Mission 360

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002905B

00:17 Welcome back to Singapore
00:18 and behind me you can see this very impressive structure.
00:22 It's the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Exhibition Center.
00:26 Next up, we traveled to Botswana
00:28 to visit a Global Mission pioneer.
00:52 I'm here with Matheo, Global Mission Pioneer.
00:54 Matheo, tell us where we are at the moment?
00:57 We are in Botswana,
00:58 in Ghanzi district in a settlement,
01:02 which is called Grootlaagte.
01:05 And you're Global Mission pioneer here.
01:07 Tell us, what is it like
01:09 to be a Global Mission pioneer here
01:10 in the settlement?
01:12 Actually I considered as a privilege,
01:15 the Lord has given me an opportunity to come
01:17 and witness for Him.
01:20 I'm talking to the people that are considered
01:22 one of the lowest people in Africa and the Bushmen,
01:28 but being a Global Mission pioneer's
01:29 a great thing to my life.
01:32 What is your day like being a Global Mission pioneer?
01:36 Actually, in my day, in my week,
01:38 I've divided my week
01:41 with visitations to the government offices,
01:46 I'd go to the court, to the clinic,
01:48 to the primary school,
01:50 into the [inaudible] shop
01:52 that helps you put some food
01:54 and pray with the leaders that side,
01:56 and then afterwards, I'll go and have my breakfast,
01:59 then after that going house to house,
02:01 check in some elderly people in some in their homes,
02:04 and pray with them.
02:06 And sometimes it's hard,
02:07 they don't even hear what I'm saying,
02:08 but the word of prayer, they understand it.
02:10 So we're here at your church,
02:12 the church that you're pastor
02:13 that you take care of in this community.
02:14 Tell us a little bit of what you do in this church?
02:18 In this church is a lot actually, I'd say,
02:22 I don't know if it's the right way to use,
02:24 I am the church.
02:26 I am the church to mean that
02:29 all of the activities that are running
02:30 are done in the church actually do them.
02:33 I think, the Lord that has gifted me
02:35 with the singing gift.
02:37 So I teach them some songs.
02:39 I chorus that and I conduct Bible studies.
02:43 And if I have an opportunity to preach,
02:47 I preach to them again.
02:49 And I will collect offerings
02:50 because there are still not organized.
02:53 I'm still bringing them back.
02:54 So that will be organized as a church
02:56 and all the things that I've done in the church,
02:58 actually, I covered them
03:00 I try and cover them
03:02 so that there wouldn't be anything
03:03 that is not been done in the church.
03:06 I notice you have a pathfinder law.
03:07 Yes.
03:09 Principles up on your on the church.
03:10 Do you have a pathfinder group here?
03:12 Yeah, I have over 20 pathfinders.
03:15 Wow, that's...
03:16 Pathfinders, they've been practicing around...
03:19 Yeah, this year, around February in January,
03:23 they were preparing to go to camp at Maun.
03:26 Unfortunately, they didn't managed
03:28 because of the money,
03:30 the church didn't have much funds to help them,
03:34 but we have pathfinders.
03:35 They've lent their laws,
03:38 the only thing they don't have enough for now is the uniform,
03:40 maybe that could encourage them
03:42 to get into the pathfinder thing,
03:45 pathfinder club.
03:47 And other than that we want to do
03:48 with our pathfinder this side,
03:50 we've been talking with our pathfinders,
03:51 that we don't wanna our pathfinder to be a club.
03:53 We want it to be a mission group of small young kids,
03:58 so be able to reach to others in their own languages
04:01 because for kids this side
04:03 is very easy for them to invite others,
04:06 they talk to each other say,
04:08 "This church is very nice."
04:09 And they come in large numbers.
04:11 And that is the big number of the church
04:14 this side is small kids.
04:16 Yes.
04:17 Do you go out in the community with them
04:18 with the kids and talk to others
04:20 especially because they know their language?
04:21 Yeah, I was started visit to Sabbaths
04:24 we went around the home singing at them some songs,
04:28 and we were seen praying with the elderlies
04:30 at the homes.
04:31 They're not that [inaudible] though.
04:33 They're not that [inaudible].
04:35 They're learning. They're learning.
04:37 And they're loving the church, the kids.
04:39 So we've been learning about
04:41 what it is to be a Global Mission pioneer
04:43 here in the settlement.
04:45 What brought you to be...
04:47 What encouraged you to be a Global Mission pioneer?
04:49 Something came to my mind when I go to Ghanzi district.
04:53 I had left the church at that time
04:55 started drinking, moving around,
04:57 and the Lord will talk to me even when I was drinking.
05:01 I felt someone tipped me over asking,
05:03 "What are you doing? Hey, what are you doing?
05:06 Stop doing that."
05:08 And it just went out.
05:10 My uncle pick me up from Maun,
05:12 our home village and brought me to Ghanzi.
05:15 In Ghanzi, I started working with young people
05:16 from Ghanzi Senior Secondary School around 09.
05:20 Teaching them songs, giving them Bible studies,
05:23 they helped me grow up.
05:25 And my pastor was around that time
05:27 Pastor Sebuka,
05:28 he will take me around Ghanzi to the government offices,
05:32 we'll go together sing,
05:33 I'll sing for him some special songs.
05:35 And sometimes I'll preach.
05:37 He gave me a slot to preach.
05:38 He encouraged me.
05:40 He encouraged me a lot.
05:42 And it really motivated me.
05:44 And I wanted to become a Global Mission pioneer.
05:46 Before I became a Global Mission pioneer
05:47 he took me last year to Mmopane
05:50 and one of the places in Botswana called Mmopane
05:53 around Gaborone district that side,
05:56 to go and prepare for his crusade for a month.
05:58 And when that said,
05:59 and the Lord blessed me with many souls
06:01 who were trained souls in the church
06:04 came together and realized that
06:06 I believe I've been called to do this.
06:08 Now this is your second year now,
06:10 you just started in second year here in this community.
06:13 How's it changed
06:14 from when you first got here to now?
06:17 How has the church change?
06:18 How have you and the community looks at you now?
06:22 Okay.
06:24 When I first came here,
06:25 people doubted
06:27 because if we see a young boy
06:29 and more especially come to community
06:32 we have people who were pastors will be coming to serve
06:36 were old men and grown-ups.
06:39 People when they look at you come in this side
06:41 you're not married the first thing,
06:42 you're still a boy,
06:44 no doubt the work in the Lord has sustained me though,
06:48 the Lord has sustained me
06:50 because I buried them
06:52 most of them they said when their funerals are,
06:55 not even Adventists
06:56 most of the time I'll attend them
06:58 and try and preach to the families
07:01 and that has helped me a lot to connect with the villagers.
07:06 They now trust me
07:08 more than they never trusted me before
07:10 because there's some issues
07:12 that sometimes they raise about me
07:13 in the village.
07:15 In most of the parents they defend me.
07:18 Not even me knowing that someone is standing for me
07:21 that no don't talk about that boy,
07:23 that's a good boy
07:24 so that one really touched me.
07:26 Yesterday I had one of the ladies
07:28 coming to me saying that.
07:29 "I will stand for you in a court
07:31 if something goes wrong with you in this village."
07:34 And it was really something
07:36 that the Lord is fighting for me with these people.
07:39 There are those at home also already prayed
07:41 for Global Mission pioneers.
07:42 Do you have a special message
07:44 for those already praying for you?
07:48 I'd like to say thank you, thank you very much.
07:52 And when I hope that,
07:54 and they know and they believe that
07:56 what they've been praying for it is to succeed it
08:00 and because I don't think
08:02 we could make it without Adventist
08:04 or other Christians praying for us.
08:07 The more they pray for us, the more we see those open.
08:11 Sometimes we give up or sit alone in my house
08:14 say I don't give up now.
08:17 And I'd watch, sometimes they even Adventist Mission,
08:20 I would see 3ABN and see,
08:24 wow,
08:25 maybe the Lord doesn't want me to do it this way.
08:27 He wants me to do this other way.
08:29 The right way.
08:30 I don't waste my time,
08:32 I get out of the house and went try another thing.
08:35 Then you learn a new thing or try it.
08:37 And it works,
08:39 the prayers, they really work,
08:41 but they are praying for is working.
09:13 Next up, we traveled to Southern Asia
09:15 to see children involved in mission.
09:20 Rishon and his family were moving from the big city
09:23 to a small house on a mountainside in India.
09:26 Rishon had many toys
09:28 and his mom and dad needed to talk with him
09:30 about getting rid of some of them.
09:32 "You don't need all those big toys,"
09:35 his dad said.
09:36 "You are going to be very busy doing things
09:39 other than playing with them."
09:40 His mom talked about the children living in the village
09:43 near the new house.
09:44 "The village children are poor
09:46 and don't have nice toys like you,"
09:49 she said.
09:50 "Why don't you give them your big toys?"
09:53 Rishon was an obedient boy
09:55 and he didn't mind giving away his big toys.
09:58 He gave them to the boys and girls in the village
10:00 who were very excited to receive the gifts.
10:03 They had never owned such nice toys before.
10:06 Rishon was happy to see their joy
10:08 and it felt so good
10:09 to do something kind for others.
10:11 As the days passed,
10:13 Rishon saw that his mom and dad were right.
10:15 He was very busy.
10:17 He went to school at home
10:18 with his mom teaching him English, Hindi,
10:21 and other languages,
10:22 and his dad teaching him math and science.
10:25 When Rishon wasn't studying, he worked in the family garden,
10:28 planting, weeding,
10:29 and harvesting corn, potatoes, and other crops.
10:34 Every day he memorized three verses from the Bible.
10:37 After a few months,
10:39 he could recite many chapters by memory,
10:41 including Psalm 23 and Hebrews 11.
10:44 Rishon didn't have much time to play
10:46 even with his small toys,
10:48 so he also gave them away to the village children.
10:51 The children especially the little ones
10:54 quickly became Rishon's friends.
10:56 At first they liked him because he gave them toys,
10:59 but then they got to know him
11:01 and they saw that he was a kind, gentle boy.
11:03 They liked to visit Rishon at his house
11:05 on the mountainside.
11:07 Rishon like to play with the children.
11:09 Sometimes they played with Rishon's old toys,
11:11 but most of the time they played church.
11:14 You see, the children weren't Christians
11:16 and their parents weren't Christians.
11:18 They didn't know anything about God creating the world
11:21 or Jesus dying for people's sins.
11:24 They didn't know anything about praying to God.
11:27 But by playing church,
11:28 Rishon taught the children about Jesus.
11:31 They sat on the dusty ground as Rishon told them stories
11:34 about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, David and Goliath,
11:38 and Daniel in the lions' den.
11:40 He told them about Jesus dying on the cross
11:43 to give eternal life to everyone
11:45 who believes in Him.
11:46 He invited them to pray to Jesus
11:49 and showed them how.
11:50 "Dear God,"
11:52 he said.
11:53 "Thank You for being our very best friend.
11:56 Please give us a heart of love for You
11:59 and for others.
12:01 In Jesus' name, amen."
12:04 The other children began to copy Rishon's prayers,
12:07 and they told their parents about the Bible stories.
12:09 Then some of the parents even asked Rishon's parents
12:12 to know more about Jesus.
12:14 Now Rishon doesn't have much time
12:16 to play with his remaining toys.
12:17 He is too busy being a missionary for Jesus.
12:45 Well, thank you so much for joining us
12:47 on today's program.
12:48 And I hope that you've been challenged
12:50 by our 360-degree view of mission around the world.
12:54 We've traveled to Africa
12:55 and visited Global Mission pioneer working there
12:58 and we have thousands of pioneers
13:00 working around the world today,
13:01 often in many difficult circumstances
13:04 where they face many different challenges
13:06 and they are sustained by your prayers and support.
13:09 We also saw children involved in mission
13:12 and we praise God for the wonderful things
13:14 that are happening around the world,
13:16 but, of course, there are so many challenges
13:17 that still face us.
13:19 I think there are cities like right here in Singapore
13:22 in the middle of the 10/40 Window,
13:24 I think the growing number of people
13:26 in the secular and postmodern West.
13:28 And I think the fact that there are so many people
13:31 who have never even heard the name of Jesus.
13:33 I wanna thank you so much for your continuing support
13:36 of the Adventist Mission
13:37 with your donations to Global Mission,
13:39 your mission offerings, your prayers,
13:42 and your personal involvement.
13:44 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause,
13:46 and I hope you can join me next time
13:48 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-12-10