people to trade with her because
35:41 she's showing them on the air as well.
35:43 So conference, union, and club pins she's looking for,
35:47 and are really excited to get those as well.
35:48 We're gotten some really great ones.
35:49 You have. I know opening night, Wednesday night,
35:52 on the Night Light Miss Brenda opened up a box and
35:54 poured out the pins.
35:56 And there were a lot of pins.
35:57 There were a lot of pins.
35:59 So we're getting our pins out, and we're getting some really,
36:01 really great ones as well.
36:02 That's great. Well, thanks for taking time to talk to us.
36:04 I know you're really busy here.
36:06 That was great. Thank you.
36:07 We had one more person at the booth we want you to meet.
36:10 That's Earlene Hunt.
36:11 Earlene's been busy working here at the booth,
36:15 she and her husband Roy.
36:16 And tell me what it has been like for you to
36:19 be at the booth here.
36:20 Oh, it's been exciting.
36:21 A lot going on. People from so many different countries.
36:25 And running into old friends; that's exciting.
36:27 And all the kids are very excited; especially when they
36:30 look up there and say, Is Miss Brenda here?
36:33 Oh, yeah, she's here somewhere.
36:35 So that's exciting to me.
36:37 Oh, yeah. It's incredible just to see the
36:39 energy in the booth here.
36:40 You know, all the kids coming by, and the adults.
36:42 That's wonderful! Do you work long hours?
36:46 What are your hours at the booth?
36:47 Oh, it's been from 9 to 5.
36:49 Is that called bankers hours?
36:51 I've been enjoying this!
36:54 It doesn't matter how many hours it is.
36:55 If we need to stay longer we will.
36:57 My feet are a little sore, but I'm still ready to go.
36:59 That's... I'm having fun. Having fun.
37:02 That's great! That's wonderful!
37:04 And even though it's 9 to 5, you're working so long and tired
37:07 that it feels like probably 6 in the morning until 11 at night.
37:10 Ah, yes, you get up at that time so you can hike all the way
37:14 across the field, and get to hanger A.
37:16 That's right. Well, there's a lot of energy here at the booth.
37:19 We're having a great time.
37:20 Thank you so much, Earlene.
37:22 Oh, you're welcome. Thanks, Jill.
37:23 We're just having a wonderful time.
37:25 Thanks for joining us.
37:26 Amen! I tell you, what a lot of work that people do
37:31 put in at the booth.
37:32 But it's a wonderful work, and what an opportunity, again,
37:34 to meet the people.
37:35 Mr. Roy, I want to say Thank you so much for all that you do
37:38 for 3ABN, for your guy's friendship with Jill and myself,
37:40 and your wife as well.
37:42 And Elizabeth, it's nice to see you again, too.
37:44 I know we met several years back,
37:45 but thank you again for being here.
37:47 We appreciate you very much.
37:48 And God be with you.
37:49 Thank you for having me. Yeah.
37:51 Alright. Now we have a special roll.
37:54 I don't know if any of you like bicycling,
37:56 but we have a number of things.
37:57 Our time is flying quickly here on this one hour program,
38:01 but we have a special Pathfinder group.
38:03 Now you'll be absolutely amazed, because I think by the time I
38:06 got to Pathfinders, I would be absolutely tired.
38:10 You'll hear exactly what they did to get here to Oshkosh.
38:13 Let's go to that roll.
38:14 I'm standing here outside of a trailer that was
38:17 pulled for 830 miles.
38:21 The Carolina Conference organized Bike For Life.
38:24 They went from Asheville, North Carolina all the way to Oshkosh.
38:28 The Pathfinders; they biked 830 miles.
38:32 And over here I have with me the bikers, the ones who went,
38:36 and the ones who organized, and the ones who planned the route.
38:39 And we'll start with Kathy and Ed.
38:41 They're both on the Pathfinder Council
38:43 for the Carolina Conference.
38:45 And tell me, Kathy, how this idea got started.
38:48 Well, it started with the first Oshkosh Camporee.
38:50 It was the brain child of Alden Howe, who was a youth pastor
38:55 at the Hendersonville, North Carolina church,
38:57 and Brian Dudar, who was the conference Pathfinder director,
39:01 and what they wanted to bring a team to that first Camporee.
39:04 And so they put it together, and it ended up being
39:06 a 1,200 mile ride.
39:09 1,200 mile ride! That's incredible!
39:12 I can't even imagine 1,200 mile.
39:13 And this one you all did was 830.
39:15 Yes, it was. And after that first one those of us who were
39:20 on the ride were so impressed with the impact it had on the
39:23 teens, as far as leadership skills, and physical fitness
39:26 skills, and everything, that we decided to make
39:29 it an ongoing activity.
39:31 So we do a six day tour every summer.
39:33 That's wonderful! Now Kathy and her husband are both on the
39:36 Pathfinder Council.
39:37 And you work with this.
39:39 And Ed is there as well.
39:40 So tell me, Ed, for this planning for this summer,
39:42 what was the planning that was involved in getting it going?
39:45 First getting the approval for the trip from our Council.
39:50 Then once we got that we had to plan a route, plan lodging,
39:54 plan logistics of how we're going to get Pathfinders from
39:56 wherever they are to the starting point.
39:59 And then make sure we've got a cook, which is a very
40:03 important part; the nutrition along the ride is key.
40:06 We've got to have the energy to ride.
40:08 Just all those types of things go into the planning process.
40:12 Finances, that would be huge, too.
40:15 Planning sponsorships for our riders,
40:17 just for our group is incredible.
40:20 We have a wonderful group of sponsors that have been
40:22 faithful, and repeat sponsors every year,
40:24 and we're thankful for that.
40:26 That's wonderful! Did you both ride as well?
40:28 I did. You did? I was unable to ride this year, but I've ridden
40:32 for the past 8. Oh, that's wonderful!
40:34 And here we have some of the campers, some of the bikers.
40:38 Now tell me, How old you are, and what city
40:39 you're from what club?
40:41 I am thirteen, and I'm from the Greenville North Star Club.
40:45 Okay, she's from Greenville, North Carolina.
40:47 And tell me, what was it like?
40:49 Is this your first time riding a bike, or have you always ridden?
40:51 Well, I've technically ridden a bike since I was four,
40:55 but I didn't actually start training since two months ago.
41:00 Two months! She's been training two months,
41:02 and she just rode 830 miles.
41:04 That's incredible! Good job sweetie!
41:06 Now tell me, I'm going to just step on this side of you here.
41:08 Tell me what your name is, and where you're from.
41:12 My name is Nathan Norris, and I'm from
41:14 Charleston, South Carolina.
41:18 So Carolina Conference encompasses
41:19 North and South Carolina? Yes, Ma'am.
41:21 Okay, and have you been riding a long time?
41:23 Before I rode biking, I've been mountain biking for
41:26 approximately 4 to 6 years.
41:28 So he's kind of used to being on a bike, and mountain biking.
41:31 But road biking, how was road biking different
41:33 from mountain biking?
41:34 It's more of an endurance for it.
41:36 In mountain biking you're always standing, stopping, and going.
41:40 But this is just monotonous, constant.
41:43 I would think it gets a little monotonous; 830 miles.
41:46 And Tommy, what is your name, and where you're from?
41:49 So my name's Parker La Claire, and I'm also from
41:52 Charleston, South Carolina.
41:53 And did you used to mountain bike, too or not?
41:55 Yes, ma'am, I did. I have been for about, ever since...
42:00 I think I was born on a mountain bike.
42:02 He was born on a mountain bike.
42:04 Well, that's wonderful.
42:06 Now tell me your name and where you're from.
42:08 I'm Melody Manallo, and I'm from Greenville, North Carolina.
42:12 Okay, and is this your first time on a road bike,
42:15 or have you been road biking a long time?
42:17 I've been road biking for about two months.
42:21 Two months! So you and you guys are both fairly new;
42:25 only two months. Good job girls.
42:27 Now I understand you had a wreck.
42:29 Yeah, I did. She had several wrecks.
42:33 So tell me what happened?
42:35 I fell and I got scraped up pretty much.
42:40 And she fell and got scraped up.
42:42 And I can see your arm.
42:43 You got your elbow. I can see that
42:45 And then the back of your leg.
42:46 But you're okay, so praise the Lord.
42:47 In spite of falling and getting scraped up, you got up again,
42:50 and you kept riding.
42:52 And you made it all the way to Oshkosh.
42:53 That's wonderful! Tell me your name.
42:55 Jerry Shepherd, and I'm from Tryon, North Carolina.
43:00 And I've been riding for about two or three
43:04 months prior to the ride.
43:05 Okay. So we have several newbie's; not newbie's but just
43:09 fairly new, and going on this ride. That's wonderful!
43:11 Were you really tired?
43:13 Did it seem like a long ways?
43:14 Yes. It was extremely long.
43:17 I would think! It took two weeks, right?
43:20 Two weeks for you guys to ride?
43:21 Now what's your name?
43:23 And tell me about yourself.
43:24 I am Trey Shepherd, and this is my third year
43:27 riding on a road bike.
43:28 And I'm from Tryon, North Carolina.
43:30 Okay, that's wonderful!
43:32 And we've got to keep moving here.
43:34 We want to get to everybody. What about you?
43:36 I'm David Zinky. I happen to be Jordan's father.
43:39 And just like her, I started training this summer.
43:42 And, of course, I've been riding pretty much since I was six
43:45 or seven, but I actually got as may miles in the first two weeks
43:49 of training as I had the previous part of my life.
43:53 So you started training pretty intensely.
43:55 That sounds like pretty intense training.
43:57 Now you were on a unicycle earlier.
43:58 Didn't I see you on a unicycle? Yes.
44:00 But you didn't ride the unicycle on the ride?
44:02 No. A unicycle was not part of the ride.
44:04 But I'm going to be helping today in today's event,
44:06 unicycling honor today at Oshkosh here.
44:08 Okay, that's wonderful.
44:09 And I love the father daughter feel. That's great!
44:11 Now tell me your name.
44:12 Did you ride, sweetie?
44:14 No, but I helped my Dad, the cook, a lot.
44:17 And my name is Wesley Shepherd, and I'm from Tryon,
44:20 North Carolina like those two over there.
44:22 And I really helped.
44:27 After they left I gotta put up all the stuff in the trailer.
44:31 That's great! It's a lot of work.
44:33 We always need support staff.
44:34 And food is important if you're going to ride.
44:36 And what was it like cooking for them?
44:38 It was a very difficult job, but it was a very fun job.
44:41 And we ate probably 80% vegan, and the other 20 was vegetarian.
44:46 So they ate a good meal.
44:48 And my name is Robert Shepherd, and I'm from
44:49 Tryon, North Carolina.
44:51 And two of my sons rode this year,
44:52 and we had my other son helping.
44:55 So we had four of us.
44:56 That's great! That's wonderful!
44:58 And last but not least, it's the one who planned and organized
45:01 the route, and I'm speaking of Pastor Brian.
45:03 And what church do you pastor?
45:05 I'm at the Charlotte Sharon Church in North Carolina.
45:08 And tell me where you all stayed, and what it was like
45:12 planning the route.
45:13 Well, planning the logistics, as far as our lodging began as
45:16 early as late February and March.
45:18 I did a lot of e-mailing and telephone calls to Adventist
45:22 churches, and schools.
45:23 We had a couple of locations in which we stayed
45:25 in churches and schools of other faith communities as well.
45:28 Nice! So the kids, every night you got to stay
45:31 in a different church: Adventist churches,
45:33 or another faith community.
45:34 And what about showers?
45:36 If the facility had a shower, we'd use that onsite,
45:39 but if it didn't, we accessed YMCA's along the way.
45:42 And they were wonderful, and they opened their doors
45:44 to us, and their hearts as well.
45:46 That's wonderful! Thank you all for sharing.
45:48 It's an incredible ministry: Bike For Life.
45:51 I love that. And we also wanted to share... Did you have a card?
45:54 You were showing me the card.
45:55 You have the card. There's a card that shared along the way.
45:59 It's an incredible witnessing opportunity.
46:01 Because people would say, What are you doing this bike
46:03 ride all the way to Oshkosh?
46:05 And they could share.
46:06 And let's look at this card here.
46:07 It says, Forever Faithful to our Bike For Life.
46:09 And inside it gives information about what they're doing.
46:13 And it has a request for free Bible studies.
46:16 And it shows about your tour last year, right?
46:19 It's a picture from last year.
46:21 It shows why we do what we do.
46:25 Why you do what you do, and then on the very back is
46:28 internet information for Amazing Facts or Bible info. com
46:32 Carolina Conference.
46:33 And that's wonderful.
46:35 People can get... Not only are you getting good exercise,
46:37 and building teamwork, but as well they're
46:39 witnessing and sharing.
46:41 Amen! What a tremendous story that these
46:45 young people had to say.
46:47 And I tell you, 830 miles on a bicycle...
46:49 For one thing, I don't think when I arrived at Pathfinders
46:51 I'd be able to stand nor sit.
46:53 That's a long time to be sitting on a bicycle seat as well.
46:55 But I liked also that they did a lot of witnessing
46:59 as they went along, too.
47:01 And what a tremendous theme here t Pathfinder Camporee,
47:03 Forever Faithful, which is again the story of Daniel,
47:07 and how he stood firm for Jesus Christ, even though around
47:10 him his circumstances weren't always the best.
47:12 Now we have some guests with us, Sweetie.
47:14 Tell us who we have with us this evening.
47:15 As we transition here, it's almost Sabbath here at Oshkosh.
47:18 It's almost Sabbath, almost time for the evening
47:20 main program to begin.
47:22 And we have invited back Pastor Ron Whitehead.
47:25 He was with us the first night, and we wanted him to come back.
47:28 I had spoken with him earlier.
47:30 He said, I'm not sure if I'm going to have a voice.
47:32 But he has a bit of a voice, and we are glad.
47:34 And we also have Chris Stella, and we want to share with her
47:37 in a moment as well.
47:38 But Pastor Ron, thank you for coming back and for sharing.
47:40 Ah exciting to be back here at 3ABN.
47:43 That's right. Tell me, what would be your expectation
47:46 for the outcome of the camp here at Oshkosh?
47:48 Yeah, that's a good question, insightful question actually.
47:51 The outcome is very important because if we plan things
47:53 for young people, what do we expect at the end?
47:56 We're really hoping the theme, Forever Faithful, and the Bible
47:59 story of the three Hebrews, and Daniel, it goes deep into the
48:03 lives of young people, so that when they go back home,
48:05 they're in public education, wherever, they'll stand for what
48:08 they believe in like the three Hebrews did. That's right.
48:11 They're willing to risk everything just to be connected
48:13 to the Jesus, their faith, if you will, since childhood. Yeah.
48:19 Amen! And part of that, part of that outcome,
48:22 is we see baptisms.
48:24 We see baptisms take place at Oshkosh.
48:26 They began Wednesday night, Thursday night,
48:28 and Friday as well, right? It's true.
48:30 And we have some footage of some of those baptisms.
48:32 And we want to look at some of that footage.
48:34 So tell us what we're seeing here.
48:36 Oh yeah, there's... Last time we had over 500 people baptized.
48:40 So we put in four pools now instead of two.
48:43 And many Pathfinders choose to be baptized with their uniform,
48:47 because this is what connects them to Jesus;
48:50 is the Pathfinder experience, the club... Amen!
48:53 ...and the mentors in the Pathfinder organization
48:55 So, yeah, it's just...
48:57 To see a young person give their heart to Jesus...
49:00 That's what it's all about.
49:02 I mean that is the whole purpose of Pathfinders,
49:03 is bringing people to the foot of the cross. That's true.
49:05 Witnessing to young people, and having them make that
49:08 decision for Jesus.
49:09 You're so right. Amen. You're so right.
49:10 So we don't have numbers yet, obviously, for what took place
49:14 at this camporee, correct? for baptisms?
49:15 That's correct. We'll know tomorrow morning,
49:17 after tomorrow morning.
49:18 Amen! It's exciting!
49:19 You see the joy on their faces?
49:21 Ha ha! I love that!
49:22 Isn't it great? I love that.
49:23 That is great. And we have with us a young woman who was
49:27 baptized, and that's why we asked her to
49:30 come on here tonight.
49:32 Her name is Chrystal.
49:33 And Chrystal, I apologize, I don't know how to pronounce
49:36 your last name, so what is your name? Moisa. Moisa.
49:40 And she comes all the way from Alberta, Canada, right? Yes.
49:44 And you were baptized.
49:46 We got some footage of you the first night.
49:47 So tell me why, first of all, why did you make that decision?
49:51 There you are right there going into baptism.
49:52 I can see you coming down into the pool there.
49:54 Why did you make that decision to be baptized?
49:57 I just thought that it was the right place, and the right time.
50:02 I just felt ready, and I just felt like something was telling
50:07 me that it was time for me to just give my heart to Jesus.
50:10 Amen. Amen! And what a wonderful place to be baptized
50:13 at Pathfinder Camporee.
50:14 That's a very special moment.
50:16 Now who baptized you?
50:18 Is it someone that you know?
50:19 Yes, Pastor Oscar.
50:20 And is he your pastor, or conference, or?
50:23 Our youth pastor at our church.
50:25 Ah, that's incredible.
50:27 What a special thing to be baptized at Oshkosh.
50:31 Yeah, that's incredible.
50:32 Did you have any of your friends from your club also?
50:34 Yes, several clubs.
50:35 Several clubs got baptized.
50:38 Several members of several different clubs? Yeah, yeah.
50:41 Amen! That's just incredible! Amen.
50:44 And how long have you been in Pathfinders? Five years.
50:47 And you're obviously enjoying Pathfinders because you're
50:49 still in Pathfinders, and of course,
50:51 came to Oshkosh Camporee.
50:52 So this would be your first Camporee experience? Yes.
50:56 Tell me what you think of Pathfinder Camporee
50:58 here at Oshkosh. Oh, I love it!
50:59 What's one of the highlights for you?
51:02 All of the activities we get to do, and the parades and stuff.
51:06 Amen! Yeah. Amen!
51:08 Well, Chrystal, we're so proud of you for making that decision
51:11 for Jesus. Thank you.
51:12 Because that's the biggest decision that we will ever make
51:15 is making that decision for Jesus and choosing,
51:17 Do I want to follow Jesus because my parents follow Him?
51:21 or do I want to follow Jesus for myself?
51:24 And that's just an incredible decision you have made.
51:26 And praise God for that. Amen!
51:29 You probably hear many of these stories, Pastor Whitehead.
51:31 We do, and what better age to make a decision for Jesus for
51:35 the rest of your life than when you are a young person? Amen!
51:38 When everything's so exciting, your life's before you,
51:40 and by making a commitment to Him, it allows Him to offer a
51:46 deeper commitment to you, you know?
51:47 Forever Faithful. As you are to Him, He is to you.
51:50 He always will be, of course. Amen!
51:52 I don't know if you know this, but the Pathfinders,
51:54 when they're baptized, they get a special pin for their uniform.
51:57 I didn't know that.
51:58 Do you have your pin?
51:59 Yeah, just keep it right there.
52:01 Which one is it? right on your pocket?
52:02 The one with the Bible? Alright.
52:04 Yes. Ah, very special.
52:06 Very nice. That's nice.
52:07 So it means that you're basically baptized here
52:09 at Pathfinder Camporee.
52:11 Amen! That's right.
52:12 Well, we have just a couple of moments left.
52:14 But tell me, Pastor Ron, Why is Pathfindering
52:15 still relevant today?
52:17 We could say this started years ago,
52:18 so why is it still relevant today?
52:20 Fifty years ago. That's right.
52:22 It's still relevant today because it's cross generational.
52:25 We have old, and young, and very young.
52:28 And the focus is, of course, the word of God.
52:31 And so it connects young people to things beyond the chatter
52:37 of the world and distractions.
52:39 It takes young people to a deep relationship,
52:41 teaches them outdoor skills, and Bible knowledge.
52:43 What a great combination; the two books that
52:46 teach us about God.
52:48 Boy, absolutely! You know, and that's one of the neat things
52:50 of Pathfinders is that it also makes an
52:53 impact in your community.
52:54 Is that right? Tell us a little bit about how Pathfinders
52:57 basically makes an impact in their not only community here
53:01 at Oshkosh, but their local church community where they
53:04 are located as well.
53:05 So true, so true! You know, Pathfinders, they understand
53:08 every day we take 5,000 young people into the community.
53:10 Here at Oshkosh? Here at Oshkosh we have...
53:13 5,000!... we have... Boy that's quite a few buses.
53:14 Well, it is a... We have over 85 buses moving young people
53:18 all day into the community for various reasons.
53:22 But, you know, as you serve others, you take care of
53:24 yourself, don't you? That's right.
53:26 And, of course, the world tries to tell us
53:28 it's all about me, me, me; what I wear, what I drive,
53:31 what I live in, what I do.
53:33 But in the context of being a Christian, it's really about
53:36 the Lord pouring through us, and doing for others, you know.
53:39 Absolutely! Amen! What do you think about Jesus Christ when He
53:41 was here on this earth?
53:43 You know, that's what He did.
53:44 He went around serving others.
53:45 Have you had the opportunity of going out and doing any
53:48 community outreach this week?
53:49 Well, we just did it inside the campground site.
53:53 Fantastic! What did you do?
53:54 We filled up some buckets.
53:56 You filled up some buckets? Yeah. With what?
53:59 Sponges, cleaning stuff.
54:03 They're called flood buckets, flood buckets.
54:06 To help people that are compromised by storms.
54:08 Okay, so these are prepared in advance, so when there is a
54:11 storm or something...
54:12 Like a Disaster Relief. Yeah.
54:14 Then they're ready to go.
54:15 Well, that's a lot of fun.
54:17 Amen. Well, I know Sabbath is coming shortly,
54:18 and our time is almost done.
54:20 Let's have a prayer, a special prayer for Chrystal,
54:23 and just for the opening of the Sabbath.
54:24 Do you want to pray, Sweetie?
54:26 Sure. Father in heaven, what a privilege it is to come to You
54:29 as the Sabbath hours come upon us.
54:31 Father it's a privilege to have been here at Oshkosh.
54:33 And Lord as we have the Sabbath services tomorrow,
54:36 we just pray for a special blessing upon the Camporee,
54:39 Lord that Your Spirit would be here.
54:41 Lord we pray for all the young people who have been baptized,
54:44 Father, and Shashell here as well.
54:45 That You would continue to bless her life, and give her strength.
54:48 And Lord thank You for the decision that she
54:51 has made to follow You.
54:52 Lord continue to bless her life.
54:54 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Amen.
54:57 Well, thank you so much for coming and for sharing
55:00 with our 3ABN family.
55:01 And God's blessings, Pastor Ron in your work and ministry,
55:04 and Chrystal on your new life in Jesus.
55:07 That's right. Thank you.
55:08 You know, as we're winding down here to our last few
55:10 seconds of our 3ABN Night Light, we wanted to end this
55:16 program with just a, basically a minute or so of what we call
55:19 the Week in Review; basically showing some of the activities
55:22 that happened here at Oshkosh.
55:24 And we also want to say a Happy Sabbath to each one of you.
55:29 And may God's richest blessings be upon you and your family.
55:32 Thank you again for your prayers and support for
55:34 the ministry of 3ABN.
55:36 God bless you! Happy Sabbath!
55:38 Enjoy the close here of Night Light.
55:45 Where are you from? San Diego.
55:47 San Diego, California.
55:49 People are here from all over the world.
55:52 You're going to have a good time, aren't you? Yes!
56:18 Happy Birthday! Yeah!
57:23 Water, water, water, water, water!


Revised 2017-02-16