Mission 360

A Flowing River of Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002702A

00:24 A literature evangelist taken to a police station,
00:27 your mission offerings at work,
00:29 and the sights and sounds of Lyon, France.
00:32 All this, much more coming up next on Mission 360.
01:16 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
01:18 I'm Gary Krause.
01:19 Today's program is coming to you
01:21 from the city of Lyon in France.
01:23 And this city is a manufacturing city,
01:26 has a rich history, culture achievements.
01:30 But for me, the thing that stands out is that
01:32 this is the birthplace of Peter Waldo,
01:34 who is regarded by many
01:36 as the founder of the Waldensian movement.
01:39 He was a merchant from Lyon,
01:41 and he gave away all his property to his wife,
01:44 the rest of his possessions to the poor,
01:46 because he wanted to model a simple
01:49 and a humble Christian life, what an inspiration.
01:52 On today's program we're going to carry on
01:54 in that spirit of mission
01:56 as we look at mission around the world.
01:57 But first up, we asked the question,
01:59 are mission offerings still important?
02:02 I think you know the answer,
02:03 but we'll find out in just a minute.
02:05 Have you ever felt as if you're putting your money
02:07 into a black hole
02:09 when you give your weekly mission offerings?
02:11 Maybe you should think about it
02:13 more as dumping your offerings into the river.
02:16 Not to get rid of them,
02:17 but to help mission flourish around the world.
02:21 Mission offerings don't seem
02:23 to get as much attention anymore.
02:24 Yet they're still vitally important
02:26 to supporting work around the world.
02:28 Think of your mission offerings as a river
02:31 flowing through the entire world,
02:32 providing life-giving water
02:34 to help sustain the mission fields.
02:36 You probably know countries and projects
02:38 that are supported by part of your 13th Sabbath Offering.
02:41 But what about the regular mission offerings
02:43 you give each week?
02:44 Where do they go? What do they support?
02:47 And what do they achieve?
02:49 You may be surprised to learn that
02:50 your weekly mission offerings
02:51 help support the work of about 400 missionary families
02:55 around the world.
02:56 In fact, 70% of the weekly mission offerings
02:59 each quarter help
03:00 to support overseas missionaries
03:03 and the international work of the church.
03:05 Appropriations from the General Conference
03:07 to world divisions,
03:08 the Middle East North Africa Union Mission,
03:11 and the Israel Field help these regions build
03:14 and sustain mission activities
03:15 in their territories like water,
03:17 irrigating fields when there's not enough rain.
03:20 The remaining money helps
03:21 various institutions and agencies
03:23 that serve the world church.
03:25 For example, it helps the compassionate
03:27 medical mission work of Loma Linda University,
03:30 the outreach of Adventist World Radio,
03:33 and the humanitarian ministry of ADRA,
03:35 the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.
03:38 In recent years, millions of people
03:40 from challenging areas of the world
03:42 have found salvation in Jesus
03:44 and have joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:48 In 2018, every 22 seconds, someone became an Adventist,
03:53 and every 4 hours, a new church was organized.
03:56 Thanks to your offerings and the Global Mission focus,
03:59 thousands of new congregations
04:01 have been established in unreached areas
04:03 and among new people groups.
04:06 But after these new believers have been baptized,
04:08 how are they nurtured?
04:10 How do we make sure that
04:11 their new faith is strengthened and they grow as disciples?
04:16 Your river of mission offerings
04:18 helps grow and sustain new work throughout the world.
04:21 Please keep this life-giving river flowing.
04:24 Thank you for your faithful weekly mission offerings
04:27 and your continuing prayers for Adventist Mission.
04:49 My guest is Pastor Daniel Monachini,
04:51 who is the president
04:53 of the Adventist Church here in South France.
04:55 Thanks so much for joining me, Pastor.
04:58 Can you describe some of the makeup,
05:01 the demographics,
05:03 the territory that you're working in.
05:06 We work in the South France Conference
05:08 near Mediterranean Sea.
05:10 Yes.
05:12 There is, the France is getting in two parts,
05:16 the North Conference with Paris
05:19 and the South Conference with the south of the France.
05:24 You can get into the France
05:26 and there is two conference in our union.
05:30 Okay.
05:31 So you have some big cities and you also have rural areas.
05:35 Describe the big cities?
05:38 The big cities of the south of France
05:42 are very multicultural places.
05:48 We have a lot of immigrants
05:50 because I'm Italian and France
05:54 is very attractive economically,
05:57 but also philosophically, you know.
06:00 With the revolution in France, the philosopher said,
06:05 "France is not a country, is an idea."
06:10 Then people feel more free to be accepted in France.
06:16 Very interesting.
06:18 Now, what are the challenges that you face in mission here?
06:22 The big challenge is our territories,
06:24 you know, the south of Europe
06:30 is a Catholic, North, Protestant.
06:33 But France have this story
06:38 and story with the French Revolution,
06:41 the end of monarchy and destroying the monarchy.
06:46 The philosopher in that moment went to cast away the church,
06:51 the Catholic Church, but also the church
06:53 because they feel that the power of the king
06:58 it was helped by the church,
07:02 then they build deep
07:05 artistic feeling
07:09 and believing in the heart of the people.
07:11 Yes.
07:13 And it's not sort of like the gentle sort of atheism.
07:15 It's a very anti religious sort of outlook.
07:18 So what are you doing here in mission?
07:20 What are you doing to try to build up the church?
07:24 In this vision, the best way
07:28 is to connect with people
07:31 to build deep relation.
07:35 Relation that people can trust you,
07:39 knowing that you are Christian and Adventist,
07:42 but that you are normal person,
07:43 that you live in your community,
07:45 that you work with your neighbor,
07:47 that you want to be in the services
07:49 of your town or your city,
07:52 then we encourage member to be
07:55 part of their community to invest time,
08:00 emotion relation with the neighbor
08:03 and with people in their community.
08:05 Yes.
08:07 So, it would seem to me that
08:09 you are following Christ method of ministry.
08:12 This is very important for you. Yeah.
08:15 Tell me about the small group ministry?
08:18 The small group is the best way for a French people to begin,
08:22 to create it an atmosphere
08:26 where you can speak about your problem.
08:29 And you can also speak about spirituality.
08:34 A lot of people and the young generation
08:37 have a lot of questions spirituality
08:40 and an open mind.
08:42 Not on religion or in the doctrine of a church,
08:48 but the person of Christ
08:50 and the message of the gospel is very,
08:53 very interesting then what best of house
08:59 to create it the atmosphere,
09:02 and to speak friendly about this question.
09:07 Without the vision that, you know,
09:11 after me or beside me,
09:12 there is a trap where the church
09:15 was waiting for you.
09:17 Right. Right.
09:18 And for a city such as, like Lyon where we are now
09:24 where you got more than 2 million people
09:25 in the greater metropolitan area.
09:28 You simply can't afford enough church buildings,
09:31 so expensive.
09:32 So meeting in homes and other places
09:35 is a very positive way of doing church.
09:40 Now, I understand that
09:41 you're planning a center of influence here in Lyon.
09:44 Tell me about that?
09:46 Yes, we have the opportunity to build
09:51 with French administration
09:54 a project of services
09:57 where there is a place for church,
10:01 but there is place for different
10:07 from different form of services for the church
10:11 and for the community, excuse me,
10:13 like ADRA or we speak about a nursery,
10:17 a nursery community we speak about,
10:22 what is our culture
10:25 as Adventist for health ministries.
10:29 But, yes, we've a place
10:32 where we can offer
10:33 this different vision of the gospel
10:38 and of the Adventist message.
10:39 Wonderful.
10:41 Thank you, Pastor, for sharing with us
10:43 and God bless you in your ministry here.
10:44 Thank you. Thank you very much.
10:46 And viewers, when we think of a place
10:48 like the south of France, many people think of it
10:51 as a wonderful tourist destination
10:53 which it is, but there are millions of people here
10:56 who are, well, their defenses are up.
10:59 They're just not interested in religion
11:00 and that's a tremendous mission field
11:02 for the Adventist Church.
11:03 The number of Adventists to population,
11:05 the ratio is just amazingly low.
11:08 So please pray for the leaders here,
11:10 church members, the new center of influence
11:13 that God will open up new pathways of mission
11:16 to connect with the community
11:17 and share the good news of Jesus.
11:19 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-10-06