Mission 360

Reaching Mission Goals

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002706A

00:18 A wonderful story
00:19 from the islands of Sao Tome and Principe in Africa,
00:23 a center of influence in San Diego, Chile,
00:26 and an exotic recipe from the Mission 360 Kitchen,
00:29 all this and much more coming up next.
01:15 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
01:17 I'm Gary Krause.
01:18 Today's program is coming to you from San Jose,
01:21 the capital
01:22 and the largest city in Costa Rica.
01:25 When you think of Costa Rica,
01:26 you may think of postcard beaches,
01:28 exotic wildlife, beautiful birds, jungles,
01:32 and if you think that, you'd be correct.
01:34 Because this is a place that takes its nature seriously
01:38 and tourists come from all over the world
01:40 to enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica.
01:42 On today's program,
01:43 we're gonna be looking at mission
01:45 right here in this country.
01:46 But first up, let's travel to the country of Andorra,
01:49 which is sandwiched between Spain and France.
02:01 I have eight sons
02:03 who would soon have to enlist in the army
02:06 and face serious Sabbath challenges.
02:10 To protect my sons,
02:13 I moved here as a literature evangelist.
02:19 Forty years ago,
02:20 Juan Amigo was sent to Andorra to work as a colporteur
02:23 and to plant
02:24 the first Adventist congregation
02:26 in the nation.
02:27 Andorra is a speck on the map,
02:29 sandwiched between France and Spain.
02:32 It lies in the valleys of a mountainous region
02:34 where millions of tourists come
02:36 for exciting sports activities every year.
02:42 This country
02:43 was one of the last un-entered territories
02:45 of the inter-European division.
02:48 At that time,
02:49 Juan and his family
02:50 were the only Adventists in the country.
02:52 Today, five of his sons remain in Andorra
02:55 and have leadership roles
02:56 in the only Adventist congregation there.
02:59 Our church is a bit different than other countries.
03:02 Actually in Andorra, there's no church registration.
03:06 So we cannot exist as a church,
03:08 so we created ourselves as our association.
03:11 And this is a way
03:12 that we can operate in this country.
03:16 We are a small group.
03:17 We have 25 members of whom 14 are children.
03:24 For several years we did many evangelistic campaigns
03:27 without many results.
03:30 We decided to stop to pray until God showed us
03:33 where we should focus our efforts.
03:41 Now we are focusing our efforts on our children,
03:44 and our children's friends, and our friends too.
04:01 Putting kids first
04:03 has reshaped the style and flow
04:04 of this church's worship.
04:06 On Friday evenings,
04:08 adult members meet at the church for vespers
04:10 and study the Sabbath school quarterly lesson
04:12 ahead of schedule.
04:14 This allows extra time for the kids
04:15 during regular Sabbath morning activities.
04:18 The study is a great way to enter the Sabbath day.
04:21 You know, in church,
04:22 we're not used to put kids first.
04:25 We don't give them a place in front in the stage.
04:28 For example,
04:30 many times maybe only once a trimester.
04:32 So we started focusing to do activities
04:36 as the pathfinders for our kids.
04:40 That's actually what every church does.
04:43 But we also created the space Saturday morning for them,
04:47 where they have kind of a sermon for kids.
04:50 They have some activity for kids
04:51 and also for the grown-up,
04:53 so we can interact them and us
04:55 and we can learn from the kids and the kids can learn from us.
05:05 This week's teacher
05:07 presents a message from the Bible.
05:08 She brings visual illustrations
05:10 and a kid friendly sermon
05:12 that is also enjoyable for adults.
05:14 Afterward, the children break into classes
05:16 to study their quarterly lesson,
05:18 then the adults enjoy
05:20 a special message in the main hall.
05:22 Once a month, a delicious potluck is served
05:25 with a lot of international dishes
05:27 and flavors.
05:28 This is a great opportunity to grow relationships
05:31 and nourish the body.
05:33 The children of this church
05:35 are catered to in a special way.
05:37 They are put first
05:38 because this group wants them to take leadership
05:40 and ownership of church life.
05:43 They are the future of this congregation.
05:46 And through them,
05:47 friends and parents are invited to many fun activities.
05:51 Please pray
05:52 for Adventist children around the world
05:54 who will lead God's Church in the coming days.
05:57 And thank you for your support of the mission offering
06:00 which help start this church.
06:23 My guests, Dr. Frank and Diana Atavia,
06:26 who are from Costa Rica,
06:28 but are serving as missionaries in Bangladesh.
06:31 Thanks for joining me. Hello.
06:32 Now tell me what made you decide
06:36 to travel all the way from Costa Rica
06:38 to a very different country to serve?
06:41 Well, it was an invitation.
06:44 We say it was just a call.
06:45 It was a call and we accepted the call.
06:47 We were not expecting, we were not planning,
06:49 but God opened all the doors in.
06:51 Okay, so you're working as a dentist here in San Jose?
06:54 Yes.
06:55 And what did you expect from your work in Bangladesh,
07:02 what were your expectations?
07:04 What were my expectations? Yes.
07:05 Well, I was not expecting
07:07 that it was going to be so tough.
07:08 Okay.
07:10 It is challenging,
07:11 but thank God we have been going on.
07:13 The things have been going on well.
07:15 Now it's very crowded, traffic
07:19 and sometimes we have to travel
07:22 one hour and a half back and forth every day.
07:25 So I wasn't expecting that huge amount of traffic.
07:29 And the challenge to clean it, but we're doing well.
07:32 Thank you. Yeah, good, good.
07:33 Diana, what was it like for you
07:35 to arrive in Bangladesh into Dhaka
07:37 and now this is your new home?
07:40 It was so hard because one year and a half,
07:42 because we have one year and half to live there.
07:45 In one year and half
07:46 I didn't know how to speak by English,
07:48 neither Bangla, only a few words in English.
07:52 So in this year I learn back English
07:55 and recently we started Bangla.
07:57 Another thing
07:59 is because this is a Muslim country,
08:01 so for the ladies is more difficult
08:04 because you have to change everything, your clothes,
08:07 the way you do speak with in front of people,
08:11 in front of men.
08:12 So it's a little hard for a Latina woman,
08:16 but it's okay.
08:18 It's okay. I like it.
08:19 Good, good, good. It's a big challenge but nice.
08:21 Excellent.
08:22 Now describe for me your work?
08:25 Okay, well,
08:27 the clinic has been established by General Conference in 1974
08:31 as a second income generating tithes
08:34 for the organization.
08:35 So we have two clinics now.
08:37 One low-cost clinic
08:39 in the campus of the union in Mirpur
08:42 and now the big clinic is in the shopping mall,
08:43 Jamuna Future Park
08:45 which is one of the biggest shopping mall.
08:47 It was the biggest.
08:48 But now it's like the second or the third
08:50 biggest shopping mall in Asia, Southern Asia.
08:53 So the majority of the people that goes to the clinic
08:56 are VIP people, rich people,
08:58 wealthy people from the community.
09:01 They look for the clinic
09:04 because they are expecting always a foreign doctor,
09:07 they are expecting good quality service.
09:10 And of course, we were trying to put in practice
09:12 as much as we can
09:14 the Christ method to mingle with them,
09:17 to satisfy their needs
09:19 and, of course, become friends with them.
09:20 And well, we are happy to see
09:22 that how God has been opening doors
09:25 because now we are getting more connections
09:27 with our patients.
09:28 And there are some stories that we'll share with you.
09:31 Wonderful.
09:33 Now the other clinic
09:34 there's one in the shopping mall,
09:36 then the other clinic,
09:37 who does that other clinic serve?
09:39 The clinic that it's in the union campus.
09:43 It was recently opened just two or three months ago.
09:46 The idea is also to be
09:47 an extended center of influence,
09:49 both of them
09:51 part of the center of influence program.
09:53 So the clinic is,
09:54 mainly they're targeting the campus
09:56 and the union campus is to,
09:58 the target is the people
09:59 who lives in the surrounding area
10:01 and some of the church workers.
10:02 Wonderful.
10:04 Diana, tell me a story from your experience?
10:06 Well, I work in woman ministry, woman ministry.
10:10 The name is Paluvu Handicraft.
10:12 So we teach the ladies how to make handicrafts,
10:15 cross-stitch and bags, purses?
10:19 Yes, purses. Purses.
10:21 So and now we'll start also with bakery.
10:24 So I teach them how to prepare brown bread, oatmeal cookies,
10:28 sweet bread.
10:29 So they're so happy, we work with Muslim,
10:33 Hindu and other Christian ladies there.
10:36 Wonderful. Terrific.
10:38 Now what about the story
10:40 you were mentioning earlier about Bibles?
10:42 What was that about?
10:44 You see, the Bibles was amazing.
10:46 It's interesting, shocking.
10:47 What happened is that
10:49 one day we were invited to join one Christian service,
10:53 one Christian program.
10:54 You know, different religions,
10:56 invited to worship and testify.
10:58 And then at the end of the service
11:00 they said,
11:01 if any one of you wants to have Bibles to give away,
11:05 you can give.
11:06 The person in charge of that ministry,
11:08 in fact, he has a school.
11:10 He has an English school.
11:11 So in the library of his school,
11:12 he always put Bibles.
11:14 So the students, they always steal the Bibles.
11:18 So he gets the Bibles,
11:20 he puts the Bible mainly to be stolen
11:24 by the students.
11:26 Wonderful. See, that's his ministry.
11:27 So he said, if you want to take some Bibles
11:29 to your house or for your ministry,
11:30 so we took.
11:32 How many Bibles we took? Eleven.
11:33 Eleven Bibles. We took 11 Bibles.
11:35 So the traffic is crowded, really crowded.
11:40 What, we was with the technician
11:42 of the clinic,
11:44 Pradeep. Pradeep.
11:46 So I told her let's take an Uber
11:49 and then Pradeep said, no, let's take the bus.
11:51 But the buses are small, not comfortable.
11:54 And I said okay, let's go
11:56 because he was already with one foot
11:59 on the step of the bus.
12:01 Let's go.
12:02 So we tried to sit on the bus. So we were on the bus.
12:05 Very small bus.
12:07 I tried to see it
12:08 and there was no place for my knees.
12:09 No place to bend her knees.
12:11 He said, "Oh, my God." And they...
12:12 And also in the bus, they have fans.
12:15 Oh, okay. I said okay.
12:17 Instead of AC, they have like...
12:21 A fan? A fan, some fans.
12:23 Anyway, so we said, okay, let's drop now.
12:29 And then when we came out of the bus,
12:32 suddenly, you told, you ask, "Where are the Bibles?"
12:36 And we said, "Oh, we left inside of the bus."
12:41 And then we didn't know what to do.
12:43 Then Pradeep, Pradeep, he is 60 plus.
12:45 He's in about two years of his retirement.
12:49 And then he said, "Don't worry, Doctor.
12:52 I'm going to get those Bibles."
12:54 And we said...
12:56 And in that hour was the worst traffic,
13:00 in the worst time.
13:02 So there was a lot of traffic and a lot also buses
13:07 and he said which one?
13:11 We were sitting in the last, in the last.
13:14 In the last seat, in the last aisle of seats.
13:16 So I told him, don't worry,
13:19 you know, if someone else get those Bibles
13:21 that will be a blessing.
13:23 Let's pray and we can get more extra Bibles.
13:25 Don't worry.
13:27 But, you know,
13:28 we are used to go to their library
13:29 and get extra Bibles for us.
13:31 It's very easy,
13:32 but in those days
13:33 is to get a Bible contextualized
13:36 written in their own language is not an easy thing.
13:38 No.
13:40 So he said, "I will get the Bibles, Doctor.
13:42 Don't worry, I will see.
13:45 You go to your house."
13:46 We said, "Okay, we'll."
13:49 To be honest, we were like, lacking of faith.
13:51 And said, "Okay." Okay, let's see what happen.
13:54 So we took the rickshaw.
13:56 A rickshaw is a bicycle with a...
14:00 I don't know... Seats at the back?
14:01 Yeah. Yes, with seats in the back.
14:03 Yeah.
14:04 So but on the way we said, okay, let's pray.
14:07 For Pradeep and the Bibles.
14:08 You know, in that moment I did my prayer in two ways.
14:11 I said, Lord, if the Bibles...
14:14 If Pradeep finds the Bibles, praise to Your name,
14:17 but if someone else get those Bibles,
14:21 please let those Bibles be properly used.
14:26 So we reached our house,
14:29 we start preparing the meal cooking for the next day.
14:33 And we started feeling bad.
14:35 He said, "Okay, he's late.
14:38 We are in home. He is..."
14:40 No news about Pradeep.
14:41 No news and I almost started crying.
14:44 He said, "For Pradeep I feel so bad."
14:45 Let's pray for him. So we prayed, she prayed.
14:52 She cried, "Oh, Lord, please,
14:55 if there is something that You can do.
14:57 We know You can do it."
14:58 We were choking about his faith.
15:02 We were impressed.
15:03 We were impressed about his faith.
15:05 So we prayed, "Lord, please, You can do it.
15:10 Let Your will be done.
15:12 Thirty minutes later it was almost 11:00 pm,
15:16 Pradeep called and said,
15:18 "Doctor, today is my lucky day."
15:21 And I said what happened?
15:24 "I found the Bibles." I found the...
15:28 Just remember it.
15:29 Just remembering that.
15:31 He said, "Doctor I found the bag."
15:33 It was in the same spot after two hours.
15:36 What I was doing?
15:37 He said I was coming inside of every bus,
15:40 every bus because I didn't remember
15:43 the driver, you know,
15:44 it wasn't easy to remember even the bus
15:46 but I was getting into every bus.
15:49 Finally I got and I went to the final aisle
15:53 and I found the bags.
15:54 Probably the people said,
15:55 "This might be something dangerous.
15:57 This might be a bomb or detonator.
15:59 They just saw one bag there.
16:02 So nobody touched it.
16:03 So he said, "Now we have the Bibles
16:06 to give away in the clinic."
16:08 So...
16:10 Wonderful.
16:11 That's a great story. It was a blessing.
16:13 And we always remember that and say,
16:15 "God is still in care
16:19 of His children, of His church."
16:20 Beautiful.
16:21 Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
16:24 Thank you. Thank you.
16:26 Sometimes we don't appreciate the value of Bibles.
16:29 We take them for granted,
16:30 but they're so special
16:32 and that still speaks to people today.
16:33 And it's so important in region
16:35 such as where the Atavias are working.
16:37 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-06-18