Mission 360

Ambassadors of Plants

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002803A

00:19 Spreading Sabbath Offering projects
00:21 in West Africa, children's ministries turns 25
00:26 and mission here in Paris.
00:28 All this and much more coming up next
00:30 on Mission 360.
01:16 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
01:18 I'm Gary Krause.
01:20 Today's program is coming to you from Paris,
01:22 the capital of France.
01:24 And behind me, of course,
01:25 you can see the iconic Eiffel Tower.
01:28 It was built in 1889 for the World's Fair
01:31 and funnily enough, many Parisians didn't like it.
01:35 Was considered ugly
01:36 and they wanted to get rid of it.
01:38 But, of course, since then,
01:39 the Eiffel Tower has been
01:41 one of the many attractions of Paris
01:44 that have brought millions and millions
01:46 of tourists to this city,
01:47 which of course was founded many years ago.
01:50 In fact, it's been the capital of France
01:52 for more than 1000 years.
01:54 Well, we're going to be looking more about
01:55 mission here in France.
01:56 But first up, let's travel to West Africa
01:58 to see your 13th Sabbath Offerings at work.
02:02 There was a silent killer in Yoryina's home.
02:06 Our family was eventually dying
02:10 because of our kitchen.
02:13 Because what was produced
02:14 from the kitchen was not healthy to the body.
02:18 It was slowly sapping the life and health of his family.
02:21 Yoryina and his wife got sick.
02:24 Yoryina was feeling worse every day.
02:27 He felt so sick that he thought about committing suicide.
02:30 That was until he discovered the silent killer
02:33 that was slowly taking away their health.
02:35 The type of food we were using was already damaged food,
02:40 overcooked and all that.
02:43 When I came across one
02:44 Seventh-day Adventist evangelist,
02:48 and I read through some of his literatures,
02:51 I discovered that I was living a very wrong life.
02:55 A ray of hope came when Yoryina
02:57 learned of a health seminar organized by
03:00 the nearby Adventist Church.
03:03 He asked his wife to go since he was feeling very sick.
03:09 After the meeting Yoryina's wife
03:11 came home equipped with newfound knowledge.
03:15 As she met me feeling bad.
03:17 She started applying water therapy on me straight.
03:22 What she learned there
03:23 she never knew had idea about that ever.
03:26 She applied the water therapy,
03:29 cold or hot water on me, covering me.
03:32 And before you know, I was sweating,
03:35 we started having a new lifestyle.
03:39 The lessons from the health seminar
03:40 had a tremendous impact on Yoryina and his wife.
03:44 Their yard which was once full of chickens is now empty.
03:48 In its place, Yoryina planted different types of medicinal
03:52 and health giving plants like Moringa and Aloe vera.
03:55 The plants are all around their house.
03:57 They also take advantage of fresh fruits and vegetables
04:00 which are abundant in Nigeria.
04:03 Yoryina is now living a healthy and happy life.
04:06 He and his wife are ambassadors
04:08 of the health message
04:10 teaching what they learned to anyone they can.
04:12 They started building a small space
04:14 in front of their house
04:15 where they can teach people about health and the Bible.
04:18 They've also used this space
04:19 to start a small Bible study group.
04:22 But Yoryina is just one man
04:24 and the city of Abuja has more than 3 million people,
04:28 people who would benefit
04:29 a lot from hearing the health message.
04:31 This quarter, your 13th Sabbath Offering
04:34 will help build a medical center there.
04:36 This center will help treat illnesses
04:38 and show people a better way to live.
04:41 I look forward to a medical center
04:46 that people will say that
04:49 there's a health facility
04:50 when you go there, all you see is love
04:53 within the health workers there.
04:55 There's a health facility that when you go there,
04:59 there's something else you receive
05:02 apart from the routine things,
05:04 routine services you see in other health facilities.
05:07 Please pray for the development of this health center
05:10 and for the other projects this quarter.
05:13 Thank you for supporting the 13th Sabbath Offering.
05:48 My guest is Pastor Ruben De Abreu,
05:50 who is the president
05:51 of the Franco-Belgian Conference.
05:53 And I'm glad that you can join us today, Ruben.
05:57 Can you describe for our viewers
05:59 the territories of your union?
06:02 So very large territory here in Europe
06:06 because it has
06:09 all the Continental France
06:13 and then Belgium and Luxembourg.
06:16 And for the moment we are around
06:20 18,000 members in this territory.
06:25 Now, traditionally, in our past history
06:28 Europe has been a sending territory
06:31 where you have sent
06:33 missionaries all over the world.
06:35 But I think it's fair to say
06:37 that your territory is now a mission field.
06:39 Can you describe
06:41 some of the challenges that you face?
06:44 It's everything that reverse.
06:48 Now in our times,
06:50 we are receiving the people from all over the world,
06:54 especially if I think about Paris and Brussels.
06:59 We have people from all corners of this world
07:04 and it creates us
07:07 very difficult challenge, the diversity.
07:10 Yes.
07:11 Diversity of language, culture, even theology.
07:16 And we...
07:17 Our challenge is to put everything in common
07:21 and bring everything to the feet of God.
07:25 Yes.
07:26 Now you are facing a culture
07:30 that has basically almost forgotten about God.
07:33 Describe for people, for example, here in Paris,
07:37 your average Parisian,
07:38 what would their view be on religious things?
07:41 Yeah, it's very peculiar because it's different
07:46 than the secularism in America or in other parts
07:51 because here, it's not only the ignorance about God,
07:57 but it's an attitude against God
07:59 and everything that is religious.
08:02 And also with the later events that we had here
08:07 with the terrorism attacks
08:11 and all of that related to religion problem,
08:14 people react very, very strongly.
08:17 And everything that is spiritual
08:19 or religious is understood
08:21 in this territory and particularly here in Paris
08:25 as an individual thing.
08:27 Yes.
08:28 It's not something that I can do publicly,
08:33 like in other parts and we need to do our mission
08:38 respecting the wishes of people.
08:41 Yes.
08:42 So in a place like Paris, so say for example,
08:44 you took an Adventist method of public evangelism,
08:48 you would attract people who perhaps come
08:51 from immigrant communities,
08:53 but you would not attract
08:55 a native Parisian, generally speaking?
08:58 Yeah.
09:00 We are facing that challenge
09:04 because a lot of people that are already here in
09:11 and in some churches they work with people
09:14 that they come from the same community.
09:15 Yes.
09:17 So, what we are remarking
09:20 is that the relationship evangelism,
09:23 it's sorted as the most powerful effect,
09:28 because people can put and question your own faith
09:34 and your own witness, or your own convictions
09:38 and everything that you do on relationship with other.
09:41 It's the simple method,
09:44 but it's also the one
09:46 that it's more efficient from the basis.
09:49 And it's also the method that Jesus Himself used.
09:51 Yes, and it's also becoming to the root.
09:55 Yes.
09:56 So, Ruben, tell me about some of the good things
09:58 that are happening here?
10:01 We are in a peculiar situation
10:07 because here in Paris,
10:08 we need more places for people to worship.
10:13 And we opened a worship place
10:19 and three months after it's,
10:21 it's already full with people that they come
10:23 from all over the city.
10:27 So it's one of the big things that are happening here.
10:33 But we are also developing a lot of communities,
10:37 ethnical communities, the last one,
10:40 it was Korean, South Korean
10:44 community that was organized it
10:47 and we had this last year in Paris
10:52 and around the North Conference outreach campaign.
10:56 And we are having now the baptisms
11:00 and all the people that convert after that effort.
11:06 Wonderful.
11:07 And what's happening
11:09 with the Bible Correspondence School?
11:11 Yeah, it's a very interesting challenge
11:14 because it's a shift of paradigm
11:17 because from other times,
11:21 it was on written on paper, hard paper.
11:24 Now people are asking more for the web.
11:30 And the challenge we are having now is that
11:34 when we ask for address and contacts, people,
11:37 they get behind the web.
11:42 And we are trying to develop this project
11:44 to give Bible studies by Skype
11:47 or this kind of communication technologies
11:53 that are available and it's cheap
11:56 and we are having now an increase of people
12:01 that have answered to the Bible courses more
12:07 on the web than with the hard paper.
12:09 Wonderful.
12:11 Well, I know that you have many challenges,
12:13 but I know that there are many good things
12:14 happening here.
12:15 I know you've got a strong youth emphasis,
12:17 church planting emphasis,
12:19 and thank you for all that you're doing.
12:20 And God bless you and thanks for sharing.
12:22 Viewers at home, please pray
12:24 for the mission field here in Europe.
12:27 Wonderful things happening, many challenges remaining.
12:29 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-09-11