Mission 360

A Mission Abroad

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002703B

00:04 Welcome back to Panama City.
00:06 And behind me you can see the headquarters
00:08 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:10 here in Panama.
00:11 Next up, we travel back to Silver Spring, Maryland
00:14 to hear the story of the pioneer
00:17 of Adventist work in Venezuela.
00:19 My guest today is Dr. Myrna Costa
00:22 from the inter-American Division.
00:24 Dr. Costa is one of the regional editors
00:26 for the encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists.
00:29 And this brand new reference work
00:31 is overseen by the Office of Archives,
00:34 Statistics, and Research.
00:35 It'll be full of thousands
00:38 of entries in a variety of topics,
00:41 including articles on mission work.
00:43 And Dr. Costa, thank you so much
00:46 for joining us on Mission 360 TV today.
00:48 Thank you very much.
00:49 Today, you're going to tell us
00:51 a story about a missionary named Rafael Lopez Miranda.
00:56 So why did you choose
00:57 this particular missionary to talk about?
01:00 Well, that's a good question
01:02 because the author of this article
01:05 is a very good friend of mine, Dr. Lourdes Morales-Gudmundson.
01:09 And she happens to be
01:10 the granddaughter of this missionary,
01:13 Rafael Lopez Miranda.
01:15 So may I talk to you about her? Sure!
01:18 Because she has a book about him,
01:22 Rafael Lopez Miranda, and it's called
01:24 "El Viajero," which is "The Traveler."
01:27 She will have a new edition this year in English.
01:30 And this book is all about him.
01:34 But in the article
01:36 of the encyclopedia will be very short.
01:37 Right, right.
01:39 So if people want the full expanded version,
01:42 they can read that book.
01:43 Exactly. Great. Great.
01:45 So talking about Lopez Miranda,
01:47 was there ever a time
01:49 that he experienced God's protection
01:51 as he served as a missionary?
01:53 Yes, many times. Many times.
01:55 When he was 10 or 12 years old, he encountered two things.
02:00 He was at the beach and there was a shark,
02:03 almost got him.
02:05 And then another time in a zoo,
02:07 a lion escaped and came charging
02:10 at him but he escaped.
02:12 So we know that God
02:14 had something special for this little boy.
02:17 When he was a teenager,
02:20 his father died in a shipwreck.
02:23 That was sad.
02:25 He was given the task
02:27 of taking care of his mom and sister,
02:30 and that was too much for him.
02:31 So he started drinking heavily.
02:34 And until he met, who was going to be his wife,
02:38 the name was Esperanza Gortigo.
02:40 And he stopped drinking,
02:42 he married her, they were very happy.
02:45 They had a little boy, the name was Rafaelito.
02:48 But then again, sadness happened
02:49 because when he was six, the boy died.
02:52 And again, he started drinking
02:54 and some family violence occurred.
02:59 But God had other plans for him.
03:02 Because one day when he was walking home,
03:04 he came across some papers on the floor,
03:06 he picked them up.
03:07 And it's happened to be two pages of the Bible.
03:10 And John 3:16 was there.
03:14 And he read it.
03:15 And it really got to him through what he went.
03:20 And the next day, colporteur came to his place
03:24 and offered him some books.
03:25 And also, again, talk to him about John 3:16.
03:30 So God had plan for him ever since.
03:32 And his conversion was instantaneous.
03:37 It just changes total
03:41 his way of life and his family,
03:44 just because the change that had occurred in him,
03:48 they all converted too.
03:50 Wow! Praise God!
03:52 Sounds like God was really leading despite
03:55 the tragedies he faced, losses he had faced.
03:58 Sounds like God still had plans for him.
04:00 And he was open to God's leading.
04:02 Yes. And he became a colporteur.
04:04 So he distributed books along the island.
04:07 And he went to the American Republic,
04:09 and after that he went to Venezuela,
04:11 a place where the Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:13 had not been there.
04:15 And he just felt the need to go
04:18 and into the jungles of Venezuela
04:21 to talk to them about Jesus soon coming
04:24 and distribute books.
04:27 So one day though,
04:30 after arriving in San Cristobal,
04:34 he thought he was, in fact, let's go back,
04:37 he encountered a death threat.
04:41 Yeah, there was a priest that didn't want him to be there.
04:44 So they told him,
04:46 "You better leave or I'm going to have you kill."
04:49 Well, of course, he didn't pay any attention
04:51 and he kept doing his work.
04:53 At that time,
04:54 he was already known as the traveler
04:57 and because he was travelling from place to place,
04:59 so they call him and nicknamed him,
05:01 the traveler.
05:04 He was never to return back to Puerto Rico.
05:07 He was born in Puerto Rico, I forgot to tell you that.
05:10 And that's one thing that why I chosen Puerto Rico too.
05:15 He was never to return.
05:18 And his wife begged him to come back
05:20 and soon ask him to come back, but he didn't.
05:22 And his wife sent American flag to Venezuela,
05:29 the mission to tell them that he was an American citizen,
05:33 just in case something would happen.
05:36 Right, right.
05:37 So it sounded like he faced
05:38 a number of serious threats events with life.
05:42 Were there any other dangers to his life that he faced?
05:45 Yes, as a matter of fact,
05:46 at one time he was in a restaurant,
05:48 and he ordered some food and the waiter came,
05:51 brought him some food.
05:52 And when the plate was in front of him,
05:55 he started praying, and when he opened his eyes,
05:58 he saw that the waiter had taken his food away
06:01 and was bringing him another plate.
06:03 And he asked, "Why?"
06:04 And he said, "Well, I had been instructed to poison you.
06:07 But because I saw you
06:09 and I heard you praying, I couldn't do this."
06:11 Wow!
06:13 So it sounds like God was really preserving his life
06:16 throughout many dangers that he faced.
06:18 Yeah, but at the end, he was staying at this inn.
06:23 And one day, the owner told him,
06:27 he had to leave.
06:28 And he said, "SeƱora, we'll see you.
06:31 I'll see you another day at that eternal morning,
06:34 we will see each other again."
06:36 And she knew that something was gonna happen.
06:38 And sure enough, when he reached
06:40 the creek nearby,
06:43 there were some assassins waiting in the shadows.
06:46 And yes, they shot and killed him.
06:51 And to this day, my friend,
06:53 Lourdes, she has the hat that he was wearing,
06:57 with bullet holes and everything.
06:58 So, yes, it's tragic,
07:04 how our colporteurs
07:05 and our missionaries have suffered.
07:09 Right, right.
07:10 But sounds like despite
07:12 everything he was faithful to God,
07:14 literally until death just like Paul
07:17 and a number of other biblical figures
07:19 where it sounds, like, his impact,
07:21 his legacy effects even those,
07:23 you know, personally today like your friends.
07:26 Thank you so much Dr. Costa for sharing the story
07:29 of Rafael Lopez Miranda.
07:31 Thank you. Thank you for having me.
07:32 Reporting for Mission 360, I'm Chelsy Tyler.
07:52 Next up, we travelled to the trans-European region
07:55 to learn more about
07:56 this quarter's 13th Sabbath Offerings.
08:06 So we spoke to some of the leaders
08:10 in municipalities, the mayors and these things
08:13 through representatives,
08:15 and we asked them
08:16 what are the real needs in the community.
08:20 And one area that really stuck out
08:24 as a major need was loneliness.
08:42 In Sortland, Norway, loneliness is a key challenge
08:46 among both the elderly and the young.
08:49 About one third of the teenagers
08:50 here say they feel lonely.
08:53 So this is why we started thinking,
08:56 well, what can we as a church do to contribute
08:59 and meet that need.
09:06 We're trying and failing and seeing what works,
09:10 what doesn't work and through that learning
09:14 that don't necessarily know the name of God and who He is.
09:19 But a lot of people do believe there is a God.
09:23 And so, belief in God
09:28 is quite typical at the same time
09:31 as traditional church is seen as problematic
09:36 in regard to the core cultural values.
09:38 This region was one of the key areas
09:42 for Adventism in Norway.
09:44 We had areas here with the highest density
09:46 of Adventists in all of Norway.
09:49 Now our churches are dying.
10:03 Similar to many places around the world,
10:05 the church has lost its foothold,
10:08 struggling to be known as
10:09 an integral part of the community.
10:11 Can the church still be relevant here in Sortland?
10:14 Pastor Kenneth believes so.
10:16 The key is forming connections
10:18 where people are
10:19 and meeting their most painful needs.
10:22 The family structures is,
10:25 sort of, something also this under attack,
10:28 you know, in this region,
10:30 so a lot of unstable family relationships.
10:37 So we had a family retreat recently.
10:40 We wanted to place a focus upon families
10:44 spending time together.
10:45 So that was the overall goal, strengthening family bonds.
10:50 Over the six days of the retreat,
10:52 the eight families focused on spending
10:54 wholesome time together,
10:56 organized activities like crafts
10:58 and games provided opportunities for bonding,
11:01 and a lot of laughter and smiles.
11:03 It was very positive. It was very encouraging.
11:06 They were so grateful because these families
11:08 were also families
11:10 that couldn't afford vacation themselves.
11:13 So this was part of it.
11:15 Also, we were offering them a vacation experience.
11:17 And they were just so grateful for that experience.
11:20 And friendships building over that week,
11:24 we've spent together was...
11:25 So it was a very encouraging time.
11:27 It has been sort of quite touching,
11:30 also seeing how God
11:31 has been opening doors that we did not expect.
11:35 When they see we as a church really wanting the best
11:39 for the community,
11:42 so they've given access where we can,
11:45 sort of, be quite bold and open about faith,
11:49 and it's received quite well as well.
11:52 So I think this is not something we've been doing,
11:56 but it's seeing how God is working
11:59 on the lives of people and the hearts of people
12:01 and opening doors that seemed very closed.
12:06 Please pray for church members in Sortland, Norway.
12:09 Pray that God uses them to overcome
12:11 the challenges of loneliness, broken families,
12:14 and skepticism in the community and that through this,
12:17 people can come to know Jesus personally.
12:21 This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering
12:24 will help build a centre of influence
12:26 for Pastor Kenneth and the church members
12:28 to host programs and events
12:30 geared toward the community.
12:32 The offering will also help
12:33 construct an urban center of influence in Cyprus
12:36 and establish a church in Serbia.
12:39 Please consider how you can support
12:41 these projects through prayer and by giving to this offering.
13:00 Well, thank you so much for joining us
13:02 on today's program.
13:03 I hope that you've been challenged
13:05 and inspired by what you've seen and heard.
13:09 As we've looked at the pioneer early days
13:12 of mission in Venezuela,
13:14 as we looked at mission here in Panama,
13:15 and we've looked at
13:17 what your 13th Sabbath Offerings
13:18 can do in Europe,
13:20 you can see that there's many opportunities,
13:22 wonderful things are happening,
13:23 but we still face many challenges.
13:26 And I want to thank you so much for your support
13:28 of Adventist mission to help make it possible.
13:31 Whether you pray for mission, whether you give for mission,
13:35 whether you're personally involved in mission, all three,
13:38 we consider you part of our Adventist mission family,
13:41 our Adventist mission team.
13:42 So please continue to pray,
13:44 please continue to give, please continue to go.
13:48 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
13:51 And I hope that you can join me next time
13:53 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-06-11