Mission 360

Working Under Fire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002606B

00:08 Welcome back to Panama City.
00:11 Panama is a beautiful country,
00:12 covered with rainforest, teeming with wild life.
00:15 And the country takes very seriously the environment,
00:18 so they're banning the use of all single use plastics.
00:22 Next up, we travel to Cusco in Peru.
00:25 Hello, I'm Jeff Scoggins
00:26 and I'm here in the city of Nuevo Huasao,
00:30 which is just outside of Cusco in Peru.
00:32 And I'm here at a church that has been build recently,
00:36 and I'm with a gentleman
00:38 by the name of Ruben, who is an engineer
00:41 and he has been actively helping
00:44 to build the churches in this area.
00:46 And so we wanted to talk with him
00:48 for a little while.
00:49 Ruben, tell me, first of all,
00:52 a little bit of your background?
00:53 You became an Adventist when you were little bit older.
00:57 Tell me your story?
00:59 Yeah.
01:00 No, I'm Adventist from like 20 years old,
01:06 when I was 20 years old.
01:08 My mother was Adventist first, yeah.
01:12 But my father was never an Adventist.
01:15 Yeah.
01:16 And so we went to,
01:18 like child don't go to the church and so,
01:21 but when I was 15 years old
01:27 my father go out,
01:29 yeah, leave my mother.
01:32 They don't go out for my whole life,
01:34 but from this time we have time to go to the church
01:37 with my mother, you know.
01:39 So when I was training I got baptized.
01:43 You were not interested in church for a while though?
01:45 Yeah. At first, yeah.
01:47 At first, but then...
01:48 Because my father don't send us to the church, yeah.
01:51 Yes, yes.
01:52 But after that I go into the church.
01:54 Okay, fantastic.
01:56 Now, your work.
01:57 Describe to me what your work is?
02:00 After that I decided to study,
02:04 yeah, in university
02:05 and I studied for civil engineering.
02:08 Civil Engineering? Okay. Yeah.
02:10 I had but I have a lot of problems
02:12 to finish the college.
02:15 Things, no more money to make it go to the college,
02:19 I work at the night.
02:21 No, but I was going to the church this time.
02:24 Yeah.
02:25 When I finish a job, I finish the...
02:28 I know I worked in a lot of places.
02:30 Yeah.
02:31 First I worked, for example, in Puerto Maldonado.
02:34 And there is a place
02:36 in Puerto Maldonado in Inambari.
02:39 For example for these guys, I make project.
02:41 Yeah, to make a church.
02:43 I don't know if this church was built...
02:46 Oh, okay. Yeah.
02:47 But I make these.
02:48 After that when I come into Cusco,
02:51 yeah, and I think 2015.
02:55 Yeah.
02:56 I go into Church Maranatha. Yeah.
02:59 And Maranatha have this land, yeah, long time.
03:04 Yeah.
03:05 And was making money putting money
03:08 to make this built, yeah, this church.
03:12 So no money, no money to make the church.
03:16 And coming from the United States
03:18 and some brothers from Shenandoah Valley Academy.
03:21 Shenandoah Valley Academy.
03:22 Yeah. Yeah.
03:24 So they asking the mission
03:28 what the church need or have some money
03:32 or land to make a church, yeah.
03:35 And Pastor Tito say, Maranatha have a land.
03:38 Yeah, yeah.
03:39 And they come here when there was no,
03:42 anything or the church.
03:44 Yeah.
03:45 And they decide to help these brothers
03:48 to make the church.
03:49 And so, this is the result,
03:50 this church behind us is the result.
03:52 Yeah, very nice.
03:53 I make the plans.
03:55 I saw everything.
03:56 Good.
03:57 These brothers have small amount of money,
04:00 like $4,000,
04:03 but it's not enough to make this church, yeah.
04:06 Now I understand that your ministry
04:09 has become very important to you.
04:14 I think.
04:15 You are starting a church in your own house, yeah?
04:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:20 Tell me what is happening there?
04:22 Yes, we live in San Sebastian in Cusco.
04:25 San Sebastian is in middle place, not middle,
04:29 it's in the middle of the city school.
04:31 In the middle of the city, yes.
04:32 Yeah, but there isn't church in these parts of the city.
04:36 So we have a dream
04:40 to have a church in this place.
04:43 Yeah.
04:44 And we're trying to make a church
04:46 so we have a little group.
04:50 We are together on Fridays and Saturday
04:54 in my house, yeah.
04:56 Not it's only my house, yeah.
04:59 Is for my mother and my other friends, yeah.
05:02 My other friend, my other brothers, yeah.
05:04 So we plan to try
05:07 to make one church in this place.
05:10 Now, but you plan to get bigger than your house, yeah?
05:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:15 So what will you do then?
05:17 We tried to have, to get a land first.
05:20 Yeah, yeah, but the land is so expensive in Cusco.
05:24 Yeah, yeah.
05:25 But we hope our God.
05:28 But you were telling me about a school?
05:30 Yeah, yeah, there is a sister in Cusco
05:34 who has a school, who has a school,
05:38 who offered us to,
05:41 we can go to this school to make a church, yeah.
05:44 Okay.
05:45 To have a group to make a church,
05:47 yeah, in the next month.
05:51 When we was better organized in our church,
05:55 probably we know, we are sure to go
05:58 and to make a church on this lands, yeah.
06:01 Okay, good. This is our purpose.
06:02 Now, you are an engineer so you work each day, yeah?
06:06 Yeah.
06:07 How much time do you think
06:08 that you give to working for the church?
06:11 Ah...
06:13 In a week, in one week maybe?
06:14 In one week.
06:18 I go in to meet the, be together with our brothers.
06:24 So this is my time.
06:25 But you're making plans, would not?
06:27 Yeah, when somebody came here,
06:29 come to me to say me,
06:31 we need some plans for church, something like that.
06:34 I... You give your time.
06:36 Yeah, I give my time, yeah.
06:37 Oh, that's wonderful.
06:39 When we make this church for example.
06:40 Mm hmm.
06:48 I was in bad situation with my boss in my work.
06:52 So in this time,
06:53 when Shenandoah Valley come in, I decide to.
06:56 You just stopped working.
06:58 Yeah, I stopped to work.
06:59 Come to make this, to help this,
07:02 to help this, to make this church.
07:03 Yeah.
07:05 Well, thank you for your dedication, Ruben.
07:06 It's been a pleasure talking with you
07:08 and meeting your group and the people that are here.
07:11 It's been just a wonderful experience.
07:14 So thank you for that.
07:15 All of this is for God.
07:16 Absolutely.
07:18 And we will see the results
07:19 more and more in heaven one day.
07:22 So thank you. Thank you.
07:23 Thank you.
07:24 Thanking for you.
07:26 I'm Jeff Scoggins for Mission 360°.
07:28 Pray for the groups
07:30 that are starting here in Cusco and around in the area.
07:34 Keep them in your prayers,
07:35 and we hope to see many people in heaven
07:37 because of what's happening in these places.
07:40 Next, we traveled to Vietnam,
07:42 where a missionary couple
07:43 revisits the place they went to,
07:45 after being evacuated from Cambodia.
07:52 Remembering their time as young missionaries
07:54 in war torn Southeast Asia,
07:56 GT and Ivy are in Vietnam, where they were evacuated.
08:01 Ho Chi Minh City used to be called Saigon
08:03 during the time of South Vietnam.
08:06 It was the capital city of South Vietnam.
08:08 And this is the city
08:10 where we were evacuated to the first time.
08:14 Ralph was the president of Southeast Asia Union,
08:17 ordered all to the missionaries,
08:19 and both of us to get off the country.
08:27 Good morning, Pastor Wass. How are you doing?
08:29 Good morning, Pastor Wass.
08:31 I'm doing fine. How are you doing?
08:33 Great, great. We're fine, thank you.
08:34 We are right here in Saigon.
08:36 Yeah, you mentioned that.
08:38 What a privilege it is to talk to you
08:39 when we are still in Saigon.
08:42 I'm holding in my hand right now
08:44 Ivy and GT,
08:46 a picture of a very handsome young couple
08:49 that was taken in March of 1974.
08:54 There's a picture of the two of you
08:56 with your bicycles in out there.
08:58 You were able to get
09:00 some Bible studies going, weren't you?
09:02 Yeah, many Bible studies came as a result of the ministry
09:05 of the English Language Institute.
09:08 And out of that, we baptized many of them.
09:11 So before we left the country,
09:14 there were 33 believers in that church.
09:16 There are lot.
09:18 And there were virtually none when you came there.
09:20 That's right. Very few.
09:33 We did a lot of refugee relief work
09:35 because the population of Phnom Penh in the 1970s
09:40 was about 700,000.
09:42 And during the war, when we were here,
09:44 it was easily more than 2 million people.
09:47 And so this hotel had become a refugee center,
09:51 where they were housed.
09:52 We visited some of the rooms,
09:54 and there were no electricity at that time.
09:58 So we saw many people crowded in rooms.
10:02 It was dark.
10:03 It was filled with smoke.
10:05 Women, men, children,
10:07 maybe 15-17 people in a small room.
10:12 They did the best they could,
10:14 providing refugees bales of clothing and rice.
10:17 But the situation continued to get worse.
10:20 GT, Ivy and the student missionaries
10:22 were evacuated several times to Vietnam.
10:25 But each time they returned to Cambodia,
10:27 only to have conflict resumed.
10:29 So we had the F-111 bombardment during the day,
10:35 and during night, it was B-52 fighter bombers.
10:38 Many a times we would be sleeping,
10:40 we were shaken out of our bed.
10:43 You know, it was more than a bad dream.
10:46 So we just prayed to the Lord
10:48 that even though 1000 may fall by the side
10:52 10,000 on your right hand,
10:54 but God will spare our life for some reason.
10:57 So after Sabbath was over as per our usual custom,
11:02 one of us, either the missionaries or us
11:05 will cycle to the central post office
11:08 about three kilometers away
11:12 to pick up our mail.
11:14 That evening,
11:15 one of the student missionaries went
11:17 and he came back with a bunch of letters,
11:19 plus a telegram.
11:21 The telegram was sent from Bangkok.
11:25 And the telegram said,
11:27 "All five get out immediately."
11:31 They were three missionaries left,
11:33 plus two of us, so they were five.
11:35 So it was sent by the education director
11:38 of Southeast Asia Union Mission,
11:41 Pastor Milton Foreman.
11:43 Milton Foreman was in Bangkok visiting,
11:46 and he had the impression on the Sabbath
11:49 that something ought to be done
11:51 for those missionaries in Phnom Penh.
11:53 So on his own accord,
11:55 without committee action from Singapore,
11:58 he ordered us out.
12:00 And so, on the airport,
12:02 we had to hide ourselves in the bunkers.
12:07 So we will run from one bunker to the next
12:10 until we got close enough to the aircraft
12:12 then we will run to that.
12:15 We landed in Bangkok several hours later.
12:20 So whenever there was a thunderstorm in Bangkok,
12:22 we hit the floor,
12:24 because instinctively for two years
12:27 we had trained ourselves to do that.
12:31 Two weeks later, the Khmer Rouge marched in
12:33 and took control of Phnom Penh and Cambodia.
12:37 Under their brutal regime,
12:39 an estimated 2 million people died in prisons
12:42 or in the killing fields.
12:51 Oh, this is such a memorable place.
12:56 This brings a lot of memories.
13:02 Many of our believers were killed
13:05 as a result of their walking experience
13:08 from Phnom Penh to the border with Thailand
13:11 or to the border with Vietnam.
13:14 Oh, that is a sad chapter of the history...
13:17 Very sad.
13:19 Of not only of the Adventist Church,
13:22 but it's sad chapter in the history of society
13:25 over the last 60-70 years.
13:31 I received this letter from one of our former church members,
13:35 who managed to escape from Phnom Penh.
13:39 I'm praying day and night,
13:40 not asking God to grant me any selfish request,
13:44 but simply pleading with Him
13:46 that somehow every single member in Cambodia
13:51 may gather together.
13:52 What a joy it's going to be,
13:54 and what a rejoicing it's going to be
13:56 when Jesus comes again,
13:58 so we'll be able to see all 33 of our members
14:01 who were baptized,
14:02 and we remain faithful to Him until the end.
14:05 And so the church,
14:07 a new church emerged from that tragedy.
14:10 And today we have a strong Cambodian Church.
14:12 We even have a mission
14:14 with school with many activities.
14:16 So we just thank God
14:18 for the opportunity of serving Him.
14:40 Well, thank you so much
14:42 for joining us on today's program.
14:44 And I hope that you've been inspired
14:46 and challenged by the 360 degree view
14:49 of mission around the world.
14:52 We've been reminded of the courage of missionaries
14:54 as we've seen the Ng's in Cambodia.
14:57 We've been reminded of the challenge
14:59 of mission in Peru,
15:00 and right here in Panama City.
15:04 We see the growing numbers of people in high rises
15:08 who need to learn about the love
15:09 of Jesus Christ for them.
15:11 And I want to thank you for your continuing support
15:13 of Adventist Mission through your prayers,
15:16 through your giving,
15:18 and through your personal involvement,
15:19 and it does make a difference.
15:22 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Kraus.
15:24 And I hope that you can join me next time
15:27 right here on Mission 360°.


Revised 2020-03-21