Mission 360

The Rhythm of Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002602B

00:09 Welcome back to Guatemala.
00:11 And behind me you can see
00:13 the Antigua Guatemala Cathedral.
00:15 Next up, we'll hear the story of Pastor Lynn Barnard,
00:18 a childhood hero of mine,
00:20 who was a pioneer medical missionary
00:23 in Papua New Guinea.
00:25 Our guest today is Dr. Barry Oliver
00:27 from the South Pacific Division.
00:28 In fact, he was the division president
00:30 there for eight years.
00:32 Dr. Oliver, welcome to Mission 360.
00:34 Thank you Laurie, it's nice to be with you.
00:36 Today you're going to tell us a story
00:38 about a missionary who served for many years
00:40 in your division, Pastor Len Barnard?
00:42 Yes I am.
00:43 I actually knew Pastor Bernard personally.
00:47 He is one of the real characters
00:52 of our division.
00:54 He was a New Zealander originally,
00:56 and he joined up with the armed forces
00:59 during World War II.
01:01 He was a medic in Papua New Guinea.
01:03 And I guess it was while he was a medic
01:05 that he got a real feel for the country,
01:07 especially for the people.
01:10 He used to see the planes in operation
01:13 while he was there as a medic during the war.
01:16 And when he finished his time in the services,
01:19 he went back to New Zealand,
01:21 and he trained to be a pilot.
01:23 He had this burning in his bones.
01:26 He returned to New Guinea after the war, not as a pilot,
01:30 although he was trained,
01:32 and he worked for just a short time
01:35 in the government office.
01:38 But it wasn't long before he expressed his interest
01:42 to being employed by the church
01:44 because he even then wanted to see
01:46 the church utilizing planes.
01:50 But he was also trained as a medic.
01:53 And so he went very early to one of our Hansenide
01:57 or leper colonies up near Mount Hagen.
02:01 And for a number of years he and his family worked there
02:05 at the Mount Hagen Hansenide colony
02:08 or Togoba Hospital as it's known.
02:11 And while there they experienced
02:14 the highs and the lows I guess of mission service.
02:17 So it's not easy working with people
02:19 who have a terribly debilitating disease.
02:22 They moved around a little.
02:24 Well, more than a little,
02:26 they went to quite a few places in their service.
02:30 All the time, Len saw these planes
02:34 flying overhead, and he said,
02:36 "We've got to have one of those planes.
02:38 He had experiences such as walking into
02:42 the Karamui cannibal country in the highlands of New Guinea.
02:47 It took him 48 days, I kid you not 48 days of hard,
02:52 hard walking, to get from his base of operations
02:56 into to where the people...
02:58 Seeing the planes operating.
03:00 And he would see the planes
03:01 of some of the other missions going over head.
03:04 So the church had no planes at all at that point?
03:06 We are pre 1964.
03:08 This is the 50s. This is a 60s.
03:11 I don't think we actually had planes
03:13 anywhere in the world at that time.
03:16 The earliest planes that we had
03:18 were both the experiences I'm telling you about.
03:21 And I think in South America also,
03:23 someone will probably prove me wrong.
03:25 But Len saw these planes
03:28 and he went to the Union Mission leaders
03:33 and made a case.
03:35 And they providentially thought it was a very good idea.
03:39 And so, after negotiations,
03:43 a plane was accessed and Pastor Len Barnard
03:48 traveled down to Sydney, Australia,
03:51 where the plane was dedicated.
03:53 And I think I've got this right,
03:54 June 27, 1964,
03:57 the division president dedicated the plane.
04:00 Len was there and then he flew the plane
04:02 back to the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
04:06 And I remember reading,
04:07 he was telling the story as he was coming across
04:10 the Gulf of Papua
04:13 and beginning to go up into the,
04:16 to the highlands which 12, 14, 16,000
04:20 feet above sea level.
04:22 There was a huge bank of clouds
04:24 is that just about always is up there.
04:27 And he wondered how in the world
04:28 he was going to get this little, little Cessna,
04:30 180 Cessna into the Kopiago airstrip.
04:34 Providentially again, the clouds opened,
04:37 and he was able to, to go right through,
04:40 and I remember him telling many stories
04:41 time and time again of how the clouds just opened.
04:44 And these little planes were able to get through
04:46 and he used to tell stories
04:48 about the three angels flying on the wings
04:50 of the plane.
04:51 This was quite something, he had that story.
04:54 So the plane is dedicated
04:56 and began operations on June 30, 1964
05:01 and all of a sudden, the mission work opened up,
05:05 Len was able to operate the plane.
05:07 He had a good friend and colleague,
05:09 Pastor Colin Winch, who at the time
05:11 was living down the coast of Madang,
05:13 and together, they pioneered Adventist Aviation
05:16 in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific Division
05:19 and pretty much in the world apart
05:22 from probably some others, well, who I'm sure
05:24 their stories will be also told.
05:26 Len and Colin flew the plane,
05:31 delivered medical supplies,
05:33 took evangelistic opportunities
05:36 and really opened to begin to open up,
05:38 of course, there weren't all that
05:40 many airstrips at that time
05:41 and so gradually airstrips were being built.
05:44 And they would fly into very remote places
05:46 in the highlands on the coast of that country.
05:50 Two years after the operation started,
05:54 there was almost a tragic accident.
05:57 Well, it was an accident, it was almost tragic.
06:00 Len was trying to test
06:02 the compression of the compeller
06:04 rather get the propeller.
06:06 And as he was turning it, suddenly it gave way
06:10 and it's pretty much sliced his leg.
06:12 It was almost literally hanging by a piece of skin, his leg.
06:18 Right through the bone and everything.
06:19 What was that?
06:20 Right through the bone, everything
06:22 and they said he will never walk again.
06:24 How we're going to take it off.
06:26 But again, providentially after,
06:30 I think it was eight months, he was able to walk again.
06:34 And before long,
06:35 he was back in Papua New Guinea,
06:36 flying the planes once again.
06:38 So tremendous commitment.
06:42 This is a story of great commitment,
06:45 of great vision.
06:48 He was just an ordinary guy...
06:50 He doesn't sound like it.
06:51 But he was something, he was an incredible person
06:54 and so were all the others, you know.
06:56 The story of Adventist Aviation in Papua New Guinea
06:58 is we've had about 66 pilots, 30 engineers
07:02 just in that country, then the Solomon Islands,
07:05 and Len was instrumental
07:07 in founding Adventist Aviation in Australia
07:09 where people would go out
07:11 into the outback to remote places.
07:12 Just an incredible story of Adventist mission.
07:15 You know, we have so much in our history...
07:18 Yeah, we do.
07:20 That often we don't realize,
07:21 but he's rich and he is really inspirational.
07:24 I take my head off too Pastor Len Barnard.
07:26 He is a man I wish I could have met.
07:28 Thank you, Dr. Oliver, for sharing his story.
07:31 It's my pleasure, Laurie.
07:32 I'm Laurie Falvo for Mission 360 TV.
07:36 Next up, we traveled to Uruguay
07:38 to see how your 13th Sabbath offerings
07:41 have helped plant a church there.
07:50 We are planting new churches in strategic locations.
07:53 In places we haven't worked for years.
07:56 Many people here thought it was impossible
07:58 to start new groups of believers.
08:01 But people like Nestor
08:03 are demonstrating that this is possible.
08:05 Nestor is a former businessman
08:07 and retired taxi driver in Montevideo, Uruguay.
08:11 He is also a talented guitar player
08:13 who used his gifts
08:15 to do something difficult in the city,
08:17 Nestor decided to plant a new Adventist Church here.
08:20 Up until recently,
08:22 there were few Adventist congregations in Montevideo.
08:24 Certain parts of the city
08:26 were completely untouched by the Adventist message.
08:29 It seemed impossible
08:30 to reach people in this highly secular society
08:33 with little interest in religion.
08:35 But it was here that
08:36 the Adventist Church of Goes started.
08:39 Nestor and the other missionaries
08:40 working with him
08:42 wanted to use Christ method to reach the community.
08:44 So they mingled with the people and met their needs
08:47 by starting an urban center of influence.
08:52 We had a lot to offer the community,
08:53 the smoking cessation courses,
08:56 healthy cooking classes, guitar lessons
08:58 and spiritual counseling.
09:00 We served food to the homeless,
09:02 we offered them Guiso, a traditional dish in Uruguay
09:05 made of lentils and rice.
09:07 We invited them to spiritual activities too.
09:10 And we saw that God led and brought people to us.
09:16 Many people who were reached
09:17 by the missionaries began to study the Bible,
09:19 and in just the first year
09:21 of activities of the Goes church plant,
09:23 five people were baptized.
09:25 The number of visitors kept growing
09:27 and the newly formed congregation
09:29 started to pray for a bigger building.
09:32 In 2016, God answered their prayers
09:34 through your contribution to the 13th Sabbath offering.
09:38 Adventist members
09:40 around the world supported this project
09:42 and a building was purchased
09:43 in a busy street between many shops.
09:46 Since then, the Church of Goes
09:48 has met in a large hall.
09:49 Approximately 40 people attend Sabbath worships
09:52 and welcome visitors from the surrounding region.
09:58 Goes is practically a family.
10:00 I always feel welcome in this church.
10:03 Here I learned the true faith.
10:05 I learned who the true Jesus is,
10:07 and the true Church of God.
10:09 Because of this,
10:10 I felt confident to become an Adventist,
10:13 and follow the commandments as Jesus asked us.
10:18 The world moves very fast.
10:21 There's time for nothing.
10:22 And when you find a place,
10:24 a refuge like this house of God,
10:27 the people feel good and feel satisfied,
10:31 and decide to take part.
10:35 Through the new Church of Goes,
10:37 God is blessing the city of Montevideo.
10:40 Nestor is thrilled to see this congregation growing,
10:42 but there are other areas of the city
10:44 that need to be reached.
10:46 So Nestor and the local leadership
10:48 have planned a church plant in the La Guate neighborhood
10:51 where more than 200,000 people live.
10:56 God wants us to open new paths and conquer new lands.
11:02 Just as the heroes of our faith in the past,
11:06 we must continue to conquer because time is short.
11:10 And Jesus is soon returning.
11:15 The challenge is similar around the world
11:17 until every member becomes involved in mission,
11:20 the world may remain largely unreached.
11:22 Please pray for more people to allow God to use them
11:25 like Nestor did.
11:27 Pray also for the millions of people
11:29 living in the cities
11:30 that they may desire to know Christ,
11:32 and thanks for your support of the 13th Sabbath offering.
11:51 Well, thanks so much for joining us
11:53 on today's program.
11:54 And I hope that you've enjoyed our 360 degree
11:57 view of mission around the world.
12:00 We've been to Thailand, we've been to Uruguay,
12:02 we've been to here in Guatemala.
12:04 And as you can see cultures change,
12:06 people's change, but the needs remain the same
12:10 and people need to know the good news about Jesus.
12:12 And I want to thank you for everything that you do
12:15 to make Adventist Mission possible.
12:17 I want to thank you for your donations
12:18 to Global Mission,
12:19 your mission offerings, your prayers,
12:22 and also your personal involvement.
12:24 It does make a difference.
12:26 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
12:28 And I hope that you can join me next time
12:31 right here on Mission 360.
12:34 Amazing Grace
12:40 How sweet
12:43 The sound
12:47 That saved
12:50 A wretch
12:53 Like me
13:00 I once was lost
13:06 But now
13:10 Am found
13:13 Was blind
13:17 But now
13:20 I see
13:28 Through many
13:32 Dangers
13:36 Toils and snares
13:41 I have
13:45 Already come
13:55 Was Grace
13:59 That brought
14:02 Me safe
14:06 Thus far
14:09 And Grace
14:13 Will lead me home


Revised 2020-07-17