Mission 360

Serving In Far Places

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002701B

00:12 Welcome back to Dublin, Ireland.
00:14 And I'm standing on the McConnell Bridge.
00:17 Now many people believe this bridge
00:19 is actually a perfect square, as long as it is wide.
00:23 But people who have measured it telling me that
00:25 it's actually five meters wider than it is long,
00:29 16 feet wider than it is long.
00:31 And so it has the distinction
00:34 of being the only bridge in Europe
00:36 that is actually wider than it's long,
00:37 just a little bit of trivia for you.
00:38 Next up, we traveled to Nigeria
00:40 to visit a Global Mission pioneer.
00:43 I am here at Babcock University with Victor.
00:47 Victor is a Global Mission pioneer
00:49 not too far away from here.
00:51 Victor became a Seventh-day Adventist
00:53 when he was 19 years old.
00:55 Victor, tell me the story. Tell me what happened.
00:58 How did you meet Seventh-day Adventists?
01:00 How did that happen? I'm proud to that.
01:02 I had never had any personal contact
01:05 with any Seventh-day Adventist or anything of that literature.
01:08 So by God, by His providence saved me.
01:12 I visit my cousins once in a while during my holidays,
01:16 I saw this Amazing Fact Bible study software
01:20 by Doug Batchelor, whom I hope to meet someday.
01:23 And I studied 24 lessons,
01:26 which is own personal story, with his own personal story.
01:30 And I can tell you, I needed no other evidence.
01:33 And that same week,
01:34 I worshiped with the Seventh-day
01:36 Adventist Church.
01:38 That was, I believe their own fellowship
01:40 on campus right there.
01:42 Interesting.
01:44 So how did you become a Global Mission pioneer?
01:46 Yeah. That was last year, 2017.
01:50 Okay. I had resigned from my job.
01:53 I was working at a bank,
01:55 and I was being pressed to do Saturday duties.
01:59 So I decided to leave.
02:01 I left and I was working in a school.
02:05 Before one of our elders in the church,
02:08 who works with the conference here decided
02:11 and started to encourage me to apply
02:13 for the open pioneering position.
02:16 So that was how I became a Global Mission pioneer.
02:20 Okay. Which I really love so much.
02:21 I really love Global... Okay.
02:23 Excellent. Excellent.
02:24 Now you are working not too far from here.
02:27 This is a project that has been going on for a little while.
02:30 But you came,
02:31 I think, you said a year ago, last year.
02:33 September, September 2017.
02:35 Tell me... You're starting a new church.
02:38 Tell me what does your day look like?
02:40 What do you do when you wake up in the morning
02:42 and what does a Global Mission pioneer,
02:45 at least in your case,
02:46 do during the day and during the week?
02:49 It sounds like you have a fairly structured program.
02:51 Yes.
02:53 We start our day by 6:00 we have devotionals together.
02:57 And you said we,
02:58 so there are four of you working?
02:59 Yeah, there are four of us. Four of you working as a team?
03:01 Four of us as a team.
03:02 We could woke up before that
03:04 to have your personal devotionals,
03:05 but by 6:10 everybody would assemble
03:09 at the sitting room then by 9:30
03:12 we go out for visitations and Bible studies,
03:16 then also by 3:30 in the evening,
03:18 we have visitations and Bible studies.
03:20 Okay.
03:21 When you say visitation, tell me what happens.
03:24 You go to a door, you knock on the door,
03:26 how does this work?
03:27 For a new contact, someone whom we never had
03:30 any previous contact, we start with prayers.
03:33 Africans love prayers. Let's pray with you.
03:35 Let's pray for business.
03:36 You see them saying, amen, amen, amen.
03:38 Okay.
03:40 So as time goes on, we introduce Bible Studies.
03:43 Okay.
03:44 Then later we will ask them, why don't you worship with us.
03:47 We have these prayer meetings on Wednesdays.
03:49 You can come and pray as well or Fridays...
03:51 About how long before you invite them like this?
03:54 It varies.
03:55 For some they are like the loamy soil.
03:58 Yeah. They easily grab the...
04:00 Yes, understand. I understand.
04:01 So it could be two weeks or one month
04:03 or there're some we're actually trying to invite right now
04:05 to the church.
04:06 Okay. Okay, good.
04:07 So then you invite them? Yes, we invite them in.
04:11 Presently now we have about 46 in average attendance.
04:15 Oh, okay.
04:17 That's a quite a jump for this project.
04:18 Yes.
04:20 'Cause they were quite a bit fewer than that.
04:22 18.5 as of January. Okay.
04:24 Then July...
04:25 This July we're having 46 as average attendance.
04:29 Wow. Okay.
04:31 And so that's on a weekly basis.
04:32 That's on Sabbath, yeah? Yeah, it's on Sabbath.
04:34 On Sabbath, yes. Wow. Okay.
04:36 Now there are some other things that you do.
04:38 You told me about
04:39 what happens on Wednesdays for you.
04:41 What happens on Wednesdays?
04:42 On Wednesdays, we use that day to rest.
04:44 You know, Jesus told disciples, "Tired and you rest a while."
04:48 Okay.
04:49 Sometimes out of zillions
04:52 or out of z we forget our bodies, our health.
04:56 We forget that our health is important.
04:58 So we use Wednesdays to fast and pray.
05:01 Okay. And rest simultaneously.
05:03 Pray for these souls,
05:04 pray for the progress of the church,
05:06 praying for our leaders,
05:07 the conference workers who employed us here.
05:10 Very good. And then Fridays what happens?
05:13 On Fridays, we have Bible studies
05:15 in the evenings.
05:16 But in the daytime,
05:18 we use that day time to reach out
05:19 to the younger to the students.
05:22 That's where I'm so passionate about
05:25 because I never had the privilege
05:27 of someone bringing the message to me.
05:29 I got converted at 19,
05:31 which I will say is too late that was
05:34 I would have had many years of experience
05:36 if I had gotten the message back then.
05:39 So I got when I'm 19, I said, I want each,
05:42 every use and contact needs,
05:45 not to have the kind of experience I had.
05:47 I see.
05:50 Global Mission pioneers
05:52 are funded by people who make donations.
05:56 They make gifts to send,
05:58 to help to pay Global Mission pioneers.
06:01 If you are going to say
06:02 something to the people that help you
06:07 to be a Global Mission pioneer by their funding,
06:09 what would you like to say to them?
06:11 Well, see, they have done one of the best is to me
06:15 because of the experiences I'm having,
06:17 the kind of experiences that Paul had,
06:19 I'm having and I feel so privileged.
06:21 I feel overwhelmed to be in this position.
06:24 So I will say thank you so much.
06:26 Thank you to the sponsors
06:28 and those who will contribute to these projects
06:32 because I know so many had contribution
06:33 as you said.
06:34 May God bless them.
06:36 Their efforts are being multiplied
06:39 in many forms.
06:41 And if they could pray for you,
06:42 what would be the best way that they could pray for you?
06:45 I would ask that let many embrace,
06:48 many of our members to embrace TMI in Nigeria.
06:51 We're having 300,000 Adventists, just had,
06:54 over 300,000 missionaries in Nigeria,
06:58 thing we're having a lesson that's about,
07:01 there'll be TMI in the coming years.
07:03 I want as many as possible to catch this visual,
07:07 to go at self supporting evangelists, missionaries,
07:10 let go lift up we're asking.
07:12 Of course, laborers are plenty, harvest are few,
07:15 because harvest is plenty, but laborers are few.
07:19 Thank you, Victor.
07:20 It was privileged spending this time with you here today.
07:23 It's just wonderful to meet the Global Mission pioneers
07:25 when I get a chance to do that.
07:27 There are so many that I never even get to meet.
07:29 So it's a real privilege for me to be able to do that.
07:32 So thank you for your work,
07:33 thank you for the dedication that you're showing.
07:38 And I just, I pray that
07:39 God is going to bless what you are doing.
07:42 Thank you so much
07:44 for spending this time with us today.
07:45 Thank you for praying for Victor
07:47 and his three other teammates
07:48 as they're planting this church that the Lord would bless them
07:51 that the Holy Spirit would be close.
07:52 I'm Jeff Scoggins from Mission 360°.
07:55 Next up, we traveled to Cyprus
07:57 to visit with two Adventist volunteers.
08:04 We want to make Jesus famous here.
08:07 This is our goal.
08:08 We want the people to see this place
08:11 as a place of refuge,
08:13 as a place where they can find a family,
08:16 as a place where they can find Jesus
08:19 or a peace in the midst of their storm.
08:22 See you.
08:24 Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
08:26 Elias and Melina left their home in Argentina
08:29 and moved to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
08:32 They became Adventist volunteers
08:34 and now manage a Global Mission urban center
08:36 of influence called Meeting Point.
08:39 When you are in Christ,
08:41 you are born as a missionary as well.
08:43 So that's why we decided to take this challenge
08:47 of being a missionary.
08:49 We're trying to give
08:50 all we have learned to serve others.
08:54 I think it's important to have the same method that Jesus had.
08:59 First, He related to the person,
09:01 saw their needs and then preached.
09:04 It's basically what we're trying to do,
09:07 use this method.
09:15 Following Christ method of ministry,
09:17 Elias and Melina go door to door
09:19 to find out what kind of programs
09:21 their neighbors are interested in,
09:23 then they can tailor their work to the needs of the community.
09:27 After just a few months in Cyprus,
09:29 the volunteers have started
09:30 a variety of programs at Meeting Point.
09:34 I give nutritional advice, therapeutic massages,
09:37 facial treatments,
09:38 and things to help me grow a little closer to the people.
09:43 These health programs give Elias and Melina
09:45 the opportunity to connect with people
09:47 who otherwise probably wouldn't walk
09:49 into an Adventist Church.
09:57 Although, many people on the island speak English,
09:59 Greek is even more widely spoken.
10:02 The greatest challenge here is the language.
10:05 That's why we are looking forward
10:06 to learn Greek as quickly as possible
10:08 in order to communicate better with people.
10:11 They found creative ways to communicate
10:13 with the Greek speaking visitors,
10:15 like using translation apps on their phones
10:17 or learning common Greek phrases.
10:19 When someone comes to Meeting Point,
10:21 they are greeted by a warm atmosphere,
10:23 refreshments, and books as they wait
10:26 for their health assessment.
10:28 After the assessment, visitors receive an evaluation
10:31 with lifestyle suggestions
10:33 and are encouraged to visit again
10:35 to follow up on their progress.
10:36 Meeting Point is also a place kids love.
10:40 Elias and Melina host a fun activity each week
10:43 and plan to expand the programs.
10:47 There will be a program for kids
10:48 where they will make crafts.
10:51 We will make crafts, follow recipes,
10:53 and playing games.
10:55 There's a fun part in a part where they learn something.
10:59 Today's activity involves
11:01 painting positive messages onto stones.
11:04 The kids love doing crafts like this.
11:06 But the real fun comes
11:08 when they give their creations away
11:09 to strangers on the street.
11:19 People love receiving these precious gifts.
11:22 The kids go home knowing that
11:23 they've spread some joy in the community.
11:26 But we are sure that God is blessing this activity
11:29 because we see the happiness in their faces
11:32 and we are sure that with time
11:34 and patience and love
11:36 and trying to show Jesus to them,
11:39 we will see many results.
11:40 Many people saved by this activity,
11:43 so this is something that makes us really happy.
11:52 Each Sabbath Elias and Melina
11:54 lead the worship service for the church plant
11:56 that gathers in Meeting Point.
11:58 Some of the people here attend regularly,
12:01 while others are just visiting.
12:03 Your prayers and mission offerings
12:05 have played a key role in making this happen.
12:08 I want to give our gratitude to the worldwide church
12:13 because by your support, by your help, by your tithes,
12:16 by your offerings,
12:17 we are making the difference here.
12:20 Thank you for supporting
12:21 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
12:23 and helping Adventist volunteers
12:25 like Elias and Melina
12:26 spread the love of Jesus to the world.
12:38 Well, thank you so much for joining us on Mission 360°.
12:42 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree
12:45 view of mission around the world.
12:47 We saw Global Mission in action in Hungary.
12:50 and in Nigeria, we stopped off in Cyprus
12:53 and of course, we saw the challenge of mission
12:56 right here in Ireland.
12:57 And it's so encouraging to see good things happening,
13:01 but of course, many challenges still remain.
13:03 And I want to thank you for your continuing support
13:06 of mission through your generous donations
13:09 to Global Mission, through your prayers,
13:12 through your personal participation.
13:14 It does make a difference and things are happening.
13:17 Centers of influence are being started
13:19 in large urban areas.
13:21 New groups of believers are being planted.
13:23 And please continue to pray for mission.
13:26 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
13:30 And I hope that you can join me next time
13:32 right here on Mission 360°.
13:42 Amazing Grace
13:48 How sweet the sound
13:55 That saved a wretch
14:01 Like me
14:08 I once was lost
14:15 But now
14:18 I am found
14:22 Was blind but now
14:28 I see
14:36 Through many dangers
14:43 Toils
14:46 And snares
14:50 I have
14:53 Already
14:58 Come
15:03 T'was Grace
15:07 That brought me safe
15:14 Thus far
15:18 And Grace
15:21 Will lead me home


Revised 2020-05-07