
Unity In The Church

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Mark Finley, Ted Wilson, Danny Shelton, Jim Gilley, Brad Thorpe


Series Code: NL

Program Code: NL012003

00:26 Hello, and welcome to a very
00:27 special edition of 3ABN, Night Light.
00:31 My name is C.A. Murray and allow me once again
00:33 to thank you for sharing just a little
00:35 of your no doubt busy day with us.
00:38 You know, there are four times in a Book of Revelation
00:40 where the Bible says, that we need to give ear
00:43 to what the spirit has to say to the churches.
00:45 And this is one of those times when we as a church family
00:48 are gathering together to talk about
00:50 the business of the Lord, to lift up the name of Jesus.
00:53 And to draw ourselves together
00:56 and to listen to our General Conference President
00:58 and to what's happening in our church.
01:00 With me is Mark Finley, who is the assistant to the president.
01:04 And I am gonna ask Mark to just tell us a little bit
01:07 about what we're gonna be doing this night
01:08 to introduce our guest.
01:10 And give us a little of the culture of the evening.
01:12 Shortly, before the ascension of Jesus to heaven,
01:16 Jesus says, to His disciples,
01:20 "Wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit."
01:23 And then He said in Acts 1:8,
01:26 "But you shall receive power
01:28 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
01:30 And you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem,
01:34 in Judea, in Samaria to the ends of the earth."
01:37 But the disciples weren't ready to receive the Holy Spirit.
01:41 Pride filled their hearts.
01:43 Arrogance gripped their lives.
01:46 They were striving for the supremacy.
01:48 In fact just before the cross, James and John influenced
01:54 their mother to put pressure on Jesus
01:58 and influence Jesus to give then first place
02:01 in the kingdom to sit on thrones
02:03 one in his right and one in his left.
02:04 You remember, Jesus said
02:06 "The Lord of Kingdom will serve to you."
02:07 So the disciples were not ready for Pentecost.
02:10 They were not unified.
02:12 They were not in one accord.
02:14 They prayed, their hearts were broken in unity.
02:17 They came together they repented.
02:20 They confessed their sin
02:22 and the Holy Spirit was poured out.
02:24 Unity is a preeminent value in the heart of Jesus.
02:28 And tonight our topic is the unity
02:32 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
02:33 The Adventist church faces challenges to its unity.
02:37 And tonight Pastor Ted Wilson,
02:39 our General Conference president
02:41 will share his heart on the subject of unity.
02:46 He will be interviewed by Jim Gilley,
02:50 Danny Shelton of 3ABN and Brad Thorp of the Hope Channel.
02:54 This program will be broadcast internationally.
02:58 Now let's join them on the stage now.
03:03 Come with me as I join Pastor Wilson and the others.
03:05 Well welcome we're right here on the stage at ASI
03:09 at the Duke Energy Centre.
03:11 And this is Night Light
03:13 coming to you from Cincinnati, Ohio.
03:16 And we have a group of very dignified individuals
03:19 here including the General Conference president
03:22 to answer some questions regarding unity of the church.
03:27 And we have been looking forward to this program.
03:31 It's an opportunity for us to speak
03:33 to Seventh-day Adventists all around the world.
03:36 When Ted Wilson became president
03:39 of the General Conference in the year 2010.
03:45 Is that correct? That at Atlanta.
03:47 I met with him shortly
03:50 after and I said when you want to address the church,
03:54 we will be happy to invite the Hope Channel
03:57 to join with us, and Loma Linda,
04:00 any of the other networks that would like to be a part of it.
04:04 And the church can be addressed on issues
04:08 that it might be facing on, or bringing the church
04:10 together in unity.
04:12 And at that time he said to me, I will be taking you up.
04:15 Several times he has spoken to the entire world
04:20 from 3ABN and we have invited him to do so at anytime
04:25 that he would so desire.
04:27 There were have been some questions that have risen
04:28 in the last few weeks and as a result we contacted
04:32 the General Conference and we made the offer
04:35 to them that they could come and address
04:39 some of the questions of unity particularly
04:44 to the entire world church.
04:47 And so we welcome you and we are very happy
04:50 to have you with us.
04:51 And Pastor Finley, we're happy to have you with us as well.
04:55 I think you have introduced the panel
04:57 and let everyone know who we are.
05:00 And so I am just gonna be begin right of with a question.
05:03 We have about 17 million Seventh-day Adventists
05:08 around the world.
05:10 And we have all sorts of cultures and all sorts
05:15 of in 200 countries plus.
05:19 How do you keep that type of a church from fragmenting?
05:25 Well first of all let me just thank 3ABN
05:30 and the team that they have here.
05:32 Let me thank Hope Channel
05:34 and those who are making this very special event possible.
05:40 It's wonderful to be here at the ASI Convention
05:43 here in Cincinnati.
05:45 And a wonderful beginning this evening
05:47 with President Frank Forney and an emphasis
05:52 on our close relationship with the Lord.
05:55 Before I answer that question Jim,
05:58 and I will probably try to work it into a response here.
06:02 I'd like to just make a few introductory remarks
06:07 and then we can probably proceed
06:09 with some of the more specific questions.
06:13 I want to indicate that I am a very good courage tonight.
06:18 Okay. Courage in the Lord.
06:20 Amen. For the Lord is in control
06:23 of His precious advent movement, amen.
06:26 And He will not let anything happen to that precious movement
06:31 as we move towards the very end of time.
06:35 I'm gonna take just a few minutes
06:37 to give you a little overview of some of the things
06:40 that are on my heart in terms of the unity of the church
06:45 and how we relate to that.
06:48 You know, we have been told in the Spirit of Prophecy
06:51 that we need at the end of time to press together,
06:54 press together, press together.
06:57 Apparently the Lord knew that at the end of time
06:59 there would be a lot of dissension
07:01 and frustration and challenges that we would meet.
07:05 I truly believe with all of my heart
07:08 that we are living at the end of time,
07:11 that Jesus is coming soon.
07:15 And as Seventh-day Adventist, we have that wonderful hope
07:18 and that opportunity.
07:20 Even the current settings
07:21 that we see in the political settings around the world.
07:24 Things are so unstable in the economic areas of life.
07:30 We're really on a paper thin edge of economic challenge
07:37 all over the world.
07:39 One particular thing will create a domino effect.
07:42 We're seeing the signs of Christ
07:45 soon coming in the social areas, society.
07:48 The fragmentation of the family,
07:51 the unfortunate disintegration
07:57 of social understanding of how we function as a society.
08:03 Even in the very difficult and unfortunate trend
08:07 toward same sex marriage.
08:10 Homosexuality, the acceptance of that.
08:14 As the scripture point out, we need to love
08:17 the sinner and hate the sin, amen.
08:20 We need to nurture and help people
08:22 to find victory in Christ.
08:25 But as we see things around us beginning to disintegrate
08:30 including areas that we have no control over natural disaster
08:35 that are happening in unprecedented numbers.
08:38 The ecumenical movements
08:40 that are beginning to show
08:42 themselves in a very powerful way.
08:45 We begin to understand that we truly are living
08:48 at the very end of time and God has called the people.
08:51 Revelation 12:17, gives us a very clear picture
08:56 of those who keep the commandments of God
09:00 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
09:04 We know, in the next couple of Chapters in Revelation 14,
09:07 it was referenced this evening that verses 6 to 12 help us
09:12 to understand the great Three Angels' Messages
09:15 that God has called us to proclaim.
09:18 Christ is asking for His people to stand together for truth
09:23 at the end of time, to proclaim those incredible messages
09:26 that he has entrusted to His church. Amen.
09:30 John 17, the prayer of Christ that His disciples
09:34 would be one and not only for the disciples
09:37 that were with Him, but for the disciples
09:39 that would come later.
09:41 And here we are--
09:42 in the Book of Ephesians Chapter 2,
09:45 we read in the 19th verse
09:49 that "We are part of the household of God
09:54 built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets.
09:57 Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone."
10:01 A couple of chapters later Christ
10:03 talks about unity in the sense that we are all one in terms of
10:10 one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith,
10:14 one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all
10:18 and through all and in you all.
10:20 So the Lord expects for us to be unified
10:24 as we come to the very end of time.
10:27 We're in the church trying through God's blessing,
10:32 to focus upon this great message that He has given to us.
10:36 Tell the world
10:38 that's why we have called for revival and reformation.
10:42 It's not something we do, its something
10:44 that the Holy Spirit does in us.
10:48 We have called for mission to the cities.
10:52 We have called for distribution of that wonderful book,
10:56 the Great Controversy in its various versions.
10:59 I don't care what version
11:00 you use--use one of those to reach somebody's heart.
11:05 We have called for revived by His word
11:08 to read the scriptures together, to understand
11:11 what God has in store for us.
11:14 We're calling for a revitalized emphasis on medical missionary
11:18 work helping people to understand they need to meet
11:21 the needs of people around them.
11:24 All of this requires unity.
11:27 It requires a sense
11:30 that we as Seventh-day Adventist must come together
11:32 under the leading of the Holy Spirit.
11:35 I want to tell you that devil is not happy.
11:39 He wants to do everything possible to bring
11:41 about division, dissension, distraction
11:45 whatever it might be.
11:49 We do have currently an item
11:54 which is causing considerable discussion.
11:59 The ordination of individuals without regard to gender.
12:04 I am not going to speak about women's ordination
12:08 or about that particular subject, tonight.
12:12 I want to talk in focus on unity.
12:15 On what it is that God as He expects as a church
12:19 that we should do in order to create
12:23 a better understanding of that particular unity
12:27 that is so, so important.
12:30 I think also it's important that we understand
12:33 that organizations from churches to individuals--
12:40 of course, all the way through entire system of our church,
12:44 Conferences, Unions, Divisions, General Conference,
12:47 that all of us need to show respect to each other.
12:51 But we also need to have a wonderful spirit
12:55 of love and care.
12:58 But also we need to work together in humility
13:02 and submission, submission to each other
13:05 and to the Lord Himself.
13:08 I think we need to be very careful
13:10 about making references that will bring
13:14 some kind of depreciating value on entities
13:19 of the church-- the General Conference itself.
13:23 Some people don't even relate to the General Conference,
13:26 because they know their church pastor.
13:28 They know may be their conference president,
13:31 but the General Conference is something way out
13:33 there and really doesn't have any relevance.
13:37 In a sense we all are part of that great body
13:40 and we need to show respect one to another. Right.
13:44 So that when we show some disrespect as to the process
13:47 that the church uses to find its way through problems,
13:53 if we show some kind of unfortunate dividing remarks
13:59 that would indicate that perhaps the General Conference
14:02 or other units may not really have a voice in something,
14:09 then I think a lack of respect for each of us is seen.
14:16 And we need to be united
14:17 as we move into the future in a very, very specific way.
14:22 Now in terms of how we have tried to deal
14:25 with some of the--some of the challenges of unity
14:29 in the most recent past, the General Conference officers
14:33 and division presidents have made
14:36 very special spiritual appeal.
14:40 We also recently have issued documents
14:44 just yesterday, and even tomorrow a document
14:48 will be presented to help clarify some of the discussion
14:52 that is taking place with information that is not accurate
14:57 and perhaps not understood in the proper way.
15:02 So we would hope that people will very much
15:05 look to some of those documents and some of those
15:09 statements that are done in love.
15:12 That are done with a real caring attitude
15:15 to help people to truly understand
15:18 how the church ought to move ahead.
15:20 I would like to just make a quote a little statement
15:24 from Testimonies volume 9, its page 260 and 261.
15:32 It has to do with the structure of the church
15:36 and the General Conference.
15:38 And it says when in a General Conference the judgment
15:41 of the brethren assembled from all parts of the field
15:44 is exercised private independence
15:47 and private judgment must not be stubbornly
15:50 maintained, but surrendered.
15:52 Now let me just interject that's not easy to do.
15:55 Personally or corporately it's only through the power
15:59 the Holy Spirit, but continuing,
16:01 never should a laborer regard as a virtue of the persistent
16:05 maintenance of his position of independence contrary
16:09 to the decision of the general body.
16:11 God has ordained that the representatives
16:13 of his church from all parts of the earth
16:17 when assembled in a General Conference
16:19 shall have authority.
16:22 Now, I think we have to understand
16:24 and what we mean by that.
16:25 We are not talking about some kind of kingly power
16:28 or some lording at over people.
16:31 We are talking about a system that works
16:34 in submission to the Holy Spirit to help a group
16:38 of people come together to understand
16:41 what is best for the whole.
16:42 How did the church in the early days
16:46 in the early apostolic days deal with that.
16:49 How did the church
16:50 as the Seventh-day Adventist Church
16:52 as it was forming deal with differences.
16:55 They came together in Sabbath conferences.
16:58 They came together in prayer, they came together
17:01 in submission to each other and the holy word.
17:06 And the Holy Spirit helped them to come together as a body.
17:11 And I just want to earnestly appeal to everyone,
17:15 every administrative unit throughout the world
17:18 and those that will be having administrative events
17:22 coming up that they humble themselves
17:25 and I say it to myself as well.
17:27 To humble ourselves before the Lord,
17:30 so that we can truly find the way that God
17:34 would have us go, not just the way
17:37 an individual or a group would like to go.
17:41 As we submit to the Lord, the Lord will help us
17:44 to fulfill that beautiful prayer that he had in John 17.
17:49 It will help us to understand
17:51 that we are part of the household of God
17:54 as he indicates through Paul in Ephesians 2
17:57 that we do have one Lord and one faith, one baptism,
18:01 one God, one Father who is over all of us.
18:05 And I just want to appeal in a very special ways.
18:08 We move into these questions that we will understand
18:12 the need for humbling ourselves before each other
18:17 and working together as a unit not having
18:21 one unit go ahead of another, but that we all work together.
18:26 How do you keep a church together of 17 million?
18:30 We have many ways in which things can help to do that.
18:36 We have first of all and foremost Christ
18:40 and the wonderful belief we have in Him and His righteousness.
18:44 We have our beautiful doctrines
18:46 which we take from scripture, 28 fundamental beliefs.
18:50 We have a worldwide administrative system.
18:55 We have working policies.
18:57 You know policies that sound so dry and bureaucratic,
19:00 but really what they are, are Christian agreements
19:04 that we abide by collectively in order to provide
19:11 for a strong push for the mission of the church.
19:16 And as those policies are understood
19:19 in a very positive way, then of course we can see progress.
19:25 When we don't see a unanimity and unity
19:30 in what we are doing, then we see a fractious
19:34 and divisive spirit, but I just want to appeal to us
19:38 as we move ahead that as we see the ways
19:43 in which the church stays together
19:45 through worldwide Sabbath school lessons,
19:49 through working policies, through doctrines
19:53 that we will also recognize.
19:55 And I have told my wife Nancy this.
19:57 I don't really worry too much about the unity of the church,
20:02 because it is the Holy Spirit
20:05 that keeps the church together, amen.
20:07 And I believe that the Holy Spirit
20:08 will do that as we move into the future even though
20:11 we are facing some challenges
20:13 I believe that the Holy Spirit
20:14 will come upon people from different languages
20:18 different cultures, different nations and that truly
20:23 we will be united as we submit to each other
20:27 and to the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
20:31 Pastor Wilson through the years, through the centuries,
20:34 the church has faced many attacks
20:36 where there has been potential for disunity.
20:40 but is there a biblical model
20:43 that we should be following as a world church?
20:47 Is there a way in which these potential reasons
20:51 for disagreement can be resolved in a Christ like way?
20:56 Well it definitely has to do with an ability to come together
21:00 as a body in submission and then to discuss these things
21:06 prayerfully to be in our needs to look to scripture.
21:10 You know, more and more in society we are seeing a tendency
21:15 for people to express opinions based upon their own feelings
21:21 rather than upon truth.
21:23 And that's why Bible truth is so important to a denomination
21:27 like the Seventh-day Adventist church and I think as we look
21:31 at how the early church in Acts Chapter 15
21:36 dealt with some very difficult challenges.
21:39 We can see that they did not spin off
21:42 into different directions, but they came together
21:45 in an assembled way and the Holy Spirit
21:48 helped them as they counseled and prayed together.
21:52 I think that's probably one of the most important ways
21:56 that we can draw from scripture
21:58 to understand the good patron.
22:00 Mark may be you have something you wanna add on that.
22:02 Let's unpack Acts 15 just for a moment.
22:05 The historical background is there was a conflict
22:08 between Jews and Gentiles and as the Apostle Paul
22:12 preached in Antioch there were scores of Gentile Christians
22:16 coming into the Christian--scores of gentiles
22:18 coming into the Christian church.
22:20 The Jewish believers who were Christians wanted the Gentiles
22:25 to be circumcised and in addition
22:26 to that they wanted them to keep the fees such as pass over.
22:30 That conflict grew so large in the church at Antioch
22:35 that the churches wondered what we gonna do about this.
22:38 They decided to send
22:40 the Apostle Paul and representatives
22:43 from the church there to Jerusalem,
22:45 to counsel with the leading brethren
22:48 at Jerusalem, so they came.
22:49 They went to Jerusalem
22:50 and that counsel meeting took place, James presided.
22:54 There were really vigorous discussions.
22:57 There were disagreements,
22:59 you can read about in Acts Chapter 15.
23:00 So disagreements discussions differences of opinion
23:04 are not fatal to a church.
23:06 In fact they are healthy.
23:07 And so there were these differences of opinion,
23:10 but as the brethren in Jerusalem worked through the problem,
23:14 they came to a common agreement.
23:17 And that agreement of course was that the Gentile Christians
23:20 needed to de-circumcise,
23:22 that all they need to do was refrain from
23:25 worshipping idols and refrain from blood
23:29 and things strangled etc.
23:32 After the Jerusalem counsel a letter was written
23:35 it was taken by the apostles out
23:37 through the rest of the churches.
23:39 And it was mutually agreed upon the church
23:42 came together in unity and focused on its mission.
23:45 Now how is this instructive for us today?
23:47 There can be vigorous debate.
23:49 There can be respect between one and other
23:51 differences of the opinion can be shared.
23:55 but unity comes as the church together in counsel
24:00 mutually agrees and as that mutual agreement takes place
24:07 we put aside individual differences for what's best
24:11 for the church and to facilitate the mission of the church.
24:14 Think what would have happened if the churches and Antioch
24:18 would have voted one thing, the churches in Syria
24:21 would have voted another thing, the churches in Judea
24:23 would have voted another thing.
24:25 There would have been such chaos and fragmentation.
24:27 So Acts 15, I think is an instructive model that enables
24:31 the church to move together in unity
24:34 and there may be differences of opinion,
24:36 but there is a unified sense of mission and purpose.
24:41 Then Elder Wilson is there a difference
24:43 in uniformity and unity?
24:47 So what is the difference?
24:49 Well that's a good question Danny,
24:51 and unity is, of course,
24:56 a much broader term term that we want to use.
25:03 We do not have to do everything in lockstep.
25:07 When it comes to particular areas that may differ,
25:13 in certain particular situations or in settings,
25:18 but on areas that are very pronounced, areas
25:23 areas, that the world church has agreed on,
25:27 areas that church has voted actions on.
25:32 We want to be extremely careful
25:34 that we do not see entities go of in directions
25:40 that are not unifying, but rather divisive.
25:45 So I think uniformity is something which just sounds
25:49 like everybody has to be, you know, a wooden soldier
25:53 that's marching along in the same beat.
25:56 But unity helps us to understand that definitely
26:01 the aspect of brining us together with major doctrinal
26:07 and biblical themes and with an understanding
26:11 that whatever I do may affect another part
26:15 of the body that is really what unity is all about.
26:20 You know I love that.
26:21 I love that definition of unity.
26:23 You know, when you look at uniformity and unity.
26:25 Uniformity the word is uniform.
26:27 And my kids went to school in England
26:30 for a while and they wore uniforms,
26:32 and they mighthave had external uniformity,
26:35 but they didn't have internal unity.
26:38 You know, uniformity can be external.
26:40 Unity has to do with the heart.
26:41 Unity has to do with oneness of mind,
26:43 oneness of spirit, we're committed
26:45 to the same mission, that's unity.
26:47 We're committed to the same master Christ, that's unity.
26:49 We're committed to the same message, that's unity.
26:51 We may do things differently.
26:53 We may look things differently, look at things differently,
26:57 but we're committed to that common mission,
26:59 that common message, that common church organization.
27:02 And I think unity is a matter of the heart the soul,
27:05 where you are committed
27:06 to one and other with mutual, love, trust and respect.
27:10 You know, we talk about unity and our church is unique
27:15 in as much as we may be the only
27:18 worldwide protestant group.
27:21 There are many groups there at worldwide,
27:23 but they have national churches
27:26 rather than worldwide church.
27:28 And so what role you mention policy a minute ago.
27:33 What role is policy really play in keeping this unity
27:38 with the worldwide church?
27:41 Well even though it may sound very dry
27:43 and kind of, you know, something that only
27:50 individuals who have no interest
27:52 in anything elsewould want to worry about.
27:54 Really policy is as I said they are, they are Christian
27:58 agreements that we make in order
28:00 to further the mission of the church.
28:02 And we need to understand that policies are voted
28:07 not by some obscure strange group at the General Conference
28:12 that has no relevance to the world field.
28:15 But it--they're voted by the executive committee
28:19 of the General Conference and who makes up that group.
28:23 We have about one-third of that group, it's about 330 people.
28:28 About one-third of that group is made up
28:32 of presidents of unions around the world.
28:36 We have division officers.
28:38 We have General Conference officers.
28:40 We have frontline workers.
28:42 We have pastors.
28:44 We have numerous laypeople
28:47 on the General Conference committee.
28:49 It is made up of representatives from allover the world.
28:53 It is a very representative body.
28:57 And they create policies for the good of the church
29:02 and the policies, in the policies it is indicated
29:07 that all the entities that are part
29:09 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
29:11 will abide by those policies and that will understand
29:15 that we are working together as a unit.
29:18 So the working policies even though they sound very dry
29:22 and bureaucratic are really wonderful instruments
29:27 that help to further the mission of the church
29:30 and keep us from being fragmented
29:32 and just doing our own thing.
29:34 So Elder Wilson, I think it would be very helpful to expand
29:38 in a little bit even may be more detail
29:40 and how we actually develop, or how the world church
29:42 develops these policies.
29:45 When are these occasions?
29:47 Who were the people who draft these proposed' policies?
29:50 How were they reviewed?
29:52 Where does the big dimension of the General Conference
29:57 which happens every five years and the annual councils
29:59 which happen annually in October?
30:01 What roles do each of these bodies play?
30:05 All right very quickly the Annual Council meets,
30:09 of course, annually, once a year.
30:11 And we also have a spring meeting not as many people
30:14 come to that particular meeting of the executive committee,
30:17 but at the Annual Council all members
30:20 are requested to be present.
30:22 So that's about 330 people
30:24 representing as I said the entire world church.
30:27 It is only at that particular meeting
30:31 when all groups are represented
30:34 that policy can be voted.
30:37 Policy can come from various parts of the world
30:41 and is fed through a system
30:43 usually through the secretariat area.
30:46 And is then processed through a policy
30:51 review and development committee at the General Conference
30:54 and then is brought through
30:57 the various aspects of administration.
31:00 The presidents, secretaries, treasurers, councils,
31:04 then to the General Conference officers,
31:06 and finally then to the Annual Council.
31:08 So it goes through some pretty careful steps
31:12 and usually those policies are very well written
31:16 and well intentioned and that's why those policies
31:21 certainly help to keep us together
31:23 and also focused on the mission of the church.
31:27 You know, I wanted to make another
31:28 comment on policy, Pastor Wilson.
31:31 When you think about policy
31:33 it can seem so cold and dry,
31:35 but if you look at it from another prospective.
31:38 First, at the General Conference
31:40 and we sit down to take a look at policies,
31:42 we are asking our self the two questions.
31:45 What biblical principles impact this policy?
31:49 If we're discussing tithe for example
31:51 and we just had a study commission
31:52 on the subject of tithe.
31:54 The Bible teaches clearly the tithing principle,
31:58 but there is nothing in the Bible about percentages
32:00 of tithe when it comes to what percentage is allocated
32:03 to a local conference union or division, that's a matter
32:06 of General Conference, that's a matter of policy.
32:09 So we sit down together
32:10 and say what biblical principles impact this policy.
32:15 What biblical principles under grade the policy.
32:17 So that's one aspect
32:19 in the discussions that take place over policy.
32:22 There is often prayer.
32:23 There is often opening the word of God to seek
32:26 what council we can find from it.
32:28 Or what council does the writing of Ellen White,
32:30 'The Spirit of Prophecy' have in policy.
32:32 The second point of policy is this, policy is not mission,
32:38 but policy facilitates mission and policy drives your mission.
32:42 So everything that we're doing
32:44 we are asking ourselves this question.
32:46 How can this policy that we have wrote further impact
32:49 the mission of the church, so more people
32:52 can be won for Christ, so soon we can go home.
32:55 That's right. Amen. And Elder Wilson
32:57 what are the dangers to the church
33:00 if a local conference or union acts
33:03 independently of the church body.
33:05 I mean I'm sure there is some ramifications.
33:09 Definitely, there are.
33:10 It first of all damages the body itself,
33:16 because it brings discord and disagreement.
33:19 Now that isn't to say that there isn't disagreement
33:22 before and action might be taken like that.
33:26 But how do you approach tension in your life
33:32 where your moral conviction
33:36 is perhaps some thing different from what church
33:39 policy may be, or what another organization may be doing.
33:44 Those kinds of things have to be
33:47 looked at in a very spiritual way
33:49 and you need to take them to the Lord.
33:51 If an organization would branch out
33:54 on its own and not take into consideration the larger body
34:00 then you're setting up a situation
34:02 where there is going to be continued disruption
34:06 to the harmony and to the unity for the mission.
34:10 And there are policies that deal with that as well.
34:17 But we need to care for that with a sense of love
34:21 and try to be redemptive and help people to understand.
34:25 It's far better to do something together
34:28 and to discuss things, be able to come up
34:31 with a conclusion even if that conclusion may not agree
34:36 with your own personal conviction.
34:40 One of the reasons why unfortunately
34:42 there are splinter groups, there are groups
34:46 that simply leave the body
34:49 whether it be the Seventh-day Adventist church
34:51 or some other group is that they come to the point
34:53 where they cannot accept this tension.
34:56 But in reality, we are told that this church
34:59 will go to the end of time.
35:00 And that this is God's precious, the apple of His eye.
35:05 That it is His precious advent movement.
35:07 So the Lord is the great factor through the Holy Spirit
35:12 that will truly help us to find the unity
35:14 and bring those units back in. Amen.
35:18 Elder Wilson the question of women's ordination
35:22 has come at the forefront here in recent weeks and months,
35:27 probably even in recent years.
35:30 What is the church's position on the ordination of women?
35:36 Well the--and we're really
35:38 not going to get into a discussion of that subject,
35:40 but I will answer that question to give a factual answer
35:46 and then also what the church is doing.
35:50 The church has looked
35:53 at that and at two General Conference sessions
35:57 which we are told by the 'Spirit of Prophecy'
36:00 are the highest voices of authority.
36:05 The General Conference in session
36:08 has voted to not allow organizations to either proceed
36:13 on their own if they would like to or to proceed
36:18 in the direction of ordaining women to the gospel ministry.
36:22 This is no way would imply that women
36:26 cannot be vitally involved in the outreach
36:30 and evangelistic activities of the church.
36:35 The question continues to arise
36:40 and the General Conference has agreed to a process
36:43 which was recently accepted and implemented
36:48 where we will have a theology
36:51 of ordination study committee.
36:54 And that committee will involve every one of the 13 divisions.
36:58 It will be well represented.
37:01 It is already in progress in terms of efforts
37:05 to obtain information from those particular divisions.
37:09 The committee will render its report in 2014.
37:14 It will definitely be looking at the very specific point
37:19 of ordaining women to the gospel ministry.
37:23 That subject will be part of the greater discussion
37:26 of what is the theology of ordination.
37:29 Then at that time any agreed upon items
37:33 which should be placed on an agenda
37:36 for the 2015 General Conference session
37:39 will be done by the Annual Council.
37:41 So there is a process in place, there is an opportunity
37:46 for people to truly in a very concerted and unified way
37:52 to study scripture together, pray together,
37:55 and listen to each other.
37:57 Elder Wilson, obviously some policies
38:00 are more important than others.
38:03 The policy on travel for instance
38:07 might not be as important as some other policy.
38:10 What is it that is so vitally important
38:13 about the issue of ordination that makes it a something
38:17 that necessitates the world body
38:20 in the General Conference session to address?
38:23 Is it more important than other things?
38:25 Well there are many important things,
38:27 of course, in the whole life of the church,
38:29 but that is of course an important one.
38:31 And it is important to remember that those who are ordained
38:37 to the gospel ministry are ordained
38:39 for a whole world church ordination.
38:44 In other words you don't have to be ordained
38:48 again if you go to another division.
38:50 It is accepted when someone travels
38:52 from one place to the other.
38:54 They are accepted as an ordained minister
38:58 to the gospel ministry.
39:00 And that is one of the very key points
39:03 that this is not just a regional
39:06 or a specific situation, this is something
39:10 which the entire world church participates in.
39:14 Ordained ministers are vital to the ongoing
39:18 spiritual nurturing for local churches
39:21 and most importantly for actively training church
39:25 members to do evangelistic work and to reach out
39:29 to the world with a mission and proclamation
39:32 of the Three Angels' Messages.
39:34 What really springs from our understanding
39:36 that there is a world church, a world movement,
39:39 and when a person is ordained
39:40 they are part and representative of that, so it very closely
39:44 is connected with our understanding of end time events
39:47 and the nature of the church. Precisely.
39:49 Well you know lets look at it from another perspective.
39:52 What if individual regions determined
39:58 the criteria for ordination?
40:01 What would take place if that happened?
40:03 You would have different criteria for ordination
40:07 in one area than you would in another area,
40:09 and other area, and other area.
40:11 And there may be different criteria based
40:15 on a variety of factors.
40:18 And so you would have really a much more fragmented
40:22 than unified Adventist ministry.
40:24 You know, as we travel around the world
40:26 from the General Conference one thing
40:27 that is deeply impressive is the fact
40:29 that in spite of our differences
40:31 when you travel around the world,
40:33 there is this marvelous sense of unity,
40:35 the sense that we're one family. Amen.
40:37 And I think there's a couple of things
40:39 that do that you know, another aspect of this question
40:42 is I would like in it to baptism.
40:44 A local congregation determines
40:48 who is going to be baptized,
40:50 but they don't determine the 28 fundamental beliefs.
40:53 Correct, correct. That's the role of the General Conference.
40:56 What if we said every local church will determine
40:59 the standards for baptism, what would happen?
41:02 We would have a fragmented membership, wouldn't we?
41:05 And so similarly to ordination, so the local union
41:11 approves a request from the conference ordination,
41:15 but the General Conference sets the criteria for ordination.
41:19 Similarly a local church approves candidates for baptism,
41:23 but the body at large General Conference working together
41:28 with its unions sets the criteria for baptism.
41:31 In that way you have a much more
41:34 unified membership and a unified ministry.
41:37 And I think this idea
41:38 that we are one family unified together.
41:42 Whatever one thinks about the subject
41:46 of that we are discussing of ordination without respect
41:50 to gender whichever side you are on and frankly
41:53 there are honest hearted wonderful people
41:56 who love Jesus on both sides of question.
41:59 But whatever side you are on, on that, mutual trust
42:04 and respect in moving together
42:07 will keep this church from fragmentation, amen.
42:10 And Elder Wilson, we have probably
42:12 about 12 or 13 minutes left, and I wonder
42:15 if we could in kind of the looking at the closing
42:17 of this discussion may be you could give some direction to us.
42:22 May be make an appeal to church leaders
42:25 to church members about unity
42:28 and may be give us some direction
42:29 and you have given us some hope
42:31 and I love how positive you are.
42:34 And Mark, you too, because whatever we talk about
42:38 and I have talked in behind they're very positive
42:40 that the Lord is in charge of this church.
42:43 The ship is gonna go through. Amen.
42:45 And it's a matter of us all catching the vision.
42:48 I'd like to join hands together and I wanna say publicly
42:50 thank you for allowing 3ABN to work together
42:54 with you and Hope Channel all of us together the very fact
42:57 that we are sitting here and I think is showing
43:02 that we believe in unity as a church
43:04 and so may be Mark and Brad and Jim
43:08 in our closing time and Elder Wilson
43:10 make an appeal to us.
43:12 What do we do? How do we get,
43:14 how do we see Jesus comeback?
43:17 Well I wanna see Him come soon.
43:20 And I know millions of Christians
43:24 wanna see that happen.
43:26 And Seventh-day Adventist
43:27 it's in our name that Jesus is coming.
43:31 I think in terms of helping us understand
43:37 as we face some of these challenges,
43:39 we need to keep in mind the vision
43:43 of who we are as a people.
43:45 That God has called us to be His remnant church.
43:49 He has called us to be faithful to the word of God.
43:53 He has called us to proclaim
43:55 those Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.
43:58 He has called us to be united in Him.
44:02 First John, tells us that people will know us by our love.
44:07 It helps us to understand
44:09 that Christ's wonderful prayer in John 17
44:14 is to be key to how we approach challenges
44:18 and problems that we are facing even today.
44:21 And my appeal to the church
44:23 would be to keep that vision in mind.
44:26 Keep the understanding in mind that we must look beyond
44:30 just the challenges of an immediate crisis,
44:35 or an immediate situation that seems to bring in discord.
44:39 That we have to look to what God
44:42 has called us to revival and reformation to sharing
44:46 this precious message in the great cities
44:49 and in the countryside, all around the world,
44:53 that God has called us to employ
44:55 every means possible through communication.
44:58 And I do wanna thank 3ABN and Hope Channel
45:01 for this opportunity to use media, to use outreach,
45:05 to use medical missionary work, to use community service,
45:09 to use every aspect that we possibly can,
45:12 personal evangelism, public evangelism.
45:15 Everything possible men, women children all working together
45:19 that vision is of absolute importance.
45:24 And as we heard even tonight, Frank Forney was emphasizing
45:28 the sanctuary message a beautiful understanding
45:31 of who we are as a people and where we are going.
45:35 The understanding of Christ's righteousness and of course
45:39 His soon second coming.
45:41 We need to be united in Him in order to accomplish this.
45:46 How do we face differences?
45:49 How do we face those challenges on our knees and together.
45:55 Not going our own way, but working
45:58 together in a very dynamic manner.
46:02 I do wanna share just one very positive aspect
46:08 that reflects what happened in the Acts 15 model.
46:14 It's from the Acts of the Apostles
46:16 and I will do this quickly
46:18 and there may be some closing remarks
46:19 that others would like to make.
46:22 But it says here in page 95 and 96 of Acts of the Apostles,
46:27 a marvelous book.
46:29 And this quotation was actually shared
46:32 with me by my brother-in-law very recently Dr. Jim Wilmer.
46:36 And he is a real student now of reading scripture
46:40 and 'the Spirit of Prophecy.'
46:42 The order that was maintained in the early Christian church
46:45 made it possible for them to move forwards solidly
46:49 as a well disciplined army clad with the armor of God.
46:53 The companies of believers those scattered over
46:56 a large territory who are all members of one body
46:59 all moved in concert and in harmony with one another.
47:03 When dissension arose in a local church as later
47:06 it did arise in Antioch and else where.
47:10 And the believers were unable to come to an agreement
47:13 among themselves such matters were not permitted
47:16 to create a division in the church,
47:18 but were referred to a general council
47:21 of the entire body of believers.
47:23 Made up of appointed delegates from the various local churches
47:27 with the apostles and elders
47:29 and positions of leading responsibility.
47:32 Thus the efforts of Satan to attack
47:36 the church in isolated places
47:38 were met by concerted actionon the part of all.
47:42 And the plans of the enemy to disrupt
47:45 and destroy were thwarted.
47:47 Now a quotation comes from First Corinthians 14:33,
47:50 "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,
47:54 as in all churches of the saints."
47:57 It goes on to say here, "He requires that order and system
48:00 be observed in the conduct of church affairs today,
48:04 no less than in the days of old."
48:06 So this is news for the day.
48:09 He desires His work to be carried forward
48:12 with thoroughness and exactness,
48:14 so that He may place upon it the seal of His approval.
48:19 Christian is to be united with Christian, church with church,
48:23 the human instrumentality cooperating with the divine.
48:26 Every agency subordinate to the Holy Spirit
48:29 and all combined in giving to the world
48:33 the good tidings of the grace of God.
48:36 What an appropriate quotation for the day.
48:39 And my appeal to the church would be to focus upon Christ
48:44 and the mission He has entrusted to us.
48:46 Let us submit ourselves completely to the Lord
48:50 and allow Him to help us to work things out
48:53 according to the biblical model.
48:57 You know I love Micah 6:8, it says here,
49:01 "He has shown you, O man, what is good,
49:04 And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly,
49:09 to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
49:13 I think the attitude of leadership
49:16 of saying the greatest passion of our life is to know Jesus.
49:21 And the greatest passion of our life
49:23 is to share Jesus and having a mutual trust
49:27 of one and another.
49:29 The church will have disagreements,
49:31 the church will have differences.
49:33 But if we trust one another, if we sit at the same table,
49:37 if we work together to solve them, God's spirit
49:40 will be poured out upon this church in a marvelous measure.
49:45 It's a matter of trust, we're in the ASI Convention.
49:48 Here General Conference leadership trusting laypeople,
49:53 trusting lay ministries.
49:55 Lay ministries, laypeople trusting
49:58 General Conference leadership.
50:00 Local churches trusting their conference leadership.
50:03 Conference leadership trusting unions.
50:05 Unions trusting their divisions in the General Conference.
50:08 It seems to me that if we can
50:11 sweep aside our own egos,
50:17 our own desire for supremacy, our own pushing
50:22 our own agendas and come before God humbly with broken hearts
50:29 praying together seeking God's will together,
50:34 longing for God's spirit together,
50:36 because there is one thing that's more important than me--
50:39 a lot of things are more important
50:41 than me and that is the outpouring of Jesus' Spirit.
50:45 Amen. Upon His church, so the work of God
50:47 can be finished, so Jesus can come. Amen.
50:53 I am reminded of as I've reflected
50:55 on this theme of unity of Romans Chapter 14 and 15.
51:00 Now, from an evangelist's standpoint this is a passage
51:04 that deals a lot with different meats
51:06 and what should be eaten etcetera and Paul
51:09 talks about the poor and the strong,
51:12 but he culminates the discussion
51:15 in Chapter 15 verse 1 through 3 when he said,
51:19 "Then we who are strong ought to bear
51:21 with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
51:25 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good,
51:28 leading to edification."
51:30 And then the supreme example is given,
51:32 "For even Christ did not please Himself, but as it is written,
51:37 the reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me."
51:40 And when we look at what Jesus
51:43 did for our salvation dying on the cross, coming from heaven.
51:48 All of that was for bringing God's people together in unity
51:54 and we need to have that same spirit of sacrifices
51:57 that Jesus had in being willing to serve and in anyway needed.
52:04 You know, when we had the General Conference in 2010.
52:10 You call upon us for revival in reformation.
52:15 At the General Conference office,
52:17 we began to see people gathered together in prayer groups.
52:21 Then we began to see it spread out around the world.
52:24 And now our membership and we announce everyday on 3ABN
52:28 that text for the day and calling for people
52:32 to pray at seven and seven.
52:34 Unity is taking place around the world.
52:39 And it's a unity of the proclamation of the gospel,
52:42 because nothing pull us together like mission pull us together,
52:47 and also the revival and reformation,
52:50 but it is also stirred up the devil,
52:53 because he has seen that something is happening
52:57 and as a result he is doing everything he can to stop
53:01 that revival and that reformation.
53:04 We should actually be praising God that he is upset,
53:09 because it seemed to me like for a long time
53:11 he wasn't upset with us all, and we need to know
53:16 that the devil wants to bring about disunity.
53:19 When you think about 28 years ago
53:22 there was not one Adventist television station
53:25 on planet earth and today
53:27 not only there are numerous television station Brad,
53:29 but a worldwide audience Amen.
53:31 Of literally thousands and thousands,
53:33 you are building media centers allover the world.
53:35 We have dish network and direct television
53:39 reaching millions of people and God
53:41 has given us an opportunity to stand before the world
53:44 and give a unified message.
53:46 If we ever needed to do it today
53:48 is the time we need to do it.
53:50 And in this context we need to be very careful
53:53 that we don't characterize
53:55 those who disagree with us. Amen.
53:57 As being the enemy. No.
54:01 Disagreements have led to deeper Bible study
54:05 to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Amen.
54:08 And I think that questions that might be in the church
54:12 now are part of God's process
54:15 to lead us to be revived by the work
54:19 and ultimately it's not church bodies,
54:22 but we as individuals who need to come to the board of God
54:26 and submit just as Jesus submitted
54:29 to the mission of saving people.
54:32 Amen. Elder Wilson would you lead us in a prayer of unity
54:36 as we close our program tonight.
54:38 It will be a great privilege.
54:41 Our loving Father, we come to you in great humility
54:45 recognizing that we owe everything
54:49 to you that we are part of your body,
54:54 because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
54:58 and that together we can claim to be airs of the kingdom,
55:02 because of what Jesus did on the cross for us.
55:05 What He is doing in the most holy place
55:09 of the heavenly sanctuary right now.
55:12 We are so grateful Lord
55:13 that through the righteousness of Christ,
55:17 He is justifying and His sanctifying power
55:20 that we can be part of this great advent movement
55:23 that is proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages
55:27 and warning people and encouraging people
55:30 about Christ's very soon coming.
55:34 Now, Lord as we think about dissension and division
55:39 that may come in, because of disagreement.
55:42 We ask that you will help us
55:44 to be charitable one to another, that You will help us
55:48 to be loving and kind, that You will help us understand
55:52 that we need to work together and not in a unilateral way.
55:57 Lord we just place ourselves completely at your disposal now.
56:02 We ask that you will bring that unity
56:04 that you prayed about in John 17 into the church today,
56:09 in our own lives personally.
56:11 So that truly we can all be one people with one Lord
56:16 and one faith and one baptism, one body.
56:20 Lord this can happen through you.
56:22 Help us to fulfill your earnest desire
56:27 that we press together, press together, press together.
56:32 Thank you for hearing us and thank you for the promise
56:34 of Your soon coming and the opportunity to work for you.
56:38 In Jesus name we ask it, amen.
56:42 Elder Wilson, thank you so much for agreeing
56:45 to have this meeting and for it to be televised.
56:49 And I'd like to thank you
56:50 Brad Thorp for being with us tonight
56:52 and Mark Finley, we are so happy you could be with us.
56:55 And Danny Shelton, it's always good to be with you
56:58 and to work with you.
57:00 We appreciate so much that you're standing
57:04 with 3ABN in our ministry and we pray
57:07 that you will continue to pray for as far as we reach out
57:12 with this gospel to go around the world.
57:14 And we appreciate your joining us tonight
57:17 for this very special Night Light
57:19 which has come to you come to you from Cincinnati, Ohio.
57:24 If you live close by come on by
57:27 and enjoy the weekend, God bless you.


Revised 2013-06-17