Mission 360

Pioneers Open The Way

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002505B

00:09 Welcome back to Portland, Maine.
00:12 If you missed any part of this program
00:14 or any of our other Mission 360 TV programs,
00:17 you can always go to m360.tv
00:20 there you'll find our programs and many other mission stories
00:23 that you can watch at your leisure.
00:25 Next up, we travel to Thailand
00:27 to learn how we can build better bridges
00:30 with our Buddhist friends.
00:31 I work with the Global Mission Centre
00:33 for East Asian Religions here in Thailand.
00:35 And whenever I travel,
00:37 I like to ask people their stories,
00:39 people who have converted from one...
00:42 from an East Asian religion to become a Christian
00:44 because these are gems
00:46 that we can learn from and understand their stories.
00:49 One of my travels,
00:50 I was actually working here in Thailand,
00:52 I went into the northeastern part
00:53 of the country
00:55 and their Sabbath morning for worship,
00:57 there was a grandma
00:58 and she was just so involved in the singing
01:02 and when it came time for the sermon,
01:04 she was looking for the text in her Bible.
01:06 And, of course, she needed help to find it.
01:08 And afterwards,
01:09 as I was talking to different ones,
01:11 I found out that she had just recently been converted
01:14 to become a follower of Christ.
01:16 And so I decided to interview and find out her story.
01:19 And this is what she told me.
01:21 She said, "I've only been
01:22 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
01:24 for the last three years
01:25 and now I'm 75 years old."
01:27 I was like, "Wow, that's not very common."
01:30 Often times, though, as folks get older,
01:32 they're more devout in their own faith
01:34 and not looking for something else.
01:36 I said, "Tell me your story."
01:37 She said, "Well, you know,
01:39 it started a long time back when I was five years old."
01:43 She said, "Both of my parents were in an automobile accident
01:46 and they were tragically killed."
01:48 And so at five years old, she became an orphan.
01:51 Now her family took care of her the best they could
01:53 but she said at that funeral, at the cremation,
01:57 she felt some impact in it.
02:00 She didn't understand what it was,
02:01 but she felt uncomfortable and,
02:03 and but she marked that as the day
02:07 that she's began to have problems with spirits.
02:09 That the demons will began to chastise her,
02:13 begin to give her problems.
02:15 And as she grew, and as time passed,
02:18 she began having health problems.
02:20 So she went to the University Hospital,
02:23 actually right there in her town in her city,
02:26 where they even have a special cardiac unit,
02:28 because she was having symptoms of heart congestion
02:32 and all kinds of problems like this.
02:33 And so she went there,
02:35 and they did everything, took a lot...
02:36 did all kinds of tests and treated her,
02:39 but it got to the point where they said,
02:41 "We think your problem is not just medical."
02:44 And they encouraged her to go to find help in her religion
02:48 to ask the monks to help her
02:51 or to go and talk to shamans and see if they can help her
02:54 and so she did.
02:55 She first went to the temple, and that helped,
02:58 she went to the shamans, and that helped,
02:59 but it didn't solve the problem.
03:01 She still had the problem.
03:03 But not only did she had a problem,
03:04 but it kept getting worse.
03:06 By the time she was in her 60s,
03:09 she was struggling
03:10 to get even half a night's sleep.
03:12 She couldn't sleep,
03:14 she was constantly being tormented.
03:17 And once she was 72 years old,
03:21 a new person moved into the door next...
03:23 next door to her.
03:24 She didn't know who it was.
03:26 She didn't really pay attention.
03:27 But on a Saturday morning,
03:29 she heard music coming out of that house.
03:31 So out of curiosity, she went and looked,
03:34 and she's like, "Hello,
03:35 this is, this is Christian worship.
03:37 I want to go and see,"
03:38 and so she just kind of stood in the doorway and looked
03:40 and watched what they were doing.
03:43 And she waited until after the service
03:47 and then the pastor come out, actually he was a retired man.
03:52 He had retired and lived there,
03:54 but he was starting a church
03:56 in his retirement as a church planter.
03:58 He came out and talked to her and said,
04:01 "You are very interested, tell me how can we help you?"
04:04 And she told her story.
04:06 And he offered to pray for her.
04:08 And not only did he offer to pray for her,
04:10 but he began to give her Bible studies.
04:12 And you know what?
04:13 God worked miraculously in her life.
04:15 She was healed and she studied her Bible,
04:18 she was excited, and she was baptized.
04:21 And now here she was in church on that Sabbath,
04:24 I was enjoying spending time with her.
04:26 And I said,
04:28 "You know, I'm sure your life has changed a lot,
04:29 not only with the demons, but in other ways."
04:32 Can you just summarize what Jesus means to you today?
04:35 And she said, "Oh, I love Jesus.
04:37 He's amazing, what He's doing for me."
04:39 She said, "In fact,
04:40 I just tell everybody about Him."
04:43 I tell my parents,
04:45 I tell my friends, I tell my family,
04:47 not her parents, her parents passed away
04:49 but she'd tell her family and her friends
04:51 and tell her family and friends again,
04:53 and they just said, "Please be quiet about this.
04:55 We're tired of hearing the same things."
04:57 But she said, "I can't keep quiet."
04:59 Well, she said, you know, "I'm an old lady.
05:04 I know I don't have a lot of years left to live.
05:07 But when I die, I plan that I will,
05:12 when I am reborn in the next life,
05:14 I want to be a Christian again."
05:18 I thought what in the world
05:19 and the Bible worker sitting next to her,
05:22 her jaw just dropped.
05:25 What was wrong?
05:27 Well, we talked, we prayed with her.
05:29 But then we talked together separately,
05:31 the Bible worker and I said, "What happened?
05:33 Why this woman loves God with all her heart,
05:37 her conversion is real, it's genuine."
05:39 Why is it that she's talking about the next life?
05:41 She's been taught about the second time,
05:43 she's been taught about the state of the dead,
05:45 she's been taught about the glory
05:47 that God has for us.
05:50 The issue is,
05:51 is just because we tell people our beliefs
05:53 does not mean that it changes their worldview,
05:56 and how they understand the cosmology.
05:59 So this is something that's really important for us.
06:02 You know, in, in many parts of Asia today,
06:05 we have many converts,
06:07 but they often come
06:08 from another Christian background,
06:10 or from animistic background,
06:11 but very few of those in the world religions,
06:13 including Buddhism, have made that transition.
06:16 And this is one of the big reasons why,
06:18 is that their worldview is so different.
06:20 So how do we deal with this?
06:22 Well, what we've learned is that worldview is formed
06:26 through experience,
06:28 and through stories of other people's experiences.
06:32 And it's really important that what we do
06:34 is take the time to take them
06:35 through the stories of the Bible,
06:37 and help them to have new experiences
06:39 and re explain life events,
06:41 so that these things can make sense.
06:43 This is what the Global Mission centers
06:45 are all about in our Center for the East Asian religions.
06:48 If you would like more information
06:50 on how you can reach out
06:51 to Buddhists and other East Asians,
06:53 go to our website, cear.globalmissioncenters.org.
06:59 May God bless you
07:00 as you live for Him in these last days.
07:03 Next up, we traveled to Sri Lanka
07:05 to meet a Global Mission pioneer.
07:15 In Sri Lanka,
07:17 most young adults in their 20s
07:18 continue pursuing their professional careers.
07:23 But Rupan is taking a different journey.
07:26 At age 23 Rupan realized
07:28 God's unique purpose for his life
07:30 and decided to use his training and natural remedies
07:33 to serve as a Global Mission pioneer.
07:37 My heart is telling me to do God's work.
07:40 I believe it was the Holy Spirit
07:42 who convinced me to do His work.
07:44 And that's why I choose to become
07:46 a Global Mission pioneer.
07:50 He was sent to a town called Omanthai,
07:52 a primarily Buddhist community
07:54 274 kilometers away
07:57 from the country's capital, Colombo.
07:59 With a population of over 22 million
08:02 this South Asian country in the Indian Ocean
08:05 is a land of rich diversity and culture.
08:08 Home to various ethnic groups, religions and customs,
08:12 Sri Lanka has great opportunities
08:14 for mission.
08:18 Rupan tried to find ways to reach out to the community.
08:23 As soon as he arrived,
08:25 he started going around the city,
08:27 visiting one home after another,
08:29 and building relationships.
08:33 After days of home visitations
08:35 and understanding the community's way of life,
08:38 Rupan realized that there was an enormous need
08:40 for lifestyle development and medical assistance.
08:46 He started going around the city again,
08:48 this time introducing the Adventist health message,
08:51 which stirred the interest
08:53 and curiosity of the people he visited.
08:56 One day Rupan came across a family
08:58 who owns a local hotel business.
09:02 The head of the family suffered from diabetes
09:04 and his condition was worsening.
09:09 Rupan's first visit with them wasn't easy.
09:13 They found the health message hard to believe.
09:15 But after giving it much thought
09:18 the hotel owner agreed to try it out.
09:24 Rupan started the first session with a word of prayer,
09:27 which was quite unusual for the hotel owner.
09:30 He then prepared all the things he needed,
09:32 and then went on with the procedure.
09:37 After months of consistent visits
09:39 and water therapy sessions,
09:41 the hotel owner's wounds started healing.
09:44 Amazed by these improvements,
09:46 the hotel owner became more excited
09:48 to learn about the health message.
09:54 In time he accepted Christ and was baptized.
09:58 Now he looks forward to growing more in Jesus.
10:03 By helping them I can share God's love
10:06 through this kind of treatment.
10:08 I also learned how to share love and care more to others.
10:12 So yes, this treatment is really effective
10:16 in reaching people in this area.
10:19 Rupan is just one of many Global Mission pioneers
10:23 sharing the gospel within the 10/40 Window.
10:26 Please pray for Rupan as he continues to reach out to
10:29 and touch lives
10:31 through God's ministry of healing
10:32 in these challenging areas of South Asia.
10:46 Thank you so much for joining us
10:48 on today's program.
10:49 I hope that you've enjoyed
10:51 our 360 view of mission around the world.
10:55 And I hope that you've been inspired
10:56 by the Global Mission pioneers
10:58 that you've seen on today's program.
11:00 These pioneers make tremendous sacrifice
11:03 for the sake of the gospel.
11:05 And the results are seen in new groups,
11:07 new communities of believers.
11:10 And I want to thank you so much for your part
11:13 in making this happen.
11:14 Through your prayers, through your finances,
11:16 and through your personal involvement
11:18 mission continues around the world
11:21 under the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
11:23 Whether you pray, whether you go,
11:26 whether you give, whether you do all three,
11:28 you are part of our Adventist mission team.
11:31 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
11:33 And I hope that you can join me next time
11:36 right here on Mission 360.


Revised 2020-04-29