Mission 360

Warming Lives with Ice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002406A

00:07 Warming hearts with ice in Trinidad and Tobago,
00:11 the amazing story
00:12 of pioneer missionary David Babcock
00:15 and when God appeared on television in New Zealand,
00:19 all that and much more coming up next.
00:54 Hello and welcome to Mission 360.
00:55 I'm Gary Krause.
00:57 Today's program is coming to you
00:58 from San Francisco, in California.
01:02 But I'm actually just across the bridge
01:04 in Oakland, California.
01:06 And here you can see the harbor area
01:09 where in 1890, September 1890,
01:13 some 1,500 Adventists gathered together
01:16 for something pretty exciting.
01:18 And it was the launch of the Pitcairn boat.
01:21 What an amazing event that must have been.
01:22 I wish I could have been there
01:24 as church members came together
01:26 to celebrate the sacrifice of church members,
01:29 including children
01:30 to put their mission offerings together
01:32 to launch a boat to go into the South Pacific.
01:35 And it traveled to Pitcairn, to Fiji, other islands
01:38 and open up work in that area of the world.
01:41 On today's program,
01:43 we're going to be looking at mission around the world
01:44 here in San Francisco.
01:46 And, first of all,
01:48 we're going to travel to Trinidad and Tobago.
02:01 I'm a snow cone vendor,
02:03 and I've been selling this since the age of 13,
02:06 and now I'm just about to be 40.
02:09 It's a sugary liquid on ice and with milk.
02:14 It's the best thing in the Caribbean.
02:16 Meet Wesley, a snow cone vendor in Trinidad and Tobago.
02:20 Each day except Saturday,
02:22 he wakes up early to grind ice before leaving for work.
02:25 Then he slowly pedals his cart
02:27 through the quiet streets of Felicity
02:29 to sell his icy fare.
02:31 However, Wesley isn't a regular snow cone vendor,
02:34 he also ministers
02:35 to people's physical and spiritual needs.
02:37 Because that is what I really deem it
02:39 as a privilege to be to bring hope to the hopeless,
02:43 giving encouragement to those that are discouraged,
02:45 to bring fulfillment to those that are empty,
02:47 and also to bring life to those who are dying without Christ.
02:52 Felicity is a rural sugarcane and rice plantation community.
02:56 But even in this peaceful town are painful stories.
02:59 Young children with little food to eat,
03:01 men afflicted by illness,
03:03 and, families struggling to stay together.
03:05 Wesley helps provide food, clothing
03:08 and other basic necessities for those in need.
03:11 He also offers counseling to the families he meets.
03:14 On one occasion,
03:15 Wesley spent two days handing out free snow cones
03:18 to 400 children in the area.
03:20 He does all this to serve a greater purpose.
03:24 Sometimes people will stop me on the street,
03:26 we will pray right there.
03:28 We will enter their home, read the scripture.
03:31 And I give them words of encouragement
03:33 and then invite them to church.
03:36 He's the best person at giving moral support,
03:38 we love him.
03:39 I tell you, he's the best person.
03:42 Because everybody has some string attached to it,
03:46 and he does this without any.
03:52 When talking to him, I feel different.
03:55 Even though this neighborhood
03:56 is made up of people from other world religions,
03:59 Wesley has earned the respect of the community.
04:02 Today he offers physical and spiritual support
04:05 to more than 30 families.
04:08 Through this snow cone ministry,
04:09 the local Adventist Church has had many new visitors.
04:13 Please pray for Wesley's ministry
04:15 that God continues to use him and others
04:17 in Trinidad and Tobago for His work.
04:20 I want to say
04:22 this job that I have is the best job,
04:25 I can even say in the world
04:26 because it helps me to meet people
04:29 and to tell people about the love of Jesus.
04:36 Thank you for supporting mission.
04:39 My guest here in San Francisco is Dr. Urbina,
04:43 who's heading up a unique type of center of influence
04:47 in the Central California area.
04:49 Dr. Urbina, thank you so much for joining us.
04:51 Happy to be here.
04:52 Now, what are you doing exactly in your ministry now?
04:56 You know, I'm the Director for Life Hope Centers Ministry
04:59 as a humanitarian service
05:01 that provides practical and relevant services
05:04 to the community.
05:05 We provide free dental care,
05:07 free vision care and medical screening,
05:09 along with other health related sources or resources
05:13 that the local church has available.
05:15 Now in the office of Adventist Mission,
05:17 we're very interested in urban centers of influence,
05:21 but what you are describing
05:22 is a mobile center of influence.
05:25 Tell me exactly how it works?
05:28 You know, one of our focus is
05:29 the essence of Life Hope Centers Ministry
05:32 is relationship building.
05:34 And in order to build relationship,
05:36 it takes intentionality.
05:37 When we follow Christ's method,
05:39 He mingled as one who sought good in others.
05:43 That's mingling with intentionality.
05:45 So when we prepare for Life Hope Centers program,
05:48 we will meet
05:49 long before the anticipated date of the program
05:53 to prepare our church, finding their resources,
05:56 understanding the needs of the community,
05:58 and serving as a source of matching
06:03 need with resources.
06:04 And so we've worked with the local churches
06:06 and preparing them,
06:08 also to prepare them for the actual day of service.
06:11 And then, most importantly,
06:13 is really having an evangelistic strategy
06:16 of relationship building
06:17 that ultimately leads to introducing them
06:21 to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
06:23 During that process,
06:24 we're actually demonstrating his acts of service,
06:27 which are demonstrations of what the gospel message is.
06:31 And so when individuals begin to hear it in Word,
06:35 then they begin to reflect and match
06:37 the actions with the words,
06:39 and then it makes perfect sense to them.
06:41 Terrific.
06:42 Now, I called it a mobile center of influence.
06:44 What exactly is the center that you have traveling around?
06:50 You know, what we find
06:53 as a health crisis in our country
06:56 has become an evangelistic opportunity.
06:59 And so because dental and vision care
07:02 are much, too much needed services
07:04 that are often elective services
07:06 and people's insurance, health insurance portfolio.
07:12 What we do is that we go to churches,
07:15 and we purposely set up
07:17 our programs in the local church
07:18 to help brand the services
07:21 that we're reaching out to the community
07:23 with the local church.
07:24 And so we will, we will set up our mobile clinic as one
07:27 that we have a 27 foot trailer, and it's mobile, portable,
07:31 so that the equipment that we have in our trailer,
07:34 we unload,
07:35 and we adapt it to the needs
07:36 of the available space in the churches.
07:39 And so we'll set up our dental clinic,
07:41 we'll set up our vision clinic,
07:42 and our medical screening clinic there.
07:44 Now you are a pastor,
07:46 but you in a former life were also a dentist.
07:50 How do you combine these two together?
07:51 How did this happen?
07:53 You know, I practiced dentistry for 37 years
07:56 and God took me through the torturous route
07:59 of learning that profession.
08:04 But He had other plans, unbeknownst to me.
08:06 And so His call to ministry
08:08 was one that left me a bit puzzled initially,
08:10 because why would God call me at this point of my life,
08:14 where I practiced dentistry for 37 years
08:17 and to come into ministry.
08:18 And so, when our Central California Conference
08:21 initiated the program for Life Hope Centers,
08:24 and they called me to help develop the program.
08:27 It was so exciting to realize it.
08:30 Here God had been preparing me all along,
08:33 for combining ministry
08:35 with the practice of health and dentistry.
08:37 That's wonderful.
08:38 Now, you also mentioned
08:40 there's a vision component as well,
08:41 who cares for that side of things?
08:43 You know, we have dedicated volunteers.
08:45 You know, we have
08:46 over half a million dollars worth of equipment,
08:48 but the most important and essential component
08:52 of our Life Hope Centers Ministry
08:55 are the volunteers.
08:56 And so we depend,
08:59 very importantly, on our volunteers,
09:01 we have a team of dedicated volunteer
09:04 optometrists and vision team to join us.
09:07 We are also very intentional in terms of incorporating
09:11 about one-third of our volunteers
09:13 as non-Adventists.
09:14 Wonderful.
09:16 We'd like to have the opportunity
09:17 that provides us mixing shoulders
09:22 with non-Adventist professionals.
09:24 We had one instance
09:26 where we had a program in a local community,
09:29 we've had served over 300 individuals that day.
09:33 And at the end of the day,
09:35 we had a lounge set up for our volunteers
09:37 and I was, you know,
09:41 eating and conversing with two fellow colleagues
09:44 who I presumed were Adventist
09:46 until one of them asked me,
09:48 "You know, I'm just impressed
09:50 by the logistics of Life Hope Centers,
09:54 you know, what is it?
09:55 What is it about this that you're so passionate about?"
09:59 And then his colleagues said,
10:00 "Well, all I know about Seventh-day Adventist is that
10:03 it's a cult."
10:05 And then he came back and commented,
10:07 "You know, all I've heard about Seventh-day Adventists
10:09 is what you don't eat."
10:11 What?
10:12 And before I had an opportunity to respond,
10:15 he came around and the other partner
10:17 or colleague had commented,
10:19 "What is it about Seventh-day Adventists
10:22 that you believe.
10:23 What do Adventists believe?"
10:25 And so therein came the opportunity to talk to them
10:27 about Jesus.
10:29 And I would venture to say that
10:30 we'd be hard pressed finding two individuals like this
10:33 walking into our churches and asking that question.
10:35 Exactly.
10:37 And yet it was in this setting
10:38 that Spirit of God move their hearts
10:40 and open them to inquire.
10:42 So not only you touching the lives of people
10:44 you're serving,
10:46 but the people who are serving with you.
10:48 Exactly, exactly.
10:49 So you're very intentional
10:51 and intentional in not only caring
10:53 for the physical needs of people,
10:54 but also their spiritual needs.
10:56 Yes, yes.
10:57 We know that when we follow Christ's method,
11:00 Christ's method alone is the most successful method
11:03 for reaching others.
11:05 And He mingled with a desire to seek those,
11:08 so it was mingling with intentionality.
11:10 And He sympathized.
11:11 You can't sympathize with people
11:13 without being in the midst of them
11:15 and understanding their needs.
11:17 And then He was able to serve and treat them.
11:20 And as a result of accomplishing that,
11:23 then He bid them to follow.
11:25 And so Life Hope Centers is in essence
11:28 fulfilling that model of Christ method alone.
11:31 Fantastic.
11:33 Dr. Urbina, thank you so much sharing with us today.
11:34 My pleasure. You're welcome.
11:36 And viewers at home,
11:37 what a marvelous initiative this is.
11:39 And there may be some variation of this
11:42 that you can try in your urban communities
11:44 where you live,
11:45 but please pray for this tremendous mission challenge
11:48 here in Central California.
11:50 You know, we understand that through the Bay Area,
11:53 we have between 8-10 million people.
11:55 It's a mission field in itself.
11:57 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2021-02-05