Mission 360

Tithing 100 Cows

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002604B

00:07 Welcome back to Chicago.
00:09 And if you missed the first part of this program,
00:11 I encourage you to go to m360.tv.
00:15 That's m360.tv,
00:16 and there you'll find many mission stories
00:19 from around the world.
00:20 Next up, Ron Kuhn
00:22 from the Institute of World Mission,
00:23 who's had many years experience as a missionary
00:26 talks about cross cultural mission.
00:28 From missionary to missionary trainer,
00:31 you'll enjoy what Ron has to say.
00:33 My name is Ron Kuhn.
00:35 I work for the Institute of World Mission,
00:38 and what I do is very interesting.
00:40 Sometimes I ask people,
00:42 have you ever heard about teaching people
00:44 to adjust to other cultures?
00:47 That's what I do.
00:48 And we are actually having a training for people
00:51 who are going to serve all over the world,
00:54 doctors, dentists, engineers, teachers, administrators,
00:59 people who moved from one culture,
01:02 from one country to another country.
01:05 And the question is,
01:08 what does it has to do with sharing your faith?
01:11 I would say everything
01:13 because if you don't understand the people you are serving,
01:16 you want to live, you want to, to learn from them,
01:21 you cannot share what you know,
01:23 because you will be sharing in a very awkward way.
01:27 For example, you arrive in a country
01:29 that people don't touch each other,
01:31 they don't greet with the handshake,
01:33 they greet with a wai,
01:35 and you want to hug, you want to handshake,
01:38 you will not create a good impression.
01:40 So, why people have to learn
01:43 about cross cultural work,
01:46 cross cultural values, world view,
01:49 understanding of reality?
01:51 Because you can be more efficient,
01:54 you arrive and you know better,
01:56 and then give you the initial tips,
02:00 and tools for you to adjust.
02:03 Quite often we use the expression,
02:05 cultural shock.
02:06 Why?
02:08 Because there's so much you don't know
02:10 that when you arrive and you start to leave,
02:14 you are overwhelmed
02:16 with so many things you don't understand
02:18 and it create a negative feeling,
02:21 which can be said, a culture shock.
02:25 Well, people will ask the following question,
02:29 what is the best way then
02:30 to share, to serve, to go somewhere else
02:33 as an international worker,
02:35 as a cross cultural cross cultural service person
02:41 that could be for governments, for embassies,
02:46 for United Nations as well as for different churches?
02:51 People want to know how they adjust
02:53 to another place.
02:54 The best way, of course, a part of training.
02:58 We provide training, if you want to know more,
03:01 we provide training for two weeks, three weeks,
03:04 sorry for three weeks.
03:07 And then people have the tools and resources
03:10 to adjust to another place.
03:12 The question, the main question we ask is,
03:16 how did God related to humans?
03:22 Did God send an email
03:26 with His plan, with His will,
03:29 with His care and love?
03:31 Did He send an angel?
03:32 Did He send a book?
03:34 All of these maybe one could say,
03:36 yeah, it's true.
03:38 But God chose something far more effective
03:40 and that's what I want to share with you.
03:43 He came to live with the people.
03:47 He chose to incarnate in our reality
03:51 and then, the question is,
03:52 are we really following the example of Jesus?
03:55 Are we incarnating in the reality of other people?
03:59 Many times people go to serve in another culture
04:03 and they bring loads of things
04:06 so they never detach from their culture,
04:09 they are afraid to really adjust.
04:11 Imagine if God will have done that.
04:14 Jesus will have come to this earth
04:17 with huge squad of angels,
04:22 many containers of supplies and goods,
04:25 how will we feel?
04:27 But He came and He became one of us.
04:30 What an example?
04:31 He is always the best example of service and incarnation.
04:36 So therefore, the best way,
04:39 a part of all the training one can get
04:41 is to go with an open heart,
04:44 to go with a willingness to adjust,
04:48 and the first prerequisite is you go as a learner,
04:53 forget your doctor degrees, forget your expertise,
04:58 your titles and what you have done.
05:00 The first thing when you move to another culture,
05:03 you go as a learner, you learn, so you can share.
05:07 Then once you understand, you create bridges.
05:10 That's what Jesus did.
05:13 He learned His stories, His examples,
05:16 His parables were based on the reality of life.
05:21 Why don't we learn from Him?
05:22 So if you want to go, go as a learner,
05:26 incarnate in the reality of the people,
05:29 learn from them, love them, don't judge them,
05:33 suspend judgment of things you don't understand.
05:36 And when you have learned enough,
05:40 you will find ways and bridges to connect the gospel truths
05:45 and the love of Jesus in a way that people will understand.
05:49 And then the gospel will be meaningful to those
05:51 who may have never heard,
05:53 because they will see an incarnation
05:56 of the love of God.
05:58 May God bless you, all of us,
06:00 as we cross boundaries
06:02 to serve the needs of the world.
06:06 Something strange happened
06:08 when Abraham returned 100 cows as tithe,
06:12 his neighbors were so confused.
06:14 Let's travel to Tanzania
06:16 to find out more about this story.
06:20 The Maasai tribe in Africa loves cows,
06:23 they often wander from place to place
06:25 and the cows come with them.
06:27 Life in the desert can be hard.
06:29 So when an older person or a baby dies,
06:31 families have to move on quickly.
06:34 But when his cow dies,
06:35 a Maasai man will mourn terribly.
06:38 He knows that cows are very valuable
06:40 and help him take care of his family.
06:42 He loves his cows.
06:46 So it came as a big surprise to Adventist leaders to hear
06:49 that a wealthy Maasai man
06:51 had decided to give 100 of his precious cows
06:54 as a tithe to God.
06:56 The man, Abraham, became an Adventist
06:59 after meeting a Global Mission pioneer
07:01 in Northern Tanzania
07:02 and felt impressed to give 1/10th
07:04 of his cattle as tithe.
07:06 Abraham called the local pastor to collect the cows.
07:09 "I don't want to keep what belongs to God," he said.
07:12 Abraham took the stunned pastor to his field
07:15 and began to count out the tithe
07:17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
07:22 Abraham counted the cows in his herd,
07:24 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
07:29 When he reached the 10th cow,
07:31 he told a helper to put a tag on its ear
07:33 so the cow would be set aside for tithe.
07:36 That one is for the Lord, he said.
07:39 He counted out a 100 cows for tithe.
07:42 Abraham's Maasai neighbors who were not Adventist
07:45 thought he had gone mad.
07:47 Why would you give away your cows?
07:50 Someone said,
07:51 if you can give away a 100 cows as tithe,
07:54 why don't you also count your children
07:56 and give the 10th child as tithe, said another.
08:00 I know a person in the Bible
08:01 who didn't even have 10 children,
08:03 he said, he only had one and he was more than willing
08:06 to return that child to God.
08:08 His name was Abraham too.
08:11 After Abraham returned the tithe
08:13 of a 100 cows to God,
08:15 something strange happened to his cattle,
08:17 his cows started giving birth to twins.
08:21 Cows usually give birth to just one calf at a time.
08:24 But all of Abraham's cows began to give birth to twins.
08:29 The neighbors were shocked.
08:31 Abraham had given away 100 cows,
08:33 and now he had more cows than ever before.
08:37 "Call your pastor," one neighbor said,
08:39 "I also want to give a tithe.
08:41 We want our cows
08:42 to have twins too," said another.
08:45 Abraham marveled at how God was blessing him
08:47 and decided that he didn't want to return just one tithe,
08:50 he wanted to give two tithes.
08:52 He called the Adventist pastor again.
08:55 "When I gave the 100 cows as tithe nine months ago,
08:58 I wanted to see what would happen,"
09:00 Abraham said, "I have seen so many blessings.
09:03 Instead of having one calf, my cow started having twins."
09:07 Abraham took the pastor to his field
09:09 and counted out double tithes, two cows out of every 10.
09:13 The pastor was amazed
09:15 by how God had blessed Abraham's faithfulness.
09:18 "You are never losing when you return to God,"
09:21 the pastor said.
09:22 The Lord is faithful,
09:24 He will even multiply what little you have.
09:39 Well, thanks so much for joining us
09:40 on today's program.
09:42 And I hope that you've been inspired and challenged
09:45 by our 360 degree view of mission around the world.
09:49 It was great to see how fun activities,
09:52 introducing children to Jesus in Georgia.
09:55 It was wonderful to see the dedication
09:57 and commitment of the man tithing a 100 cows in Tanzania,
10:01 and around the world today
10:03 we see so many examples of creative, faithful mission.
10:07 I want to thank you so much
10:09 for the part you play in making this happen.
10:12 Whether you pray, give or go,
10:14 you are part of the Adventist Mission team
10:16 in helping to spread the good news
10:18 about Jesus around the world.
10:20 And I want to thank you so much for your prayers,
10:23 your continuing financial support
10:24 that do make a difference.
10:26 Well, until we meet next time on Mission 360,
10:29 I'm Gary Krause, for Adventist Mission.
10:42 There is nothing in this world
10:47 That can truly satisfy me
10:52 Like Jesus
10:57 Jesus love
11:02 For His love is truly deeper
11:07 Truly purer, truly sweeter
11:13 Than anything I've ever known
11:23 I searched the world to find things
11:28 To bring meaning to my life
11:34 But nothing satisfies me
11:38 Like Jesus love
11:44 There is nothing in this world
11:49 That can truly satisfy me
11:54 Like Jesus
11:59 Jesus love
12:05 I've tried so many times
12:10 To fill the void inside
12:15 But nothing brings me peace and joy
12:20 Like Jesus love
12:25 There is nothing in this world
12:30 That can truly satisfy me
12:35 Like Jesus
12:40 Jesus love
12:45 Won't you ask Him today
12:51 He will fill you up inside
12:56 There's no emptiness or loneliness
13:02 Where Jesus Christ resides
13:09 There is nothing in this world
13:14 That can truly satisfy me
13:19 Like Jesus
13:24 Jesus love
13:29 Only Jesus
13:34 Jesus love


Revised 2020-03-02