Mission 360

Tithing 100 Cows

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002604A

00:07 Turning potatoes into porcupines
00:09 facilitates mission in Georgia.
00:12 A man tithes 100 cows in Tanzania,
00:15 and the sights and sounds of Chicago
00:18 coming up next.
00:51 Hello and welcome to Mission 360,
00:53 I'm Gary Krause.
00:55 Today's program is coming to you
00:56 from the city of Chicago in the United States.
01:00 Back in the 1800's Dr. David Paulsen
01:03 and Dr. John Harvey Kellogg moved into the heart of Chicago
01:07 to start the Chicago Medical Mission,
01:10 an urban center of influence
01:12 administered to the poor and needy of that city.
01:15 But at the turn of the century
01:16 Dr. David Paulsen got a vision to start
01:20 a sanatorium out in the countryside.
01:23 And I am now standing
01:24 in what was once the countryside,
01:27 Hinsdale, now a suburb of Chicago.
01:30 Behind me you can see
01:31 the Hinsdale Adventist Hospital,
01:33 and this is the location of the sanatorium
01:36 that was established by Dr. Paulsen.
01:38 People from all over the world came here
01:41 to the Hinsdale Sanatorium for health and healing.
01:45 Well, on today's program we'll be looking at mission
01:47 all around the world but first up,
01:49 let's travel to the country of Georgia
01:51 to see an urban center of influence in action.
02:01 How do you turn a potato into a porcupine?
02:04 That's exactly what children in the country of Georgia
02:06 are learning today in their English class.
02:09 This is their second lesson about fruits and vegetables.
02:12 They're learning the names of common vegetables
02:14 as they transform them into animals
02:16 and modes of transportation.
02:19 Ginta, their teacher,
02:20 uses interactive teaching methods
02:22 to keep them engaged.
02:24 And even includes their parents in the action.
02:29 They're studying a variety of topics
02:30 ranging from numbers to colors.
02:33 We just enjoy,
02:34 even if somebody don't know something,
02:36 we just show the color and remind them
02:40 how to pronounce it correctly and we just enjoy it.
02:46 Originally from Latvia, Ginta came to Georgia
02:49 to spend a year volunteering
02:50 at this Global Mission Urban Center of Influence.
02:54 She started a hand on English class for children
02:57 and she's very proud of her student's creations.
02:59 Maybe I can show something.
03:04 Like, yeah, you see from one of the lessons
03:09 when we learned about animals,
03:12 we made butterflies like this on previous lesson.
03:17 Pause up.
03:22 And previous lesson when we learned something
03:25 like fruits and vegetables.
03:27 We made just stamps for
03:31 lemon and pepper, like this.
03:38 But living in a different culture
03:39 can bring certain challenges and adjustments.
03:43 It's really hard for me, you know,
03:45 you are from other country and they don't know you.
03:48 They, in beginning start watching
03:50 what I'm doing, how I'm doing,
03:52 but now they start to be like friends for me
03:55 and today even a few said, teacher, we love you.
03:59 It's very nice and the parent's,
04:01 it's the same for them.
04:03 In the beginning they,
04:04 it was very like, distant, distance,
04:06 and afterwards they start to,
04:08 yeah, I guess they're starting to trust.
04:12 Ginta has gotten to know
04:13 these students through these programs.
04:15 And finds it easier to share a hopeful message
04:17 when a relationship has been established.
04:20 Not just be a teacher, but be like friends for them.
04:24 And I really hope will be a possibility to tell them
04:28 more about Jesus
04:30 and somebody who very loves them.
04:33 Fifteen year old Simon has been coming
04:35 to Ginta's English classes over the last few months.
04:39 After many questions and conversations,
04:41 Simon is eager to study the Bible
04:43 and the Adventist message.
04:46 I'm interested in Christ's second coming.
04:50 I'm going through the Bible lessons
04:52 in preparation for baptism.
04:54 My life has changed.
04:58 Through these programs, about 15-20 people in this town
05:01 started Bible studies with Gotcha,
05:03 a global mission pioneer,
05:05 and a small group meets each Sabbath.
05:09 Ginta is encouraged to share the love of Jesus
05:12 with the community through English classes,
05:14 despite the challenges.
05:16 Please pray for Ginta as she develops friendships
05:19 with students and parents in Georgia.
05:22 Thank you for your continued support
05:24 of Global Mission Projects like these.
05:28 I'm here in the suburbs of Chicago in Illinois
05:32 and with me is Pastor Andres Flores
05:35 who is the senior pastor of the Epic Church in Chicago,
05:39 but also the pastor of this church plant here.
05:42 Describe what we're standing in here, Pastor?
05:45 Well, we're standing at Yorktown Mall.
05:47 This is a mall right in the center of the city
05:50 of Lombard into DuPage County here in the state of Illinois.
05:52 We're about 25 to 30 minutes from the city of Chicago
05:56 and this is a church plant that was born
05:58 out of the original church,
06:00 Epic Church in the city of Chicago.
06:03 So you planted a church in Chicago,
06:06 but you weren't content with just growing that church.
06:08 You had a vision for planting other spaces
06:11 and this is the first one,
06:13 and this is Chicago suburbs, right?
06:15 Correct. Correct.
06:16 Yeah. So, how did you start here?
06:19 Well, we started with a vision to multiply churches
06:22 that are disciple making churches.
06:24 So we started with the developing
06:27 core group of people
06:28 that were passionate about planting other churches
06:31 in the Chicago land area.
06:33 And God provided a very strong group to start
06:36 with a new church plant and incubate a new core group.
06:41 And this is exactly what is happening right now.
06:43 Wonderful.
06:44 So, but let's just walk through here
06:46 and you can describe what we're seeing,
06:47 this is quite a nice space here you got.
06:49 How many people are coming on Sabbath afternoons now?
06:52 You know, we may have an average of 45-55 people
06:56 in the incubation process, and we're going to launch
07:00 the church publicly in the month of October.
07:02 Fantastic.
07:03 But the thing that really intrigues me
07:05 is as we walk outside of this space,
07:08 we come into something which is very unusual.
07:11 Describe what this is here?
07:13 Well, we are right now, in,
07:16 again as I said we are in a storefront,
07:18 we are renting, God provided storefront
07:22 here in the Yorktown Mall.
07:24 So our vision was not only to do church for us,
07:28 we wanted to have an outreach, a very strong outreach
07:31 and international presence in the community.
07:33 So basically using the terminology
07:36 that I understand, this is a center of influence,
07:39 because you are connecting the church to the community.
07:42 Exactly, so this is an interface,
07:44 it's a relational environment that serves as an interface
07:47 for us to connect with people in the community
07:50 through art, and music, and creativity.
07:53 It is a space where people can belong
07:56 and then as they belong they come to believe as well.
07:59 Fantastic.
08:01 So rather than expecting people to walk into a church,
08:04 and that's gonna be very difficult for many people,
08:06 you actually have an opportunity
08:08 here where you can put Christ's method into practice.
08:11 You can mingle
08:12 and you can connect with people.
08:13 Exactly, exactly.
08:15 And the point of this
08:16 is that as we invite people to create art,
08:20 they feel safe, they come with their families
08:23 and here we are ready
08:25 to start conversations with them.
08:26 I mean once we mingle with them,
08:28 once we start conversations with them,
08:30 many of them start building a relationship with us.
08:33 We initiate a relationship with them
08:34 and we show them the hope that we have,
08:37 the faith that we have and they feel safe to do that
08:40 in the context of this relational environment.
08:43 Fantastic.
08:44 So what are the activities
08:45 that take place here in the art space?
08:47 We do a lot of activities that,
08:50 all of them have to do either with art, even music,
08:54 and relationships
08:55 but we have a really strong ministry
08:58 through our with pottery, painting,
09:00 all sorts of creative activities
09:03 here for the entire community, crafts, and so on and so forth.
09:08 It's really beautiful. Wonderful.
09:09 So this is not only open here on Sabbath,
09:13 but it's also open at various times during the week?
09:16 It is. It is.
09:17 So we open, we open the Arts Space
09:20 throughout the week for different people
09:22 to come here, connect.
09:23 We invite different groups from the community,
09:25 we like to partner with different schools,
09:27 with different places,
09:29 different groups that are really interested
09:31 in bringing their children here,
09:33 but what that does is that it allows us to build bridges
09:35 with people in the community.
09:37 We are one more presence in the community,
09:39 we are not coming in as an outsider.
09:42 Now we have built credibility and what I really like
09:46 about this concept is that
09:48 it's not short term credibility,
09:49 it's longer term credibility
09:51 that allows us to really be here without them
09:54 feeling that we're trying to gain something for them.
09:57 Instead we are trying to give them something
10:00 that they can be blessed with.
10:01 Fantastic.
10:03 That's so important that
10:04 you're not seen as an outsider coming in,
10:06 but you're actually someone in the community,
10:09 caring for the community.
10:10 Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
10:12 Now, before you were telling me
10:14 the story of a family from another religion.
10:17 Can you just briefly tell that story again
10:20 of how this little boy's life has been touched?
10:22 Yes, absolutely.
10:23 This is a family just from
10:25 a different religious background.
10:26 And the little boy, he's a beautiful boy,
10:28 he's autistic and again they do not belong
10:31 to our denomination or to our Christian faith
10:34 but the beauty of it is that
10:35 through the relational environment,
10:37 this boy, he's blind and he got curious
10:41 because of the music that the praise team was practicing.
10:44 He came into the art space, into the worship center
10:47 and he asked one of the praise leaders
10:49 if he could sing with them and she said, yes.
10:52 Now the beautiful thing about
10:53 this is that in the middle of the song,
10:55 he asked the question, who is God?
10:58 Tell me about this God of yours?
11:00 And she started to unpack the beauty of God
11:03 and who is He and then the following week,
11:06 even his family came into the worship space as well
11:08 and we have a really strong relationship
11:10 with them right now.
11:11 So this little boy, he's blind, he's autistic,
11:14 he was in the Arts Space, he was drawn to the music
11:17 and he asked whether he could join the singers.
11:20 And then during the singing, he asked, "Who is God?"
11:22 Exactly. That is a beautiful story.
11:25 Now the other dimension of that,
11:26 that I really, really like is that the person
11:30 he asked was not yet a baptized Seventh-day Adventist,
11:33 she's participating and she was the one
11:36 who told him about God.
11:37 That's correct. That's correct. It's beautiful, beautiful.
11:39 And they have developed a relationship,
11:41 to stay in a relationship with that family
11:44 and I think that would have never happened
11:46 in a traditional evangelistic setting.
11:49 That took place in an open relational setting
11:53 such as the Arts Space.
11:55 So, as you said earlier, you're providing a context
11:58 where they can start to feel as if they're home,
12:01 as if they're belonging and that then provides a space
12:04 for them to start believing?
12:06 Exactly. Wonderful.
12:09 Well, you know, viewers at home,
12:11 what a terrific idea this is, right?
12:14 In the heart of a shopping mall,
12:16 I mean if this was a church plant
12:18 just out on the street somewhere,
12:19 you would not have many people coming past,
12:21 particularly here in the suburbs.
12:23 But here you have a shopping mall,
12:25 you have a busy children's playground right here
12:29 and a space where people can come
12:31 where they can find community.
12:34 It's an opportunity for Adventist believers
12:36 to mingle with people in the public
12:38 and we're starting to see how lives are being touched.
12:41 Pastor Andres, thank you so much
12:42 for sharing with us today.
12:44 Thank you.
12:45 And please pray for Epic,
12:46 the Church that's now operating in downtown, Chicago.
12:50 The plant here in the suburbs that
12:52 God will continue to bless
12:54 and grow this wonderful ministry.
12:57 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-03-02