Mission 360

Serving In Far Places

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002701A

00:08 An Argentinean couple serve as missionaries in Cyprus,
00:11 a center of influence serves the sick in Hungary,
00:15 and a Global Mission pioneer plants churches in Nigeria,
00:18 all this and much more coming up next.
00:55 Hello and welcome to Mission 360°.
00:57 I'm Gary Krause.
00:59 Today's program is coming to you
01:00 from Dublin in Ireland.
01:03 This is a city of more than one million people.
01:05 And it's a very historic city obviously,
01:08 but it's also a young city because it's estimated that
01:12 some 50% of the people living in this city
01:15 are actually under age 25.
01:18 There's a very strong drinking culture,
01:20 a lot of pubs, I read somewhere that
01:22 there was more than 1,000 pubs in this city.
01:24 I also read somewhere that there were 666,
01:27 which may be more appropriate but we'll be looking at
01:30 the challenge of mission here in Ireland,
01:32 and around the world, but first up,
01:35 let's travel to Hungary to visit
01:37 a mobile urban center of influence.
01:41 When doctors told Resta he had type 2 diabetes,
01:44 he didn't know exactly what to do.
01:46 He was immediately put on three medications
01:48 and none of them seem to help.
01:50 Eventually, Resta visited
01:52 a nearby Adventist healthcare clinic.
01:55 At the clinic, they taught me how to change my lifestyle.
01:58 And since then I don't take any medication.
02:00 I eat a vegan diet and I work out a lot.
02:04 Resta's health transformation inspired him to attend
02:07 the Adventist University in Hungary
02:09 to get certified in Lifestyle Consultation.
02:12 Because I have diabetes, I really want to help
02:14 other people with this disease.
02:16 That's my motivation.
02:18 Today, Resta is the coordinator of a Global Mission
02:21 Urban Center of Influence in Debrecen,
02:23 the second largest city in Hungary.
02:26 This center provides a number of services,
02:28 including a salt room, therapeutic massage,
02:31 medical advice for asthma and lung problems,
02:34 and grief and addiction counseling.
02:36 From the first moment they come here,
02:38 we tell them everything is based on Christianity.
02:41 Our base is the Bible.
02:44 The Christian care and professional services
02:46 visitors receive encourage them to return for other programs.
02:51 We are very lucky because God gave us six doctors
02:54 who are church members, and also more than 10 members
02:58 who are working in the healthcare field.
03:02 I think it's a good opportunity for us to help people
03:05 and work together for people.
03:10 I think it's a very important place.
03:12 Because in church,
03:14 we can treat the spiritual health of people,
03:16 and here, we can treat the body
03:19 and give them advice about the body.
03:22 I think this place is like a bridge
03:24 between the people of the city and the church.
03:28 This Urban Center of Influence started through
03:30 total member involvement,
03:32 when Anna-Maria decided to open a small bookstore
03:34 where people could relax, socialize,
03:36 and browse faith based books.
03:40 People don't have proper connections
03:42 with each other,
03:44 they're just rushing all the time.
03:47 We were trying to reach out to those people
03:49 who didn't have proper
03:50 and pure connections with others.
03:53 We wanted to pray with them and for them.
03:57 Through this ministry,
03:59 several people have come to know Jesus.
04:03 There's a woman who had several problems
04:05 and came into the store.
04:08 I was able to recommend some books and support.
04:14 We talked, and I invited her to church.
04:18 And she became a church member.
04:24 It was like a miracle
04:25 how much of a loving atmosphere there was.
04:28 They were very kind to me.
04:30 They offered for me to sit down and talk with them.
04:33 I'm very thankful for the center,
04:35 and I'm thankful I can share my new beliefs
04:38 and love with others.
04:39 Another way Adventist spread love
04:41 is through their annual event called Reach out with Flowers.
04:45 Each year, one of the church members
04:47 grows thousands of daffodils on his land
04:49 and donates them for all the church members
04:51 to give out freely in the community.
04:54 Many people ask "Why we do this?"
04:56 The answer is simple.
04:59 Just because we want to show love
05:02 and be a blessing to people in the city.
05:06 Adventists in Debrecen are trying to connect with people
05:09 in creative ways.
05:11 Whether it's through medical services
05:12 or partnering in city events,
05:14 they want to be involved in the community.
05:17 Please pray that their outreach efforts
05:19 continue to spread the love of Jesus to the people
05:22 of this large city.
05:23 Thank you for supporting Global Mission,
05:26 which supports projects like these
05:28 in cities around the world.
05:43 My guest is Hannah, who is a One Year
05:46 In Mission Volunteer here in Dublin.
05:48 Hannah, thanks so much for joining us.
05:50 Now you are from Australia,
05:52 so I can understand you when you speak.
05:54 And I appreciate that.
05:55 What made you decide to become
05:57 a One Year In Mission Volunteer?
05:59 So I heard about the One Year Mission program,
06:03 I was at a Global Youth Leader Congress last year in Germany,
06:06 and they were promoting it so I thought,
06:07 "Oh, that sounds really interesting."
06:09 And I wanted to do some kind of mission work
06:11 so yeah, I ended up talking to a few people
06:13 and they pointed me towards it.
06:15 And yeah, I ended up here in Ireland.
06:17 Wonderful. Now what were you doing?
06:19 So previously, I was working for three years as a chaplain
06:24 and associate pastor at a school.
06:27 We had a campus church as well so yeah,
06:29 I spent three years at the school doing ministry,
06:32 but I thought I wanted to, yeah,
06:34 just have a go at doing mission work
06:36 and working with the community
06:38 and I found out about the Cuisle Centre.
06:40 Wonderful, now what is it
06:41 that attracted you to a center of influence?
06:44 I think it's just, I guess, yeah, reaching the community,
06:48 that's something that I've always wanted to do.
06:51 I heard someone say once,
06:53 "If the church was to cease existing,
06:56 would the community realize that
06:59 that's a reality?"
07:00 And so I thought, yeah,
07:02 I want to do more work with the community.
07:03 And when I look at how Jesus ministered,
07:05 He always touched lives, in whole villages and cities
07:08 and I thought, you know, that's what ministry is,
07:10 and I wanted to do that kind of ministry.
07:13 Terrific, now you're working as a chaplain at a school
07:17 there in Melbourne.
07:18 How...
07:20 In what ways is it different working here in Dublin?
07:23 I think well,
07:25 because with the center of influence,
07:26 it is really outward focus.
07:28 So you're working with people from the community
07:30 and just people in the neighborhood.
07:33 So, I mean, with a school we do similar
07:35 because all the kids come from the same area.
07:38 But I think here it's yeah,
07:40 more broad, I think the scope for...
07:42 with the center of influence.
07:44 Now tell me about the concept of a center of influence.
07:46 How do you see that?
07:48 How do you see it functioning?
07:50 I guess, well, what we've been doing
07:52 so far is just running different types of activities,
07:56 and just finding ways to connect with people.
07:59 We have the knitting class, we have cooking classes.
08:03 So all these different ways to just find ways
08:05 to connect with people,
08:06 I think, yeah, we're just trying to do that
08:08 to reach people in that way.
08:10 Yeah.
08:11 Because from the office of Adventist Mission,
08:15 we see this as one of the key ways
08:17 of being able to start
08:19 new groups of believers in cities
08:20 because that's putting Christ's method
08:22 of ministry into practice.
08:23 Yeah, definitely.
08:24 You actually got a hands on experience here.
08:26 Yes.
08:27 Now, there must be some challenges you face,
08:30 what are some of the challenges you face?
08:31 Challenges?
08:33 I guess, you know, it's always hard to reach,
08:36 I guess the younger generation
08:37 'cause they're more skeptical of religion
08:41 and they are very busy as well so it's always harder
08:44 to get that age group to come and get involved,
08:47 but also being a volunteer,
08:50 being away from families is a bit difficult as well.
08:54 But I thought, you know, it's a, you know,
08:55 a small sacrifice to pay to get more experience
08:58 and to get more understanding of how this ministry runs.
09:00 Yeah.
09:02 So was it a hard decision to give up a paying job
09:06 to 12 months to come to a non-paying job?
09:09 Yeah, it was, I kind of battled with it for a while.
09:14 And I thought, you know, it is a big risk to take.
09:17 But I thought the outcome of what I can get
09:22 from being involved in this ministry
09:23 would outweigh
09:25 just letting go of a stable job.
09:27 So yeah, I'm not sure
09:29 what God's plan is for the future
09:30 but I think this is going to help with,
09:32 I think where He's trying to lead me as well.
09:35 So you went to Avondale College and you studied theology there,
09:38 but now you are getting the education
09:41 of hands on experience
09:43 where you're getting cross cultural as well,
09:44 because you're coming to a different country.
09:45 Yeah, definitely. Yeah.
09:48 What are the rewards that you have found so far?
09:51 What has been the most exciting thing
09:53 of what you're doing?
09:54 I think just seeing the way that the programs we run
09:57 and the activities we have, how they're touching lives.
10:00 There was one lady who came, she moved from the country
10:03 and she said that her husband died,
10:05 she wanted to be somewhere closer to hospitals
10:08 and other services.
10:10 And she found out about our center
10:12 because she lives nearby.
10:14 And yeah, she started coming
10:15 and she started getting involved and yeah,
10:18 really enjoys the friendship that she's built here.
10:20 So that's been inspiring for me to see that, you know,
10:23 it really is working.
10:24 Yes. Yeah, Terrific.
10:26 Now if somebody is watching this program and thinking,
10:29 half thinking, "Maybe I could be a volunteer,"
10:31 what would you say to them?
10:33 I say, "Go for it." It is a big step to take.
10:38 But at the same time,
10:39 I think the reward is much greater.
10:42 And they can really get a feel
10:44 for what this kind of ministry is.
10:46 And, you know, if they have a chance
10:48 to oversee they can bring it back to their country
10:50 and apply what they've learnt to where they are.
10:54 Terrific.
10:56 Hannah, thanks so much for sharing with us today.
10:58 I appreciate it. Thank you.
11:00 Please pray for Hannah,
11:02 pray for the center of influence
11:04 right here in the heart of Dublin.
11:07 Because we know that centers of influence as platforms
11:10 for putting Christ's method of ministry into practice
11:13 will bring results in building bridges
11:16 to the community
11:18 and leading people to Jesus Christ
11:19 who loves them so much.
11:21 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-05-07