Mission 360

Pioneers Open The Way

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002505A

00:08 A Global Mission pioneer in Lesotho finds a wife
00:12 in an unexpected way.
00:14 Another pioneer opens bridges to the community using water
00:18 and the sights and sounds of Portland, Maine.
00:21 All this and much more coming up next.
00:57 Hello and welcome to Mission 360.
00:59 I'm Gary Krause.
01:00 Today's program is coming to you
01:01 from the City of Portland, Maine in the United States.
01:06 This is a city that is rich in history
01:08 and culture and beauty.
01:10 But it's also very important
01:12 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:14 because it's rich in Adventist history.
01:16 This, of course, is the place where Ellen White
01:18 went to school when she was a child.
01:20 This is the place where she was baptized
01:22 as a young person.
01:24 On today's program,
01:25 we're going to be looking at mission around the world
01:27 but first up, let's travel to the country of Lesotho
01:30 to meet a Global Mission pioneer
01:32 who had met his wife, but he just didn't realize it.
01:37 Lefa had found his wife, he just didn't know it yet.
01:40 As a Global Mission pioneer in Lesotho,
01:43 a small country in southern Africa,
01:45 he frequently went house to house
01:46 getting to know the people in his community,
01:48 praying with them,
01:50 and studying the Bible together.
01:54 Each morning I pray for the work
01:55 I will do that day.
01:57 Then I prepare for the lessons.
02:00 The first thing I do is to make friendship
02:02 with the people in the village.
02:04 Then I request permission to study the Word of God.
02:08 Some agreed to start the lessons immediately.
02:10 When I leave them,
02:12 I leave praying that God will convict their hearts
02:14 that the information I brought them
02:15 is very important information.
02:18 I'm happy when I see life transformation
02:19 in the people.
02:21 When I see the hopeless find hope.
02:24 Mathato was one of those people.
02:26 She wanted to learn more about God.
02:28 So they studied His Word together.
02:29 She even wanted to go with Lefa
02:31 and share God's Word with others too.
02:33 As time went by,
02:35 the two began to consider marriage.
02:37 They prayed about the possibility
02:38 trusting that if it was God's will,
02:41 He would allow it to happen.
02:44 My fear was that people will think
02:45 that I just converted this lady for myself.
02:50 I was praying very hard at the time.
02:54 But I had a conviction that she was the one
02:55 because I met her while doing God's work.
03:01 Soon they were married.
03:06 She's now my wife
03:08 and she supports me in a very special way.
03:11 Sometimes you become discouraged.
03:15 When I'm discouraged, she tells me,
03:17 we are going to do God's work.
03:20 Lefa and Mathato now spread the gospel together,
03:24 they continue to visit and study the Bible
03:26 with families in their homes.
03:28 Lefa and Mathato hold health expos,
03:31 particularly in light of the drug abuse
03:33 that is common in their community.
03:35 When a family's loved one dies,
03:37 Lefa and Mathato even help with funeral preparations.
03:41 Together, they do all they can
03:43 to show Jesus' love to their community.
03:46 Thank you for your prayers and selfless gifts.
03:50 Your support helps Global Mission pioneers
03:52 like Lefa reach the unreached throughout Southern Africa.
04:00 My guest is Pastor Tony Cuffori who is pastoring here in Maine.
04:04 Thanks for joining us, Tony. Yeah, you're welcome.
04:06 So describe for me
04:08 what you're doing here in this part of Maine?
04:10 Well, I've always brought up in...
04:12 been brought up in Maine.
04:13 And, you know, I moved up this area
04:16 'cause I wanted to kind of experience
04:19 a little bit of moving away from the family
04:21 just to kind of grow with my wife and myself,
04:23 but I got drawn to this place because of...
04:26 pretty much God called me here.
04:28 Good.
04:29 So you're pastoring a couple of churches?
04:31 Yeah.
04:32 And one of them is a church plant.
04:34 How did this church plant start?
04:36 Yeah, the church plant, it was really...
04:38 before I was here, there was another pastor
04:40 by the name of Pastor Rick, who...
04:43 God really put out on his heart that there's no church
04:45 in one of the big cities of Maine.
04:47 So they put a center of influence
04:49 a while back, a couple years ago,
04:51 and we wanted to do a church plant in this area
04:54 where we could reach the people of the community.
04:56 Terrific. And what happened?
04:58 Well, you know, God is good.
04:59 I mean, between the center of influence
05:01 and the church plant,
05:03 you know, we really believe that we need to spread
05:05 the model of the Great Commission,
05:08 we need to go.
05:09 And it's just been a total blessing.
05:13 We've had a lot of people come in from the classes
05:15 that we have in the evenings
05:17 that have been coming to the Sabbath school,
05:19 and it's just been a total blessing.
05:21 So the...
05:23 You're talking about these classes
05:24 that's part of the Ark Ministries,
05:26 is that correct?
05:27 That is correct.
05:29 So describe for me what that ministry is?
05:30 Sure.
05:31 So we recognize that,
05:34 you know, we can't just go to everyone
05:35 and just talk Jesus,
05:37 you know, we have to, we have to meet them at a...
05:40 on their turf, if you will.
05:41 So we have different classes
05:43 that the community has signed up
05:45 for that sparks an interest
05:46 where they would actually want to come.
05:48 So we have things from like hydro,
05:51 hydro classes with water,
05:52 we have things with cooking classes,
05:55 we've had massage therapy classes,
05:57 but we have all this different type
05:59 of health ministry
06:00 where we can bring people in,
06:02 build trusting relationships with them,
06:04 where we can, you know, when that trust is built,
06:06 we can share
06:07 the everlasting gospel with them.
06:08 Wonderful.
06:10 Now, we're in the city of Lewiston,
06:11 which I believe is the second largest city in Maine.
06:13 Yeah.
06:15 It used to be a mill town,
06:17 it's gone through its economic struggles.
06:19 And then you've also,
06:22 in recent years had a lot of immigration.
06:25 How have you reached out to the immigrants
06:27 who have come to the community?
06:28 Well, you know, God is great.
06:30 I mean, He's really blessed the whole situation,
06:33 because one thing that He did
06:34 was there was a couple
06:36 that we actually just got introduced
06:38 through one of the health seminars.
06:40 That was, I'm trying to remember
06:43 what race they were,
06:44 but anyway, they, they ended up knowing a bunch of people.
06:48 So when we started ministering to them,
06:50 they went out and kind of like,
06:52 it was like, God did the work for us.
06:53 But what it took was us to go out to the people,
06:56 reach people and we met that one individual
06:58 that could bring in an army of people.
07:00 Wonderful.
07:01 So it was, you know, it's just absolutely amazing.
07:03 So how many people
07:05 do you have worshiping in this church plant now?
07:07 Right now, well, we started with just about 14 people,
07:10 and we're on average about 55, sometimes up to 75.
07:14 Wonderful, you're growing out of your space.
07:16 Absolutely.
07:17 And that's one of the major blessings
07:19 that we've had.
07:20 So we're currently looking right now
07:22 to see where God's gonna lead next.
07:24 So how important do you think Christ method of ministry is?
07:28 How have you found that in your experience?
07:31 Extremely important,
07:32 I mean, I think the biggest thing...
07:34 I want to be careful how I word this is,
07:36 you know, we have the Great Commission to follow.
07:38 And I really,
07:40 this has really been something that God's put on my heart
07:42 is a lot of times
07:44 the first word of the Great Commission is go.
07:46 And a lot of times people are just kind of sitting
07:48 and I think God's really creating
07:50 a sense of urgency.
07:52 That's why it's with a loud voice,
07:53 the third angels' message,
07:55 to go out to the community and reach people.
07:58 So, Tony, you did not come
07:59 from a Seventh-day Adventist background,
08:01 how did you become an Adventist
08:02 and how did you become a pastor?
08:04 Well, we'll just say
08:06 God has a great sense of humor.
08:07 You know, I never saw this coming at all.
08:10 And I was kind of church hopping
08:12 for quite a while
08:13 going through a bunch of different denominations.
08:16 And, you know, the real big thing
08:18 that happened was somebody invited me
08:19 to a prophecy seminar.
08:21 And long story short,
08:22 once I went through that seminar,
08:24 I just... I never looked back.
08:27 It was just absolutely amazing
08:28 how we were taught the principle
08:30 where you can allow the Bible to interpret itself.
08:32 Because before that,
08:34 that's what I wasn't being taught
08:35 at other places.
08:36 So you were sick of hearing.
08:39 Well, this is my opinion, this is your opinion and...
08:42 Yeah, I mean, there was one point
08:43 where I did a Bible study with a group of people.
08:46 And I actually was more confused
08:48 at the end of the Bible study than at the beginning of it,
08:52 but when I came to the seminar,
08:53 it just made things crystal clear and it was,
08:55 it was awesome.
08:57 So you pastor an established church nearby.
09:01 Why is planting churches important?
09:04 Well, planting churches is huge
09:06 because a lot of people are uncomfortable
09:08 walking in a church setting.
09:10 And the beautiful thing with a church plant
09:12 is you're creating an environment
09:13 that's going to be friendly for, for people
09:15 that might not walk into a sanctuary.
09:18 And, you know, that's where you get
09:19 real true relationships that will build
09:21 is when you have these center of influences
09:23 'cause right now,
09:25 you know, I've told you in the past
09:26 that we're at an old Pizza Hut,
09:29 which is just a safe ground, but we've converted it
09:32 into a nice friendly environment
09:34 where we can meet with other people.
09:35 So it's not threatening for somebody
09:37 to come through those doors.
09:39 No, not at all. Not at all.
09:41 Can you give me an example of somebody who's been touched
09:44 through the ministry of this church plant?
09:47 Whoo! Wow, that's a loaded question.
09:49 I mean, not just, not just myself
09:51 and all the workers that have been there but,
09:54 I mean, we've had it at a minimum
09:55 just in the last couple of years,
09:57 probably 10 to 12 people who have joined the church
10:00 from, from the center of influence.
10:03 Wonderful.
10:04 What a blessing. Absolutely.
10:06 Well, Tony, thanks for so much for sharing with us
10:08 a little bit of what's happening here.
10:09 Sure. Thank you.
10:11 I know that Maine,
10:13 I mean, not that there's any easy areas
10:14 but this is a very secular area of the world.
10:17 It's very post Christian.
10:18 I think the statistic is about 60%.
10:21 Yeah, so it's a... It's a mission field.
10:22 It is a challenging mission field.
10:24 Yeah. Yeah, God bless you.
10:25 Well, thank you very much. God bless you.
10:27 And viewers at home, here we are in Lewiston, Maine.
10:31 One would think
10:32 this would be a very Christian society.
10:34 But in fact, there are many challenges here.
10:36 Many people are living their lives
10:37 apart from God.
10:39 Pray for the church plant, pray for the Ark Ministries.
10:43 Pray for Pastor Tony
10:44 and others involved in the team.
10:45 This will grow
10:47 that there'll be many more groups started
10:49 for the glory of the kingdom of God.
10:50 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2020-04-29