Mission 360

Reaching Mission Goals

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002706B

00:17 Welcome back to San Jose, Costa Rica.
00:20 And I'm standing in the Avenida Segunda,
00:22 the main thoroughfare through the city.
00:25 Next up, we travel to the Mission 360 Kitchen
00:28 to learn how to make a strawberry and spinach salad.
00:32 I'm game, if you are game.
00:34 Welcome to our Mission 360 Kitchen.
00:36 We're going to take you to France today
00:38 and we are going to make a spinach and strawberry salad.
00:42 And that is going to be a very nice springtime
00:46 addition to your menus.
00:47 But, of course, you can have it any time of the year
00:49 because the ingredients are almost always available.
00:52 So all we do...
00:54 And the thing that's nice about salads
00:56 is that they're not precise measurements.
00:58 You just kind of fill your bowl or your platter or whatever,
01:02 so it makes it easy.
01:04 So I'm going to take some pre-washed spinach,
01:08 baby spinach and just lay this out on the platter like this
01:12 until I have enough for my guests
01:16 or until the bowl or platter looks nice and full.
01:23 And then we're just going to top it off
01:25 with some sliced strawberries.
01:27 You want to do that, Kayla?
01:28 Yes. Okay.
01:30 I'll turn the leaves over so they look nice.
01:32 We want to sprinkle these over.
01:35 Yes.
01:39 Oh, it's nice and fresh.
01:42 The dressing is now ready.
01:44 I love the contrast with the green and the red.
01:46 And if you serve people a large serving
01:48 that could actually be like an entree salad.
01:51 But it makes a very nice side salad as well.
01:54 So maybe let's add just a few more
01:56 all the way in this corner, just so.
01:58 Yeah, just a little bit extra.
02:00 That's good. That's good.
02:02 Now we're going to make our salad dressing.
02:04 Now the salad dressing can be made ahead of time
02:06 and you could have that in your fridge.
02:08 And normally, when you make it and before serving,
02:11 you'd put that on a nice little picture
02:13 or something.
02:14 But we're just gonna serve it straight from our kitchen
02:16 kind of like we would do at home.
02:18 So we're gonna start out with a blender.
02:21 We're gonna put that up here.
02:24 And then we're going to add a cup of strawberries.
02:27 They don't have to be sliced first.
02:32 And then we're going to add a third cup of the olive oil.
02:39 Some lemon juice.
02:44 And then we're gonna give that a blend.
02:47 So let's see how pretty it turns out.
02:59 I think it should be nice.
03:07 That looks good.
03:11 Nice color there.
03:12 It does look nice.
03:15 And it smells good too.
03:17 Nice and fresh.
03:18 So we're gonna just drizzle that
03:20 over our salad platter.
03:21 I'll move it over a little bit closer to you.
03:31 Nice and fresh.
03:33 And it does make a difference when you use fresh ingredients,
03:36 so try to do that when you can.
03:40 That looks great.
03:42 Shall we try it? Yes, let's do that.
03:43 Okay.
03:45 Why don't you serve yourself and I'll serve myself too.
03:48 Okay.
03:49 We'll go family style.
03:51 That works.
03:55 Just take like that.
03:59 I'll try something here.
04:01 I'm actually going to sprinkle some almonds on mine.
04:03 Oh, good idea. Good idea.
04:04 Look bit creative. They add a nice crunch.
04:07 They do.
04:09 So you could add it individually
04:11 or you could add it to the salad bowl
04:13 or platter to make everything look nice.
04:16 So you're gonna taste it? I can't wait.
04:23 What do you think? I love strawberries.
04:24 It's heaven. It's perfect.
04:26 I love it.
04:28 I'm glad that we are able to get these
04:29 from Chile on a year round basis,
04:31 so we can always have
04:33 a nice fresh strawberry salad.
04:36 Thanks for stopping and visiting us
04:38 at our Mission 360 Kitchen.
04:41 Next up, we visit
04:42 with some One Year in Mission volunteers
04:44 who are working in centers of influence
04:46 in Santiago, Chile.
04:52 Sebastian decided to give his life to Jesus
04:55 in an unusual place, the soccer field.
04:59 The Life Hope Center helped me
05:01 have the Word of God in my heart.
05:05 A few months before he was excited
05:07 when his parents Moises and Angelica
05:09 signed him up for soccer lessons
05:11 at the Global Mission Life Hope Center
05:13 just down the street from their house.
05:15 Sebastian worked hard at the lessons
05:17 and his skills improved quickly.
05:18 But soon he realized
05:20 he was learning more than just soccer.
05:22 Sebastian had met Jesus
05:24 through the One Year in Mission volunteers
05:26 serving this urban center of influence
05:28 in Santiago, Chile.
05:30 He felt like he needed to share his new love for Jesus
05:33 with his parents.
05:34 So each day after soccer lessons
05:36 while walking home with his parents,
05:38 Sebastian told them about Jesus.
05:40 It was around this time
05:42 that Sebastian's grandmother got very sick.
05:45 Sebastian was worried.
05:47 During this difficult time, Pastor Abraham Cabezas,
05:50 who led the center's outreach programs
05:52 began regularly visiting the family
05:54 with this team of One Year in Mission volunteers
05:57 to pray with them and encourage them.
05:59 Sebastian's parents enjoyed these visits
06:02 and in time they requested Bible studies.
06:05 Eventually, the love of Jesus won their hearts
06:08 and they were baptized.
06:10 Soon his grandmother regained her strength.
06:13 The family is eternally grateful
06:15 for the friendship and care
06:16 shown by the One Year in Mission team.
06:19 To this day,
06:20 the volunteers selflessly give up their time
06:22 to be lights of hope in the community.
06:25 We find these volunteers
06:26 who are willing to give their gifts,
06:28 talents, and abilities to serve others.
06:31 We have so many types of workshops,
06:34 like cooking workshops, language workshops,
06:37 and exercise workshops that are used as an instrument,
06:40 an opportunity to follow Christ method.
06:43 That is why through these workshops,
06:45 many people can mingle with Adventists
06:47 and through their service they can know the Lord.
06:51 Sebastian is so happy
06:53 when he listens to his parents
06:54 talk about their new lives and here's why.
06:58 So that we go to heaven.
07:04 Thanks to your faithful support of urban centers of influence,
07:07 Sebastian's goal of having his family
07:10 united in Christ has become an exciting reality.
07:14 I want to express my gratitude to Global Mission
07:17 for believing and trusting in these projects.
07:20 At any moment
07:21 the King in heaven will return
07:23 and we will see the result of all of the efforts
07:26 from Chile and the whole world.
07:48 Well, thank you so much
07:50 for joining us on today's program.
07:51 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree view of mission
07:56 around the world.
07:57 On today's program,
07:58 we've seen mission in South America,
08:00 we've seen in West Africa,
08:02 we've seen it here in Central America.
08:04 We tend to focus on those,
08:06 the good things that are happening,
08:07 and so we should,
08:08 but I don't want you to lose sight
08:10 of the many mission challenges that we still face.
08:12 So thank you so much for your continuing support.
08:15 With your donations to Global Mission,
08:17 your mission offerings,
08:19 your prayers and your personal involvement,
08:22 it does make a difference.
08:23 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
08:26 And I hope you can join me next time
08:28 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-06-18