The following program is designed to demonstrate 00:00:01.98\00:00:02.95 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health. 00:00:02.96\00:00:05.92 Be sure to consult your physician 00:00:05.93\00:00:07.80 before beginning any exercise program. 00:00:07.81\00:00:10.32 Do you know what the fastest growing epidemic in America is? 00:00:11.35\00:00:14.88 Do you know that it can even be in your own home? 00:00:14.89\00:00:18.33 But do you know there something that you can do about it? 00:00:18.34\00:00:21.79 What is it? 00:00:21.80\00:00:22.77 Stay tuned and we'll tell you. 00:00:22.78\00:00:24.93 Hello and welcome to Body and Spirit Aerobics. 00:00:47.43\00:00:51.29 My name is Andi Hunsaker, 00:00:51.30\00:00:52.87 and our program today is Step For Life. 00:00:52.88\00:00:56.19 I want you to welcome my guests, to my right 00:00:56.20\00:00:59.08 is Lauren Rittenhouse from Boston where I live. 00:00:59.09\00:01:02.51 And she is joining us, she is a musical person, 00:01:02.52\00:01:05.69 she plays the cello. 00:01:05.70\00:01:07.26 And she is a cellist, she played with a group called 00:01:07.27\00:01:09.78 The New England Youth Ensemble, like you to welcome her. 00:01:09.79\00:01:13.07 And then to my right, my other right, 00:01:13.08\00:01:15.80 I'd like to welcome my twin sister. 00:01:15.81\00:01:18.37 She's been one of my very dearest friends 00:01:18.38\00:01:20.24 for about 55 years now. 00:01:20.25\00:01:23.04 And you too ought to know, and she is also a physician, 00:01:23.05\00:01:26.87 Lyndi Schwartz, practicing medicine at Kettering, Ohio. 00:01:26.88\00:01:31.23 And today we'd like to talk a little bit about It. 00:01:31.24\00:01:34.38 You heard it on the teaser, 00:01:34.39\00:01:35.72 the fastest growing epidemic in the US today. 00:01:35.73\00:01:39.72 That It is obesity or overweight. 00:01:39.73\00:01:42.89 And do you know, 00:01:42.90\00:01:44.11 that 67 percent of the population in the US 00:01:44.12\00:01:47.34 are overweight or obese. 00:01:47.35\00:01:49.29 Why is that important to us? 00:01:49.30\00:01:51.48 Well, did you know, 00:01:51.49\00:01:53.86 that obesity can be one of the causative factors 00:01:53.87\00:01:57.25 for multiple cancers including melanoma. 00:01:57.26\00:02:01.01 We know breast, we know cone, 00:02:01.02\00:02:02.61 they're several others but melanoma. 00:02:02.62\00:02:04.95 So when you put on that sunscreen, 00:02:04.96\00:02:06.73 think to yourself that obesity can cause 00:02:06.74\00:02:09.81 is etiologic in melanoma as well. 00:02:09.82\00:02:12.86 So very important for us, 00:02:12.87\00:02:14.55 to move and to get our bodies together. 00:02:14.56\00:02:17.46 And that's what we're going to do right now. 00:02:17.47\00:02:18.94 Today's program, we're going to be using a step, 00:02:18.95\00:02:22.84 but you don't need to use a step. 00:02:22.85\00:02:24.19 By the way, I want to welcome you the audience as well. 00:02:24.20\00:02:27.08 You don't need to use a step, you can use just the floor. 00:02:27.09\00:02:30.38 Or, if your husband is handy or you yourself are handy. 00:02:30.39\00:02:33.30 Maybe a man is watching the program, welcome too. 00:02:33.31\00:02:35.95 You can just take a nice piece of board 00:02:35.96\00:02:38.33 and make it about 6 inches off the ground. 00:02:38.34\00:02:40.55 And you'll be ready to go. 00:02:40.56\00:02:41.86 Just make sure that you're safe and you wear a good shoes. 00:02:41.87\00:02:44.90 We're gonna begin now. 00:02:44.91\00:02:46.75 I'm with just stepping up and stepping down, all right. 00:02:46.76\00:02:50.93 Step up and down, and up and down, 00:02:50.94\00:02:55.33 just like a normal walk, just like you be walking. 00:02:55.34\00:02:57.99 Normal walking, once we have that, 00:03:00.20\00:03:03.56 and it's very important to look down at your step, 00:03:03.57\00:03:06.30 when you step up on the step. 00:03:06.31\00:03:07.94 Step up with your heel and down with your toe, all right. 00:03:07.95\00:03:11.96 See you'll step up with your heel and down with your toe. 00:03:11.97\00:03:15.87 Now when you have that in place, 00:03:15.88\00:03:17.78 the way that we change legs is we'll give a tap 00:03:17.79\00:03:21.29 with the same leg that we came down with, all right. 00:03:21.30\00:03:24.35 We're gonna demonstrate, are you ladies ready to go? 00:03:24.36\00:03:26.37 Oh! Yeah. Good, excellent. 00:03:26.38\00:03:30.20 Just step up, tap down. Now will tap down, same leg. 00:03:30.21\00:03:33.89 Very good, do you see this we're tapping with the same leg? 00:03:40.53\00:03:44.09 Very good. 00:03:46.13\00:03:48.26 Very good, now we're gonna add our arms. 00:03:52.57\00:03:56.15 Very good. Okay, now we're gonna keep taping. 00:04:02.81\00:04:08.05 Okay, but do two sets of four, 00:04:13.07\00:04:15.58 we just go singles now just keep going, singles. 00:04:15.59\00:04:19.40 Do you have that? Very good. 00:04:25.52\00:04:27.89 Now we're gonna move on from our sets of singles. 00:04:27.90\00:04:31.03 Tap, tap with your left. Tap right, tap left. 00:04:34.05\00:04:40.07 Now we're going go to knee lifts, 00:04:40.08\00:04:41.69 let's go to knee lifts in one. Two, knee lift. 00:04:41.70\00:04:48.71 Good, knee lift. Knee lift, knee lift. 00:04:48.72\00:04:54.60 Now we'll do repeaters, one, two, three, down. 00:04:54.61\00:05:00.26 Right, two, three down, one, two, three, down, sorry. 00:05:00.27\00:05:07.50 One, two, three, down. 00:05:07.51\00:05:10.64 Now we'll curl our legs, three, singles, singles, singles. 00:05:10.65\00:05:20.37 Now repeaters on the right leg, two, three. 00:05:20.38\00:05:25.15 Next leg one, two, three, next leg. 00:05:25.16\00:05:29.85 Gonna read this, two, three, next leg. 00:05:29.86\00:05:33.39 One, two then you look to the corner. 00:05:33.40\00:05:36.69 To corner, next corner, next corner, next corner. 00:05:36.70\00:05:44.07 Now repeaters, repeaters three, next leg, two, three, very good. 00:05:44.08\00:05:53.12 Next leg two, three, good, one, two, three. 00:05:53.13\00:05:59.32 Now knee to the corner, singles, very good, very good, very good. 00:05:59.33\00:06:08.14 Singles, two more, last one and then repeaters. 00:06:10.38\00:06:15.65 Same leg one, two, three, down. 00:06:15.66\00:06:19.41 Next side one, two, three to corner again, singles, 00:06:19.42\00:06:25.46 singles, last one of the singles, sorry 00:06:25.47\00:06:28.43 next leg, next leg with the singles. 00:06:28.44\00:06:29.85 Now we'll do repeaters. 00:06:29.86\00:06:31.73 Left side, three, now we do leg curls to the corner. 00:06:34.74\00:06:40.24 Leg curls, curl your leg in the back, third one, fourth one. 00:06:40.25\00:06:44.37 Now repeaters, one, two, three, 00:06:44.38\00:06:48.22 next side, one, two, three, next side. 00:06:48.23\00:06:52.40 Now single knee lift to the center. 00:06:52.41\00:06:54.09 Arms, knee your legs. 00:07:00.24\00:07:01.90 Now next thing we're gonna do is stepping and kicking. 00:07:03.14\00:07:05.81 So on the fourth one, next one will be a kick, okay. 00:07:05.82\00:07:11.41 Step and kick, no arms, step and kick, very good. 00:07:11.42\00:07:17.25 We repeat that knee lift again, 00:07:20.12\00:07:22.12 so we get that, no arms, step and lift, lift. 00:07:22.13\00:07:28.76 Good, lift before and we step in and kick. 00:07:28.77\00:07:33.76 Step and kick is it again. 00:07:36.41\00:07:37.38 Step and kick. Step and kick. 00:07:37.39\00:07:41.27 Get ready for another move, 00:07:41.28\00:07:42.76 we're gonna be turning, all right. 00:07:43.81\00:07:48.79 Now we're gonna do another one like a steering wheel. 00:07:48.80\00:07:52.13 On the next one will do it, step and kick, step and block. 00:07:52.14\00:07:57.88 Keep your balance, step and block. 00:07:57.89\00:08:01.06 Now go and step and kick after this one. 00:08:01.07\00:08:03.35 Step and kick, step and kick, step and kick, step and kick. 00:08:03.36\00:08:10.01 Last one, we'll tap behind this to the corners. Very good. 00:08:10.02\00:08:16.31 Just turning around, very good, very good, good. 00:08:20.04\00:08:28.68 Now, we'll go to our single knee lift, 00:08:28.69\00:08:30.60 and about four more to the center, with a block, okay. 00:08:30.61\00:08:38.24 Last ones at the center, step and block, very good. 00:08:38.25\00:08:42.07 Step and block, step and block, step and block. 00:08:42.08\00:08:46.73 Now we can do step and kicks. 00:08:46.74\00:08:49.45 Step and kick, step and kick, be careful with the step. 00:08:49.46\00:08:52.99 Step and kick, step and kick, very good. 00:08:53.00\00:08:56.58 Now biceps go behind us, just kick behind us, good, very good. 00:08:56.59\00:09:02.27 Now these are going to be some basic steps 00:09:04.29\00:09:05.84 that we are going to be using, very basic steps. 00:09:05.85\00:09:10.25 Now turn to the center and to tap up, tap down. 00:09:10.26\00:09:14.93 Right foot tap, left foot tap. 00:09:16.33\00:09:20.52 We are getting ready for a sequence now, 00:09:20.53\00:09:22.82 we're gonna get a cool down. 00:09:22.83\00:09:24.42 A little bit of stepping up and down. Very good. 00:09:24.43\00:09:29.21 We're going to do a single knee lift with our arms, 00:09:29.22\00:09:31.88 then we'll do leg curls. 00:09:31.89\00:09:33.54 And then we'll do a knee lift and block. 00:09:33.55\00:09:36.78 And then we'll do that sequence twice. 00:09:36.79\00:09:38.99 Are you ready? Yes, we're ready. Very good. 00:09:39.00\00:09:41.80 Then lift with your arms, four of these. 00:09:41.81\00:09:45.70 And we'll do the repeaters next. 00:09:48.12\00:09:49.94 Three, two, three, next leg, two. 00:09:49.95\00:09:55.41 Then we'll do curls, next leg, step and curl, very good. 00:09:55.42\00:09:59.49 Center, center, side I'm sorry, just this last one, repeaters. 00:09:59.50\00:10:05.98 That's right, one, two, three, very good. 00:10:07.88\00:10:12.48 Single knee lift and block, single knee lift and block. 00:10:12.49\00:10:16.21 Leg kick, next kick, step and tap behind you. 00:10:16.22\00:10:21.60 Step and biceps curls, do this four times. 00:10:21.61\00:10:25.22 We'll begin again with single knee lift with arms. 00:10:25.23\00:10:28.87 The corner, the corner, last one, repeaters, three. 00:10:28.88\00:10:38.10 And next side, two, three, very good. 00:10:38.11\00:10:42.50 Curls, very good, leg curls behind you. 00:10:42.51\00:10:45.82 Leg curls behind you, now do repeaters, three of them. 00:10:48.04\00:10:51.29 The other side very good, now, then do lift and block. 00:10:52.95\00:10:59.83 Very good, get the punching sequence. 00:11:02.83\00:11:05.83 Tap and punch, step tap behind us. 00:11:05.84\00:11:09.27 Step tap, very good, very good. 00:11:11.35\00:11:19.13 Now what we gonna with our arms, 00:11:19.14\00:11:21.27 put them our waist and we're just gonna do a simple turn, 00:11:21.28\00:11:24.27 tap up, see a turning, 00:11:24.28\00:11:28.32 this get you with the turning very good, very good. 00:11:28.33\00:11:35.49 Now we got to come to the center about four counts three, four. 00:11:35.50\00:11:42.60 Now just stay in which consists just tap and tap down, tap down. 00:11:42.61\00:11:49.76 Now we're gonna step wide on our stairs okay. 00:11:49.77\00:11:55.40 Okay widen your stairs, no arms then we add some arms. 00:11:55.41\00:11:59.76 Ready for the arms? Yes. 00:12:03.77\00:12:06.37 Okay, be careful on the step, look at the step, 00:12:06.38\00:12:12.56 you're doing great out there, how you're ladies doing? 00:12:12.57\00:12:14.84 Good. Good you got it, good finally we got it. 00:12:14.85\00:12:18.15 Now, we eliminate the arms and we come, 00:12:20.88\00:12:23.59 come back and forth okay and turn. Good job. 00:12:23.60\00:12:32.52 Now we're gonna stretch our arm on front of us 00:12:37.71\00:12:39.35 like a vegetable patch like this. 00:12:39.36\00:12:43.42 Good, good, good pretend you're tearing your cabbages. 00:12:43.43\00:12:52.63 Good now we gonna keep doing this, 00:12:52.64\00:12:55.00 we're gonna lose the arms and we gonna do a lunge back. 00:12:55.01\00:13:00.00 Okay, stay close to your step we gonna lunge on next one. 00:13:00.01\00:13:03.22 Same leg back, lunge back, lunge back, lunge back, 00:13:03.23\00:13:10.59 lunge back, lunge back, lunge back, do you've that out there. 00:13:10.60\00:13:16.18 You are looking good, how are you ladies lunging? 00:13:16.19\00:13:19.38 We're doing well quite actually. 00:13:19.39\00:13:21.55 Good this is a workout I tell you. 00:13:21.56\00:13:24.23 Okay, now we are gonna do this 00:13:24.24\00:13:26.28 and we gonna move our legs very quickly. 00:13:26.29\00:13:29.34 So no lunging next time we will do it, 00:13:29.35\00:13:32.10 change and lunge back. Good job. 00:13:34.91\00:13:39.66 Good job. 00:13:47.86\00:13:49.71 Okay, now we tap up and tap down the corners. 00:13:55.24\00:13:59.80 Good, good. 00:14:04.15\00:14:07.95 Now we get do a knee lift up to the corners 00:14:07.96\00:14:12.33 and do another repeaters all right. 00:14:12.34\00:14:14.64 Next knee lift, very good, very good hands on the waist, 00:14:14.65\00:14:24.62 on the next one after this one we do three repeaters 1, 2, 3, 00:14:24.63\00:14:31.56 other side 1, 2, 3, other side 1, 2, 3, other side 00:14:31.57\00:14:39.06 now we step and kick after this one. 00:14:39.07\00:14:40.82 Good job step and kick, very good, 00:14:41.92\00:14:45.63 you loose our arms very good. 00:14:45.64\00:14:48.83 Don't forget leg out use the muscle to grind your, 00:14:48.84\00:14:52.11 your muscle so you don't injure your knees, 00:14:52.12\00:14:54.93 very good, very good. 00:14:54.94\00:14:58.86 Now lets tap up, tap down again, 00:14:58.87\00:15:00.46 just keep taping down, tap close to your foot very close. 00:15:02.12\00:15:11.14 Okay, we are going to corner next 00:15:13.31\00:15:15.27 and we do a knee lift very good, up arms up, very good. 00:15:15.28\00:15:23.35 Now three times repeaters good job, next side, good job. 00:15:26.59\00:15:33.99 Now step and kick good job, good job, good job. 00:15:34.00\00:15:40.28 Repeaters on the next one, good job. 00:15:40.29\00:15:45.62 Good job, lets do this again. 00:15:48.27\00:15:50.61 Kick, lunge, you guys counting? 00:15:54.59\00:15:57.98 Last, last one now we're go to our secrets we tap up, 00:15:57.99\00:16:02.18 go down, knee lift step and kick good job. 00:16:02.19\00:16:06.87 Tap, step up, mix it, step and kick turn this side, 00:16:06.88\00:16:15.84 knee lift, step and kick do this step up. 00:16:15.85\00:16:22.16 Now we turn to the center, very good, 00:16:22.17\00:16:24.17 lets do in the center we do up and down. 00:16:24.18\00:16:26.63 Tap up, tap down, tap up, tap down, 00:16:26.64\00:16:31.97 we're do alternating V-step again, so on four 1, 2, 3, 4, 00:16:31.98\00:16:41.98 and alternate V-step good arms tap with your leg good. 00:16:41.99\00:16:50.89 Tap with your leg. 00:16:52.34\00:16:53.80 Good job. 00:17:02.70\00:17:04.54 Now, we turn and do a lunge, lunge, good job, good job. 00:17:07.87\00:17:19.71 Now we do the change with your, very good, good job 00:17:21.93\00:17:29.86 we will do a change now with the double step. 00:17:29.87\00:17:33.08 Good job, good job. 00:17:33.09\00:17:36.73 Turn and turn, how you doing out there? We're doing. 00:17:36.74\00:17:42.56 Good, good job, now we do the tap up, 00:17:42.57\00:17:49.03 we come to the center, tap up, tap down, 00:17:50.09\00:17:53.32 knee lift, kick, tap again, knee lift, kick, very good. 00:17:53.33\00:18:02.38 Turn to this side very good tap up, 00:18:02.39\00:18:06.15 knee lift, knee kick, tap up, knee lift, kick. 00:18:06.16\00:18:14.85 Turn this side very good, tap up we do this twice knee lift, 00:18:14.86\00:18:20.96 kick one more good job, good job. 00:18:20.97\00:18:26.30 Kick other side, knee lift, knee kick, 00:18:26.31\00:18:35.64 turn to the other side, did we twist already? No. 00:18:35.65\00:18:39.33 Tap up, knee lift, knee kick and again, knee lift, kick. 00:18:39.34\00:18:49.72 The other side, good kick, tap, 00:18:49.73\00:18:58.48 same side knee lift, turn to center. 00:18:58.49\00:19:03.59 Tap up, tap down 00:19:03.60\00:19:08.64 we are gonna do add a blocking sequence and a kicking sequence. 00:19:08.65\00:19:12.47 Knee lift up, up again one more time and punch and kick, 00:19:12.48\00:19:21.75 punch and kick, punch and kick, punch and kick, punch and kick, 00:19:21.76\00:19:29.12 punch and kick, punch and kick, punch and kick, punch and kick. 00:19:29.13\00:19:35.33 Tap up, tap down just pounding your waist, good job. 00:19:35.34\00:19:41.63 Hope you're finding this step easy to follow, 00:19:41.64\00:19:44.23 we're having some interesting times with it 00:19:44.24\00:19:47.53 but we're catching on. 00:19:47.54\00:19:49.41 The important thing is to be very safe on the step, 00:19:49.42\00:19:53.30 you tumble off very easily and hurt yourself, very good. 00:19:53.31\00:20:02.99 Okay, we're go to the corner again 00:20:05.41\00:20:06.87 and do a knee lift and repeaters. 00:20:06.88\00:20:09.15 Knee lifts, we will count for four and then we're going to, 00:20:15.65\00:20:19.38 want to the right side of the step all right. 00:20:19.39\00:20:23.50 So one, one, and two, and three, 00:20:23.51\00:20:29.80 and four to the corner now right, 00:20:29.81\00:20:33.88 left sorry about that, one other side, 00:20:33.89\00:20:39.28 the other side, other side. 00:20:39.29\00:20:43.65 We do this four more times then we do leg curls 00:20:43.66\00:20:45.71 to the center, two, three, four, five. 00:20:45.72\00:20:53.24 Now we do leg curls to the center, leg curls to the center. 00:20:53.25\00:20:57.12 Leg curls, your leg goes up in the back, 00:20:59.51\00:21:03.24 leg curls to the center, leg curls, leg curls, 00:21:03.25\00:21:10.58 leg curls to the corner, right good job, 00:21:10.59\00:21:13.58 next side good job, good job, good job 00:21:13.59\00:21:20.83 stay safe on that step good job, 00:21:20.84\00:21:25.12 now we will do kicks to the center 00:21:25.13\00:21:27.39 after this other side one more to the center, 00:21:27.40\00:21:31.33 good, kick, kick, pretend you're kicking a ball. 00:21:31.34\00:21:37.49 Yes, good, good job. 00:21:40.31\00:21:46.64 Now we kick to the center to the side, 00:21:46.65\00:21:48.93 to a side other side, good job, good job, 00:21:48.94\00:21:58.45 good job, good job, good job excellent. 00:21:58.46\00:22:04.07 After four of these we go and do the blocking sequence again 00:22:04.08\00:22:09.35 this is two and this is one to the center, good job. 00:22:09.36\00:22:15.69 Pretend you're driving a race car, good job. 00:22:15.70\00:22:22.04 Now step and kick, step and kick, step and kick, 00:22:22.05\00:22:27.84 step and kick, step and kick, we'll do the blocking sequence 00:22:27.85\00:22:32.87 after two more of these to the side. 00:22:32.88\00:22:34.96 The blocking sequence turn this side, good job. 00:22:34.97\00:22:42.97 Step and kick, step and kick, step and kick, step and kick, 00:22:42.98\00:22:50.33 step and kick, step and kick. 00:22:50.34\00:22:53.87 Now we will do a sequence that has five things in it, 00:22:53.88\00:23:00.63 come to the center have a just step up, tap down, 00:23:00.64\00:23:04.86 step up, tap down, very good, step up, tap down 00:23:04.87\00:23:11.82 before we get to the other peek, 00:23:11.83\00:23:16.14 very important to keep your balance. 00:23:16.15\00:23:17.72 Good, now we'll do one more sequence before we cool down, 00:23:23.44\00:23:27.61 we will do a knee lift to the corners, 00:23:27.62\00:23:29.68 we'll do leg curls and then the blocking sequence 00:23:29.69\00:23:33.85 and then will cool down alright, are you ready to go? 00:23:33.86\00:23:37.04 Yes. So let's go. 00:23:37.05\00:23:39.81 Let's turn, good job, lift, knee lift, knee lift 1, 2, 3, 4, 00:23:39.82\00:23:53.65 I'm gonna do repeaters right here, repeaters 2, 3, good job. 00:23:53.66\00:23:58.24 Go to other side in single knee lift, 00:23:58.25\00:24:02.46 single knee lift, single knee lift, one more 00:24:02.47\00:24:05.83 and then repeaters, repeaters, three good job. 00:24:05.84\00:24:11.82 Now we're gonna do the leg curls single same side 00:24:11.83\00:24:15.82 same side for four, just three, two, one. 00:24:15.83\00:24:22.37 Now repeaters, three other side, single four, three, two and one. 00:24:22.38\00:24:35.52 Repeaters, three good job, 00:24:35.53\00:24:39.25 lift and block the other side good job, 00:24:39.26\00:24:43.00 another block, another block step and kick, 00:24:43.01\00:24:48.58 step and kick, step and kick, step and kick. 00:24:48.59\00:24:54.17 Alright, let's do tap now behind us, 00:24:54.18\00:24:57.78 step behind you, step behind you, 00:24:57.79\00:25:01.43 step behind you, step behind you. 00:25:01.44\00:25:05.22 Now we have a treat for you need a some of you out, 00:25:05.23\00:25:08.40 they may know Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse, 00:25:08.41\00:25:12.18 well had the privilege of having the in-law, 00:25:12.19\00:25:17.06 daughter-in-law, great daughter-in-law 00:25:17.07\00:25:19.93 sort of Virginia-Gene with us today the Lauren Rittenhouse, 00:25:19.94\00:25:25.21 she married to the Rittenhouse family. 00:25:25.22\00:25:26.86 Let's go to center step down. 00:25:26.87\00:25:29.74 Lauren just tell us little about 00:25:29.75\00:25:31.00 your family the Rittenhouse family. 00:25:31.01\00:25:33.20 That's right Andy. 00:25:36.28\00:25:37.85 Dr. Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse 00:25:37.86\00:25:40.16 is married to Dr. Harvey Rittenhouse 00:25:40.17\00:25:42.17 and they are actually my husband's aunt and uncle. 00:25:42.18\00:25:46.11 So Dr. Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse 00:25:46.12\00:25:47.86 she started the New England Youth Ensemble 00:25:47.87\00:25:49.60 many, many years ago, some of you 00:25:49.61\00:25:51.41 may have heard them play all over the world. 00:25:51.42\00:25:55.00 And I met my husband in the Youth Ensemble. 00:25:55.01\00:25:58.22 Wow! He was playing the cello and I joined the orchestra 00:25:58.23\00:26:01.84 and we started to share a stand together. 00:26:01.85\00:26:04.55 Wow! This guy is really cute, and so the rest is history. 00:26:04.56\00:26:11.14 So we have two children David and Julie. 00:26:11.15\00:26:14.41 They both play the cello also. 00:26:14.42\00:26:16.57 So we have a family cello quartet. Wow! 00:26:16.58\00:26:19.55 And Julie is now a medical student, 00:26:19.56\00:26:22.00 first year medical student at Loma Linda University 00:26:22.01\00:26:25.11 and David is a junior in high school. 00:26:25.12\00:26:28.70 And we have three cats as I told you before, 00:26:28.71\00:26:31.54 Misty, Vermi and Shadow. 00:26:31.55\00:26:34.49 You have a dog though, right? 00:26:34.50\00:26:35.74 I do, I've got a dog, Winston, my pride and joy. 00:26:35.75\00:26:39.39 Alright. 00:26:39.40\00:26:42.44 Alright, so we keep cooling down 00:26:42.45\00:26:44.50 and I'm just gonna go side to side now, 00:26:44.51\00:26:48.05 very good, just cool down bring it down. 00:26:48.06\00:26:51.62 This has been a difficult workout, 00:26:51.63\00:26:53.16 so we're just keep cooling down going side to side, very good. 00:26:53.17\00:26:59.11 And we'll stretch a little bit very good, 00:26:59.12\00:27:02.96 let's move our arms just nice and gently. 00:27:02.97\00:27:07.36 Very good, very good. 00:27:10.95\00:27:16.70 So, if you feel that you have a problem 00:27:16.71\00:27:24.31 with being overweight be sure to contact your physician 00:27:24.32\00:27:30.16 and have them do what we call a body mass index test on you. 00:27:30.17\00:27:34.80 And now we help you know 00:27:34.81\00:27:35.78 whether not you are overweight or obese, 00:27:35.79\00:27:39.16 because after all we are witnesses for Jesus. 00:27:39.17\00:27:44.48 And I'd like to just have a little quotation 00:27:44.49\00:27:47.21 from First Corinthian, the Apostle Paul 00:27:47.22\00:27:49.32 one of my favorites Gospel writers I call him. 00:27:49.33\00:27:53.32 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, 00:27:53.33\00:27:55.99 or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 00:27:56.00\00:27:59.82 And because we know that Moses told us 00:27:59.83\00:28:01.87 that the glory of God is his character, 00:28:01.88\00:28:03.97 we want to reveal him to the world 00:28:03.98\00:28:06.26 and we want all of our activities 00:28:06.27\00:28:08.30 or appearances to be evidence of him. 00:28:08.31\00:28:11.54 Thank you for joining us, have a great day. 00:28:11.55\00:28:13.79