
Oshkosh Interviews

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg Morikone (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), Brenda Walsh, Dixie Plata, Leo Ranzolin, Ted Wilson, Terry Dodge


Series Code: NL

Program Code: NL014007

00:01 Well good evening, and welcome to Nightlight coming to you Live
00:04 very Live, and with all of the background music
00:09 that we don't need right now, from Oshkosh.
00:13 And we're just happy to be here.
00:15 Greg, I'm happy to have you with me.
00:18 It's always a privilege.
00:19 Greg Morikone. Our good friend C. A. Murray's still
00:22 recovering from surgery.
00:23 And, C. A., we wish you well.
00:25 We've been praying for you.
00:27 And we're hearing good reports.
00:29 But we hope that we hear the best report, and that would be
00:33 that you're back on your feet, and really functioning again.
00:39 You are in our prayers, in our thoughts.
00:41 We think about you an awful lot,
00:44 and we really do miss you; the entire crew.
00:47 And I miss you especially, because we've worked together
00:52 now for 8 years, 7 years of starting.
00:55 It just seems like 8, I guess.
00:57 But we're starting our 8th year here in a few days with 3ABN.
01:02 And much of that time you and I have worked side by side.
01:06 But I'll tell you right now, I'm getting used to Greg,
01:09 so you'd better hurry and get back.
01:10 Because this guy is really a great person to work with.
01:15 Well listen, our first guest tonight is extremely busy.
01:20 Well, that's for sure.
01:22 From one place to another, Elder Ted Wilson,
01:24 the General Conference president.
01:25 Elder Wilson, we welcome you.
01:27 Thank you very much Jim.
01:29 And you just flew in today, and tomorrow you head out again.
01:33 Actually, we do. We're heading to an international conference
01:37 on Bible and Science with many people from all over the world,
01:43 helping to re-enforce and lift up Biblical creation,
01:47 and the flood, and our understanding of Genesis 1-11.
01:52 But we're here at Oshkosh with all these Pathfinders.
01:55 It's marvelous. Wow! Isn't it amazing?
01:57 You know, sometimes people think, Well,
01:59 they just have meetings.
02:00 They hear about this speaker, or that person.
02:02 I've never even seen some of that.
02:05 There are so many things going on that there is no way on earth
02:11 anybody could get to all of them.
02:13 Haven't you been amazed?
02:15 The extensive aspect of this camporee is unbelievable. Yeah.
02:20 So many things that are happening;
02:23 many wonderful things.
02:24 And also I'm really amazed at the order.
02:28 You know, you think about the children of Israel,
02:31 maybe a million and half people, two million people
02:34 in the desert, and how they all had their encampments,
02:37 and everything was in order.
02:39 And you go around here; there are approximately,
02:41 well about 47,000 people, 46,000 attending,
02:45 and thousands staying in tents.
02:48 I'm really impressed with the orderliness, even though there
02:51 may be a few problems here and there.
02:53 But God's really blessing.
02:55 Yeah, we don't focus so much on the negative.
02:58 We try to focus on the positive.
03:00 A lot of young people really being influenced,
03:03 and they are influencing.
03:05 They're out passing out literature.
03:07 Tomorrow night we're going to be featuring some of the young
03:10 people that have been going door to door passing out literature,
03:15 and the gentleman that organizes that.
03:18 Well, let me ask you this.
03:20 Last, when we came in, and I've mentioned this before,
03:22 Camille and I were just blown away by the number
03:26 of young people here.
03:28 And I said to her, I believe our church has a great future
03:33 right up till the Lord comes, because of these young people.
03:36 Nearly 50,000 young people here.
03:39 And this is really one of the smaller
03:44 divisions in the world now.
03:46 What does it look like around the world for our youth?
03:50 Truly this is a very impressive setting.
03:55 And, you know, the church was started
03:58 primarily by young people.
04:00 And the work will be finished by young
04:05 people to a great extent.
04:06 And this is only an indication, this kind of a gathering,
04:09 and other gatherings around the world,
04:11 where people get together, young people on fire for the Lord,
04:16 studying God's word.
04:17 The theme for this particular camporee is Forever Faithful,
04:22 focusing on Daniel, on his three friends,
04:26 and upon their faithfulness to God's word,
04:29 and to the principles that were placed in their
04:33 heart by their parents.
04:34 And again, that's such a vital aspect of a young
04:39 person's experience; the instruction and the love,
04:43 the Biblical understanding that starts in the home.
04:47 But all around the world we're seeing a tremendous interest
04:52 on the part of young people, not just in being entertained,
04:56 not just coming to a big meeting where they can just watch,
05:00 but to actually get involved in service, in understanding what
05:07 God has in store for them as a person.
05:10 And we have thousands of young people in so many parts of this
05:16 planet who are on fire for the Lord, giving out literature,
05:20 holding evangelistic meetings, witnessing to their friends,
05:24 enjoying life to the fullest, and allowing
05:27 the Lord to lead them.
05:28 I'm just so proud of our young people who are now focusing
05:32 so heavily on Bible study, on prayer, and on service for God.
05:37 You know, I want to say, too, how much I appreciate leadership
05:40 in the church supporting us.
05:41 I'm not quite Pathfinder age anymore,
05:43 but supporting us as young people in the church.
05:46 I know GYC; you're heavily involved with that,
05:48 of course all of the church activities,
05:50 like Pathfinder Camporee here.
05:51 And I know today, my wife and I were on the sidelines as you
05:54 were involved in a parade.
05:56 You were right there in the midst of the young people.
05:58 And you just came from a special event just before
06:00 you came on Live here.
06:01 Tell us a little bit about that.
06:02 Well, it was a great privilege to baptize two young men:
06:08 Jimuel and Nick, and then to be able to see them completely
06:13 give their lives to the Lord, come up new
06:15 creatures in Jesus Christ.
06:17 And every evening at 6:00 o'clock a baptism takes place.
06:22 They have four pools.
06:24 I think we have a little bit of footage of that.
06:25 While you're talking we'll go and roll that just tonight.
06:27 Four pools, and they baptize at 6:00 o'clock.
06:30 They have it scheduled for different unions from
06:33 North America and international as well.
06:37 There are about, you know, 46,000 attending here.
06:42 I think about 2,000 or more are from outside
06:46 of the North American Division.
06:47 So there is a strong representation, you know,
06:52 so to speak, from world divisions.
06:55 You know, and that's the encouraging thing, isn't it?
06:57 when young people make a stand, and take a
06:58 stand for Jesus Christ.
07:00 Because you think about Daniel.
07:01 He took a tremendous stand, and his friends for Jesus Christ.
07:04 And it doesn't always mean that life will be easy.
07:06 But we know that God is with us, Forever Faithful.
07:08 A great theme, I think, for the Pathfinder Camporee.
07:10 There's a little bit of the footage now, I think,
07:12 of some of the baptism that took place just a few minutes ago
07:15 there right by the main stage.
07:17 Yeah. Oh it was a great opportunity.
07:19 In fact, talking about baptisms, I'd like to also indicate to
07:25 C. A. that we hope that he will be recovering soon,
07:28 because it was a great privilege to baptize right next to C. A.
07:32 in a pool in Manila, Philippines just a few months ago.
07:38 I saw the picture and I told him, I said, You were right
07:42 there next to the president.
07:43 I teased him a little bit about that.
07:45 We had a wonderful time. We praise God.
07:46 But he had a wonderful time there.
07:50 He and Irma, they really loved working with the people there,
07:55 and are looking forward to going back one of these days
07:57 and holding another meeting.
07:59 But baptisms, you know, whether its young people,
08:01 or older people, those are just highlights in our lives. Amen.
08:06 What are some of the plans that you envision for the world field
08:10 for our young people?
08:12 We have right now a plan which we're implementing.
08:16 It's called One Year In Mission, where in New York City
08:20 we started this with a representative
08:22 from every division.
08:24 That representative spent six months in New York helping to
08:28 prepare for the great NY 13 evangelist meetings all across
08:33 New York, a metropolitan area.
08:35 And then from there they went to their divisions.
08:39 They are participating, and have participated in phase two,
08:43 where every union, of every division sent individuals to a
08:48 particular place, a big city where they could do large scale
08:52 evangelism, personal witnessing, following Spirit of Prophecy
08:57 counsel, Biblical counsel.
08:58 Now they're going to phase 3, where they're moving to unions,
09:02 to a city, and conferences will send young people.
09:07 We're hoping in a short time that thousands of young people
09:12 will be involved in giving one year of service,
09:15 sponsored by their local church, assisted by the conference,
09:19 Bible studies, going door to door, evangelistic meetings.
09:23 I believe that once young people get involved in service to the
09:28 Lord, just as Daniel did, serving Him faithfully,
09:32 that God just takes a special place into their hearts.
09:36 You know, that is the way to win our youth
09:39 is to put them to work.
09:41 I'm sure that you were put to work, so to speak,
09:46 when you were a young man.
09:47 The same was true with me.
09:49 If somebody hadn't tapped me on the shoulder and said,
09:51 We want you to do this, and we want you to do that,
09:54 I don't know where I'd have been.
09:55 But they did, and it makes a big difference in our life.
09:59 And we're trying to encourage our viewers to do the very same
10:03 thing with your young people.
10:05 Everything, every young people's program, even our program here
10:10 that they're having with the Pathfinders.
10:12 I haven't seen anything that I didn't approve of,
10:15 but there's always something that you don't.
10:18 But you just keep reaching out preaching the truth,
10:22 helping those young people, and helping them
10:24 to know more about Jesus.
10:25 And I really think that if local churches took an even more
10:30 direct interest, and a greater focus upon the young people
10:34 that they have in their church, even if there are only a few,
10:38 get to know their names.
10:40 Call them by name on Sabbath.
10:42 Tell them you're glad that they're here.
10:44 Put them to work. Make them feel a part of the church.
10:48 Young people will warm up to that and then the Lord can
10:53 use them in a very, very direct way.
10:56 But local churches need to make those young people
11:00 feel very much at home.
11:01 And take a risk with young people.
11:03 Give them something to do and let them run with it,
11:06 even if they make a mistake.
11:07 Don't worry, you know, we all make mistakes, and let's just
11:11 redirect them towards the Lord, and towards the
11:16 Lord's soon coming.
11:17 I believe that young people are really gearing up for something
11:21 very unique and special in the worldwide
11:24 Seventh-day Adventist church right now.
11:26 We see it all over the world, and we're so proud
11:29 of these young people focusing on the Bible,
11:32 focusing on prophecy, focusing on understanding who we are as
11:36 Seventh-day Adventists in these very end times.
11:39 I mean we look around, everything seems to be
11:41 crumbling around us.
11:43 And we just recognize that the Lord is coming very soon.
11:47 And young people are catching the fire.
11:49 They really are. Elder Wilson, would you have a prayer
11:52 with us, and with our viewers so that we can know that our
11:59 leader is seeking God in everything that we are doing.
12:05 Would you do that?
12:06 It would be a privilege.
12:07 Our loving Father, we come to You in this interesting
12:13 makeshift studio of 3ABN here on this enormous campus in Oshkosh.
12:21 And, Lord, we ask in a special way that You will guide and
12:25 bless the transmissions of the programming of 3ABN
12:31 as it reaches into the hearts and the homes of literally
12:36 millions of people around the world.
12:38 We pray for the impact on young people.
12:42 We pray for the guidance that each of us needs in knowing how
12:46 best to help the young people in our own local churches.
12:51 And Lord I just pray for the young people of the
12:53 Seventh-day Adventist Church, and all young people;
12:56 young people who are searching for meaning in life
13:00 as they see role models around them who seem to drift into
13:06 challenging and difficult problems;
13:09 problems with drug and alcohol abuse, problems that end with
13:15 suicide and with a demoralizing end.
13:19 Help young people to lift their vision and see that the Lord has
13:24 something extraordinary for them as they head into
13:28 the future, and that they need to look outside of themselves
13:32 and look to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to helping other
13:36 people find Jesus in their lives.
13:39 So Lord bless our young people, and bless our church as we move
13:44 into the very last days of earth's history.
13:47 We long to see Jesus come.
13:49 We ask that it will be in our lifetime by the grace of Jesus.
13:54 So guide each one of us, and bless this program as it
13:58 continues to reach out and touch the hearts of people.
14:02 In the precious and wonderful name of our Lord and Savior,
14:06 our Creator, and our coming King, and our best friend,
14:10 Jesus Christ, Amen.
14:12 We would love to have you stay with us longer, but we know you
14:16 have another appointment.
14:18 I promised Kevin Costello, my good friend, that we would let
14:23 you go in time for you to be over at the other place at 7:30.
14:27 So thanks again. Great privilege.
14:30 We really appreciate your coming.
14:31 And Greg, it's great to be with you.
14:33 And C. A. we hope you'll be soon with the group again.
14:39 And it's been a privilege to be with all of you
14:41 who are listening. God bless.
14:42 Amen! Well, listen, you've got some good footage
14:45 today to share with us.
14:47 Yes, you know earlier today we were talking about,
14:49 just a few minutes ago, about Elder Wilson being
14:51 involved with the parade.
14:53 And, Oh, several hours ago my wife Jill was able to go out
14:58 there and be involved with the parade, and take some;
15:00 well she, not herself, but some crew members and herself,
15:04 were able to go out and get some footage.
15:06 So we want to go to that video roll right now.
15:10 I'm standing here on the Young Eagles tarmac where the
15:13 excitement has been building to a fever pitch.
15:16 I'm speaking of the daily on-site parade.
15:19 And right now you can see the parade is just
15:21 beginning to start.
15:22 We're privileged today because we have Elder Ted Wilson,
15:26 and his wife Nancy.
15:27 And they are here with us.
15:29 Elder Wilson just addressed the Pathfinders.
15:31 And then we're going to watch them as they go by.
15:33 Each day they have a different union who will be coming
15:36 who will be presenting.
15:38 And today's unions are the North Pacific Union,
15:41 the Pacific Union, and we've had the Mid America Union.
15:45 So we're excited to see the parade and what's going to be
15:47 taking place here today.
16:13 I'm here with a young Pathfinder on the tarmac as the
16:16 parade is marching by.
16:17 And what is your name?
16:19 Timothy. Timothy. And where are you from, Timothy?
16:21 Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania.
16:23 And he has a whole backpack full of pins.
16:25 And we're going to get one of his pins.
16:27 Are you having a good time here at Oshkosh?
16:29 Definitely. Tell me, What is your favorite thing
16:31 about Oshkosh so far?
16:33 Well, you get to meet a lot of new people, and you get to trade
16:36 a lot of these pins, like I said.
16:38 And the best part, I think, about this is to interact
16:42 with one another, getting new friendships
16:44 all around the globe.
16:45 That's great. And I have a new friendship in Timothy;
16:48 a new friend in Timothy.
16:57 It's been an exciting time.
16:59 And we've had the Mid America Union,
17:00 and we've had the Pacific Union, and the North Pacific Union.
17:03 Each day we get to see different Pathfinder unions as they share
17:07 and as they march.
17:15 That was one impressive parade. It was.
17:19 You got a little feel for it, folks.
17:22 But I will tell you when the Mount Rubido went by...
17:27 I could feel the drums in my chest.
17:28 I could! It was so invigorating.
17:32 It was. Very exciting.
17:33 Wonderful church there located near the La Sierra,
17:36 California campus.
17:38 I've been there. Wonderful group of people.
17:40 And what a group of Pathfinders they had.
17:45 I liked that one... I'm sorry, I interrupted you. No!
17:47 That one little young man.
17:49 Didn't you like what he said?
17:50 He liked that he had the ability to connect with
17:52 others around the world. Yeah.
17:53 And that's the neat thing of Pathfinders.
17:55 It's not just North America, but it's worldwide.
17:57 The young man said global interaction.
18:00 And that's neat, isn't it? Yeah.
18:01 That's right. As Elder Wilson said, Over 2,000 that are here
18:04 just from around the world.
18:06 So there's a good mixture, even though the great majority
18:10 are North Americans.
18:11 But, you know, many of our North American's come from
18:14 around the world now.
18:16 So you hear a lot of different accents.
18:20 Well listen, we've got some people that are going to tell us
18:23 about the history of Pathfinders. Excellent.
18:28 Where it got started, how it got started, who started it.
18:32 I think I knew some of those guys.
18:36 They were kind of going off the scene when I was coming on,
18:40 but some interesting people.
18:42 And I'm going to wait and see if you're mentioning the names
18:45 that I think were involved.
18:47 But Terry Dodge, we welcome you.
18:51 And Terry is the President/CEO of Youth Pathfinder
18:56 Discovery Learning Center.
18:58 And we're going to hear some more about that,
19:01 and some plans that they have for the future.
19:03 And then we have Dixie Plata.
19:07 Dixie has really been involved with
19:10 Pathfinders for a long time.
19:12 She's, for a young lady, she's done an awful
19:15 lot with Pathfinders.
19:16 And she knows more about the history of Pathfinders,
19:20 probably, than anyone alive, and has
19:23 gathered more information.
19:25 And then my good friend, Pastor Leo Ranzlin.
19:29 And he's the board chairman of the Youth Pathfinder Discovery
19:33 Learning Center, and at one time vice president of the
19:38 General Conference, retired now, living the life of leisure
19:43 as chairman of the board.
19:44 I'm teasing, but Leo I know you would never, never...
19:49 And we both, we had a very good mutual friend
19:55 in Leonard Westphal.
19:56 Leonard was... I miss him as well.
20:00 So why don't we... Yeah you're going to need to pick up that
20:05 mike though, Leo, if you're... when you're talking.
20:08 Hold it right up to your mouth.
20:09 Because these are very directional, and they won't pick
20:13 you up if we're not doing that.
20:17 Well, Terry, we're going to start with you.
20:19 Give us a little rundown here on this organization,
20:24 and some of the things you're doing.
20:26 And we'll talk a little bit about also the
20:28 booth you have here.
20:29 Well, many years ago, in the late 80's, we began talking
20:33 about having a home where we could display,
20:36 and show the things that would belong to Pathfinders.
20:39 And we kept working on that.
20:42 Dixie became our historian.
20:45 And so as a result of that, we began to see a broader vision,
20:50 more of a youth program, because it was young people who
20:56 started the church.
20:57 And so the whole thing is broadened to where it involves
21:00 the beginning of the church, right down through
21:02 Pathfinders, and on to today.
21:04 And so that's why we're here; here in this place in Oshkosh
21:08 displaying about 27,000 square feet of artifacts,
21:14 and things over the history of our church.
21:16 Wow! That's amazing! Have you been to see this?
21:22 You know, unfortunately, I haven't been able to,
21:25 but I know we have some footage.
21:26 When we go and roll that I'll get it.
21:27 I'll get my first time to actually see that. Okay.
21:29 Let's actually go ahead and roll some of that now,
21:31 and you can tell us what we're looking at here.
21:33 Well, here we're looking at the map that young people can come
21:36 in and put a pin on where they're from;
21:39 either United States, or North America, or the world.
21:42 Dixie this is of Room 1.
21:45 These are the flags of the North American Division.
21:49 This happens to be a display of camping, and trying to give the
21:53 young people an idea of the things that happened from the
21:56 beginning and onward.
21:57 At Room 2 we have the history of the
22:02 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
22:03 It was started with young people. Yes.
22:04 And we want our young people to know they're
22:07 part of this church. Right.
22:09 Ellen White was seventeen when she had her first vision. Yeah.
22:12 So this is all here at the Pathfinder booth
22:15 to create the history in the museum.
22:18 And so what are we looking at here?
22:20 This is the Junior Missionary Volunteers talking about
22:24 our reading program.
22:25 Here's Desmond Doss who was a great person in typing knots;
22:30 saved all those people during the war.
22:32 That's his uniform. Wow!
22:34 Here's the honors that were developed during those times.
22:38 Dixie, there was what? 27, 28 the first go around?
22:42 Then we have also the summer camps of all
22:46 the conferences displayed. Incredible!
22:50 And then different things, like the honor.
22:52 That's a knot board, not honor.
22:55 And this is the native American display that we have here
22:59 showing where they can learn their Indian lore.
23:02 They had a wonderful leader called Danny Davis,
23:04 who I worked with many times.
23:06 And a wonderful man who passed away, but we were happy to show
23:09 a display of his life ministry to young people. Excellent.
23:13 This is in the world Pathfinder area, Area 7.
23:18 And we have items there from Inter America, South America,
23:22 Australia, South Africa, Finland, South Korea.
23:27 We are collecting all the time.
23:29 We want our young people to know all around the world
23:32 God loves them, and they're part of this program.
23:35 Young people are able to actually build a canoe.
23:39 I saw them chiseling away.
23:41 That's exactly what they were.
23:42 Yeah. And so we just cover the whole entire history of the
23:47 church and our youth ministry and Pathfinders.
23:51 Wow! 27,000 square feet here in the Pathfinder.
23:55 That's what the museum takes up the space here? Correct.
23:57 Yep, wow, that's a large space.
23:59 Now where did Pathfinders actually start? Well, Dixie.
24:04 Pathfinders started in Southeastern California
24:07 Conference, and there's a lot of stories about that.
24:10 Some of them are not true. Right.
24:12 Some of the books that we read that tell us that Pathfinders
24:17 started at a certain time, and it was the first Conference
24:19 sponsored are incorrect.
24:21 But 1927-28, John McKemm with Pastor Guy Mann,
24:27 who was the youth director there decided that they wanted to
24:31 do something for young people.
24:32 John had been a Scout Master, and he knew that that wasn't
24:39 going to work for our Adventist young people.
24:40 We needed something for ourselves.
24:42 And he was a custodian at...
24:45 It's a long story and a great one.
24:46 But he was a custodian in Orange County School District.
24:49 And one of the schools they went to was the Fremont School.
24:53 And he kept reading the plaque about
24:54 John Fremont the Pathfinder.
24:56 And his colleagues teased him and called him Mr. Pathfinder.
25:00 That's where our name actually came from.
25:02 Is that right? Wow!
25:03 Later Arthur Spalding told stories about Fremont, too,
25:07 and that name really stuck. Un huh.
25:09 But that's where it originally began.
25:11 Is that right? Group 10, that one of the rules, you know?
25:15 And I have me a thrill, because this is an awesome program.
25:18 Right. It's been a thrill just to tell a little bit of the
25:21 history of Pathfinders.
25:22 Because don't you know, in 1950, that's when the
25:24 General Conference officially approved the Pathfinder program.
25:28 But, of course, John Hancock, my boss. Yeah.
25:30 You know, famous. You remember him with his accordion. Yeah.
25:34 He was a wonderful man; in music, a teacher, a singer,
25:38 and he designed many of the honors.
25:40 He designed the triangle.
25:42 He was a fantastic man. He was my boss. Right.
25:44 And he had the idea, because the people, you know, they see this
25:47 scouting program, but there was something lacking there.
25:50 The spiritual part. Yeah. That's right.
25:52 And would you believe there's some people who are against
25:54 starting Pathfinder clubs?
25:55 I can believe it. But there's always those, you know?
25:57 But officially filing we started in 1950.
26:00 And you know what it is?
26:02 There's over two million Pathfinders all over the world.
26:03 Okay now. Just amazing.
26:05 Originally started in 1950; John Hancock right?
26:08 Well, the General Conference approved in 1950.
26:10 But John Hancock, '46, '47, he was already involved
26:13 with Lawrence Falson, and Larry Skinner, all these great leaders
26:18 of the past. Okay. Yes. Yep.
26:21 Dixie were you ever part of any of those clubs?
26:25 I was a part of a club in 1950 at Spangle, Washington.
26:28 Were you? Yeah. Is that right?
26:30 And I've been in Pathfinders for more than
26:32 fifty years now as staff. Yeah?
26:35 So, yeah, I've been around awhile.
26:37 You've been around, haven't you?
26:39 I believe in Pathfinders.
26:41 You do, don't you?
26:43 Do you know there were only seven leaders for the Pathfinder
26:46 church? Only seven, you know, for the world church.
26:49 And three of them are here, right now. Really?
26:52 Another one in Australia, but Elder Skinner passed away,
26:56 John Hancock, and also Mike Stevenson.
26:58 But four are still alive, and the program is still growing.
27:02 From the original group? Yes. Is that right?
27:05 And I had the privilege of being number 3. Did you really?
27:07 That's the General Conference leaders. Yeah, right.
27:11 It was my life. I enjoyed that very much.
27:13 That's why I joined this group here, because I'd just have
27:16 to stay behind, you know.
27:17 It's an awesome program that they have.
27:19 It really is. Yes. Well, Terry, when did you really get
27:22 involved with Pathfinders?
27:23 I got involved when I was ten years old, in 1953.
27:27 Alright, so just three years after you started.
27:30 That's right. Exactly. Wow!
27:31 And what conference was that in?
27:33 It was in the Michigan Conference. Uh huh.
27:35 So I had the privilege of being in Pathfinders, and then,
27:37 of course, working into staff as I got a little older.
27:40 Do you remember who the youth leader was in
27:42 Michigan in those days?
27:43 Well, it was Fred Biven was our leader,
27:47 and was our youth director at that time.
27:51 And Merrill Fleming was involved with Pathfinders. Alright.
27:54 And he was there for 26 years. Okay.
27:58 So then I went back and was asked to take his place,
28:02 and be in the conference.
28:04 So from '90 to 2010 I served the Pathfinder ministry
28:09 in Michigan Conference.
28:11 In Michigan Conference.
28:12 Alright, that was... And Michigan has a great history of
28:17 working with our youth, and especially with Pathfinders,
28:20 as does Southeastern California Conference.
28:23 That's another area that's been really strong.
28:26 But Jim, this thing is not just a museum that we have. No.
28:30 It is a learning center. Okay.
28:33 Youth Pathfinder Discovery Learning Center.
28:36 You know, I talked to some of my friends in Brazil.
28:38 I just came back in January.
28:39 We have 35,000 there.
28:41 We had the leaders, you know.
28:42 We thought we had the largest, but now we've got beaten over
28:44 here, and we're happy for that.
28:47 Well, Brazilians don't like to lose at anything.
28:49 Oh, of course, of course.
28:51 Especially in soccer.
28:52 Not even in soccer, right? Ha, ha, ha.
28:54 But, anyway, this is... many of my friends said that.
28:56 As soon as this thing is done, we want to go over there
29:00 to train some of our leaders.
29:01 They're not just seeing the history of the church,
29:03 but they will be able to learn skills to lead the youth,
29:07 and the Pathfinder program around the world.
29:09 Well, that's great. It really is.
29:11 No, teasing a little bit about...
29:12 I've got so many great Brazilian friends.
29:15 But I think... Leonard Westphal was one.
29:17 Yeah, he really was.
29:19 But I think that... and Moses Primo is another.
29:22 He's with us, you know. Yes, yes, I know.
29:25 But anytime you want to humble a Brazilian now you just say
29:29 7 to 1... Oh my, please don't mention that. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
29:35 That's all you have to say.
29:36 That's okay. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
29:38 Well Terry, what is the dream now of the Pathfinder Museum?
29:45 Well, our dream is to have a facility that we can have year
29:51 round showing the story of God's leading, as seen through
29:54 the eyes of young people.
29:56 It will tell the story.
29:58 Young people started the work, and young people are going to
30:01 continue the work, and finish the work.
30:03 Because when you think about it, it is amazing what God
30:07 has done in this church. Yes it is.
30:10 And so we want to share that story.
30:12 And so we're looking at Battle Creek is where we're
30:15 wanting to establish this.
30:17 And it will be the mother, shall we say?
30:19 And from there we can in turn have satellites going out
30:23 to other countries.
30:24 Already, Dixie, what countries have we already
30:26 started? some places?
30:27 South America, Inner America, and South Korea,
30:30 we've helped start museums.
30:33 Somebody told me they were in South Korea recently
30:36 and there were thousands, and thousands of young people
30:39 that were involved in the Pathfinder affair there.
30:43 The rest of you should know that Terry, and Norm Middag,
30:46 and Dixie, and myself, we approached
30:48 Dan Jackson and Elder Wilson.
30:50 It has been approved officially by the North American Division,
30:54 and by the General Conference.
30:55 So you would be a part of the village there?
30:57 No, we'll be near the village. Near the village.
31:01 The village has a time line that ends in 1905. Okay.
31:04 So we wouldn't fit in there because ours goes early,
31:08 and then goes much later. Right.
31:09 So we're going to go near the village.
31:11 Near the village. So you're looking for property there?
31:14 Property there. We...
31:15 And if somebody wants to help with this project, how do they
31:18 get in touch with you, Terry?
31:20 They can get in touch with us by going on the website:
31:23 Okay.
31:27 And that will get them right to our website.
31:29 And that will have the addresses, the e-mails,
31:33 the phone numbers.
31:34 All of that information will be right there on the website
31:36 that they can contact me and Dixie, so either one of us,
31:40 and how they can also contribute to help the project financially.
31:45 And that's what we want them to do is help you financially,
31:49 to be able to put this center together.
31:51 So if you didn't get that, it's ypdiscoverycenter. org
31:59 If you don't get that, if you call us at 3ABN,
32:03 we'll have, the operators will have it,
32:05 and they'll get you in touch with these two.
32:08 Because we want you to have an opportunity to support this.
32:11 We believe in what you're doing.
32:13 And, you know, we're told that as we forget how God has led
32:19 in the past, that's when we don't move forward
32:23 properly for the future.
32:25 And I'm restating it intentionally.
32:28 But I do believe that we must see how God has led in the past,
32:34 and keep that before our young people.
32:36 And, you know, this afternoon Elder Jackson and Elder Wilson
32:40 they went through the whole thing
32:41 They were just completely amazed by what they saw.
32:44 Oh yeah. It's just beautiful.
32:46 I think one of the beautiful things too, of having a Museum
32:48 Learning and Discovery Center is that I'm sure you get
32:51 sometimes some very young Pathfinders coming through.
32:53 I'm sure they're quite amazed, aren't they? when they see
32:56 where Pathfinders has come from, what its built into.
32:59 Because some of these, this is all they know, seeing Oshkosh,
33:02 seeing what Pathfinders is today.
33:04 And so it's a great way for them to become familiar,
33:07 and see those who've brought it to where it is now.
33:09 And, of course, Jesus Christ is the One that has brought it
33:11 to where it is now.
33:13 But have you had any experiences with any young people coming
33:15 through totally amazed, shocked at what they're seeing?
33:18 Well, a lot of them are because they've never seen
33:20 anything like this before. Yes, absolutely.
33:23 The other thing, Jim, I'd like to just mention is that we see
33:27 this as an evangelistic outreach of the church
33:31 for several reasons.
33:32 We know that there are people who come to the village now,
33:35 at the Heritage Village in Battle Creek, who have children.
33:39 They come through. I've had people come to events in they
33:43 ask, How can my children become a part of Pathfinders,
33:47 or Adventures, or something?
33:49 Or how can we organize a club?
33:50 That's right. So our purpose is going to be to get the name
33:55 of that individual, their address, phone number,
33:58 and call the area they came from and ask to let them know
34:02 they can be contacted that they want to be a part of the club.
34:04 Also we know that there are a lot of people who have been
34:09 in Pathfinders over the years.
34:11 Maybe something happened in their life.
34:12 They left the Lord, and they left the church.
34:14 They won't go to a church, but they'll come to the
34:18 Discovery Learning Center.
34:19 They come there; something kindles in their heart.
34:23 They remember stories... I could tell you stories of
34:26 baptisms as a result of things like this.
34:28 People will be reclaimed. Yes.
34:31 So we're seeing this as a total outreach
34:33 ministry evangelistically. Wow!
34:36 Amen. Now I know we have some graphics, some pictures that
34:39 we'd like to show right now.
34:41 And you can explain a little bit about what we're looking at
34:42 here on the screen.
34:44 Here's our first Youth Instructor in 1852,
34:47 right? 1852, yes. That was before I was born.
34:52 I was just thinking, I was trying to remember if it was.
34:54 Now Luther Warren and Harry Finner were 14 and 17 when they
34:58 began the first youth program in 1879 in Hazelton, Michigan.
35:03 Wow! Okay! M. E. Kern was our first General Conference
35:09 youth leader, 1907. Alright.
35:12 1907! What are we looking at here?
35:14 Well, this is interesting because a lot of young people
35:17 have been involved in Ingathering over the years.
35:19 Oh yes, I was, too!
35:20 And that was started by Jasper Wayne, and the year was?
35:24 Oh, you can't ask me that right now. Okay.
35:27 I've had a long day.
35:28 And, of course, this is our pledge and our law.
35:33 That was in 1921, I believe.
35:36 1919. 1919, okay. Wow!
35:39 So this was written, and this is what we follow today;
35:42 the same thing we use today.
35:44 What a wonderful pledge.
35:46 Absolutely, absolutely.
35:47 It's meaningful. Oh yes, very much so.
35:50 What do you think about this Pathfinder Camporee
35:53 that we're attending right now?
35:55 What are some of your impressions of the camporee?
35:58 Camporees, I've been a part of them since Cape Hale in 1985,
36:03 and I believe in them.
36:04 I think it's a great thing that our young people can get
36:07 together from around the world, and across the division,
36:10 and meet friends, and see the things that they are seeing,
36:14 participate in the things that they are participating in,
36:16 and to learn how to become more like Jesus.
36:21 In the stories that are shared every evening,
36:24 what a message they get.
36:26 What a theme: Forever Faithful. Amen, yeah, absolutely.
36:31 And when you look at the life of Daniel and his friends. Right.
36:35 Wow! you do see faithfulness.
36:37 You really do, in every aspect of their life.
36:41 One of the interesting things, you know, you remember the World
36:43 Youth Conference in Zurich? Yes.
36:45 I remember the people that came from Ireland.
36:47 They were just such a small group, and they saw the
36:49 enormous congress with all those young people.
36:52 And those that come from overseas, or even the smaller
36:55 areas, and they are just amazed to be a part of a great
36:58 movement, you know.
36:59 Because this is an agency that has saved a lot of souls,
37:01 12 years old 13, and we baptize more young people in our church.
37:05 That's when they make their commitments for Christ.
37:08 When they come over here, they'll never
37:09 forget this experience.
37:11 You know it's true, Leo.
37:12 And some of these young people come from maybe a little church
37:15 in Illinois, or a little church in Kansas, or in Texas,
37:19 and all they see is a little church.
37:22 We're not that small, are we? Right.
37:24 And then they come here and Wow!
37:26 There's that many kids in our...
37:28 Overwhelming, it's overwhelming.
37:31 It is! Well, it just makes them feel like, you know something?
37:35 And I remember growing up in a town in Tyler, Texas.
37:39 We had 27 members in our church, and just 3 or 4 young people.
37:44 And I just remember feeling how small we were until I saw
37:50 the numbers of our worldwide church,
37:52 which at time was only 300,000.
37:55 You'll never forget that.
37:56 Right, but I kept thinking, Wow, we're part of a larger thing.
38:00 We're not just 27 people, you know.
38:03 So this, I think, helps our young people to realize this is
38:07 a gigantic work around the world. Amen.
38:09 And its growing leaps and bounds.
38:12 It took from the time 1863, when they organized the church,
38:17 till 1963; it took 100 years to get to the first
38:22 million mark worldwide.
38:24 Isn't that something?
38:25 Isn't that amazing? Yeah.
38:26 And now here we are 51 years later knocking on the
38:32 door of twenty million.
38:33 I mean we're 18, 19 million, somewhere in that range.
38:36 That is amazing! In just 50 years to do 18 times what was done
38:41 in a hundred years.
38:43 Was like me when I started my ministry only.
38:45 And look what we have now.
38:46 Yeah, exactly! It was you Leo. Yes! Ha, ha, ha.
38:50 Before you came on the scene we only had a few thousand members.
38:55 That's right! Yeah. Well, I tell you,
38:57 the work has grown all over.
39:00 And other divisions even more than here. Yes.
39:04 It was like I mentioned to Pastor Wilson, we're one of the
39:09 smallest divisions now here, and look at the number of young
39:13 people that God has blessed us with.
39:16 And you can imagine the numbers in these divisions that
39:20 have 2 million members.
39:22 I mean they have just an awful lot of young people.
39:26 Well, it's exciting. It really is.
39:28 And we are praying for this center that you're putting
39:33 together in Battle Creek.
39:35 We appreciate that.
39:36 It's going to be a soul winning center, because its talking
39:39 about our young people.
39:40 Yeah, fantastic. And why don't you give us that website
39:43 one more time, because sometimes it takes, at least me anyway,
39:46 a little time to get a pen and paper together.
39:48 Because we want to make sure we have time that people can write
39:50 it down and support it.
39:52 ypdiscoverycenter. org
39:57 Amen. We really appreciate the wonderful work
40:00 that you all are doing.
40:01 There's a lot of hard work in setting all this
40:02 stuff up here, too.
40:04 That's a lot of time to set all of it up.
40:05 But a beautiful job you all have done.
40:07 And thank you so much.
40:08 I'm a young person.
40:10 I appreciate all the time you've put forward to make it very
40:13 special for those that are attending here at
40:15 the Oshkosh session.
40:16 And we appreciate you praying for this project.
40:18 Thank you, and we appreciate that.
40:20 Well, have you got some more good footage to share with
40:24 us, Greg, for the day?
40:26 You know, I tell you what, we have had a wonderful day here.
40:30 I wanted to just make a comment actually, that I know that we're
40:33 outside here in the, I don't want to say makeshift,
40:37 but the guys have put a lot of hard work into this.
40:41 What did Wilson call it? a, it was some type,
40:44 something like that.
40:45 Did he really? Oh, okay.
40:46 Well I don't want to disagree with him, so ha, ha, ha!
40:48 That's pretty close!
40:50 But anyway, we're out here in a tent, and you can hear
40:51 some noise behind us.
40:53 That's the airplanes.
40:54 How close are we to the runway, Elder Gilley?
40:55 Too close! I will tell you that.
40:57 So just when you hear what sounds like buzzing sounds,
40:59 and things like that, the audio is fine.
41:01 We just have planes and stuff going by.
41:02 But it's neat to be outside.
41:04 That's the neat thing, too.
41:05 There's a lot of young people that are out here camping
41:07 in their tents, and I don't want to say, I guess you could say
41:11 its roughing it a little bit.
41:12 But they seem excited, don't they?
41:13 Most of them have smiles on their faces.
41:15 They do, and they're smiling a whole lot more now
41:18 that it's quit raining.
41:19 But we've got a tremendous crew.
41:23 And I haven't mentioned them.
41:24 I know they get the credits at the end, but Rodney Laney,
41:27 and Brad Walker, and by the way, Brad brought his son along,
41:31 Tyler, and Joel and Christine Baker, Michael Younkin,
41:35 Dan Peak, Curtis Hite, and Netto.
41:38 Where? Netto is out there somewhere. Yeah.
41:41 He's a Brazilian. Uh huh. Good man.
41:43 And ah, yeah, he's a good man.
41:46 Will Worf, Seth Davis, Mark Davis, Larry McLucas,
41:50 Terrance Marshall, and Len Wenzel.
41:52 And these are working hard.
41:55 They were out there in the heat today, and it's warm today.
41:59 Plenty of sunshine.
42:01 In fact I look a little darker today than I did yesterday
42:04 just from being out in this sunshine.
42:07 So its, we appreciate that crew and all the good
42:11 work they're doing.
42:12 Amen! And, you know, in talking about being outside,
42:15 we're actually going to ask Brenda Walsh to come on.
42:17 Because we have some footage about what we did today.
42:22 And we thank you. I want to say thank you all for being here.
42:25 What a privilege it is to have you all here.
42:27 God bless you all. We appreciate your taking the time
42:30 for being on with us.
42:31 May God continue to bless your ministry.
42:33 Thank you, Leo. God bless each one of you.
42:36 But as Brenda comes on, we were talking about
42:38 being outside today.
42:39 And yes, I do feel like my face burns just a little bit,
42:43 because we were outside in the sun.
42:44 And I know some of the crew members...
42:45 There's some of our set up of the Learning Time today,
42:49 which is going on right outside this tent that we're
42:52 actually in right now.
42:54 Look at the beautiful blue sky, the green grass.
42:56 We're getting set up early in the morning.
42:58 It was nice and cool out.
42:59 But we were setting up the equipment getting ready.
43:02 You can see our trucks that we have set right up,
43:05 right outside here.
43:06 And there's some of the Learning Time; first timers coming here
43:09 to do the Learning Time programming.
43:11 And we've got some of the crew here setting up our 40 foot jib.
43:16 Yep. So that gets some really neat shots flying in high.
43:20 And there's Miss Brenda and Tyler, Brad's son, and those...
43:25 Each person that comes to Learning Time here to tape
43:27 gets a free flier Frisbee.
43:30 And they had a lot of fun.
43:32 Look at that. Boy, Miss Brenda, I know you're now on the set
43:34 with us here as this video is rolling, but you're having a
43:37 lot of fun throwing those Frisbee's as well.
43:39 Well, actually, I'm not the athletic one in the family.
43:41 Cinda and Linda, my sisters, are much better at it.
43:43 So I told them to throw challenging.
43:45 Look at those kids!
43:47 Aren't they precious?
43:48 Yes, wonderful smiles on their faces.
43:50 Wonderful smiles. I think that all the kids were smiling today.
43:52 No rain! No rain, that's right.
43:54 And not too hot. Even in the shade it wasn't bad.
43:56 In the sun a little warm.
43:58 It wasn't bad at all, so...
43:59 And do you know none of the kids complained. No?
44:02 Not one complained.
44:04 They were just excited to be a part of the program,
44:07 and they were just excited to be here at Camporee.
44:12 And they really, they just had great attitudes, great spirit.
44:16 They were really, really precious,
44:18 and we had a good time.
44:20 Amen. You know we shot just a little bit of footage there of
44:22 Ben, where you can see him there in the yellow shirt.
44:24 Miss Brenda, tell us a little bit about Ben Roy;
44:26 what a blessing he has been with you.
44:27 Oh, Ben Roy is a tremendous blessing.
44:29 He's actually been with me from the very beginning of Kids Time.
44:32 Going on 15 years. Can you imagine? Wow!
44:35 And this man, I have so much love and respect for him.
44:38 He loves kids. Yeah.
44:40 He loves learning.
44:42 And kids love Ben Roy. Yes, they do.
44:43 But, you know, kids know when you love them. That's right.
44:46 They respond to love.
44:47 And they know who loves them and who doesn't.
44:49 And they really respond to him.
44:50 And he's got such a gentle nature.
44:52 He has a way of just explaining things so neatly, and just very
44:57 very... There you can see.
45:00 Yeah! They were excited, weren't they?
45:02 They were! And he has such, Ben Roy has just really...
45:07 He travels the globe.
45:08 Kid's Time's kind of put him on the map, because now he's in
45:12 demand all over the world, because of kids that have seen
45:16 him on Kids Time all over the world.
45:18 And I have just so much respect for him.
45:20 He has amazing knowledge of science. Yes, he does.
45:23 He can make the most tiniest little thing look interesting.
45:27 And then have your mind wonder, How did he do that?
45:31 How did that work? How did he do that?
45:33 And so he can take the simplest thing and make it fun,
45:36 and fun to learn about science.
45:38 And I love how he ties in a Spiritual message with his
45:41 programs, and I like his ending.
45:44 He goes, Whenever you learn more about science you learn
45:46 more about our Creator, God.
45:49 A Wow! Well, he is really a absolute genius in this area,
45:55 and able yet to transport that to young people in such a way
46:01 that it's not boring, its interesting. Exactly, exactly.
46:04 And so we just think a lot of Ben Roy.
46:08 And he's been so dedicated to the Kids Time ministry. Yeah.
46:12 He even wears his Kids Time Tee Shirt when he goes out,
46:14 all out and about.
46:15 And that's wonderful for kids to even learn; some that have
46:19 never had the chance to even know what that is. Yes.
46:22 You know, you say, Oh, what's Kids Time? when you're
46:24 wearing that shirt.
46:25 So it's a wonderful way to witness as well.
46:27 Well, it really is.
46:28 Well, another great day here.
46:31 Another great day. And we had so much fun out there today.
46:35 We got four programs taped. Amen!
46:39 And I think we have a roll that we could play to show some of
46:43 the things that we taped today. Okay.
46:44 Um, that we could...
46:46 Part of what we actually just rolled, actually just now.
46:49 Oh, so we'll show the rest tomorrow then. Okay?
46:52 Well, we have some really fun times.
46:55 We had a lot of kids come from different countries here today.
46:58 We had from different parts of the country.
47:01 We had somebody from Columbia, from Panama, from Barbados,
47:04 and I think there were kids here from New Mexico, Virginias;
47:11 I mean all over, so they really have a mix of kids.
47:14 And then I had a chance to go back into the booth
47:18 this afternoon and greet and meet a whole lot more,
47:20 and stir up a lot of interest to get kids to come tomorrow.
47:24 Because we can't tape without the kids. No, that's true.
47:27 So really kids are excited about coming.
47:30 One little girl came up to me and she says, I've wanted to be
47:33 on TV my whole life. Ha, ha, ha.
47:36 I think she was nine, you know. Bless her heart!
47:39 Well, she does want to be on.
47:41 She wants to be on, and they're going to be able.
47:43 Well, I said, Well you can be.
47:44 Could we get some footage of her we could show?
47:46 Because that would be great to show her.
47:48 It would be awesome.
47:49 Well, if she shows up tomorrow night we'll make sure that we...
47:51 I'll get a little side interview that we can show for
47:53 tomorrow night's program.
47:55 Alright, we'll put her on.
47:56 And also tomorrow night we have Rich Agulara,
47:59 our new nature, ranger guy on Kids Time.
48:04 So he's really amazing.
48:06 He travels all over the world, and people are really going to
48:09 be interested in hearing about him.
48:11 But I wanted to give an update, if I could.
48:13 For those of you that saw us say hello to Nori last night on the
48:19 program, I got a text from Nori, and she said that she was
48:23 able to see us talking about her.
48:25 And when you started to pray for her, Pastor Gilley,
48:28 she said her nurse was in the room.
48:30 And they were all crying, even her nurse.
48:33 That touched her nurse's heart so much that you prayed for her.
48:36 Wow! So I was really, I thought that the viewers would like to
48:39 know that Nori did get to hear your message, and the prayer.
48:42 Well, I did request the prayer, but actually
48:45 Greg did the praying.
48:46 That's right, that's right!
48:48 But we're all praying for Nori's recovery.
48:50 We're all praying. We really are. We're all praying.
48:53 And we believe that the Lord's going to heal her,
48:56 and that she's going to be restored to health.
49:00 You know, the Lord uses a lot of different things.
49:02 Yes He does. And I think that if she follows the regimen the
49:07 physicians have outlined, and then with the healing power
49:10 of the Lord, I believe that she's going to be
49:13 right back in there.
49:15 She's one special girl alright. Oh, yeah, she is.
49:17 Also last night's program was a result of, so many people heard
49:20 us talking about our Kids Network, and they have sent
49:23 some donations in. So I said, Praise the Lord!
49:26 And don't stop! No, no!
49:29 Because we still need a lot to finish this network.
49:32 We need to finish our Kids Time Network.
49:34 I mean our Kids Network.
49:35 I'm so used to Kids Time, but its 3ABN Kids Network.
49:38 We need to get this going now.
49:40 We don't need to wait five years from now.
49:41 Jesus is coming soon.
49:43 We need to do something for our children right now.
49:45 And really that's...
49:47 Well, we actually...
49:48 We could be moved in a year if we could get
49:50 building right away.
49:52 And we do actually have the Kids Network going. Yes.
49:55 Please don't think it's not.
49:56 It is going. It's doing... but we want a new studio.
49:59 The Kids Network. We need our new studios.
50:01 Yeah, that's right. That's right.
50:03 And we're not going to quit taping.
50:04 We're taping here even.
50:06 And we'll keep taping, but it will go so much better,
50:09 so much faster, and so much more efficient when we have
50:13 the studio down in the Collegedale area.
50:16 Especially because we need so many programs.
50:19 We need over a thousand programs every month just to provide
50:24 really quality twenty-four seven programming.
50:26 That's what I was just going to say, because most people don't
50:27 realize what it takes to do a twenty-four seven network.
50:31 Exactly. That's a lot of programming.
50:32 and that will be the beautiful thing of having that studio,
50:35 because all the programming out of there will be for kids.
50:37 That's right. And that will be the beautiful thing
50:39 of having that studio.
50:40 And I love getting your ideas for programs.
50:43 I've gotten some really wonderful ideas to produce
50:48 programs that people would like to see.
50:49 I like to hear from the parents as well, and the school teachers
50:53 that say, Wow! I wish we could have a program on this,
50:55 and this, and this.
50:56 And this is the time to give me those ideas, because we're in
50:59 program development right now.
51:00 So I'm really excited about that.
51:02 We've got a program I'm working on of having children have
51:07 little sermonettes.
51:08 And I think that's going to be awesome.
51:09 Oh, I do too. I think there are a lot of kids that will respond
51:13 to that, and I think you're going to be amazed at
51:16 some of their messages. Yes. I really do.
51:18 Cause kids love to...
51:20 I had guys come by the booth today that told me,
51:22 they said, We're preachers. Yeah!
51:24 And I said, Have you preached anywhere? Well, Yes, Ma'am!
51:27 And they said they've preached in their church,
51:29 and they said, Well, I preach at school.
51:31 That's right. That's right. Wow!
51:34 Well, they're there.
51:35 And people love to hear, and are blessed by those messages.
51:39 They really are. They are.
51:41 We also want to have some programs for parents. Yeah.
51:43 Because our parents need parenting tips.
51:47 Let's face it, it's getting harder and harder to raise
51:50 kids in today's world, because the Devil's really, really
51:55 fighting hard to steal the hearts and
51:56 minds of our children.
51:58 So it's getting more and more difficult for parents to know
52:01 how to even raise their children.
52:03 And I've had parents say to me, Should I remove the electronics
52:07 from the home? or is it better to train them how to
52:10 make the best choices?
52:11 Yeah, and that's the best way to go.
52:13 Electronics are not the problem, it's the choices we make.
52:16 You know, Camille and I, the Lord let us raise four.
52:20 And one of the things we found, we had a what we called an
52:24 in-line key switch.
52:25 It was a switch that I could switch off, and therefore the
52:30 power was cut to the television.
52:33 That's great! And then we got one of the early recorders.
52:38 So the kids would come home and they'd say, Listen, this is
52:40 going to be on, and every kid in school's going to see it,
52:43 and we haven't seen it.
52:45 And I said, Okay, we'll record it.
52:47 And then Saturday night if this is a worthwhile program,
52:50 we will get some popcorn, and we'll sit down and we'll
52:54 watch it Saturday night.
52:55 But we'll record it tonight.
52:56 Because you're going to study tonight.
52:58 You're doing your studies.
52:59 And you know, the amazing thing?
53:01 I don't know how many times that by the time Saturday night
53:05 came around they'd say, Awe, we don't want to see that.
53:06 We heard all about it, and it wasn't any good anyway.
53:09 But this avoided a battle, I'd say, because they knew
53:16 that it would be taped.
53:17 They weren't going to miss something.
53:19 I think that was an awesome idea. Yeah.
53:20 And so it was worth getting one of the early
53:25 video tape recorders.
53:26 In fact the old reel to reel to start with my kids.
53:29 Then we went to VHS, and then on to Bata and the whole bit.
53:34 But folks, work with your kids. That's right.
53:38 I'm not going to tell you how to raise kids, but my kids knew the
53:42 answer was yes, whatever they wanted to do,
53:45 unless there was a good reason.
53:47 And if I had a good reason, and I said no,
53:51 they did honestly question the reason.
53:53 I wouldn't... I'd say, I'm not going to give you an answer.
53:55 I'm just telling you no right now.
53:56 Sometimes I'd tell them the reason.
53:58 But I don't feel obligated as a parent to always
54:02 give them a reason.
54:03 But if they trust you, and they know, that you know,
54:06 when Dad says no, it must be a pretty good reason,
54:09 because he usually always says yes.
54:11 Then I think that we avoid a battle with our kids.
54:17 If you can avoid, if you can discipline and love them,
54:20 and lead them without battling them, you're going to.
54:25 And sometimes you just have to put your arm around them...
54:28 And say no! Right, and if they give you a rough time you have
54:32 to wrestle them a little bit, you know, but in love.
54:34 In our home, if it wasn't going to bring us closer to Jesus,
54:37 it wasn't going to happen.
54:38 So that was the criteria.
54:40 Is this going to bring you closer to Jesus?
54:42 If we wanted to do anything, was this going to bring
54:44 you closer to Jesus?
54:45 And if we couldn't...
54:46 But I tell you, I got pretty creative about how things
54:48 were going to be getting me closer to Jesus.
54:50 Yeah, me too! That yogurt's going make me closer, right?
54:54 Right, yeah. But listen, Pastor, I was wondering if I could ask
54:57 our viewers; we're getting ready to tape our Bible Stories
55:00 in October, and I have some real needs.
55:02 And I would like to take a moment just to ask if there's
55:06 anybody out there that has any acting ability at all,
55:09 that is interested in acting in our Bible Stories;
55:12 we're taping them in October, three weeks in October.
55:14 Go to my website: brendawalsh. com
55:17 You can click on my schedule.
55:18 You'll see all the exact dates that we're taping.
55:20 And if you can, my contact information is there as well,
55:24 contact me and let me know that you're willing to help me.
55:27 We are in desperate need of some key parts,
55:30 and some supporting roles.
55:31 So I really need some help with Story Time.
55:35 So I'd appreciate it.
55:37 It's a blessing, isn't it, Miss Brenda, to work with young
55:39 people? Amen! For young people to know Jesus.
55:42 That's the key. Amen!
55:43 And you know, and this is a special time in the
55:44 evening here at Oshkosh.
55:46 At this time of night there are thousands of people,
55:48 and I want to ask the crew quickly, we have just
55:51 basically a minute left.
55:52 Just a few seconds of what's happening.
55:54 And this is some shots of last night going into the crowd.
55:56 It absolutely amazes me, because we had about 50,000 young people
56:01 that were showing up for the main evening meeting
56:04 session at Oshkosh.
56:05 And so some of the footage, we may not be quite able to
56:08 share it with you right now, but we will tomorrow night.
56:10 There's some right now.
56:12 This was of last night.
56:13 All of the young people streaming in, and this is a
56:14 very special time in the evening, because this is when
56:17 they all get together, and they're learning again about
56:19 the story of Daniel.
56:20 Look at all those young people out there.
56:21 And we're praying for...
56:23 Look at that! Amazing shots of those young people coming
56:25 in for the evening meeting.
56:27 And that's what's happening about right now there at the
56:30 main stage there at Oshkosh.
56:32 Is that Daniel or the lion?
56:33 I don't know. But, anyway I want to say, Thank you so much
56:36 Miss Brenda, so much for your work with the young people.
56:39 Many of these have seen Kids Time, and I know have been
56:43 blessed because of your love of Jesus, and wanted to share
56:46 that with others. Praise the Lord! Amen!
56:49 And tonight as we go on and leave you, we leave you with
56:54 these scenes, and we just, keep praying for 3ABN.
56:58 Keep praying for our ministry.
57:01 It is your prayers and your financial support
57:04 that keeps us on the air.
57:07 Boy, that's for sure.
57:08 And we want to keep witnessing for our Lord.
57:10 And we want you to hold on to Jesus.
57:12 These are terrible times in so many ways;
57:15 wonderful times as well.
57:17 But the Devil would like to discourage every single one
57:21 of you to give up, so determine that you're going to keep on
57:25 keeping on with Jesus.
57:26 He's our Lord, He's our God, He's our Savior,
57:29 and He loves you.


Revised 2017-02-06