Mission 360

Working Under Fire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002606A

00:08 A missionary couple endures a turbulent time in Cambodia.
00:12 An engineer helps build churches in Peru,
00:15 and the sights and sounds of Panama,
00:17 all this and much more coming up next.
00:53 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360°.
00:55 I'm Gary Krause.
00:56 Today's program is coming to you
00:58 from Panama City in Panama.
01:01 Panama, of course, is famous for the Panama Canal.
01:03 And I'm actually standing at the southern entrance
01:06 to this canal, the Pacific Ocean side,
01:09 and it stretches some 80 kilometers
01:12 across to the Atlantic Ocean.
01:14 This revolutionized transportation
01:17 because before this canal was built
01:20 ships had the arduous journey
01:22 of having to travel down the Pacific Coast,
01:24 all the way to Cape Horn, around Cape Horn,
01:27 up north to the United States, Northeast to Europe.
01:31 And travel time was cut tremendously,
01:34 transportation costs cut, incredibly,
01:37 and of course it came with sacrifice
01:39 the French started building the canal
01:41 back in the 1800s,
01:43 but they had to stop
01:44 because of engineering difficulties
01:46 and because so many men were dying on the job.
01:49 The United States completed the canal in 1914.
01:52 We'll be learning more about Panama
01:54 and mission in Panama on this program,
01:57 but first up let's travel to Cambodia
01:59 to learn the story of a missionary couple
02:02 who faced many challenges.
02:18 During the 1970s
02:20 it was a turbulent time in Southeast Asia.
02:22 With ongoing war in Vietnam and Cambodia.
02:26 Two young missionaries fresh out of college,
02:29 arrived in Cambodia to establish new mission work.
02:32 We got married.
02:34 And right after the honeymoon,
02:36 we came to Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
02:38 which was our mission field for five years
02:42 or so we thought.
02:44 And we set foot on this building,
02:47 which was supposed to be our honeymoon suite.
02:52 The first floor was the classrooms.
02:56 Second floor will be more classrooms,
03:00 plus the church.
03:01 Then the third floor will be the apartments
03:04 for the five student missionaries
03:06 that came from America to work here to teach English.
03:11 So the sign in front will say,
03:13 SDA English Language Institute.
03:18 On the fourth storey,
03:20 you will see the balcony that just above the flag,
03:24 and that's the place we spend a lot of time praying
03:27 because in those years, we had frequent blackouts.
03:33 We could see during the day,
03:36 F-111 Fighter Bombers coming from an angle,
03:40 swooping down, and then going up again.
03:43 And before going up,
03:45 you could see rockets being fired from the plane,
03:48 up and down, up and down.
03:50 They came in waves.
03:52 So there was the military campaigns,
03:54 and then on top, on the fourth floor,
03:58 many a times we claim Psalm 91.
04:01 "You shall not be afraid of the danger by night,
04:06 nor the arrow that flies by day."
04:09 We said, "Lord, You have promised,
04:12 we shall not be afraid of the B-52 Bombers by day
04:18 and the rockets that flew by night."
04:22 You know, the rockets were very dangerous.
04:27 And so I told my wife, there's nothing to worry about.
04:30 When you hear the sound, you are okay.
04:33 And when you don't hear the sound,
04:35 either you're alive or you're dead.
04:38 Just one of those two options.
04:39 So we're dependent on the Lord a lot
04:41 on that fourth floor balcony.
04:44 And one night,
04:46 we heard a lot of rocket fires in the cities.
04:51 So we went to the fifth floor, and we looked down.
04:55 Almost the entire outskirt of Phnom Penh was on fire.
05:00 So we said this is it.
05:02 This is it.
05:03 Whichever direction you look everywhere,
05:07 the fire.
05:10 GT, Ivy, and the student missionaries
05:13 were evacuated to Vietnam.
05:15 But their story didn't end there.
05:17 They prepare to return to Cambodia
05:18 and face new challenges.
05:27 I'm in Panama City in the country of Panama.
05:30 And my guest is the President
05:32 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Panama,
05:34 Pastor Jose de Gracia,
05:36 thank you so much for joining us today.
05:39 Can you please describe for me the territory of Panama
05:42 where the church is operating?
05:47 Panama extents 75,000 square kilometers
05:53 with more than 4 million people living in the country.
05:58 Panama is mostly a cosmopolitan country,
06:02 all nationalities live in Panama.
06:05 It's a melting pot.
06:07 Many people are attracted here because of the Panama Canal.
06:13 When you look around you see many kinds of people.
06:18 And that's a good thing.
06:21 We love each ethnicity,
06:23 and we can live together in peace.
06:28 This is also a country with religious liberty.
06:33 We can preach,
06:35 we can hold church services in public squares.
06:40 Wherever we want, we can preach the Word of God,
06:43 and there's tolerance.
06:47 Now, what are the major challenges
06:51 that you face as a church here in Panama?
06:56 Our greatest challenge is to reach the city.
06:59 On average, 200 to 300 families
07:02 live in each of the buildings behind us.
07:06 Our greatest challenge is to know
07:09 how to bring the Adventist message
07:11 to the people in the city.
07:15 So we carefully plan to reach to people
07:17 who live in these apartment buildings.
07:23 There are more than 2 million people
07:25 in the capital city of Panama.
07:28 That's half of all the country's population
07:31 in one city.
07:37 Big challenge.
07:38 Big challenge.
07:40 So, Pastor, what sorts of things
07:42 are you doing in the city to try to reach the people?
07:48 We're working to start small groups
07:50 inside each building,
07:53 meeting people and making friends
07:56 with the residents in the apartment complex.
08:01 We hold weekly meetings and recreating strategies
08:04 to reach the entire population,
08:09 through initiatives like
08:10 feeding the needy with missionary soup.
08:16 We also have the missionary taxi ministry
08:19 and other creative outreach initiatives around the city.
08:27 So can you tell me an experience of somebody
08:31 who has been influenced by the taxi ministry?
08:39 So we have a taxi ministry.
08:41 Every Adventist member
08:43 who owns transportation vehicles in Panama,
08:46 have a label that says
08:48 safe taxi Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:55 When a passenger enters the taxi,
08:58 the drivers play a CD or a cassette tape
09:01 to welcome the rider.
09:03 The message says welcome Mr. Passenger.
09:06 You have gotten into a safe taxi,
09:09 an Adventist taxi.
09:13 We want to encourage you to love Jesus
09:15 and study His Word.
09:18 Then a message of inspiration plays
09:21 to leave a positive impression on the passenger's mind.
09:26 On Fridays, the last taxi ride is free of charge.
09:30 This way the driver has an opportunity
09:32 to explain that the Sabbath begins after this last ride.
09:41 The Sabbath.
09:43 Yes, it's free of charge because of the Sabbath.
09:47 So the Adventist taxi drivers tell the passengers
09:50 this ride will cost you nothing
09:52 because I've dedicated this ride to God.
09:56 And they go out of their way to help passengers
09:58 with heavy luggage and suitcases
10:01 like carrying them to their door.
10:03 Then the driver waves goodbye and explains
10:06 that they're going home to enjoy the Lord's Day.
10:10 Oh, very nice.
10:12 Now, Pastor, I know
10:13 that Christ's method of ministry
10:15 is very important to you.
10:17 Why is Christ's method so, such a priority?
10:25 Sister Ellen White explains
10:27 Christ's method is the only one that gets true results.
10:32 Christ's method is the best approach,
10:35 that's why pastors, laymen, elders, deacons,
10:39 every member here
10:40 is emphasizing Christ's method of ministering.
10:44 To befriend people, supply their needs,
10:47 show love and sympathy
10:49 and only then we can invite people to follow Jesus.
10:55 Then people come to church
10:57 and stay to receive God's blessing.
11:01 This is our emphasis here at the Panama Union.
11:06 Wonderful.
11:08 So what are your hopes for the future of the church
11:11 here in Panama?
11:14 My hope for my country is to preach the gospel quickly
11:18 that Jesus may come soon.
11:22 To preach the gospel to four and half million people
11:25 is one of the greatest challenges we have.
11:29 But in the end, I want to shout with my church.
11:33 We have finished the gospel preaching in Panama.
11:37 That's my hope.
11:38 That's my challenge.
11:39 That's my passion,
11:42 to work until the gospel's finally preached to everyone
11:45 in all of Panama.
11:50 Gracias, Pastor.
11:51 Thank you for sharing with us today.
11:52 Thank you. Thank you.
11:54 Viewers at home, please pray for the church
11:56 here in Panama pray,
11:57 pray for the pastors, the leaders,
11:59 and the church members,
12:00 and pray for this challenge here of Panama City.
12:04 People there who need to hear the good news about Jesus.
12:06 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-03-21