Mission 360


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MTS

Program Code: MTS002405A

00:10 A fearless Global Mission pioneer
00:13 works in Moldova, a Health Expo in Georgia
00:16 and working among people from different worldviews,
00:20 all this and much more coming up on Mission 360.
00:55 Hello, and welcome to Mission 360.
00:57 I'm Gary Krause.
00:58 Today's program is coming to you
01:00 from the city of Baltimore,
01:02 in Maryland, the United States.
01:04 And this is a port city and it's part
01:07 of a huge conglomeration of people stretching
01:11 from Washington DC all the way up to Boston.
01:17 We'll be looking at Mission all around the world today,
01:19 but first up, let's travel to Moldova.
01:22 Vladimir is fearless.
01:24 Without hesitation,
01:26 he often approaches strangers with books, newspapers,
01:29 and invitations to events.
01:31 The special message he has to share makes him bold.
01:35 As a Global Mission pioneer, Vladimir's job is to mingle
01:39 and share Jesus with the people
01:41 in Moldova's capital city, Chi inau.
01:44 He's a canvassing pioneer,
01:46 selling and giving books on spiritual topics.
01:49 For the past few weeks, Vladimir has been visiting
01:52 Angela, bringing her the latest issue
01:54 of the local Adventist Church's newspaper.
01:57 She loves reading the articles
01:59 and completing the short Bible studies
02:01 that are included.
02:03 As Vladimir visits her today,
02:04 Angela promises that she will visit
02:06 the local Adventist Church soon.
02:09 For those with little spiritual interest,
02:11 Vladimir offers books on health and wellness.
02:14 This is a topic of growing interest in Chi inau,
02:17 so most people are happy to accept the books.
02:20 When someone shows interest in health,
02:22 Vladimir invites them to visit the nearby
02:25 Global Mission Urban Center of Influence.
02:30 This Urban Center of Influence
02:32 is a health center attached to a church.
02:35 Visitors are particularly drawn to the health food store.
02:38 At the front of the building,
02:40 the center proudly displays different programs
02:42 and services for passersby to check out.
02:45 Larissa is the center's coordinator
02:48 and a Global Mission pioneer.
02:49 For today's program,
02:51 she invited a local doctor
02:52 to lead a discussion with community members
02:54 about healthy habits.
02:56 This doctor regularly volunteers
02:59 her time at the Urban Center of Influence
03:01 and has developed a strong relationship
03:03 with the Adventist Church.
03:05 The community members are eager to learn about
03:07 living healthy lives.
03:09 Zinaida is a frequent visitor.
03:12 She was suffering from serious health problems
03:14 when she discovered this center.
03:16 Larissa invited her on regular walks,
03:18 and the two soon became friends.
03:24 We talked a lot during the walks,
03:26 especially about Christian topics.
03:28 Then Larissa started studying the Bible with me.
03:31 I had a Bible at home for many years,
03:33 but never touched it.
03:35 I thought I had no time for it.
03:37 Now I find time to read it every day.
03:42 In time, Zinaida decided to give her heart to Jesus
03:45 and was baptized into the Adventist Church.
03:48 If it weren't for Larissa,
03:50 the gospel may not have been shared so clearly
03:52 with many of the community members.
03:54 Please pray for Global Mission pioneers like Larissa,
03:58 who are on the frontlines of mission.
04:00 It's through your giving that pioneers
04:03 and urban centers of influence can operate across the globe.
04:07 Thank you for supporting Global Mission.
04:11 I'm standing on a street here in the heart of Baltimore.
04:14 And behind me there is a building
04:16 and this building is being
04:17 used as a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
04:21 but a few years ago,
04:22 there was no Adventist Church here
04:24 and it has been planted by
04:26 a group of dedicated church members led by Joel.
04:30 Joel, thanks for joining me today.
04:32 You are a lay person.
04:34 You are involved in the business
04:35 here in the city.
04:37 Why did you get involved in starting a new church?
04:41 First of all, I want to thank you
04:43 for the invitation to this interview.
04:47 I got involved in preaching the gospel in this place.
04:50 As I realized there was a great need
04:52 to preach in the area.
04:55 I believe that many people need to know about Jesus Christ.
05:00 That's why I came here that the church may grow.
05:03 And many people may know about Jesus
05:05 and find out that there is a personal Savior.
05:11 In 2014, the Dundalk Adventist Church
05:15 saw the possibility
05:16 that we could start another church.
05:20 And so I got involved in coming here.
05:23 And I feel that God
05:24 can use each of us if we're willing,
05:28 and we're faithfully serving Him.
05:30 I believe God will always be with each one of us,
05:34 giving us that spirit that we need so much.
05:38 It's a joy for me to serve God and come to preach here.
05:42 That's my passion.
05:46 I have always said that
05:47 if one day anything is taken away from me,
05:50 please don't take away the missionary work.
05:57 Well, thank you for your commitment.
05:59 Now what sort methods do you use to start?
06:02 How did you begin this process?
06:06 Twice a month on Sabbath,
06:09 we go from house to house and knock at the doors.
06:13 We give some books to people.
06:15 And we also do some community services.
06:18 We work throughout the neighborhood.
06:20 And that's how people can meet each of us.
06:23 We greet people friendly, and we can help them too.
06:28 We invite the children to see what we offer here.
06:31 That's the way how parents can know about us.
06:34 Through their children,
06:36 they hear of the message we offer.
06:38 And so some children have also brought their parents.
06:44 Another method that we use
06:46 is to start small groups.
06:48 This is very important.
06:50 Mrs. Ellen White said that
06:52 small groups were shown
06:53 to her by one who could not err
06:57 and we know that God is the one
06:59 and we obey Him
07:00 by forming small groups of seven to eight people,
07:04 then groups of 14 or 15 are formed,
07:07 always with the vision
07:08 that one day they will become a church.
07:12 This is very important to us.
07:15 Another method we use is prayer.
07:17 We pray throughout the year at 8 pm.
07:21 When church is online,
07:22 we invite friends to make their requests
07:24 that way and God is responding.
07:29 I believe that God never stops responding to the one
07:32 who claims from the heart.
07:36 These are some of the methods we use.
07:38 We also instruct and motivate the ones
07:41 who don't want to do the work.
07:43 That way they also get involved.
07:48 The newly baptized are also included.
07:52 I know these methods
07:53 are always approved by the will of God.
08:02 Wonderful.
08:04 Now, can you give me some stories of people
08:07 whose lives have been changed
08:10 by coming to be part of this new group?
08:15 Yes, we have some stories.
08:18 When his dead of brother Oscar Chavarria,
08:21 a brother who got sick as he was studying the Bible.
08:24 We brought him to the hospital.
08:26 I came with him myself.
08:28 We left him in the hospital, and we were praying for him.
08:32 He was in a coma.
08:34 His family cried.
08:37 The church prayed for him.
08:39 One day, his wife in a prayer said,
08:42 "The day my husband gets up,
08:45 we will never stop going to church."
08:48 And then we prayed even more.
08:51 We prayed every day for him.
08:53 So nine months later, he left the hospital.
08:57 We have a hospital nearby Johns Hopkins.
09:00 And after nine months of being in a coma, he left.
09:05 I thank God now that he's attending church.
09:08 He was baptized
09:10 and his family's happy being with us.
09:13 Another sister who was with us,
09:16 was not given the Sabbath off to come to worship.
09:20 We gave her some Bible studies.
09:21 And one day she decided to quit her job,
09:25 but God is always caring.
09:28 And He places His people in a good position.
09:31 Whether at work in the family,
09:34 God's people are always happier.
09:38 Fifteen days after this sister left her job,
09:41 her boss called her again and said,
09:44 "I will not only give you the job back,
09:47 but if you come, I will increase your salary.
09:50 You will have a little more salary per hour."
09:53 We said, "Praise be to the Lord."
09:56 Because it is God who really makes miracles.
10:00 And God is still working miracles today.
10:03 I believe that in the church we have here.
10:06 There are so many miracles
10:08 that we would spend the whole morning here,
10:11 if I were to tell you them all,
10:13 but yes, there are many things we'd like to share.
10:18 Through prayer, some people in homes have been restored.
10:21 There was a family that was separated.
10:24 We told them that God could change that.
10:26 So we prayed for their family,
10:28 and the families together again.
10:31 Trust and love have been restored in that family.
10:34 Their children are happy.
10:35 And now they come and are grateful,
10:37 not so much to us as men, but to God.
10:42 I always say give thanks to God because glory is always to Him.
10:48 To Him is everything.
10:49 And that's why I'm happy
10:51 because I always give all glory only to Him.
10:55 Wonderful.
10:57 Now how many people do you have worshiping
10:58 on Sabbath now?
11:00 Every Sabbath, we have about 77 church members
11:03 attending here, baptized members,
11:07 but we also have about 20 to 22 people
11:10 who come and worship our Lord Jesus Christ with us.
11:14 What we do, from when they get to the door
11:17 to the inside of the church is to welcome them
11:20 and to make them feel happy when they're here.
11:23 We thank God for the number of people who are here.
11:26 We hope that in the same place,
11:28 we will have an evangelistic series
11:30 and that will be a successful one.
11:32 We have worked with people and planted seeds.
11:35 And I think
11:37 we will not only have 77 members,
11:39 it will grow.
11:40 I think that for the next month,
11:42 we'll have around 87 members
11:44 because 10 more will be baptized for the honor
11:48 and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
11:51 Gracias. Thank you for sharing.
11:54 Thank you for inviting me.
11:56 And God bless every one of you,
11:58 who let people know that God is still working.
12:01 And there we have a living God.
12:03 Thank you. Thank you.
12:08 And viewers at home,
12:10 church planting is happening all over the world
12:12 in various places in urban areas like Baltimore
12:15 and rural areas as well,
12:17 but please pray for these church plants.
12:19 They are fragile, they need guidance,
12:21 they need growth, they need the Holy Spirit,
12:23 but they are making a wonderful difference
12:25 for the church around the world.
12:27 We'll be right back right after this break.


Revised 2020-08-07