Mission 360

Feeding The Hungry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002802A

00:14 Improving children's nutrition in Africa,
00:17 women in mission around the world,
00:19 and a powerful story from Madagascar,
00:21 all this and much more coming up next.
01:02 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
01:04 I'm Gary Krause.
01:06 Today's program is coming to you
01:07 from the heart of the 10x40 Window.
01:10 I'm in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
01:13 And the greater metropolitan area
01:15 of this vast city has some 23 million people.
01:19 Many people are surprised to learn that Indonesia,
01:23 not some country in the Middle East
01:25 is the largest Muslim nation in the world.
01:29 And on today's program, we're going to be looking at
01:31 some of the sights and sounds
01:33 and some of the story of mission here in Jakarta,
01:35 but first up, let's travel to Mozambique.
01:46 This kind of project was actually created by
01:48 the government
01:49 because they need to scale up nutrition,
01:51 and there is a need in Mozambique.
01:54 Right now, the chronic malnutrition
01:57 rates are really soaring.
01:58 They are above 40%.
02:01 And this is generally across the country.
02:04 Although there are certain places
02:06 where it's higher,
02:07 in Maputo also they discovered that it's above 30%,
02:11 which also includes districts like Boane.
02:14 So that's why we feel like it's important that
02:17 the students should also get part of the meal
02:19 because they might not be getting enough.
02:23 When we started,
02:24 we had our school feeding funded
02:27 by ADRA International.
02:29 The other part of the donation was through the food,
02:32 that we are still receiving, through Rise Against Hunger.
02:38 Being part of this project, they receive rice.
02:41 The rice comes in a packet with soy
02:43 and dehydrated vegetables.
02:45 And inside each packet there is a multivitamin packet,
02:48 within the food that we distribute.
02:51 So every time they get a ration size
02:54 which is almost equivalent to 700 kilocalories.
02:58 It's in supplement to what they get from home.
03:05 When we started the project,
03:07 we did some anthropometry
03:08 where we were weighing the height
03:10 and the weight of the students, and we analyzed it.
03:12 And then we discovered that 50% of the students
03:15 were really underweight.
03:17 That was last year.
03:18 And we are going to
03:20 consequently weigh the students.
03:23 Right now we designed a cohort
03:24 that we would follow up each month,
03:26 so that we have concrete results to see
03:28 the changes are okay.
03:31 What we have noted so far,
03:33 there's been an increase in the number of students.
03:35 We started with 9,366.
03:38 Right now we have 13,453 students.
03:42 And last year when we ended, we had 11,656 students.
04:09 My guest is Arlaine, who is the Operations Manager
04:12 for the Chinese Ministry Center here in Jakarta.
04:15 Arlaine, thanks for joining us. Yes.
04:17 Now describe for us
04:19 what the Chinese Ministry Center is?
04:22 So the Chinese Ministry Center
04:23 is actually a supporting ministry
04:26 in SDA church that we want to focusly
04:30 to reach out to the Chinese community,
04:32 but through this several years,
04:35 we realized that because of the Chinese people
04:38 usually live in the cities.
04:40 So what God actually leading us is to the city of Adventism.
04:45 Oh, wonderful.
04:47 Now when did this start?
04:49 It was started in 2003
04:52 when the Jakarta local conference
04:54 gathered us together
04:56 and give us the vision to reach out
04:58 to the Chinese community in Jakarta
05:01 because as you know, Indonesia, besides the,
05:04 as a biggest Muslim countries in the world
05:08 is also the biggest population
05:11 of Chinese people outside China.
05:14 Yes.
05:15 And also, Indonesia also have like,
05:19 the national crisis on 1997-98.
05:24 And in that time,
05:26 most of the Chinese converted from Buddhism to Christianity,
05:31 but we don't have any one from
05:34 that conversion to Adventist Church.
05:37 So we as the Adventist Chinese in the church, you know,
05:41 are calling to bring the message
05:44 to the Chinese community.
05:46 Wonderful.
05:47 Now describe for me where we're standing
05:49 where in an urban center of influence, right?
05:54 Yeah. So tell me about it?
05:56 So this is one of the place of what we called Club Sehat.
06:01 Club Sehat is a healthy grocery store,
06:04 but actually, this Club Sehat is only our like
06:08 on front liner to mingle with people
06:11 so they can buy stuffs.
06:14 And also we have the restaurant,
06:17 vegetarian restaurant upstairs
06:18 so we can have the chance to meet with new people,
06:23 mingle with people, and then after that,
06:26 we ask them or offer them
06:28 to attend our other programs, you know,
06:31 which is health seminars and everything.
06:34 So this store actually is a,
06:38 we sell all the healthy food stuff,
06:43 which is sometimes
06:44 it's kind of hard to find like seeds
06:47 or nuts in even in the capital city of Jakarta
06:51 in Indonesia.
06:52 So we provide the healthy food here.
06:55 Wonderful.
06:56 Now this was not your first,
06:58 you started another center elsewhere.
07:00 Yeah.
07:01 How many centers do you have now?
07:02 Now in Jakarta we have eight centers.
07:06 And outside in Jakarta, we also have like,
07:09 I forgot it's like in Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya,
07:15 and also Bali, Jambi,
07:18 Medan, and Pontianak, Makasar, Manado.
07:20 Wonderful.
07:22 Now on this program I often talk a lot about
07:24 centers of influence,
07:26 why do you think they are so important?
07:30 For us center of influence is actually a showroom,
07:34 that in that showroom, we can, I mean,
07:38 everybody can come, and then they can see
07:42 who is Adventist, how they lives, what they eat,
07:47 how they get dress, you know,
07:49 and from that showroom
07:51 they were introduced to know
07:57 what is the Seventh-day Adventist Church
08:01 as the whole worldwide
08:03 and also in the center of influence
08:06 it's the place when we can practice
08:09 the Christ methods,
08:10 the five steps of the Christ methods only,
08:15 he mingle and so on.
08:17 Show sympathy, minister to needs,
08:19 win confidence...
08:21 Win confidence and them to follow me.
08:23 So we have the opportunity to meet new people
08:27 like through the health message,
08:30 and then from the center of influence they can come,
08:34 you know, freely without any
08:38 and they don't have to be afraid that
08:41 this is a church and we want to convert them
08:43 to one church, it's not like that
08:45 so they can easily come
08:47 and make them their like "second home" actually.
08:50 Yes. Wonderful. Yeah.
08:52 Now this food store of which
08:55 there are many now they are making a profit?
08:58 Yes.
08:59 What do you do with the proceeds?
09:01 The proceeds to? The profits.
09:02 Oh, the profits. Okay.
09:04 The profits actually...
09:06 So from the start,
09:08 we already have our commitment that
09:11 if we open this door,
09:13 the profits will not go to the investors.
09:18 So when we first start the store,
09:20 there are some of the church members
09:22 they're willingly to invest their money
09:24 to open the Club Sehat,
09:26 but start from 2008 until
09:31 and now 2019.
09:34 Actually, the investor didn't don't get any,
09:39 anything from the profit of Club Sehat
09:42 because they're already commit that the profit will go
09:45 to the development of the Club Sehat
09:48 so we can, the Club Sehat can help CMC
09:51 to build more center of influence in other places.
09:55 So that's actually our goal.
09:57 So it's used as a seed money to develop other?
10:00 That's right. Fantastic.
10:01 That's right. Yeah.
10:03 So we have featured this initiative some years ago,
10:09 but it's just so encouraging to see
10:10 how it has grown and multiplies.
10:12 Praise God for that. Wonderful news.
10:14 Yes, we also, we can see, you know,
10:18 how God really intervened all the works here,
10:22 you know, how that really blessed the ministry
10:27 and even brings healings to, you know,
10:30 customers and also our guests
10:32 who come to the center of influence.
10:35 Wonderful.
10:36 Arlaine, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
10:38 Thank you so much.
10:39 And viewers at home,
10:41 this is just an incredible initiative.
10:43 First an urban center of influence
10:45 was planted in one area of the city,
10:48 ministering to that community.
10:49 It's now started as we've heard
10:51 in various other parts of Jakarta,
10:53 and now it's spreading into other parts of Indonesia,
10:57 putting Christ method into practice.
10:58 Please pray for this initiative.
11:00 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-09-04