Mission 360

The Rhythm of Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002602A

00:09 Music and mission in Thailand,
00:11 a lay person plants a church in Uruguay
00:14 and mission here in Guatemala,
00:16 all this and much more coming up next.
00:53 Hello and welcome to Mission 360.
00:55 I'm Gary Krause.
00:57 Today's program is coming to you
00:58 from Central America from the country of Guatemala.
01:02 This is a beautiful country.
01:03 It's a country of volcanoes
01:05 and rainforests and ancient Mayan ruins.
01:09 In fact, that half of the population
01:10 can trace their ancestry back to the Mayan civilization.
01:15 Today, here in Guatemala,
01:17 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:18 has been growing rapidly,
01:20 but it still faces many mission challenges,
01:23 and we'll be learning more about that on today's program,
01:26 but first up, let's travel to Thailand
01:28 to learn about the power of music in mission.
01:36 Music is one of the most popular forms
01:38 of entertainment, but in Thailand,
01:41 it's doing more than just entertain.
01:43 It's bringing people
01:44 from all over the world together
01:46 for a common purpose.
01:50 Khon Kaen City lies 450 kilometers from Bangkok.
01:55 It's Thailand's fourth largest city
01:57 and has the largest university in Northeastern Thailand.
02:01 Khon Kaen is a, you know, it's a growing city.
02:04 There's a lot of educated people here,
02:06 a lot of wealth,
02:07 people are busy, don't have a lot of time.
02:10 So we had to think in terms of
02:11 how can we meet people in a non-threatening way.
02:15 With the challenge of reaching out
02:16 to this wealthy, urban community,
02:18 missionaries from all over the world
02:20 were called to Thailand.
02:22 Ricardo and his family were one of the first
02:24 to answer the call to Thailand
02:26 through Adventist Frontier Missions.
02:28 Ricardo became the leader of a violin group
02:31 at the Adventist Church in Bangkok.
02:33 The group was given the opportunity to perform live
02:35 in the Thai parliament
02:37 and in several big shopping malls
02:38 in the city.
02:39 People enjoyed their music and said it made them happy.
02:42 Ricardo realized that they could use music
02:45 to communicate with and touch people,
02:47 regardless of their status in life.
02:50 Music is like a universal language
02:53 that really connects with people.
02:55 People's hearts open up with music and music
02:58 is such a central part of
03:01 Christian worship and experience.
03:03 Soon enough they started a music academy.
03:06 They invited volunteer teachers
03:08 from around the world to come and teach piano,
03:10 violin, ukulele, guitar, and give voice lessons.
03:15 These teachers, together with the leaders of the school,
03:18 have been able to create meaningful relationships
03:21 with their students and their families.
03:23 We have a lot of wealthy clients
03:26 and students that come here
03:28 and their parents are speaking to us
03:31 more and more about the joy
03:33 and the peace that they see in our families
03:36 and in our lives that they want for their children.
03:40 While the teachers play a significant role
03:42 in helping transform the lives
03:43 of their young proteges, they themselves
03:46 also go through a life-changing experience.
03:49 It gives them a chance to be involved in ministry.
03:52 It shows them that
03:53 they can use their unique gifts,
03:56 you know, to further God's cause.
03:58 And so, coming here, you know,
04:00 learning Thai language to some degree,
04:03 experiencing the culture, and just getting exposed
04:07 to a broader vision, you know,
04:09 can plant a seed that will help direct their future
04:13 and give them an idea that, you know,
04:15 they can use their gifts to build up God's Kingdom.
04:20 In some ways, I and this school is the only way that
04:25 they would be able to hear about Jesus,
04:28 and the only way that
04:30 they would be able to experience
04:31 the love of Jesus.
04:33 So when I realize that
04:36 my students need to know Jesus,
04:39 and when I desire so badly for them to know the joy
04:44 and the peace that He has given me,
04:48 that channels into my lessons,
04:51 and it channels into the way I teach them,
04:54 and it gives me a desire to encourage my students,
05:00 and to be patient with them.
05:03 Global Mission is helping fund the music program
05:06 where people in Khon Kaen can learn music,
05:08 not only as a form of entertainment,
05:10 but as a means to building relationships
05:13 and changing lives.
05:14 They need friendship and they need hope
05:17 and they need meaning and purpose, you know,
05:19 as they realize that the things
05:21 that they have are not giving them
05:24 what they hoped, you know,
05:25 the happiness, the lasting happiness.
05:27 Music is a love gift from God to us,
05:30 and the music academy in Khon Kaen
05:32 uses both the beauty of music
05:34 and the harmonious love of Jesus
05:36 to touch the lives of their students,
05:39 their families, and soon, with your prayers,
05:41 the whole city of Khon Kaen.
05:44 Thank you for your support of Global Mission
05:47 that supports projects like this.
05:51 My guest is Dr. Erick who is the Director
05:53 of the Isaiah 58 Mission here in Guatemala City
05:57 and in the background, you can hear a worship program
06:01 that's going on right now
06:02 for the people who come to this center.
06:04 Dr. Erick, can you please describe
06:06 how this center started?
06:08 Why and what happens here?
06:14 We started about two and a half years ago.
06:17 We began by offering bread, warm beverages, cereal,
06:21 and some juice to people who live off the streets.
06:25 These are people who found refuge
06:27 under covered areas or nearby hospitals,
06:31 but then we moved on to a park,
06:33 where we met every Sunday and many people came to us.
06:38 We served them lunch and spoke to them about God.
06:42 We soon realized that winter was approaching.
06:46 And we decided that
06:47 we had to find a house to use as a base of operations.
06:52 So we began to pray to pray for this project
06:56 because renting a house means we would have to raise money.
07:01 It was then we found this house,
07:03 which is affordable enough,
07:04 when you consider rental costs here in Guatemala.
07:09 So we began to assist people here,
07:11 not only on Sundays
07:13 but on Sabbath and during the week as well.
07:16 And this is how we operate now.
07:25 Wonderful.
07:26 Now can you please describe for our viewers,
07:29 what happens here?
07:30 Okay.
07:33 We open on Mondays and Wednesdays for people
07:36 to come and wash their clothes.
07:38 There's also rooms for them to shower,
07:41 and then we invite them to listen to the Word of God.
07:45 After a short Bible study
07:46 and some singing, we offer them supper.
07:49 We always prepare a healthy meal.
07:52 And on Sabbath this house is used as a church.
07:56 We studied the Sabbath School lesson,
07:57 we sing, and we pray,
08:00 and a special sermon is presented
08:02 because more people are attending on Sabbath
08:05 than any of the days during the week.
08:09 This is basically what we do here.
08:12 We offer the services because the people asked us
08:15 for the possibility to take a shower,
08:17 to wash their clothes,
08:19 and for a place to change their clothes.
08:26 We also give them clothes
08:27 and shoes that we get as donations.
08:30 And we also supply items
08:32 for their hygiene as toothbrushes or bath soap.
08:38 And you know, they're very happy
08:40 and grateful for this program.
08:44 That's beautiful.
08:46 Now, Doctor, why are you
08:47 personally involved in this ministry?
08:52 Well, for now,
08:53 I'm the president of the program.
08:56 We meet every week on Tuesday evening,
08:59 and we talked about all the facets
09:00 of the Isaiah 58 Program.
09:04 We often ask people for assistance.
09:06 For example, Lions International Club
09:10 operates here in Guatemala.
09:12 And they have given us many of the meals
09:14 and personal hygiene items
09:16 that we offer to the people who come here.
09:21 Our families also get involved.
09:23 We're five families working on this project.
09:27 The Zone 15 Adventist Church
09:29 took notice of how well the program is working,
09:32 and how much it helps the people.
09:35 So they decided to help us to pay for rent.
09:38 The Zone 15 Adventist Church also pays for a person
09:43 to run the program by being here on a daily basis.
09:48 The Isaiah 58 Project was inspired by a person,
09:52 a missionary who came from Colombia.
09:56 He came to preach a sermon, and then told us that
09:59 they have an Isaiah 58 Project in his country.
10:03 As we listened, we thought we could do
10:05 the same here in Guatemala.
10:07 And the truth is that
10:08 the people who live in the streets
10:10 don't receive any help.
10:13 We have seen some churches
10:15 that distribute food on the street.
10:17 That is exactly what we did at first,
10:20 but we wanted to give them more,
10:24 more than just a piece of bread and juice.
10:26 We wanted to give them the Word of God,
10:29 that they might know God,
10:31 that they may experience the love of God.
10:35 That's why this group of families
10:37 joined together to start this project.
10:40 My motivation is to help people.
10:43 That's what we want to do.
10:48 Well, thank you for what you and your team are doing.
10:50 Doctor, can you tell me an experience of somebody
10:53 who has been ministered to through the center?
10:59 We have four people in critical conditions,
11:02 who overcame the problem of living on the streets,
11:06 a problem that is often
11:07 surrounded by a number of vices.
11:10 One of them, the first person was a long-time alcoholic,
11:14 he drink a lot of liquor, his eyes were yellow,
11:18 his liver was swollen, and his spleen was so large.
11:24 This person was about to die.
11:26 We decided to help him by providing him medicine, food,
11:31 and by helping him to understand that
11:33 he needed to make a serious change in his life
11:36 if he intends to live.
11:39 You know, that person changed.
11:42 That happened two years ago.
11:44 This person lives here now
11:46 and helps us by working in the house.
11:49 Another success story is about a person
11:51 who came here just to listen to the messages.
11:55 He now lives abroad outside of Guatemala.
11:58 About a month ago,
11:59 he told us that he's already rehabilitated.
12:03 He now wears a tie, a jacket,
12:05 and sells Adventist books as a colporteur.
12:09 He's now a completely changed person.
12:13 Those are two of the people
12:15 who are in the worst conditions,
12:17 people who have struggled to make a change,
12:20 but there are others.
12:21 Some others have got a job
12:23 and they have managed to improve their lives as well.
12:31 Wonderful.
12:32 Muchas gracias, Dr. Erick, thank you for sharing with us.
12:35 Our viewers at home Isaiah 58 Ministries Mission,
12:39 if you haven't read that chapter recently,
12:41 I recommend that you read it again.
12:43 It's very important about
12:45 putting Christ method of ministry into practice.
12:47 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-07-17